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S30.E03: Pride Before The Fall

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Fuck that noise.  The ladies should have also had to get ten poles.

I feel like I must not have a good handle on what the word "boo" means.  Dario said Derrick is Tori's boo but then Britni called Veronica boo so which is it?

I love the cheeky editors queueing up John Legend during Dario's voiceover.

TJ can roll his r's.  I've never ever been able to do that and I took Spanish for six years.

"I have a target on my back and I keep painting it." Cory the rest of the house might hate you but you make me laugh.

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Not really liking the format. I'm used to prelude, game, deliberation, endgame, denouement. With the extra drama and Redemption House, the normal rules go out the window.

Also not liking Double Cross. I mean, I dig the random, but why not have the players line up and pull at the same time? That's why I wasn't that into the Draw in Free Agents, where -- in theory -- Teege can call the popular kids first because the odds of them getting unlucky are slim. This week. Dario and Veronica wriggled off the hook. Boo. Dario is a dumbass, Veronica has dodged two bullets in her career. Unrelated: are her breasts bigger these days?

Not sobbing for OtherDerrick and Tori getting separated. They might be nice people, but they hooked up on an MTV reality show. How many times have those bonds lasted? I did laugh at Leroy figuring that "all 25" women Cory slept with were rooting for him.

You know what would be fun? Bull-riding, but with CT instead of the bull. Poor dumbass Tony. And the Bri girl (can't remember who's who, don't give a shit) was really getting into it with the Verantula. Kept expecting her to yell "Get off my vagina, you fucking Mormon!" out of habit. And damn, Jenna got laid out by Aneesa.

Ammo excluded? Whatever. I don't care what Ammo considers Ammo to be, because Ammo is a pain in the ass no matter what.

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Things I like: Derrick K, CT, Cara Maria, even possibly Bananas, the return of that footballesque game.  

Things I don't like: The excessively complicated rules around some of the games. The fact that we don't get the elimination until the next episode. I want to know who goes NOW. 

Things I'm on the fence about: The redemption house. I don't like so much time being devoted to redemption house, since I mostly don't like the players in there. I possibly like redemption house if it means Darrell comes back since I like him. 

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How fucking awkward must Darrell feel in the redemption house with all those idiot kids from Are You the One? His pained, what fresh hell is this? part grimace/part smile when the new "roommates," more AYTO people, entered the house was so hilarious.

Kailah is so dumb. So, so dumb. I wanted blue to lose but poor Derrick.

Veronica..."strengths aren't necessarily physical at this point." Lol, no shit. Also, I just remembered on one of her other "comeback" seasons she banged Evan to further herself in the game. Barf. I have to give her credit for coming back at this age though, and she has zero "squad." It could've been interesting to see her and Shane (the one who doesn't get kicked off shows) on a season together again.

The spelling of "Britni" hurts to look at.

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I looked up who had the earliest Road Rules/Real World season because I was wondering out of Veronica, Aneesa, and Darrell whose season was the oldest.  It turned out that it was Veronica, which did and did not shock me.  Also, I was a little surprised that she is a year older than me.  I just assumed she was younger.  Now I really feel old when the "old person" on the challenge is a year older than me.  Screw you MTV!

Count me in on not being a fan of them holding off on the elimination challenge until the next episode.  I get that they want to be suspenseful and all but come on not even Big Brother pulls that crap.

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Damn, BOTS was so long ago. I feel like an archeologist going through my old recaps. For the record: both teams had leaderboards, like in the original Battle Of The Seasons. The girls did adhere to voting the lowest scorer out most of the time, but not as much as the guys. Also, when they broke from the pattern, it was dramatic, like with Julie, Rachel and Veronica. Also Beth, who got booted over a pregnant woman (Gladys), and that still amuses me. I didn't really hate Veronica back then . . . since I barely saw her and Yes on Seasons, it had been a while since her being almost as big an annoyance as Amaya on Challenge 2000. Then came The Gauntlet, the dogpiling on Sarah, the threesome with Abram and Rachel, and I basically forgave Emily for using her "bloody axe." Damn, I need a life.

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Veronica is just bigger period.  She'd also gained weight by the time she did Playboy, compared to her RR season.

What was Ammo's name in his RW season?  I know it wasn't Ammo -- what a dumb name.

Do Ammo and the skinny Latina girl automatically go draw for the double-cross?  It would kind of suck if the winners voted them in since they didn't get a chance to compete.

What dumb planning, to have a game for 20 players when there are 22 of them.  Maybe they only had access to the bull ring on the date they filmed this.

It's about time to thin the herd at the Redemption House isn't it?  If those two dummies didn't get themselves thrown out, it could be pretty crowded there.

I know MTV wants younger viewers but do the AYTO kids really help attract them?  Is that show a hit or something?

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Kailah deserved to lose just for being an idiot. You get first pick and you don't pick CT/Leroy? And somehow you make dario look like a damn genius for having CT/Leroy/Hunter/Cara on the same exact team. Surprise Surprise...they won.

People I love: Darrell/CT/Cara/Derrick/Tori(now that she doesn't have Derrick H as a distraction)

Im even liking Bananas so far, shocking.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, mojoween said:

I feel like I must not have a good handle on what the word "boo" means.  Dario said Derrick is Tori's boo but then Britni called Veronica boo so which is it?

It can be both I think. Apparently on some TV show boo boo meant bitch so my presumption is Britni (I agree that spelling is painful) shortened boo boo to boo. 

Corey, number one you are Bananas, so go ahead with your hit list because you will continue to be put in. Yes I understand the logic of getting the tough players out but Corey is no Bananas as far as planning who goes, etc. And Corey sucks and always pusses out, so his plan is not going to work because he just isn't a strong enough player. 

Camilla, you're dumb. It cannot be that good. Sorry girl but bye. Can't stand her anyway so seeing her with a target on her back makes me laugh. She is another one that isn't that good either. 

  • Love 3

Derrick needs to stop with all his posturing on how he's gonna show everyone.  Dude, you were in the bottom of every single game so far this season.  No one is worried about you.  Tori needs to stop whimpering and play the game, because unlike her sorry ass boyfriend, she actually is a threat to some of the female vets.  

Nicole is 5'6" and a 100 lbs!!  That's ridiculous.  I'm the same height and sit squarely between 120 and 126 lbs, and I recognize that I full on look like a crackhead when I get under 117.  Also, she's scary without makeup.  

There was a blonde chick on last night, that I had never seen before in my life,  including the past 2 episodes....

Camilla needs to stop talking smack.  She's the first one to start crying and whining when someone calls her name for elimination.  I hope the vets take her up on her offer to throw her ass in. 

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Not sobbing for OtherDerrick and Tori getting separated. They might be nice people, but they hooked up on an MTV reality show.

IIRC, they hooked up after AYTO and after AYTO: Second Chances (aired earlier this year).  So I think Tori & Derrick have only been together for a month or two.

9 hours ago, scrb said:

What was Ammo's name in his RW season?  I know it wasn't Ammo -- what a dumb name.

I want to say Chris…but I have no clue if that's correct.

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Just dawned on me why the challenges are so similar, usually favoring strength over stamina or speed.

But the final challenges are usually like iron man competitions, where they have to cover great distances, requiring stamina, which works against some of the larger guys.

They don't want to spend money during the regular challenges for something like a 5 or 10-mile run because they'd have to set up cameras, get clearance to use a large areas, etc.  Plus I guess it would be tough on the competitors, to come back after a grueling challenge.  They'd need recovery time and they don't want to lengthen the production schedule since they'd have to pay the crew.

Plus for the final challenges, they'll spend more on things like aerial shots and so on, making it look more interesting.

Also, endurance competitions aren't always that interesting to watch.  I never watch marathons or things llke the Tour de France.  Or when they had those Iron Man events on TV.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, OnceSane said:

IIRC, they hooked up after AYTO and after AYTO: Second Chances (aired earlier this year).  So I think Tori & Derrick have only been together for a month or two.

lol!!!!!!!!! Wow. 

9 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

I had the same thought. Who is Megan? I kind of thought that meant she'd go home this episode. 

Megan? There's a Megan?

13 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Camilla needs to stop talking smack.  She's the first one to start crying and whining when someone calls her name for elimination.  I hope the vets take her up on her offer to throw her ass in. 

Yes times a thousand!  Besides being attractive and nuts, I really do not see what she brings to the game (Well that is probably the exact reason why she is on the show).  She talks a metric fuckton of crap and yet she is not that great at challenges.  I mean she is not terrible by any means but she tends to do well in every challenge because she is so politically connected.

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On 8/1/2017 at 11:44 PM, PreviouslyTV said:

Trick question! It's actually the name of the elimination challenge this season.

View the full article

Dear PTV Editors: 

I miss the written recaps. I really enjoyed them.  I do not want to listen to a half hour podcast.  Please stop asking me to "view the full article" and then when I get there it's a podcast.  Thank you. 

  • Love 18
21 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Derrick needs to stop with all his posturing on how he's gonna show everyone.  Dude, you were in the bottom of every single game so far this season.  No one is worried about you.  Tori needs to stop whimpering and play the game, because unlike her sorry ass boyfriend, she actually is a threat to some of the female vets.  

Nicole is 5'6" and a 100 lbs!!  That's ridiculous.  I'm the same height and sit squarely between 120 and 126 lbs, and I recognize that I full on look like a crackhead when I get under 117.  Also, she's scary without makeup.  

There was a blonde chick on last night, that I had never seen before in my life,  including the past 2 episodes....

Camilla needs to stop talking smack.  She's the first one to start crying and whining when someone calls her name for elimination.  I hope the vets take her up on her offer to throw her ass in. 

This! I've never watched AYTO so this is my first time seeing her but I kinda like Tori. Maybe with Derick gone she'll come for blood. I loved how she told Camila she didn't want to be touched right after Derick was eliminated. 

2 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

Dear PTV Editors: 

I miss the written recaps. I really enjoyed them.  I do not want to listen to a half hour podcast.  Please stop asking me to "view the full article" and then when I get there it's a podcast.  Thank you. 

Or at least provide a transcript.  I miss them too, even watch/skip which I just read as a straight recap because let's get real, I'm not fast forwarding through any of this stuff!



On 8/2/2017 at 9:54 AM, joanne3482 said:

[Boo] can be both I think. Apparently on some TV show boo boo meant bitch so my presumption is Britni (I agree that spelling is painful) shortened boo boo to boo. 

Agreed.  Just substitute sweetie:  used unironically, Derrick is Tori's sweetie, but Britni is saying it sarcastically to Veronica.

Edited to add:  I don't have much knowledge of or use for "Ammo," but I did think it was sweet of him to give Leroy swimming tips.

Edited by Jobiska
  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, Jobiska said:

Edited to add:  I don't have much knowledge of or use for "Ammo," but I did think it was sweet of him to give Leroy swimming tips.

That was pretty nice of Ammo.  Especially since none of his "friends" on the show have ever bothered to work with him on it.

Man, Leroy has come a long way in his swimming.  Last time he was on a Challenge he was doing some version of a doggie paddle that he learned on YouTube and the season prior to that he basically almost drowned.  This episode, he was doing actual swimming, like he went and got lessons at the Y.  Good for him!

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

Man, Leroy has come a long way in his swimming.  Last time he was on a Challenge he was doing some version of a doggie paddle that he learned on YouTube and the season prior to that he basically almost drowned.  This episode, he was doing actual swimming, like he went and got lessons at the Y.  Good for him!

Leroy said on a past challenge that he took some swimming lessons.  I hope he continues to improve; everyone should know how to swim, imo.

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Marie not Meghan is from Real World St. Thomas. She has been on a few challenges. I was shocked too when she got a talking head. I was like wait! You're here!?

I have watched some of the AYTO seasons. Tori was with her match or at least the person she wanted to be her match on AYTO. After their season wrapped she starting dating and having sex with the guy's roommate instead. So, on AYTO: Second Chances, her match didn't trust her and talked about how hurtful it was hearing hem have sex. On Second Chances, Tori and her orginal match got over the trust issue and started being intimate. Now she is head over heels with Derrick. She is interesting.

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On ‎8‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 11:24 AM, luckyroll3 said:

Derrick needs to stop with all his posturing on how he's gonna show everyone.  Dude, you were in the bottom of every single game so far this season.  No one is worried about you.  Tori needs to stop whimpering and play the game, because unlike her sorry ass boyfriend, she actually is a threat to some of the female vets.  

Nicole is 5'6" and a 100 lbs!!  That's ridiculous.  I'm the same height and sit squarely between 120 and 126 lbs, and I recognize that I full on look like a crackhead when I get under 117.  Also, she's scary without makeup.  

There was a blonde chick on last night, that I had never seen before in my life,  including the past 2 episodes....

Camilla needs to stop talking smack.  She's the first one to start crying and whining when someone calls her name for elimination.  I hope the vets take her up on her offer to throw her ass in. 

Completely agree about Nicole being too thin and looking like a crack head. My husband caught her with and without makeup when he walked in the room and stated he didn't think she was the same person. She does her makeup garish and awful...yet somehow looks better with it than without it, which clearly shows she is fugly.


CT and his "dad bod" can stay and slay all day. I love him. But his raspy voice concern me, hope he's not on the cigarettes.

I will never get the draw from the guys to Camilla. Her body is good, but she has a receding chin and IMO isn't very cute and borders on psychotic at the drop of a dime.

I don't remember Ammo being quite  so "gender non binary" on his RW season. The crop tops & heels with booty shorts etc. are a lot to take in. That said, since he states hes such a competitor, I hope he gets the chance to show his strength soon.

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