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S08.E05: The Mis-Education of Vernon Francis Gallagher

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Never commented on this board before.

Ian,Lip & Carl are probably my favorite characters on the show.

The ending scene with Debbie was so upsetting but I’m not really shocked considering everything else she’s done regarding her time as a mother.

Don’t care much for Ian & Trevor together I love the scenes of Ian & Carl jogging in the morning.

Lip & the bike shop girl sex scenes can stop anytime now,it’s kinda uncomfortable to watch someone being beat up during sex. 

I kinda think finoa might end up with the blonde chick now, instead of the brunette (sorry forgot there names)I don’t like the idea of them making her lesbian for a season,so cliche.

Kev is hilarious as always,but I think him & Vee are just gonna get screwed over again. 

I’m kinda bored of Frank at this point in the series & find it funny that none of the kids seem to care about him either.


sorry for the long post :)

Edited by Hellohappylife
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I'm glad that Debbie managed to wake up and get to her exam despite going out drinking the night before. I would hate to see her miss her exam when she's so close to being able to get a job that pays better. I can't really blame her for storming out of the grandmother's house after finding out that Derek and his girlfriend were there. Although the grandmother was shady as fuck last season when she refused to give Franny back, I believed her when she said that she didn't know Derek was coming to visit. I think that since she now gets to see Franny regularly, she wouldn't want to do anything to screw that up. I wish I could say I can't believe that Debbie would take Franny to party with her, but sadly, I believe it. When we got that shot of Franny in her carseat while Debbie was dancing in the driveway, I was just hoping that nothing would happy to the baby because you know that the grandmother would swoop in and try to get custody again if she could.

I really don't care about the church plotline at all. I guess I'm supposed to be shocked that Fiona became bougie so quickly, but I'm not.

I had to laugh at Carl's new detox/rehab business. He'll have his tuition money in no time!

I guess it's a good thing that Lip's coworker has been punching him during sex because he was barely phased by Brad hitting him. I just hope that Brad didn't get into a car accident after he left the bar because I don't want to listen to Lip say that it was his fault for letting him go.

The one time I have liked Charlotte was when she told Lip it's okay not to want the stereotypical marriage, kids, etc. It's not for everyone and there's nothing wrong with that.

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4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I had to laugh at Carl's new detox/rehab business

I found that amusing. Carl showed that he was willing to do whatever it takes (the grease trap) to get his tuition money. I also got a laugh at the family's comments about "At least it's not diarrhea" (Fiona) and Fank telling him what stage was next in the detox process so matter of factly. My only regret in this storyline is that they didn't show Carl giving the Purple Heart back to the Vet. (The veteran could have made some ugly comment about it being worthless or ____ causing Carl to rethink his military career). 

Welcome @Hellohappylife. I also enjoyed watching the Gallagher boys jogging in cadence and agree about seeing Lip get beaten (and strangled) during sex. Having a baby with her? Just NO. 

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I can't think about the magic Gallagher sexual charm, and the large sums of money that constantly just gets tossed at them. It's so ridiculous, I  just kind of roll my eyes at that stuff.  This show still redeems itself with me due to the total love I have for Svet, Kevin, and Vee.  The actors have such great chemistry together, and it is ALWAYS a good watch in their scenes. I just don't see Vee folding so easily to Svet and her prowess though.  Obviously, she doesn't either, so this is really throwing her through a loop. It's still out of character for her, but, it's so much fun to watch.  Kentucky Kevin was still funny, though I can see it getting old really soon. My Grinch heart grew a little for Trevor tonight as well. Fiona? I just really don't like her or care about her anymore. Frank and his story line can go anytime, just become a mess again please. Brad? Mehhh. Also, really do not care. Just going to end up pushing Lip back into the mess. Damn does that boy need to learn to think for himself. The Carl story line is amusing, but, come on. More thousands being thrown. But, that will be fun to watch. Debbie is so going to get pregnant again. Different actor for Derrick right? Strange season, but I am liking it so far. Shallow note- Isidora and Shanola.. Hot DAMN!

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1 minute ago, Dee said:

Trevor is the worst.

YESSS! He and Ian have no chemistry. And really Ian! Pimping yourself out for money. I sort of get when he did it when his bipolar was not under control. And He did not do it for the kids. He did it to ingratiate himself with Trevor. This was disappointing because Ian is my favorite Gallagher.

Debbie is a close second. I must admit that I am not sure if my contempt for Debbie stems from the actress coming off as immature from her Instagram posts or if I just think Debbie is annoying alone. I keep having to remind myself that the actress is very young.

Even for the hood, Lip is not all that good looking. Sorry. I don't get it. He is book smart, but he is even lacking that facet of his character in these episodes. As for Fiona selling out...I don't know but Fiona has always been about doing whatever to secure her (the Gallaghers) financial security.  Remember when she found the purse on the el and took the money.

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When Derek said Frannie has really grown, Debbie's response should have been "So have you." The kid is about a foot taller than when he was on the show before. Assuming it's the same actor - and I think it is.

Totally on Team Fiona WRT the church. Ian needs to back off and let Fiona's plan take effect. She's finally making something decent for herself, she doesn't need a homeless shelter bringing down property values. Trevor and Ian can just find some other place to buy now that they have the money. Ian doesn't need to screw over his own sister just to score points with Trevor, the church isn't the only place in Chicago they can use.

Don't really buy Carl's detox business as a thing. Anyone can get clean/sober if you chain them up for a week. It's what happens after you let them out that counts. You can't tell me being chained up in a basement is going to be more effective at staying sober than going to a rehab facility like Betty Ford. And if this guy really does have parents that rich he wouldn't have been out stealing copper in the back yards of South Side houses just for a fix.

Don't really buy Svetlana's magical ability to mesmerize Vee with her sexuality either. After what she did to the both of them it really irks me to see her getting the upper hand again.

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I  am not sure if I liked or disliked this episode.

The moment we have all been dreading Ian and Trevor hook up....yay?  

I am convinced Fiona is going to hook up with the bitchy blonde.   And yes I am on teamFiona when it comes to the church.  Ian is doing it to get into a guys pants and with little or no research into anyone else’s concerns.  Fiona at least is doing research and knows what the community wants and needs.

I know a lot of people hate Debbie but I am enjoying her storyline.  She hates Monica but the show is going to great lengths to show how similar they are.  How old was Monica when she had Fiona?   My guess not much older then Debbie.

Carl’s detox business might be good for a few laughs and could be interesting.  

Why oh why did Kevin leave Vee and Svetlenta alone?   The moment he did I knew Svetlenta would get half the bar.

i am still enjoying sober Frank and pairing him with Liam was a great idea.

Lip seems to be going around in circles.  What he wants then what he doesn’t want.  It would be nice for him to get a goal and watch him actually try to succeed at it but then that isn’t really this show.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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52 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

The moment we have all been dreading Ian and Trevor hook up....yay?  

Nay. I'm on the side of all you posters who say they have no chemistry and that he's being a do-gooder (pimping for the bucks to get a down payment) to ingratiate himself with Trevor. 

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Things this show should not be trying to make happen:

Ian and Trevor

Frank and Lip being sex symbols and having sex. With...anything

Making the church a shelter.

That blond chick from 3A. And no Sex-in-the-City-Miranda/Fiona-is-suddenly-a-lesbian twist.

Svetlana is a recurring character but she's played out.

Things the show should continue to make happen:

Fiona as a real success. She's earned it.

Carl as a lawful success.

Liam and Frank as buddies.

Vee in all things. The actress that plays her has really stepped up her game.

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OK so about Ian and Trevor. 

First of all they're both tops. Would two tops want to be together? 

Also, Trevor is a guy but still has a vagina right? So what was that sex scene about last night? Ian is gay but we've seen him have sex with women so he can technically perform but he's gay. 

I'm just not buying his burning desire to be with Trevor at any cost.

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I'm obviously in the minority but I like Lip's bedroom eyes and dimple when he smiles. And he's funny and smart. But Frank? No way! Although I did laugh at the mom getting off on him being so dirty. "Tell me how much you made last year after taxes!" "About 2K and I don't pay taxes." And, boom, she's done. LOL

Really worried about Franny in the car with Deb stoned on E. Haven't like Debbie since Season 1, maybe 2. Definitely on Team Carl. Glad he's finding a way (however bizarre) of getting the tuition money. Agree with the distaste of Ian only doing good to get in Trevor's pants. Let Fiona do her thing.

59 minutes ago, DiabLOL said:

First of all they're both tops. Would two tops want to be together? 


I thought they worked that out. Decided they liked it both ways. 

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Ok, now they've set up what is probably the "big" conflict of the season with Fiona and Ian fighting over the church deal. I appreciate that it's not Lip again, but Fiona's conflicts with Ian doesn't seem to carry complexity or importance as Fiona and Lip fighting about how to run the house, which was something more meaningful not only for the family  but as both of them as characters. The clash between Ian and Fiona seems "out of nowhere".

I'm curious to see where all of the storylines are going, but I have to admit I'm skeptical and very confused about this season. It's been very different from what we've seen before.

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I feel like both Ian and Lip are not really people anymore. They're not fleshed out characters. They're just vehicles for tasteless gags. I mean pretty much everyone on the show is but I used to feel like they were more engaging and complex and there was stuff going on. I don't buy their motivations for anything they do anymore.

I want Fiona to succeed and I want Frank to stay sober and decent and continue to get rewarded for it. I doubt he will because this show trades in cynical disappointments.

Debbie is gross I can't stand her and worry her baby will meet a bad ending or at the very least be taken away from her which wouldn't be the worst for the baby probably.

I don't know anything about at risk youth programs but why would they need a gigantic decrepit church to house 3 teens? And how would they even fix it up that's like a decade long project that would cost tons of money to boot.

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Also, I'm not part of the Trevor hate and I'm fine with Ian moving on from Mickey, but I am disappointed that they're still trying to make Ian and Trevor happen. And I have been genuinely open to see them, but they simply don't work as a couple for me. I can't see anything interesting about them. I am all up for Trevor being a friend and engaging Ian socially in LGBT issues, but as a couple... nothing works.

And this is an issue the show's been having since season 5. They have been struggling to replace their supporting characters. Derek, Helene, Gus, Sean, Caleb, Trevor, Neil... all lackluster characters, unlike Jimmy, Karen, Mandy, Mickey or Sheila. Svetlana is probably the last character they successfully added to the show.

Sierra has grown a lot on me, but they've turned her into an extra now. She is only walking around Patsy with no lines. WTH?

If there is anything the show should be doing is focusing more on the supporting characters to make the storylines stronger too.

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I would rather see Ian having a platonic friend or some friends in the LGBTQ  community. I mean Fiona has made a few friends and she always had V. Lip has made friends with his AA peeps. Debbie has made friends with her school buddies. Heck, even Liam has made some school/sleepover friends. Ian is just bed hopping.

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I think part of the missing chemistry between Ian and Trevor is that no one is buying that Ian would be attracted to Trevor . Mickey is cute , he isn't gorgeous but his personality was bad boyesque and confident so u can see where Ian would be attracted to him . But Trevor used to be a girl , isn't particularly attractive and his personality is blah 

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On 12/7/2017 at 10:48 AM, Enigma X said:

I would rather see Ian having a platonic friend or some friends in the LGBTQ  community. I mean Fiona has made a few friends and she always had V. Lip has made friends with his AA peeps. Debbie has made friends with her school buddies. Heck, even Liam has made some school/sleepover friends. Ian is just bed hopping.

I agree. All the Gallaghers could use a friend who can engage in some tough love and hard truths. Fiona has that with Vee (although she doesn't always appreciate it), and now Lip has it with his AA sponsor.  I think they should keep Trevor as a character, and just make him Ian's friend.

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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I think part of the missing chemistry between Ian and Trevor is that no one is buying that Ian would be attracted to Trevor . Mickey is cute , he isn't gorgeous but his personality was bad boyesque and confident so u can see where Ian would be attracted to him . But Trevor used to be a girl , isn't particularly attractive and his personality is blah 

I don't disagree with your assessment of Trevor, but my main issue is that he has 0 chemistry with Ian, and his personality is beyond blah to the point of annoying. I did not care for the guy before Trevor either.

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I don’t like Trevor at all. He’s annoying and a douche. He also has no chemistry with Ian. I haven’t really liked Ian for a while either honestly. Something is annoying and weird about how he’s speaking lately too. Ian being obsessed with Trevor is stupid too. I don’t believe it.

Im kind of sick of everyone wanting to bang all the Gallaghers too. Come on they aren’t ugly or anything but it’s gettimg ridiculous.

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17 minutes ago, Philip said:

Is it known when Frank will snap out of that b.s. he's on right now?


Bring back the old Frank!



What he said on a chat show was that he'd get a credit card and then all would go back to him being the way he was  I imagine no more than another episode or two. 

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On 12/6/2017 at 7:49 PM, DiabLOL said:

I want Fiona to succeed and I want Frank to stay sober and decent and continue to get rewarded for it. I doubt he will because this show trades in cynical disappointments.


You do know this show is called Shameless? Right? The best part about Shameless is that the Gallagher's are-- Shameless.

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On 12/5/2017 at 3:01 PM, fayster said:

I'm obviously in the minority but I like Lip's bedroom eyes and dimple when he smiles. And he's funny and smart. But Frank? No way! Although I did laugh at the mom getting off on him being so dirty. "Tell me how much you made last year after taxes!" "About 2K and I don't pay taxes." And, boom, she's done. LOL

Really worried about Franny in the car with Deb stoned on E. Haven't like Debbie since Season 1, maybe 2. Definitely on Team Carl. Glad he's finding a way (however bizarre) of getting the tuition money. Agree with the distaste of Ian only doing good to get in Trevor's pants. Let Fiona do her thing.

I thought they worked that out. Decided they liked it both ways. 

How are you in the minority?? Lol just wondering, cause every girl I know seems to find him hot

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On 1/16/2018 at 8:30 AM, PHR2311 said:

How are you in the minority?? Lol just wondering, cause every girl I know seems to find him hot

I've said this in other threads (and apologies if this sounds random) but he's a dead ringer for a young King Edward VII... who was quite the lady killer in his day.  Maybe that's why I've always found Lip/the actor unconventionally attractive.

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9 hours ago, Brn2bwild said:

I've said this in other threads (and apologies if this sounds random) but he's a dead ringer for a young King Edward VII... who was quite the lady killer in his day.  Maybe that's why I've always found Lip/the actor unconventionally attractive.

Wow. The similarities are stunning. 

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