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I suppose it's too much to hope that the blast from the past is actually a live bomb that landed there from the 40s, right?

I don't really have any opinion on Jawn one way or the other, but I am all for this if the shrapnel kills Dan, Clyde, and Will.

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Joshua Dov is playing a reporter who "rankles" Will.


Hm, maybe a new boyfriend?



The reporter is going to expose Will's one night stand with Paul in front of the whole town. Will did it  to so many people, now it is his turn. I guess Derrick must have told that reporter.  Plus, Will writes that article about Paul claiming that he is a Dimera....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Rumor only, but Alisha Minshew (Kendall from AMC) has added a lot of the staff and actors from Days on Twitter, so the rumor is that she's going to be coming to Days.

Why? they need to fix the characters that they have made unlikable before bringing in new ones that we don't care about...

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Rumor only, but Alisha Minshew (Kendall from AMC) has added a lot of the staff and actors from Days on Twitter, so the rumor is that she's going to be coming to Days.


Hopefully this stays a rumor and doesn't become a reality.  Her Kendall was one of the reasons I was driven away from watching AMC (Erica, Ryan, Babe, and the shaky cam were the other four).

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Spoilers for the week of April 6....



Monday, April 6, 2015
Eric is alerted when he overhears a tense conversation between Serena and Xander.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015
A furious Jennifer declares she and Daniel can no longer be friends.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Victor rips into Will for his betrayal of Sonny and levels an angry threat.

Thursday, April 9, 2015
Brady has an unexpected reunion.

Friday, April 10, 2015
John is stunned when he realizes the truth.
Sonny convinces Paul his mom has been lying to him

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Is it ever going to come out that Victor tried to have Clyde murdered and that's why Sonny was stabbed?

I think Victor is projecting his anger at himself on Will....The only person who has a right to rip into Will is Sonny...Everybody needs to mind their business.....It is a private matter....I don't like him threatening Will..I don't think Sonny would appreciate that..Victor has alot of nerve....


Sparkle is John's son..Drake confirmed it in an interview with Michael Logan...How corny..He would have been better as a son of a Dimera....Tony's, Peter's or even Andre's...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Rumor only, but Alisha Minshew (Kendall from AMC) has added a lot of the staff and actors from Days on Twitter, so the rumor is that she's going to be coming to Days.


I liked Alicia Minshew on AMC, but I fear just like Melissa Archer here and Rebecca Budig on GH, the transfer to a different soap won't take.

Sparkle is John's son..Drake confirmed it in an interview with Michael Logan...How corny..He would have been better as a son of a Dimera....Tony's, Peter's or even Andre's...


I'm glad he's not a DiMera because then it'd be a whole "good Brady/Horton Will vs. evil DiMera Paul" thing.

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I liked Alicia Minshew on AMC, but I fear just like Melissa Archer here and Rebecca Budig on GH, the transfer to a different soap won't take.


I'm glad he's not a DiMera because then it'd be a whole "good Brady/Horton Will vs. evil DiMera Paul" thing.

I think Christopher can play a black hat or even a grey hat very convincingly....They are making Will into Sami Jr....Will is already going to be reamed out by the town.. Paul could stand on his own and did not need to be tied to anybody in town...He was already connected to Sonny and that was enough....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Paul could have been the start of a new family in town..There was a time when the Bradys were new in town...Shane Donovan was not related to anybody in town and he was a dynamic character..Kim and Shayne were great back in the day.....Victor was a stand alone character as well and he was the start of a new family in town...

Edited by Apprentice79
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I don't agree with this personally (for me, sticking a character I don't like in a legacy family doesn't make me like that character, you know?), but some fans are only interested in characters connected to core families.  Having Paul be some rando would put him at a disadvantage in some peoples' eyes.

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I just feel that they are going to retcon alot of history to make Paul happen..There was no need to make him related to John....He could have been a standalone character..I always thought it was a mistake to make EJ a Dimera..EJ Wells was more interesting than EJ  Dimera...Once they made him a Dimera, I knew they were going to take him down a dark path and he dragged Sami down with him....In the process I never got Lumi...I had been waiting for them to get together since Lucas and Kate came to town...

Edited by Apprentice79
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I'm glad he's not a DiMera because then it'd be a whole "good Brady/Horton Will vs. evil DiMera Paul" thing.


If anything I think it would be the opposite. Will seems to be inheriting Sami's place as the "bad" Brady and Sparkle would become the "good" Dimeria.

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If anything I think it would be the opposite. Will seems to be inheriting Sami's place as the "bad" Brady and Sparkle would become the "good" Dimeria.

Exactly...I hope the new writers can fix the characterization of Will..I bet this paternity issue will push Sonny and Sparkle together...They will get together and Will and Ari will be on the outside..I just know that they will have Will using Ari against Sonny....

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Exactly...I hope the new writers can fix the characterization of Will..I bet this paternity issue will push Sonny and Sparkle together...They will get together and Will and Ari will be on the outside..I just know that they will have Will using Ari against Sonny....


If Sonny gets with Paul and continues to be a father to Ari and leaves Will on the outside because he CHEATED ON HIM, I don't see the problem.

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I am just saying that he could have been a stand alone character and he is already connected to Sonny.. That was enough..They never made Emma the interloper in the Kim/Shayne relationship related to anybody on canvas because she was meant to be a footnote in their love story..Sparkle is going to be to Wilson what EJ was to LUMI..A stain that will forever alter their dynamic..That is why I hate this retcon....

If Sonny gets with Paul and continues to be a father to Ari and leaves Will on the outside because he CHEATED ON HIM, I don't see the problem.

So what! kim cheated on Shayne with Victor and they were able to get pass that and had Andrew and Theresa..Justin and Adrienne cheated on each other and they were able to stay together with four sons later...Will's cheating is not murder...That is not the worst thing a character has done on this show..Nicole stole another woman's baby and she is still a viable character...

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And I'm fine with it because Will and Sonny's dynamic never changing or altering or having another guy enter it is unrealistic and I'm here for soapy drama and the show managed to cast a decent actor for a change.


Also?  Adding an Asian-American character to a core family is a nice shot of diversity.


Different strokes.

So what! kim cheated on Shayne with Victor and they were able to get pass that and had Andrew and Theresa..Justin and Adrienne cheated on each other and they were able to stay together with four sons later...Will's cheating is not murder...That is not the worst thing a character has done on this show..Nicole stole another woman's baby and she is still a viable character...


And who's to say that if Sonny and Will break up and Sonny is with Paul for a while that Sonny and Will will never, ever, EVER be together again!  Couples getting remarried on soaps is a staple.

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And I'm fine with it because Will and Sonny's dynamic never changing or altering or having another guy enter it is unrealistic and I'm here for soapy drama and the show managed to cast a decent actor for a change.


Also?  Adding an Asian-American character to a core family is a nice shot of diversity.


Different strokes.


And who's to say that if Sonny and Will break up and Sonny is with Paul for a while that Sonny and Will will never, ever, EVER be together again!  Couples getting remarried on soaps is a staple.

That is true...I just find the writing on this show to be so poor and boring...

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Here's a question tied to that spoiler - have Paul and Brady ever interacted?  I wonder how Brady will feel about his new baby bro.

No, they have not interacted at all..Characters are too isolated on this show...Theresa has never interacted with Will and they are cousins....Don't get me started on Theresa and Sami....Kim and Roman always had a special bond....Their children should have been close as well...

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Rumor only, but Alisha Minshew (Kendall from AMC) has added a lot of the staff and actors from Days on Twitter, so the rumor is that she's going to be coming to Days.

Well, if I thought I wanted to tune in to a Sami-less DOOL, this possibility changed my mind.

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Patsy Pease will be back for five shows in April.  I imagine it will have something to do with Theresa's baby.



Rumor has it that she will be back later in the fall with Charles, to reprise their roles as Kim and Shayne in time for the 50th....It is going to be weird seeing new Eve and Shayne together since they look like siblings instead of father/daughter..lol

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It'll be nice to see Theresa's parents in her life.  They are SO LUCKY to have her on the show and she should be front and centre, not sidelined.  Hopefully Kristin's return storyline will help fix things, but I doubt it if it means Theresa and Brady will become parents.  Ugh.  Hopefully Theresa's reunion with her mother will be a good one.


...and they'll leave Eve out of it, cause yup - they are too close in age now.

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I think the idea is that John was with Tori and then became a priest in the interim between them sleeping together and her going to tell him she was pregnant.

No, he references that this was during the lead-up to the exorcism storyline (and remember, the show already identified it as the time period when Kristen and Peter were living on the DiMera grounds). No, that makes no sense for anyone who watched back then. Drake's very funny in this interview because he admits exactly that. I like that he's not trying to carry water for the show by pretending this isn't a huge retcon of the time period in question.

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No. During this time period John was in love with Kristen, first they were having an affair while she was married to Tony, then they couldn't be together because he'd learned that he was a priest. Then came the exorcism storyline. Marlena and Roman had divorced, but she wasn't yet thinking about getting back with John, and John was all about Kristen. Having watched him back then, there's no way that he went and had a short fling with Tori while he was trying to break up Kristen's marriage. Like Drake said, it doesn't really track.

Edited by Black Knight
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From the Michael Fairman site - 


Patsy Pease Makes A Return To Days of our Lives!

Fan favorite Patsy Pease (Kimberly) is on her way back to Salem and Days of our Lives, most likely to help or deal with her troubled daughter, Theresa Donovan (Jen Lilley), or maybe Kimberly lets her step-daughter, Eve Donovan (Kassie DePaiva) have a piece of her mind!

Whatever the case, the good news is Pease is reprising her role of Kimberly Brady!  The actress took to her facebook page to clarify that she is not yet coming back for the show’s 50th anniversary that will air in November, but taped episodes months ago that will air in April!

Pease noted:  “There are 5 shows airing in April (I taped already last Dec.) They are not part of ‘Days 50th anniversary.’ Hope that clears things up! Thank you everybody!”

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Does anybody have any hope that Nicole might get away from the vortex of suck that is Eric and hook it up with Rafe? I've been at least 4months clean and sober off this fakakta show but it would hearten me to know that there was hope for my girl.

Also, I have high hopes that Melanie will bite it. Brady is pretty much the Sam Winchester of the show. Any women that touches him is as good as presumed dead or dead dead (including his mother).

Edited by slayer2
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ETA: Got a gander at him. Cute, and frankly anything is better than Daniel, and if the attention makes Nicole stop acting like a desperate OrangeGlow starved idiot then so much the better. Hope Higley doesn't axe him.

Edited by slayer2
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