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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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1 hour ago, UYI said:

Tiffany was indeed pregnant with Anna Donely (whose name was guessed by certain fans for years before actually being confirmed--Robert & Holly fans in particular would have an issue with that until it was officially recognized as canon in 2013). 

Years ago, there was a regular poster at TWoP who wrote this epic, multi-chapter (and sadly never finished) fanfic, the premise of which was that everything post-accident was Jason Quartermaine's coma dream and now he was awake. Anyway, Sean and Tiffany made a brief appearance with their twin daughters - Elsie and Mae.

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Carly never "owns" anything unless backed into a corner with no other choice, and even then it's pulling teeth. To say nothing of the fact that she's been relying on Jason and/or Sonny to clean up her messes for literally decades.

ETA: Speaking of Carly and her apologists, to this day I have a visceral reaction to the phrase "not her secret to tell." Even in completely different contexts! Bitch, it wasn't your secret to keep!

Okay. Just had to get that out. Carry on.

Edited by Melgaypet
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As much of a little shit as Spencer is, I am always grateful that he's one child that Carly couldn't successfully steal.  I can't even imagine what John Jacks would have been like.  /shiver.

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I caught a bit of the show last Friday (I think it was) when Nicolas was telling an unconscious Mike about Spencer, “your grandson”. How is he Mike’s grandson?

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Urrgh. When Nicolas Bechtel became Frank's new pet (ew, sorry, not gross in the way that sounds), suddenly Spencer and "Uncle Sonny" were suddenly sharing scenes and acting like they were tight, when I'm pretty sure Sonny had completely forgotten that kid's existence after the whole brouhaha with Jax and Carly lying about his paternity. (Possibly even before.)

ETA: I still hate Spencer's name, btw. That has nothing to do with anything, I just felt like saying it again. I want my Cassadines to have aristocratic names, dammit!

Edited by Melgaypet
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19 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Spencer's mother is the long-dead Courtney, Mike's daughter (and Sonny's sister). She also goes by SWSNBN (she who shall not be named) on the boards.

Thank you.

I literally have not watched GH in years -- caught an ep last week.

Dayam! The DRAMA! The ANGST hit me over the head like a baseball bat!

Anyway -- one scene had Elizabeth and Nicholas Cassadine (played by a different actor since the last time I watched) and they were talking about his son "Spencer" -- all I could think was -- wait! Is LuLu Spencer the mother of Spencer with Nicholas -- isn't he her brother?  I mean anything is possible on GH but brother and sister having a kid together seemed a stretch even to me.

I remember Courtney! (And Mike of course -- obviously I missed a whole lot -- like Courtney having Nicholas's baby and DYING!)

I will go away now....

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21 minutes ago, taanja said:

Anyway -- one scene had Elizabeth and Nicholas Cassadine (played by a different actor since the last time I watched) and they were talking about his son "Spencer" -- all I could think was -- wait! Is LuLu Spencer the mother of Spencer with Nicholas -- isn't he her brother?  I mean anything is possible on GH but brother and sister having a kid together seemed a stretch even to me.

I envy you having missed that delightful time on GH when the "Stavlu" embryo was a thing. An embryo created from Lulu's stolen egg and fertilized by Stavros Cassadine. Stavros, who was Nikolas' father. Nikolas, who is Lulu's brother. And get this, Lulu was not obsessed with finding this embryo and DESTROYING IT, because that would make sense, nooooo, she had the baby rabies and wanted a biological child (though she already had a bio kid with Dante) so badly that she was willing to have a child fathered by her own half-brother's father/her mother's rapist*.  Which is FUCKING INSANE.

*No, I haven't forgotten that Lulu's own father is also her mother's rapist. But Lulu (nor Lucky) was not conceived by rape, which Nikolas was. That was the entirety of Laura's "marriage" to Stavros. Just, everything about it was gross.

We were talking about SWSNBN, weren't we? Before Lulu, Courtney also had her eggs frozen. Not in the Cassadine Ice Princess World Freezing Machine, but in the frigid coastal waters of landlocked Bolivia. Spencer was a miracle baby. Or whatever you call a miracle performed by demonic forces.

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1 hour ago, taanja said:

Thank you.

I literally have not watched GH in years -- caught an ep last week.

Dayam! The DRAMA! The ANGST hit me over the head like a baseball bat!

Anyway -- one scene had Elizabeth and Nicholas Cassadine (played by a different actor since the last time I watched) and they were talking about his son "Spencer" -- all I could think was -- wait! Is LuLu Spencer the mother of Spencer with Nicholas -- isn't he her brother?  I mean anything is possible on GH but brother and sister having a kid together seemed a stretch even to me.

I remember Courtney! (And Mike of course -- obviously I missed a whole lot -- like Courtney having Nicholas's baby and DYING!)

I will go away now....

She shows Carly/Jason/Sonny ruin everything. I wasn't watching during the beginnings of Courtney and AJ, but the pairing seemed to be getting good reviews. Then because of Guza, Frons and for good measure Frons' wife, they completely torpedoed the relationship in favor of moving her to a chemistry free pairing with Jason and since Jason is the equivalent of watching laundry spin, guess how exciting they were. (though, considering that the corner stone couple on GH is a rapist and his victim, and soon afterwards Sonny accidental shot Carly through the head, you would think a month long stalking would be small potatoes)

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2 hours ago, taanja said:

Anyway -- one scene had Elizabeth and Nicholas Cassadine (played by a different actor since the last time I watched) and they were talking about his son "Spencer"

That reminded me - wasn't there a temporary Nik during the SWSNBN storyline?  I remember tuning in one day and a non-Tyler Christopher Nik had his arm in a sling.

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16 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

That reminded me - wasn't there a temporary Nik during the SWSNBN storyline?  I remember tuning in one day and a non-Tyler Christopher Nik had his arm in a sling.

You are correct! Chris Beetem was a temp recast in November 2005. Tyler had to have arm surgery. I assume the sling was b/c of TC's real-life injury and Beetem had it for continuity's sake.

I would like to pretend I knew that from memory, but it would be a lie. You guys know my mind's a sieve, plus I need to admit looking it up to relay this bit of information I found that I had never heard before - Tyler Christopher auditioned for Stone Cates back in 1993!

Edited by Melgaypet
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23 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

I envy you having missed that delightful time on GH when the "Stavlu" embryo was a thing. An embryo created from Lulu's stolen egg and fertilized by Stavros Cassadine. Stavros, who was Nikolas' father. Nikolas, who is Lulu's brother. And get this, Lulu was not obsessed with finding this embryo and DESTROYING IT, because that would make sense, nooooo, she had the baby rabies and wanted a biological child (though she already had a bio kid with Dante) so badly that she was willing to have a child fathered by her own half-brother's father/her mother's rapist*.  Which is FUCKING INSANE.

*No, I haven't forgotten that Lulu's own father is also her mother's rapist. But Lulu (nor Lucky) was not conceived by rape, which Nikolas was. That was the entirety of Laura's "marriage" to Stavros. Just, everything about it was gross.

We were talking about SWSNBN, weren't we? Before Lulu, Courtney also had her eggs frozen. Not in the Cassadine Ice Princess World Freezing Machine, but in the frigid coastal waters of landlocked Bolivia. Spencer was a miracle baby. Or whatever you call a miracle performed by demonic forces.

OMG!! Haha! All I can do is laugh! I remember some of that craziness. It may be about the time I stopped watching regularly.

 I have popped in a couple a times over the years just to see what's the what -- and the more things change the more they stay the same.

I am old enough to be of the original audience of the Luke and Laura days -- hell! Their wedding was like a BIG DEAL! My college practically closed down to watch it.

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I've never understood how Nikolas is a legitimate Cassadine when his parents "marriage" took place while Laura was legally married to Luke. You'd think Stavros would have taken care of that minor detail before forcing Laura to marry him. 

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26 minutes ago, Mirabelle said:

I've never understood how Nikolas is a legitimate Cassadine when his parents "marriage" took place while Laura was legally married to Luke. You'd think Stavros would have taken care of that minor detail before forcing Laura to marry him. 

The only explanation I can come up with is that the Stavros and Laura were married in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and Luke and Laura were not; so, by those lights, it's Luke and Laura's marriage that was invalid. That doesn't hold up to legal scrutiny, of course, but the Cassadines considered themselves Russian nobility in exile, so they clung to those Old World traditions and ideas about legitimacy. It's dodgy, and plenty of distant Cassadine cousins probably muttered about it into their wine, but Helena and Stavros and later, Stefan, needed an heir to keep the title extant and the power and money consolidated; and if Nikolas was a bastard they were out of luck.

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I wish I had a better idea how the Cassadine legacy worked because if Nikolas was illegitimate, wouldn't Stefan have been next in line as Mikos' second son?

Then again, this is the same show where the Q's apparently have no problem getting smaller and smaller shares of company stock as new members of the family show up. 

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33 minutes ago, Mirabelle said:

I wish I had a better idea how the Cassadine legacy worked because if Nikolas was illegitimate, wouldn't Stefan have been next in line as Mikos' second son?

You'd think, wouldn't you? But Cassadines are bloodline-obsessed freaks. Helena loathed Stefan and adored Stavros, she wanted the title to go through Stavros' line. And Stefan loved Nikolas and never wanted him disinherited. That's one of the reasons he kept quiet about Nikolas being his son (which Stefan believed to be true throughout Nikolas' entire childhood), because that would definitely make Nikolas illegitimate, no wiggle room or justifications could paper over that.

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Just Nikolas (and we've just talked about his legitimacy being murky.) When he was "dead" I wanted recast Lydia and her son (conceived during her and Nikolas' marriage, so at least as legitimate as Nik) to come back to claim the fortune. An "in-your-face" to both Valentin and bratty Spencer, plus the whole thing of Nikolas (when he came back, as we all knew he would) dealing with a long-lost son. I even gave the kid a name in my head - Anton.

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Has Kevin mentioned his dad, Victor, at any point since coming back to the show? The last I recall from Port Charles (the show), he was married to Mary Scanlon and still living in Port Charles (the town).



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Huh. Well, that's a little strange. If he had passed away, it should have been mentioned. (The actor who played Victor Collins, Nicholas Pryor, is still alive and, according to IMDb at least, still acting.) If he still lived in Port Charles, you'd think he'd be involved somehow in the whole Ryan mess. Or at least attended Kevin and Laura's wedding. Maybe he and Mary moved to Paris to be near Kevin and Lucy and their family? (Only on Soaps: Kevin's adopted (step) daughter Christina is also Mary's bio granddaughter.) Another missed opportunity, I suppose.

He was more a Port Charles character (I've been doing some rewatching, from before the supernatural shit started), but I like Victor. He was nutty, but good-hearted and charming.

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I feel like Victor was referred to, though not by name, during the Ryan stuff.  Didn't Kevin, when explaining the retcon to Laura, say that Ryan was taken by DVX because they thought he would take after Victor?  Or something?

But as I've said before, the show tends to treat Kevin's life and history before Laura as a blank.  Even the Ryan stuff was very shallowly about Kevin, Kevin was just the means to reintroduce an antagonist.

Edited by TeeVee329
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On 8/29/2020 at 5:54 PM, TeeVee329 said:

I feel like Victor was referred to, though not by name, during the Ryan stuff.  Didn't Kevin, when explaining the retcon to Laura, say that Ryan was taken by DVX because they thought he would take after Victor?  Or something?

Okay, so I went to youtube and found that scene. Kevin talked about Victor in the past tense, though possibly that only referred to his career(s) as a mathematician/spy. It was only one line and not definitive either way, but it seems the most logical conclusion is that Victor is dead. But, you know. Logic and this show.

(Pediatrician serial killers don't strike me as very good operative material, frankly. Sociopathy may be a plus, but you want people who are loyal and/or easily controlled, right? But I don't run an evil spy organization, so.)

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Hmm, it's indeed hard to tell from one line, but Laura's soft expression when Kevin talks about his father seems to indicate Victor's dead, IMO.

I'm also reminded that one of the few things I appreciated about the retcon is that Kevin wasn't keeping the truth about Ryan a secret throughout his marriage to Lucy.  They seemed to set that up when they brought up Kevin's patient in Seattle again, but thankfully they didn't go there.

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I realize I've spent way too much time watching the 2011 Jocelyn custody battle between CandyBoy and Carly/Sonny, my fault entirely, and I'm not entirely sure why that particular Carly story has grabbed me so thoroughly, but be that as it may, I usually watch it starting from Carly kicking CandyBoy to the curb when he comes home from being BrenDUH's hero in London and lying to Carl;y about it to the judge shutting CandyBoy down in the ruling hearing so thoroughly it's like an arrogant Richie Rich kindergartner getting exactly what he deserves.  

One exception I do take is when BrenDUH is leaving Sonny, she tells Sonny that CandyBoy is actually a decent human being, unlike in BrenDUH's intelligent opinion Unstable Liar Carly.  (I really did enjoy it when Jason shut BrenDUH down when she tried to spout that tired line in front of him.  He told her basically to STFU and it was glorious.)  

After CandyBoy woke up from his drug-induced stupor and he couldn't get a hold of Alexis, he summoned BrenDUH to his side.  When CandyBoy was explaining to Det. Domestico what Sonny had done, CandyBoy forgot a few words in his explanation of what Sonny was going to do.  "If I did not stop pursuing the custody of my daughter, he would destroy me."  That's a goddamn lie and CandyBoy gets away with it.  Sonny said share custody with Carly.  Sonny wanted CandyBoy to stop pursuing SOLE CUSTODY of Jocelyn.  

So lying CandyBoy and dipshit dumbass BrenDUH get to be the supposed arbiters of morality in this twisted tale and that just makes me SICK.  

Edited by SapphireSage
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16 hours ago, SapphireSage said:

I realize I've spent way too much time watching the 2011 Jocelyn custody battle between CandyBoy and Carly/Sonny, my fault entirely, and I'm not entirely sure why that particular Carly story has grabbed me so thoroughly, but be that as it may, I usually watch it starting from Carly kicking CandyBoy to the curb when he comes home from being BrenDUH's hero in London and lying to Carl;y about it to the judge shutting CandyBoy down in the ruling hearing so thoroughly it's like an arrogant Richie Rich kindergartner getting exactly what he deserves.  

One exception I do take is when BrenDUH is leaving Sonny, she tells Sonny that CandyBoy is actually a decent human being, unlike in BrenDUH's intelligent opinion Unstable Liar Carly.  (I really did enjoy it when Jason shut BrenDUH down when she tried to spout that tired line in front of him.  He told her basically to STFU and it was glorious.)  

After CandyBoy woke up from his drug-induced stupor and he couldn't get a hold of Alexis, he summoned BrenDUH to his side.  When CandyBoy was explaining to Det. Domestico what Sonny had done, CandyBoy forgot a few words in his explanation of what Sonny was going to do.  "f I did not stop pursuing the custody of my daughter, he would destroy me."  That's a goddamn lie and CandyBoy gets away with it.  Sonny said share custody with Carly.  Sonny wanted CandyBoy to stop pursuing SOLE CUSTODY of Jocelyn.  

So lying CandyBoy and dipshit dumbass BrenDUH get to be the supposed arbiters of morality in this twisted tale and that just makes me SICK.  

Considering that Sonny had Jax drugged and then framed him for attempted rape, in this case, yes, they are arbiters for morality. It gave me one of my favorite lines from Brenda "I am not leaving you for Jax, I am leaving you." And it is pretty rich that Sonny thought Jax and Carly should have shared custody, considering he attempted(thought about, maybe) to get sole custody of Kristina and once had a restraining order against Carly with concern to Michael and Morgan, even though he isn't Michael's biological parent. It wasn't Sonny's fucking business what the custody case was between Jax and Carly. He had been divorced from Carly for a few years at that point and was married to Brenda.  Sonny framed a person with a violent, serious crime. It would be one thing if he only outed Jax bribing officials, thereby Jax losing his case, but Jax could have wound up in prison if convicted. I will also point out she didn't cut ties with at least Jason, a known mob enforcer, and limit her interactions with Sonny, even after Michael wound up in a coma because of a botched hit on Sonny.  

Of course, we knew that Jax was in the wrong because Alexis was troubled by Jax trying to get sole custody. That is how Guza differentiated between who was the white hat and who was the black hat. 

Alexis - who had filed paperwork that dissolved AJ's parental rights and allowed Sonny to adopt him, knowing full well AJ wouldn't ever do that unless illegally coerced, then proceeded to hide Kristina's paternity for two years. But Jax wants Josslyn to live with him full time, now that is evil. 

I really wish when Sean Kanean's AJ returned and Alexis confronted him about the kidnappings, he reminded her of what he allowed Sonny to do to him and how while a violent mobster was good enough to be his son's father, Sonny wasn't good enough to be Kristina's father. Of course the short answer is Sonny isn't good enough to be anyone's father, adoptive or biological.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Actually, back in 1996, there were rumors that originally Victor Collins was suppose to turn out to be Victor Cassadine. I remember reading that was why Alexis was interested in his case when she first came on, but the storyline got dropped when Guza left for Sunset Beach and instead we got Victor Collins created by Richard Culliton who then went to PC with Kevin.

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1 hour ago, sppa125 said:

Actually, back in 1996, there were rumors that originally Victor Collins was suppose to turn out to be Victor Cassadine. I remember reading that was why Alexis was interested in his case when she first came on, but the storyline got dropped when Guza left for Sunset Beach and instead we got Victor Collins created by Richard Culliton who then went to PC with Kevin.

It might have also gotten dropped because of Port Charles. At the time, they were still debating which couple to use to anchor the spin off. It was between Kevin/Lucy and Ned/Lois. 

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5 hours ago, ffwbe said:

It might have also gotten dropped because of Port Charles. At the time, they were still debating which couple to use to anchor the spin off. It was between Kevin/Lucy and Ned/Lois. 

Actually, Claire Labine had planned on creating a spin-off of GH called Heart & Soul, which would have seen Ned & Lois move back to her old neighborhood in Brooklyn and would have also featured her family and friends there. That was originally the reason why CL was supposed to leave GH in 1996, but then it got scrapped in favor of PC and she became the head writer of OLTL instead. PC was always meant to be anchored by Kevin & Lucy (and Scott), as far as I know.

That's the story I've always heard, anyway. I could be completely wrong. 

Edited by UYI
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Here's an episode of Port Charles from the General Homicide story that has some hilarious scenes of Victor, Kevin, and Lucy. (Also fun scenes of Eve and Chris Ramsay plotting, as well as stuff with Karen and Joe Scanlon and some sad-eyed cancer kid that I don't care about, because of my cold, dead heart.)

And because I do remember this is the GH history thread, here is vintage Kevin and Lucy, being adorable. Look how young they are!


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12 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Lucy + Doc 4 Eva! 

I mean, Laura and Kevin are fine, but I just find Lucy and Kevin's opposites attract dynamic so appealing, always have.

*hides away somewhere where liking Scott & Lucy more is considered okay*

9 hours ago, Mirabelle said:

What was Felicia's family treasure? Was it actual gold and jewels or was it artifacts? 

I want to say it was a ring, the same ring that wound up being her wedding ring with Frisco, IIRC. 

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1 hour ago, UYI said:

*hides away somewhere where liking Scott & Lucy more is considered okay*

Is that where Max/Luna shippers hang out? *ducks*

I like Scotty & Lucy, too. And Kevin & Laura. And - I've been on this Port Charles kick - I like Eve Lambert with both Kevin and Scotty. But I do think Kevin & Lucy are best together. There's just something magical there.

I suppose it's weird in this day of Twitter stanning and such, to like multiple pairings. (Thanks to youtube, I can say I like Anna/Robert and Robert/Holly. And I like Robert/Olivia. Is that allowed?  I say it is!)

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41 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

Is that where Max/Luna shippers hang out? *ducks*


Oh you did NOT just go there. 😠

(Just kidding, I love you.)

Hey, I got to see Fiona for the first time in nearly a decade on one of those online OLTL reunions earlier this year; my Max/Gabrielle loving heart is set for life now. Even an online reunion featuring her and JDP together would just be gravy for me at this point.

And honestly, I might prefer Scott/Dom slightly more than Scott/Lucy, but...sniff. 

Edited by UYI
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2 hours ago, UYI said:

*hides away somewhere where liking Scott & Lucy more is considered okay*

Don't hide!  I personally like Scotty and Lucy more as best friends/co-parents/co-conspirators - and, as I've mentioned in various threads at various times, I think there's such a great, soapy dynamic to play with them and Serena - but I'm not surprised people prefer them romantically.

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Personally, I feel like that ship has sunk and resurfaced and sunk again and resurfaced and then been torpedoed, but I really enjoy them these days as people who've known each other a long time, who have a long history, and are still there for each other.

I can't even remember...is Scotty with Bobbie right now?  There was that weird thing with him zannily proposing at some point, but I don't remember whatever happened with that.

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6 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Personally, I feel like that ship has sunk and resurfaced and sunk again and resurfaced and then been torpedoed, but I really enjoy them these days as people who've known each other a long time, who have a long history, and are still there for each other.

I can't even remember...is Scotty with Bobbie right now?  There was that weird thing with him zannily proposing at some point, but I don't remember whatever happened with that.

Same on the first paragraph, and I think Scott and Bobbie are unattached.

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Since when do Jaysus and Mooby need "hard evidence" or "proof" when going after rivals/enemies? Mooby, who at the drop of a hat goes all KILL!KILL!KILL!? PUH-LEAZE. I know, I know, it's to "show" us stoopid viewers that these two are the "GOOD GUYS!"

@GHScorpiosRule You would think that Mooby and Jasus would have learned something after Mikey wound up in that coma, but since storylines never effect other storylines, characters and relationships then no. 

For the saga of Mikey ending up in a coma: Michael went missing. Sonny thought he was kidnapped by Johnny Zacharra's family. Turns out that he ran away because he accidentally shot Kate Howard (Sonny's girlfriend) and if Sonny every caught him with a gun, Michael should run away or something. Sonny had his idiots kidnap Johnny and hold him in a old mental asylum. Claudia, Johnny's, er, secret mother/sister, actually asked very nicely to have Sonny release him and she wouldn't cause Sonny any trouble, but if he didn't, Sonny "wouldn't like how it ended". When it was revealed it wasn't a kidnapping but Sonny's shitty parenting that caused Michael's disappearance, he still held onto to Johnny, which really pissed off Claudia.  Remember, Claudia had a legitimate reason for ordering that hit out on Sonny, but Claudia is the evil for doing that, but Sonny get the fawning storyline when after he totally murdered an unarmed AJ.

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3 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

@GHScorpiosRule You would think that Mooby and Jasus would have learned something after Mikey wound up in that coma, but since storylines never effect other storylines, characters and relationships then no. 

For the saga of Mikey ending up in a coma: Michael went missing. Sonny thought he was kidnapped by Johnny Zacharra's family. Turns out that he ran away because he accidentally shot Kate Howard (Sonny's girlfriend) and if Sonny every caught him with a gun, Michael should run away or something. Sonny had his idiots kidnap Johnny and hold him in a old mental asylum. Claudia, Johnny's, er, secret mother/sister, actually asked very nicely to have Sonny release him and she wouldn't cause Sonny any trouble, but if he didn't, Sonny "wouldn't like how it ended". When it was revealed it wasn't a kidnapping but Sonny's shitty parenting that caused Michael's disappearance, he still held onto to Johnny, which really pissed off Claudia.  Remember, Claudia had a legitimate reason for ordering that hit out on Sonny, but Claudia is the evil for doing that, but Sonny get the fawning storyline when after he totally murdered an unarmed AJ.

Yes, I'm aware of the history. My original comment was just me rolling my eyes at this sudden turn of how Jason and Mooby now require hard proof to go after rivals/enemies.

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On 9/8/2020 at 3:32 PM, TeeVee329 said:

I can't even remember...is Scotty with Bobbie right now?  There was that weird thing with him zannily proposing at some point, but I don't remember whatever happened with that.

Bobbie said today that Scott was taking her out to dinner.

☹️Boo.  Scott deserves better.

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