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My unpopular opinion: I can't stand Kristi Scales as a judge because, to me, she doesn't do her job and actually judge. She cheerleads. And I love Brenda as a judge because she's not swayed by the girls' looks and always stands up to the male judges complaining about someone not being pretty enough. And she actually judges. 

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I like Kristi and Brenda. I know Brenda took a lot of heat here for how she handled kat's dress at interviews but she is no more harsh than we are here in judging the girls, she is just in the room to say it. 

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8 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

Unpopular opinion: I did not understand the Kat love. She did not say DCC to me.

Agree. My husband and I were both like "huh?!?!" To me, she doesn't have the look, the dance technique or anything.

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12 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

Unpopular opinion: I did not understand the Kat love. She did not say DCC to me.

Not unpopular with me lol she was not up to par

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Her kicks were damned high! I guess she was the type of Gumby poor Racecar Taylor had in mind when she said she wasn't one. 

I think she's probably super lovely in person (her personality seems so sweet) but I thought she was too slim for the shorts and didn't have the right pow to be a DCC. We've seen equally amazing ambassadors not make the squad, tho Kat did have an interesting background. 

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Unpopular opinion = I thought Kat had really good technique. I liked her. I agree about maybe not so much pop or pom style, but technically, she was pretty good. DCC just doesn't do much lyrical or ballet unless you're on show group.

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I think Kat made the team because of her kicks, and they made a lot of cuts her rookie year to bring the team down to 34 girls. Of course, she did get the Kelli "she has potential' kiss of death spiel in the last episode. The poor girls who were on the bubble and still make the team and get the potential spiel usually have a higher chance of getting cut at finals the next year.

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21 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I think Kat made the team because of her kicks, and they made a lot of cuts her rookie year to bring the team down to 34 girls. Of course, she did get the Kelli "she has potential' kiss of death spiel in the last episode. The poor girls who were on the bubble and still make the team and get the potential spiel usually have a higher chance of getting cut at finals the next year.

I think Kelli was also really interested in being able to say they had a former Olympian on the team. Plus she really was well spoken.

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33 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

If not for her interview, I believe she would still be on the team. Her solo was good and they didn't criticize her dance too much or at least they didn't show it. 

See, I disagree. They seemed like they were tired of the gymnastics moves that she kept doing.

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Was Kat late for her interview and almost missed it? If that really did happened, it would have been a major strike against her. To be honest about it, I think she was out danced and out performed by Allie, Kelli, Maggie, Mandy and Madeline (and yes, I admit I do not get the Madeline love either, but I guess she did moved on and did what Kelli and Charlotte wanted her to do in order to make the team.)

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1 hour ago, heatherrrrz said:

They seemed like they were tired of the gymnastics moves that she kept doing.

Yeah, I thought they criticized her for that...unless I'm mixed up and we (you know, the judges who really matter!) are the ones who did the criticizing :)

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Kat was late, they didn't like her dress and they didn't like her solo (very pretty and unique but they were hoping to see something a little different since that's similar to what she did the year before...something to show she had improved over the year with DCC style and showed more power) 

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45 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

Kat was late, they didn't like her dress and they didn't like her solo (very pretty and unique but they were hoping to see something a little different since that's similar to what she did the year before...something to show she had improved over the year with DCC style and showed more power) 

All this. The novelty just wore off, and there were other girls who fit the description they wanted better overall. 

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2 hours ago, heatherrrrz said:

See, I disagree. They seemed like they were tired of the gymnastics moves that she kept doing.

Yea I do remember now that her gymnastics moves kind of got in the way of her dancing, she was almost too flexible. I thought she had enough time to correct it though. As a soloist, her solo had ribbon gymnastics but she didn't do it very long and I thought the dance portion of it was good enough. 

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On March 22, 2017 at 0:03 PM, kalibean said:

I always thought Kat was cute as a button, if in her own way. But I did think she was too tiny for the uniform. Her legs are just so slim. 

For what it's worth, I liked her pink interview dress too. Maybe not the best choice because of the cutouts and it made her look even thinner, but the color was fab ?

Ugh that interview still pisses me off. The DCC uniform shows more skin than that dress. Brenda is a bitch.

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19 minutes ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

Ugh that interview still pisses me off. The DCC uniform shows more skin than that dress. Brenda is a bitch.

Meh. I agree with Brenda. It wasn't flattering on her and wasn't interview appropriate. Yes the uniform shows more skin, but she wasn't in a "dcc uniform" setting. She should have dressed professionally.

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45 minutes ago, LadyMsJay said:

Meh. I agree with Brenda. It wasn't flattering on her and wasn't interview appropriate. Yes the uniform shows more skin, but she wasn't in a "dcc uniform" setting. She should have dressed professionally.

I agree with Brenda too, you don't wear cutouts on an interview. There was some other girl, I think Tess that had a dress with an interesting back. I hope someone said something to her as well, that's not appropriate on an interview either. I feel like their dress code for interviews is business casual, but more focus on the dresses. I probably wouldn't wear those bright colored dresses on an interview that the girls wear here.

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IIRC the cutouts were a big issue last year in interviews - a number of girls had them and Kat wasn't the only one called out, she was just the one they featured for the show as getting called out (since their edit was to build up to her reasons for being cut).  

And that's also why it was funny that both Sam Finglass and Charlotte's daughter had cut out dresses at the final day of auditions LOL (not that it mattered that THEY were, but just kind of funny) 

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2 hours ago, LadyMsJay said:

Meh. I agree with Brenda. It wasn't flattering on her and wasn't interview appropriate. Yes the uniform shows more skin, but she wasn't in a "dcc uniform" setting. She should have dressed professionally.

I wonder with the poor fit and placement of the cut outs, she was flashing her bra when she was seated. 

Was it 5 yr Jessica that had a practically cut out back on her admittedly very pretty dress? Just not the right occasion. The ladies may show some serious skin during the game, but Dallas is still pretty conservative when it comes to dressing. We aren't Vegas for sure. Maybe they need that Belk's wear this, not that refresher this year ??

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44 minutes ago, kalibean said:

I wonder with the poor fit and placement of the cut outs, she was flashing her bra when she was seated. 

Was it 5 yr Jessica that had a practically cut out back on her admittedly very pretty dress? Just not the right occasion. The ladies may show some serious skin during the game, but Dallas is still pretty conservative when it comes to dressing. We aren't Vegas for sure. Maybe they need that Belk's wear this, not that refresher this year ??

I feel like it was Tess who had the cut outs on the back

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7 hours ago, LadyMsJay said:

Meh. I agree with Brenda. It wasn't flattering on her and wasn't interview appropriate. Yes the uniform shows more skin, but she wasn't in a "dcc uniform" setting. She should have dressed professionally.

I disliked how she approached Kat, not so much the actual comment. It was unnecessarily aggressive and condescending IMO. With that said, I also didn't get why Kelli or Judy didn't just say "Kat went on multiple appearances this year, and we had no issues with her attire," if that was the case. Perhaps this was said, and they did not show it.

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1 hour ago, Jess14 said:

I disliked how she approached Kat, not so much the actual comment. It was unnecessarily aggressive and condescending IMO. With that said, I also didn't get why Kelli or Judy didn't just say "Kat went on multiple appearances this year, and we had no issues with her attire," if that was the case. Perhaps this was said, and they did not show it.

My thoughts exactly. Ok maybe it wasn't appropriate but her tone of voice was aggressive and yeah I waited for K or J to say something. Hope they did and it just wasn't shown.

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I feel like most of the interview attire has progressed from boardroom appropriate to cocktail hour. I'm not naive enough to think they are all going to rock pantsuits but I would never wear 90% of these (pretty, but inappropriate) dresses to a job interview. Granted, at 36 weeks pregnant there's a lot I'm not eligible for wearing these days. ?

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Unpopular opinion. I feel like all these girls who are re-auditioning yet again (popcorn Kelly, Christina, etc,) are only continuing because MTT highlighted them before and they featured the "comeback girls" last season. 

I could be wrong! 

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2 hours ago, Josreason said:

Unpopular opinion. I feel like all these girls who are re-auditioning yet again (popcorn Kelly, Christina, etc,) are only continuing because MTT highlighted them before and they featured the "comeback girls" last season. 

I could be wrong! 

I think you are.

I think they're desperate. Well..Christina more than Popcorn Kelly.

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If Christina and Kelly are desperate, so is every other woman who has auditioned multiple times and potentially been to training camp more than once. There are so many comeback success stories. These two women have just as good of a chance at making it on this try as any.

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18 hours ago, Jess14 said:

I disliked how she approached Kat, not so much the actual comment. It was unnecessarily aggressive and condescending IMO. With that said, I also didn't get why Kelli or Judy didn't just say "Kat went on multiple appearances this year, and we had no issues with her attire," if that was the case. Perhaps this was said, and they did not show it.

Yeah i totally agree! I remeber Kelli said afterwards that Brenda was harsh and she threw Kat off... she could have said something during the interview to help Kat focus again. I can't say I miss her as a dcc, but i wouldn't want to be in her position either.

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5 hours ago, spazette said:

I feel like most of the interview attire has progressed from boardroom appropriate to cocktail hour. I'm not naive enough to think they are all going to rock pantsuits but I would never wear 90% of these (pretty, but inappropriate) dresses to a job interview. Granted, at 36 weeks pregnant there's a lot I'm not eligible for wearing these days. ?

I agree. I remember watching a flashback of Whitney Islieb's interview, and some girls were wearing pantsuits. It completely surprised me, yet that would look totally appropriate today outside DCC land 

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35 minutes ago, Oklahomama said:

Can someone show me who Christina is? 

On the left. They dyed her hair brown in camp and she came back the next year still with brown hair. She didn't make camp that year.

Currently sporting a bob/lob haircut. I think she looks great. (Right in this pic.)

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I don't think that in dcc land they're looking for girls in pantsuits. Yes it's an interview but any time the girls have to "dress up" they're wearing brightly colored dresses etc so it's safe to assume that their "dress code" isn't really similar to what we consider office attire.

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28 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

I don't think that in dcc land they're looking for girls in pantsuits. Yes it's an interview but any time the girls have to "dress up" they're wearing brightly colored dresses etc so it's safe to assume that their "dress code" isn't really similar to what we consider office attire.

They used to wear pantsuits if you look back at earlier seasons though. It's just interesting to see the evolution of DCC interview wear, and I wonder how the slight shifts came about.

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8 hours ago, Oranaiche said:

On the left. They dyed her hair brown in camp and she came back the next year still with brown hair. She didn't make camp that year.

Currently sporting a bob/lob haircut. I think she looks great. (Right in this pic.)

Thank you! Now I remember. I agree, she looks much better!

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Another of unpopular opinion of mine is that I really enjoyed Kellie Pickler last season. She was sweet, adorable, and fun! And I do think she gave the girls a great pep talk. 

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49 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

I always thought Christina resembled Paige, a former DMD.


I don't see it other than the big teeth. I think Christina is a lot prettier, especially now that she's wearing her hair short.

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1 hour ago, LaurenBrook said:

Really?! I think Paige is WAY prettier than Christina! Christina is cute for sure but Paige is stunning to me.  But as noted on another thread, teeth don't bother me one way or the other lol 

It's not even really her teeth that bother me. I just find her face kind of funny looking to be frank. I feel bad for saying it, but we can't all find everyone attractive I suppose, lol.

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5 minutes ago, Oranaiche said:

It's not even really her teeth that bother me. I just find her face kind of funny looking to be frank. I feel bad for saying it, but we can't all find everyone attractive I suppose, lol.

Same here. 

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I love this thread!!

Courtney Cook - Should not have made the team. She seemed clueless and immature and could not dance

Cassie - was a cheerleader NOT  a dancer and it showed. She was teachers pet and seemed like a snitch

Trisha Trevino - her bone structure made her look like a man

Heather O - Could really use a nose job - her profile is not pretty

Heather H - When she smiles her bottom lip vanishes 

Brittney Schramm - was only chosen to for her looks 

Jenna: I think she is amazing. I don't read fake. I see a girl who really loves being a DCC and she look sup to K&J (she was so young when she made the team) and wants to impress them. I also think she is a good dancer. 

Madeline - Seems sweet but not attractive

Jacie - Loved everything about her

Brooke S. - Loved everything about her

Jenna: - I Love everything about her, she was young when she made the team and impressionable, however I think she grew up to be a very humble, honest and likable person. She is BFFs with Ericka who I also love, so she cant be as bad as some think. JMHO

Olivia: I loved everything about her dancing but she seemed stuck up.

Carisa: I loved everything about her and she was too good of a dancer for DCC

Ashley - Was plain and boring

Kelsey bond - I did not think she was pretty at all. Strong jaw line made her look manly.

Mackenzie - I thought she was adorable and a good dancer

Angela: I was a fan 

Morgan: The biggest train wreck to wear the uniform

My top 10 prettiest:




Kelsey (Current One)

Jordan C




Nicole B



Maggie - I love everything about her

Yes I know its 12 instead of 10. I could not make up my mind

Edited by DCCFAN71
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I loved Megan F. and I still can't believe that she passed away so young.

Lauren Gibler - I think she is so talented and needs to audition again and maybe this time Judy can get her on the team. 

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I always thought Kelsi Reich was the absolute most beautiful and stunning DCC (though this is probably not an unpopular opinion). Plus she was an amazing dancer and performer. 

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14 minutes ago, DCCFAN71 said:

I loved Megan F. and I still can't believe that she passed away so young.

She seemed happy to have made the Stars, but I wish she could have gotten one good DCC season under her belt.  She never did anything for me one way or another, but then I saw her in that season where someone snitched on her that she wasn't acting bubbly enough (or some kind of bullshit) at a pool party & after that I loved her (I think that was what prompted her being forced to read the infamous O-NAY-sis book).  I loved that she didn't seem like some kind of phony who was "on" 24/7.  So sad that she is gone :(

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1 hour ago, DCCFAN71 said:

I love this thread!!

Courtney Cook - Should not have made the team. She seemed clueless and immature and could not dance

Cassie - was a cheerleader NOT  a dancer and it showed. She was teachers pet and seemed like a snitch

Trisha Trevino - her bone structure made her look like a man

Heather O - Could really use a nose job - her profile is not pretty

Heather H - When she smiles her bottom lip vanishes 

Brittney Schramm - was only chosen to for her looks 

Jenna: I think she is amazing. I don't read fake. I see a girl who really loves being a DCC and she look sup to K&J (she was so young when she made the team) and wants to impress them. I also think she is a good dancer. 

Madeline - Seems sweet but not attractive

Jacie - Loved everything about her

Brooke S. - Loved everything about her

Jenna: - I Love everything about her, she was young when she made the team and impressionable, however I think she grew up to be a very humble, honest and likable person. She is BFFs with Ericka who I also love, so she cant be as bad as some think. JMHO

Olivia: I loved everything about her dancing but she seemed stuck up.

Carisa: I loved everything about her and she was too good of a dancer for DCC

Ashley - Was plain and boring

Kelsey bond - I did not think she was pretty at all. Strong jaw line made her look manly.

Mackenzie - I thought she was adorable and a good dancer

Angela: I was a fan 

Morgan: The biggest train wreck to wear the uniform


Which Oliva and which Ashley?

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