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Season 1 - 3 Discussion

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Oh, come on. Who writes $9M checks on the spot? Grandstanding b.s.

Sometimes I don't get the macho, settle it with your fists thing. Rip is an employee of the Duttons. Wasn't he basically being insubordinate? Dutton made Kayce take a beating mainly because Rip was butthurt about getting demoted.

As cray cray as Beth is, she outlined the value propositions to money bags, who literally bought in.  They would have done their diligence and decided on their limit.  It is not difficult for me to accept that $9 million was under such.  They were dealing from extreme weakness in their position.  The "seller" had zero intention of leaving.  So, a significant premium would have been built-in, as was the approach.

Rip was acting at the behest of Daddy Dutton.  He even "lost" the fight at his boss' request.  That's what Rip's words to Kayce at the end of the fight proved.  Kayce had to demonstrate his toughness, and perhaps more importantly, his commitment to the ranch and his hands.  It's just "the way."   It's a Mars thing. 

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Rip was acting at the behest of Daddy Dutton.  He even "lost" the fight at his boss' request.  That's what Rip's words to Kayce at the end of the fight proved.  Kayce had to demonstrate his toughness, and perhaps more importantly, his commitment to the ranch and his hands.  It's just "the way."   It's a Mars thing. 

Okay, I sort of get that part. What's still unclear to me is how far back this plan between Dutton and Rip went. Did it go as far back as when Rip and Walker had their fight? If not, how would Dutton have known Walker would be leaving the ranch at the same time he and Kayce would be returning? Kayce's reaction to Walker leaving seemed to me to be what triggered Dutton into demoting Rip but perhaps it wasn't? Was the plan all along to move Kayce into Rip's position? I'm confused.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Okay, I sort of get that part. What's still unclear to me is how far back this plan between Dutton and Rip went. Did it go as far back as when Rip and Walker had their fight? If not, how would Dutton have known Walker would be leaving the ranch at the same time he and Kayce would be returning? Kayce's reaction to Walker leaving seemed to me to be what triggered Dutton into demoting Rip but perhaps it wasn't? Was the plan all along to move Kayce into Rip's position? I'm confused.

I think that the older brother who was killed by his brother in law was the Nick Barkley of the Dutton family and was supposed to take over the ranch. Rip moved up to replace him. Meanwhile as with old royalty Kayce, the Heath Barkley of this show was the spare prince who goes into the military or clergy  service. Now that the spare is needed the interim hired hand has to step aside 

Edited by Raja
fighting the auto correct
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I just can't with the Monica as full-benefits college 'professor.'  The provost (or dept. head, not sure) said they had 1 section of U.S. History (colonial) available and she said she would keep her other teaching job and take the section.  Then, she is being told that she has full health benefits, including physical therapy, and housing privileges.  Nope.  A part-time (not even half-time) adjunct would not be receiving the benefits packages that are offered to full-time instructors.  It's one reason so many colleges are hiring part-time adjuncts over full-time instructors-they save on the benefits packages.  I would also love to know what her Master's degree is in as she is seemingly the only person who knows the "truth" of the colonial era ( per her "I'll teach you what really happened" again, yep, we've been teaching it for a while now...).  I so understand her knowing the oral traditions of her own cultural group, but not necessarily those of the Caribbean and other parts of North America.  Oh, and just to add...even high school students read portions of Columbus' journals, so it's not some shocking new instructional strategy.  Believe it or not, I actually had been liking her as a character, but having been an educator (and an adjunct) for several decades, I just wish that at some point there would be a realistic portrayal of teachers/instructors and the hardships many experience, especially as part-time employees.  Oh yeah, and if I ever tried to hold that kind of "power" over students (kick you out of class, fail you, yada, yada, yada), I would be out of a job so quickly it would be just a blur.

Edited by seacliffsal
clarifying my intent a bit
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A to the men, @seacliffsal!

I also add in the fact that if she gave Kayce access to HIS son, alllll the money issues go away, including killer health care/rehab.  What, exactly, is she thinking?  Is the son supposed to go to tribal school?  Become fully Native?  She can't very well marry, right?  If all of her actions are informed by what is best for the son, she is blowing it.  I am VERY curious to know what "traditional" Tribal Law says in terms of a woman taking a child away from a father.  My guess is that it takes quite a dim view of such a thing.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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I think that the older brother who was killed by his brother in law was the Nick Barkley of the Dutton family and was supposed to take over the ranch. Rip moved up to replace him. Meanwhile as with old royalty Kayce, the Heath Barkley of this show was the spare prince who goes into the military or clergy  service. Now that the spare is needed the interim hired hand has to step aside 

Thanks for the explanation. I'm feeling like I shouldn't have to have watched a 50-year TV show to understand what's going on in this one though.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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6 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Is the son supposed to go to tribal school?  Become fully Native?  She can't very well marry, right?  If all of her actions are informed by what is best for the son, she is blowing it.  I am VERY curious to know what "traditional" Tribal Law says in terms of a woman taking a child away from a father.  My guess is that it takes quite a dim view of such a thing.

I'm not familiar with the practices of this particular tribe, but many Indigenous communities are based on matriarchal structures. In the past (in Canada since Colonization), a Native woman who married a non-Native man lost her Status. This does not appear to be the case with Monica, but I'm not clear why she can't marry, other than she and Kayce don't appear to be actually divorced. Her son *is* Native - he lives on the Rez, and is a child and grandchild of tribal members. I'm guessing he goes to school on the Reserve already.

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I would almost feel sorry for Jon Dutton for being cursed with this abysmal family of his, if he hadn't spent his whole life making them in his image to begin with.

I did like it when Jamie slithered into the dining room and sat down.  Beth says, 'I'll make you a plate', and then just dumps an octopus tentacle on it and hands it back.

So Dan Jenkins owns the land where the casino/hotel is scheduled, and he's having the tribe build it, right?  And then they're going to annex the land and cut him out of the entire deal?  Just trying to keep the plot straight.  If that's the case, it would seem unlikely that the tribe could just unilaterally annex his land, unless I missed something. 

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Wasn't Lynelle sleeping with John is season one? Now she is thinking of her husband who passed 10 years ago and had to stop John slowly raising boner.

Jamie just can't win. Of course he goes to the Beth (of all people) for advice.

And Jamie goes right back home to be further humiliated by Beth. Somehow he'll end up back in the race.

Now John blames his wife for leaving him with these weird kids and has to look at what he reduced Rip to. He gets what he deserves!

Don't worry Monica, you'll be in bed with the therapist soon.

Gator couldn't make anything else other than grilled octopus? Maybe start John easy with some fish.

I don't think the Beck Brother's interior designer recommended enough taxidermy for their office.

Is Montana that big where the Beck Brothers don't know Dan Jenkins?

Good job Jimmy telling those two fools you work at Yellowstone. And he knocked them down with one swing of the bag? Impressive.

So far no sexual harassment charges from Avery. The people at Yellowstone are well behaved!

Edited by mxc90
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What I didn't get is why the two morons didn't just wait for the officer to leave and then go buy their stuff (other than plot requirements).  Or go to another hardware store.  Instead, they're hanging around outside, like teenagers trying to get somebody to buy beer for them.

How's Jimmy going to explain the broken window on the ranch pickup?  The bear spray was bad enough, but it's not cheap to replace a window.

Beth in a cowboy hat was just so wrong.

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9 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Wasn't Lynelle sleeping with John is season one? Now she is thinking of her husband who passed 10 years ago and had to stop John slowly raising boner.

That's what I thought as well.  She didn't seem to have a problem with sleeping with John in season one.

Regarding the two morons, it does seem like they could have just waited for the officer to leave.  Plus, I remember from Breaking Bad that you don't buy all your supplies in one store, you break it up and go to different stores.  Morons.

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Ok I feel like a jackass because my copy of episode 2 was somehow missing the discussion between Monica and her father where he says she and Kayce are joined now always. It was in the Previouslies, so apologies for my confusing comment before.

As for the episode itself, it set up a lot of things for the season (nice work on erasing Kayce's criminal history, Sheriff), but I don't understand the warm piss in the boot burn either, Jimmy.

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I knew the Governor would not retain the anti-Dutton fierceness she displayed at the end of last season.  She pretty much had to, else Dutton be torn apart by the likes of the Becks, whom we were introduced to in this ep.  The show needed Dutton to have power and not be under the gun of the law and those who really run things.  Remember how he was shunned at the Cattleman's gathering last season?  He was done.

How did Gomer and the girl explain away the busted window?

If the Becks' were as badass as portrayed, how is it possible they were unaware of Jenkins?  They would not have been keeping a super close eye on Rainwater?  Any license he sought would have been given the strictest scrutiny.  So, they already knew that Rainwater was opening some new business and they didn't bother to find out it was a half-billion dollar casino complex?  They found out in the friggin' newspaper?!  Either they are morons, or the show wrote another check it cannot cash.

Does anyone know which actual tribe Monica is a part of?  Blackfeet?  Cheyenne?  Crow?  Other?

Jamie's sudden awareness of what it really meant to break from his father was quite the stretch.  He is such a Fredo.  Beth's advice to discern what was best for others and to follow it was an ultimate hypocrisy - and right in character!  

Jenkins' furious vow was fun.  Seems to me he made a similar one last season and was literally at the end of a rope for it.  When he first came to Montana, he seemed to be the savvy capitalist seeking to make some quick bucks at the expense of the rubes.  Now he cares about saving face?  He could not go back where he made a fortune and make even more?  Besides, his revenge taking would be much less obvious if he left.  

A favorite moment was when Rip was "mentoring" Kayce about simply telling folks what they would do.  OK.  Cool.  Kayce had jussssst told him to decide where to do some certain thing, and Rip says, "No.  You decide."  LMAO  Garçon, a flight of wine for the writers!

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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On 7/11/2019 at 10:01 AM, Dowel Jones said:

What I didn't get is why the two morons didn't just wait for the officer to leave and then go buy their stuff (other than plot requirements).  Or go to another hardware store.  Instead, they're hanging around outside, like teenagers trying to get somebody to buy beer for them.

How's Jimmy going to explain the broken window on the ranch pickup?  The bear spray was bad enough, but it's not cheap to replace a window.

I don't see the problem. They knew what he was when they gave him the brand. And what he was has come back to haunt him. I suppose sometime in the future the branded hands will deal with the drug cookers

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True, they know what he was, but he lied outright from the start about the bear spray.  Now Rip and Dutton are both going to suspect him of backsliding.  If he had come right out and said "I was attacked by two meth head goons, and they broke the window on the pickup", he'd only be in trouble for not fighting back.  Now he's a liar.

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Can you actually cash or deposit a gigantic check like the one the tribe gave Jenkins? Doesn't matter probably because based on the eyerolling going on behind Jenkins' back, that check isn't worth the cardboard it was printed on,

Why is Kayce now talking like he always has a mouthful of chaw?

That bar scene between Dutton and the governor went on way too long, IMO. Not sure what the point was.

I really liked Monica's swimsuit.

Neal McDonough and Terry Serpico. Two amazing character actors. The Beck brothers are going to be fun.

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Those two fools were so wrong for beating up "Uncle Jesse"! Where was Bo, Luke or Daisy to help him? Wait....What show is this?

Where was Jenkin's lawyer's counsel before the deal was struck? Jenkins looked like a fool when Rainwater told him his plan.

That one guy speaking out against Rainwater may be a dead man.

Beth repeatedly going after Jamie at every opprotunity (legally or physically) is getting annoying. It might be a little funny if they were kids or if this is the "Peanuts" where Lucy is pulling the football from Charlie Brown but these two are "somewhat" adults and it's getting stupid to watch them behave this way. At the dinner table, John looked at Beth thinking "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Hope Cassidy isn't made a fool or a puppet by the Duttons.

Rip fighting the Beck brother's security seemed unnecessary.

Funny Rip had to tell Malcolm he wasn't wearing the tie correctly.

Also funny how all the those sherrif deputies appear after the shooting but none were available when the request were sent.

For a moment, I thought Agent Hendon was Danny McBride.

I guess Jenkins would be the obvious choice as to who poisoned Dutton's cattle. Most likely somone else.

I'm sure Monica's leg felt fine after Kayce left. 

Edited by mxc90
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3 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Funny Rip had to tell Malcolm he wasn't wearing the tie correctly.

I think that is the first time we have seen Rip actually, genuinely, smile. 

It's no wonder the Yellowstone Ranch is in trouble financially.  He has the Livestock Commission, the County Sheriff, and the Attorney General all on his payroll.  That's gotta hurt. 

It makes no sense to burn up a bunch of cow carcasses along with the grassland.  They won't burn completely and now you have a carrion problem.  Plus, I don't think you could carry enough hay bales in a small plane to kill 300+ cows.

The irony of the shooting on Hayes's ranch is that it's questionable whether the Livestock Commission could bring the case to court in the first place.  His attorney could argue illegal search and seizure of the weedeater and get it thrown out.  It looks like the producers were trying to paint the father/son as the same type as those two dopes in Nevada a few years ago.

What happened to Jimmy's authentic cowboy hat?  Wearing a ball cap backwards would get him nothing but trouble in the bunkhouse.

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8 minutes ago, rocketinu said:

I enjoy the show until she is on screen. Loathsome creature.

Yeah, I should have written what I was really hoping:  that Jamie kills her in a fit of rage and gets the hell out of dodge.  I don't think anyone on the show will mourn her loss, not even her daddy because he would understand why his son killed her. 

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Poisoning a whole herd of cattle. That's playing hard ball.

Is the AG a figurehead position in Montana? Seems odd to me that someone could just walk into the job unopposed.

Aw, Jimmy. You done messed up but good.

Drinking a Lysol cocktail? WTAF? That's so sad. (Meanwhile, there actually is a regular cocktail called an Ocean Water. It uses blue liqueur.)

Heh, so the Beck brothers are urban cowboys? At least Rip thinks so.

🎶Monica's got a boy-friend.🎶 She's too fickle though.

Ditto comments upthread, I am so over Beth and her hateful shenanigans. What is her purpose other than to be a basic sh!t-stirrer?

And of course Monica just happened to open the door wearing nothing but a towel when Kayce showed up. IMO they shouldn't be playing with their child's emotions like that if they aren't really going to get back together.

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12 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

And of course Monica just happened to open the door wearing nothing but a towel when Kayce showed up. IMO they shouldn't be playing with their child's emotions like that if they aren't really going to get back together.

I agree, it's not fair to the kid because we all know that Monica will get her itch scratched with the physical therapist.

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I absolutely loved the first part of this ep when JD was assessing what happened and later ordered the burn.  Seemed a timeless thing.  As much as he would like to make this his only priority, circumstances don't allow him that privilege.

The funnest moment, by far, was when JD told Jamie he would meet under the tree ALONE.  And Rip went right with him.  SO much said.  So few words.

There's no chance that Rip and Lloyd would allow those meth heads to get away with busting their truck window.  They would have got the truth out of Jimmy and the gal.  Then, they would have ended that particular problem.

What does current tribal chemical abuse have to do with history?  It's certainly well worth trying to understand.  But, the class Monica teaches is "History."  As an adjunct.  Class time is precious.  Don't tell me about the way things are now.  Tell me about what it was like THEN.  If she wants to lead some type of campus awareness away from class?  By all means!

JD has natural allies with the entirety of the established power in Montana when it comes to fighting annexation of land by the Confederation.  But he refuses to enlist them?  Becks aren't "established" as I mean it.  A very great problem with this show is they showed the Governor in cahoots with Rainwater.  Hmmm.  Ya think she's gonna allow JD to get away with his illegal burn (no permit) and not use it against him as she takes Rainwater's side?   Generally, just how long before this chasm forces the showdown with the new AG over tribal influence with her?  

Another issue is just how weak and ignorant Jenkins is.  His vows of action are vacuous.  If he is supposed to be a real villain, TPTB have grossly missed the mark.

That Sheriff may actually be stoopider than Jimmy!  Instead of understanding immediately that his butt was on the line and that he needed JD, idiot chooses to take him on.   His department was on the hook for failure to support AND the shooting was fully legal.  Like it or not, he had no choice but to come to a swift understanding of how to play it all in order that all concerned come out OK.  Also, that dad can suffer.  He kept quiet and refused to de-escalate when his son drew against a duly constituted authority.  He started the whole damn thing, too.

This was still the best ep of the early season. 

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On 7/18/2019 at 8:38 AM, Ohwell said:

I know I've forgotten a lot from the first season, but was it ever explained why Yellow Bangs likes to torture her brother?  This rivalry is annoying now, and I wish one would just kill the other and end it.

Maybe because he is the only person she really has power over, everything else she has is a result of being Dutton's daughter as people don't really look to her but over her head to please her father.

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11 minutes ago, Raja said:

Maybe because he is the only person she really has power over, everything else she has is a result of being Dutton's daughter as people don't really look to her but over her head to please her father.

But this more than just having power.  This woman is vicious with him and I don't understand where it's coming from.  He's going to either have to leave or kill her.  Of course, the former is the most sensible option but, basically, he needs to retrieve his balls from her purse.

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4 hours ago, Ohwell said:

But this more than just having power.  This woman is vicious with him and I don't understand where it's coming from. 

I can, and do, accept it's a vestige of the mother's death.  She would have fought for JD's affections and did everything she could to get as much exclusivity with him s she could.  There may also be lifelong guilt from messing up when her mom died.  Wasn't she blamed?  Perhaps Jamie used this against her when they were younger.  

I simply think there is more than enough in her background to account for her wickedness.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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3 hours ago, rcc said:

I think she has so much hate for her brother because he was mother's favorite. Last season when she laid on the ground dying she spoke lovingly to him while speaking hatefully to her daughter.

Ok thanks, I vaguely remember that scene.  That kind of hatred doesn't go away a lot of times, so it's all the more reason why he should be away from her.   

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I agree with everything you all have written.  I, too, was taken aback when she was "teaching" about the Lysol cocktail when she originally told her students that she would teach the "real" history of colonial America that only she knows.  

I am so over the blonde daughter.  I just don't see how she can be an effective business person when all she does is torture her brother, get drunk, and go after Rip (and, well, whoever else might be around).  I think Jaime is the only child who really wants to please John and yet he's the one John rejects.

I know it's all fake, but I still hated the deaths of the cattle.

Really at this point I think that the only character I really am invested in is Neal Doneaughly (I know I don't know his last name) as he just brings the sinister.  So, I'm watching for a new, secondary character.  Alrighty then.

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I hate Beth. And it's not even a fun kind of hate-watch hate. It's just plain intense dislike. 

And what is this "the one person I know who doesn't get scared?" bs? Beth is probably the most constantly scared person on the show. Everything she does and says is out of fear. 

Proof Dutton doesn't know his kids, I guess.

Edited by I-Kare
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John: Go ruin someone else's day.
Beth: That's the plan daddy.

Beth wakes up angry and goes to bed angry. She must be the most miserable character in TV history (or at least she's in the top 5).

Are Beth and Rip supposed to be soul mates? 

I lost respect for Jaime. Why is he crying/shaking going to Beth (of all people) again for advice? He might as well have gone directly to John.

Lloyd couldn't point Jimmy to some work where he can make money, instead of giving him hustling options (when he knows Jimmy is good at doing)? I thought when Jimmy said he was going to get his wallet, he was going keep walking and not pay up.

Jenkins needs to hire bodyguards. The Duttons (except for Jaime) walk all over him everytime. Maybe he and Jaime should form a "support group" for Dutton victims.

The entire Kayce/Dutton/agents scene didn't seem right, someone should have been shot.

Wasn't Kayce ready to go back into military last season? His character is getting worse.

It just took a bottle of borboun, a note and bullet to rattle the sherrif ( no horses head in the bed?)? 

If John was telling the truth that it wasn't him, then it was the Beck Brothers that sent the package to the Sherrif.


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That was one stupid sheriff that opens a door to his house without first checking the outside.  And then opens a package that could be a bomb.

So, through the writers' hamfisted way, we get to see how Beth morphed into the the picture of hate that she is today.  If Jaime really wants to hurt her, he will walk up to her, scream every thing he feels about her to her face, and then put a bullet in his head.

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

I'm out.  Last week I turned it off before the end because I decided there wasn't one single character that I liked.  I can't even say there was one I love to hate.  What finally got me was Charlie Brown Jamie letting Beth walk all over him, over and over again without standing up to her.  Last season was a lot more interesting.

I feel the same way.  I'm out.  That Beth beatdown of Jamie was disgusting.  I'm sick of her sick ass and now I'm sick of him because he is pathetic. 

I'm also tired of seeing Monica, don't care about her story at all. 

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Alas, I, too, am out.  The only people I would root for are the Beck brothers and they weren't even in the episode, so it was all for nothing.  Can't stand Beth, don't care for the other characters, and still don't understand how an adjunct instructor got a townhouse (oh, and can rudely dismiss a student who is baffled by the class and asking what it has to do with colonial America [although he used "Columbus"] which is the COURSE).  I would love a modern western/cowboy show, but this isn't it.

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I’m hanging on, but only by a thread and because there is nothing else on that I want to watch inn Wednesday evenings. 

I think the show suffers in character development overall; plots are their forte and they’ve been moderately good with them. Characters, especially women, tend to be overly dramatic with their personalities and it just brings down the show. 

Jamie should have either left and became a true adversary in season two or they should have had him come home, but really mull over the decision because he knows it’s ultimately wrong. Him trying to come home and get back in the good graces of daddy and running to sister every time he has an issue doesn’t work because they didn’t respect him in the first place. He could have stayed gone and they wouldn’t care – or only to the extent that it affected them. 

Beth’s ongoing angst works when you’re a moody teenage girl, but it’s not a good look for a grown woman. Either get therapy and deal with the trauma or do us all a favor and go away. I don’t even see her as some strong, boss woman that I’m supposed to fear or respect. Instead I see her as a nuisance taking up valuable air time. 

And I just don’t know what Monica wants. LOL Hell, if Kayce is confused then so am I. 

I’ll finish the season only because I feel committed now, but I’ll be on the couch with phone in hand and scrolling IG. 

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24 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

and still don't understand how an adjunct instructor got a townhouse (oh, and can rudely dismiss a student who is baffled by the class and asking what it has to do with colonial America [although he used "Columbus"] which is the COURSE). 

And yes, that bugged me too.  She bugs me.  She's somehow become this hotshot instructor and now she's snippy with one of her students?  Go to hell Monica.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I suspect that many of her students will complete the course, give the test answers that Monica wants, and collect their three units, having learned little of what the course was supposed to teach.


That sounds like all of my  social sciences classes, except statistics,  in the Cal State system.

Monica gets all she gets because it is Montana and she took the  name  Dutton

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