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S11.E10: Let's Go In The Snow!

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WIll and Zoey experience snow for the first time in Vermont; Jen and Zoey carefully navigate the snow, but the boys throw caution to the wind; Will celebrates his birthday; Jen and BIll contemplate a decision that will change everything.

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I absolutely loved the look of death on Kate's face when Quinn made the remarks about Bill's size. I thought Bill handled it gracefully, but I really wish he'd said "I may be smaller than you, but I can still kick your ass."

The chocolate store? Jesus take the wheel.

I know Jen means well, but take off the Safety Monitor cap and have some fun for once. I get LP's have unique physical issues, but I was raised in New England and spent my childhood hurtling down steep hills in sleds and skis. The worst I have to shown for it is a small chip in my bottom tooth. 

Edited by BitterApple
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I can't figure out of they stayed in a hotel or rented a house. On the drive to Vermont, Jen called it a house & Bill said hotel. When they pulled up, a comment was made about getting their rooms before hitting the snow. 

The dinner seemed like it was catered.

Totally agree on the chocolate store. There are so many other things you can do with kids.  Will has an issue with sugar to begin with. Why provoke it.

Never thought I'd say this about Will, but being in the limelight is not good for a personality like his. 

Will said it all when he told Bill that they're not listening to him...

Edited by alegtostandon
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In addition to the chocolate shop being a "sugar centered" activity, the activity part of it was supposed to be making pretty chocolates. Why on earth would you choose this for the two little boys that were present? Zoey, yes I can see why they might think she'd enjoy it...she did seem to like it (after getting past "putting my hands in this stuff feels icky", which I probably would have thought at first, too!). But knowing the kids' personalities, anyone should have been able to predict that Zoey would be the only one who'd enjoy this. It's a quiet activity, and requires some attention to detail, since the idea is to make each one look nice.

It was practically a given that Will was going to dump all his chocolate out of the bowl and make a mess of it. And that's not a knock on Will - that's just "know your audience". I'd be willing to bet their friend's son Quinn was equally uninterested in making pretty chocolates. For a little girl like Zoey who seems to enjoy quiet activities? Yes. Two little boys? Ugh...no, just no.

To me that makes it a possible activity for Zoey's birthday, but not Will's. There had to be a better activity for a 7 yr old boy's birthday, who had another little boy in tow.

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4 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

I can't figure out of they stayed in a hotel or rented a house. On the drive to Vermont, Jen called it a house & Bill said hotel. When they pulled up, a comment was made about getting their rooms before hitting the snow. 

The dinner seemed like it was catered.


I think it was a bed and breakfast type of place.

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I wonder where his potty mouth comes from. It seems a little more excessive that what is picked up from  their school -which was stated/suggested/deduced   on another thread they attend a private ,probably small class size, school. 

1 hour ago, Snow8585 said:

The kids' table manners are horrible. Very sad  but not surprised to see Zoey picking up Will's potty mouth at the dinner table. At least Jen told her not to talk like that at the dinner table. 

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11 minutes ago, sATL said:

I wonder where his potty mouth comes from. It seems a little more excessive that what is picked up from  their school -which was stated/suggested/deduced   on another thread they attend a private ,probably small class size, school. 

I wonder about that too. Maybe from their interactions with other kids on the show? We only see snippets so who knows what really goes on. Worse yet, i hope the TLC crew does not encourage that sort of behavior. The kids do seem to interact more with the film crew now. I even think i saw Will hit the camera focused on him last night.  I believe they are both in private schools. Jen had a photo on Instagram for their first day of school and they were  both in what looked very much like school uniforms.

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Will's behaviors making the audience wince and cringe when we want to be charmed...his acting out, yelling, greedy behaviors, talking over others is bad TV.

Bill's and Jen's tepid attempts to correct him just makes his behaviors seem worse.

Both of them doing nothing at the chocolate store to stop Will's out of control behavior.

What were the TLC producers thinking...making chocolates...the show hit a new low.

Every time Nanny Kate said Buddy...she meant...cut it out, mister.

But she can't stop Will who refuses to obey anyone...

Bill's friends thinking what we are...what a brat.

Too bad because been a fan from season 1 episode 1 and now it is getting too hard to watch....

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With all the shreiking, screaming and hyper running around Will does, sugary snacks and events centered around sugar should never come near his mouth. What are Bill and Jen thinking?  Having a birthday? Great. One peice of cake. Then move on to other birthday activities. The kid should not have free reign with sugar!! 

Edited by bichonblitz
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3 hours ago, Snow8585 said:

The kids' table manners are horrible. Very sad  but not surprised to see Zoey picking up Will's potty mouth at the dinner table. At least Jen told her not to talk like that at the dinner table. 

It's crazy because their hard core FB fans are flipping out, telling everyone to stop judging because "they're kids" and "that's just how kids are," but I don't think so. I've never seen children behave that badly on a consistent basis at the dinner table.

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I have also read similar comments from true blue fans. I am sure Bill and Jen are thrilled with their following. But the fact is, they and TLC are making it difficult for Will and Zoey to be accepted into the day to day world outside of the TLC bubble.  If Will and Zoey are lucky enough to make new friends, it is possible that their parents would not want them over as guests behaving the way they do. And I am sure some businesses would be unhappy to have them in their stores or restaurants. In fact, I wonder if some have declined to be filmed knowing what they are in for.  I guess TLC reimburses the businesses for any mess or damage done to the property or products when Will and Zoey wreak havoc.  But one day, and I am guessing in the not-too-distant future, that the cameras will go away and then the REAL reality will set in for this family.

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I found all 4 of them annoying in this episode.

Jen acted as though she was letting the kids play with knives rather than play in the snow. It's really not that dangerous to play in the snow.

Will ran around and screamed through almost the entire episode.

Zoey was the least annoying, but was very rude at the dinner table.

Bill, as always, thought he was much more humorous than he actually was.

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7 minutes ago, Snow8585 said:

In fact, I wonder if some have declined to be filmed knowing what they are in for.  

It's funny you say that, because Vermont has several well-known ski resorts, yet Bill and Jen were staying in some podunk bed and breakfast. There's also the Ben and Jerry's factory, yet Will's birthday was spent in a local candy store. As I watching I was thinking "All the things to do in Vermont and they're sliding down a hill into the street?". I think you're right, and TLC is struggling to score freebies at the A-list places.

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I never thought I'd say this BUT I hope the show last night was the final one for this family!  I agree with all the comments regarding how detrimental being on national TV seems to have been on both children, but especially Will.  Jen and Bill are in a completely different stage of life, regarding family and finances from where they were when the show began.  They are now multi-millionaires with established and lucrative professions.  They have 2 kids who are rapidly approaching the upper reaches of "childhood" and Jen has a new career challenge.  I'm not sure, at this point, whether the hype and allure of being "celebrities" will prevail, but the more I see of the kids behavior, the more I hope the family goes back to "normal life" where the kids can enjoy their childhood without cameras following them around.

Edited by pdlinda1
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I have mixed feelings about the timing of moving to FL. I guess if it was any other state I would be  a "no". Jen -you already have a prestigious and demanding  job. You have a  custom built ADA home. A home that was untouched by hurricane  Harvry. Bill  has the pet store. Two small kids and you have their specialist and schools lined up. Now b/c of a job opportunity - move now? Shouldn't the needs of the family come first now and look for the perfect job later?

The only reason I am giving FL a "maybe " is b/c her parents live there (not sure if the distance ) and it sounds like her career started at this hospital. 

Edited by sATL
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5 hours ago, Libby said:

I think it was a bed and breakfast type of place.

I had only seen the "middle" of the episode, scanned at the beginning & ending. I agree it's some type of a B & B.  I noticed the back parking lot in the back. I was afraid they were turning into the other "K" Family with leasing the huge mansions & having private chefs create meals.

I don't know how anyone can defend the behavior of the kids. It breaks my heart to see this happening. I know kids get older, minds of their own, etc.  It is the job of the parents to teach the kids how to act on public.

I actually felt a bit sorry for the chocolate lady. It's obvious she went through a lot of work to prepare for this & to have Will dump chocolate then take that cool chocolate rocket & crash it into the cake.

We moved a lot when we were kids. My dad was the Government Rep for a major pharmaceutical company, we were actually in Houston for 18 months before being transferred again. Whenever my dad was transfered, we were told they needed to talk privately, to play quietly, then it was announced to us.  It's sad that Jen & Bill feel they cannot have a quiet conversation without the kids interrupting.

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So relieved to find out I’m not alone!

Will is a brat.

When Zoey whimpered, “Will pushed us!”, Jen’s response was, “That’s what Boys do.”


I don’t need to point out how she surely gives Will the same message, so let’s review what the kids are learning:

Boys do rough things

They don’t get corrected

Girls accept mistreatment 

Moms tell girls, “that’s how it is,” and not “he was wrong to do that” and then they don’t tell the unruly boy, “You did a bad thing”

Will probably is doomed to a lot of bullying, but not only because he’s short: like coddled smartasses across humanity, he’s going to be catnip to those who want to take conceited people down a peg (see Suggy Flicker on RHONJ)

Re: the move to Florida  —  from what I’ve seen, Nai-nai is not a good influence on the kids (“yes Will, you may have Vader for your puppy”) and is not supportive of Jen and Bill (“yes Will, you may have Vader for your puppy”).

My sister — who FWIW taught special ed for decades and truly has a heart for extraordinary people — has quit the Kleins as of their move to Florida.  She said, “Bill encourages bad behavior from the kids and Jen seems to be all about her medical career.”

Will is nearly out of control and even nearer to the stage of not being cute — in fact, he could be moving into a pretty homely degree of an awkward stage. When the cameras — and Indulgent Daddy — aren’t around, he’s going to have a harder time than even Bill and Jen did.   

 It’s for these reasons that I’m with those who are over the Kleins.  I wouldn’t mind an annual special showing how the family is progressing - the adults certainly are achievers and intend to give two young LPs the best possible lives, and they’re worthy of admiration for that.

But to support this show is to grind my teeth. Don’t have the enamel for that.

21 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

actually felt a bit sorry for the chocolate lady. It's obvious she went through a lot of work to prepare for this & to have Will dump chocolate then take that cool chocolate rocket & crash it into the cake.

We moved a lot when we were kids. My dad was the Government Rep for a major pharmaceutical company, we were actually in Houston for 18 months before being transferred again. Whenever my dad was transfered, we were told they needed to talk privately, to play quietly, then it was announced to us.  It's sad that Jen & Bill feel they cannot have a quiet conversation without the kids interrupting.

Yes, I’m afraid that’s the price the chocolate shop paid for the media exposure, but I wonder if the Ks went to  the Houston restaurant because ... they could! Again, media exposure, and they probably got theur food & drinks at reduced prices  

Edited by BckpckFullaNinjas
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In the opening of The Little Couple, we hear Jen talk about Houston and how they built their dream home, etc. It sure seemed like Texas Children's Hospital was a sure thing.  Guess not. She does not treat patients anymore. Maybe head of the Sim Lab was really a temporary thing. Maybe no where else to go at that hospital. Hopkins in Florida building a Sim Lab was something Jen was certainly qualified for. She is a Hopkins Alum so I am sure she pulled strings for the job. At dinner with Bill, she said "I got the job." And then a discussion about moving??? Wouldn't you think they would have talked about it BEFORE she applied. Something odd about all that.

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2 hours ago, sATL said:

The only reason I am giving FL a "maybe " is b/c her parents live there (not sure if the distance ) and it sounds like her career started at this hospital. 

Jen grew up in Florida, right? Orlando area. If I remember correctly, the parents moved to northwest Florida, like Pensacola or Destin or somewhere like that? If that is the case, it's an 8 hour drive from St. Pete. Nowhere near close by. I could be wrong and maybe the parents did move to St. Pete. 

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People move for job opportunities all the time.  I'm sure Jen and Bill had many discussions before she accepted the position.  That conversation was for the camera.

The chocolate party was way too much.  It was just a big, fat mess. That might be appropriate for teen agers but not for small children.

 I guess there wasn't a Chuck E Chesse in the area?

I've watched this show from almost the beginning, but I think it's time to pull the plug.  I agree with other posters that a once a year update would be fine with me.

Edited by toodles
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3 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

I actually felt a bit sorry for the chocolate lady. It's obvious she went through a lot of work to prepare for this & to have Will dump chocolate then take that cool chocolate rocket & crash it into the cake.

That really bugged me too.  A child (or adult) that has too much and,  doesn’t have to earn it in some way  - chores, good behavior, etc - has no regard for what they have.  He treated that cake like we’ve seen him treat his toys.  I thought his behavior was rude and ill mannered.

51 minutes ago, toodles said:

The chocolate party was way too much.  It was just a big, fat mess. That might be appropriate for teen agers but not for small children.

Not to mention that watching those kids handle food is becoming disgusting. Just like when they were baking the cake with their grandmother.  At least in this case, no one had to eat the result.

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Jen seems fake with her kids to me. I don't know if she's fake because she's on camera or if she's always fake like that with them. She always acts as though she's happy and having a great time when she clearly isn't. She comes across like people who don't have kids act when they are visiting people who do. They fake enjoying the kids and act fun and friendly and you can just tell that they would be so much more comfortable if the kids weren't around.

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18 minutes ago, Libby said:

Jen seems fake with her kids to me. I don't know if she's fake because she's on camera or if she's always fake like that with them. She always acts as though she's happy and having a great time when she clearly isn't. She comes across like people who don't have kids act when they are visiting people who do. They fake enjoying the kids and act fun and friendly and you can just tell that they would be so much more comfortable if the kids weren't around.

One hundred million percent. She reminds me of Miranda from Sex And The City, who loved her son but just wasn't a kid person. I think Jen is a whiz at diagnosing and treating children who are her patients, but doesn't come off naturally when trying to do mom things on camera. During any scene where Will is screeching and misbehaving, I can practically see her mentally calculating the number of hours until she's back at the office. I know this is a completely fucked up thing to say and I'm going to hell in a handbasket for saying it, but I wonder if deep down she wishes they just had Zoe and not Will. It seems like whatever delays are going on with Will are way more than they bargained for. 

Edited by BitterApple
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34 minutes ago, Libby said:

Jen seems fake with her kids to me. I don't know if she's fake because she's on camera or if she's always fake like that with them. She always acts as though she's happy and having a great time when she clearly isn't. She comes across like people who don't have kids act when they are visiting people who do. They fake enjoying the kids and act fun and friendly and you can just tell that they would be so much more comfortable if the kids weren't around.

 This is me!!!!  But then again, that is why I didn’t have any.

I think she wanted those kids very much. I just don’t think she realized what she was getting into. And because they don’t seem to impose any boundaries or any consequences for actions, handling those kids become more difficult than it had to be. When the nanny told them no running, whichever one it was didn’t slow down one wit.   So they don’t listen to her either. At least on camera. 

I recently started watching the seven little Johnstons and there is a world of difference between those kids and these kids.  I realize that the Johnstons kids are older but the Foundation for their current behavior was set when they were  as young as or younger than the Klein children.  When the oldest son was getting bad grades, they told him get the grades up or there would be no more soccer. And he knew they meant it and he started hitting the books. If the same comment were made to Will, he would’ve just said “oh yes there will be.”

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She just seems very ackward with the kids. A women that was comfortable with her kids would just say, "I'm tired, I need five minutes." or "You know that you are not allowed to act like that. Keep it up and I'll kill you.". She just seems so insecure and uncomfortable as a mother. She tries to please as though the kids are strangers.

ETA: I never layed a hand on my child. I did threaten to kill him many times. He's 31 and one of his favorite things is to imitate me threatening to kill him. If you can't be yourself with your own kids, then who can you be your true self with?

Edited by Libby
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1 hour ago, Kid said:

 This is me!!!!  But then again, that is why I didn’t have any.

I think she wanted those kids very much. I just don’t think she realized what she was getting into. And because they don’t seem to impose any boundaries or any consequences for actions, handling those kids become more difficult than it had to be. When the nanny told them no running, whichever one it was didn’t slow down one wit.   So they don’t listen to her either. At least on camera. 

I recently started watching the seven little Johnstons and there is a world of difference between those kids and these kids.  I realize that the Johnstons kids are older but the Foundation for their current behavior was set when they were  as young as or younger than the Klein children.  When the oldest son was getting bad grades, they told him get the grades up or there would be no more soccer. And he knew they meant it and he started hitting the books. If the same comment were made to Will, he would’ve just said “oh yes there will be.”

I have to keep reminding myself that Jen is 38" tall!!  As Will physically grows (to whatever height he eventually reaches) he will, no doubt, tower above Jen and outweigh her by a substantial amount.  On that basis alone, aside from his "boy" rambunctiousness, I think Jen has an inner alert system that may sense possible danger.  I think Zoey is much gentler in nature and will probably more closely resemble Jen in stature.  In their new home, I hope they retain a full time live-in housekeeper so that the kids may be managed by someone more physically (and emotionally) capable of instilling structure and discipline into the kids.  As a matter of fact, they should probably employ a part time housekeeper, as well, so that at ALL TIMES, the kids have adult supervision capable of physically dealing with the kids as they grow.

Edited by pdlinda1
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I don't put the behavior off to just being kids....its rude.  I feel for the family that we all say what we do but....that is what this forum is for.  I love this family but enough is now enough....I'm from the old school children should be seen and not heard...I don't care about kids opinions...or being involved in any adult discussion or decision.  These kids need a normal life...no tv exposure no social media....just be a kid love life...mom and dad pull the plug and enjoy the life you have...you are very lucky and have earned everything you have.  I have 18 grandkids....and they knew you don't act out when you are with grandma...or grandpa...hence we have great kids.

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she's not going to get better unless she does the work of a parent.

That episode when she tried cooking long string green beans and used some kind of spoon to get them out of the skillet. it was like picking up a straw with a big mixing spoon. She kept doing that school-girl giggling (which I hate ) and saying she is not a cook and never really learned. It was painful to watch her get the few little beans onto a serving platter. ok, fine you can get by in life without never learning to cook, or just don't cook green beans. But being parent is different - now that you have the kids you have to do it - wheather you like to or want to - you can't just phone it in.

that is another reason why I have mixed feelings on her taking on another high-profile job . Use this time to work on parenting skills.

There is a cold medicine commercial that normally has one parent trying to take a "sick day" from their family/children. Jen sometimes tries to do just that - "I going to take a day", while the rest of the family is at some event - yet she is physically there.

Edited by sATL
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52 minutes ago, sATL said:

she's not going to get better unless she does the work of a parent.

That episode when she tried cooking long string green beans and used some kind of spoon to get them out of the skillet. it was like picking up a straw with a big mixing spoon. She kept doing that school-girl giggling (which I hate ) and saying she is not a cook and never really learned. It was painful to watch her get the few little beans onto a serving platter. ok, fine you can get by in life without never learning to cook, or just don't cook green beans. But being parent is different - now that you have the kids you have to do it - wheather you like to or want to - you can't just phone it in.

that is another reason why I have mixed feelings on her taking on another high-profile job . Use this time to work on parenting skills.

There is a cold medicine commercial that normally has one parent trying to take a "sick day" from their family/children. Jen sometimes tries to do just that - "I going to take a day", while the rest of the family is at some event - yet she is physically there.

Would you have the same feeling if Bill was the ambitious doctor?

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Why do I get the vibe that Bill isn't thrilled about moving to Florida? He's doing it because of Jen's career, she is most likely the major breadwinner now (minus the TLC money). With all the big plans he has of expanding the pet store franchise how exactly does he plan on doing that with two kids to raise and being 1,000 miles away from the stores? It's not like he can hop on a plane any time he wants to or needs to for his business. Nope, don't think he's too excited about moving at all.  

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58 minutes ago, sATL said:

she's not going to get better unless she does the work of a parent.

That episode when she tried cooking long string green beans and used some kind of spoon to get them out of the skillet. it was like picking up a straw with a big mixing spoon. She kept doing that school-girl giggling (which I hate ) and saying she is not a cook and never really learned. It was painful to watch her get the few little beans onto a serving platter. ok, fine you can get by in life without never learning to cook, or just don't cook green beans. But being parent is different - now that you have the kids you have to do it - wheather you like to or want to - you can't just phone it in.

that is another reason why I have mixed feelings on her taking on another high-profile job . Use this time to work on parenting skills.

There is a cold medicine commercial that normally has one parent trying to take a "sick day" from their family/children. Jen sometimes tries to do just that - "I going to take a day", while the rest of the family is at some event - yet she is physically there.

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1 hour ago, pdlinda1 said:

I have to keep reminding myself that Jen is 38" tall!!  As Will physically grows (to whatever height he eventually reaches) he will, no doubt, tower above Jen and outweigh her by a substantial amount.  On that basis alone, aside from his "boy" rambunctiousness, I think Jen has an inner alert system that may sense possible danger.  I think Zoey is much gentler in nature and will probably more closely resemble Jen in stature.  In their new home, I hope they retain a full time live-in housekeeper so that the kids may be managed by someone more physically (and emotionally) capable of instilling structure and discipline into the kids.  As a matter of fact, they should probably employ a part time housekeeper, as well, so that at ALL TIMES, the kids have adult supervision capable of physically dealing with the kids as they grow.

I have grown kids..all who are much taller and stronger than me. I don't have to worry about that, though, because they respect me. Doesn't matter how big you are if you don't get in front of bad behavior when they're younger. JMO

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1 hour ago, viewer said:
2 hours ago, sATL said:

she's not going to get better unless she does the work of a parent.

That episode when she tried cooking long string green beans and used some kind of spoon to get them out of the skillet. it was like picking up a straw with a big mixing spoon. She kept doing that school-girl giggling (which I hate ) and saying she is not a cook and never really learned. It was painful to watch her get the few little beans onto a serving platter. ok, fine you can get by in life without never learning to cook, or just don't cook green beans. But being parent is different - now that you have the kids you have to do it - wheather you like to or want to - you can't just phone it in.

that is another reason why I have mixed feelings on her taking on another high-profile job . Use this time to work on parenting skills.

There is a cold medicine commercial that normally has one parent trying to take a "sick day" from their family/children. Jen sometimes tries to do just that - "I going to take a day", while the rest of the family is at some event - yet she is physically there.

Jen is the breadwinner and also tries to discipline in a lame way.  It has to hurt to see Bill as the Rockstar dad.  I just want Zoey to be under control.   She is a smart girl. 

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I think I saw on the ending credits that both Jen and Bill are "supervising producers" or some other "executive" title that means to me that they are being paid BIG BUCKS to participate in the show...not the standard "talent" fees that many of the reality shows pay to participants that amounts to almost nothing in the grand scheme of things.  I bet when the show lapsed during that production company issue that put it in hiatus, Jen and Bill re-negotiated their contracts with TLC to reflect the popularity of the show.

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12 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

I have grown kids..all who are much taller and stronger than me. I don't have to worry about that, though, because they respect me.

Yes, and in my opinion, this is something they need to work on. Their children will outgrow them at a younger age than most, but if they work on disciplining and really following through with that discipline, the size issue definitely does not have to matter - at all. I can still see my brother as a teenager, at 6' 5" tall, shaking in his boots when our little 5' 5" mother would get after him! He was PLENTY scared of what might happen if he didn't listen to her.

Right now, I don't see that with this family. Those kids could care less what Bill & Jen tell them to do. If they want any parental respect later, they better start turning this around, and soon.

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Have they opened a Rocky & Maggie's in Florida in real time? I wonder if Bill will just sell off the Houston location if it becomes too much of a pain to manage from a distance.

Regarding Jen, I can't blame her for wanting to take the position at Hopkins. They must have offered her a pretty sweet deal if it was worth uprooting the family, plus I think the kids are young enough where they can start a new school with minimal upheaval. It does suck they have to find new therapists, nannies etc., but I think they'll adjust.

Edited by BitterApple
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When Jen said "Mommy & Daddy have to go out to dinner tonight, because we have some important stuff we have to talk about", Will's response was "Why, is it with my teachers?"

That certainly caught my attention. His first thought about an "important talk" is that it must be that his parents are going to talk with his teachers? That's pretty telling.

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7 hours ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

Boys do rough things

They don’t get corrected

Girls accept mistreatment 

That seems to be the message they are sending.

2 hours ago, pdlinda1 said:

I have to keep reminding myself that Jen is 38" tall!!  As Will physically grows (to whatever height he eventually reaches) he will, no doubt, tower above Jen and outweigh her by a substantial amount.

I have a friend who is 4 foot 11 inches, normal but short, her husband is 6 foot 5 inches.  She had 5 boys and she knew that she needed to have control over those boys by the time they were 3 years old.  They are all grown now and still respect and obey their mother.  The key to child rearing, in my mind, is that you need to start from birth and reinforce rules and acceptable behavior.

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11 minutes ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

I hadn’t heard about that. Any idea where I could read more about it? Thanks in advance!

This was pure speculation on my part based upon seeing their names in the closing credits as "producers."  They now have a "brand" with their appearances, books, the TV show and Bill's venture with the dog invention.  They are "celebrities" along with the kids so I just surmised that there was a financial windfall for them to continue participating in the show.

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OF COURSE Jen bought a special "kit" to make snowmen with. She loves any kind of useless crap they sell for a once-time- only occasion. She acts like these things are necessities too. She had some apron you only wear when dying Easter Egg cookies for example. She had special hats for making Christmas cookies.  A special spatula just for xmas cookie baking. Ugh. No wonder the landfills are overflowing. 

I agree they have so much stuff that they have no respect for anything.

Jen said something about how it is good for them to try new things that might seem a little scary, like sledding, as long as they did it "safely and responsibly".  NO! part of sledding is doing STUPID and unsafe things! God, all the fun my brother and my friends and I had coming up with stupid things to do on a sled. I did put a tooth into my brothers skull when we hit a tree- what a fun time! I did laugh when they crashed at the bottom- that is all part of the fun.

I think they could have tried to dip and make those candies at ages 5 and 7. I'm sure the store has done they same activity with other kids that age. It is not hard at all and they can do similar things. They were just being horrible, not listening or following directions. 

His friend must be braindead not to have told her son that her friends were little people. How did she forget to explain this to him before they got there? I mean all 4 of them are little people. It's can't be that she doesn't even think of it with Bill. I think she must be very checked out. 

Edited by calpurnia99
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3 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

Jen said something about how it is good for them to try new things that might seem a little scary, like sledding, as long as they did it "safely and responsibly".  NO! part of sledding is doing STUPID and unsafe things! God, all the fun my brother and my friends and I had coming up with stupid things to do on a sled. I did put a tooth into my brothers skull when we hit a tree- what a fun time! I did laugh when they crashed at the bottom- that is all part of the fun.

I'm glad that's the worst thing that happened to you. A dear friend of mine was similarly adventurous, and dared her husband of six months to go sledding with her in an isolated area - before the days of cell phones. She hit a tree on what was to be their last run at twilight. As a nursing student, she realized immediately that she had broken her back. Her husband had no choice but to leave her there alone while he drove over an hour to get help. One decision changed her life forever. 

I'm a member of the better safe than sorry club.

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On the brighter side...we got to see Nanny Kate in the last days of her employment with the Arnold-Kleins.

Will doesn't back talk Kate...at least on camera.

Hope TLC producers show some of Kate's wedding with the kids in the wedding party, they both were dressed so adorably as usual.

Gonna miss Nanny Kate and Jarrod when the show pulls tent and relocates to Florida.

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59 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I'm glad that's the worst thing that happened to you. A dear friend of mine was similarly adventurous, and dared her husband of six months to go sledding with her in an isolated area - before the days of cell phones. She hit a tree on what was to be their last run at twilight. As a nursing student, she realized immediately that she had broken her back. Her husband had no choice but to leave her there alone while he drove over an hour to get help. One decision changed her life forever. 

I'm a member of the better safe than sorry club.

That's sounds like a horrible accident. It sounds like your friend was an adult if she was married, not that that makes much difference to the story, but lots of adults have terrible accidents.  When I was a kid I did a lot of idiotic things using poor judgement. I agree a lot of horrible things could have happened to me when I was a kid and I was lucky. I did a lot of stupid things! But it's part of growing up. It's a miracle I am still alive considering all the dumb things I have done in my life. 

My point was walking on eggshells when going sledding is not what kids do.  She was acting so over-protective about it. It brought back the memories of all the fun I had sledding and all the crazy things we would try like going down backwards, piling 3 people on a sled-- just all types of silly positions and combinations... Jen would have had a heart attack. 

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1 hour ago, calpurnia99 said:

OF COURSE Jen bought a special "kit" to make snowmen with. She loves any kind of useless crap they sell for a once-time- only occasion. She acts like these things are necessities too. She had some apron you only wear when dying Easter Egg cookies for example. She had special hats for making Christmas cookies.  A special spatula just for xmas cookie baking. Ugh. No wonder the landfills are overflowing. 


I thought the same thing.  The snow suits, boots, hats, gloves, coats etc. they will probably never use again.  It seems like wasted money to me.

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