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These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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38 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

What if.....Jensen is playing someone else like in a totally different project? Like....Deadpool.....I'm still thinking about his nearly identical haircut as Ryan Reynolds.  No, I don't think that will actually be the case, just throwing it out there.

I doubt he'd tout that in a Supernatural article, or compare it with the other characters Jared has played in the show.

Man, I was excited for a hot minute, but then made the mistake of reading speculation, lol. Now I'm back to fearing that Dabb is just going to have him play the fool or set him up for endless mockery.

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2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I doubt he'd tout that in a Supernatural article, or compare it with the other characters Jared has played in the show.

Unless Jensen has quit the show and is finally just like fuck it! No, I don't really believe that. It just amuses me in a way to think of him finally having had enough of the shit writing for Dean and he's like "Screw you guys, I'm goin' home....or to Deadpool 2".   Whatever. Peace out."

Ohhhh. wait, what about Anael possessing Dean.  That would be up their alley too. Although I can't see a reason for Dean to be possessed by Anael.

Edited by catrox14
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19 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Unless Jensen has quit the show and is finally just like fuck it! No, I don't really believe that. It just amuses me in a way to think of him finally having had enough of the shit writing for Dean and he's like "Screw you guys, I'm goin' home....or to Deadpool 2".   Whatever. Peace out."

Even in the unlikely event that happened, I doubt EW would play along with the Supernatural connected interview. And Jensen's too much of a pro and a gentleman to indulge that way. It is a lovely dream tho, LOL.

12 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Even in the unlikely event that happened, I doubt EW would play along with the Supernatural connected interview. And Jensen's too much of a pro and a gentleman to indulge that way. It is a lovely dream tho, LOL.

Right. Which is why I said I don't actually believe that LOL

3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Scooby-Doo version of Dean doesn't have freckles. That's an affront to all things good in this world. It's bad enough he doesn't much look like Dean's facial structure, but NO FRECKLES??? REALLY?? HOW DARE!

Seriously though it annoys me.

There are a couple of the stills where I can maybe see Dean, but mostly it's a big nope on the drawings. Hopefully the characterization is better. It does look like a fun ep though.

Back to the other spoiler of Jensen not playing Dean: If it were Dabb or Singer saying "something big" was coming for Dean, I'd be scoffing at it - but I just don't think Jensen would tease us this way, or use those words, if it were just a joke body-swap thing like.

Maybe they are going to make it up to him for the curtailed Purgatory and Demon Dean arcs? Whatever it is, if it is as big as Michael!Dean, I'm going to bet it happens in the finale and we have to wait and speculate/talk about it all summer.

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I really hope if there is going to be a major character change for Dean that Jensen gets to play something other than a variation of Dean.  When Jared plays a different character (other than Soulless Sam) he didn't play a variation of Sam.  I really want to see Jensen get that opportunity.  And hopefully it will actually have an impact on the story arc for this season extending into the next.  I'm not really looking forward to Michael/Dean though.   That would probably mean that Cage Michael would kill Lucifer instead of the Winchesters.  And the Winchesters really need that kill not a character we haven't even heard from in 8 years.  No matter who the actor is.

Just now, catrox14 said:

Well, that's just our spec at this point. We don't know who he'll play. For all we know, it might be someone we've never seen before. Maybe it's a unique character. 

What is your opposition to Michael!Dean?

I'm over main character getting possessed storylines. I also hated the Casifier storyline for what its worth. 

7 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Back to the other spoiler of Jensen not playing Dean: If it were Dabb or Singer saying "something big" was coming for Dean, I'd be scoffing at it - but I just don't think Jensen would tease us this way, or use those words, if it were just a joke body-swap thing like.

Maybe they are going to make it up to him for the curtailed Purgatory and Demon Dean arcs? Whatever it is, if it is as big as Michael!Dean, I'm going to bet it happens in the finale and we have to wait and speculate/talk about it all summer.

Yup, he said "something big's coming..."

He never talks like that. I'm excited beyond words because of that.

Still trying to keep my feet on the ground because of Dabb and co., though.

But I'm hoping with all hope that it's OurWorldMichael he'll be playing. I've been waiting for this since S2. And I can only hope that the bolded part is true, too.

6 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

That would probably mean that Cage Michael would kill Lucifer instead of the Winchesters.  And the Winchesters really need that kill not a character we haven't even heard from in 8 years.  No matter who the actor is.

I doubt this very much. I think they want to keep Pellegrino around. I think that OWMichael would be much like AUMichael in that they would both look to eliminate the greatest threat to their power first. I think that would be part of the finale, but I DO think that the sl will still be carried over into s14, He won't want to let go and depending on how he possesses Dean, Dean may not even want to come back. I think Catrox was right in that we are going to lose Dean by the end of this season and this is how they're going to do it.


5 hours ago, MysteryGuest said:

While I think it's definitely going to be Michael/Dean, I'd rather it be something else.  Maybe they'll surprise us.

The surprise for me would be if they actually do it. Basically, I'll believe it when I see it, but because this came from Jensen, it's hard not to get excited about this spoiler.

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I'm not so secretly hoping it's OW Michael. I don't really get why people think Michael is a clearly defined character considering we only got like 10 lines of dialogue and maybe 10 minutes of screen time for him in 2 episodes by different actors combined. I thought Matt Cohen's Michael was interesting and finding out that he and Jensen worked out his portrayal together just makes me want Jensen's portrayal more but I refuse to get my hopes up.

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I refuse to get my hopes up for anything on this show. The disappointments are always so crushing. And so far they`ve come like clockwork.

That the spoiler came from Jensen does make it more legit. I don`t think he`d be so mean as to say this when it was just some goofy comedy thing. Right now of course the top speculation would be Michael but there is so little build-up to just about anything. AU!Michael is largely a blank slate right now, he is just a bland villain. We never learned anything about him to give him depth. And his vessel looks to work okay. 

Cage!Michael would just be even weirder.

I don`t believe it`s Cas because why? Unless Cas for some reason has the Emptykeeper inside him who then switches to Dean. For reasons. 

Lucifer? I`m not sure he even can change vessels. Why would he and why would Dean? 

Asmodeus would be lame and make no sense. 

My new spec is it happens in episode 21 because that is Bucklemming and they always do nonsensical weird shit with the mythology that they themselves think are epic twists. A nonsensical possession could totally happen. Heck, maybe the apocalypse world angels don`t need people saying yes to claim a vessel and operate more like demons. In which case, there wouldn`t be a need to cococt a reason for Dean to say "yes." 

  • Love 4


So, more clues that it's Michael, or playing into expectations to pull off a big twist in the end? I just don't give Singer/Dabb that much credit for subtlety. It's Michael.



From your keyboard to the writers' eyes and ears.


Ackles says there is a bit of a role reversal between Sam and Dean throughout the seasons. This year, he thinks they continue to pull from that playbook because "it works."

Aside from the "it works" part, I also found this  from Danielle Turchianos twitter timeline to be of some interest because I remember a time when the ultimate role reversal that many Deanfans I knew wanted and hoped for(and still do, tbh) was the role reversal that would culminate with Dean being given a similarly active mytharc role to the one that Sam was given in Swan Song.

I'm not going there yet, but this kind of role reversal would not bother me in the least. In fact, I would embrace it as long overdue.

Edited by Myrelle
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Brought over from the Spoilers thread:

10 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

I think they feel that OWMichael, even as little of him as they've given to us so far, and the AUMichael they've given us this year are both "terrifying" characters. Matt Cohen gave us that with his portrayal, IMO. His Michael was single-minded to the nth degree and relentless in going after what he wanted-as Lucifer described his brother in any incarnation that he'd seen him. And we know that he's a leader in the AU and was, at one time, in our world.

As I've said, this story could pretty much write itself(much like Dean going to Hell and the DemonDean sl did also, IMO) and Jensen would rock this role like nobody's business, if they would just give him the chance.

As predictable and expected as it might seem to some, to others, it would come as the least expected thing ever, especially considering the present showrunners storyline proclivities where it concerns the Dean character.

In your opinion. For me, I don't see the same supposed sstoryline bias against Dean's character that other's potentially see.

All my opinion only coming up (so I don't have to repeat "in my opinion"): The reason for me that I think it would be unexpected - or at least not make much sense - has to do with my interpretation of the characters. For me, Dean saying "yes" to Michael would be reckless on his part. Unless they change Michael around to accommodate Dean's decision, Dean saying "yes" to Michael should go badly, because that's what I've seen of Michael in the past.

If it doesn't, I imagine the scenario being something like Dean considering saying "yes," Sam reasonably objecting, Dean doing it anyway, and everything turning out fine. If the writers went with the - to me - more character driven scenario of things going badly, I imagine the outcry would be that Dean was being painted in a negative way, and how could they do that to Dean's character.

3 hours ago, Myrelle said:

Aside from the "it works" part, I also found this  from Danielle Turchianos twitter timeline to be of some interest because I remember a time when the ultimate role reversal that many Deanfans I knew wanted and hoped for(and still do, tbh) was the role reversal that would culminate with Dean being given a similarly active mytharc role to the one that Sam was given in Swan Song.

I'm not going there yet, but this kind of role reversal would not bother me in the least. In fact, I would embrace it as long overdue.

If the mytharc were going to be similar, Dean would have gone through a very dark arc similar to Sam's character getting somewhat trashed in season 4. Dean would have to do some very bad things and be "mean to Sam." I don't see that happening, so it would be more like Dean getting the heroics without going dark. Unless things go badly - as I think the characterization of Michael suggests it should - but I think there would be objections to that.

I actually think Dean has already gotten this mytharc with the Moc / Demon Dean / MoC again / Metatron / Amara arcs. I don't see the role reversal Jensen is hinting at though, because Sam during those arcs didn't get to be the supportive brother that Dean got to be during Sam's arcs. Even when Sam was supposedly "supportive" (like in season 10) it was portrayed as being at least somewhat bad, because Sam was "helping" Dean against his wishes.

So it doesn't sound to me like a role reversal is what is wanted here. Just my opinion.

...And it's not that I want to deny Dean an arc... I just want Sam to have a not crappy one in the process, and much like season 8 through 10, I don't really see that happening here. Because at least in season 10 and 11, Sam got to be positive and hopeful. In this arc all of a sudden, Sam doesn't even have that (even if to me that doesn't make sense character-wise). So Dean is both the driving force and the support / optimistic hope here, it looks like.  I'm just not sure what Sam's role is going to be in all of this.

1 hour ago, AwesomO4000 said:

In your opinion. For me, I don't see the same supposed sstoryline bias against Dean's character that other's potentially see.

The present showrunners storylines proclivities where it concerns the Dean character is not an opinion to me. It's an observation of what they've written for Dean since Dabb officially took over the show. You can see them however you want to see them and you can even post about your opinions of them-in the correct thread, that is. I never gave my opinion of what I thought of those proclivities because that would be for either the bitterness thread or the B vs J thread, I believe.

Now if you think that they don't exhibit writing proclivities at all where it concerns any of the characters, that's another matter, and yes, I suppose that could be seen or taken as a matter of opinion, but again, I think this is the wrong thread for that kind of discussion, so I won't got there either-not in this thread, anyway.

1 hour ago, AwesomO4000 said:

So it doesn't sound to me like a role reversal is what is wanted here. Just my opinion.

I'll take my response to this to the B vs J thread as soon as I can. Work beckons at the moment, though...

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1 hour ago, Myrelle said:

The present showrunners storylines proclivities where it concerns the Dean character is not an opinion to me.

Yes, it is an opinion. In the absence of the showrunners specifically and unambiguously saying "We see Dean as X," it is the definition of an opinion. 

Not everyone shares the same view of what makes a quality storyline. 

Personally, I'm skeptical as to how this is going to work. In S5, there was plenty of set-up for why Sam, Dean or both would say "yes." It seems less organic this season, and less likely to be emotionally resonant. But I'll give it a chance.

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If Dean says yes to our Michael to defeat AU Michael then he’s a complete and utter idiot and deserves all the bad things to happen to him. 


And yes I’ve also said countless times I consider Cas saying yes to Lucifer back in season 11 moronic. And the fact Dean has seen the results of Cas’ moronic decision and (potentially) goes on to make a similar deal increases his moron level. 

Edited by Wayward Son
5 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

If Dean says yes to our Michael to defeat AU Michael then he’s a complete and utter idiot and deserves all the bad things to happen to him. 

So does Cas deserve to have bad things happen to him as a result of his saying yes to Lucifer or was it just a case of bad judgement? Since he'd seen the results of Sam saying yes to Lucifer and the torture that followed after jumping into the cage shouldn't that have been a lesson to not make his own moronic decision regarding Lucifer? Or is this harsh judgement only reserved for Dean?

Edited by DeeDee79
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10 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

So does Cas deserve to have bad things happen to him as a result of his saying yes to Lucifer or was it just a case of bad judgement? Since he'd seen the results of Sam saying yes to Lucifer and the torture that followed after jumping into the cage shouldn't that have been a lesson to not make his own moronic decision regarding Lucifer? Or is this harsh judgement only reserved for Dean?


As I said I consider Cas saying yes to Lucifer pretty stupid, and as for bad things happening; I think being stabbed by Lucifer at the end of season 12 counts as a pretty bad consequence for his stupidity. 


Although I wouldn’t worry if I were you, knowing this shows track record Dean will come out of his deal with Michael smelling of roses and consequence free ;) He tends to be the writers Mary Sue after all. 

Edited by Wayward Son
6 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Indeed, yay for continually being the Mary Stu of the show. 

Just because you keep repeating that doesn't make it true just because you dislike the character. Also, yay because I actually like Jensen/Dean and enjoy seeing the character as I enjoy Sam and Cas. 

Edited by DeeDee79
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33 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Let’s see if he makes a deal with Michael and if so whether he comes out of it magically consequence free or not then. 

The thing is that if AU Michael is a bigger threat to SPN Verse than Dean is actually making the smart play by saying yes to our Michael to fight him. And I'm sure there will be consequences galore. There always are. Dean took on the Mark of Cain and was killed by Metatron for his troubles.  So hes' really not consequence free. 

Also, you might want to really research what being a Mary Sue/Gary Stu is. Dean doesn't meet the criteria...at all.

Edited by catrox14
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If the stakes are high enough, Dean's decision might not be stupid at all. 

For that matter, I'm not sure that Cas's decision to accept Lucifer was all that dumb either. It didn't work -- but Chuck himself (incorrectly) believed that he needed Lucifer's help to defeat Amara, so if Cas hadn't sprung him half a season earlier, presumably Chuck would have done it in the end anyway. And Dean wound up telling Cas that they shouldn't have blamed him for making a hard decision that actually had some real logic behind it.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

Also, you might want to really research what being a Mary Sue/Gary Stu is. Dean doesn't meet the criteria...at all.


Well have to agree to disagree on this! And wait and see whether a) Dean says yes to Michael and b) If he does whether there are real consequences of the act (proving my opinion wrong) r does it end with Michael professing some utter crap about how Dean has inspired him to be better from now  on *vomits at the thought* (and it proves me right).

Edited by Wayward Son
28 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Well have to agree to disagree on this! And wait and see whether a) Dean says yes to Michael and b) If he does whether there are real consequences of the act (proving my opinion wrong) r does it end with Michael professing some utter crap about how Dean has inspired him to be better from now  on *vomits at the thought* (and it proves me right).

I am so rooting for this now. I wasn't. Hadn't even considered it. But YES PLEASE! I hope Dean makes you vomit.

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8 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I am so rooting for this now. I wasn't. Hadn't even considered it. But YES PLEASE! I hope Dean makes you vomit.

Until the dry heaves come! If getting the story arc that Sam got S5 was trashing the character or making him a moron, then please, let's trash Dean, too.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, catrox14 said:

And I'm sure there will be consequences galore. There always are. Dean took on the Mark of Cain and was killed by Metatron for his troubles.  So hes' really not consequence free. 

10 hours ago, trxr4kids said:

You mean like Sam saying yes to Lucifer should have gone badly if not for the sun and the green army man? Sorry I'll take the dead horse with me on my way out.

Taking my responses to the "Bitch vs Jerk" thread, just to be safe, and I think there won't be spoilers, so it should be okay there now.

Posted in the regular spoilers thread, but I'll post it here with my bitterness.



Desperate for any news on Supernatural. — Iain
Sam is going to be put through the wringer toward the end of the season — and Jared Padalecki spent many hours in the makeup chair because of it. “Let’s say Sam Winchester goes through trials and tribulations that leave him pretty beat up,” the actor says. “And at the risk of getting fired, that’s as far as I’ll go with it, but it was a long time.”

So I'm guessing that whatever Dean's 'something big' is, it's going to revolve around Sam.

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13 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Posted in the regular spoilers thread, but I'll post it here with my bitterness.


So I'm guessing that whatever Dean's 'something big' is, it's going to revolve around Sam.

So either Sam gets captured. And Dean sacrifices himself. It could the other character played  by Jenseb, be harming Sam? I wouldn't put  it past the show for a character wearing Deans face, as was foreshadowed with the shifter in 13.4, to torture Sam.

Edited by catrox14

I read that some fans were upset that Jared didn't have anything to say about Sam at Paley. No comment on that.

It does sound more and more like they might be giving us a redux of Swan Song, though, only with the roles reversed.

Hopefully, Dean will ultimately get the sole BDH action role that Sam was gifted with in the original including it leading into another supernaturally-connected sl for Dean that will carry over into the entirety of S14-but I honestly can't see all of that happening on this show.

Time will tell, I suppose.

I think my head has pretty much come down out of the clouds after first hearing the new Dean spoiler.

Can't hope for or expect too much from the show, at this point. It's just not smart or safe. Not IMO, anyway.

The only real plus that I can see is that Jensen finally seems pumped for his character's role again, and that's no small thing.

Still, lets see how long it lasts...

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24 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Posted in the regular spoilers thread, but I'll post it here with my bitterness.


So I'm guessing that whatever Dean's 'something big' is, it's going to revolve around Sam.

If its going to be a role reversal of Swan Song, then yeah.  Sam will get the crap beat out of him allowing Dean to gain posession of his body or what not. Sam will likely have some part to play.

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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