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On September 22, 2016 at 10:46 PM, flightlevel said:

Nearly Eight Minutes of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders from the early 90s.


The dance style was much more spastic and jerky.  It amazes me these girls didn't faint from heat exhaustion at Texas Stadium.  The blonde in back row around 6:42 looks like she is wiped out when she dances.   Kickline and field entrances are different.

FINALLY!! I knew I remembered the squad dancing to the theme song from Dallas. I asked a couple of times but this is the first time I've seen footage on the boards. Thank you!

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Quote from Tasha's FaceBook page: "As a mom, it has always been my goal & #1 priority to be someone my daughter looks up to. A role model. Nothing brings me more happiness & inspiration than hearing my little girl say, "Mom, I want to be just like you when I grow up." Miss Ivy is a dreamer with a sparkle✨ in her eyes, and her future is so bright... ?? Dream Big baby girl!"

DCC Tasha a great role model for her daughter?!?! (cough cough) I beg to differ. http://www.flexonline.com/galleries/npc-usa-bodybuilding-championships-2013/natashalee-smedley-class-d-bikini-2013-usa/slide/all

I guess if you want your daughter to be a self-absorbed, playboy bunny looking, narcissistic, spotlight loving 25 year old woman than yes. DCC Making the Team failed to mention that Tasha had to resign her crown as Miss Teen Utah because she got knocked up during her tenure. They glamorize it and make it their "inspirational" story on their first episode? Sorry, I threw up in my mouth a little bit. 


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Tasha getting pregnant is not the worst thing she could have done. It's not ideal, but things happen... especially in a state that doesn't promote safe sex and tends to only promote abstinence. She seems happy and healthy, her child seems happy and healthy, what more could society (we) demand from her? I've watched 16 and pregnant, Tasha had less exposure to work with and she made a business/brand out of herself unlike those girls. It's not everyone's cup of tea but nothing is ever everyone's cup of tea.

Body builders dress and pose like that, but it's not for everyone. Hopefully her daughter grows up to be open minded and non judgmental. Hopefully she's inspired to go after her dreams whatever they may be. Hopefully she learns from her mom's mistakes and successes and is better than her. Isn't that what most parents want for their kids?

Edited by bk10
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6 hours ago, bk10 said:

Body builders dress and pose like that, but it's not for everyone.

totally agree...and whatever the opinions of Tasha's character, she is a very beautiful girl.  I'm surprised she did bikini though - she is certainly very tiny (and of course quite beautiful) but she doesn't have anywhere near the kind of muscle development you usually need to do well in those kinds of competitions.  Also I see her as more of a WBFF girl....they focus in a lot more on a showy, model-like look and I think that would suit her well:  http://www.wbffshows.com/about/competition-categories-judging-criteria/

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On 10/12/2016 at 2:42 PM, cherryblossom said:

Here is the link to the video with Jennifer K and Kelli's assistant Cheryl Dorris talking about breast cancer.


This made me cry.  A couple of years ago I noticed Cheryl was wearing a wig, and mentioned it on this board, just in passing, and it may have sounded snarky. (I referred to her as Door Lady, because I didn't know her name, and I figured everyone knew who I was speaking about. One of the other posters told me she had cancer. I had no idea, but felt about 2 inches tall. I could've edited my comment, but left it, I think, to remind myself that we never know what someone else is going through, and maybe I should be a bit more careful.

 Cheryl, wherever you are, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I hope you remain cancer free forever and have a wonderfully happy life.  You are thought about more than you know. ♥

Kathy Becket (Dopeydwarf)

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1 hour ago, Dopeydwarf said:

This made me cry.  A couple of years ago I noticed Cheryl was wearing a wig, and mentioned it on this board, just in passing, and it may have sounded snarky. (I referred to her as Door Lady, because I didn't know her name, and I figured everyone knew who I was speaking about. One of the other posters told me she had cancer. I had no idea, but felt about 2 inches tall. I could've edited my comment, but left it, I think, to remind myself that we never know what someone else is going through, and maybe I should be a bit more careful.

I remember your post and it wasn’t rude or snarky.  You were just asking. It was never addressed on the show so how were you to know?

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So, interestingly enough, I open my email today and what do I find? A survey from CMT regarding DCC: MTT !  Yeah!  I want more dancing and choreography! I want more Solo Finals!  I want less of Melissa and more of Candace Romo!  Do I like Kelly Pickler? What did I think of Kacy Musgraves?  Do I like Kelli?  What do I think of Judy?  Fantastic!  I let it all out.  Of course I was respectful but honest.  Most of all?  I want DCC : MTT 12! 

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19 hours ago, Middle.of.Nowhere said:

So, interestingly enough, I open my email today and what do I find? A survey from CMT regarding DCC: MTT !  Yeah!  I want more dancing and choreography! I want more Solo Finals!  I want less of Melissa and more of Candace Romo!  Do I like Kelly Pickler? What did I think of Kacy Musgraves?  Do I like Kelli?  What do I think of Judy?  Fantastic!  I let it all out.  Of course I was respectful but honest.  Most of all?  I want DCC : MTT 12! 

So jealous!!!!!

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I've tried the post the link that came in my email but to no avail.  I know that I gave my email to CMT when I signed up to watch episodes online.  

The survey asked specifically about Kelli and Judy what I liked about them, what could be improved. How did I feel about extracurricular activities like the Belk fashion show, which of course I said added little entertainment value and was obviously a commercial plug for Belk.  

I kept returning to the same theme, I wanted more dance, choreography. I wanted to see the TCC perform an entire routine. The show is about cheerleading and dance and we get about 30% per episode. 

It asked if I thought the kick line, rookie makeovers, and show group auditions were of importance.....um, Yes, thank you very much!  

It was pretty thorough, my impression is that they were wondering whether to bring it back. 

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On 10/15/2016 at 2:51 AM, spazette said:

@Middle.Of.Nowhere  how do I get one of those surveys?!? (For some reason it won't let me tag you? Booo internet)

When you do the @ you have to type the user name in all caps.  For example -  @spazette

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Just sent in my response, anxious to see if this will lead to improvements for next season! 

Major points I hinted at: less/no more Rycroft and instead bringing back alumni as mentors or guest judges. Less filler stuff ( staged mentoring sessions, bleh) and more studio time instead. I'd love for them to show one on ones with rookies and veterans again. More showgroup, and then of course...

EXTEND THE SEASON. Gameday is just as interesting, if not more than training camp.

Kthanks CMT. 

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I spent a lot of time answering the survey thinking about all the different things I liked and what I wanted added such as who are in the groups and not just the GL but who are the seconds.  Full routines with the correct songs.  Show group numbers.  Behind the scenes-storage for uniforms, who works for Judy and Kelli, a separate calendar show to tease people into watching the season etc.  Thanks to CMT

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I answered that there was too much choppy editing going on and it was hard to follow along. I'd like more dancing scenes, especially showgroup and more veterans. Also, the obvious product placement of Kacey Musgraves and Kelli Pickler was a no from me.

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1 hour ago, HowdeeDo said:

(Sorry for the double post.)

Jennifer is one of the gems of the week, and along with being obnoxiously photoshopped they seemed to miss the bottom half of her leg..

Oh my goodness how did they not see that!

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2 hours ago, HowdeeDo said:

(Sorry for the double post.)

Jennifer is one of the gems of the week, and along with being obnoxiously photoshopped they seemed to miss the bottom half of her leg..

I don't see anything; what am I missing ?

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On the survey, I told them that I felt like folk were kinda anti Melissa R because of what they have given her to do. The flying of the parents in a few seasons ago, and the having to give her resume each season (I won on DWTS) was a bit lame.  The best part of Melissa was in the deleted scene, where she critiques the  trainees, and videotapes them, so they can see what she is talking about. I thought it was great.  I don't think she's the problem...I think what she is given to do, is.   

I also asked them if they could  play the original 2 hr DCCMTT for us.  I have always heard about it, but have never seen it, and would love to.

And I don't mind if they bring in  folks from other shows, provided they extend the number of episodes. I'd gladly give up a few minutes for a country singer doing  a Lucchese Boot  commercial for another hour of DCC.  

Also used to like the etiquette segments, when the girls learned how to eat certain foods. Those were fun, and I didn't feel like such a dumb ass when I saw them having to learn the intricacies of consuming French Onion soup. Always wondered how to properly get the cheese off. 

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Just watched Jennifer's swimsuit video, which was posted via Twitter. Somehow I found it to be the most painful of the ones I've seen.  I hate to say it, but I find her the least naturally photogenic point girl since I started watching the show.  Jenn is pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way, and I do still think she's one of the best dancers they've had and is a great ambassador, though, so I'm not hating here.  I look forward to Erica, or Jenna, or Lacey as potential point girls down the road, though.  Point girls should have that wow glam factor, I feel.  I mean, these are the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders we're talking about here. 

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If they're going to continue to do those BTS videos I'd highly suggest they leave out those shots of the girls looking directly in the camera with "come hither" looks. Screams porn intro and doesn't help their situation with all those creeper fans. I've noticed a few girls have made their instagrams private again. The last thing they need is another stalker issue. 

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I find the criticism of Tasha interestingly parallel to the criticism of the team in general. Many people consider being a DCC to be a completely vapid waste of time, an insipid hobby for pretty, not very bright girls who are trading on their looks because they don't have much else going for them. Then this show came along. People learned about what goes into the job, and it changed a lot of minds. Plenty of people still feel like it's just shaking your butt in a sexy outfit, and in some ways it is, but the show added some dimension to it. So when those same criticisms are made about Tasha, I wonder what else there is to her that would perhaps change minds if people knew her better. Or at all, for that matter.

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16 hours ago, ByTor said:

Megan was on a Disney Channel show?  Probably a bit part, but pretty cool nonetheless.

yep! wizards of waverly place. I don't remember seeing her though.

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On 10/18/2016 at 6:05 PM, HowdeeDo said:

Her leg is two different colors. 

Her arms look like they're a different color as well.  They photoshopped that tan so orange, they made the poor girl look like a carrot!

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20 hours ago, ByTor said:

Megan was on a Disney Channel show?  Probably a bit part, but pretty cool nonetheless.

Here's Bratz doll commercial.  I think she's the girl in the middle. Hard to tell because the quality is kind of poor.

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Was looking for episodes of Wizards of Waverly  and found this episode. It's probably not her but doesn't this girl remind you of current DCC Melissa? The blonde girl who plays the son's girlfriend.

Edited by MrsEVH
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1 hour ago, MyFavShows said:

If that was her in that commercial, I think she's had a nose job.  That girl's nose was much wider than Megan's nose is now.

She may have had a nose job, but tweens often look like their noses don't fit their faces and slim as they grow up. 

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16 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

I find the criticism of Tasha interestingly parallel to the criticism of the team in general. Many people consider being a DCC to be a completely vapid waste of time, an insipid hobby for pretty, not very bright girls who are trading on their looks because they don't have much else going for them. Then this show came along. People learned about what goes into the job, and it changed a lot of minds. Plenty of people still feel like it's just shaking your butt in a sexy outfit, and in some ways it is, but the show added some dimension to it. So when those same criticisms are made about Tasha, I wonder what else there is to her that would perhaps change minds if people knew her better. Or at all, for that matter.

I have not posted about Tasha except to criticize her lipstick choices. I really don’t care either way but I have read all the posts here.  Her Instagram page and what she posts on it is the criticism.

I am not a big Instagram poster at all but I go on it a bit and I see what friends and the people I follow post.  And the posts are all the normal stuff: work photos, out with friend photos, nature, food, etc.  If I was friends with someone who posted what Tasha posts on her page, I would unfollow her and question why I was friends with her.

It is a love letter to herself.  Make of it what you will but it is odd. My other thought is how does she not know that?

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What would make me like Tasha: 1) get rid of that awful lipstick, 2) admit you're doing all this superficial stuff for yourself, because you want to, because you can, and that your need to be seen as some glamorous faux celeb is your top priority. Admit your daughter benefits some from your income from cheesy  'modeling' gigs, but that you're not doing all this for her. It's for yourself. Admit your parents and husband(s) are raising your daughter while you play cheerleader, and fulfilling your dreams of being seen as beautiful and glamorous is what you value most. 

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4 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

What would make me like Tasha: 1) get rid of that awful lipstick, 2) admit you're doing all this superficial stuff for yourself, because you want to, because you can, and that your need to be seen as some glamorous faux celeb is your top priority. Admit your daughter benefits some from your income from cheesy  'modeling' gigs, but that you're not doing all this for her. It's for yourself. Admit your parents and husband(s) are raising your daughter while you play cheerleader, and fulfilling your dreams of being seen as beautiful and glamorous is what you value most. 

THAT'S why we don't like her, because she has zero substance. If what you value most is being seen as beautiful and glamorous ( which I believe she does),  what is there to admire? She just seems wildly superficial and vacuous. Sadly, there are millions of people just like her who place way too much importance on outward appearance and material possessions and her version of "status".

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7 hours ago, Bunnygirl said:

THAT'S why we don't like her, because she has zero substance. If what you value most is being seen as beautiful and glamorous ( which I believe she does),  what is there to admire? She just seems wildly superficial and vacuous. Sadly, there are millions of people just like her who place way too much importance on outward appearance and material possessions and her version of "status".

ETA.  I don't actively dislike her,  obviously I don't know her from Adam. What she really does however is annoy me, because as @PBSLOVER pointed out a few threads above, so many people view the cheerleaders as nothing more than empty headed bimbos when we know that quite a few of them are actually educated and extremely intelligent. But unfortunately, I don't think she does much to disprove that assumption. I  know we come here and snark and pick at them some, but I for one have defended them on more than one occasion when someone makes a disparaging remark about the team in general, and it just bothers me that I can't find something even remotely interesting about this woman because I really enjoy and am interested in this organization and have been for years.

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Spent almost two hours writing responses to the DCC survey, up to and including a critique of the product placement strategies currently in place and suggestions for real commercials people might not want to claw their eyes out to - like actually having DCC model in actual commercials that are funny and/or cute.  I'd suggested asking Holly to do her sexy walk down the street wearing a Belk dress, and have another woman, also wearing a Belk dress, walking down the street and falling over or walking into something, with the tagline of something like "not everyone is as graceful as a DCC, but that doesn't mean you can't look like you are!"  Or have Kelli wander around Belk, grabbing pretty dresses, muttering into her phone, "I need more style."

I need a new hobby lol

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