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Current Squad 2017-2018: Media, Music, Videos & Show Group

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I don't think this is the cover photo because they usually wait to see which vets make it back to TC before choosing or letting us vote for the vet we want on the cover photo. I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think she has a muffin top too in a few of her pictures.

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I've got an unpopular opinion:

I want to preface this statement with I like confidential info as much as the next person.  I love some gossip!


I believe that friendships that the DCCs strike up with fans on social media, especially when they share info about the squad, is incredibly stupid.  And before I get bashed, I am not talking about the people that they are friends with IRL.  I am talking about people who they only know through FB or Instagram or Twitter.

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2 hours ago, ChlcGirl said:

I've got an unpopular opinion:

I want to preface this statement with I like confidential info as much as the next person.  I love some gossip!


I believe that friendships that the DCCs strike up with fans on social media, especially when they share info about the squad, is incredibly stupid.  And before I get bashed, I am not talking about the people that they are friends with IRL.  I am talking about people who they only know through FB or Instagram or Twitter.

Are you talking personal info?  Or when they answer general questions?  Cause I think that is one of the purposes of a DCC Twitter account - to answer stuff like that.  Now if they are getting into personal, snarky gossipy details - that is a problem.  I would think that one of the first things they would learn in training camp is to not screw over one of their fellow squad members.  If you don't like one of them - fake it!

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On 3/29/2017 at 11:57 AM, kalibean said:

I think it could be because it's more directly tied to the NFL - they're obviously cheerleaders vs. just hot girls in skimpy bikinis. Probably easier to justify that purchase for your average dude :) 

Women who are fans or are buying a calendar for a young daughter who is a fan are also more likely to buy the sideline calendar. At least that's what I would do if I were buying one. I'm only interested in these women because they are DCC. Take away the uniform and I wouldn't care about any of them.

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I think having fans as friends on social media is an awesome idea. I have short convos with Holly occasionally and it makes me interested in the girls. If there wasn't some sort of indication that they appreciated female fans I wouldn't be following them so much.

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3 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Are you talking personal info?  Or when they answer general questions?  Cause I think that is one of the purposes of a DCC Twitter account - to answer stuff like that.  Now if they are getting into personal, snarky gossipy details - that is a problem.  I would think that one of the first things they would learn in training camp is to not screw over one of their fellow squad members.  If you don't like one of them - fake it!

Personal and gossipy info.  Definitely not Cowboys sanctioned chit chat stuff.

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I think she's saying it is stupid for DCC to think they're friendly enough with internet strangers to confide that 'Susie is on weight watch and getting too fat, and Annie is sneaking around with Some Player, and Betty is so mean to everybody.' That's really stupid to presume word won't get out.

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11 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I think she's saying it is stupid for DCC to think they're friendly enough with internet strangers to confide that 'Susie is on weight watch and getting too fat, and Annie is sneaking around with Some Player, and Betty is so mean to everybody.' That's really stupid to presume word won't get out.

True..........this is between you, me and my 1000 friends on Facebook:/

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Well, Melissa Rycroft came out and said there were mean girls in the squad, and Abigail was after her man. Of course, once they ask her to be a judge and then a mentor, she took it all back.

And don't forget, facebook is not your friend.

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He's had it for at least a year.  He struck me as a bit creepy and super hypocritical when he started vacationing with current DCCs (and  then posting about it on social media of course  ?)

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3 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I think she's saying it is stupid for DCC to think they're friendly enough with internet strangers to confide that 'Susie is on weight watch and getting too fat, and Annie is sneaking around with Some Player, and Betty is so mean to everybody.' That's really stupid to presume word won't get out.

Yes!  Absolutely this!  Like I said, I love hearing this stuff as much as the next gal, but whenever I read something online from a poster who says they are friendly with a DCC online, all I can do is shake my head.

I would think they'd be savvy enough not to over-share, but I am sure that the headiness of having fans occasionally blinds them to good judgement.  

Edited by ChlcGirl
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15 hours ago, ChlcGirl said:

Yes!  Absolutely this!  Like I said, I love hearing this stuff as much as the next gal, but whenever I read something online from a poster who says they are friendly with a DCC online, all I can do is shake my head.

I would think they'd be savvy enough not to over-share, but I am sure that the headiness of having fans occasionally blinds them to good judgement.  

oh wow! are there people here who get dirt from current DCCs?? that is pretty crazy.  i've never gotten that kind of info from anyone currently in the game...it's all very general and positive.  i can't imagine anyone sharing intense details with someone they only met online, no matter how nice they seem, but i guess it can happen.  

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On 3/26/2017 at 2:37 PM, MrsEVH said:

Good points. I don't know anything about dance either.

My guesses are maybe girls would:

* Rather try out for another team they have a better chance of making.

* Don't want to go through the 6 weeks (or however long it is) of TC.

*  Don't want to be humiliated on TV (if they've watched MTT).

*  Just don't think the DCC are all that or worth their time auditioning.

I agree with all the above.   I love DCC but I have to say that to me given what they go though it is just not worth it.

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On 4/2/2017 at 2:11 PM, LaurenBrook said:

are there people here who get dirt from current DCCs?? that is pretty crazy.

Agreed!  Additionally, if former DCCs are spilling gossip that, IMO, is just as bad.

Edited by ByTor
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It's totally understandable to talk to a DCC about their life, but if they're talking about other girls that's a big no no from me. I know former DCCs were talking about stuff with Moni, but I think it was really more about them as well.

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14 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

It's totally understandable to talk to a DCC about their life, but if they're talking about other girls that's a big no no from me. I know former DCCs were talking about stuff with Moni, but I think it was really more about them as well.

Where is Moni? She hasn't posted in a while. 

Edited by AnnMichele
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Just now, AnnMichele said:

Where is Moni? She hasn't posted in a while. 

She deleted her account or someone banned her cause I can't find her account anymore.

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4 hours ago, heatherrrrz said:

She deleted her account or someone banned her cause I can't find her account anymore.

What???? Moni, come back if u can! She is Hilarious. I can't see her getting banned. 

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6 hours ago, heatherrrrz said:

It's totally understandable to talk to a DCC about their life, but if they're talking about other girls that's a big no no from me. I know former DCCs were talking about stuff with Moni, but I think it was really more about them as well.

I did not know that Moni was friends with some of the DCC, that may explain why she often had such good insights (as well as clever writing and a quick wit.  She should have her own newspaper column - on politics.)  But didn't Moni say that her new position would give her less time for these forums?  Sometimes people clear out their social media profiles when they have a new employer.

Edited by California Girl
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I tried messaging her on another platform....it says she hadn't posted anything or been on for several weeks, and I've not heard back from her.  I'm hoping she is okay.  She is darling and I miss her.

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19 hours ago, heatherrrrz said:

She deleted her account or someone banned her cause I can't find her account anymore.

oh wow, I hope that's not the case!  She's so funny and an avid poster.  Sad face ... can't imagine she would be banned

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DCC and some Cowboys (?) in Little Rock at the statehouse convention center I couldn't hear the news report because my toddler was throwing a tantrum.  

Jenn K, Kashara, Robyn, Claire, Amy L, and Elizabeth/bess were behind our sports anchor for our ABC news affiliate in Central Arkansas! 

Here is the link that they posted online.  Jerry Jones is originally from North Little Rock. 


Edited by Josreason
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Possibly the last showgroup performance before auditions(?) 

Jenna and Melissa split point, with Lacey and Erica to the sides, so us #Ericaforpoint supporters may be disappointed next season. With Megan and Melissa gone that makes room for Jinelle and Holly somewhere in the mix too. 

Also, the announcer and his "Dallas COWBOY Cheerleaders", I can see Kelli clutching her pearls. How dare he! 

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15 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

Possibly the last showgroup performance before auditions(?) 

Jenna and Melissa split point, with Lacey and Erica to the sides, so us #Ericaforpoint supporters may be disappointed next season. With Megan and Melissa gone that makes room for Jinelle and Holly somewhere in the mix too. 

Also, the announcer and his "Dallas COWBOY Cheerleaders", I can see Kelli clutching her pearls. How dare he! 

I don't even see Erica? Jenn K either.

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This is not show  all of show group is it? no Jen K, Jinelle, Mandy, Maggie, etc... 

bahahahaha im dead.  I just realized I wrote Allie, and it was Jenna with her new hair ?... I really thought she was Allie! 

Edited by Josreason
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9 minutes ago, Josreason said:

This is not show  all of show group.  Allie isn't in show group! (Alternate?) no Jen K, Jinelle, Mandy, Maggie, etc... 

All of show group rarely perform together, and especially towards the end of the season it may be open to whoever is available. That's why they select 16+ for showgroup and have performances in groups smaller. 

ETA: I don't see Allie, unless you mean Maddie who is in showgroup.

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On 4/11/2017 at 7:21 PM, HowdeeDo said:

Possibly the last showgroup performance before auditions(?) 

Jenna and Melissa split point, with Lacey and Erica to the sides, so us #Ericaforpoint supporters may be disappointed next season. With Megan and Melissa gone that makes room for Jinelle and Holly somewhere in the mix too. 

Also, the announcer and his "Dallas COWBOY Cheerleaders", I can see Kelli clutching her pearls. How dare he! 

I don't think this is any indication of how it will look next year.

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On 4/11/2017 at 6:21 PM, HowdeeDo said:

Possibly the last showgroup performance before auditions(?) 


Jenna and Melissa split point, with Lacey and Erica to the sides, so us #Ericaforpoint supporters may be disappointed next season. With Megan and Melissa gone that makes room for Jinelle and Holly somewhere in the mix too. 

Also, the announcer and his "Dallas COWBOY Cheerleaders", I can see Kelli clutching her pearls. How dare he! 


I am part of the #EricaforPoint squad. Erica is the better dancer between Jenna and her. Granted that's just my opinion. Still between this and one of the Bimini pictures that showed Jenna at point with Erica and Amy flanking her is giving me the heebie jeebies. 

Erica for point girl! 

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On 2/25/2017 at 7:54 PM, RhiRhi said:

I say this every year but I just hate Mia's 'choreography'.  It's just a big old mess of every dance move she's seen recently thrown together... just like the horrible semi-final routines that the girls are forced to perform that she choreographs.  I beg the DCC to use someone else this year! 

Little blonde and Victoria blew everyone out of the water. Everyone else blended together. 

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37 minutes ago, Hummingbird24 said:

Little blonde and Victoria blew everyone out of the water. Everyone else blended together. 

Victoria has always been meh in my book ... not a fan of the look or the dancing.  But did we ever figure out who the little powerhouse in blue top / black bottom is?  She's awesome!!!

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I'm not a fan of Victoria's dancing either.  If she doesn't improve her power & projection this next full year, I do wonder if she'll make the team simply because of her connections....which would really be sad imho.

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She's a strong performer from what I hear. She stands while dancing when you see her in person. She doesn't have that punch, per se, but she has "showmanship." She'll make the team on her own terms.

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3 hours ago, Annette said:

I'm not a fan of Victoria's dancing either.  If she doesn't improve her power & projection this next full year, I do wonder if she'll make the team simply because of her connections....which would really be sad imho.

Same. She looks decent with this particular choreography because it's very "prissy princess, look at me, ain't I cute?" She dances like a little sister trying to imitate big sister.

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Found this gem of practice run through for the Halloween Halftime. Really wish there were official videos of the special performances. I like being able to see the full view, not just closeups from the video board. 

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9 hours ago, tobeyoungagain said:

Victoria has always been meh in my book ... not a fan of the look or the dancing.  But did we ever figure out who the little powerhouse in blue top / black bottom is?  She's awesome!!!

I believe the blonde is @ashley_gallagher. I'm pretty sure she is trying out for DCC. I hope she is cuz I'm a fan already.

Edited by TiaGrace
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