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  1. I think Esther was based on Jackie Mitchell. Funnily enough, I just learned of her today while reading an newsletter in honor of Women's Equality Day. Jackie (who was white) supposedly struck out Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth in an exhibition. https://www.mlb.com/news/meet-jackie-mitchell-the-girl-who-struck-out-babe-ruth. And even the bits in the news sound like what the announcer said when introducing Esther: "The curves won't be all on the ball when pretty Jackie Mitchell ... takes the mound," "The New York Daily News noted she was a pitcher "who has a swell change of pace and swings a mean lipstick."
  2. I've spent 2 weeks binging all 3 seasons and just loved it. Damn COVID making us wait until 2022 for Season 4. The one thing I didn't love was Sue, the female judge. She just didn't have the energy or fun of Keith. Kate, the judge the first 2 seasons, was more animated but not by much. I'd like to see them demonstrate like Keith does. I hope the toilet challenge isn't an every year thing. If you want big, go back to the sink idea. Amazingly talented folks. Worth the HBO Max subscription
  3. Anyone get to the end of "Season" 5 yet. I use quotes because how can you call that a season? 4 episodes with no resolution, it just stops...
  4. I'm obviously in the minority but I like Lip's bedroom eyes and dimple when he smiles. And he's funny and smart. But Frank? No way! Although I did laugh at the mom getting off on him being so dirty. "Tell me how much you made last year after taxes!" "About 2K and I don't pay taxes." And, boom, she's done. LOL Really worried about Franny in the car with Deb stoned on E. Haven't like Debbie since Season 1, maybe 2. Definitely on Team Carl. Glad he's finding a way (however bizarre) of getting the tuition money. Agree with the distaste of Ian only doing good to get in Trevor's pants. Let Fiona do her thing. I thought they worked that out. Decided they liked it both ways.
  5. 4 episodes in and I'm really liking this show. It's kind of mind-blowing that the concept of 'serial killer' (or 'sequence killer' as it is at this point in show) had to be developed. Interesting theory about the chaos of the world bringing this out in people. There were obviously ones in the past, but nothing had been developed to define and profile them. The Ron Howard cop's slow realization that this was a 'thing' and that there were people in his world who did it was nicely done. The bar scene after the wreck - was the older guy (Tench?) trying to say he sees Holden as his son?
  6. During Chelsea's deposition, she said she drove Meg to Marco's house. That's not true, is it? As I recall Meg weaved and drove there herself, yes?
  7. Would Walt have been 'smart' enough to have been recording his conversation with Barlow's lawyer/partner?
  8. I really liked this episode...Walt comes to terms with so many things and - now that Martha's murder is solved - is ready to move on and maybe mellow, He apologizes to Nighthorse, he works with Mathias and Lucien. I was glad they didn't have some long drawn-out investigation into the death of dad Connally. Yeah...the case was just a placeholder but that's ok too. Agree on the music...I liked it. Also, I think they are showing that Ferg is quietly becoming more competent, which is good.
  9. About 3/4 of the way through this episode, I looked at the hubby and said that they were really making Danny more likable this episode. Which i hated because of what looks to be coming down. His interactions with the guests, his improved relationship with Kevin. Had a chuckle at the scene where the girls were drinking and had a toast and said "remember the eyes" or something like that. There's a tradition in Spain (or maybe just Barcelona) that you have to look at the person/people you're toasting with in the eye or you'll have 7 years of bad sex. LOL
  10. What struck me was the difference between the missionary and Athelstan. Granted, Athelstan started out as a prisoner but even so never was pompous or preachy. The result was that he was, at the least, very grudgingly accepted and, in the case of Ragnar, actually made a convert. Of course, after his re-birth, he did become somewhat holier-than-thou and that's when Floki lost it. Maybe the lesson is that no matter what your religion, when you try to bang people over the head with it, it will backfire. See also: Floki's religious zeal making him over-confident of his plan to take Paris.
  11. OK...finally watched this weeks episode...now I get it: Church of the Hat. He never took it off, did he? I actually knew exactly where all those houses were. The red brick was in an older neighborhood, not far from downtown (and Baylor). The 2nd one was in a town-house type neighborhood. Don't know if you noticed, they couldn't get a shot of the house without other houses in the shot as well. The house they chose...oh my goodness...has always been an eyesore. My orthodontist built it. (hey...I'm a lifelong Wacoan and my mom sold real estate for 40 years. Used to be that you didn't buy a house at such-and-such address, you bought the "Bob Smith's" house). I'm glad that they fixed it up. I really like what they did with it. Yes, she had a lot of shabby chic, but the basics were great. And having read all your comments about the lingo, I chuckled a couple of times because Chip said some things that I say: "I'm sweating like a pig" and one other one that I can't recall. Not the squirrel one, though I'd heard it before. I have to say, I think Chip's goofiness is kinda cute. It doesn't seem forced or like it's not who he is. And her reactions to it are cute. I do think the "finding out which house they chose" is so obviously fake...always at their house, together, exact same wording. Definitely a weak point.
  12. Waco has a LOT of churches but glad camom clarified that there's not one called Church of the Hat! LOL. Waco's like anywhere else, you'll find everything. I do know that another house they did...on a busy street I drive down almost daily...is Mid Century Modern. I think. I hope they kept it that way. That is rumored to air in March. The outside looks amazing. I can't imagine her usual stuff going in there. aguabella...here's her Pinterest page: http://www.pinterest.com/crippy8129/ I will say their business, Home Place, is very traditional. John, her husband, helped me pick out tile and flooring for our kitchen remodel and I've bought some rugs there.
  13. A Wacoan speaks up: One of the remodels that has yet to air is on a street I used to live on. Saw one of my former neighbors the other day and she said that right before the reveal there was a flurry of activity with furniture going in. The day of the reveal, they blocked traffic for a couple of hours. The next day, bright and early the moving trucks came and hauled away all the furniture. I know that I would want my stuff in my house but to some extent can understand the staging for the reveal. I do think the "surprise" is total bs but maybe they pay the folks for acting classes ; ) Waco has some great old neighborhoods full of houses in need of help. They could do 30 seasons and not run out of possibilities. One of the things I like about the show is that they branch out into all neighborhoods...not just the "good" Waco ones, not just Woodway (which really grew as Waco public schools declined in the 70's). I don't get the need for the house hunter bit. Why spend all that time doing that? Meet the couple at the house they have just purchased and go from there. One of the great things about Waco is what you see in purchase and renovation costs. Our cost of living is great. When I watch LIOLI I can't even imagine spending what they do on what they get. Totally different ballgame of course. And, as far as the GFCI...it involves more than replacing plugs. I'm no expert but I think it requires special wiring back to the breaker box. As far as the lingo...there's the way you talk in business and the way you talk casually. I don't know if it's a Waco thing or universal, but I know when I'm talking with a contractor or plumber, etc, I find myself changing up my usual speech...saying things like "I reckon so" or "I 'ppreciate it" (thanks, dad). I use "bucks" all the time. I suspect they are encouraging the Gaines and Chip in particular, to go with the casual. By the way, this is not Waco's first connection with reality tv...Christi Proctor was a decorator on Trading Spaces. She and her husband John have an "Interiors" store (rugs, tile, upholstery, etc).
  14. My hubby and I have just caught up on the season and the episodes are running together, but I think it was this episode: at one point they show Abe's house from afar and in the sky there must have been 5-7 jet contrails criss-crossing the blue sky. It totally caught my eye but hubby, the plane geek, didn't catch it until I said WHOA and backed it up to show him. I mean, their budget must be miniscule if they can't fix that in post production.
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