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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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I admit I'm behind, but why in the hell would they ever even remotely be switching Morgan's paternity? What? What?

There is no reason. It makes no sense, IMO.

The spec came from the DNA test proving Morgan isn't the father, since the child doesn't share DNA with Carly. The supposition is that Morgan could have a father other than Sonny; therefore, the DNA test is inaccurate. IDK why Ron would bother changing Morgan's paternity at this point, nor do I think it's happening.

If this DNA test is the prelude to switching anything, it almost has to be that Morgan was switched at some point.  If the test shows that Carly isn't related to the baby, but we're going to end up finding out that Morgan is, in fact, the baby's father, then it would mean that Carly isn't Morgan's mother.  Since we saw Carly give birth to Morgan on screen, then the only thing I can get out of it is that, at some point, Morgan was switched.  As a baby would make the most sense.  I mean, I know Carly and Sonny aren't parents of the year, but I'd think that, once he grew out of newborn stage, even they would have been able to recognize "this isn't the same kid we had yesterday."  


It seems odd to me how Ron, who is never one to worry about little details like medical accuracy, went to great pains to hammer us over the head with the whole "Morgan isn't being tested against the baby, just Carly is, and if Carly isn't related to the baby, then the baby can't be Morgan's, because Morgan and Carly share DNA" thing.  At some point, I assume we're going to get baby in peril and Sonny doesn't match.  Then Sonny and Morgan will slut-shame Ava for a while, demanding to know how many guys she banged at that point in time, and eventually, Silas will convince Morgan to get tested.  No, wait, Kiki will convince him, because Kiki is the greatest thing ever.  

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IDK why Ron would bother changing Morgan's paternity at this point, nor do I think it's happening.


Because it's Ron.  I look back at OLTL and Rex Balsom's parents changing whenever Ron got bored and the endless rewriting of the paternity of Jessica and Natalie's babies and I can't accept that this - Sonny being the father - is the end of it.

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Because it's Ron.  I look back at OLTL and Rex Balsom's parents changing whenever Ron got bored and the endless rewriting of the paternity of Jessica and Natalie's babies and I can't accept that this - Sonny being the father - is the end of it.


Even though Ron didn't write it, he must have taken notes from John Black on Days, who has had more changes in background/parentage than probably anyone in daytime history.

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As an aside to the point of the post - which I do agree with, by the way! - I believe Lisa is dead, as I don't recall her ever being resurrected. And thank goodness for that.

Yes, I believe Lisa is dead now but IIRC in the summer of 2011 she was believed but really Papa Z had faked her death. And then was back up and running and somehow got a vial of Robin's blood. And I swear she, Scrubs, Matt, etc were on that f'ing boat for what felt like two months.

Seriously, I swear like only about two weeks passed during Wolfe's tenure from July '11 to Jan '12.

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Yes, I believe Lisa is dead now but IIRC in the summer of 2011 she was believed but really Papa Z had faked her death. And then was back up and running and somehow got a vial of Robin's blood. And I swear she, Scrubs, Matt, etc were on that f'ing boat for what felt like two months.

Seriously, I swear like only about two weeks passed during Wolfe's tenure from July '11 to Jan '12.


I clearly recall the boat and all that shit with the HIV+ blood (how gross), but that was when I was thinking of Lisa's death. Matt killed her (and should never have gone to jail for it!). I didn't recall Lisa being thought dead before that, but that's fine. Clearly my mind wants me to forget as much of this show as is humanly possible!

I clearly recall the boat and all that shit with the HIV+ blood (how gross), but that was when I was thinking of Lisa's death. Matt killed her (and should never have gone to jail for it!). I didn't recall Lisa being thought dead before that, but that's fine. Clearly my mind wants me to forget as much of this show as is humanly possible!

When that psychoass was cornered after she shot Spinelli in the chest, she stabbed/forced Patrick to inject her with the poisoned cocktail that she intended for Robin.

She was supposed to be in some kind of coma never to awaken, but all it took was Anthony to inject her with something to "wake her up" which set her on her taking Robin's blood and inject Patrick, etc. and her murderous spree on that boat.

Truth to tell, when I had read the spoilers that Lisa was going to do this, I stopped watching for a good two months. Started watching again in December of '11, a couple months before Anna returned and the whole Robin's "death" storyline.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I like Morgan well enough, but the "He's a honorary Q, him and Kiki!" push during Alice's heart surgery story killed any interest I had ever in him being a real or honorary Quartermaine.


I don't really like Morgan—he's not being used very well (what a surprise), and I don't think Brian Craig is a very strong actor—and that whole "honorary Q" stuff was ridiculous. Not that he should pay for his parents' sins, but that doesn't mean he needs to be embraced by another family, either.

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Fair point about Robin, Deputy Deputy COS. But I don't trust this regime not to try and have it both ways should she ever come home - like, having people tell her she should have tried harder to get an SOS message out, or just told Patty the truth when he found her at the lab, danger be damned. Or acting like she just has to suck it up that her family moved on.

Patty can't keep straight whether he's mad at her or understands that she had no choice but to protect her family. (And if he truly thinks she's staying away now out of PTSD he should have some more compassion and patience for her, even if he's pissed at the situation, rather than airing their marital issues and his Sam crush to Carly, of all people.)

So I don't expect the writers to be consistent with how much agency she's had in all this. Because nothing's been consistent. And I don't think they realize or want to make Patrick look like this much of a dick, so they'll try to give him an out.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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When that psychoass was cornered after she shot Spinelli in the chest, she stabbed/forced Patrick to inject her with the poisoned cocktail that she intended for Robin.

She was supposed to be in some kind of coma never to awaken, but all it took was Anthony to inject her with something to "wake her up" which set her on her taking Robin's blood and inject Patrick, etc. and her murderous spree on that boat.

Truth to tell, when I had read the spoilers that Lisa was going to do this, I stopped watching for a good two months. Started watching again in December of '11, a couple months before Anna returned and the whole Robin's "death" storyline.


One thing I do recall was at a joint PA that KMc/JT had after this crap with the HIV+ blood, they both had apparently said to the audience that they had both almost walked off the set after learning about the blood stuff, and both were clearly disgusted. While it was nice that they were professional and did their jobs, I would not have blamed them if they ultimately did walk.


This was, IMO, a defensible situation if they did so.

  • Love 4

One thing I do recall was at a joint PA that KMc/JT had after this crap with the HIV+ blood, they both had apparently said to the audience that they had both almost walked off the set after learning about the blood stuff, and both were clearly disgusted. While it was nice that they were professional and did their jobs, I would not have blamed them if they ultimately did walk.


This was, IMO, a defensible situation if they did so.

Using HIV+ blood as a weapon was definitely the single most disgusting thing I have ever seen on any tv show, movie, anything.

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The only one of the Qs that actually embraced Morgan at all was Alice.  Monica couldn't get rid of him and his mooching girlfriend fast enough.


And good on Monica for that.  I will never forget the whining Kiki did about what witches Monica and Tracy were for chucking them out.  Yeah, because the Kikster made such a great effort to know her family, she was too busy kissing her "cousin".

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This, always this. Ron says this every time he gets snippy with people who call him on inconsistencies and uncharacteristic actions and responses. He thinks "respecting history" means name checking characters and events, not using them to further or deepen current stories.


If Teresa Castillo had given Sabrina an edge or a self-awareness of her sugary sweetness, that would have gone a long way to making the character tolerable to me. Of course, it didn't help that everyone at GH, including random day player employees and patients, praised Sabrina to the sky. That's not TeCa's fault.



Sabrina having the BEST TEST SCORES EVER in  General Hospital history is what killed her for me. That, and Epiphany accusing  the poor darling because of the test, because surely it was not possibly that anyone had scored that well without cheating! Like, really Ron? REALLY?

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Sabrina having the BEST TEST SCORES EVER in  General Hospital history is what killed her for me. That, and Epiphany accusing  the poor darling because of the test, because surely it was not possibly that anyone had scored that well without cheating! Like, really Ron? REALLY?


Wasn't it Britt who accused Sabrina of cheating on her exam, because she had planted the answers in her locker or something?

That whole test story was so horrible to watch. Felix was incredibly irritating as Sabrina's champion. I really hated that Sabrina didn't fight harder for herself, but that was part of the story: Poor, noble Sabrina against big bad Britt. Ugh. 


none of the adults, even sixty year old Tracy, act their age.

The only ones who do are the ones we never see, like Monica, Mac, Felicia, Kevin, etc. I guess there is an upside to being a plot point/exposition character.

I was thinking the same thing, that Ron has no idea of how to write grown folks acting grown. He tries to write kids acting grown, which is obnoxious for different reasons, but none of the adults, even sixty year old Tracy, act their age.


No, but the Sabrina/Britt shenanigans were particularly egregious. 

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I had no patience for Sabrina's insta love for Patrick. She didn't even know him, but because she thought he was gorgeous, I was supposed to believe he was the love of her life? Like, come again? And it didn't help matters that I thought Sabrina came off as unintentionally manipulative when it came to Emma. She used her to get to Patrick. That's why she initially agreed to babysit. Ugh, she ruined Emma. I still have residual dislike for Emma because of it. lol.

It also didn't help that the chemistry between Patrick/Sabrina was not there in my eyes.

Re: Sam and Robin...I thought they were so cute when they were trying to hook up Alexis/Mac a few years ago. I loved that there was never competition between them. Robin pretty much loved Jason/Sam together, especially in the year before the lab explosion. She was fangirling at how cute they were at JaSam's wedding party. Even with Jason's revival, Robin did it for Sam. I hope the writers don't destroy a relationship that was never filled with animosity.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I never bought Robin loving Sam, to be honest. Granted, I hated Jason and Sam together and hated Sam in the mob orbit period. I thought it was a transparent ploy to keep pushing them on the audience - 'look, Robin loves her!' Yeah, Robin would be just thrilled with how Jason's life has turned out since she got kicked out of town in '99. I never got it, myself.

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Robin was pretty much over Jason romantically when she came back in 2005. So I don't see why she would have any kind of hate or dislike toward Sam.

I think Robin's views on how Jason's life turned out is a different issue compared to how she would view Sam. Robin knew changing Jason or trying to get him out of the mob life was a lost cause. She appreciated him for what he did for her with her HIV and just being a good listener and friend.

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Which is kinda how I think Carly views Sam too.  "Well at least it's not Robin".  Heh.



Not to mention, in Carly's case at least, "Well at least it's not Liz."



Carly's not fond of Liz to say the least but I think Robin is her white whale. I think she could bear Liz and Jason, with much grinding of teeth. If Robin were with Jason, not so much. It would drive her crazy.

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Liz is another Robin to Carly, I think (much like the relationship between Jason and Liz was for a long time IMO, which is why I never warmed up to it until the mid-2000s; it just seemed like they swapped the two 'good' chicks out). But Liz was also the catalyst that drove Carly into Sonny's bed and destroyed her romantic connection with Jason forever. She'll never forget that.


It all really comes back to me wanting them to play NuJason and Robin for all it's worth, but I'm not holding my breath.

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I'm curious to see how they'll have Robin/Jason interact in the future. Will Ron write it as friends forever or will he try to make it something more for dramatic purposes?


You forgot option 3 where Ron's concerned: Ignore it altogether. Ron seems to do a bang-up job of ignoring Robin 'til he needs to use her as some plot device wrench. And with Sam and Liz in the mix, Robin could be superfluous. At least I hope so. I don't need her mud wrestling for his ass. Go to Paris and find a real man.

You forgot option 3 where Ron's concerned: Ignore it altogether. Ron seems to do a bang-up job of ignoring Robin 'til he needs to use her as some plot device wrench. And with Sam and Liz in the mix, Robin could be superfluous. At least I hope so. I don't need her mud wrestling for his ass. Go to Paris and find a real man.

It's exactly like you said: Ron ignores her until he needs to use her for whatever reason. But once she's actually back on-screen? Oh, the crazy he will try to do won't be shocking. 'Cause I know if KMc was there full-time, Liz wouldn't be a factor in Jason's story.

And, furthermore, I don't want Robin fighting for any man either. My girl can bring people back to LIFE! She is >>>>.

All the talk about Sam and Robin made me want to post these scenes with the two in 2005, before the train crash. This shows that they could have made pretty good friends. 



It is not Sam's MO to get into cat fights. Notice who she does it with. Carly and Liz. They live for that stuff.

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