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Past Seasons Talk: From Seattle Grace to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital

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One thing that always annoyed me all over again while Arizona was venting her spleen at Alex was that I wanted someone, anyone to tell AZ that it was her fault the hospital fell apart financially. 

If she hadn't had a hissy fit and jumped on the plane, they wouldn't have gone over the alloted number of attending required by the insuance company and the hospital would not have had to pay. 


It bothered me that they put that in the story and then never mentioned it again.  I think everyone should have been told it was her fault.  But then, I hate her with the fire of a thousand suns. 

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I don't think Arizona is to blame for the hospital's financial issues, though. It wasn't her fault the plane crashed. It wasn't her fault that Owen chose a cheaper airline/plane/whatever without looking into that company properly. It all worked out in the end, though. The plane crash made for a great episode of television, in an 'only on television' kind of way, but I think I would have liked to see a bit more of the emotional fall out rather than the board dealing with finances and legal issues. Cristina's bathtub breakdown was tragic and beautifully done by Sandra Oh, and Arizona's leg issues made for good television and Capshaw was great. A bit more of that would have been nice to see.

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I don't think Arizona is to blame for the money issues either but I would like her to acknowledge that she was the reason she was on the plane, and therefore in the crash, in the first place.  She was hurting from the diagnosis of her friend and, in what we would learn is habit for her, took her feelings out on someone else, Alex in this case.  Then the plane crash happens, she gets badly hurt, she reaches the point where the only options are for her to lose the leg or her life, Callie makes the call to amputate, and Arizona, again, takes her feelings out on someone else.  This time it's Alex and Callie.  She blamed Alex for her being on the plane in the first place and has never retracted that statement.  The episode where he was worried about her reaction upon learning he was going into private practice was an ideal time for her to acknowledge that he was not to blame for her losing her leg and apologize for her actions but, of course, that didn't happen.  Instead Alex was worried with no indication that Arizona had ever apologized to him and then he was made to seem like the idiot for assuming the worst from her when she handled the news just fine. 


Same with Callie but in a different way.  Arizona blames her for the amputation, refusing to acknowledge that the leg got worse before Callie could implement her plan to save it and Callie made the call in an effort to save her life.  Arizona acts like Callie just didn't care about trying to save her leg and gave the ok to amputate because she's evil and out to get her.  Like Alex, there's no indication that Arizona has acknowledged that Callie saved her life (and, if she truly would rather die than lose a leg she should just commit suicide.  That would be a far more interesting story than trying to convince us that Callie is the worst person in the world for not letting her die with her all her limbs) and there's definitely no indication that she's apologized for her awful actions and words. 

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The way they handled the plane crash made for some truly masterful television, didn't it?  When the docs were back at work and squeaky clean, even on the second viewing I thought I'd missed an episode.  That scene of Yang robot-voicing about staying awake all by herself, drinking urine then gasoline, wanting to curl up on dead Mark for warmth but resuscitating him instead--MUCH more powerful than two more episodes showing us frantic Seattle Grace staff and deteriorating crash victims.


We were kept so off-balance in the (then) new season with Mark alternating between chatty and intubated, I remember deciding during the original broadcast that Arizona must have been DOA.  But. . .Boom!


Shonda Rhimes can really weave a story.  More of that, please.

Edited by candall
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Shonda surprised me with that arc, candall.  The way we got little snippets of the story in flashbacks and comments, but the horrors were left mostly to the imagination ... that made for some riveting tv.


I'm just glad the reruns started all over again on Lifetime, and I can quit my 3 episode a day obsession (until the next time this fucking show sucks me in).  :-)

  • Love 2

I'm just glad the reruns started all over again on Lifetime, and I can quit my 3 episode a day obsession (until the next time this fucking show sucks me in).  :-)

You're free!!  Go NOW!


I'm just past the plane crash--I have 21 hours of Irksome Interns & The Bitter Uniped left, culminating in the departure of the best character.  Save yourself.

Edited by candall
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I'm jumping in here to say hi! and lament that i wish they followed up on some of the patients from the bigger storylines. Like i really wanted to know what happened to Lexie's "ceviche girl." And the teenager raising her siblings after the rest of the family was killed in the storm (and Mere and Alex found them outside the ambulance while transporting the baby). I wish Meredith followed up with the girl to see how they're doing. What about the sinkhole couple? THe husband who couldn't cut off his wife's leg. I got all invested in these patients and now i want to know how they are! Even the little boy that Hunt was wishing to adopt. How is he coping with his mom being gone? Did dad recover fully????

  • Love 4

What a fine notion, betsyboo!  Wouldn't it be awesome if we got flashes of a bunch of the major patients' wonderful lives in the present as Grey's fades into that deep dark night?  I know, the show is all about the main characters, but some of the guest stars over the years have been so much more interesting than the melodrama that is SeattleGraceMercyWestGreySloanMemorial.   :-))

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There was a huge storm here yesterday and I didn't have power all night.  (I got trapped here without power for almost a month after an ice storm in 2009 and I'd almost rather go through that again than spend another night sweating in the mugginess with the mosquitoes singing in my ears.)


Anyway, my DVR erased and reset--everything's gone.


Now I'm bitter.  Like Arizona.




Bye, guys, over and out--it's been a pleasure!


  • Love 1

Oh, noes, candall.  I would just never get over something like this (and would probably use it as an excuse to start watching the fucking reruns all over again, just to spite my own damned self).  It is a very bad sign that I am looking at the clock and realizing it is not a Grey's afternoon.  :-(

Edited by walnutqueen

Actually in the middle of Grey's rewatch. I'm midway through season two and I never realised what a tool Derek was. I don't think that he owed Addison much but I do think he owed it to both her and Meredith to grow the fuck up and stop fucking with their heads. He never loved Addison so he never should have gotten back with her. I didn't buy his whole ~she's my wife obligation speech because all he did was treat her like shit and hurt her. He hated her for the duration of their S2 reconciliation. He didn't even try and like her. There's an episode where he refers to her as the queen of passive aggression and that honestly makes me snigger because if anyone in the situation was passive aggressive it was him. He should never have gotten back with her or at least he should have had the decency to end it sooner. Instead he constantly threw his feelings for Meredith in her face (passive aggressively) and in the process of this broke Meredith's heart too.


I hoorayed when Cristina gave him a smackdown on his shitty behaviour.


I forgot how much I loved season 1/2 George.


And yes, Burke, Cristina and that relationship carried so much of the show for me in early seasons. It was such a massive loss when Washington left the show.

Edited by Chas411
  • Love 8

Actually in the middle of Grey's rewatch. I'm midway through season two and I never realised what a tool Derek was. I don't think that he owed Addison much but I do think he owed it to both her and Meredith to grow the fuck up and stop fucking with their heads. He never loved Addison so he never should have gotten back with her. I didn't buy his whole ~she's my wife obligation speech because all he did was treat her like shit and hurt her. He hated her for the duration of their S2 reconciliation. He didn't even try and like her. There's an episode where he refers to her as the queen of passive aggression and that honestly makes me snigger because if anyone in the situation was passive aggressive it was him. He should never have gotten back with her or at least he should have had the decency to end it sooner. Instead he constantly threw his feelings for Meredith in her face (passive aggressively) and in the process of this broke Meredith's heart too.


I hoorayed when Cristina gave him a smackdown on his shitty behaviour.


I forgot how much I loved season 1/2 George.


And yes, Burke, Cristina and that relationship carried so much of the show for me in early seasons. It was such a massive loss when Washington left the show.


Totally agree about Derek... I started rewatching from Season 1 a few weeks ago and I'm on Season 4 now, I've never liked Derek and now I'm freshly reminded of all the reasons why. I totally get why Meredith (who I don't like either) said she couldn't trust him.


Also I especially hated the whole 'Cristina's a robot' thing in Season 4 when Bailey's baby was in the hospital.

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Speaking of season four, I really loved the early relationship between Meredith and Lexie. Lexie was so endearing and well adjusted, and just wanted to get to know her big sister. I loved that Meredith wasn't having any of it. I felt bad for Lexie but completely understood where Meredith was coming from, and I liked that it pained her to see a Grey with the loving family that she never really had. I thought that dynamic was interesting but the show never quite followed up on it after season four. They still had some fun interaction over the years, but I thought there was some wasted potential there.


Should be interesting to see how they deal with the surprise sister 2.0. drama when season eleven starts up.


And...again, speaking of season four, I really hope they bring back Erica Hahn one day.

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I think the two bomb episodes in Season 2 was a big turning point in the show because it drew a lot of attention which seemed to encourage the showrunners to come up with crazier and crazier plot twists and catastrophes.  


@manbearpig, I agree the Lexie and Meredith dynamic in season 4 was interesting, particularly 4x08 because it was like a role reversal, showing that Lexie had a damaged and cynical side, while Meredith had a hopeful and naive side, that Lexie and Meredith both had Thatcher baggage, just different kinds.      


Edited by Paracosm
  • Love 6

Speaking of season four, I really loved the early relationship between Meredith and Lexie. Lexie was so endearing and well adjusted, and just wanted to get to know her big sister. I loved that Meredith wasn't having any of it. I felt bad for Lexie but completely understood where Meredith was coming from, and I liked that it pained her to see a Grey with the loving family that she never really had. I thought that dynamic was interesting but the show never quite followed up on it after season four. They still had some fun interaction over the years, but I thought there was some wasted potential there.


Should be interesting to see how they deal with the surprise sister 2.0. drama when season eleven starts up.


And...again, speaking of season four, I really hope they bring back Erica Hahn one day.

Ugh, I had completely forgotten about this. :(


I really loved Lexie. She was one of my favorite characters.

I'm nearing the end of season two and the George/Meredith sex scene is one of the most awkward things I've ever seen. All the flack she got over it.. How was he not even held partially responsible? She was clearly an emotional mess when he made his move. What was he expecting? His love for her was so... Selfish or something. And I love early George! I loved Cristinas line to him that if he wanted people to stop treating him like crap then he had to stop accepting crap. So true.

Derek continues to annoy me. It's like just divorce Addison instead of passive aggressively devastating her at every chance. I hated how he was a full on dick to her yet would would immedietly turn on the charm when he was with Meredith. It was so phony.

I hated how he used Mark showing up as another excuse to lash out at Addison and be ~friends with an already fragile Meredith. Also while Addison getting poison ivy was played for laughs I'd have found it more enjoyable had I not been far past believing she deserved anymore punishment for what she did.

Also.. Something tells me Derek was a shit husband by the end of their marriage. Doesn't excuse it but I wish he'd stop playing the saint.

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I snuck back to watch the episode where George dies because I loooove Prom Dress Izzie and Soldier George staring at each other from opposite sides of the door to the Elevator of Afterlife.


I had forgotten that the next episode starts out with "Who said that was George?!  That's not George!!!"


So mean.



  • Love 3

I'm nearing the end of season two and the George/Meredith sex scene is one of the most awkward things I've ever seen. All the flack she got over it.. How was he not even held partially responsible? She was clearly an emotional mess when he made his move. What was he expecting? His love for her was so... Selfish or something. And I love early George! I loved Cristinas line to him that if he wanted people to stop treating him like crap then he had to stop accepting crap. So true.



George acted like she had intentionally hurt him.  She started crying because she was clearly emotionally exhausted. How in any way is that justification for treating someone you supposedly loved like crap for months?  That irritated me so badly.

One of my favorite Meredith/Lexie scenes is when Lexie does not think she is invited to the MerDer wedding. Meredith tells her she is a bridesmaid.


From 5x20, right? Loathed that scene because it came out of nowhere. In 5x08, Meredith could barely call Lexie her sister. And the episodes in between had Lexie sequestered in her tritely written newfound relationship with the soon-to-be castrated Mark, since the show needed a new on-again-off-again couple to fill Meredith and Derek's place. This was the year that Lexie's character was ruined for me. She was brought on because of her connection to Meredith. And the show dropped the ball completely. Miserable writing during this time in the show's run -- Dead Denny, absent George, and Sadie the pointless intern (another dropped ball). The show took a major hit in its reputation with all this contrived foolishness. The development of Meredith/Lexie's relationship was just another casualty. 

  • Love 1

Great minds, candall.  I just broke down and programmed the DVR to record this afternoon's episodes because I love that scene, too.

Hahahaha!  But we're not going back on the pipe, right? 


My next appointment viewing is Sara Ramirez singing "The Story."  Still gives me goosebumps.


See you then?

  • Love 3

From 5x20, right? Loathed that scene because it came out of nowhere. In 5x08, Meredith could barely call Lexie her sister. And the episodes in between had Lexie sequestered in her tritely written newfound relationship with the soon-to-be castrated Mark, since the show needed a new on-again-off-again couple to fill Meredith and Derek's place. This was the year that Lexie's character was ruined for me. She was brought on because of her connection to Meredith. And the show dropped the ball completely. Miserable writing during this time in the show's run -- Dead Denny, absent George, and Sadie the pointless intern (another dropped ball). The show took a major hit in its reputation with all this contrived foolishness. The development of Meredith/Lexie's relationship was just another casualty. 


Also in that time, Derek brought Lexie back to the house after the intern-appy-gone-wrong so that Mark didn't take her home and Lexie never left. She had an apartment that she was sharing with George, her and Meredith weren't close at the time, and yet she just moved in to the attic. The development of the Meredith/Lexie relationship across those episodes was just weird. 


Although having just watched Season 5 again it felt like lots of scenes were missing and stories that should have made sense didn't because things were left out, it was just generally disjointed for all the characters and stories going on.

  • Love 3

Hahahaha!  But we're not going back on the pipe, right? 


My next appointment viewing is Sara Ramirez singing "The Story."  Still gives me goosebumps.


See you then?


No crack pipe for me - I'm all about the peace pipe.  And the bottle.  And the cigs.  And re-watching certain series obsessively.  ;-)


OMG get outta my head, candall!  I replay that song at full blast every time that episode airs, and it blows my socks off every damned time..  I love it so much I reworked the song into The [TWoP] Story as a goodbye tribute to my fellow TWoP posters just before the site closed.  Yes, I am that sick.   :-)

  • Love 2

I am completely over Callie and Arizona both.  I used to like them individually, and the story lines each had with other characters but together I can't stand them.  I wish they would have taken the car crash proposal as a sign.  Oh how I WISH Callie would have woken up and said no to the proposal.  Please just put this whole story line out of its misery. I feel that way about Meredith/Derek SL frequently too, but they at least have some spots where I feel genuine support for the other one.

  • Love 1


I am completely over Callie and Arizona both.  I used to like them individually, and the story lines each had with other characters but together I can't stand them.  I wish they would have taken the car crash proposal as a sign.  Oh how I WISH Callie would have woken up and said no to the proposal.  Please just put this whole story line out of its misery. I feel that way about Meredith/Derek SL frequently too, but they at least have some spots where I feel genuine support for the other one.

I would go further and say it should of been done with the Africa storyline.

  • Love 4

A friend of mine brought up a point about Callie and Arizona that I hadn't considered before. She was having problems in her relationship that were quite similar to C/A (without all the made for TV drama) and determined that their problem was that they didn't speak the same "love language."

And this is a huge issue for C/A. Callie is about the more tangible gestures. House, ring, baby, the prosthetics research she started. Arizona on the other hand is about the words of affirmation. Saying I love you, wanting to talk it out, etc. Shonda answered a tweet along the same lines, and I think this is where they could be headed. Callie using her words, and Arizona making a tangible gesture.

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George acted like she had intentionally hurt him.  She started crying because she was clearly emotionally exhausted. How in any way is that justification for treating someone you supposedly loved like crap for months?  That irritated me so badly.

Yeah I can't condone that. It was lame.


Nothing is as awful as Derek's treatment of Addison though. He should have never gotten back with her. I hated how he dicked her and Meredith around but acted like he was the good guy. I hated how hostile he was to her because he really wanted to be with Meredith. I hated him completely. He never even tried to make it work with Addison, it was like the only way he could think of punishing her was to keep her close and hurt her. Only it wasn't just her he hurt, it was Meredith too..

  • Love 7

Yeah I can't condone that. It was lame.


Nothing is as awful as Derek's treatment of Addison though. He should have never gotten back with her. I hated how he dicked her and Meredith around but acted like he was the good guy. I hated how hostile he was to her because he really wanted to be with Meredith. I hated him completely. He never even tried to make it work with Addison, it was like the only way he could think of punishing her was to keep her close and hurt her. Only it wasn't just her he hurt, it was Meredith too..



I felt badly for Addison right until we found out that she lived with Mark and never told Derek, and she was pregnant with Mark's baby which Derek never knew. Then, I thought, "Screw you, Addison." She also admitted she slept with Mark to hurt Derek. Sorry, Addison gets no pass from me.

  • Love 4

I felt badly for Addison right until we found out that she lived with Mark and never told Derek, and she was pregnant with Mark's baby which Derek never knew. Then, I thought, "Screw you, Addison." She also admitted she slept with Mark to hurt Derek. Sorry, Addison gets no pass from me.


While there's no doubt that Addison acted wrong, it doesn't condone what how Derek treated her. 


And the fact that Derek didn't know about it being a proper relationship with Mark until after they divorced means that all the time he was stringing her along and treating her like crap he didn't have that as an excuse / reason, it was just him being a weak selfish cowardly crappy person. 


If he couldn't / didn't want to forgive her properly and if he couldn't / didn't want to get over Meredith then he should have done the right thing and been a better person and just signed the divorce papers at the start of season 2. 


Addison was wrong and then Derek was wrong, but her wrong doesn't excuse his wrong. 


What Mama Burke said to George about staying in a marriage out of obligation, someone should have told that to Derek way back when.

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My problem with Derek back then was his wishy-washiness.  He decides to try again with Addison but then continues to pine for and flirt with Meredith.  He is also mean to Addison during this time and mean to Meredith. She moves on to a nice guy and he has sex with her while his wife is in the building (not excusing her for that either).  Then he decides that he needs to be alone (I think because his bitchy sister told him that he needed to). 


Cut to a season or so later when he decides that he has to be with somone unlike Meredith so he gets with Rose.  And then continues to flirt and have thumb sex with Meredith while also yelling at her at work.  That was unfair to Meredith and unfair to Rose.  And yet I was supposed to sympathize with him because deep down he was a good guy. One of the reasons I could never get on board with the MerDer relationship is that they just left so much human wreckage in their wake of their Epic Love.


No one on this show is perfect, but time and again, it seems that the writers excuse the things that the "good" characters do while making the "bad" characters pay for their behavior again and again.

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I've been rewatching on Lifetime, and what I don't get is the epic love of Mark and Lexi.  I just don't see love.  I see attraction, and dysfunction and sometimes friendship, from two people who want vastly different things in the short term.  


It was mechanical -- an attempt to create an on-again/off-again relationship that could fill the void formerly occupied by MerDer, whom the fans had bullied Shonda into putting together "forever" because they were tired of the back and forth.

Edited by upperco
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Can Pompeo and Dempsey actually request that? They're actors paid to play parts on the show.. I can't imagine they can just say they're done with any storyline...


Yup.  Lead actors in a mega-hit show have a lot of influence, especially around contract negotiation times.


I don't have a link or quote, but I know that Patrick and Ellen both went to Shonda during season 4 shooting and asked her not to break up MerDer or bring in Rose.


Patrick and Ellen are smart, though, and know how to be diplomatic and not "bite the hand that feeds them."  This in contrast to Heigl's diva act which has led to her being a Hollywood has-been.

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars
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Ha no way... that's hilarious. What article is that taken from?


I don't think it's hilarious, I think it's freaking smart. It's no less believable than fans forcing Shonda to put them together.




Also: Patrick recently shared about the developments between his character and Ellen‘s character with USA Today. “I think this is probably the first season where I’m really happy with the direction the character’s going,” he says. “We couldn’t get past the ‘Are they together? Are they not?’ for so long. In episodic TV, that’s sometimes the cross you bear. I couldn’t find any other way to look longingly at Meredith [Ellen Pompeo],” he says. “It’s nice to be moving forward. It was fun initially — like for the first few years. Then we kind of got stuck in that and I think everybody got frustrated.”



  • Love 4


Can Pompeo and Dempsey actually request that? They're actors paid to play parts on the show.. I can't imagine they can just say they're done with any storyline...

Based on the interviews she's given, I have the impression that SO had to fight constantly (if diplomatically) for the "integrity" of her character. And certainly SO had a lot of leverage compared to some of the other cast members. (Of course brilliant Cristina still ended up having TWO unintended pregnancies!)


I imagine that fighting must get tiring though, so I expect PD and EP wait until they are really fed up to raise issues with the writers/Shonda. Life is short and they have a lot of money to spend, y'know?


(But maybe S11/"The Year of Meredith" is based on a request by EP to get more focus/better stories?)

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I really liked Mer's relationship with her stepmother. When she died I was really moved. Now that I'm thinking about it I love storylines focused in Mer relationships with other women: her shrink, Christina, her stepmom, Ellis. I think there was a lot of potential with Lexie but it never fully delivered to me. Also one of my favorite scenes is one with her and Addison when she's "high" and they bond.

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I'm just coming to the end of season three and Meredith's relationship with her stepmother is a favourite of mine. I stopped watching as soon as Gizzie kicked off so I haven't seen her death. I'm dreading it now.


I hated how disrespectful Izzie was to Callie. Like she was such a high school mean girl to her. Callie was her superior as well. I really hated how George went from loveable moron to constant yelling and angst at the end of season three.


Kate Walsh was absolutely stunning. All the women on the show stand out in their own right but for me she was just classically beautiful. I thought her crush on Alex gave some funny moments.


I know Burke's run on the show is coming to an end as well so the dread is setting in all over again as his and Cristina's relationship was a favourite part of the show for me.

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