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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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1 hour ago, SueB said:


Bottom Line: Jensen sees things how he sees things and that's okay.  People come in different flavors. I can relate. 

And if you really believe that people should be allowed to be true to their own sexuality without being bullied or mocked for it, that should go for *everyone,* even the people who aren't who you want them to be.  

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Unless they're going to make a ship canon, I think everyone associated with the show needs to refuse to talk about it in the future.  And if asked, respond only with, "Asked and answered."  Or something along those lines.  To do otherwise just engenders hurt feelings.

For example (Harry Potter, go ahead and skip), people shipped the HP characters.  The biggest ships were Harry/Hermione and Ron/Hermione.  Those ships were, obviously, in opposition to one another.  JK Rowling eventually made one of the ships canon (R/Hr).  But people who shipped Harmony (the Harry/Hermione ship) never stopped.  They pointed to passages from the books as proof of why Harmony should have been the "one true ship".

Unfortunately, a couple of years ago, JK Rowling said that she made a mistake.  That in reality, Ron and Hermione would probably be divorced by now and putting them together was "wish fulfillment" on her part.  The actress who played Hermione agreed and said that she always felt that Harry and Hermione should have been together.

It was bad.  It was really, really bad.  The Harmony shippers were gleeful, boasting that they were right all along and Jo proved it!  The Ron/Hermione (which some called Romione -- not nearly as cute, huh?) shippers were crushed that their ship, which had always been canon, was now being torn down by the woman who created it!

Long story short, shippers gonna ship.  Better for everyone else to stay out of the way, IMO.

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I'm sorry people don't like the answer Jensen gives, but he's always said basically the same thing and never suggested anyone's ship was invalid, IMO. If you want to ship, ship. But, no one else is obligated to ship with you, nor is the show obligated to make your ship canon. 

2 hours ago, Demented Daisy said:

Long story short, shippers gonna ship.  Better for everyone else to stay out of the way, IMO.


Edited by DittyDotDot
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I thought the question was really stupid, basically "why isn`t it canon already?"  Because noone ever said it would be? Like, ever? I see it on show after show these days. Sure, they play around with homoerotic subtext and that can be annoying but nowadays fans get stark-raving mad when an obviously binding contract has been broken and another slash pairing didn`t become canon.

It was probably unwise to tell it like it is because predictably, the hate-storm started but it`s what I wanted to shout on several occasions now for several shows: it`s.not.real.

Granted, this also proves the claims of "I wish the show hadn`t ship-baited me, I wish someone had come right out and said it never meant anything" are bs. Nope, you don`t because if someone did, you`d nail them to the cross. 

Edited by Aeryn13
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1 hour ago, Aeryn13 said:

but it`s what I wanted to shout on several occasions now for several shows: it`s.not.real.

Heh, sometimes even making it real doesn't stop the shipper wars or controversy. See below.

5 hours ago, Demented Daisy said:

Unfortunately, a couple of years ago, JK Rowling said that she made a mistake.  That in reality, Ron and Hermione would probably be divorced by now and putting them together was "wish fulfillment" on her part.  The actress who played Hermione agreed and said that she always felt that Harry and Hermione should have been together.

It was bad.  It was really, really bad.  The Harmony shippers were gleeful, boasting that they were right all along and Jo proved it!  The Ron/Hermione (which some called Romione -- not nearly as cute, huh?) shippers were crushed that their ship, which had always been canon, was now being torn down by the woman who created it!

There was similar kind of thing over on Buffy (Also feel free to skip). Near the end of the run of the show, Joss Whedon brought back Angel and he and Buffy shared a kiss, so the Bangle shippers could point to Angel as the last person Buffy officially kissed. There was a later scene - done in the "old fashioned" style where the woman comes into the room and she and the man look meaningfully at each other as the dramatic music swells and they walk a few steps towards each other, then fade to blackish - generally meaning they did have sex together again (I can't use sleep together, because they did do that earlier without having sex - they just slept in each others' arms) - between Spike and Buffy, but since it wasn't shown onscreen, and Joss refused to say anything more than it was "up to the viewer's interpretation," the Spuffy shippers had nothing concrete to hold on to - even Buffy's "I love you" was brought into question, since Spike himself brought it into question... so of course the Bangle shippers gloated that Angel was the only one she truly loved.

And Sarah Michelle Gellar (who played Buffy) always said she was a Bangle shipper - so more fodder for gloating. And yup, it was ugly. And in that case, even though both ships were technically even canon, they argued over which one was the "true one" or which one she loved more. So Joss being kind of wishy-washy on details kind of encouraged the infighting. (Hee - I didn't have to worry too much, since I bucked trend and though leaning towards Spuffy, I was technically an Angel/Buffy/Spike shipper, so I just said screw it, why can't she have both (And Angel and Spike can have hate sex too if they want*.) I'm not picky. ; ) )

So yeah, shippers gonna ship.

* At least Joss did make that canon over on Angel. "Well except for that one time..." Good enough for me. ; )

(For this show - I'll be over here in my little bitty Sassy ship. At least Sam wonders why not my ship, so I'm okay. Heh. I'm a multi-shipper anyway, I'm not picky. There are some even I refuse to ship though. I won't do - and cringe at - Sam/Lucifer and Dean/Alastair ships (where some have them as an actual "romantic" thing.) No, just no for me.)

Edited by AwesomO4000
Learn how to spell, girl. Geesh.
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All non-canon ships are entirely in the eyes of the beholder, and the accusation of "ship-baiting" is also based on what a person *wants* to see.  When watching an intense, post/near-death emotional embrace by Sam/Dean, half the viewers would sigh about the "brotherly bond," others would point and say "Wincest."    It doesn't mean that they're baiting anyone, or that it's being denied.  The actors will play their characters how they want to/how they see them.  Fans can ship who they want.  But until something is unequivocally canon, there IS no "one true" ship.  And I find it terribly insensitive when people try to force their viewpoints on others.  Let everyone ship (or not), including the actors and writers, without being bullied about their choices.  

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Heh, I was a devoted Buffy/Angel shipper but as the show was clever enough to move Angel out of the way for his own show before Spuffy so much as started, I felt free to ship them too later on. It`s much worse when both guys are still around, much blood flowed over on the Vampire Diaries for example.

And, as those prove, het ships, even "crack" ones have a much higher chance of going canon. I get how that can be annoying, if you can`t stand being permanently cock-blocked for 15 Seasons in a row, better not get into a slash pairing altogether. But I`ve seen enough network TV to not really expect much differently. If a TV show really wants to go there, they will telegraph it with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Supernatural never did with Destiel. And they only think they can get away with some creeped out Romeo and Juliet stuff between the brothers because they are siblings. And again, not a cable show.

The last time I gasped in a "OMG, are they really..." way was the BBC Merlin Finale when it came to "I will tell you something I never said before". And even then I wasn`t surprised that ultimately, no, they didn`t go with "I love you". In SPN I never thought for a second that Destiel would become canon. And I really shipped them for a time being. But there is cutesy headcanon and realistic expectations. If Cas had been in a female vessel, they would have 100 % boinked in Season 4 and female Cas probably would have left the show back then. But, they didn`t. And he didn`t.

This little formulaic show will not break the mould a hundred others also didn`t before it. This ain`t the rebellion you`re looking for. 

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Full disclosure:  I don't ship ANYONE.  Not even in other fandoms.  I don't want SPN to bring in a permanent romance--I think that will lose its essence and turn it into an entirely different show, and I like it the way it is.  But I'm old and cranky.  *shrugs*  

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All of the following is just MY interpretation of things, I have zero knowledge of what goes on in Jensens head.  I understand both sides of this Destiel thing.  I think it kind of comes down to how one defines 'Destiel' and maybe why some shippers and occasional shippers were hurt by his comments.

AFAIK and read, shipping questions are supposed to be off limits at cons.   I think he was giving a bit of snarky answer because he was pissed that a fan didn't respect the admonishment to not ask shipping question. Could he have been more diplomatic? Probably. Could he have said Dean and Cas are not in a romantic relationship but that he loves Cas as family and best friend? Sure.  But he's not required to do that. 

I think Jensen might think "Destiel" = sex between Dean and Cas. I don't think Jensen really considered it other than from a sexual perspective given the question as asked as part of the 'Dean has a crush on Dr. Sexy'. Whether Jensen thinks Dean only liked the show, the text was written that Dean recognized that what makes Dr. Sexy, sexy is his cowboy boots. So Dean either had an affinity for Dr. Sexy and he admired him for what makes a man sexy so he can appeal to women, or maybe Dean did find Dr. Sexy, sexy, which in an of itself doesn't mean Dean is bi nor that he's not.  

I think that is what he means by 'Destiel doesn't exist', so he is correct since it's not been shown on screen nor  hinted at off screen.  Which makes it a bit of a conundrum because the show acknowledged Destiel  existence in "Fan Fiction" and it's pervasive in fanon which Jensen knows this too, given he sees fan art at cons etc, so he's kind of incorrect about it not existing.  IMO, Jensen  doesn't consider it as "Destiel" because he is not playing Dean as being "in love" with Cas.  He is IMO most definitely playing Dean as LOVING Cas.   They have sacrificed for each other. He loves him as a brother and a best friend and he's family. I think some viewers see that as a part of Destiel, too and maybe for some it's more than any sexual component. And that DOES exist on screen.

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1 hour ago, Aeryn13 said:

Heh, I was a devoted Buffy/Angel shipper but as the show was clever enough to move Angel out of the way for his own show before Spuffy so much as started, I felt free to ship them too later on.

Same. I was very Buffy/Angel to start, but by the time their breakup came, I was ready for it to end. And when Spike/Buffy came along, in the end I liked it better... (I felt that they were more equals, with the caveat of yup, ultimately Spike had to have a soul, too.)

1 hour ago, Aeryn13 said:

It`s much worse when both guys are still around, much blood flowed over on the Vampire Diaries for example.

The characters or the fans? Because wow, I can't imagine too much worse in terms of shipping wars. I got called horrible things for even mentioning I liked Spuffy on a few Buffy boards - by Bangle shippers and fellow Spike lovers. Rapist-lover was my favorite. Good thing I don't watch Vampire Diaries then. Buffy shipper wars were about as much as I could handle.

1 hour ago, Aeryn13 said:

But I`ve seen enough network TV to not really expect much differently.

That's why I was impressed that Joss had the guts - even sneakily - to go there with Spike/Angel... because yeah, they teased the hell out of that one, so actually going there wasn't really that big a step.

1 hour ago, Aeryn13 said:

The last time I gasped in a "OMG, are they really..." way was the BBC Merlin Finale when it came to "I will tell you something I never said before". And even then I wasn`t surprised that ultimately, no, they didn`t go with "I love you".

I didn't watch Merlin (though I probably should), but Hannibal did it just right for me. And surprised me, because I didn't think they'd actually go there, but they did, so pleasant surprise there. And talk about bloody ; ).

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 I think that is what he means by 'Destiel doesn't exist', so he is correct since it's not been shown on screen nor  hinted at off screen.  Which makes it a bit of a conundrum because the show acknowledged Destiel  existence in "Fan Fiction" and it's pervasive in fanon which Jensen knows this too, given he sees fan art at cons etc, so he's kind of incorrect about it not existing.

IMO both his answer as well as his tone were a direct result to the specific way the question was phrased as well as the frankly super-entitled and almost aggressive vibe the girl gave off. She was basically accusatory about why the show is not making bi!Dean and sexual Destiel overt when those things were clearly factual. I mean she referenced Dean`s bisexuality as if it was an established character trait. 

So his answer just related to the canon facts. And sexual Destiel as well as bi!Dean can be interpretations and fanon but they are not hard, cold facts the show just hides in the broom closet somewhere out of shame. If the question had been more along the likes of fanon interpretations, his answer probably still wouldn`t have been what she wanted to hear but probably not that blunt.

That said, I have other shows where actors were asked about popular het ships - not canon but have as much of a chance to become so as any het ship - and answered with "not gonna happen, and I don`t get those annoying weirdoes who ship it". Now THAT I would agree with was bitchy and insulting. In comparism Jensen was blunt but he didn`t outright call actual fanon shippers names.     


The characters or the fans?

Well, the love triangle drama onscreen was as you would expect it, it`s a love triangle after all, but the fan wars were epic. And of course once the girl switched guys, she became the worst "slut" ever to some. Even though a lot of them saw it as rape by the guy, she somehow was still a ho afterwards. Go figure.


I didn't watch Merlin (though I probably should), but Hannibal did it just right for me. And surprised me, because I didn't think they'd actually go there, but they did, so pleasant surprise there. And talk about bloody ; ).

Hannibal made it as overt as it probably could be, I liked it too. As for Merlin, it`s goofy and campy but when I was in a bad bout of depression, the show was the only thing I looked forward to all week. So, I`ll always have a soft spot for it in my heart. I`d say childs can enjoy it wholesale but adults only if you can overlook the cheaper production value, the simpler stories and all that and simply fall in love with the charme of the characters. When it comes to it, it`s a character-driven show all the way.  

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2 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

So his answer just related to the canon facts. And sexual Destiel as well as bi!Dean can be interpretations and fanon but they are not hard, cold facts the show just hides in the broom closet somewhere out of shame. If the question had been more along the likes of fanon interpretations, his answer probably still wouldn`t have been what she wanted to hear but probably not that blunt

And I didn't say otherwise.

ETA:  Sorry my reply sounded snarkier than I intended. Just saying that I agree in canon
Destiel is not a canonical in show ship.

Edited by catrox14
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Good grief...what an uproar about nothing, IMO.  This is nothing new.  Jensen has said this multiple times before.  I personally think these so-called fans specifically ask these questions to get exactly the reaction they've gotten.  It's a game for them.  It must be nice to have that kind of money to attend these cons just to fuck with the actors.  Ship whatever ship you want, but don't confuse your fantasy with the reality of the show you're watching.  

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I just love that Dean Winchester's birthday is within a week of mine, and Jensen Ackles' birthday is within a week of my sister's. She doesn't actually watch the show, but I'm a numbers person, so it's still a minor personal joy.

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Watched the JAXCON J2 Gold and Main panel.  Items that drew my attention (YMMV):

- Jared said they had ordered another 23 episodes, which is comforting as the CW has been doing half-seasons lately.
- When asked why Destiel can't be canon, Jensen's response was "it doesn't exist" (internet flappapalooza ensued)
- Jared is not interested in a romance for Sam. Jensen mentioned romances create liabilities for their characters and that's something neither Sam nor Dean want. When asked about another hunter, Jensen mentioned Jo was a hunter.  (SueB opinion... interesting that he mentions Jo, I know I adored her but apparently she got a lot of negative feedback, until she died).
- Jensen likes the different sides of Dean that the various recurring character bring out, including Crowley.

- The currently filming director Nina Lopez-Corrado just yells "Action" to get the boys attention.
- FUNNY story about pre-Dad-days Jared feeding Misha's little boy sugar packets at a restaurant.  Misha told the story first, Jared told from his POV (which was pretty much Misha's POV).
- Dean still sorting out his relationship with Mary
- Only Jensen is driving the car from now on, his double Todd (?) put Baby in a muddy ditch.  We'll see if he sticks to that.  He acted like he might be joking but... IDK... he's very proprietary about that car

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On 1/22/2017 at 11:52 PM, SueB said:

So, in response to today's wank on "Destiel doesn't exist" comment from Jensen, I wrote a thing.  It's a very LONG thing. It's kinda personal.  But you are my "peeps" so I wanted to share it with you if you are interested.  http://snazzyo.tumblr.com/post/156248995635/for-your-consideration

Bottom Line: Jensen sees things how he sees things and that's okay.  People come in different flavors. I can relate. 

I LOVED this! I think you are right on the money. Jensen has shared a lot about what he thinks makes Dean tick. And he has said that he is possessive of the character. Make of it what you will...hell, I read Wincest...but don't come down on him because he isn't conforming to your reality. 


ETA I also thought the question was wildly inappropriate and asked in a really off-putting manner. She acted like Dean WAS bi and Destiel WAS canon and it was frankly obnoxious. Kudos to him for even answering. I would have said "next question!"

Edited by Binns
More words
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I know what the three and the heart is. The #LessThanThree less than 3 days old, right?   I don't why she wouldn't just use <3 for the heart LOL It's not important, I'm dumb.

Edited by catrox14
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On 1/27/2017 at 0:24 PM, goldy said:

'Supernatural': 40 Best Episodes

As Supernatural hits 250 episodes, we rank Sam and Dean’s finest hours, from their most heavenly and hellish (in a good way) adventures


Unsurprising to see both Swan Song as their number one pick and The French Mistake in the top five; I've noticed that this is the case for many of these lists that I've seen online. Maybe I'm lame but as good as Swan Song was I don't consider it to be the best out of their list of 40 eps and French Mistake was good for a few chuckles on first watch but not so much on rewatch. JMO

Edited by DeeDee79
capitalization is important
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I enjoy Swan Song enough, but "best?" Not by a long shot, IMO. Not even sure it would make a top 40 list for me, but that's just because there are sooo many episodes it's almost impossible to rank them all.

I always want to know who is voting and their methodology; they never seem to reflect any sentiment I've seen throughout the fandom that it makes me wonder if the people voting have watched the episodes or are just voting on the description? Or, are they using ratings? Or what?

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3 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

I enjoy Swan Song enough, but "best?" Not by a long shot, IMO. Not even sure it would make a top 40 list for me, but that's just because there are sooo many episodes it's almost impossible to rank them all.

I always want to know who is voting and their methodology; they never seem to reflect any sentiment I've seen throughout the fandom that it makes me wonder if the people voting have watched the episodes or are just voting on the description? Or, are they using ratings? Or what?

Yes! This is my gripe with these types of lists. The top ten always consists of Swan Song, Fan Fiction and The French Mistake and I never understand why. Like you stated I can't honestly say what my favorite episode would be because of the sheer number of episodes to pick from but I don't get how these 3 are always at the top of every list.

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On 1/27/2017 at 3:24 PM, goldy said:

'Supernatural': 40 Best Episodes

As Supernatural hits 250 episodes, we rank Sam and Dean’s finest hours, from their most heavenly and hellish (in a good way) adventures


"Wishful Thinking "is not in the top 40 - your list is total crap sir.  "Yellow Fever" - Dean being chased by a 5 pound Yorkie with a bow - I believe you need a time out. 

The only S7 episode is the one where Bobby dies. No  I don't like that episode - Bobby died.  Season 7 is so cheeky - so many great moments.  Castiel v. Death's pissing match in "Meet the New Boss" -  That never gets old.  Castiel completely losing his mind is must watch television.  Crowley v. Dick in "Survival of the Fittest" - inspired pairing.

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3 hours ago, DeeDee79 said:

Yes! This is my gripe with these types of lists. The top ten always consists of Swan Song, Fan Fiction and The French Mistake and I never understand why.

I like all of those episodes, and they'd be in my top 40 for sure... maybe not in the top 10 though. "Fan Fiction" would be though.

The ones on this list that often are on these types of lists and I don't understand why are: "The Magnificent Seven," "Good God, Y'All," "Sympathy for the Devil" and especially "When the Levee Breaks." I don't like that one at all.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the list was season 5 heavy and season 4 light though (even if there were even a few season 5 episodes - like the two above - that I'd replace with others from season 2, 6, or 7).

I was especially pleased to see "The Man Who Knew Too Much,"  "Just My Imagination," "Don't Call Me Shurley," and "Baby." "The Man Who Knew Too Much," is one especially that I think is usually underrated and often forgotten on these lists.

2 hours ago, Macbeth said:

The only S7 episode is the one where Bobby dies. No  I don't like that episode - Bobby died.  Season 7 is so cheeky - so many great moments.  Castiel v. Death's pissing match in "Meet the New Boss" -  That never gets old.  Castiel completely losing his mind is must watch television.  Crowley v. Dick in "Survival of the Fittest" - inspired pairing.

No "Slash Fiction?" Definitely not a top 40 I'd agree with, then. That episode would be in my top 20, maybe even my top 10. "Hello, Cruel World" would also be in my top 40. I actually like "Death's Door," but it wouldn't be in my top 40.

(And lately, I've been nostalgic for "Out With the Old." Something about that episode reminds me of classic SPN, combined with that season 7 cheekiness you mentioned. Every time I see Joyce do her No. no, no, no, no with hand motions to George, I giggle. Never gets old. Neither does George vs the barista. Oh, and "How to Win Friends...?" that whole Biggersons scene with Sam, Dean, and Bobby and the waiter who loses it. Gold. "There goes his 18 percent." Deadpan Sam and stoned Dean for the win.)

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9 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the list was season 5 heavy and season 4 light though (even if there were even a few season 5 episodes - like the two above - that I'd replace with others from season 2, 6, or 7).

I agree; How to Win Friends would be on my list as well. I feel that they left out a lot of gems in favor for the meta, humorous or the grander eps such as The End, Swan Song, Baby, etc. All of those are excellent episodes and deserve to be included but so do ones like Provenance, Weekend at Bobby's, and Roadkill IMO.

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1 hour ago, DeeDee79 said:

I agree; How to Win Friends would be on my list as well. I feel that they left out a lot of gems in favor for the meta, humorous or the grander eps such as The End, Swan Song, Baby, etc. All of those are excellent episodes and deserve to be included but so do ones like Provenance, Weekend at Bobby's, and Roadkill IMO.

That's really the problem with saying "best" and not qualifying how they determine best. Are they the talking quality or beloved episodes? IMO, the two aren't necessarily the same thing.

If they're talking quality--writing, direction, production design, etc.--the writing on The French Mistake, Fan Fiction and some of the more meta episodes are generally above par and the production side on episodes like The End are standouts. But, if they're defining "best" as most-beloved episodes, then The French Mistake and The End still fit, even though they seem to have missed so very many that seem to be loved too, IMO.  But with 250 episodes now, you're gonna miss some when you try to narrow it down to 40.

No matter how you slice it though, Swan Song seems to still be the odd man out because, as I said, I like Swan Song enough, but I mostly hear a lot of criticism for that episode on all fronts--writing, directing, production... .

I'd just like one of these lists to state their methodology. 

Edited by DittyDotDot
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So I watched SPNHOUS video.  J2 must have been well rested.  Watching that I suddenly had great pity for 1st AD Kevin Parks.  These guys couldn't stay on task for more than 20-30 seconds.  It was hilarious.  Absolutely zero new data (except a new story about exploring the 4th floor of that creepy hospital they film at).  They were pretty much just goofing around the whole time.  Jensen did randomly play the piano at the end during the last question.  I'm telling ya... I think we got a chance to observe them in their native habitat this time -- they simply do not behave.  ETA: And the Gold Panel was just as bad ..... the first 5 mins was Jared wearing Misha's Cas costume.  It doesn't fit. 

Edited by SueB
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5 hours ago, DeeDee79 said:

Interesting list.

I agree with some of that, but some I entirely disagree with. Hee! Probably like most of these lists. But the description of "On the Head of a Pin" (which was at #3 - and I hate that episode) made me somewhat question the list's author's interpretation of the show. Especially this part:


Dean learns that, as the one who broke the first seal to start the Apocalypse, only he can avert it. And for maybe the only time in the entire series, Dean does not believe he's up to the challenge. It's packed with humor, high stakes, and action.

Has the list author met (metaphorically speaking) Dean Winchester? And humor? I found that episode about as depressing as it gets on this show.

One of these days, I'll try to rank all of the episodes for my own personal curiosity.* I'm betting it'll be more difficult than I think it will be.

* I wouldn't subject anyone else to it: don't worry. I have weird taste. ; )

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OtHofaP is in my top 10 all time. I think I get what the author was trying to get at.

I think the author meant that Dean was not up to the task per his words at the end of the episode about being the Righteous Man. As to the humor, there was some incredibly dark humor with Alastair IMO. Like the "I'm in Heaven" song and the "I think there's something in my throat.....oh...I think it's my throat". That really does make me laugh and is very Ben Edlund dark humor.  But it's certainly not a "funny" episode.

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I can't give my top 10 (they change, depending on my mood), but I can say, with absolute certainty, my bottom 2 (and I'd bet 99% of the people here agree with me):  Bloodlines and Man's Best Friend With Benefits.  

I can find something redeeming (even if it's just one scene) in pretty much every other episode, even the ones I hate, but not those two.

Edited by ahrtee
I keep having thoughts...
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1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

I think the author meant that Dean was not up to the task per his words at the end of the episode about being the Righteous Man.

I did get that - and I agree. My questioning was with the "And for maybe the only time in the series history" part (I probably should've made that more clear by only bolding that part). Dean has much less hubris than that, to put it mildly. From what I remember, there were several times throughout the series where Dean questioned if he was up to the task... he spent much of season 4 questioning it. He was going to say "yes" to Michael in season 5 because he didn't think he could stop the apocalypse - the end of "My Bloody Valentine" was all about Dean not thinking he was up for the fight... and it got worse over the next few episodes. He was going to give up in the beginning of season 7 as well, questioning if they could stop Castiel. Season 9 might've had something too(?), because Dean was self-destructing all over the place ending up with him taking on the mark of Cain. Then there was the end of season 11 where Dean adopted giving up as an option until Sam picked up his pom poms. And that's not even including earlier times in the series like "Home" or the "What Is.." time when he wondered if he could keep going. My point being that Dean - just like Sam - has had doubts several times throughout the show. Dean's doubt in "On the Head of a Pin" was by no means a one time occurrence.

54 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

but I can say, with absolute certainty, my bottom 2 (and I'd bet 99% of the people here agree with me):  Bloodlines and Man's Best Friend With Benefits.

I can find something redeeming (even if it's just one scene) in pretty much every other episode, even the ones I hate, but not those two.

I mostly agree with you - except that I think "Man's Best Friend..." does have one nice scene where Sam and Dean have a discussion about something that I can't remember right now, but I know does exist, so I might just barely change places with it and "Torn and Frayed" which in addition to being filled with pointless torture porn and nothing redeemable that I can recall, also has mytharc, and so arguably can't be ignored as easily as "Man's Best Friend..." can. I therefore not only hate "Torn and Frayed," I resent its very existence.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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I'm not a fan of Gladstone.  Years ago, I lurked at Cracked and their message boards and, frankly, he's not well-loved over there.  At least, he wasn't when I was there.  His opinions were widely argued with and I think he enjoys it.  I think he's a journalistic troll.  It got to the point that I (and others) stopped reading his articles because we knew what they were going to say.

So, yeah, I think he intentionally threw some nonsensical analysis in there just to get people talking.  (Phantom Traveler a rip off of Final Destination?  Okie dokie.)

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15 hours ago, DeeDee79 said:

Well, at least he states his methodology; it's his personal ranking. Which is valid even if it's not how I would rank them. He does tend to state his own preferences as fact more than I would prefer, but I know from the get-go who made this list and the criteria used.

I do find it interesting that, here again, Swan Song makes the number one spot and the author states: "most would still agree that that this is the finest season finale and the finest episode of Supernatural." Even when the episode aired it wasn't entirely well-received. It's a fine enough finale, IMO, but to say that it's the finest--and that most would agree--is a bit silly. No one in this fandom can even agree on the color of the sky, let alone one episode of this show. 

22 minutes ago, Demented Daisy said:

I'm not a fan of Gladstone.  Years ago, I lurked at Cracked and their message boards and, frankly, he's not well-loved over there.  At least, he wasn't when I was there.  His opinions were widely argued with and I think he enjoys it.  I think he's a journalistic troll.  It got to the point that I (and others) stopped reading his articles because we knew what they were going to say.

So, yeah, I think he intentionally threw some nonsensical analysis in there just to get people talking.  (Phantom Traveler a rip off of Final Destination?  Okie dokie.)

Yeah, homage might've been a better word there. 

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9 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

I did get that - and I agree. My questioning was with the "And for maybe the only time in the series history" part (I probably should've made that more clear by only bolding that part). Dean has much less hubris than that, to put it mildly. From what I remember, there were several times throughout the series where Dean questioned if he was up to the task... he spent much of season 4 questioning it. He was going to say "yes" to Michael in season 5 because he didn't think he could stop the apocalypse - the end of "My Bloody Valentine" was all about Dean not thinking he was up for the fight... and it got worse over the next few episodes. He was going to give up in the beginning of season 7 as well, questioning if they could stop Castiel. Season 9 might've had something too(?), because Dean was self-destructing all over the place ending up with him taking on the mark of Cain. Then there was the end of season 11 where Dean adopted giving up as an option until Sam picked up his pom poms.

I don't see Dean's reticence and moments of doubt as Dean thinking he couldn't do something as he specifically says in OtHoaP.  In OtHoaP, Dean outright stated he couldn't do it. That it was too much for him. That's what I think the author meant.

The closest Dean came to the self doubt as in 4.16 as in him really not thinking he was capable or that he was unable to do something was s11.  And I don't consider that really self-doubt as it was him admitting that he no agency; that he was unable to kill Amara because of her control over him, like him literally having no agency in that situation. And no, I reject that dumbass retcon trying to be sold by Lucifer, Chuck and Sam later on).

As to earlier seasons, Dean maybe wanting out of the hunting life IMO was not the same as what he said in OtHoaP. Those were moments when Dean pondered that his life could be different if Mom hadn't died.  Not that he had doubts of his capability of doing something.

I could write a dissertation on what I think is the fuckery of Dean in S5.  But I will save that for another thread.  But long story short, I never took Dean thinking of becoming Michael's vessel as him thinking he couldn't say no nor was suicidal. IMO, in Dean's mind, saying yes to Michael would have saved 1/2 the planet given the glimpse he got in The End which IMO he never forgot. How could he?  Dean didn't want to say yes but he was becoming convinced that Sam WAS going to say yes, and rather than see the whole planet torched he was going to try and stop Lucifer. Dean was making a choice. It was only when they pulled Adam out of their ass for reasons that suddenly Dean was in the wrong and was suicidal according to everyone else, I guess, but not to this viewer.  But I'm in the minority on that one.

In  s7, I never thought Dean though he was incapable of anything. Dean was depressed and borderline alcoholic. He had been lied to for a year and was rightfully pissed off. He had been turned into a vampire because Soulless Sam permitted it when he could have stopped it. Cas was betraying him. Dean was done but not doubting HIMSELF. He been burned by the 3 people he loved the most in the world. That's gonna hurt. In s7 he thought Cas was dead. Sam was having a mental collapse and Bobby was murdered. 

Even in s8, I never thought Dean he believed he was incapable of something. He had just survived Purgatory and was deciding that closing the gates of Hell was the best way to save humanity.  Just because the narrative had Sam say Dean was suicidal for wanting to do the trials didn't make it so. The narrative to that point never implied that of Dean so where was Dean giving up or questioning his own capabilities like in 4.16?    Not even with the Mark was Dean giving up. He was willing to be sent to Oblivion to save the world. It's Sam saying Dean was giving up vs Dean not ever doing that IMO. 

I guess that's why I kind of agree with the author that OtHoaP is the one real moment that Dean did not believe he was capable nor did he want to really try given that he realized he had started the Apocalypse. Dean was done then . JMHO

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17 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

But long story short, I never took Dean thinking of becoming Michael's vessel as him thinking he couldn't say no nor was suicidal. IMO, in Dean's mind, saying yes to Michael would have saved 1/2 the planet given the glimpse he got in The End which IMO he never forgot. How could he?  Dean didn't want to say yes but he was becoming convinced that Sam WAS going to say yes, and rather than see the whole planet torched he was going to try and stop Lucifer. Dean was making a choice.

I agree with much of this... but for me, it's a matter of interpretation. At the end of "My Bloody Valentine" Dean literally says "Please... I can't... I need some help." And this is before he gets the idea to say "yes" to Michael... which even if I don't think is Dean "committing suicide" in the literal sense (though I agree with Sam that it is "killing himself"- which is similar, but different), I think it is Dean saying in effect that he can't do it anymore in terms of his original plan. He's giving in to Zachariah;s arguments. Yes, he's making a choice, but it's a choice out of desperation and believing he has no other choice when in reality, he does.

In some ways, Dean convincing himself that Sam couldn't be trusted was for me a parallel to Sam convincing himself Dean couldn't stop the apocalypse, so he (Sam) had to in season 4. Sam just let a demon sway him while Dean let Zachariah sway him.

As for season 7, I was referring to:


Yeah, you know how I'm gonna deal? I'm gonna stuff my piehole, I'm gonna drink, and I'm gonna watch some Asian cartoon porn and act like the world's about to explode because it is.

And the entire conversation leading up to that... which is Dean saying he can't do anything to save the world - i.e. he's not up the challenge - just not as dramatically as he did in season 4. So I guess maybe more a matter of degree, but for me still Dean admitting he can't save the world.

But I can agree to disagree.

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12 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

Well, at least he states his methodology; it's his personal ranking. Which is valid even if it's not how I would rank them. He does tend to state his own preferences as fact more than I would prefer, but I know from the get-go who made this list and the criteria used.

I do find it interesting that, here again, Swan Song makes the number one spot and the author states: "most would still agree that that this is the finest season finale and the finest episode of Supernatural." Even when the episode aired it wasn't entirely well-received. It's a fine enough finale, IMO, but to say that it's the finest--and that most would agree--is a bit silly. No one in this fandom can even agree on the color of the sky, let alone one episode of this show. 

That's mostly why I found it to be an interesting read; it was based on his opinion and he stated it up front.  I can't recall seeing another list where they ranked every episode which was somewhat impressive as well. I wasn't surprised to see Swan Song as number one and I honestly don't think that I've seen a list where it wasn't. I find it interesting that it wasn't well received when it first aired due to how it's regarded now. I came into the fandom later; my mom was the fan from the beginning and she sucked me in :)

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