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Season 19 Spoilers & Speculation

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"Oooooh boy. Does this mean that this episode won't feature any of the rest of the cast, and it will just be Olivia being St. Olivia? Hmmmm...if so, not good for me. Where's my episode of Rafael just being Rafael, kicking ass in court without any assist from Olivia? That is the episode I want to see. :) :) :) "


Well, that sounds perfectly awful. Had they tried this a few seasons ago, before the show became all about the insuffertable Saint Olivia, it could have been interesting. But now? No thanks!


ETA: Was thinking I would watch Speechless and Modern Family instead, but just realized that ABC is airing the CMAs (of course, it's sweeps!). No worries, I'm sure I find a way to amuse myself -- maybe read a book:)

Edited by wonderwoman
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Mariska's ego has ruined the show, I wouldn't be shocked if Mariska tried to get the pope to appear and personally give Olivia sainthood, after all she did get the VP to show up and praise her. She is demanding more and more scree time and now she is basically getting an episode all to herself, unbelievable. And it's actually not all that format changing, they've done similar stuff in the past with changing the format around. 

I'm so disappointed with Churnuchin, I thought he was going to give SVU new life, instead it is the exact same Benson Hour that it was last year. Mariska runs the show and she's ruined it 

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I hate to say "I told you so" but...

I remember posters here stating high hopes for this Churnuchin? coming on to the show but nothings changed, except for the worst. Every one of our criticisms and complaints have been worked into this season and spit back at us tenfold. This week pretty much seals it for me (and probably Xeliou) and will be..in truth..."The Olivia Benson Hour". I ask again....W T F is up with this broad??! The rest of the cast must be just showing up for a decent paycheck and worldwide exposure, when they can get on screen for a minute or two.

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Yeah, the writers are completely ignoring the fans criticisms and instead of improving the show they are just giving a lot of the fans a lot more of what they like the least, a ton of Benson and Noah drama while everyone else gets shoved to the back seat. We are getting Benson at home with Noah in every episode, to the point where the kid should be put in the opening credits ahead of Raul since we've seen more of Noah than Barba this year it seems. I'm surprised Barba is even in the all Benson episode, he will probably be in one scene where he reassures her and then we don't see him again. 

I'm so sick of the writers shoving Benson down our throats every week while the other characters are shoved to the background while we are reminded how wonderful Benson is. There are a ton of SVU fans who are sick of Benson and want more of the others but the writers only care about MH and her fans. 

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You know Xeliou....I went to the Official SVU website. Clicked on to the comments. OH BOY! Guess what? That "soap opera" bit I have stressed over and over....its caught on or I am not the only one that feels and see's it. The comments were blunt. "Please don't turn SVU into a soap opera!" "This is just a nighttime soap". "I'm sick of the Noah crap. Could we lose that PLEASE!" " I hate that whisper talk". These are direct quotes from the official website that is supposed to be for the blindly loyal fans who think Benson is Wonder Woman. Yet these ( direct quotes) are the majority of comments. We aren't the only ones it turns out, who have those complaints. They seem to be very prevalent gripes with the show. Even with the loyal fans. What does that tell ya? To me, yes, its MH ego gone too far. The show is ignoring even the die hard fans and plowing ahead with MH's agenda's. When that interview with Chernuchin said he sat down with MH and told her he was going to put her character through the wringer and MH was totally on board...there's your sign. Of course she was. It meant a whole season ALL ABOUT HER. That's what I got from that interview and I ain't alone apparently. When even the longtime, "SVU/Benson can do no wrong" fans are sick of her whispering bs, sick of the Noah crap, and see the show as a soap opera that bears no resemblance to a "police procedural" show, and the Producers ignore that...something has gone very wrong. And the question is...if WE can see it, why can't the people in charge of this trainwreck see it too?! Because MH is blind, deaf and dumb when it comes to what other people want....even the "fans". She obviously thinks Benson is real. And proceeds accordingly. She needs to be checked, or this show is going to have abysmal ratings this season. Deservedly so.

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Even my 80-year old father-in-law commented this week on how he didn't get all of this focus on Noah and the grandmother drama. "What does this have to do with solving crimes?" he said with complete bewilderment. So they're losing not just some of the more dedicated loyal fanbase but regular, more casual viewers who watch for interesting cases, not the Olivia Benson hour.

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11 hours ago, QueenMab said:

You know Xeliou....I went to the Official SVU website. Clicked on to the comments. OH BOY! Guess what? That "soap opera" bit I have stressed over and over....its caught on or I am not the only one that feels and see's it. The comments were blunt. "Please don't turn SVU into a soap opera!" "This is just a nighttime soap". "I'm sick of the Noah crap. Could we lose that PLEASE!" " I hate that whisper talk". These are direct quotes from the official website that is supposed to be for the blindly loyal fans who think Benson is Wonder Woman. Yet these ( direct quotes) are the majority of comments. We aren't the only ones it turns out, who have those complaints. They seem to be very prevalent gripes with the show. Even with the loyal fans. What does that tell ya? To me, yes, its MH ego gone too far. The show is ignoring even the die hard fans and plowing ahead with MH's agenda's. When that interview with Chernuchin said he sat down with MH and told her he was going to put her character through the wringer and MH was totally on board...there's your sign. Of course she was. It meant a whole season ALL ABOUT HER. That's what I got from that interview and I ain't alone apparently. When even the longtime, "SVU/Benson can do no wrong" fans are sick of her whispering bs, sick of the Noah crap, and see the show as a soap opera that bears no resemblance to a "police procedural" show, and the Producers ignore that...something has gone very wrong. And the question is...if WE can see it, why can't the people in charge of this trainwreck see it too?! Because MH is blind, deaf and dumb when it comes to what other people want....even the "fans". She obviously thinks Benson is real. And proceeds accordingly. She needs to be checked, or this show is going to have abysmal ratings this season. Deservedly so.

I've heard more criticism of Benson and the show this year than I ever have, even more than in the past 2-3 seasons where the show has been Benson obsessed. The majority of SVU fans are fed up with the over focus on Benson, and this includes people who are usually fans of Benson. This has just gotten insane, the other characters are getting cut out of episodes while Benson gets shoved down our throats. I mean, in the last 2 episodes, the final 5 minutes of the show had nothing to do with the case, one was Benson's high school PSA, the other Benson with Noah and Brooke Shields. This is Law and Order, it should ALL be about the case, even on SVU which has always had more personal stuff than the mothership it was still 99 percent about the case, even the personal stuff was worked into the case. Now we have about 25 percent of the episode devoted solely to Benson's personal life, and the cases always have a ton of Benson/MH preaching her personal message of what she thinks rape victims should do. It is absurd. 

I'm really disappointed in Churnuchin, he's written some outstanding mothership episodes and he could do a great job but instead he's kissing Mariska's ass. There is no way the writers do not know how the fans feel about the Benson overload, they just don't give a fuck, they are more concerned with keeping the Queen Bee happy. And Mariska is just incredibly out of touch with reality, she has no idea what the world is really like, she thinks her and Benson are exactly the same and she is saving women everywhere. Someone needs to tell her how people really feel about her hijacking the show.

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Poor Noah, he was always on a hiding to nothing, the Scrappy Doo brought in to make Benson less of a 'tragic spinster' who sacrificed her private life for her career. I think Dawn Summers was only time that ever actually worked on any TV show? Maybe Ally McBeal too. I like the fact that the characters have a life outside, I like seeing Fin interact with his son but it shouldn't dominate the show as it has come to do.

 SVU always preached, I remember when they just had to slip in comment on 'Sanctuary cities', claiming everything had become worse lately (i.e. since Trump was elected). And you just wanted the INS agent to look at them and say 'Well if you won't help me enforce my laws, why should I help you to enforce yours?' Lately though it has just become so OTT, there's no Stabler to balance Benson out (sanctimonious thug that he was) and no Cragen to keep her in check. With none of the Benson/Stabler will they/won't they sexual tension Noah has become her emotional substitute and people don't want to see that. If Noah is taken away to live with Brooke Shields I think most SVU viewers would actually celebrate. Personally I would like to see Benson visit or even mention her brother and his family although I sometimes wondered if there were little hints of GSA between them (wouldn't THAT be a storyline!).       

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12 hours ago, illdoc said:

My mother screams "Kill her" anytime someone grabs/kidnaps/threatens Dawn, so maybe it didn't work!

No, no, everyone loved Dawn by season 7 when she gets more to do than get rescued and give Buffy unconditional love (and of course Michelle gets hot/legal, got to keep those ephebophiles happy as the rest of the Scooby girls hit their 20s). Noah by contrast has I think become more and more unpopular as time goes on.  

At least they are mixing up the story to make it a different industry, so it won't be a pure ripped from the headlines. This is the sort of story that SVU used to excel at, so I'm hoping they can write something good. Like I said earlier, I don't have AS much problem with the cases this season (though they are far from perfect, but not as anger inducing as the crap from last season). My issue is more with the way too much Olivia and her overwrought personal nonsense that truly adds nothing to the character and is sucking valuable screen time away from the cases and the much better secondary characters. I'm also hoping this story doesn't result in yet another deification of Olivia and she is the only one who makes this case (though I don't know if I am that lucky). 

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Who the hell didn't know that granny was going to kidnap Noah? It was obvious from the start, that's the only reason they did this stupid storyline of the long lost granny coming to town was so they could have Noah kidnapped and shove more ridiculous Benson drama down our throats. Seriously, just stop with the outrageous melodrama about Benson's personal life, we don't want it. The vast majority of SVU fans are sick of Benson melodrama, but it doesn't matter cause the only person who's opinion counts is Mariska's, and she wants every episode to be an hour of her trying to show off her "Emmy worthy" acting. This is such a joke, I'm so sick of how the writers constant give Benson every bad thing that can happen to a person just so she can look like a saint, it's sickening. 

This show has become complete shit because of Mariska's enormous ego. The worship of Mariska/Olivia by eveyrone involved is just completely over the top, the over focus on her has run off all the recurring characters and I wouldn't be shocked if more people start leaving. The show should just be renamed Benson. 

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Yeah, all you have to do is look at Wikipedia for the title of the first episode coming out of winter hiatus to know how this Noah story would turn out. Though yes, a good chunk of fans called this right from the get go when we first heard about this story. In a season where the writers and producers are proudly piling every bit of overwrought person drama onto Olivia (while slighting and shunting aside the more interesting secondary characters), this turn is not surprising in the slightest. But it is so intensely eye rolling for me. 

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Why the hell do they have to turn Shelia into the bad guy? Why not let Noah have someone else in his life? 

Oh wait forgot. Only Benson is allowed around Noah. That's probably why we haven't seen any of the others around him since s17. She doesn't trust anyone else. And of course the show will validate this helicopter mom crap. Soon she will turn into Marilyn Nesbit from s5's Home. 

I do wonder why Rafi looks kinda disheveled in the promo? It's sexy!


Oh and the majority of the audience they are appealing to is probably teen fans on twitter. They were clamoring that last night's episode was the best episode in the series ever. There were a few who were like this is boring but most were like enjoying it.

Edited by RafaelBarba35
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Just now, RafaelBarba35 said:

Why the hell do they have to turn Shelia into the bad guy? Why not let Noah have someone else in his life? 

This!!! I really can't stand anything to do with Noah and I thought the character was a huge mistake in the first place. However, we're stuck with him and his ridiculous origin story. If they make Shelia out to be a bad guy, (and it appears that that is exactly what is going to happen), I will be pissed right off. As others have mentioned, and I whole heartily agree, turning Sheila into "the enemy" will do nothing but reinforce negative stereotypes about kids adopted from foster care and their birth families. If this is the route the show goes, then shame on tptb and shame on MH. Just because she had endless resources to adopt two infants privately within the course of a year, does not mean that the rest of us do. I get that this is television, but why can't MH be as respectful of adopted children, their families and birth parents. She advocates for women and victims, you'd think that she'd care about representing adoption (especially from the foster care system) in a positive light instead of a negative one. 


I think the only reason why SVU had decent ratings last night was due to the hype and because of the lead in. 

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31 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:

This!!! I really can't stand anything to do with Noah and I thought the character was a huge mistake in the first place. However, we're stuck with him and his ridiculous origin story. If they make Shelia out to be a bad guy, (and it appears that that is exactly what is going to happen), I will be pissed right off. As others have mentioned, and I whole heartily agree, turning Sheila into "the enemy" will do nothing but reinforce negative stereotypes about kids adopted from foster care and their birth families. If this is the route the show goes, then shame on tptb and shame on MH. Just because she had endless resources to adopt two infants privately within the course of a year, does not mean that the rest of us do. I get that this is television, but why can't MH be as respectful of adopted children, their families and birth parents. She advocates for women and victims, you'd think that she'd care about representing adoption (especially from the foster care system) in a positive light instead of a negative one. 


I think the only reason why SVU had decent ratings last night was due to the hype and because of the lead in. 

MH doesn't care about representing adoption in a positive light all around, she only wants to portray adoptive parents in a perfect light because she is one, it's all part of her enormous ego. That's the only reason Noah was brought on, because MH wanted to play super mommy because that's how she views herself, it's gotten to the point where she can't tell the difference between Olivia and herself. 

It was obvious from the first time Sheila appeared she was going to be a villain who was going to take Noah, incredibly predictable, and I'm beyond sick of the "Noah in danger/Benson in danger" storylines, they are just done to give MH more dramatic material and make Benson look like a holy saint. 

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1 hour ago, Xeliou66 said:








try to cancel this post, but can't figure out how. please ignore.

1 hour ago, Xeliou66 said:

 it's gotten to the point where she can't tell the difference between Olivia and herself. 

And MH said as much in an interview not too long ago. Clearly, she doesn't have a clue. But I wonder if anyone has had to balls to even try to tell her that THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING!

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E! posted this "spoiler" for next week's episode.


Presumably this sets into motion whatever showdown happens between Olivia and Sheila, but I can't figure out why. Based on the verbiage of this article, you would think that Sheila told Noah that she was going to abduct him. But all she said to him was that Ellie loved him very much and she wished Noah could have met her. I don't see the problem in that, so maybe someone could enlighten me. I mean, Noah has to know he's adopted right? I wouldn't expect Olivia to tell Noah his birth mother was brutally murdered, but I ASSUME she told him that his mother couldn't take care of him (and maybe that she died), so Olivia was able to be his mother. What am I missing here? 

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I think there will be two possible outcomes. 

One of the two women will pull a "Losing Isaiah" move.


Sheila goes to the Dark Side and it becomes a plot similar to "Taken" and Olivia Benson becomes a one women wrecking crew until she gets Noah back. If this happens, I have a feeling Noah may end up being a casualty (or worse, a fatality).

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What won't happen, when Olivia confronts Sheila in the cabin:

As they both struggle for possession of Benson's gun, the ladies get into a clinch and stare into each other's eyes. Olivia's brown eyes seem to drink in all of Sheila's blue ones as their clinch gets tighter. Their lips move closer and closer to each other until they are about to touch when suddenly the screen fades to black and the "TO BE CONTINUED" message is displayed.

5 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

E! posted this "spoiler" for next week's episode.


Presumably this sets into motion whatever showdown happens between Olivia and Sheila, but I can't figure out why. Based on the verbiage of this article, you would think that Sheila told Noah that she was going to abduct him. But all she said to him was that Ellie loved him very much and she wished Noah could have met her. I don't see the problem in that, so maybe someone could enlighten me. I mean, Noah has to know he's adopted right? I wouldn't expect Olivia to tell Noah his birth mother was brutally murdered, but I ASSUME she told him that his mother couldn't take care of him (and maybe that she died), so Olivia was able to be his mother. What am I missing here? 

Yeah I'm not sure why Olivia would have a problem with that, but then again Olivia behaves irrational and like a high school drama queen, she is petty and jealous, and I can see her getting pissed over something like this. It's so ridiculous the constant Noah drama, no one likes it, except for Mariska and her die hard fans. Mariska's enormous ego, along with everyone else involved in the show playing along with her delusion, is ruining SVU. I have a feeling this season is going to be the last unless the 2nd half turns around. 

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3 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

I have a feeling this season is going to be the last unless the 2nd half turns around. 

No way. Dick Wolf will do any deal with NBC to make sure this ties the Mothership in seasons. Bet on it. Especially after the outrage NBC got when canceling the Mothership for the disaster that was Law & Order: Los Angeles and denying the Motherhip the chance to break the record held by Gunsmoke for the most seasons (even if the Mothership tied it).

IMO, in the case of SVU, just because they can does not mean they should.

But I'm not a suit at NBC or Dick Wolf, so...

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I don't know, because Dick Wolf sure didn't stick up for the mothership when it could've gone to season 21, and that was when the mothership was at a very high quality, and so I'm not sure SVU will make it another year especially with the subpar quality of the episodes. Plus Dick Wolf now has the Chicago shows, I don't think he cares about L&O anymore. 

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On 12/2/2017 at 1:01 AM, WendyCR72 said:

No way. Dick Wolf will do any deal with NBC to make sure this ties the Mothership in seasons. Bet on it. Especially after the outrage NBC got when canceling the Mothership for the disaster that was Law & Order: Los Angeles and denying the Motherhip the chance to break the record held by Gunsmoke for the most seasons (even if the Mothership tied it).

IMO, in the case of SVU, just because they can does not mean they should.

But I'm not a suit at NBC or Dick Wolf, so...

Not quite any deal. We know from the past that he won't deal where he has to put up his own money to keep a series on the air.

On 12/2/2017 at 2:03 AM, Xeliou66 said:

I don't know, because Dick Wolf sure didn't stick up for the mothership when it could've gone to season 21, and that was when the mothership was at a very high quality, and so I'm not sure SVU will make it another year especially with the subpar quality of the episodes. Plus Dick Wolf now has the Chicago shows, I don't think he cares about L&O anymore. 

I'm curious what you base the statement that he stick up for the mothership on? All the reports at that time and since where that he was furious with NBC, that he desperately wanted another season and forcefully advocated for it, and he tried to do another season on TNT and other alternatives.

16 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

True. But he seems almost enthralled by Mariska Hargitay. JMO. Maybe he'd be willing if she asked him...

To paraphrase Arthur Branch Dick Wolf feels love an eighth of a point on syndication deals at a time. He is enraptured by Mariska because she is keeping his most lucrative current franchise on the air and shares his devotion to staying on the air as long as the money is flowing in and promoting the idea that Dick Wolf is more than just a money guy and would be writing great scripts if he didn't have so many shows on the air. If NBC was to give him the same lowball offer they did before cancelling the mothership requiring him to finance the episodes out of his own pocket upfront, it wouldn't surprise me if Mariska asked him to take it, he countered with an offer for her to work for scale and take all her money on the back end, and everyone to announce that they tried really hard to get the deal done, but it just didn't work out, although they are still negotiating with Alec Baldwin for an additional 6 episode season exclusively on microwave ovens...

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On ‎04‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 1:53 PM, wknt3 said:

To paraphrase Arthur Branch Dick Wolf feels love an eighth of a point on syndication deals at a time. He is enraptured by Mariska because she is keeping his most lucrative current franchise on the air and shares his devotion to staying on the air as long as the money is flowing in and promoting the idea that Dick Wolf is more than just a money guy and would be writing great scripts if he didn't have so many shows on the air. If NBC was to give him the same lowball offer they did before cancelling the mothership requiring him to finance the episodes out of his own pocket upfront, it wouldn't surprise me if Mariska asked him to take it, he countered with an offer for her to work for scale and take all her money on the back end, and everyone to announce that they tried really hard to get the deal done, but it just didn't work out, although they are still negotiating with Alec Baldwin for an additional 6 episode season exclusively on microwave ovens...

Let Dick fire him, it would only take him a day to work his way back up the corporate ladder. 

We know that in the second half of the season that Jack McCoy will make an appearance ( I'm excited for that ) and Peter Stone will recur ( unsure how I feel about this, I like Peter Stone and he was the best part of the overall weak Chicago Justice, but I don't want him to take Barba's place and I'm afraid the writers will make Barba sleazy in order to make Stone look good to the viewers ).

But here are some updates on other characters that are coming back

Chief Dodds will be back in the next new episode, which I'm glad of, I wondered when we were going to see him again, I like him and what he brings to the show. 

In episode 10, we will see the return of both Dr Warner and Dr Elizabeth Olivet, I'm very excited for both of their appearances, been a long time since we've seen either of them and I'm looking forward to seeing how they are used. 

The one thing I am enjoying about Churnuchin is that he is bringing back characters from the past, such as Dworkin in the premiere episode and now Warner, Oliver and McCoy. I hope this pattern continues. 

Now my question is, when will Buchanan be back? It's beyond time for him to appear, he's a great recurring lawyer and Barba and Buchanan battling in court is always awesome. Bring him back! 

On 12/14/2017 at 4:23 AM, Xeliou66 said:

In episode 10, we will see the return of both Dr Warner and Dr Elizabeth Olivet, I'm very excited for both of their appearances, been a long time since we've seen either of them and I'm looking forward to seeing how they are used. 

how do you know that Melinda will be appearing in episode 10?? I haven't seen anything on it..I'm surprised that she'll actually be on because I pretty much thought that she was off the show forever. Just because it's been like almost 2 years since she was last seen. If she is back I'm excited!

1 hour ago, ESS said:

how do you know that Melinda will be appearing in episode 10?? I haven't seen anything on it..I'm surprised that she'll actually be on because I pretty much thought that she was off the show forever. Just because it's been like almost 2 years since she was last seen. If she is back I'm excited!

Just look it up, the information is available online. 

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