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These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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9 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

It may not be as bad as it sounds.

And after so many seasons of Sam messing up (usually in worse ways) for... reasons, to me this sounds like a fairly minor thing. Sam himself lost the Book of the Damned previously to Rowena, because Rowena got the better of him. If the writers have to have it happen, I personally am not going to hate Andrew Dabb for spreading the "plot stupid" around a little bit. Sam gets hit with the idiot stick enough in that regard.

Dean's had plenty of stupid under Dabb but I'll take it to B v J.

It's not even a matter of it being "a minor thing". For me it's going to be how Dean manages to lose the book, that based on the descriptions sounds not great. Like how does he get duped?  I hope it's just a happenstance thing where Dean is actually being smart and trying to negotiate some kind of deal but just gets cold cocked or something but I don't really have much hope for that  TBH

Here it is.

8 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

Despite the bad decisions that one may think that Sam makes in comparison to Dean the writers sure don't shy away from making Dean look like a jackass in comparison to Sam. But YMMV.

They do vary, because I don't see it myself. To me, that Sam didn't realize that the BMoL were bad news, after being an eye witness to one of their supposed high-tech operations go horribly, horribly wrong and, oh yeah, being tortured by them, while every other hunter realized it from just an interview was the writers hitting Sam with the biggest idiot stick ever for plot purposes. And then topping it off by having Sam lie to Dean (a complete jackass move)... nice. Sorry, but in my opinion, the things the writers have Dean do every once in a while can't compare to the utter plotoium of that whole debacle. And that was just last season... I'm not going to rehash season 8 through 10 here, but there was so much idiot and jackass Sam in those seasons - even season 11 had some, despite the positive episodes - I've pretty much come to expect idiot Sam (and I'm usually right when I predict it.) I've been pleasantly surprised so far this season actually that Sam hasn't done something completely stupid that starts an apocalypse. For me, it's an improvement.

And poor Castiel. He got hit pretty hard with the idiot stick as well during those seasons.

5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Dean has the book and was maybe going to give it to them. Sam draws down on them, Dean runs over and pushes the gun away.

Which - not good. Since when do they just shoot witches before knowing where the witches stand?

And as I said just above, Sam lost the book to Rowena after handing it over to her as well. I don't think it's going to be that big a deal.

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He just walks over and gives it to them. And Sam draws down.

Just now, AwesomO4000 said:

Which - not good. Since when do they just shoot witches before knowing where the witches stand?

And as I said just above, Sam lost the book to Rowena after handing it over to her as well. I don't think it's going to be that big a deal.

Well, based on the description which may not be accurate, it's clear that Dean isn't supposed to be giving the book to the witches, so to me Sam drawing on them is probably the right thing. But if Dean is under some kind of spell or being manipulated then him telling Sam to put the gun down is more than likely a bad thing.

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10 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

They do vary, because I don't see it myself. To me, that Sam didn't realize that the BMoL were bad news, after being an eye witness to one of their supposed high-tech operations go horribly, horribly wrong and, oh yeah, being tortured by them, while every other hunter realized it from just an interview was the writers hitting Sam with the biggest idiot stick ever for plot purposes. And then topping it off by having Sam lie to Dean (a complete jackass move)... nice. Sorry, but in my opinion, the things the writers have Dean do every once in a while can't compare to the utter plotoium of that whole debacle. And that was just last season... I'm not going to rehash season 8 through 10 here, but there was so much idiot and jackass Sam in those seasons - even season 11 had some, despite the positive episodes - I've pretty much come to expect idiot Sam (and I'm usually right when I predict it.) I've been pleasantly surprised so far this season actually that Sam hasn't done something completely stupid that starts an apocalypse. For me, it's an improvement.

Once in a while?....I understand that you don't see it my way but IMO Sam has never been written as an out and out buffoon as the current crop of writers throughout seasons 12 and the current season are so fond of. From the spoilers that are popping up it seems that their fun has not abated. As I stated, YMMV and we can agree to disagree.

1 minute ago, gonzosgirrl said:

IDGAF what did or didn't happen to Sam - they gave him plenty to make up for it. And it doesn't change what Dabb has done to Dean. He has been an asshole to Dean since he took over, almost without fail, and I loathe him.

*applauds you*

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5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

But if Dean is under some kind of spell or being manipulated then him telling Sam to put the gun down is more than likely a bad thing.

But that wouldn't be Dean's fault. Witches can be pretty powerful. That witch who took over Sam's body for example... there was nothing Sam could have done to prevent that. It just happened.

As Dean has said... witches are nasty. And with the description "Dean falls victim to a couple of witches," it could be that Dean had no way to prevent it. If the description said something like "Dean gets tricked by a couple of witches," then yeah, that would be insulting.

Ooh, I wonder the witches are members of the Grand Coven? Those witches are nasty... child-eating Gretel was a member, and she was entirely awful.

Which now that I think of it... I wonder what happened to Hamster Witch?

And obviously miles vary here, because I don't see all of the supposed Dean hate from Andrew Dabb and the writers that others are seeing. Not at all. I've rather enjoyed this season so far myself. So yeah, I'll just agree to disagree and move on.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, catrox14 said:

The CW's twitter banner page only has Sam on the banner along with all the other leads from all the other shows. But no Jensen. That's...something.


And the SPN Twitter deleted the tweet with the promo. That's intereting

From what I can tell there is only room for one character per show, and like it or not, Jared is first billed on the credits.  While the show promotes them both equally 99% of the time (and they should) I imagine this is the 1% when Jared’s first billing would come into play. If there is strictly only room for one contractually he gets it. 

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3 hours ago, Wayward Son said:

From what I can tell there is only room for one character per show, and like it or not, Jared is first billed on the credits.  While the show promotes them both equally 99% of the time (and they should) I imagine this is the 1% when Jared’s first billing would come into play. If there is strictly only room for one contractually he gets it. 

 FWIW, I would have also posted the same thing if it was only Jensen on that banner since I thought the network considered them co-leads hence my expectation was both would be listed. Your probably right that it's whoever is first billed. I only noticed it when I was looking for the promo tweet and forgot it was on CW SPN vs the CW.  Anyway. I wonder why they deleted that promo, I didn't read any of the replies to it.  I thought maybe it was a promo they didn't want released just yet so they pulled it back but it's still on youtube so I'm thinking it must be something to do with the replies. Weird, that's for sure.

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I've watched that snippet multiple times and everything about Dean's body language and behavior with that actress in that little bit, which may not even be in the ep, suggests Dean is really into that chick maybe even both.  I thought that the first time I watched it a couple of months back but I dismissed it because I was like really show? 

I thought the first time I saw it, when Dean turned to knock the gun from Sam, he looked like someone who was highly concerned and protective towards her.

I see this being akin to Time for a Wedding but this time it's Sam who knows something ain't right with Dean and he's trying to save Dean from that witch. 

I think Rowena  sends the two witches after Dean to get him to give up the book. And Sam figures it all out and is there to save Dean from them. That's what I think is happening in that scene and Dean is all NO don't shoot her, I "love" her.  

11 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I've watched that snippet multiple times and everything about Dean's body language and behavior with that actress in that little bit, which may not even be in the ep, suggests Dean is really into that chick maybe even both.  I thought that the first time I watched it a couple of months back but I dismissed it because I was like really show? 

I thought the first time I saw it, when Dean turned to knock the gun from Sam, he looked like someone who was highly concerned and protective towards her.

I see this being akin to Time for a Wedding but this time it's Sam who knows something ain't right with Dean and he's trying to save Dean from that witch. 

I think Rowena  sends the two witches after Dean to get him to give up the book. And Sam figures it all out and is there to save Dean from them. That's what I think is happening in that scene and Dean is all NO don't shoot her, I "love" her.  

Do you have link?

Dean's needed to be saved in every episode so far, so your probably right.

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From the Unpopular opinion thread


Questions for you all - are you bothered by the Wayward women "saving" Sam and Dean in the upcoming episode? I am seeing some people be very annoyed by it and it just seems like not a big deal to me. They are human. What's wrong with them needing help sometimes? I can't count the number of times they have been knocked out and tied up. Other people have aided them before. Why is it a problem for the Wayward sisters to do so? P.S. this is coming from someone who is pretty ambivalent to the spinoff. 


For me personally, it isn't that Sam and Dean need help.  It's that the help is coming in the form untrained teenagers.  It's the fact that they're making the guys do things they wouldn't normally do to set up the situation.  Sam and Dean have been in the business a long time but we (the audience) is supposed to believe that the only person they can call for help is a teenage psychic who has no control over her powers and who Dean warned away from hunting?

That promo shows how easily Sam and (especially) Dean get taken out by the hooded figure but her comes teenagers (not even Jody and Donna) who save Sam and Dean from themselves. 

These days all you need to be a good hunter is an app and an attitude.   It really sucks for Sam and Dean whose whole childhood's were sacrificed and they had to be raised like warriors to be good hunters. 

Dean summed it up best when he said:

"This ain't gender studies.  Woman can do the job just fine.  Amateurs can't."

The job seems to big for their first case. 

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

  Sam and Dean have been in the business a long time but we (the audience) is supposed to believe that the only person they can call for help is a teenage psychic who has no control over her powers and who Dean warned away from hunting?

As far as I understood it Sam and Dean do not ask any of these girls for help. It is Jody who gathers them and this is something they do of their own initiative. So it isn’t about what Sam and Dean would or wouldn’t do. It is about the fact that most of these women (I cant imagine Kaia does) cares about them and wants to help them once they realise something is wrong.


For all we know upon being rescued Sam and/or Dean could tell them “you shouldn’t have put yourselves at risk like that”. 

  • Love 2
Just now, Wayward Son said:

As far as I understood it Sam and Dean do not ask any of these girls for help. It is Jody who gathers them and this is something they do of their own initiative. So it isn’t about what Sam and Dean would or wouldn’t do. It is about the fact that most of these women (I cant imagine Kaia does) cares about them and wants to help them once they realise something is wrong.


For all we know upon being rescued Sam and/or Dean could tell them “you shouldn’t have put yourselves at risk like that”. 

I was refering to the start of episode 9.  Dean calls Patience and asks for her help in locating Jack. 

2 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Ah fair enough. I’m curious with Crowley and Rowena dead and Cas MIA who do you think they should have contacted instead?


In the past the show has had no problem adding a character and saying he's an old friend.   They could have have had Dean on the phone with a no name character asking if they could recommended a physic or show a one sided conversation. 

Anyone but a teenager who Dean told to stay away from hunting. 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Ah fair enough. I’m curious with Crowley and Rowena dead and Cas MIA who do you think they should have contacted instead?

Call any other psychic or I dunno, Garth who might know a psychic. Dig up the name of a psychic from the bunker? Contact Melanie the psychic from the Mentalist who is still alive?

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30 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

Except, she wasn't actually psychic.

But she does know other psychics. That's why I included her. The point is that the question was who else could they have used. I listed all the ways Dean and Sam could have gotten in touch with any other psychics besides Patience. But Berens needed Dean to need ONLY Patience after telling her to get out of the life. I see what you are doing, Berens.

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Heck that even goes back to Sam giving Claire a talking to in s12 when he told her to tell Jody what she was doing. That Claire should respect Jody more. Dean even told Claire to respect Jody and told her to go to school and not make Jody be worried about her.

That's why I'm really hesitant about what is going to happen in WS that puts even more out there about Dean and Sam underestimating the women and having to apologize for that. I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts that is exactly what happens when they are rescued. I'll be it will be shown that Claire being out and hunting instead of in school and safe will be exactly what the boys need to be saved.

Dean will probably have to give a speech about how he should never have told Patience and Claire to stay out of hunting. Sam will say he's glad that Claire didn't listen to them.

It's really been set up to turn out that way. I don't see them not following through on that. "See! You were wrong for thinking we shouldn't, couldn't, oughtn't."

Edited by catrox14
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1 hour ago, ILoveReading said:

In the past the show has had no problem adding a character and saying he's an old friend.   They could have have had Dean on the phone with a no name character asking if they could recommended a physic or show a one sided conversation. 

Anyone but a teenager who Dean told to stay away from hunting. 

I agree that I was bewildered by Dean calling Patience for help in finding Jack.  What about Donatello?  He followed Jack's energy trail before.

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8 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I agree that I was bewildered by Dean calling Patience for help in finding Jack.  What about Donatello?  He followed Jack's energy trail before.

Oh jeez I forgot all about Donatello! That makes it even worse! Did they even mention him? Even in passing?

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Well obviously the writers have been charged with setting up the introduction of the WS show. So Patience gets the call.

But in terms of things making sense... Dean calling patience makes little sense whereas contacting Donatello (love that guy..but unfortunately he's not a teenage girl) does.

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Oh jeez I forgot all about Donatello! That makes it even worse! Did they even mention him? Even in passing?

I don't think so.  But that's why I was asking.  lol.  I was hoping someone with a better memory than me could answer.  I remember Dean mentioning Cass to Sam in that scene, and there might have been some other names dropped, but I don't recall what they were.

And to bring this back to spoilers - even though this isn't strictly bitter - didn't I read or hear something about Donatello coming back in the second part of the season?  Or did I just make that up in an attempt to be on topic? :)

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I wonder if they pulled the promo they released yesterday because the Shaving People Punting things video wasn't ready.  Because it seems deliberate that they re-release it and then almost immediately after they release the Shaving People Punting things one.   It feels like a bait and switch to me. 

That along with Pedowitz's comments, it feels like the they don't have much faith in the backdoor pilot to stand on its own.

3 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I don't think so.  But that's why I was asking.  lol.  I was hoping someone with a better memory than me could answer.  I remember Dean mentioning Cass to Sam in that scene, and there might have been some other names dropped, but I don't recall what they were.

And to bring this back to spoilers - even though this isn't strictly bitter - didn't I read or hear something about Donatello coming back in the second part of the season?  Or did I just make that up in an attempt to be on topic? :)

He'll be back. I posted set pictures of them filming with Cas, Dean, and Sam. I think maybe the episode with Danneel? It's in the spoilers thread somewhere. So that makes this thing with them not calling Donatello even worse. Maybe they'll at least retcon a line in that says "Well, Donatello was unavailable...for reasons..." LOL

15 hours ago, Annwhite7519 said:

Donatello was unavailable because he was in Boca signing papers on his Condo.

haha hysterical. Can you buy a condo if you don't have a soul?  I love Donatello.  I really hope he comes back.  They need more characters that have a sense of humor.  They should resurrect Frank Devereaux from season 7.  That guy was sooo funny. 

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3 hours ago, bozodegama said:

haha hysterical. Can you buy a condo if you don't have a soul?  I love Donatello.  I really hope he comes back.  They need more characters that have a sense of humor.  They should resurrect Frank Devereaux from season 7.  That guy was sooo funny. 

I'd be on board for Frank! And he's one of the few whose "resurrection" would make sense, given his uber-paranoia and thar we never saw a body. 

  • Love 6
21 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

Hunting really has become just a hobby anyone can do these days.  All you really need is an attitude.  Kind of sucks for Sam and Dean that they had their entire childhood's sacrificed and had to be raised like warriors to be good at it.

I agree.  I just posted words to this effect somewhere else.  Hunting has been devalued to the point anyone and their giddy aunt can do it. 

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On 1/16/2018 at 1:23 PM, ILoveReading said:

Hunting really has become just a hobby anyone can do these days.  All you really need is an attitude.  Kind of sucks for Sam and Dean that they had their entire childhood's sacrificed and had to be raised like warriors to be good at it.

To be fair, I think the show already went there years ago when Charlie learned how to hunt from an app by the Ghostfacers.

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2 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

To be fair, I think the show already went there years ago when Charlie learned how to hunt from an app by the Ghostfacers.

And back then it was just as stupid as it is now. The problem for me is that hunting being shown as some kind of magical quest to save the world versus a deadly, depressing, horrifying, PTSD ridden life. But who knows, maybe all the Wayward Sisters will be better adjusted because there is at least one monster counselor in the world.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

To be fair, I think the show already went there years ago when Charlie learned how to hunt from an app by the Ghostfacers.

Charlie learned which monsters were which, and the best way to kill them from the app.  She learned to *hunt* by practicing (and having the Winchesters/Dorothy/whoever) watching her ass/telling her what to do while she learned.  Any intelligent person with access to Google (and a few more esoteric sources) can pick up the theoretical.  But without the practical/experience....

(OK, done beating that horse for now...) :)

Edited by ahrtee
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And back then it was just as stupid as it is now

I'm not arguing that.  I thought that was even dumber than the current WS premise though.  At least the girls have each other - and yeah, Jody and Donna have been in a few hunts on-screen plus their experience as law enforcement officers certainly counts - and we can posit that there were more hunts off screen.  Whereas Charlie was off on her own, and apparently learned to hunt on her own, because as of her third appearance on the show, she was calling Sam and Dean to give them a heads up when something weird was afoot.  She had no previous hunting/fighting experience with even 'traditional' monsters like ghosts, vampires, or werewolves, only computer hacking and research experience, when suddenly she showed up in Slumber Party and declared herself a hunter. 


The problem for me is that hunting being shown as some kind of magical quest to save the world

IMO, they already did that too, what with the Apocalypse story(s).  :)

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1 hour ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

IMO, they already did that too, what with the Apocalypse story(s).  :)

I can't say that I see these as equivalent at all myself.  But if you do, fair enough. I don't.

They didn't seek the Apocalypse. They were part of a scheme controlled by the angels. It was manipulation and murder LOL by higher powered beings. When Dean took on the Mark of Cain, he wasn't on a magical quest. He was lead to the Mark and FB by Crowley. Dean took on the Mark specifically so he could kill Abaddon. Means to an end. No quest.

Whereas with Charlie it was literally "Where is my quest" before she went off to Oz and came back literally split in two.  For me WS is being setup much more like Charlie's "Where is my Quest" before she went off to Oz. Kaia is the only one that I think is more like old school reasoning. She got dragged into some shit she didn't ask for at all. She was coerced into the whole thing.

Psychics aren't hunters. They are psychics. Pamela didn't have to go live with Dean and Sam to do her psychic stuff. Patience doesn't HAVE to live with Jody to warn her about her visions really, other than I guess her mean dad will threaten her or something. 

I feel there is an underlying tone to the promotion of WS that implies it's a grand adventure and look how badass and LUCKY the world and the boys are that we are doing this.

To me there is just a different vibe. Like with the boys it was "Oh shit. We broke the damn world and we have to fix it" both times. VS "oh great the menfolk broke the world and now we have to save them and be awesome and badass. Yay!" 


Edited by catrox14
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I have been reading a lot of the posts over the various threads for the last month but I have come to this B vs J thread for my moan about WS. I like Jody and Donna as they have appeared in SPN, I don't like Claire – neither the actress who actually can't IMO actually act nor the way she has been written – but I do like the other actresses they have put together to start the WS verse. But I liked them as part of the SPN i.e. Dean and Sam verse. I resent being made to feel bad because I am not interested in the WS world and god forbid if you mention you don't like the “brothers” to be rescued by untrained “hunters”. There seems to me to be a lot of almost bullying by those that have been desperate for this to take off. I have no particular interest in WS but I might try it for a couple of episodes. Supernatural has been my obsession for about 10 years now, I read loads of fanfiction a bit of Wincest, a bit of J2cest a bit of Destiel and a bit of other ships as well as general fics – I watch a few other programmes but I mostly actually do other things besides watching television. What I think I am trying to say is that I want my SPN with Dean and Sam for as long as I can have it and any dilution of that makes me unhappy!

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47 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

Just saw this in the other thread. If this guy's synopsis is accurate, they've pretty much guaranteed I won't be a regular viewer of the spin-off.


They didn't seek the Apocalypse.

They didn't seek the Apocalypse, but IMO, they still went on a quest to avert it,  including meeting a pantheon of pagan gods, which seems pretty magical to me. 


When Dean took on the Mark of Cain, he wasn't on a magical quest. He was lead to the Mark and FB by Crowley. Dean took on the Mark specifically so he could kill Abaddon. Means to an end. No quest.

Yes, but after Dean took on the Mark, Sam went on a quest, which used magic by Rowena, so kind of the definition of magical imo, quest to rid of of it.  And once he did, they both then had to go on a quest to stop the Darkness.  Okay, maybe that wasn't 'magical' per se, but more mythological, since it included supreme deities like God and His Sister.   YMMV.

I have no idea how WS is going to treat this 'Hell gate' rift thing, but my thought is it's going to be more of an 'oh shit, we gotta fix this' attitude than Charlie seeking some magical quest.  I could be wrong though. 

1 hour ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

They didn't seek the Apocalypse, but IMO, they still went on a quest to avert it,  including meeting a pantheon of pagan gods, which seems pretty magical to me. 

Yes, but after Dean took on the Mark, Sam went on a quest, which used magic by Rowena, so kind of the definition of magical imo, quest to rid of of it.  And once he did, they both then had to go on a quest to stop the Darkness.  Okay, maybe that wasn't 'magical' per se, but more mythological, since it included supreme deities like God and His Sister.   YMMV.

I have no idea how WS is going to treat this 'Hell gate' rift thing, but my thought is it's going to be more of an 'oh shit, we gotta fix this' attitude than Charlie seeking some magical quest.  I could be wrong though. 

Except they had to fix what they broke and that includes Dean taking on the Mark because it was making Dean into a killer and Sam was trying to stop that. I just don't see that as being a "quest" in the way Charlie's was.  They had two choices. let the world be taken over by Satan because they let him out of the cage, or figure out how to fix it. That's not a quest. That's a mission to course correct what they fucked up.   They would not have sought any of that for funsies otherwise. 

I don't know why Claire hunts at all. They've never explained her motivations that I can recall. 

The Rift itself wasn't there because the WS did anything. This is all on Dean, Sam and Jack. I mean they could have just written an ep with Kaia being the dreamwalker who accidentally opened the Rift with her dreamwalking but nope, they had it be opened and Kaia killed because Jack wanted to do something for Dean and Sam and then Dean and Sam went along with him to save Mary. 

This will never be on the WS. Even Kaia's death isn't really Claire's fault. So whatever happens in the future in MO for the WS is going to be "save the world from what the boys did, with a side of questing". 

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I still disagree about the quest stuff.  But I do agree with this:


I don't know why Claire hunts at all. They've never explained her motivations that I can recall. 

Same.  Now with her background, I could understand if she specialized in hunting bad angels, like sort of like Lily Sunder, but to the whole wanting to be a hunter thing never made sense to me with respect to Claire.

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26 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Same.  Now with her background, I could understand if she specialized in hunting bad angels, like sort of like Lily Sunder, but to the whole wanting to be a hunter thing never made sense to me with respect to Claire.

Wasn't it established in that episode were Claire was seeing monsters everywhere that she just felt that since her eyes had been opened she felt it was her duty to try and use that knowledge to help people if she could?

TBH, I don't think there have ever been magical quests on this show. Charlie wanted one like the books she read as a child, but was disabused of the notion they existed in the real world time and time again. 

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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