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Crossover Spoilers 2017: Crisis on Earth-X!

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NEW POLICY: From this point on, for multi-show spoilers (or where it is unknown which show a spoiler will drop in), discussion should take place in the Mind Your Surroundings topic in the Arrow forum; OR you may choose to discuss them here, a multi show spoiler topic specifically for crossovers. Anything that involves any crossover element - goes here or MYS.  Enjoy!

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So one of the CW multi-show promos showed a scene with Kid Flash and Steel/Nate -- Has there been any more info on this crossover? (I haven't heard anything from Flash spoilers.) What show this happens on; which episode; why; and who else might meet?

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10 hours ago, Trini said:

So one of the CW multi-show promos showed a scene with Kid Flash and Steel/Nate -- Has there been any more info on this crossover? (I haven't heard anything from Flash spoilers.) What show this happens on; which episode; why; and who else might meet?

I'm curious about that scene too. They probably should've gone with another character though, if it was Kid Flash and Mick it might have gotten more press. I don't think Nate is a hugely popular character. 

I'm now hearing that the Sara/Alex thing is a drunken hookup that Alex will regret. If thats true this crossover is becoming less and less interesting. I'd rather they skip the hookup and just let Sara and Alex discover that they are 2 non powered kickass women that are on a team of superpowered people. 

Edited by Sakura12
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My guess is that it's going to be an apre-reception thing.  I'd hate to see it be a drunken encounter that Alex winds up regretting, but that makes a bit of sense because:

  1. Alex is well-established as using booze as a crutch, and I can see her getting into it if this is all soon after her breakup with Maggie.
  2. I don't think either Alex or Kara is the type for one-offs; Alex's response to her first sexual relationship was to want to marry her, and being free-ish with that sort of thing doesn't really align with the personality of someone who stresses out because she thinks she's not making her mother happy (not to mention thinking that her lack of interest in intimacy with guys in college meant she was probably asexual).  So the "oh no, what did I do?" reaction seems to work for me.

My hope is that the two of them share a wink and sly smile before the Danvers ladies head back to Earth-38 at the end of Tuesday night, but we'll see what happens.

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I'd hate to see it be a drunken encounter that Alex winds up regretting, but that makes a bit of sense because:

Alex is well-established as using booze as a crutch, and I can see her getting into it if this is all soon after her breakup with Maggie.

I don't think either Alex or Kara is the type for one-offs; Alex's response to her first sexual relationship was to want to marry her, and being free-ish with that sort of thing doesn't really align with the personality of someone who stresses out because she thinks she's not making her mother happy (not to mention thinking that her lack of interest in intimacy with guys in college meant she was probably asexual).  So the "oh no, what did I do?" reaction seems to work for me.

I agree. It would probably be out of character for Alex to hook up with anyone so soon after she broke up with Maggie without being drunk and she is going to feel guilty about being with someone else when a short time ago she was going to get married. 

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Here's the chain of tweets from that spoiler acct that says what happens. (scroll up to see the beginning) 


This happens early in the crossover.  The night before the wedding Alex and Sara get drunk and hook up.  Alex feels guilty about it. It sounds like at least partially because she feels disloyal to Maggie.  It's awkward at first between the two of them but then it sounds like they end up fighting together against the Earth-X threat, and they work it out by the end.

The one thing that I was wondering about is that Sara is established as being able to drink everyone else under the table.  I hope this doesn't end up coming across as her taking advantage of Alex in any way. :(  I know the writers wouldn't intentionally do that, but still.

Edited by Starfish35
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That's what I'm worried about too. Sara drank Mick under the table, then beat up people in a bar fight. It's been established that Sara can hold her liquor. 

I can only hope that Sara is just flirty and fun and Alex only had a drink or 2, then goes to bed with Sara. I do get that Alex coming out of her first relationship and break up will feel guilty and I figured they'd work it out in the end. I just don't want Sara to come off as bad in that situation. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I do wish they'd give Sara a relationship that's a bit more than just a one night stand.  I mean, granted, the crossover probably isn't the place to do it, but I'm vaguely uncomfortable by the way Sara's sexuality, especially when it comes to women, seems to be used for shallow one-off, one-night stand moments as opposed to something a little more meaningful.  

Edited by squidprincess
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They've said they are giving Sara a love interest this season.  Speculation is that it will be Ava, the woman in the suit from the trailer.  But that's not confirmed.  All we know for sure is that it will not be someone we already know.

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3 hours ago, lurker22 said:

I really hope Sara isn't being used as a plot device to prop up other characters from another show.

I don't think so, more likely the just couldn't resist having both their lesbian and bisexual characters hook up, especially since they're both non powered awesome fighters, and it's not exactly out of character for Sara to have a fling with a pretty woman, although it is for Alex. I hope it isn't portrayed as Sara taking advantage, although I shouldn't think so since she's all about consent and attacks against women etc after her experiences. I can see Alex being guilty since she's just broken her engagement and first serious relationship, though I dislike the spoiled reasons for that break up if they're correct. 

It's also most likely to remind people that Alex is a lesbian without having to put her in another relationship right away.

For Sara, if her love interest is Ava I assume by that point they haven't gotten past the more antagonistic aspect of Bureau vs Legends, if they've had many moments at all and she might continue her flirtations with other characters as well. Nate and Amaya didn't start until after mid season and then it was all guns blazing for the final episodes. 

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8 hours ago, Featherhat said:

I don't think so, more likely the just couldn't resist having both their lesbian and bisexual characters hook up, especially since they're both non powered awesome fighters, and it's not exactly out of character for Sara to have a fling with a pretty woman, although it is for Alex. I hope it isn't portrayed as Sara taking advantage, although I shouldn't think so since she's all about consent and attacks against women etc after her experiences. I can see Alex being guilty since she's just broken her engagement and first serious relationship, though I dislike the spoiled reasons for that break up if they're correct. 

It's also most likely to remind people that Alex is a lesbian without having to put her in another relationship right away.

Sounds like using Sara as a prop to me.

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I don't see the hookup between Sara and Alex as being much of a big deal for Sara, so I don't really expect anything story-wise to come out of that for her. But it's more likely for it to lead to some SL for Alex, hence, my plot device comment. Like it could have been anyone but Sara, and it would still have the same results for Alex.

I think my worry comes from reading comments from fans when Alex just came out as gay and was rejected by Maggie. They wanted Sara to kiss Alex to make Maggie jealous. Not that I think this will happen, but I don't want Sara to be used that way.

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I think they just wanted to write a hookup between two of their action faves. Both Alex and Sara strike me as writer faves. So I think they are probably salivating over the chance to get them to hook up. I actually thought it felt more like the other way around. That Alex relationship was made a breakup rather than just "taking a break" or "long distance relationship" specifically so it would be okay for Alex to sleep with Sara. 

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Well, I disagree, but even if that was the case, would that really be so out of character for Sara considering we have had episodes were her role was to tell women in history the upsides of sexual liberation? The entire episode with the nurse was arguably just about that. 

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It wasn't really about sexual liberation in the usual sense, it was about liberating her from the closet.

But more importantly it was about Sara learning to feel again.

All of her other hook-ups were also written to be about her.

If she's just there to springboard Alex's story, then she is being used to prop Alex.

I'm also not sure why Sara actually has to have sex with anyone to help teach them about sexual liberation. It's the same with the jokes about her "spreading" her queerness. Someone comfortable with her sexuality can help others be without being used as the physical vehicle for it. Bi women can have bi friends.

These aren't shows that normally have random, meaningless hook-ups. That they use Sara, the bisexual woman, in this manner only is increasingly off-putting, especially in light of EP comments about her sexuality over the past couple seasons. The Legends staff clearly views this aspect of Sara's character as a joke.

There's a million better things for Sara to be doing in a crossover, all of which would be about her as much as whoever she interacts with, but instead she's used like this.

Edited by GreatAtBoats
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I'm also not sure why Sara actually has to have sex with anyone to help teach them about sexual liberation. It's the same with the jokes about her "spreading" her queerness. Someone comfortable with her sexuality can help others be without being used as the physical vehicle for it. 

And yet Sara the character as the show chose to write her seems to prefer it this way. 


If she's just there to springboard Alex's story, then she is being used to prop Alex.

Something we don't know and have no evidence of. Alex can angst and likely will angst about Maggie without needing to sleep with Sara. Just like I think there is a more than good chance that she will have a story in regards to her sister before and after the Sara hookup that doesn't have anything to do with the hookup. I see no reason yet to assume that the hookup exists for any reason other than the writers wanted to see a hookup from a straight male perspective (I heard that in the last crossover there was even a deleted line where Kara says to Sara "you should meet my sister", imo evidence that the writers have had this hookup on their mind for a long time). If that is the case, then both Alex and Sara are being used and positioned to make that happen. And arguably Alex is the one who is being twisted further to make this happen than Sara who has been doing similar things all throughout her time on Legends. 


The Legends staff clearly views this aspect of Sara's character as a joke.

I think the writers use Sara to live out their Captain Kirk fantasies without being accused of misogyny vis a vis the women Sara hooks up with. If Sara was a man, the fact that there are just apparently tons of women just waiting to jump into bed with them instantly would absolutely be criticized.  But because it's Sara it's okay. 

Edited by tofutan
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2 hours ago, tofutan said:

And yet Sara the character as the show chose to write her seems to prefer it this way. 

Does she? That wasn't the case with Lindsay, neither the Queen of France nor Guinevere -- especially the former -- were shown to be in need of any kind of liberating, and we don't know what really happened in Salem.

Regardless, the point is Sara is a fictional character, and bisexual women both real and fictional are subject to hypersexualization enough as it is.

2 hours ago, tofutan said:

Something we don't know and have no evidence of. Alex can angst and likely will angst about Maggie without needing to sleep with Sara. Just like I think there is a more than good chance that she will have a story in regards to her sister before and after the Sara hookup that doesn't have anything to do with the hookup. I see no reason yet to assume that the hookup exists for any reason other than the writers wanted to see a hookup from a straight male perspective (I heard that in the last crossover there was even a deleted line where Kara says to Sara "you should meet my sister", imo evidence that the writers have had this hookup on their mind for a long time). If that is the case, then both Alex and Sara are being used and positioned to make that happen.

Well, no, because if you believe the spoilers at all, we know it's about Alex and Sara is just there in a supporting role so she can work through her Maggie issues.

2 hours ago, tofutan said:

And arguably Alex is the one who is being twisted further to make this happen than Sara who has been doing similar things all throughout her time on Legends.

We know nothing of what a single Alex who has accepted her sexuality is like.

Drunk sex isn't something we've seen from Sara, either. "All throughout her time on Legends," also isn't true even in regards to her having less worrisome kinds of flirtations and flings.

2 hours ago, tofutan said:

I think the writers use Sara to live out their Captain Kirk fantasies without being accused of misogyny vis a vis the women Sara hooks up with. If Sara was a man, the fact that there are just apparently tons of women just waiting to jump into bed with them instantly would absolutely be criticized.  But because it's Sara it's okay. 

Doesn't make it any better.

2 hours ago, tofutan said:
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Well, no, because if you believe the spoilers at all, we know it's about Alex and Sara is just there in a supporting role so she can work through her Maggie issues.

No, we don't. We don't know what Alex's story will be exactly in the crossover other than sleeping with Sara. It is YOUR interpretation that the Sara hookup exists because of the Maggie issues. I say it's just as likely that the Maggie issues exist because of the hookup. We also don't know what personal stories Sara might have going on leading up to the crossover or after that. I personally also don't expect this to necessarily have any commentary on the speculated about Sara/Ava story, but we can't rule it out either. The ONS is supposed to take place in the first episode of a 4 episode crossover. We don't even know what they do, if anything, for the rest of the episodes (though I presume Sara will hopefully grieve for Stein). 


Regardless, the point is Sara is a fictional character, and bisexual women both real and fictional are subject to hypersexualization enough as it is.

Sure. But this is the portrayal Sara has had all throughout Legends. That she has, comparatively, a lot of fast/one off adventures with women. As I said, I think the motivation behind it is different (Captain Kirking, the writers half of the time forgetting that Sara is bi at all/showing very little intention so far to pursuing nearly as much, if any Sara/guy romances and that despite the fact that Captain Canary always drew in media attention), but naturally the effect is the same. I just don't see why people should get outraged only when it is Alex. Why is Sara "helping out" the nurse with her closet or "helping out" the queen of France with her boring sex  life or supporting and encouraging Guinevere that she's a strong queen even if her husband is in love with fem!Merlin be so much less worse than (speculatively) helping out Alex with freaking out after a one night stand? 

Edited by tofutan
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1 minute ago, tofutan said:

No, we don't. We don't know what Alex's story will be exactly in the crossover other than sleeping with Sara. It is YOUR interpretation that the Sara hookup exists because of the Maggie issues.

I'm going by the spoilers. Alex has a reaction that is about her and her relationship with Maggie. Sara has no reaction except to give Alex advice. The writers are using Sara for Alex's story and all indications are Sara gets no story out of it. Not to say she gets no story at all, but I'm talking about the hook-up.

1 minute ago, tofutan said:

Sure. But this is the portrayal Sara has had all throughout Legends.

I already pointed out why I disagree with you on that.

1 minute ago, tofutan said:

As I said, I think the motivation behind it is different

You can think what you want, but it doesn't change the fact that this is a negative trope associated with bisexual characters, particularly female ones.

1 minute ago, tofutan said:

I just don't see why people should get outraged only when it is Alex.

Because, from what's been said, it's entirely about Alex this time.

1 minute ago, tofutan said:

Why is Sara "helping out" the nurse with her closet or "helping out" the queen of France with her boring sex  life or supporting and encouraging Guinevere that she's a strong queen even if her husband is in love with fem!Merlin be so much less worse than (speculatively) helping out Alex with freaking out after a one night stand? 

Can I ask why you used quotation marks?

In any event, as I said earlier, the story with Lindsay was about Sara learning to open up again. Guinevere was used as a mirror for Sara. I thought the whole thing with the Queen was foul, too, and is part of my thinking they've taken to viewing her as a joke, but even that was used to set up Sara's emotional journey from kind of not giving a fuck to having to get serious in Rip's absence.

Also, as already stated? None of those instances involved alcohol.

And another big difference is those women actually liked Sara and didn't look at their encounters with guilt that Sara then has to be understanding about.

And the guilt loops back to my issues with EP commentary, particularly Phil Klemmer's, this messed up crap about someone needing to "make an honest woman out of her." She's not actually been terribly sexually active -- although even if she was, so what? -- but he speaks as though there's something wrong with the way she's been behaving.

Meanwhile everyone's been begging for Sara to have something serious, as the way they've written her has increasingly felt biphobic, homophobic and misogynistic for a lot of people. Just because the relationship with her love interest hasn't reached a particular place by the time of the crossover doesn't mean they have to keep doing what's bothered a lot of people in the meantime, and the fact that they are indicates they have no idea what they've been doing wrong in the first place.

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On 9/30/2017 at 2:47 PM, GreatAtBoats said:

It wasn't really about sexual liberation in the usual sense, it was about liberating her from the closet.

But more importantly it was about Sara learning to feel again.

All of her other hook-ups were also written to be about her.

If she's just there to springboard Alex's story, then she is being used to prop Alex.

I'm also not sure why Sara actually has to have sex with anyone to help teach them about sexual liberation. It's the same with the jokes about her "spreading" her queerness. Someone comfortable with her sexuality can help others be without being used as the physical vehicle for it. Bi women can have bi friends.

These aren't shows that normally have random, meaningless hook-ups. That they use Sara, the bisexual woman, in this manner only is increasingly off-putting, especially in light of EP comments about her sexuality over the past couple seasons. The Legends staff clearly views this aspect of Sara's character as a joke.

There's a million better things for Sara to be doing in a crossover, all of which would be about her as much as whoever she interacts with, but instead she's used like this.

I'm expecting this hook up to help shape both characters moving forward.  Alex will get the hope of being able to find love again in the future while keeping Maggie a good memory and Sara will probably realize she's emotionally ready for something more than hookups.  Or at least have the idea reintroduced.  In Sara's case, I expect it to be a far less angsty revelation.  Probably no more than a look or a smile but it would mark a change.

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44 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm expecting this hook up to help shape both characters moving forward.  Alex will get the hope of being able to find love again in the future while keeping Maggie a good memory and Sara will probably realize she's emotionally ready for something more than hookups.  Or at least have the idea reintroduced.  In Sara's case, I expect it to be a far less angsty revelation.  Probably no more than a look or a smile but it would mark a change.

We got that two seasons ago and in the interim the excuse for just flings has been, "Hard to have a relationship while time traveling," which, while bullshit reasoning, she's still doing.

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Honestly, I don't think we're going to see any deep relationship stuff on this show.  My reading is that TPTB aren't plotting this for relationship drama and great character growth; it's about "the A-Team with a time machine" and episodic fun.  Personally I prefer it that way; I have little to no interest in character drama but watch the show for superheroics, tomfoolery and hi-jinks, but I understand MMV on that.

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37 minutes ago, MarkHB said:

Honestly, I don't think we're going to see any deep relationship stuff on this show.  My reading is that TPTB aren't plotting this for relationship drama and great character growth; it's about "the A-Team with a time machine" and episodic fun.  Personally I prefer it that way; I have little to no interest in character drama but watch the show for superheroics, tomfoolery and hi-jinks, but I understand MMV on that.

I'm good with simple, straightforward relationships (romantic and friendshippy) and character growth arcs, as opposed to keeping all the characters completely static, but other than that I'm in complete agreement.

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On a completely different note, this will be the first crossover in which the only show I am watching/following is LoT. So for me, it will be interesting to see if I need to watch the other episodes. I sorta hope LoT will be capsular enough that I don't have to bother with the other shows.

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I don't think this is going to be like a regular show crossover. From the way the producers are talking about it, it's more like a television 2-day miniseries that just happens to take place in the same time slots as the Arrowverse shows and star the same characters.

Imagine coming in on the last hour of a 4-hour miniseries - I think that's what it'd be like to only watch the LoT portion.

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Yeah Legends is the only show of the four I'm committed to watching this season, but I can't imagine not watching all four episodes.  It would be either all or nothing for me.  And it really does sound like they're committed to making it a "four-hour movie", not "the Supergirl episode" or "the Arrow episode".

(I stopped watching Flash and Arrow after seasons 2 and 4 respectively, and I'm really iffy on continuing with Supergirl right now.)

Edited by Starfish35
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LoT is the only show I'm watching the regular episodes. Arrow, Flash and Supergirl are off my watch list.  I'll probably be watching all the shows for the Crossover. Even though it doesn't seem that interesting to me since I don't care about Olicity or WestAllen. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Considering the writing for the last 2 crossovers, I don't think coming in on the last hour is going to be that horrible. I mean "for plot" is going to explain away Supergirl. I'll miss BA crying and running and being hailed as the greatest superhero ever. Even with it being her wedding, I doubt we will even see Iris outside of the Flash hour, which is just sad. Felicity will be poorly written comic relief, no major importance, since she is a non-mask. OQ will be forced to do something stupid to elevate the other masks and give the writers something to write. At least by the last hour, they will have tightened up their writing and I will not have had to count to 20 multiple times to pacify my anger. Or it will only be 40 or so min of their usual mediocrity.

It'll probably just be HR 1- Bad guy intro; Hr 2 - Failed wedding; Hr 3 - Bad guys look like they're winning; Hr 4 - Good Guys Prevail, wedding gets rescheduled to a later date.

IDK - Last year, I stopped watching Arrow out of protest for the horrible writing and redirection the show took. This year, it is still part protest, but honestly I just haven't found myself interested in the show. It's no longer about Oliver, Diggle and Felicity, so why bother watching it?? Supergirl lost me when it moved to the CW and became a CW show. As much as I find GG adorable, I couldn't even tolerate more than a few episodes of Run Barry Run last year. Unless miraculously the writers have grown in their skills and their understanding of their deficits, I cannot see how the first 3 hours of the crossover are going to be must-watch TV. Sometimes even mini-series only have a portion of must-watch TV. It's not like there is going to be some complicated mythology or backstory that is going to be built over time. Some things you can't jump into the middle without being lost, I don't foresee that with this batch of writers.

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I'll definitely miss Supergirl and Arrow because Lucifer is on and I'll be recording that.  I don't "protest" shows so much as cease to give a shit about them.  Arrow is pretty much in that category.  I'll likely miss the first couple of episodes of The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow because they're up against the last new episodes of Forged in Fire and I love Doug Marcaida declaring "It will Keel!" too much to miss it.

Edited by johntfs
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To each their own... but when I show & characters you loved gets destroyed by the writers inadequacies, failures, "for plot" or some other stupid reason, I consider my only options to be stop watching it in protest. Because honestly, if I hadn't cared about the show, why bother watching it in the first place?  It honestly still hurts that I know Arrow is coming back this week and I won't be watching it, because it's too painful to watch a formerly good show be whatever it is now.

So needless to say, I sort of wish crossovers were something that only happened when it was critical to the characters or interesting. This crossover just to crossover just seems like a waste of time & money.

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I think it's cooler in Vancouver. I saw a scene of Caity, Chryler and Melissa and they were wearing coats over their dress. They took them off when they had to actually shoot the scene. So Wentworth may be the lucky one to get to wear his coat most of the time. 

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3 hours ago, TDT said:

Would be interesting to also see Superman somehow involved in this crossover..(or maybe the next one)

But then you'd have Supergirl viewers complaining that he'd "stolen" Kara's thunder again in a storyline that's supposed to be about her involvement in the cross-over. Their chief complaint even now is that she's too often being relegated to the background when she's supposed to be the lead character.

Edited by legaleagle53
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3 hours ago, TDT said:

Would be interesting to also see Superman somehow involved in this crossover..(or maybe the next one)

The trouble with that it, that if he appeared it would immediately become All.About.Superman, especially in the media. The crossovers are already so stuffed with characters that I really don't want him worked in. If they want him and Barry to meet or him and Oliver so they can have their verison of BvsS or FvsS they should do it in another episode on Supergirl but even then it's taking the focus off Kara on her titular show and making it about two guys. There would be enough of that if Oliver ever met Mon-El, especially since pre Island Ollie has some similarities to Mon-El as Prince of Daxam. 

Edited by Featherhat
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I really don't see Superman coming to this season's crossover, because I think they have plans for him in the new Justice League movie. Until he's cleared from whatever happens in Justice League, I can't see DC permitting him to be on the TV universe again for a bit.

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I don't see why people want Superman to show up in the crossover every year. Kara can do everything he can, and she's canonically stronger. I guess it's about the novelty of seeing one of the DC trinity interacting with the Arrowverse heroes, but still.

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9 hours ago, benteen said:

That looks like Alex in there with the Big 4.  Maybe we'll finally get Sara and Alex.

That's her, all right.  Looking forward to her getting to play with the rest of the kids.

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