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Maybe Laura kidnapped Tate to give crazy Abigail a baby to hold during her mental recovery...??!


I just don't know anymore. Mainly, I just want the guilty party reveal to be intensely satisfying given all of the gut-wrenching crying we had to watch Theresa do.

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2 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

I just don't know anymore. Mainly, I just want the guilty party reveal to be intensely satisfying given all of the gut-wrenching crying we had to watch Theresa do.

Uhm... I suspect you won't find the guilty party to be "intensely satisfying" if this is true:

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You guys, Dena is back...Kate as a kidnapper makes no sense and it really is another way to assassinate Kate as a character. Her history with Austin and Billie would preclude her from doing such a vile thing...If this is the type of writing that we will be getting from Hackley, then I will gone and this time for good....Kristen and Stefano would have been a better option....This is so stupid....Kate may dislike Theresa, but, not to that extreme to kidnap her baby boy....I was so hoping for a Kate/Theresa friendship back during the basic black storyline....

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Kate is a mother who loves her kids. The character would never stoop so low. No more than Victor would stoop that low. Not liking making Kate the kidnapper.

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23 minutes ago, rcc said:

Kate is a mother who loves her kids. The character would never stoop so low. No more than Victor would stoop that low. Not liking making Kate the kidnapper.

Me either.  Such a good actress, character, wasted again.

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I'm...really....confused. They get points for surprising me, but I can't fathom the explanation here. Kate wanted Victor and Deimos to look bad...? Kate was....um....




I felt it plausible Victor did it, but this is...weird. I'm going to wait for some explanation.

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Kate became a prostitute to support herself and Lucas and then blackmailed a mentally fragile Chloe into becoming a hooker. Billie and Austin were taken from her by Curtis but then she spent years trying to take Will away from Sami and Parker away from Chloe. Kate being behind the kidnapping is random, but not totally out of character.

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It just doesn't seem motivated by enough, though. I mean wasn't she avoiding murder charges just two months ago? Why barely get out of that and then immediately orchestrate a complex kidnapping?

I didn't even buy that Deimos would have done it. They've both been busy in complex front burner storylines...

Do you really mean to tell me Kate had a sit-down therapy session with Marlena about picking men who don't treat her right and needing to love herself more while making sure Tate was being held hostage?

....that's some devious, twisted shit right there. What kind of psycho does that?

This is obviously a rewrite. I wonder who the original culprit was, if not Victor. I suspect it was supposed to be him and that we would see him have to answer for his behavior in court, which would have been more interesting.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if Dena tries to sweep this all under the rug within 2 or 3 weeks to push her own new storylines ahead.




-Brady gets a letter from Eric

-Andre tries to align himself with Laura

-Nicole joins Eve and Theresa for the impromptu Bachelorette party. (Yup...you know exactly what I'm thinking...)

Edited by DisneyBoy
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1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

It just doesn't seem motivated by enough, though. I mean wasn't she avoiding murder charges just two months ago? Why barely get out of that and then immediately orchestrate a complex kidnapping?

I didn't even buy that Deimos would have done it. They've both been busy in complex front burner storylines...

Do you really mean to tell me Kate had a sit-down therapy session with Marlena about picking men who don't treat her right and needing to love herself more while making sure Tate was being held hostage?

....that's some devious, twisted shit right there. What kind of psycho does that?

This is obviously a rewrite. I wonder who the original culprit was, if not Victor. I suspect it was supposed to be him and that we would see him have to answer for his behavior in court, which would have been more interesting.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if Dena tries to sweep this all under the rug within 2 or 3 weeks to push her own new storylines ahead.




-Brady gets a letter from Eric

-Andre tries to align himself with Laura

-Nicole joins Eve and Theresa for the impromptu Bachelorette party. (Yup...you know exactly what I'm thinking...)

Kate is a damn cartoon....I can't stand her...She needs a long rest, in a state prison....I miss Deborah Adair's Kate more and more.....This awful twist has Dena's prints all over it... In Dena's troubled mind this is a great "twist" because nobody could see it coming. She never seems to realize that a great twist isn't just something out of the blue. Nothing about this makes any bloody sense, typical fuckin Dena....

Kate would not use an innocent child like this in her pathetic games...She went after custody of Parker and Will, to protect them from their mothers whom she deemed unfit to raise her grandsons..Her motivations while misguided, made sense....I think we are in for a world of hurt, with Dena at the helm..I am hoping that Quan will temper her awfulness with some character-driven stories....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Wonder if Dena will resurrect the "Deimos held Bo hostage" plotline, which also came out of nowhere...?


Exactly how many plots has Deimos had in 8 months?

1- avenging his imprisonment at the hands of Victor and the death of Helen

2- falling in love with Kate and trying to marry her

3- holding Bo hostage to get the secrets of Caroline's mystery drug

4- engaging Philip

5- romancing Nicole

6- romancing Chloe

7- nearly dying at Kate's hand

8- helping Victor find Tate's kidnapper

9- saving Maggie



... am I forgetting anything? I feel like I must be forgetting something...

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Kate? So she wanted to make both Deimos and Victor look bad or she's still angry about the fashion line? It's so random that Kate , while she has been awful these last few months just had a lightbulb go off and she thought, "I'm going to orchestrate this elaborate kidnapping of Tate. That'll show them!" It doesn't make sense and I can't wait to see the explanation. 

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7 hours ago, rcc said:

Kate is a mother who loves her kids. The character would never stoop so low. No more than Victor would stoop that low. Not liking making Kate the kidnapper.

As someone who has watched Victor since his introduction to the show, I remain amazed that people say that this drug-dealing, rapist, murderer, kidnapper of pregnant women, attempted murderer of his own son, framer of innocent people for the crime of murder, and so on and so on, would not stoop so low.  This is exactly who Victor is and what he is capable of and of the characters currently on the scene, he is the most likely to have committed this crime, because all he is capable of is stooping this low.

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24 minutes ago, Happytobehere said:

As someone who has watched Victor since his introduction to the show, I remain amazed that people say that this drug-dealing, rapist, murderer, kidnapper of pregnant women, attempted murderer of his own son, framer of innocent people for the crime of murder, and so on and so on, would not stoop so low.  This is exactly who Victor is and what he is capable of and of the characters currently on the scene, he is the most likely to have committed this crime, because all he is capable of is stooping this low.

That is so true..I just wished that the show had connected Victor's over the top hatred of Theresa to her parents Kim and Shane......He was really diabolical towards them during the Purse storyline a.k.a. Miami...I will say that I always felt that Victor trying to kill Bo over Carly to be out of character..It always rang false to me...Victor was always about family...It is why he and Justin clung to each other, they were all that they had in life...

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8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Kate became a prostitute to support herself and Lucas and then blackmailed a mentally fragile Chloe into becoming a hooker. Billie and Austin were taken from her by Curtis but then she spent years trying to take Will away from Sami and Parker away from Chloe. Kate being behind the kidnapping is random, but not totally out of character.

I agree.  Every mother loves her kids to some extent, but Kate is probably the weakest candidate for Mother of the Year *ever*. It's never about the welfare/happiness/wishes/dreams of the kids, it's always about *her*.

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
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They are really two of the most underused supporting players on the show in terms of story potential. And remember that nurse that Abe briefly dated? She was around forever and I liked her.

Eddie can go anytime. Adriana is better but honestly the less Rafe stuff the better.

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So the official explanation is that Kate wanted Deimos and Victor to kill each other....because of the kidnapping.


Um....they were pretty much on the road to doing that anyway. And again, Kate was obviously too busy to orchestrate a kidnapping when it happened.




Sppilers continue that she won't face consequences because she "has dirt" on both guys (then why not use THAT to ruin them?) so instead the brothers will pin the kidnapping on someone else.



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I just don't want it blamed on Teresa.   Kate was so close to Will.   I thought she maybe having some kind of breakdown to explain this kidnapping.  She could have said my grandson is gone and you all forgot about him. 

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Wow.  Having Kate be Tate's kidnapper makes no sense at all.  I agree that it wouldn't be out of character for her to kidnap and use an innocent baby as a pawn in a scheme, but the timing and motivation is completely off. 

Is this the best the new regime can do to wrap up dud stories to usher in their own?  They've known what they had to work with for months and this is what we get?  I'm quite worried.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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Rumor has it that Tate is going to die and that is why Kim and Shane will be back this November and it will facilitate Theresa's exit...Another Brady bites the dust....Poor Caroline, at her age burying loved ones that should bury her..First  Grace, Bo, Will and now little Tate...

Edited by Apprentice79
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September 12 - 16


Mon Sep 12
In prison, Orpheus,Clyde & Xander continue to grind axes over people who did them wrong before being called away for their transfers.

Tuesday September 13:
Theresa & Eve get emotional as Eve helps her sister get ready for the wedding. 

Thursday September 15:
Gabi brings some clothes for Chad to try on for an upcoming benefit. 

Friday September 16:
Steve visits Kayla in her hospital room as she recovers from surgery. 

Clyde continues to torment Kate as Chad waits for a moment to save her. 

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On ‎9‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 2:14 PM, DisneyBoy said:

Victor, Summer, Xander  or several others could have been the one behind the kidnapping and it would have made sense.

I actually thought it would be Xander.  It isn't unbelievable that he could've kept up with a number of his contacts from prison.  Whatever happened to that Navidad woman from the Serena/elephant storyline?

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So Clyde will come after Kate while she's with a DiMera? Yeah...the EJ deets are bound to come up. I mean, they'd better, especially if the show plans on killing Clyde off.

I always wanted Jordan to off him....

Why wouldn't Kim and Shane attend the wedding? I would like that explained please.

See, if the actors couldn't attend the wedding...why not make them the ones behind the kidnapping? Say they wanted to draw Theresa and Tate away from Victor and got desperate..?

Edit: Wait, spoilers said Victor and Deimos would need someone to pin the Tatenapping on, right? Xander.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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More Spoilers for the week September 12th 


Monday, September 12, 2016
Belle & Shawn argue over Chad's job offer. 

Tue Sep 13
It’s Thrady’s wedding day but in the back of everyone’s mind is the prisoner escape from the night before, Thrady
with Xander, Orpheus, & Clyde now on the loose.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Sonny & Philip fear for their loves ones at the wedding. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016
Aiden arranges for Chase to be transferred to a facility back in Oregon & shares his plan to join him shortly.

Friday, September 16, 2016 
At the police station, Nicole learns from Theresa she is also on Xander’s hit list. 


More spoilers for week of September 12

▫Victor tells Brady that he can prove that he did not kidnap Tate.

▫The wedding is interrupted by a surprise guest.

▫Orpheus is hell-bent on revenge, & plans to make the entire town of Salem pay!

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More spoilers for week September 12


Mon September 12, 2016
Paul & Gabi catch up, & she can’t help but ask him about Sonny. 

Tues, September 13, 2016
Deimos tries to reach out to Chloe & explain why he believes the baby is his. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
 Xander corners a frightened Theresa. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016
Kate is on edge after she thinks she sees Clyde in the town square. 

Joey,Ciara,Claire,& Theo decompress after 1st day of college classes. 

Fri Sep 16
Orpheus,Clyde,& Xander find a base of operations & agree to work together to crush & destroy their enemies. 

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On 7/25/2016 at 1:31 AM, Apprentice79 said:

Nicole is sterile, she cannot have children...I think that Chloe will sleep with Philip as well...She already did the deed with Deimos..

How can she be sterile?  Didn't she have a baby a few years ago that was  stillborn (or portrayed to be), but who knows? Or am I confusing her with someone else? I thought she had trouble carrying a pregnancy to term, not that she couldn't get pregnant, period. 

Edited by LocalGovt
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26 minutes ago, callmebetty said:

Can someone explain to me like I'm Brady, why does Xander hate Theresa? I really can't remember.  Last I saw Xander he was trying to make broiled Ericole in some basement.  

Theresa was flirting with him to make Brady jealous...They were about to have sex and Brady walked in and she cried rape...He went to jail for attempted rape...I hate that storyline with a passion, Theresa has to know that her mother Kim was sexually abused by her great-uncle Eric for years.....Xander has a right to hate Theresa, unlike Ericole.....

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12 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Theresa was flirting with him to make Brady jealous...They were about to have sex and Brady walked in and she cried rape...He went to jail for attempted rape...I hate that storyline with a passion, Theresa has to know that her mother Kim was sexually abused by her great-uncle Eric for years.....Xander has a right to hate Theresa, unlike Ericole.....

Thanks. I must have missed that storyline. 

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Theresa was flirting with him to make Brady jealous...They were about to have sex and Brady walked in and she cried rape...He went to jail for attempted rape...I hate that storyline with a passion

Even without knowing the family history, I hated that story. So disgusting. I think that was right before Dena's tenure began because Theresa promptly shifted into a real person afterwards, albeit one still trying to get her man.

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16 hours ago, callmebetty said:

Thanks. I must have missed that storyline. 

It happened very quickly, perhaps over two or three days.  It was the last set of writers' (or the ones before them?) way of getting rid of Xander and denying a decent story for Nicole and Eric.  It also further trashed Theresa and made her character's subsequent transformation even more difficult for some fans to accept.

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6 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

It happened very quickly, perhaps over two or three days.  It was the last set of writers' (or the ones before them?) way of getting rid of Xander and denying a decent story for Nicole and Eric.  It also further trashed Theresa and made her character's subsequent transformation even more difficult for some fans to accept.

This made me officially put Theresa in the Salem character trash heap.  Even now, I have no sympathy for her regarding this matter (she has never expressed sympathy, remorse, or regret for wha she did and seems to delusion ally believe that since it got her what she wants and she never had to pay the price, there is no problem in her actions, but then again, she seems at peace with almost murdering someone, so trash she is).  I know it may not be a popular opinion, but I feel that whatever winds up happening to her at Xander's hands will be a case of the chickens coming home to roost.  

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On 9/7/2016 at 10:04 PM, Apprentice79 said:

Theresa was flirting with him to make Brady jealous...They were about to have sex and Brady walked in and she cried rape...He went to jail for attempted rape...I hate that storyline with a passion, Theresa has to know that her mother Kim was sexually abused by her great-uncle Eric for years.....Xander has a right to hate Theresa, unlike Ericole.....

Kim was sexually abused by Eric the priest???

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21 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

Kim was sexually abused by Eric the priest???

No, her uncle Eric, who was her father Shawn's favorite brother...Sami's twin Eric was named after him..He was beloved by the whole family...Like most victims of abuse,Kim kept quiet and suffered in silence....She left Salem and became a prostitute....She came back to Salem and she formed a friendship with Shane..Uncle Eric started to groom Carrie as his next victim, Kim saw that and had the courage to confront him about his depravity..He denied it and mocked Kim..Kim later told Shane about her abuse and even Shane was skeptical at first because Eric seemed to be a good person....He was a wolf in sheep clothing...It was a wonderful story and it cemented my eternal love for Kim..

Uncle Eric was later arrested for abusing a child and the whole family stuck by him and defended him, until Kim spoke out and told them about who he really was....Even then Kim was afraid of hurting her family, especially her dad, with the awful truth because they loved him so much....With Shane's encouragement, she found the strength to expose that monster...Shane was and is Kim's knight in shining armor....

Edited by Apprentice79
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2 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

No, her uncle Eric, who was her father Shawn's favorite brother...Sami's twin Eric was named after him..He was beloved by the whole family...Like most victims of abuse,Kim kept quiet and suffered in silence....She left Salem and became a prostitute....She came back to Salem and she formed a friendship with Shane..Uncle Eric started to groom Carrie as his next victim, Kim saw that and had the courage to confront him about his depravity..He denied it and mocked Kim..Kim later told Shane about her abuse and even Shane was skeptical at first because Eric seemed to be a good person....He was a wolf in sheep clothing...It was a wonderful story and it cemented my eternal love for Kim..

Uncle Eric was later arrested for abusing a child and the whole family stuck by him and defended him, until Kim spoke out and told them about who he really was....Even then Kim was afraid of hurting her family, especially her dad, with the awful truth because they loved him so much....With Shane's encouragement, she found the strength to expose that monster...Shane was and is Kim's knight in shining armor....

Whew! Thank you for taking the time to explain that! I thought I was in the Twilight Zone thinking it was Father Eric.   I didn't watch the show way back then, and even have trouble recalling the history from 10 years ago!

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Just now, LocalGovt said:

Whew! Thank you for taking the time to explain that! I thought I was in the Twilight Zone thinking it was Father Eric.   I didn't watch the show way back then, and even have trouble recalling the history from 10 years ago!

You welcome! it is why Theresa crying rape to nail Xander was so vile, given her mother's history....

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On 9/8/2016 at 2:32 PM, Kitty Redstone said:

It happened very quickly, perhaps over two or three days.  It was the last set of writers' (or the ones before them?) way of getting rid of Xander and denying a decent story for Nicole and Eric.  It also further trashed Theresa and made her character's subsequent transformation even more difficult for some fans to accept.

I had absolutely no problem with Theresa's setting Xander up for a crime he didn't commit because a. he's unrepentantly evil and because b. he was going to walk away scot free for the attempted murder of Eric and Nicole.  I condone things happening in the soap world that I would be stunned at  in the real world.

Plus, it does seem as though Theresa's about to pay the piper--JL will no doubt sell the crap out of her terror at Xander's reappearance.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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2 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I had absolutely no problem with Theresa's setting Xander up for a crime he didn't commit because a. he's unrepentantly evil and because b. he was going to walk away scot free for the attempted murder of Eric and Nicole.  I condone things happening in the soap world that I would be stunned at  in the real world.

Plus, it does seem as though Theresa's chickens are coming home to roost--JL will no doubt sell the crap out of her terror.

Theresa did not do it to protect Eric whom she purports to love, she did that for her own selfish reasons...Theresa has never paid for any of her crimes..She tried to kill John twice and the show had the gall to give her his company.....I don't have a problem with characters who have done horrible things, I do love and still miss Jack Devereaux....I have yet to see any contrition on Theresa's part..In fact, she has been propped and rewarded  by the writers...

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15 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Theresa did not do it to protect Eric whom she purports to love, she did that for her own selfish reasons...Theresa has never paid for any of her crimes..She tried to kill John twice and the show had the gall to give her his company.....I don't have a problem with characters who have done horrible things, I do love and still miss Jack Devereaux....I have yet to see any contrition on Theresa's part..In fact, she has been propped and rewarded  by the writers...

Theresa is the least propped and rewarded character on the show, save for Nicole--yes, she's done terrible things, even criminal acts, but she has been called on the majority of them and has been reviled by the townfolks and made to suffer.  So I like that she's been turned into a real person who is given flaws and good characteristics and other characters have given her a chance to show she's changed.

 I also think she's been shown to be remorseful for her actions towards Brady and John and it was Brady and Nicole who bought John's company.  And it does look like she is about to pay for her lies, so I'm okay with how she's been portrayed, warts and all.

Also, I didn't say that Theresa set Xander up to avenge Eric--I said I had no problem with an evil and abusive character getting carted off to jail for the myriad of crimes he'd committed and gotten away with.  

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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35 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Theresa is the least propped and rewarded character on the show, save for Nicole--yes, she's done terrible things, even criminal acts, but she has been called on the majority of them and has been reviled by the townfolks and made to suffer.  So I like that she's been turned into a real person who is given flaws and good characteristics and other characters have given her a chance to show she's changed.

 I also think she's been shown to be remorseful for her actions towards Brady and John and it was Brady and Nicole who bought John's company.  And it does look like she is about to pay for her lies, so I'm okay with how she's been portrayed, warts and all.

Also, I didn't say that Theresa set Xander up to avenge Eric--I said I had no problem with an evil and abusive character getting carted off to jail for the myriad of crimes he'd committed and gotten away with.  

I just feel that they rushed her redemption and her characterization has never made any sense to me...With Sami, we had a cause and effect to her badness...

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