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S06.E27: Truth Be Told

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6 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

Wow I missed the hood!  The only thing that would make this better is if the hood had animal ears.  

LEMUR ears. lol 


The polygraph examiner asked the following and he noted these were relevant questions:

1. Have you engaged in any sexual activity with anyone other than Amber since October 2014? 

2. Since meeting Amber have you had any sexual communications with other women?

3. Did you make any sexual advances toward [named bleeped out](Tiffany)? 


Questioning techniques may differ in the nature of the comparison questions, the sequencing of questions, or the choice of which comparison questions in a sequence of questions will be compared with which relevant questions.

As its name implies, the relevant-irrelevant test format compares examinee responses to relevant and irrelevant questions. A relevant question is one that deals with the real issue of concern to the investigation. These questions include asking whether the examinee perpetrated the target act or knows who did it and perhaps questions about particular pieces of evidence that would incriminate the guilty person. An irrelevant question is one designed to provoke no emotion (e.g., “Is today Friday?). Irrelevant questions are typically placed in the first position of a question list because the physiological responses that follow the presentation of the first question are presumed to have no diagnostic value; they are also placed at other points in the question sequence. Guilty examinees are expected to show stronger reactions to relevant than to irrelevant questions; innocent examinees are expected to react similarly to both question types.

Comparison question tests (also called control question tests) compare examinees’ responses to relevant questions to their responses to other questions that are believed to elicit physiological reactions from innocent examinees. Relevant questions are defined as in the relevant-irrelevant test. Comparison questions ask about general undesirable acts, sometimes of the type of an event under investigation. For example, in a burglary investigation, one comparison question might be “Have you ever stolen anything?” In probable-lie comparison question tests, the instructions are designed to induce innocent people to answer in the negative, even though most are lying. Innocent examinees are expected to experience concern about these answers that shows in their physiological responses. In directed-lie tests, examinees are instructed to respond negatively and untruthfully to comparison questions (e.g., “During the first 20 years of your life, did you ever tell even one lie?”). In both forms of test, the expectation is that innocent examinees will react more strongly to the comparison questions, and guilty examinees will react more strongly to relevant questions.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I think one of Matt's possible threats to Amber was said to a producer. He said something like, he'd do interviews and tell what she's really like?

But who would believe him, even if it was the truth? That's why the title of this episode is quite ironic, applied to any of them.

As if we don't really know what she is like. lol 

You are right. Who would believe him? Even if it was partially the truth, he is such a damn liar. The only time I believed him was when he said Amber puts on an act in front of the cameras and that was back when they began living together. 

Matt saying shit about Amber is not as hurtful or scary as one who is truly being victimized and abused. Exes say shit all the time about one another. Take Javi and Kail, for instance. Javi has a book coming out (which I admit I can't wait to read the excerpts online) where he will spill the beans on Kail and her Mother Russia ass. 

Amber still living with Matt and putting up with his shit should be a total embarrassment for her. 

  • Love 4
52 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

What makes this situation too much to bear, for me personally, is that Amber has the means to get out of this situation whereas many DV victims find themselves forced to stay in a situation due to financial reasons. Many of them are threatened with death and are in fear of leaving. 

Amber does something that no DV victim has ever done, at least in my personal experience - she has put the blame on Matt's previous victims as being weak women. She is superior and badass because as she is quoted as saying, "Real women don't report abuse." 

I can't muster any sympathy whatsoever for someone who belittle, degrades, and puts down true victims of this mutherfucker. 

As for the lie detector test, anyone else remember how quickly Amber was to post the so-called results of Matt having passed the test? It was later removed, but not after some people did some sleuthing and found out it was fake. Amber, or Matt, had purchased the fake test results in order to hush the haters. Every time Amber finds out something new about Matt and declares she is done with him, she is quick to defend him and declare war on those who choose to not believe him. 

Amber can go fuck herself. I don't give two shits about her or what is happening to her. 

She can't fuck herself because she's too busy fucking Matt. *shudder*

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, mscav said:

I can't believe this happened, but after the show last night, Mackenzie went in my opinion from a dumb, but sweet girl to Matt level manipulator. I think this chick could give him lessons. The way she literally rushed him to the "wedding guy" in the parking lot of the aquarium. To hell with his safety, hers or the hundreds of people on the road, she was going to get married and lock it down! What's that... your mom is crying, your son's not here and you obviously have no clue where you are. Cool, time to say I do! Its OK if you mumble it. I know this is last minute but while you wear what you rolled out of bed in, I'm going to the store to buy my 3rd wedding dress in 2 years real quick.

That girl was going to make sure that marriage happened no matter what. She knew damn good and well if he sobered up he wouldn't be getting married. Ryan has always been more of a playboy.. not a guy about to settle down. Now she has Teen Mom hanger on status (lol), Ryan's Teen Mom money, a house that most likely his parents paid off, free babysitters and we all know Jen and Larry are the type to pay all of Ryan's other bills and now hers as well. Not to mention she probably now has power of attorney over all of his assets due to his drug problem. I also have a feeling we'll start seeing more tabloid exclusives about Ryan now so she can get some extra cash from that as well. This woman is cold. She didn't even care about Bentley or her own son's well being. All she cared about was getting that piece of paper signed. 

THIS!!! I just wrote the following earlier before reading this post.

"I'm sorry but Mackenzie is giving me Lifetime Movie realness in this episode. Her expressions throughout this episode were a cross between fembot and psycho bitch on a mission.  That bitch was determined to get married - haircut, lack of wedding dress and drug addiction be damned. "

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, saratothej said:

This is totally shallow but I can't quit thinking about Mack renting that glitzed out dress for a lawn wedding where Ryan doesn't even wear a suit jacket. Why not run to the mall and get a white sundress or wear a white dress you already have? She looked so out of place being the only one dressed for a traditional wedding ceremony. 

Ryan did not button his shirt either. You catch a glimpse when they walk away in to the sunset of love.

12 hours ago, CofCinci said:

That's Larry's garage/man cave. All the locks are to keep Ryan out. I think he stole/sold his father's tools in the past to buy drugs, which is why they didn't speak for a year. 

Thank you. With the one lock looking like a padlock, to me, I was wondering why it would be on a main door. Then I figured Ryan put it on his front door, high. And no one we there wanted to correct Ryan. 


11 hours ago, SuzWhat said:

Also...that onesie/ cat suit of Ambers had A HOOD!  I'm not sure if that was seen by all!

Oh I noticed it. Here is my take on this Amber & Matt crap... I see the whole thing as a huge Jerry Springer moment.I am not saying she was not hurt in some way. If they really did not want to be together they would have never signed up for Marriage Boot Camp. At this point, why even still title the show "Marriage" Boot Camp. 

As for the Mac & Ryan shotgun wedding... If they were doing this to force Ryan to go to rehab that week why didn't they fake the whole damn ceremony? Ryan wouldn't have know, he was that high. Hell, she could have worn her favorite pj's in the backyard. Ryan would have thought it was a themed wedding. Clearly he didn't care because he couldn't button his own shit all the way down.

(face it, they could have lied on the date he went there. Got married in May15  went to rehab in early June and he is out BEFORE the end of June is not even 28 days!) 

Edited by LillysPad
Auto correct fixes.
  • Love 4

Because Ryan is out of his mind on opiates right now.  She's the one that can obviously see that but is still gunning hard to make it official.  Ryan couldn't have orchestrated a trip to the grocery store that day, much less find someone to go marry them on the spot and get the paperwork too.

Why would Ryan need to marry Mackenzie for insurance purposes?   

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

Because Ryan is out of his mind on opiates right now.  She's the one that can obviously see that but is still gunning hard to make it official.  Ryan couldn't have orchestrated a trip to the grocery store that day, much less find someone to go marry them on the spot and get the paperwork too.

Why would Ryan need to marry Mackenzie for insurance purposes?   

That's what I'm wondering. I keep reading that it was done for either custody or insurance purposes. I don't understand how marrying Ryan would help get him into a rehab unless Mackenzie has a job outside of Teen Mom and was going to put him on her insurance to get him into a rehab facility.

  • Love 2

I CAN NOT believe McKenzie didn't tell Ryan to pull over IMMEDIATELY so she could drive.  Can she not drive!?!!?? What's the freaking deal???? AND NO SEATBELTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even though this aired after the reunion I hope they showed that clip and Dr Drew reamed her ass for that.  That was fucking scary.  I was trying to remember if we had known of any accidents that occurred with the two of them in a car because I thought for sure we were going to see a really scary car accident.  

Another odd thing... Ryan is SUPER chatty on whatever drugs he took.  I've never seen him so personable.  Introducing himself to the minister first and him trying to make his mom feel better that Bentley wasn't there.  

  • Love 12

I live in Chattanooga so I would appreciate it if Ryan would keep himself off the road while he is high!  Seatbelts are mandatory in Tennessee no matter what vehicle you're driving. Someone was joking about Ryan's barber being his dealer but it is totally possible. I have a family member who had a opiate pill addiction. His behavior was identical to Ryan's. He would often nod off mid-conversation. His barber was his dealer so it might even be the same person. I don't think they got married for insurance purposes. I'm guessing that Mac is on her parents' insurance since she is only 20 and doesn't have a job that offers insurance. I cannot figure out why she rushed to marry him but I think that it's telling her parents were not there. Either they refused to participate or she didn't want to tell them about her dumb decision. Also, if he was at the Riverbend concert festival, then he was in rehab a hot minute. The festival lasted from June 9-17. 

Edited by meadow457
  • Love 7
On 6/27/2017 at 0:21 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

Speaking of Simon - he has really put on some weight. No way would someone as shallow as Farrah want him now. I think he can maybe wear my bra. Lol

I was going to say that after the last episode....... he's got some moobs...... I'm a little surprised he would let himself go!

On 6/27/2017 at 0:43 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

Who knows because he wore sunglasses all through it. I know it was outside but wouldn't you take your sunglasses off to look your bride in her eyes? If it was too sunny, turn around!

They zoomed in on his sunglasses while the preacher was talking.. and he was zoning out a bit.  But then he took his sunglasses off to kiss her, which I guess is nice???


On 6/27/2017 at 8:15 AM, suzeecat said:

I actually do like to see C&T happily tending to their farm.  Maybe it's just the direction they need in their lives.  We all know they ain't gonna be getting any college degrees or become famous movie actors. 

I actually thought that scene was really cute too... especially when their ducks came out of the field!!!  They need to get those ducks a pond in their own yard or something... Tyler said he thought they went to the swamp.  Ducks like water you dummy!!!

On 6/27/2017 at 8:50 AM, MissMel said:

I'm watching now so I don't know the context yet but, I see this comment a lot.  No offense to anyone but when you have a heavy duty truck, you don't have to wear seatbelts.  You have to wear them in lighter weight vehicles because you need them if you hit the brick wall or if the brick wall hits you.  Belts don't really do anything if you are the brick wall.  I hope that makes sense.  You do still have to use child restraints, though.  Can't have little people flinging around in a crash.  I say this as a short person that is allowed to have my steering wheel airbag disabled because it could kill me if it deploys. I have to sit pretty close to the steering wheel to reach the pedals, short.  All other bags are operable.  I'm pretty much the size of a child so those get to stay, the wheel one does not.  The wheel will catch me.  Doesn't that sound fun?! Lol

So.... would a Dodge Ram 1500 be considered a heavy duty truck? Because that's what I have... and I'm also short... so I'm really close to the steering wheel and I also have that air bag recall out on my truck.... so could I turn mine off and be ok????? And how do you turn it off???  I have a thing to turn off the passenger side near my dash. 

Also good to know about the seat belt thing too because while I always wear mine... it needs to be replaced because it doesn't tighten real well so i'm not sure how effective it is lol 

18 hours ago, saratothej said:

This is totally shallow but I can't quit thinking about Mack renting that glitzed out dress for a lawn wedding where Ryan doesn't even wear a suit jacket. Why not run to the mall and get a white sundress or wear a white dress you already have? She looked so out of place being the only one dressed for a traditional wedding ceremony. 


16 hours ago, butterbody said:

Literally the dress she wore to buy the other dress would have been more appropriate 

I was thinking this too.  Or I'm sure that place had a short cocktail style wedding dress she could have worn instead.  She said their wedding date was november and would always be november.... so why was she so worried about having an actual dress at this ceremony?  They could have just gone to the court house!

14 hours ago, CofCinci said:

That's Larry's garage/man cave. All the locks are to keep Ryan out. I think he stole/sold his father's tools in the past to buy drugs, which is why they didn't speak for a year. 

Before my brother got rid of his drug addict ex - he had a huge entertainment cabinet that housed all electronics (tv cable box... xbox... ps1 or whatever....) and he had it locked up because she had a history of pawning off items from their house so she could get drug money (she didn't work).  That little m'fer MOVED this giant cabinet and took off the back to get to those items.  Addicts are crafty. 

13 hours ago, Gyproselee said:

Do we have pictures of the octagon house somewhere we can see?

You can also maybe look in their own thread.  Some might be in there also.

  • Love 2
On 2017-6-26 at 11:17 PM, GreatKazu said:



Amber looked like a big fat panda bear in a onesie that cries motor oil. 


She looked horrible. Panty lines and all. That outfit made her really look like a sausage. I haven't seen Amber wear one outfit that looks good. 


Not very good advertising for her Hot Booteek! If I had the guts, every time she wore one of those get ups, I would get on Twitter and compliment the hell out of them, and ask where I could buy the same thing! But alas, I am gutless...

  • Love 1
On 2017-6-27 at 2:07 AM, mamadrama said:

So I figure it went something like this…

Mac pushed Ryan for more visitation and the lawyer thought he’d fare better if he presented himself as more stable-ie., married. Maci is already hearing about Ryan’s drug issue but she doesn’t know it’s THAT much of a problem until the producers tell her about the intoxicated car ride to the shotgun wedding. (You can almost smell the Xanax Mac is dangling before Ryan’s nose to get him to the preacher.) She starts talking about parental rights and taking away Bentley and Larry and Jen get wind of it. They push Ryan into rehab. NOW Maci goes back and films the scene where she gets the mysterious phone call and breaks down about Ryan’s dangerous habits. I think the car ride, wedding, rehab talks, etc. all happened first. All these other phone calls and things were hurriedly filmed over the past few weeks to give the episodes some context and exposition. I don’t believe Maci knew how bad things were until she learned about the car and wedding.

C&T buying the new house is so random that I can’t even wrap my head around it. I am totally against Cate buying a horse. However, I have to applaud her for learning how to take care of it first. Usually these ding bats rush out and buy animals without having any idea as to what to do with them. So I guess there’s that.

Amber went into that lie detector test boiling. She was looking for a fight and went from 0 to 90 in 2 seconds flat. Methinks she WANTED to get angry with him. To be honest, of the three questions, that one was kind of the weakest to fail. But she needed a reason to blow. I just wish she’d hauled back and wiped that damn smirk right off his ugly face.

I was angry on Farrah’s behalf. What a tool creepy Santa is. I am not a fan of Debz, either, but the way he treats her makes me uncomfortable. I get the same kind of feeling from Dr. Sleaze as I do from Matt. Debz is obviously walking on eggshells around him, excusing his bad behavior and katowing to him. It’s kind of sad.

Wouldn't Debz know that her Santa was after her daughter first, before he settled for getting on T.V with her?? I could never be with someone as a booby prize, she really has no shame!

  • Love 3

The date Amber keeps using as her relationship start date is October 10, 2014, correct? She is always saying they've been together for THREE YEARS. Obviously, it's not even 3 years until this coming October.  So at the time of this filming, it's more like 2.5 years. Anyway, my point in this is asking if perhaps they originally started dating before October 2014 and maybe that is the date they got back together after his cheating. That could be why the lie detector test question asked if he had cheated since October 10, 2014 and why he passed the question. I admit I haven't researched the timeline. Just throwing it out there. 

  • Love 3

So, now we have Ryan driving under the influence, we know Cate does that as well. Kail drives while using her cell without a hands-free device and has been cited several times for her driving. Then, there is Leah nodding off while driving. Adumb is a meth user and has  been caught and cited for DUI. You better hope you are nowhere around them when you are driving.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, lezlers said:

It looks like the box is on the outside of the crib, probably to keep her from climbing out.  I doubt they're using it for storage.

I figured the box was there as some deterrent to her climbing out of the crib.  Nova is two now, right? Why don't they just move her to a big girl bed?  I know every kid is different, but my daughter was like a ninja getting out of her crib - no falls, no crying, no sound.  We had to move her in to a toddler bed right before she turned one.  

Edited by Marisagf
New post
  • Love 2

I actually thought the on-screen warning coming before the scene of Mac shopping was kind of funny in it's placement - Was her dress going to disturb me????

Those scenes of Ryan at the wheel were beyond disturbing!  You all have covered it, so I don't have anything to add to that horror show.  I think someone else mentioned this, but why didn't we see a similar on-screen warning when Catelynn was driving to Boogietown with April?  

BTW, Cate has COMPLETELY morphed into April.  I noticed it when she was letting out the same smoker's laugh that April has.  She looks so much like her mother, too.

  • Love 8

Truth be told, this show is not going away any time soon.  Here are some ratings for you:

Top-Rated Cable Shows among 18-48 for the week of June 5, 2017 (000)

  1. Love & Hip Hop Atlanta (VH1) 2382
  2. Fear the Walking Dead (AMC) 2362
  3. Better Call Saul (AMC) 1991
  4. Teen Mom (MTV) 1791
  5. Street Outlaws (DISC) 1779
  6. Basketball Wives (VH1) 1685
  7. WWE Entertainment (USA) 1649
  8. WWE Entertainment (USA) 1611
  9. Keeping Up With the Kardashians (EN) 1578
  10. WWE Entertainment (USA) 1509
Edited by Marisagf
  • Love 4
On 6/27/2017 at 0:59 AM, GreatKazu said:

Yes. Watch the episode where they first meet. That was the turning point. It was also a moment where a guy crossed the line and put his hands on Farrah in a way that was highly inappropriate. 

Not only that, but within 30 seconds of meeting her, he was disparaging her life choices on camera. I realize that Farrah has made some shitty life choices, but you don't meet someone then immediatley tell the what they are doing wrong with their life

  • Love 13
23 minutes ago, Marisagf said:

I figured the box was there as some deterrent to her climbing out of the crib.  Nova is two now, right? Why don't they just move her to a big girl bed?  I know every kid is different, but my daughter was like a ninja getting out of her crib - no falls, no crying, no sound.  We had to move her in to a toddler bed right before she turned one.  

Nova sleeps with her parents, according to Tyler. He mentioned this in a previous episode. So, technically she has moved to a big girl's bed. Pun definitely intended.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, Marisagf said:

 Truth be told, this show is not going away any time soon.  Here are some rating for you:

Top-Rated Cable Shows among 18-48 for the week of June 5, 2017 (000)

  1. Love & Hip Hop Atlanta (VH1) 2382
  2. Fear the Walking Dead (AMC) 2362
  3. Better Call Saul (AMC) 1991
  4. Teen Mom (MTV) 1791
  5. Street Outlaws (DISC) 1779
  6. Basketball Wives (VH1) 1685
  7. WWE Entertainment (USA) 1649
  8. WWE Entertainment (USA) 1611
  9. Keeping Up With the Kardashians (EN) 1578
  10. WWE Entertainment (USA) 1509

Damn, they're finally beating wrestling.  We have at least another three years of these fucks if they easily accept the salary MTV offers. I'm never going to be free of them.  This series will still be on the air when Bentleeeee knocks in his high school sweetheart (and Sophia kills her first hooker). 

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

I don't know that I buy the theory that Mackenzie was rushing Ryan to a parking lot wedding (complete with a big wedding gown) for insurance purposes to get him into rehab. Their half-assed wedding was for the cameras. If it were really about getting him the help that he so desperately needs, they'd get the marriage certificate and he would quietly go to rehab.

This is why I wonder if it was really for insurance. So get married at the courthouse so you have the paper for insurance, then plan the big wedding. There had to be something else going on there. Just because you get married quietly doesn't mean you can't have a big wedding later on. People do it all the damn time. I didn't get the weeping Jen. She was way too upset for it just to be about the wedding being fast. Given Ryan's problems, you would think she would be over the moon. If the wedding wasn't for famewhoring and an extra paycheck, then perhaps being Ryan's wife might give her more legal clout when Ryan decides he don't want to be in that rehab no more. If she is his gf, she is basically nothing in the eyes of the law. 

  • Love 5

That episode is disturbing in so many ways. 


As everyone has already noted, Ryan is messed up. I don't understand why Mac was in a hurry to get married.  To the posters who wonder if he'd be with her if he weren't high, he really is no prize. Yes, when he was younger, he was cute. However things have really changed since those early days. 


Catelynn. Homegirl needs to exercise and stop smoking.  Between the emphysema laugh/cough and the panting while walking through the front door, girlie ain't going to see 40.  I mean seriously, she always sounds out of breath. 


So, was Amber wearing that onesie to show all the "hatters" that her "mommy makeover" actually worked?   Her figure isn't bad, but no one looks good in a onesie.  As for her blowup with Matt, seems kind of staged. I mean, why was there a bodyguard behind the door in anticipation? 


 Farrah and the doctor.  I kind of get where he's coming from, with regards to Farrah's lack of respect for Deb.  But, he knows what a shit show this family is.  They are all messed up.  And I just flove Simon. 


 Maci.  Why is she on the show,  other than to promote TTM?

Edited by qtpi17
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, gunderda said:

I CAN NOT believe McKenzie didn't tell Ryan to pull over IMMEDIATELY so she could drive.  Can she not drive!?!!?? What's the freaking deal???? AND NO SEATBELTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even though this aired after the reunion I hope they showed that clip and Dr Drew reamed her ass for that.  That was fucking scary.  I was trying to remember if we had known of any accidents that occurred with the two of them in a car because I thought for sure we were going to see a really scary car accident.  

Another odd thing... Ryan is SUPER chatty on whatever drugs he took.  I've never seen him so personable.  Introducing himself to the minister first and him trying to make his mom feel better that Bentley wasn't there.  

Dr. Drew is a fucking hack that don't even watch the show. The only person he will probably ream is Gary for being so spiteful to Amber. He sucks!

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, gunderda said:

So.... would a Dodge Ram 1500 be considered a heavy duty truck? Because that's what I have... and I'm also short... so I'm really close to the steering wheel and I also have that air bag recall out on my truck.... so could I turn mine off and be ok????? And how do you turn it off???  I have a thing to turn off the passenger side near my dash. 

The dealership has to turn it off.  It doesn't have a switch like the passenger side.  Ask them when you get your recall done, they would know more than I do about it.  I haven't had to do it in years because my kids outgrew me by the time they were 11.  I haven't done it in my last two vehicles because they were of age to have permits and drive.  I just don't drive much, they do.  But if I worked or mostly drove my vehicle myself, I'd look into having it done again.  Those bags come out something fierce, which is good for most people.  People that can sit back and position the wheel safely.  Not all of us can do that.  I sit back pretty far back from the dash when I'm passenger.

4 hours ago, gunderda said:

Also good to know about the seat belt thing too because while I always wear mine... it needs to be replaced because it doesn't tighten real well so i'm not sure how effective it is lol 

If is works correctly, try to find seat belt clips.  It's a little clip on that slides and holds the shoulder strap so it doesn't sit across your neck.  You can move it across the belt so it sits more towards your stomach, near the buckle. It just pulls the shoulder strap toward your shoulder so you don't feel the need to tuck it under your arm because you get sick of being choked out by it.  It's similar to a big paper clip contraption.  Short people problems.  Lol

  • Love 2

What in the H is wrong with Mackenzie? She must be really desperate, or in denial... your fiancee is passing out in the car on drugs on the way to your ceremony... if this doesn't raise red flags for her, I don't know what will. I still can't believe she went through with marrying him. I am glad that Amber finally had enough of Matt as everyone but her seems to know Matt is there for her teen mom fame & money. Let's hope she doesn't get back together with him. I don't blame Deb's fiancee for not liking Farrah, who would with her nasty attitude?

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, qtpi17 said:

As everyone has already noted, Ryan is messed up. I don't understand why Mac was in a hurry to get married.  To the posters who wonder if he'd be with her if he weren't high, he really is no prize. Yes, when he was younger, he was cute. However things have really changed since those early days. 

Ryan is no prize to me, you or probably anyone on this board but you would be surprised at what some people consider a prize. Ryan has a stable income (in her mind), a house that I believe is paid off, D level celebrity status, nice cars, plenty of toys (ATV's, dirt bikes etc.), parents that are free babysitters and parents that I'm sure would give money whenever they are asked. Add in the fact that she started watching him on TV in middle school with all of her friends she may feel like she hit the jackpot. Remember this is the girl who registered for a ton of gifts that were clearly meant to be returned for cash at her first wedding. Add in the fact that her parents were thrilled that she was marrying Ryan because he is so good to her... something even Jen and Larry didn't understand, and we are probably looking at a Leah/Mama Dawn situation. Now that she locked it down if Ryan goes to "gel" or OD's guess who gets his control of his assets.  I also don't buy that she married him for insurance as MTV has shown us time and time again they are more then willing to pick up the rehab bill. I know they didn't for Butch but I'm sure they would for Ryan if for no other reason then to give Maci some type of story line.

8 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


Matt must have taken Mackenzie's driver license as well.


You mean Jeff right, lol? ;)

  • Love 16
14 minutes ago, MissMel said:

The dealership has to turn it off.  It doesn't have a switch like the passenger side.  Ask them when you get your recall done, they would know more than I do about it.  I haven't had to do it in years because my kids outgrew me by the time they were 11.  I haven't done it in my last two vehicles because they were of age to have permits and drive.  I just don't drive much, they do.  But if I worked or mostly drove my vehicle myself, I'd look into having it done again.  Those bags come out something fierce, which is good for most people.  People that can sit back and position the wheel safely.  Not all of us can do that.  I sit back pretty far back from the dash when I'm passenger.

If is works correctly, try to find seat belt clips.  It's a little clip on that slides and holds the shoulder strap so it doesn't sit across your neck.  You can move it across the belt so it sits more towards your stomach, near the buckle. It just pulls the shoulder strap toward your shoulder so you don't feel the need to tuck it under your arm because you get sick of being choked out by it.  It's similar to a big paper clip contraption.  Short people problems.  Lol

Funny story - i bought those clips years ago.. wore it for awhile and got tired of it for some reason.  Just last week the belt was driving me CRAZY cutting into my neck and I was hoping I still had one on the passenger side - and i did! So now I have one again lol  But the belt itself is kinda loose.  it doesn't retract very well.  

My friend had her air bag deploy once, in whatever small car she owned at the time and she said it hurt like a bitch! lol

Another thing.... how in the world did Matt pass those first two questions!?!?   I'm kinda with him on why Amber got SO mad at the last question but he passed the most important ones.  But I feel like question 2 and question 3 kind of correlated so I'm not sure how he passed one and not the other. 

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12 minutes ago, mscav said:

Ryan is no prize to me, you or probably anyone on this board but you would be surprised at what some people consider a prize. Ryan has a stable income (in her mind), a house that I believe is paid off, D level celebrity status, nice cars, plenty of toys (ATV's, dirt bikes etc.), parents that are free babysitters and parents that I'm sure would give money whenever they are asked. Add in the fact that she started watching him on TV in middle school with all of her friends she may feel like she hit the jackpot. Remember this is the girl who registered for a ton of gifts that were clearly meant to be returned for cash at her first wedding. Add in the fact that her parents were thrilled that she was marrying Ryan because he is so good to her... something even Jen and Larry didn't understand, and we are probably looking at a Leah/Mama Dawn situation. Now that she locked it down if Ryan goes to "gel" or OD's guess who gets his control of his assets.  I also don't buy that she married him for insurance as MTV has shown us time and time again they are more then willing to pick up the rehab bill. I know they didn't for Butch but I'm sure they would for Ryan if for no other reason then to give Maci some type of story line.

You mean Jeff right, lol? ;)

lol - I was going to post Jeff, but Matt freely admitted to being in possession of Amber's license. 

11 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Funny story - i bought those clips years ago.. wore it for awhile and got tired of it for some reason.  Just last week the belt was driving me CRAZY cutting into my neck and I was hoping I still had one on the passenger side - and i did! So now I have one again lol  But the belt itself is kinda loose.  it doesn't retract very well.  

My friend had her air bag deploy once, in whatever small car she owned at the time and she said it hurt like a bitch! lol

Another thing.... how in the world did Matt pass those first two questions!?!?   I'm kinda with him on why Amber got SO mad at the last question but he passed the most important ones.  But I feel like question 2 and question 3 kind of correlated so I'm not sure how he passed one and not the other. 

Check out the link I posted above. It may clear up the question about the test results.

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7 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Unless there were only 3 questions, I really wish Amber would have hung on longer. Her timing on going off really sucks. Recall the reunion, when she went off on Gary, and he hadn't even said anything to go off about? She rehearses, imo, and misses the mark.

The tester clarified the three questions were "relevant" questions. Meaning, there were other questions, but those are the only ones that give Amber the results she was seeking.

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