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These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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10 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Yeah, I saw another interview of Jared's and that's pretty blatant about how they end the show no longer hunting. As of right now.

He even pretty much spelled out that Jensen wasn't/isn't a fan of that. Probably not a good enough reason given for why they just stop. Whereas Jared only looks at the result and likes it.

Are they really gonna do a lame "settle down" ending? Because I'm with Jensen here in not seeing how you can properly set this up this late in the game. At least if they died, the reason would be self-explanatory.

I think I get why they are having such different reactions to it if it is that they settle down and stop hunting. Of course Jared would like them stopping hunting because that's what Sam has wanted most of the years and Dean has always been full-bore hunting so it wouldn't make sense to Jensen.

Edited by Bobcatkitten
  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Eileen is coming back, so I can see her and Sam hooking up.

Maybe they'll bring back Lisa and have Dean run into her in a bar, and he introduces himself.  Jensen hated that domestic story.  

Or Dean hooks up with Amara

A white-curtain fanfic ending seems de rigueur for Dabb. 

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Okay this is a slightly different take from Jensen on the ending. It makes me feel a tiny bit more optimistic. Or better said, maybe slight less pessimistic, lol.

In other news, I love how he takes control of the interview back at the end.

I saw three different interviews with 3 different versions, so it sounds to me more like he was talked into accepting why things had to be that way.  And he came to accept it.  Jared has been gushing about it.

Seems to me Jared pretty much gives it away that Sam and Dean settle down and stop hunting.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

A white-curtain fanfic ending seems de rigueur for Dabb. 

If he has them both settle down with wives/girlfriends at the end, he can kiss even the most part of his twitter flunkies goodbye. They want "dabrothers" and just "dabrothers". 30 % liking it would be very high end then.

I could see Sam hooking up with Eileen.  It spares the writers from having to cram in some kind of love interest in the last two eps or so. They already have a little ship and kind of a thing in the show, if you squint.

Might have been Jess but Adrienne Palicki is a main cast member over on the Orville and thus busy.

Amara, I thought was gonna be one of those "unlikely alliances" one of the writers spoke of. Really the most natural one to go to if your target is Chuck. Doesn`t mean they couldn`t do a "she hooks up with Dean (because why the hell not) when they approach her and comes back at the end as well" thing. 

Or they`ll leave Dean un-hooked at the end, though then it would be even less sense-making that he just stops. I guess they could borrow from his fake fantasy Michael put him in and get a bar. But even in there, he still kinda hunted "domestically". 

Obviously the Season will be a lot of "were our lives worth it" bruhaha and obviously the answer is supposed to be yes. Also obviously, some kind of solution to the God problem will be found (maybe locked away like Amara? shouldn`t really kill him unless they also retcon the killing God = kills creation bit) but it still feels somewhat clumsy if they just settled down. Especially for Dean. 

I`m not saying that couldn`t be done, could even be done satisfactorily (I for one would at least find Dean-Amara hooking up hot if nothing else) but there hasn`t been build-up for that in yeeeeeaaaars. And I`m guessing there won`t be build-up for it over at least 18.78 episodes from Season 15.

My only hope is that the God-solution will be something both brothers are involved in equally so they both get one big heroic bow-out before they find that "peace" out of nowhere.

My prediction here? The lyrics "there will be peace when you are DONE"  will play over final moments. 

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Also obviously, some kind of solution to the God problem will be found (maybe locked away like Amara? shouldn`t really kill him unless they also retcon the killing God = kills creation bit)

It would be in-character for Wayward!Dabb to make Amara 'God' and have her lock loose-canon Chuck away, the same as he did to her. Then she and Dean can vacay together and bump uglies, while Sam and Eileen make cute little shaggy-haired Wayward Babies and Surrogate Son Jack rules heaven in her stead.

  • LOL 2
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For Jensen to have to make peace with, or accept, or let go because he thinks he's too close emotionally, says to me that he doesn't think it fits with the character(s) or it takes Dean out if the final moments. Combined with the remarks he said he had to come to understand why it needs to be whatever way it's going to be, leads me to think it will be Dean being forced out of the hunting life in some absurd manner. I can see Dabb full on putting Dean in such a place that he can't hunt because he is physically and mentally unable. And rather than give Dean a heroic badass death, I would not be at all surprised for Dabb to him put Dean literally in an incapacitated state where he isn't even allowed to use his mind to save people and hunt things. Maybe he ends up as a drooling mess in the Cage after he is  swapped out for Adam...again. And not because Dean is going to make a deal that saves someone but rather Dean will be punished by Chuck for refusing to kill Jack by making him literally irrelevant in any way at all.  Dean might not even be able to remember his life as a hunter given what happened in Regarding Dean. Thus it ends with Sam taking care of an infirmed, incapacitated Dean which will make "dabrothers" (tm Aeryn13) fans go awww, Sam is now taking care of poor old Dean.

And that's how it ends. That's my actual prediction.

16 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

For Jensen to have to make peace with, or accept, or let go because he thinks he's too close emotionally, says to me that he doesn't think it fits with the character(s) or it takes Dean out if the final moments. Combined with the remarks he said he had to come to understand why it needs to be whatever way it's going to be, leads me to think it will be Dean being forced out of the hunting life in some absurd manner. I can see Dabb full on putting Dean in such a place that he can't hunt because he is physically and mentally unable. And rather than give Dean a heroic badass death, I would not be at all surprised for Dabb to him put Dean literally in an incapacitated state where he isn't even allowed to use his mind to save people and hunt things. Maybe he ends up as a drooling mess in the Cage after he is  swapped out for Adam...again. And not because Dean is going to make a deal that saves someone but rather Dean will be punished by Chuck for refusing to kill Jack by making him literally irrelevant in any way at all.  Dean might not even be able to remember his life as a hunter given what happened in Regarding Dean. Thus it ends with Sam taking care of an infirmed, incapacitated Dean which will make "dabrothers" (tm Aeryn13) fans go awww, Sam is now taking care of poor old Dean.

And that's how it ends. That's my actual prediction.

I don`t think that would fit with Jared`s "they find peace" idea. Even if he just meant Sam, that wouldn`t be the cute, peaceful existance for even Sam that Jared obviously envisions. 

Right now, I get the feeling it is a bit meta. The show is ending and Jared has been kinda waffling on maybe retiring from acting (save for guest stints or what strikes his fancy) and settling down with his family for a bit. While Jensen wants to have more family time but still also pursue acting, just not on a 20+ episodes network show. 

So Jared with that headspace probably finds it poetic when Sam gets his lifelong (occasional) dream of a normal life. And Jensen finds it weird for Dean at this point in the show.  

Since Jared said Jensen might be more worried about the "semantics", I literally envision, in typical Dabb fashion, a Series Finale that is 95 % of dealing with the crisis and then a final montage of white-picket-fence life that comes out of nowhere and hasn`t remotely been set up well for the characters.  

And Jensen talked it over with Kripke who was like "hey, why not, think of the "peace when you are done" lyrics" and Singer who was like "whatever, I think it works". So he just shrugged and tried to make it work for him.  

Edited by Aeryn13
15 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

For Jensen to have to make peace with, or accept, or let go because he thinks he's too close emotionally, says to me that he doesn't think it fits with the character(s) or it takes Dean out if the final moments. Combined with the remarks he said he had to come to understand why it needs to be whatever way it's going to be, leads me to think it will be Dean being forced out of the hunting life in some absurd manner. I can see Dabb full on putting Dean in such a place that he can't hunt because he is physically and mentally unable. And rather than give Dean a heroic badass death, I would not be at all surprised for Dabb to him put Dean literally in an incapacitated state where he isn't even allowed to use his mind to save people and hunt things. Maybe he ends up as a drooling mess in the Cage after he is  swapped out for Adam...again. And not because Dean is going to make a deal that saves someone but rather Dean will be punished by Chuck for refusing to kill Jack by making him literally irrelevant in any way at all.  Dean might not even be able to remember his life as a hunter given what happened in Regarding Dean. Thus it ends with Sam taking care of an infirmed, incapacitated Dean which will make "dabrothers" (tm Aeryn13) fans go awww, Sam is now taking care of poor old Dean.

And that's how it ends. That's my actual prediction.

Sadly, I don't think this is impossible. It fits with Dabb's 'vision' of Dean, and it leaves the door cracked for a miracle cure/rescue down the road. Sigh.

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

For Jensen to have to make peace with, or accept, or let go because he thinks he's too close emotionally, says to me that he doesn't think it fits with the character(s) or it takes Dean out if the final moments.

I agree 1000%. Usually when a show is ending you'll hear the actors say how emotional they got filming their last scenes and how much they loved the show and hope the fans will be happy with the ending for their characters. And how proud they are with the ending and hope the fans love it as much as they do. Not this!

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

It would be in-character for Wayward!Dabb to make Amara 'God' and have her lock loose-canon Chuck away, the same as he did to her. Then she and Dean can vacay together and bump uglies, while Sam and Eileen make cute little shaggy-haired Wayward Babies and Surrogate Son Jack rules heaven in her stead.

I don't know about the Amara/Dean part, but honestly if the idea is to have Chuckles going darkside, then it is only logical for Amara to become the light. And I'm actually good with that. That's the balance, and it makes sense and would be just desserts too for Amara. Plus the God is a woman trope is a popular one. In fact, if God and Death go hand-in-hand, well now that Billie is Death, then Amara as God works.

I don't know if this is the route they're going to go - probably not since it is only logical, and these writers aren't high on logical (or good) writing. But IMO, given that Chuckles is a freaking sociopath, he needs to be locked up or destroyed. And in order for the universe to keep ticking, someone else has to step in as God.

  • Love 5
25 minutes ago, PAForrest said:

I don't know about the Amara/Dean part, but honestly if the idea is to have Chuckles going darkside, then it is only logical for Amara to become the light. And I'm actually good with that. That's the balance, and it makes sense and would be just desserts too for Amara. Plus the God is a woman trope is a popular one. In fact, if God and Death go hand-in-hand, well now that Billie is Death, then Amara as God works.

I don't know if this is the route they're going to go - probably not since it is only logical, and these writers aren't high on logical (or good) writing. But IMO, given that Chuckles is a freaking sociopath, he needs to be locked up or destroyed. And in order for the universe to keep ticking, someone else has to step in as God.

Better her than Jack. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Aeryn13 said:

So he just shrugged and tried to make it work for him.  

Given how important Jensen and Jared have said it is to them to have the show end well, I can't see Jensen shrugging off an ending he doesn't like in the final season.  I suspect that maybe he didn't think the ending had been earned in the discussion of how the season will go.  Hopefully the clarification he got from Kripke and Bob Singer was sufficient to alleviate those worries, although I hope he keeps a wary eye on what's going on in the writers' room.

  • Love 1

How sad is it that the only spoiler we got about the boys is that they "aren't on the same page". Again. This is the final freakin season of an epic show and the best that Dabb/Singer can do to stir up the audience is that. SMH! <sigh> 

Other than just being one of those people who have to finish things, I have a feeling this final season will be much the same as LOST was. 

Except now it seems they are trying to mirror Charmed which had way more build up for it than this show does.

My spec is that Jack is the one that clears out all the big stuff, bringing forth the paradise he foretold to Cas. Which also will prove Cas right for believing in him all these 3(?) years. Or at least peace from hunting and revamping Heaven into true paradise again. 

Hopefully, Amara, Michael and Death are on hand to help Jack close the Gates of Heaven and Hell from interfering so much with humanity. I'm sure the Brothers will help out in some way but the heavy lifting will come from Jack and the others. This time Amara will give a gift to Sam since Dean was wrong about befriending "socio"-Chuckles and return Eileen from the grave. Or maybe Death will, whatever. 

So Sam and Eileen will continue the Men/Women of Letters while Dean tends bar because as someone noted above all the major crap has been handled by Jackie-boy and the others. 

What reason does anyone who actually watches for Dean Winchester have to watch this season again? Oh, yeah, he's the eye candy of the screen and comic relief when they need it. 

Because I have an unhealthy compulsion to finish things, I probably will watch unfortunately but I will definitely check here first to prepare and it won't be any kind of must watch it was pre-Dabb. Yes, Carver was much, much better than this, imho. In fact, he's probably the best and at least tried to loosen their reigns on each other. I admire him for at least that. 

  • Love 4
On 7/22/2019 at 10:51 AM, foxfreakinmulder said:

I agree 1000%. Usually when a show is ending you'll hear the actors say how emotional they got filming their last scenes and how much they loved the show and hope the fans will be happy with the ending for their characters. And how proud they are with the ending and hope the fans love it as much as they do. Not this!

I agree and I also have to say that I love your profile picture  ( for obvious reasons 😁) !


“I feel like Sam and Dean find some version of peace. Whether or not that’s alive or dead, or if Amara possesses me or whatever the situation is, I feel like they find more peace than when the season starts.”

From Jared... bolding mine

That seems kind of random to bring up out of the blue, especially when he knows the ending.


Edited by ILoveReading
5 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

From Jared... bolding mine

That seems kind of random to bring up out of the blue, especially when he knows the ending.


woRQGen.gifWelp, I legit LOL'd, because of course, this is why Amara comes back. Not for Dean, nope. Also, why would Amara possess anyone!? She's God, too.

  • Love 4

My prediction for the finale is basically a reverse s11. 

The only way to stop God is for one of the brothers to be possessed by Amara, and Sam volunteers.  He fights off possession, talks God off the ledge.  God brings back peace on Earth.

Sam goes off to law school and Dean's left alone in the bunker.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

There is a video of Jared saying it. I watched it but now I'm not sure which one it was. It was odd. 

Thanks. That's just... I don't even know what to say. Even if God "possessed" Desn and they were going for some weird version of 5.22, just with thr brothers this time, it makes zero sense. At least it would include both brothers then.

And why does Jared say it in the context of "peace" for Sam? Does he permanently give up his body to Amara? And Dean to Chuck? Sure, if Sam and Dean were mind-wiped, they would have "peace". 

At least the placement of Michael/Lucifer as older/younger brother had some logic behind it. Chuck/Amara are not a sibling pair that really parallels the Winchesters.

If Dabb can't even mske the final episode equal among the bothers, like wow. The one episode of the show where that should be a given. The 11 Finale was obviously known to not be the Series Finale.

Edited by Aeryn13
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Thanks. That's just... I don't even know what to say. Even if God "possessed" Desn and they were going for some weird version of 5.22, just with thr brothers this time, it makes zero sense. At least it would include both brothers then.

And why does Jared say it in the context of "peace" for Sam? Does he permanently give up his body to Amara? And Dean to Chuck? Sure, if Sam and Dean were mind-wiped, they would have "peace". 

This sounds horrendous, but yeah, I can totally see JP loving it and JA having a  problem with it. 

  • Love 5
Just now, Aeryn13 said:

It sounds horrendous but I'd still take equal participation in horrendous over an Sam-saves-the-universe-alone episode. 

Sorry, I meant just the Amara possessing Sam part because this just signifies Swan Song V4 to me, wherein Dean will be gifted with the role of being the wind beneath Sam's wings once again and some more for the 45th time.

  • Love 3

“I feel like Sam and Dean find some version of peace. Whether or not that’s alive or dead, or if Amara possesses me or whatever the situation is, I feel like they find more peace than when the season starts.”

The other part of the quote (bolded):  Of course, when the season starts they're (supposedly) surrounded by zombies, Chuck is done with them and the world is about to end.  Anything would be more peaceful than that.

And if anyone gets possessed by Amara, of course it has to be Sam, because Dean's been "inoculated" against her (or something), the way he couldn't take on the MoC again.  Sheesh.  Way to hand out backhanded compliments, gang. 'You're too strong, so you don't get to fight.'

OTOH, at least it won't be Jack.  

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Thanks. That's just... I don't even know what to say. Even if God "possessed" Desn and they were going for some weird version of 5.22, just with thr brothers this time, it makes zero sense. At least it would include both brothers then.

And why does Jared say it in the context of "peace" for Sam? Does he permanently give up his body to Amara? And Dean to Chuck? Sure, if Sam and Dean were mind-wiped, they would have "peace". 

At least the placement of Michael/Lucifer as older/younger brother had some logic behind it. Chuck/Amara are not a sibling pair that really parallels the Winchesters.

If Dabb can't even mske the final episode equal among the bothers, like wow. The one episode of the show where that should be a given. The 11 Finale was obviously known to not be the Series Finale.

Don't worry. They will definitely throw some weird out of place BM in there for the people who want the brothers. They always do in the finales, even when they don't make a bit of sense in the material, like the end of S10, and there will be their traditional bro-hug as is stated in their mandate. 

The rest will definitely be a typical Dabb clusterF.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Res said:

Don't worry. They will definitely throw some weird out of place BM in there for the people who want the brothers. They always do in the finales, even when they don't make a bit of sense in the material, like the end of S10, and there will be their traditional bro-hug as is stated in their mandate. 

The rest will definitely be a typical Dabb clusterF.

Dean saying a teary good-by forever to Sam/Amara.

That's my spec and I'm going to have to buy a bigger barf bowl for it because the biggest one I have definitely won't suffice if that's how it ends for this fan.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

Dean saying a teary good-by forever to Sam/Amara.

That's my spec and I'm going to have to buy a bigger barf bowl for it because the biggest one I have definitely won't suffice if that's how it ends for this fan.

I won't need a bigger barf bowl--I'll need a new TV, because I'll have smashed it with my current barf bowl.  

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2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

woRQGen.gifWelp, I legit LOL'd, because of course, this is why Amara comes back. Not for Dean, nope. Also, why would Amara possess anyone!? She's God, too.

Oh for fuck's sake. That's why they're bringing back Amara?!? And here I thought maybe, just maybe, there'd be a nugget of storytelling logic in her return. No wonder it's just Dabb and Jared doing interviews together now. And it's quickly becoming increasingly clear why Jensen is not happy with the finale - just as he wasn't with Suck Song.

And, yes, when Dabb says you can't please everyone, he means anyone who is a fan of Dean and Jensen. That's it, those are the people he doesn't give a shit about pleasing. Well, us and Jensen himself, apparently.

I can't even emoji react to this stuff anymore because we don't have a barf or angry option.

  • Love 5
56 minutes ago, NougatJack said:

Amara possessing Sam? I won‘t believe it until I see it. I think Jared is just joking.

I sincerely hope so, though, what a weird place to go with a joke.

It makes zero sense that Amara would possess Sam, or anyone. She doesn't need to, any more than 'Chuck' would need to possess someone - she has a vessel. But this is Dabbernatural we're talking about, and there is no character he won't ruin or canon he won't subvert in the name of plot-driven storytelling.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I sincerely hope so, though, what a weird place to go with a joke.

It makes zero sense that Amara would possess Sam, or anyone. She doesn't need to, any more than 'Chuck' would need to possess someone - she has a vessel. But this is Dabbernatural we're talking about, and there is no character he won't ruin or canon he won't subvert in the name of plot-driven storytelling.

I don`t even know why Jared would be so hyper about it. That he would love a Sam-saves-all-story or playing yet another character? Sure. But that`s not what he has been going on about in those interviews.

He is being very specific and almost spelled it out that he wants the brothers to be finito at the end, as in no open-ending hunting going on. He said ad verbatim that if they were still hunting, he would wanna see that. I saw interview where he said he wouldn`t even want to see them in heaven in a greatest hits scenario. He wants them to be done - and he very much includes both in when he talks about it. 

Also there is a lot of "without giving anything away", althewhile he basically gives everything away when he says specifically what he wants and that that happens. 

It is in that context where he had, what I believe, a slip of the tongue - being possessed by Amara is way too specific and random a scenario for an offhand joke so I assume it happens That is apparently the "peace", being done ending he is talking about. That is how they end the show.

From everything he (and Singer and Dabb) said, I also think the brothers are somehow together and both "done".  Singer said something about meaningful but not all rosy yada yada.        

That all sounds to me like the logistics of the Finale could still change, depending on writer`s whimsy but the ending-end is set in stone. So far. And that the brothers may somehow end the show not being Sam and Dean anymore but "possessed" by Chuck and Amara possibly. In best case scenario, I assume it would be done for world-saving reasons, somehow. A great big sacrifce. The logistics of it make no sense, that is a given.

Which would still fit with Jensen`s not liking it too much if basically Dean was erased in the end.  I can see how he would find that creepy, weird, unsatisfying, sad etc. It would technically fit with what Jared said about being done but how in the holy hell does this mean they have "peace"? Okay, yes, oblivion is kind of peace but it`s also an ending worse than death in its own way.  

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Aeryn13 said:

It is in that context where he had, what I believe, a slip of the tongue - being possessed by Amara is way too specific and random a scenario for an offhand joke so I assume it happens That is apparently the "peace", being done ending he is talking about. That is how they end the show...


Which would still fit with Jensen`s not liking it too much if basically Dean was erased in the end.  I can see how he would find that creepy, weird, unsatisfying, sad etc.

Yeah, that was way too specific a reference for it to be an off-handed joke. And the Js are the world's worst at keeping secrets so it sure sounds like a slip of the tongue to me.

And I agree, Jensen would hate Dean being erased at the end - he'd hate for Sam to be erased too. Jensen truly believes this is a show about the brothers, which it's supposed to be. So if one or both are possessed by something else at the end, then it's got jack shit to do with the Winchesters and 15 years of their story go down the drain.

I saw the best response to the article at TV Line when one poster said something along the lines of Jensen not being convinced, Kripke only "kinda" liking it, and Jared saying he likes it (for now). So that's one out of three, and to quote a commercial tag line, "Just okay is not okay". I thought that response said it all.

  • Love 8

If this is the end, the writers should have fits by now. I mean, slip of tongue or not, it's out there and too specific too be hand-waved. Also not a miniscule spoiler but would be their twist ending. 

For the writers this should be like that dude who put Endgame footage up on the internet from the private screening in Saudi Arabia before the movie came out. Marvel and Disney were super not amused by it.

Jensen only gave away something insofar as saying the story was very final. So even if Dean also ended up possessed, I doubt he would let it slip what the final scene of the show is like that. Apparently the car will be there, he gave away that. And it will be just the brothers.

Btw, found it here

Definitely not a joke. He says "whetther or not we`re alive or dead or if we -" here he actually catches himself from saying what "we" aka they do - then he goes on with "or if Amara possesses me or ..."

If the Amara possession was just for the world-saving heroics part of the episode and afterwards Sam would either be dead or still alive and bla bla, it wouldn`t fit with what he goes on about. My money right now is on "oblivion". 

Which would be a bad ending but at least I could deal with it if both go out contributing equally and heroically. 

Edited by Aeryn13
  • Love 3
On 7/31/2019 at 9:20 PM, PAForrest said:

Yeah, that was way too specific a reference for it to be an off-handed joke. And the Js are the world's worst at keeping secrets so it sure sounds like a slip of the tongue to me.

And I agree, Jensen would hate Dean being erased at the end - he'd hate for Sam to be erased too. Jensen truly believes this is a show about the brothers, which it's supposed to be. So if one or both are possessed by something else at the end, then it's got jack shit to do with the Winchesters and 15 years of their story go down the drain.

I saw the best response to the article at TV Line when one poster said something along the lines of Jensen not being convinced, Kripke only "kinda" liking it, and Jared saying he likes it (for now). So that's one out of three, and to quote a commercial tag line, "Just okay is not okay". I thought that response said it all.

Well, there we have Dabb's 30% who like the ending.

  • Love 3
29 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

So if Jack is blind, like some are speculating, he'll probably need about 250 more "your a very useful little snowflake" pep talks and a full time babysitter. 

Since Misha and Jared were filming together, and Dean was with Jack, I'm guessing I know who got diaper changing duty.

I just threw up in my mouth a little. I've had just about as much of special snowflake Jackie-Sue as I can stand.

  • Love 8
11 minutes ago, NougatJack said:

You know I love Jack screentime, but they should stop hurting him the whole time.   Just leave him alone. 

They can't, because the character has nothing going for him beyond the fan-ficish trope of hurt/comfort to drum up sympathy. When he's not hurt or being manipulated, he's straight up boring. It's crappy writing extraordinaire.

I was hoping the glasses are Alex's, not Jack's - maybe he needs them and takes them off when the cameras are actually rolling? Not the least because it makes no sense that Billie or The Empty or whoever, can resurrect him, but not fix his eyes. Oh, Dabbernatural.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I was hoping the glasses are Alex's, not Jack's - maybe he needs them and takes them off when the cameras are actually rolling? Not the least because it makes no sense that Billie or The Empty or whoever, can resurrect him but not fix his eyes.  Oh, Dabbernatural.

I wish they were just the actor's, too.

But I highly doubt it for all the reasons you mentioned.

1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

They can't, because the character has nothing going for him beyond the fan-ficish trope of hurt/comfort to drum up sympathy. When he's not hurt or being manipulated, he's straight up boring. It's crappy writing extraordinaire.

I was hoping the glasses are Alex's, not Jack's - maybe he needs them and takes them off when the cameras are actually rolling? Not the least because it makes no sense that Billie or The Empty or whoever, can resurrect him, but not fix his eyes. Oh, Dabbernatural.

Yup.  Its manipulative writing 101.  Instead of having realistic fall out and consequences and tension, go right back to My Three Dads by making Jack into an even bigger shiner woobie.  If Jack is sad and blind, it makes whoever takes him to task look like the bad guy.

How I loath Dabb. 

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 5

I have to say, reading all these post about the ending makes me really sad. Not sad the show is ending (although I am) but sad that it doesn't look like J & J are going out the way they wanted the brothers story to end. Instead of going out in a blaze of glory they are going out in a blaze of monkey poo being thrown at them.

It's infuriating that the stupid producers/writers don't give a fork that these 2 guys gave fans 15 years of their lives to entertain us.

I'm a fan of both Sam and Dean and think both are handsome guys but damn Jensen is so beautiful I'm going to miss him on my tv.

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Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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