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S13.E03: Patience


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LORETTA DEVINE RETURNS AS MISSOURI MOSLEY – When her friend is murdered by a wraith (guest star Jon Cor) with a taste for psychics, Missouri (guest star Loretta Devine) enlists the help of Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Jody (guest star Kim Rhodes) to protect her granddaughter, Patience (guest star Clark Backo), who has no idea she shares her grandmother’s trait and could be next on the wraith’s hit list. Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki) continues to work with Jack (Alexander Calvert) on learning how to control his powers. Writer: Robert Berens Director: Robert Singer

  • Love 2

I can't wait! I love Missouri (actually Loretta Devine, she's always been a fav of mine) ) so this is a treat for me.

And yayyy Jodi too!

I like the guys splitting up for now. Sam handles Jack well. I just hope he takes the time to explain where Dean's head is right now, and his grief over Cas. So much conflict in this show could be avoided if they would just talk!

  • Love 7
On ‎10‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 9:26 AM, Diane said:

LORETTA DEVINE RETURNS AS MISSOURI MOSLEY – When her friend is murdered by a wraith (guest star Jon Cor) with a taste for psychics, Missouri (guest star Loretta Devine) enlists the help of Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Jody (guest star Kim Rhodes) to protect her granddaughter, Patience (guest star Clark Backo), who has no idea she shares her grandmother’s trait and could be next on the wraith’s hit list. Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki) continues to work with Jack (Alexander Calvert) on learning how to control his powers. Writer: Robert Berens Director: Robert Singer

Hey Diane! Thanks for opening this thread every week!

  • Love 3

Fuck You Show! Fuck You! You did not.just bring Missouri back just to kill her. You Suck!  I was already planning my Jody and Missouri Save the World and School the Boys Spin-Off and this is how you treat me?! ??

In other news I found the final vision funny. When Daddy James was killed I thought, OK dad's kid Patience goes to.live with Jody, got it.  Then when Jody got stabbed I was like...this but a flesh wound. Second thought was well, if Dean dies we know it's a vision.

My biggest complaint about that warehouse scene was that there's no way I buy Dean going out like that. Big Bad? Sure. Majorly Powerful Demon or Angel? OK. But not a MotW.

The final bunker scene was brutal, man they really went to opposite side and quite ugly with the brothers argument. ?

Yay Castiel! Hopefully, he comes back next week.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 11

I feel like they retconned Missouri a bit.  We know she was living in Lawrence in 1983. We know she was still there in 2005.  She had a psychic bus going both times. When was she running off doing all this hunting that James was complaining about?

I think Dean is right in that they should at the very least be wary of Jack.  They don't know how to kill him, so saying he's going to kill him seems pointless.  However, I do think Sam cares.  Yes, he wants Jack to open the portal, but that doesn't mean he can't care about him, too.

Why didn't Missouri just have Dean and Jodie hang out and kill the wraith when it killed her instead of sending them on ahead to Patience?  

I hope Jack runs away from hom after hearing them fight.  Can he run away from home?  Please.  

  • Love 2

I like Jack.  It looks like they're also doing a bit of a Connor from Angel storyline.  He doesn't want to be an incredibly powerful being, he wants a nice normal life with a family.

I'm always for more Jody, and nice to see that Alex and Claire are about to get a new sister.  I liked Patience, she kicked some ass.

And, "This way, my people, they're going to murder your ass!", what a line.

Edited by Jediknight
  • Love 7

Hey, did y'all know Missouri Mosely was a hunter? Just ask Andrew LOL!Canon Dabb. And you don't need silver to kill a wraith.

On the bright side, Dean actually got to kick ass and kill the MOTW, but not before he dropped his gun, again.

And that fight at the end - that's why I love Dean. How he gets pegged as the one who doesn't share his emotions/feelings, I'll never understand. He's the most honest character they have. And laying it out for Sam was awesome. And Sam blaming Dean for Jack being messed up can fuck right off.

Inter-dimensional can opener. Heh.

ETA: Why did Jody say "I had a daughter, Claire."

Also, Mark Pellegrino was not in the opening credits. I thought 'regulars' were in the credits whether they were in the ep or not?

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 10

I like Missouri and love Loretta Devine. I find her voice soothing. And those bastards took the cliche path and killed her! And she was totally not a hunter, she lived in Lawrence and had a psychic listing in the yellow pages. Come on. They hit a lot of notes I do enjoy (Dean jumping out of the path of a car, empathetic and hates feeling like a freak Sam), but they felt off. Oh, and the vision was a totally obvious fakeout because no way would the 1st and 3rd best hunters in the country be taken out by some punkass wraith. I loved Dean saying "yes, ma'am" to Missouri. I was quoting that one scene as it happened. Well, at least they were in character. 

I also think the music was way too noticeable this time. 

  • Love 6

This one was kind of all over the place.  I thought the acting was lacking, as was the dialogue.  Sam wants to save Jack because he sees himself in him, and Dean blames Jack for Cas' death.  Ho hum...  I hope we can move past this part of the story fairly soon.  

Were we supposed to be stunned to see Cas at the end?  I'm not sure why the show runners insist on ruining their own surprises, but it definitely kills any shock value they might get.  This episode left me more than a bit underwhelmed, sadly. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, gonzosgirrl said:

And that fight at the end - that's why I love Dean. How he gets pegged as the one who doesn't share his emotions/feelings, I'll never understand. He's the most honest character they have. And laying it out for Sam was fucking awesome.

I literally was wooing and victory arming and applauding and I shouted. "Fuck yeah, Dean. You tell him!" 

That's one of my favorite moments of the entire series. Sam is using Jack and it's not a good look but it's also in character for Sam to use whatever means he has to accomplish his goals.

Cas is back. Back again. Cas is back! Tell a friend... YAY!!! Now how does he get out of the Empty is the question! 

So I guess  Jack resurrected Cas. Why was Cas face down? That was weird. Hmmm

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Hey, did y'all know Missouri Mosely was a hunter? Just ask Andred LOL!Canon Dabb. And you don't need silver to kill a wraith.

On the bright side, Dean actually got to kick ass and kill the MOTW, but not before he dropped his gun, again.

And that fight at the end - that's why I love Dean. How he gets pegged as the one who doesn't share his emotions/feelings, I'll never understand. He's the most honest character they have. And laying it out for Sam was fucking awesome.

Inter-dimensional can opener. Heh.

That last scene was great. 

I also liked Dean standing up for himself at the start, and telling Sam want for.  No Sam Dean does not have to stay and babysit.  Apparently Sam thinks its perfectly okay for him to leave the bunker.

I did like that was go to see Dean us his smarts again.  He can make a weapon out of anything. 

  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I feel like they retconned Missouri a bit.  We know she was living in Lawrence in 1983. We know she was still there in 2005.  She had a psychic bus going both times. When was she running off doing all this hunting that James was complaining about?

100% retcon. No indications that she ever hunted. So they should at least explain WHY she became a hunter. Weak writing.

  • Love 9

Sam really needs to stop blaming others, specifically Dean, for peoples actions.

If Jack goes darkside its on Jack.  ×

Why does it matter if Dean doesn't like Jack.  If Sam is so wonderful with him, them then shouldn't that be enough for Jack to believe in himself.   If Sam is forming this great and wonderful bond with Jack, shouldn't his opinion matter more to Jack?

Also the end was a little confusing.  Is Cas responding to Jack?  Because if he responds to Jack and not Dean that won't put Cas in the best light.

Jensen why must you constantly break my heart.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 5
1 minute ago, ILoveReading said:

Also the end was a little confusing.  Is Cas responding to Jack?  Because if he responds to Jack and not Dean that won't put Cas in the best ligh

 I presumed that Cas was actually fully dead in angel heaven or the empty. Jack is half archangel so he could break into wherever Cas was and talk to dear old Not!Dad. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  • Love 8
25 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

I like Missouri and love Loretta Devine. I find her voice soothing. And those bastards took the cliche path and killed her! And she was totally not a hunter, she lived in Lawrence and had a psychic listing in the yellow pages. Come on. They hit a lot of notes I do enjoy (Dean jumping out of the path of a car, empathetic and hates feeling like a freak Sam), but they felt off. Oh, and the vision was a totally obvious fakeout because no way would the 1st and 3rd best hunters in the country be taken out by some punkass wraith. I loved Dean saying "yes, ma'am" to Missouri. I was quoting that one scene as it happened. Well, at least they were in character. 

I also think the music was way too noticeable this time. 

I just get a little swoony whenever Dean pulls out a yes ma’am.  I need some sort of program to get over this.

  • Love 12

Haha! everyone and their dog used to be a hunter doncha know? I'll bet Lisa was a secret hunter... Probably Amelia too.. And Paris Hilton ... I guess who's NOT a hunter would be more of a surprise.

I enjoyed the episode. Deans a bad ass again, not tripping over candy wrappers or anything.  He was spitting truth at the end. Sam is using jack. And I like Jodi.  Kim plays her just right. I wish she'd stay with the boys on supernatural 

  • Love 11

I didn't mind the episode at all, but some things frustrated me.

Yeah, I'm also on the Sam shut up train, although I can see why he's upset about Dean being all gung-ho on killing Jack. It was still annoying to see Sam judging Dean and getting all pissy....but then Dean annoyed me with his over the top "Jack must die because he's evil and will do evil things and you're different, Sam!" I felt like the writing for that scene was off. I get Dean's point, and I'm still on his side about needing to keep an eye on Jack and find a way to kill him just in case, but now that Sam mentioned his demon blood thing, which seems like a lifetime ago, it makes a little sense as to why he wants to save Jack. Although...again, way over the top. It felt like the issue was magnified ten fold. Sam was mostly being the jerk here, though. Dean makes some good points about Sam just using Jack, but Sam also made some good points about not giving up on trying to save Jack because he had been saved too. I mean, it's a different situation, but both Jack and Sam never asked for that darkness inside of them. Jack's more dangerous and will have a harder time overcoming it, but I get why Sam wants to help him control his power.

I still like Jack. His morality struggle inside of him is realistic, and they're doing a good job at presenting the issue. 

Wow, Missouri. I totally forgot Loretta Devine was on this show once upon a time. It was good to see her, even if she was only brought back to die and introduce us to new psychic Patience. I'm not so sure about Patience yet; I thought she was fine here. 

But yeah, definitely some retconning done with Missouri. It wasn't too bad because there could still be some explaining, but still not great. 

25 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Also the end was a little confusing.  Is Cas responding to Jack?  Because if he responds to Jack and not Dean that won't put Cas in the best light.

I'm pretty sure he was. Jack is still very powerful because he is Lucifer's child, so he has enough power to reach wherever Cas is, since Cas is fully dead and not in a place that Dean could reach. I guess, since Jack was listening into Dean and Sam's fight, the moment they talked about Cas, that riled him up enough to make contact.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Like I said I found the end confusing.  I don't even know if it was Jack. 


My theory is that Cas is wherever dead dead dead things go.  You know, those killed with angel blades, the Colt, Sam's psychic powers, etc.  Those that don't end up in Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory.  I don't think Dean's (or anyone else's) prayers can reach there.  But, probably Jack's power can.  I don't know that he knows that, though, or that he knows he made a connection.  I actually think it would be cool if we got all the big bads back for one last blow out before the season (and hopefully the series) ends.  Maybe even John, since he came out of Hell, maybe that counts as extra death.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, gonzosgirrl said:

The thing about retconning Missouri is it was totally unnecessary. The son could have easily turned away from her because of the psychic thing, or the dead wife thing (if he felt she could've done something about it). The disregard for canon seems to get worse by the episode and it takes me out of the story.

It was absurd. Terrible retcon. No reason for it. And if Missouri WAS a hunter, why wouldn't she have had guns, silver etc to kill the damn wraith. It was STOOPID.

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, ahrtee said:

Also apparently Jody isn't a sheriff anymore but a full-time hunter?  Did that happen after Asa's funeral?

She just has a lot of personal days racked up.

1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

It was absurd. Terrible retcon. No reason for it. And if Missouri WAS a hunter, why wouldn't she have had guns, silver etc to kill the damn wraith. It was STOOPID.

Yeah.  No reason.  James basically stated the real reason was because his wife died after Missouri said she would live.  Having a psychic protégé sounds like something a psychic would do, not a hunter.  I'm going to pretend those couple of lines never happened.  

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

It was Jack. He powered up to reach Cas. His eyes glowed and he said "Castiel". I don't think Cas would be able to hear or sense Dean if he's in the Empty or angel Heaven even if he was praying which I don't think he was.

you and @Katy M are probably right.  On first viewing it looked like Cas responded to Jack but not Dean's prayer.

Now I'm wondering, is Jack reaching out to Cas because if he brings him back he knows he can get Dean's approval. 

  • Love 5

Repeating from above - but did anyone else hear Jody say 'had a daughter, Claire' (not have). That was weird. Did Kim just bobble the word, or did Claire not go home again after the werewolf thing?

Also, no Mark P in the credits. Thought regulars were in the credits whether in the ep or not. Misha was in the end credits, I guess so as not to give away the 'surprise'.

Just now, ILoveReading said:

you and @Katy M are probably right.  On first viewing it looked like Cas responded to Jack but not Dean's prayer.

Now I'm wondering, is Jack reaching out to Cas because if he brings him back he knows he can get Dean's approval. 

I think he just never put it together that he was indirectly  responsible for Cas's death.

  • Love 4
Just now, gonzosgirrl said:

Repeating from above - but did anyone else hear Jody say 'had a daughter, Claire' (not have). That was weird. Did Kim just bobble the word, or did Claire not go home again after the werewolf thing?

Also, no Mark P in the credits. Thought regulars were in the credits whether in the ep or not. Misha was in the end credits, I guess so as not to give away the 'surprise'.

I think they've only ever listed the cast actually in the episode.  The one exception I can think of to that was Clap Your Hands when they did a "picture" beginning for lack of a better term ad Cas was in that.  

I honestly didn't notice if she said had or have.  The sentence that came after that made it sound like she died, but while I know a lot of you don't like her, she seems a bit too important to kill off off-screen without at least a formal mention of the fact.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, ILoveReading said:

you and @Katy M are probably right.  On first viewing it looked like Cas responded to Jack but not Dean's prayer.

Now I'm wondering, is Jack reaching out to Cas because if he brings him back he knows he can get Dean's approval. 

I'm a little confused.  Dean thinks Cas is dead, dead, dead. I don't know why he would have been praying to him. When do you think Dean was praying to Cas?

3 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

so, no Mark P in the credits. Thought regulars were in the credits whether in the ep or not. Misha was in the end credits, I guess so as not to give away the 'surprise'.

Regulars are listed when they appear in an episode or as a surprise at the end.

4 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Repeating from above - but did anyone else hear Jody say 'had a daughter, Claire' (not have). That was weird. Did Kim just bobble the word, or did Claire not go home again after the werewolf thing?

I thought she said "I kind of had a daughter". Claire didn't go back. She left the message with Jody that she was going off to hunt.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I'm a little confused.  Dean thinks Cas is dead, dead, dead. I don't know why he would have been praying to him. When do you think Dean was praying to Cas?

Sorry, I should have said Dean's prayer to Chuck.   What I meant when I said Cas was that,  Cas said before he could hear Dean's prayers so I was wondering about Cas not responding to Dean's prayers when he responded to Jack reaching out.

Like I said, I most likely misread the scene.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I'm a little confused.  Dean thinks Cas is dead, dead, dead. I don't know why he would have been praying to him. When do you think Dean was praying to Cas?

I don't know that he was but, @ILoveReading said something about Cas responding to Jack and not Dean, so I figured maybe I missed something.  I found last week's episode a tad on the boring side, so I was zoning a bit.

Just now, ILoveReading said:

Sorry, I should have said Dean's prayer to Chuck.   What I meant was that that Cas said before he could hear Dean's prayers so I was wondering about Cas not responding to Dean's prayers. 

OK, yes, I remember that scene.

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Repeating from above - but did anyone else hear Jody say 'had a daughter, Claire' (not have). That was weird. Did Kim just bobble the word, or did Claire not go home again after the werewolf thing?

Also, no Mark P in the credits. Thought regulars were in the credits whether in the ep or not. Misha was in the end credits, I guess so as not to give away the 'surprise'.

I took it as she had tried to have Claire deny who she was and it found her anyway.  Not that she was dead. 

  • Love 2

I know that it's vintage SPN to have Sam and Dean at odds and not really communicating, but it's frustrating to watch at this late stage of the game.  If they've learned nothing else, they should have learned the importance of coming clean with each other.  They each have legitimate concerns about Jack, and they also each have some personal issues that are coloring their feelings.  I know it's all about the drama, but it mainly just annoys me at this point.  

  • Love 4

I had a few issues.  First, even if Jody *is* hunting full time (!) she doesn't have all that much experience, except with vampires AFAIK.  So why in the world was Sam not only calling her to take the case but seemed to be expecting her to work alone?  Why should "teaching" Jack take precedence over helping a neophyte hunter they care about with a monster she probably has never come up against before?  Why should Sam be *angry* at Dean for going to help her instead of saying "hey, I have to stay here with Jack.  Why don't you go help Jody?"

Next...Dean. Wraith.  Gym.  Door with window.  Dean with gun.  Do high school doors have bulletproof glass?  Wouldn't a few well-placed, extreme close-range shots break the glass (even bulletproof glass) enough for him to reach through and pull out the wood from the door?  Wouldn't that be faster than running through *the whole school* to find another exit?  (Shouldn't schools have more emergency exits?) 

Sorry, just nitpicking about stupidity, because I'm ignoring my big giant pile of steaming hate about Sam *once again* pulling the "Why didn't you shoot me?  I'm a monster too" card out of the dusty old archives.  *headdesk*

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Sorry, I should have said Dean's prayer to Chuck.   What I meant when I said Cas was that,  Cas said before he could hear Dean's prayers so I was wondering about Cas not responding to Dean's prayers when he responded to Jack reaching out.

Like I said, I most likely misread the scene.

I'm still not following. Dean thought Cas was dead. He prayed to Chuck for help. Why would Cas not responding to Dean when Cas was dead make Cas look bad? I don't think he responded to Jack. I think Jack resurrected him and he heard Jack's voice upon resurrection.

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

I know that it's vintage SPN to have Sam and Dean at odds and not really communicating, but it's frustrating to watch at this late stage of the game.  If they've learned nothing else, they should have learned the importance of coming clean with each other.  They each have legitimate concerns about Jack, and they also each have some personal issues that are coloring their feelings.  I know it's all about the drama, but it mainly just annoys me at this point.  

It seems to me they have both been pretty straight forward in their positions from the jump. They don't agree.


  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

It seems to me they have both been pretty straight forward in their positions from the jump. They don't agree.

Right, they don't agree, and they don't have to agree, but they could still talk it out.  Dean doesn't trust that Jack will not turn evil, but it's not like he's sneaking up behind him every minute trying to kill him.  He's being wary, that's all.  Sam could have diffused much of Jack's angst about Dean's feelings toward him by explaining that.  And Sam could help to explain his desire to help Jack by discussing his feelings with Dean about his own past.  I know, it sounds like an episode of Dr. Phil, but I just hate all of the talking around each other that they do.  After all they've been through with each other, I just think it should be easier.  Instead we get Sam blaming Dean for Jack's state of mind, and Dean accusing Sam of ulterior motives.  Like I said, it's all part of the drama, and it writes itself, but I'm more than a bit tired of it.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Hey, did y'all know Missouri Mosely was a hunter? Just ask Andred LOL!Canon Dabb. And you don't need silver to kill a wraith.

On the bright side, Dean actually got to kick ass and kill the MOTW, but not before he dropped his gun, again.

And that fight at the end - that's why I love Dean. How he gets pegged as the one who doesn't share his emotions/feelings, I'll never understand. He's the most honest character they have. And laying it out for Sam was awesome. And Sam blaming Dean for Jack being messed up can fuck right off.

Inter-dimensional can opener. Heh.

ETA: Why did Jody say "I had a daughter, Claire."

Also, Mark Pellegrino was not in the opening credits. I thought 'regulars' were in the credits whether they were in the ep or not?

Didn't read all the posts yet, (Bad, I know) but bolded part hit me! What's up? Did I miss something?

  • Love 1

I actually thought the bookend opening and closing scenes between the brothers was the most honest, if brutal, communication we've seen between them in a while. Standing up for himself generally winds up in Dean apologizing, but damn it was good to watch. And even angry Sam was a refreshing change from zen/dour/whispery Sam. I loved it.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 8

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