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Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

Message added by Meredith Quill

Advisory: This topic is for S8 Spoilers & Spec. If your post predominantly concerns book comparisons or a character's past season actions it will be removed. 

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5 hours ago, SimoneS said:

I am lean towards the belief that enough of Winterfell is destroyed that the many of the main characters have to flee to King's Landing because of the hints we got from the filming in Seville suggests that the remaining non-combatant characters there were part of the battle scenes not just the filming of the epilogue. It seems to me the most plausible explanation for why they all are at King's Landing when the Night King attacks and not arriving after the final battle is over.

I agree.  Also, from an "in-show" perspective, it make sense that they wouldn't want to strand Sansa, Gilly, Missandei, Sam etc. at Winterfell with nothing much to do.  Having them tend to the rebuilding of Winterfell would be awfully boring when you presumably have Jon/Dany and co dealing with Cersei and the remaining NK army.

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I agree that big things are happening in the last 3 episode. The fact that not that many characters are going to die in E3 ( judging by the filming info) only confirmes that.

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7 hours ago, anamika said:

And what is happening in the latter half of the show. Or in 805 with 80 minutes? All of that is them tackling Cersei?

It's clear that 805 is where the big stuff is happening. If I recall right, BoatsexBaby had mentioned that they were filming KL stuff as well for the long night shoots earlier on and looking at runtimes,  this could be true.

Last season's finale spent 45 minutes on the Dragon pit/King's Landing scenes with the main characters having mini-reunions, staring at each other and having a bunch of different conversations. I wouldn't be surprised if we get something similar in episode five as they try to convince Cersei to surrender King's Landing without a fight. Maybe Tyrion and/or Jon try to persuade only for the final confrontation with Jaime leading to his and/or her death.

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13 hours ago, SimoneS said:

I am leaning towards the belief that enough of Winterfell is destroyed that the many of the main characters have to flee to King's Landing

That is what BoatsexBaby claimed.


Now if the hints were misinterpreted and the  non-combatants only filmed the epilogue in Seville, then it is likely they stay at Winterfell while Dany, the remainder of her army, Jon, etc. chase the Night King and the remaining White Walkers to King's Landing for the final battle.

There's a bit of a problem with that, since Nathalie, Hannah and Conleth didn't film anything for the show in Seville. (Conleth didn't stick around long enough to film anything, and Nathalie and Hannah weren't even in Seville.) So if it is epilogue, Gilly and Missandei are notably absent as well.

8 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

How's that supposed to work? With the Starks having bent the knee to her and Winterfell being her current base of operations, any betrayal of the Starks is a betrayal of Dany and vice versa. Maybe Friki was just using shorthand for "the good guys".

Friki was not, and his source was quite explicit that Tyrion betrays the Starks and not Dany. As to how that's supposed to work? Well, I guess we're going to find out soon enough.

8 hours ago, anamika said:

It's clear that 805 is where the big stuff is happening.

Sapochnik was working on 8x05 from April through July, close to 2.5 months. That's almost as long as he was working on 8x03! So either it's one big, action-packed sequence that adds up to a good chunk of the episode, or it was a series of multiple scenes with the entirety of the episode taking place in KL. It also seems like 8x05 will focus heavily on Jon, Davos, Arya, and Tyrion, since those actors were filming pretty much nonstop in Belfast for that period from what we know, stopping only for Seville and Kit's wedding. Maybe that's how Tyrion betrays the Starks: Dany's off doing something else, and he does something to deliberately endanger Jon and/or Arya.


If I recall right, BoatsexBaby had mentioned that they were filming KL stuff as well for the long night shoots earlier on and looking at runtimes,  this could be true.

BoatsexBaby's claim is that there is a final battle in KL involving the NK. I'm of two minds on that. On the one hand, if they're going all out for this 8x03 battle, it seems unlikely that they're going to do more NK/AOTD stuff after that. (BoatsexBaby also claimed that KL stuff had been filmed at the quarry in Magheramorne and that the extras were lied to about which episode they were working on, which seems implausible.) On the other hand, there don't seem to be any big exterior shoots for 8x06 other than Seville that we know about, and the whole episode isn't going to take place indoors, so what's going to fill up those 80 minutes?

3 hours ago, nikma said:

I agree that big things are happening in the last 3 episode. The fact that not that many characters are going to die in E3 ( judging by the filming info) only confirmes that.

I agree in part. They're spilling lots of dirt about the Winterfell battle to keep everything that happens in 8x04-8x06 under wraps. However, I think a lot of characters are going to die in 8x03, even if the leads survive.

Edited by Eyes High
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31 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Last season's finale spent 45 minutes on the Dragon pit/King's Landing scenes with the main characters having mini-reunions, staring at each other and having a bunch of different conversations. I wouldn't be surprised if we get something similar in episode five as they try to convince Cersei to surrender King's Landing without a fight. Maybe Tyrion and/or Jon try to persuade only for the final confrontation with Jaime leading to his and/or her death.

So what are they doing for 78 minutes in episode 4 after they lose the battle at WF?

Considering that David Nutter was in Dubrovnik with Lena, Hafthor and Kit, I think some of the negotiations with Cersei will happen in episode 4 after they flee south. Things are supposed to be moving very fast this season.

Unless of course there's another battle in between. Like at the Trident or something.

8 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Sapochnik was working on 8x05 from April through July, close to 2.5 months. That's almost as long as he was working on 8x03! So either it's one big, action-packed sequence that adds up to a good chunk of the episode, or it was a series of multiple scenes with the entirety of the episode taking place in KL.

Hibberd made it seem like Sapochnik was still hardcore shooting the WF battle against the AOTD in April. His whole EW article about the WF battle was when he was there on set in April - as per his article.

23 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

On the one hand, if they're going all out for this 8x03 battle, it seems unlikely that they're going to do more NK/AOTD stuff after that.

I seriously doubt the show will finish with the NK/AOTD by episode 3. They are the central badies of the tale, not Cersei. Episode 3 is just the battle - they have to then figure out what the NK wants - some person etc - figure out another strategy to defeat him etc.

There have been earlier discussions of how GRRM has borrowed heavily from MST and if we look at how the Storm King there was defeated it may give us some hints about the NK - we already know that he could be a Stark and maybe he's pissed off at Mankind and the children of the forest for what they did to him and he wants to reclaim all of Westeros for himself as revenge etc. Why is he after one person - Jon/Bran/Dany/Boatbaby/little Sam? What is the mystery of the NK?

In MST, Marya (The Arya version) shoots the Storm King with a special arrow after Simon (The Jon Snow version) tricks the Storm King into giving up his powers. We may see something similar happening in KL where Jon and Arya get together to defeat the NK at the end. Maybe Dany is injured or heavily pregnant at this stage.

I still think we will see the resolution of the Others only in the last episode before the denouement and a dream of spring.

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9 hours ago, anamika said:

So according to Cogman and Hibberd and the rest, the biggest battle they have ever filmed is in 803 and that's the final battle with the army of the dead. So this threat they have been building up from the first episode of the show is dealt with in 60 minutes.

Maybe there is a big battle and it wipes out most of the Night King's army, but leaves them to deal with him still.

IDK though....Ive heard leaks that the battle that burns down Winterfell is in 801, that its in 803, that its with the undead army, the Golden Company, Euron's forces.......I think at this point, nothing is a leak until we actually see it when it airs.

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One of the things I'll be interested in seeing this season is: how well Dany takes it when she learns that Jon is actually the rightful air to the 7 Kingdoms instead of her.  

I mean, Dany was Aerys 3rd child but, Rhaegar was the crown Prince and heir to the thrown so any living children he has would supersede her claim to the throne.  We all know that Jon probably will want nothing to do with sitting on the iron throne but that might not stop Dany from thinking that he will take it from her.

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3 hours ago, Eyes High said:

There's a bit of a problem with that, since Nathalie, Hannah and Conleth didn't film anything for the show in Seville. (Conleth didn't stick around long enough to film anything, and Nathalie and Hannah weren't even in Seville.) So if it is epilogue, Gilly and Missandei are notably absent as well.

While it is possible that the missing characters are dead, the epilogue does not have to take place in one location with all the characters. The filming in Seville is the exterior of King's Landing, Dragon Pit, etc., so the missing characters could have filmed their final interior scenes elsewhere. 

2 hours ago, anamika said:

So what are they doing for 78 minutes in episode 4 after they lose the battle at WF?

Considering that David Nutter was in Dubrovnik with Lena, Hafthor and Kit, I think some of the negotiations with Cersei will happen in episode 4 after they flee south. Things are supposed to be moving very fast this season.

Unless of course there's another battle in between. Like at the Trident or something.

Good question. I think another battle on the way to King's Landing is very possible. Maybe Night King sends some of his wights to slow down and attack Dany and Jon's people. They could be saved by the Tullys, Robin and the remaining Vale bannerman, and Nymeria and her pack. 

IMO, the wild card is the Golden Company is going to do. Does Strickland know about the NK and his army? Does he know that he has been hired to fight his Targaryen kin? What will he do? Will he break his contract and fight with them or return to Essos or will he stay and fight for Cersei, only to be devastated by the NK's army?

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36 minutes ago, LadyChaos said:

Maybe there is a big battle and it wipes out most of the Night King's army, but leaves them to deal with him still.

As long as the NK and his White Walkers can raise the dead, they will always have an army as we saw at Hardhome. 

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16 hours ago, SimoneS said:

I am leaning towards the belief that enough of Winterfell is destroyed that the many of the main characters have to flee to King's Landing because of the hints we got from the filming in Seville suggests that the remaining non-combatant characters there were part of the battle scenes not just the filming of the epilogue. It seems to me the most plausible explanation for why they all are at King's Landing when the Night King attacks and not arriving after the final battle is over. Now if the hints were misinterpreted and the  non-combatants only filmed the epilogue in Seville, then it is likely they stay at Winterfell while Dany, the remainder of her army, Jon, etc. chase the Night King and the remaining White Walkers to King's Landing for the final battle.

We don't know if all the characters are at KL. According to Boatsexbaby, there were action scenes filmed in Seville, including for such characters as Sansa and Tyrion. According to Friki, Seville was only a scene after the fight with the NK was well over. Only if BSB is correct do we know all those characters are at KL (but then Friki's leak seems doubtful, as they contradict one another to some extent, as both have admitted). If Friki is correct about the Seville scenes, then we don't know if characters like Sansa or Sam are present.

Besides, how would that work, fleeing to KL? Cersei is in KL and the (or an) army from the NK is apparently on its way there. Fleeing to another castle in possession of the alliance (such as Casterly Rock, castles in the Vale, maybe even Riverrun depending on what Jaime does with his garrison forces before he comes to WF) would make more sense.

And if the NK destroys Winterfell, what has happened to Dany's army? To her dragons? If those are destroyed or knocked out, it would be up to Cersei to defeat the  NK. Surely that's not going to happen?

The only way I see Dany's forces largely surviving - yet with Winterfell getting destroyed - is if the army took the field against the Wights and was flanked or engaged by a secondary army of the NK while the main body turns on WF. Is there any indication Dany and/or Jon intend to meet the NK in the field, rather than from the relatively safety of castle walls and protected fireplaces?

The alternative is that not only the "named" characters, the women and the children and other non-combatants, but also a significant part of the army all escape through the cypts and secret passages.

11 hours ago, bubble sparkly said:

I agree.  Also, from an "in-show" perspective, it make sense that they wouldn't want to strand Sansa, Gilly, Missandei, Sam etc. at Winterfell with nothing much to do.  Having them tend to the rebuilding of Winterfell would be awfully boring when you presumably have Jon/Dany and co dealing with Cersei and the remaining NK army.

Even if Winterfell doesn't fall, they could still follow the army if this moves to the south (Sansa could go the Vale with some of the Vale knights, for example). The advantage of Winterfell not falling is that there should still be an army.

3 hours ago, Eyes High said:

That is what BoatsexBaby claimed.

There's a bit of a problem with that, since Nathalie, Hannah and Conleth didn't film anything for the show in Seville. (Conleth didn't stick around long enough to film anything, and Nathalie and Hannah weren't even in Seville.) So if it is epilogue, Gilly and Missandei are notably absent as well.

Sapochnik was working on 8x05 from April through July, close to 2.5 months. That's almost as long as he was working on 8x03! So either it's one big, action-packed sequence that adds up to a good chunk of the episode, or it was a series of multiple scenes with the entirety of the episode taking place in KL. It also seems like 8x05 will focus heavily on Jon, Davos, Arya, and Tyrion, since those actors were filming pretty much nonstop in Belfast for that period from what we know, stopping only for Seville and Kit's wedding. Maybe that's how Tyrion betrays the Starks: Dany's off doing something else, and he does something to deliberately endanger Jon and/or Arya.

BoatsexBaby's claim is that there is a final battle in KL involving the NK. I'm of two minds on that. On the one hand, if they're going all out for this 8x03 battle, it seems unlikely that they're going to do more NK/AOTD stuff after that. (BoatsexBaby also claimed that KL stuff had been filmed at the quarry in Magheramorne and that the extras were lied to about which episode they were working on, which seems implausible.) On the other hand, there don't seem to be any big exterior shoots for 8x06 other than Seville that we know about, and the whole episode isn't going to take place indoors, so what's going to fill up those 80 minutes?

There could easily be fighting still. The battle for Winterfell is likely a victory for the alliance I think. But if the NK survives with Viserion at his disposal, he could still be a dire threat.

You've pointed out that Sophie Turner, for example, didn't seem to film during a long period (and if she did, it would have been in a studio). That makes it rather likely that the focus in 8x05 will be on characters such as Arya and Jon, who did film extensively. And they may well have tons of action; we know that at least a part of KL will be burned as we saw the photos of the set. There will be a battle, but exactly who will be involved remains to be seen.

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1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

As long as the NK and his White Walkers can raise the dead, they will always have an army as we saw at Hardhome. 

But Dany has dragons who can mass burn tons of white walkers and dead so they cant rise again.  So if the NK is forced to flee until he can raise more dead, with the bulk of his forces wiped out. That could mean that he mostly taken care of in 803, but drags it out another episode before he is actually destroyed. 

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Some idle thoughts after watching the trailer again: When Bran says: "Everything you did up until now brought you to where you were meant to be... home," could it be he's talking to Dany?  Or even Arya?  It doesn't quite make sense that he would be talking to Jon, as Jon had already returned to Winterfell before going to visit Dragonstone.  The way Bran says "home," it sounds as if the person he's addressing has reached it either for the very first time, or the first time in a long time.  Doesn't the first one describe Dany's situation?  She was trying to get back to Westeros her entire life, doing things along the way that she likely now regrets.  Now she's arrived, and even though it's nothing like she thought it would be, she's home.

Similarly, Arya had been away from home for a very long time.  To get back, she had to train to be a killer and has killed dozens of people.  She probably has regrets and doubts, and wonders who she truly is.  Maybe Bran is assuring her that she had to go through that journey in order to be able to return to Winterfell.

Then again, he could be talking to Jon if Jon is expressing regrets about leaving the Night's Watch.  But somehow leaving the Night's Watch doesn't feel as morally difficult (Jon did serve until his death, after all) as burning people to survive or mass-killing people to survive.  Plus, Jon already went through this soul-searching in Season Six.   

Edited by Brn2bwild
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1 hour ago, Brn2bwild said:

Some idle thoughts after watching the trailer again: When Bran says: "Everything you did up until now brought you to where you were meant to be... home," could it be he's talking to Dany?  Or even Arya?  It doesn't quite make sense that he would be talking to Jon, as Jon had already returned to Winterfell before going to visit Dragonstone.  The way Bran says "home," it sounds as if the person he's addressing has reached it either for the very first time, or the first time in a long time.  Doesn't the first one describe Dany's situation?  She was trying to get back to Westeros her entire life, doing things along the way that she likely now regrets.  Now she's arrived, and even though it's nothing like she thought it would be, she's home.

Similarly, Arya had been away from home for a very long time.  To get back, she had to train to be a killer and has killed dozens of people.  She probably has regrets and doubts, and wonders who she truly is.  Maybe Bran is assuring her that she had to go through that journey in order to be able to return to Winterfell.

Then again, he could be talking to Jon if Jon is expressing regrets about leaving the Night's Watch.  But somehow leaving the Night's Watch doesn't feel as morally difficult (Jon did serve until his death, after all) as burning people to survive or mass-killing people to survive.  Plus, Jon already went through this soul-searching in Season Six.   

It could be Sansa who he is talking to who, as Arya pointed out, still longs for the throne.  Bran could be telling her that her place is in Winterfell, not in KL.  

Could be Arya, who may want to leave again, on a mission to kill someone on her list or just to leave at the end to  live her life elsewhere; and Bran is telling her, her place is with her family.

Could be Jon who, after learning that is in fact a true born Targaeryn, feels that he has no right to be King of the North tries to step down and leave, and Bran is telling him that his place is there in Winterfell. 

It could be Bran telling Samwell that his place is at his family home as the new head of his family. His father and brother are now dead at the flames of Dragon.  After all, when we do hear Bran talking, we see them in a room together with Same looking away from him sadly. 


On another note, when Jon finds out about being the true born son of Rhaegar Targaeryn; do you think he will want to keep it a secret?  I think because he is an upfront honorable person, he will want to be honest with everyone. However, I think that even he will see that it might do more damage than good were it to come out.  If people learned that Auntie and nephew were getting it on, if might cause people to second guess if they want the Targaeryns to be back on the throne again.  It also might look like, by coming out like this, he was trying to take the throne from her, claiming he is the rightful King (though we all know, he won't want it).  Poor Jon, has never been allowed to be happy.  Do you think that he might say funk it, keep it a secret and keep sleeping with Dany because he loves her? I don't think he is the type to do that?

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25 minutes ago, LadyChaos said:

On another note, when Jon finds out about being the true born son of Rhaegar Targaeryn; do you think he will want to keep it a secret?  I think because he is an upfront honorable person, he will want to be honest with everyone. However, I think that even he will see that it might do more damage than good were it to come out.  If people learned that Auntie and nephew were getting it on, if might cause people to second guess if they want the Targaeryns to be back on the throne again.  It also might look like, by coming out like this, he was trying to take the throne from her, claiming he is the rightful King (though we all know, he won't want it).  Poor Jon, has never been allowed to be happy.  Do you think that he might say funk it, keep it a secret and keep sleeping with Dany because he loves her? I don't think he is the type to do that?

Kit Harrington already heavily hinted that Jon would tell Dany.

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31 minutes ago, LadyChaos said:

On another note, when Jon finds out about being the true born son of Rhaegar Targaeryn; do you think he will want to keep it a secret?  I think because he is an upfront honorable person, he will want to be honest with everyone. However, I think that even he will see that it might do more damage than good were it to come out.  If people learned that Auntie and nephew were getting it on, if might cause people to second guess if they want the Targaeryns to be back on the throne again. 

Marriages between uncles/nieces and aunts/nephews has been known to happen in Westeros. 

Sansa Stark, Cregan Stark's granddaughter, was married to her father's half-brother, Jonnel. 

Aemon Targaryen, the son of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, was married to Jocelyn Baratheon, who was his parents' half-sister through their mother's marriage to Rogar Baratheon.

Obviously, the show will do what it wants.

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6 hours ago, anamika said:

Hibberd made it seem like Sapochnik was still hardcore shooting the WF battle against the AOTD in April. His whole EW article about the WF battle was when he was there on set in April - as per his article.

Hibberd was there in early April. Filming on the KL exterior sets started in late April with Kit and Liam, after the Winterfell battle was finished filming. The 8x05 filming went from April to July on the information we have. Nutter was also done on GOT by early May, so whatever was filmed in May, June and July was from 8x03, 8x05 or 8x06. Sapochnik was working with Kit the first week the cast was in Seville, and the second week Lena and Hafthor Bjornsson were filming something. In fact, I think on the Friday that Kit was still in Belfast while most of the rest of the lead cast was in Seville, there was a big explosion or something filmed at the KL exterior set, but the fans were so distracted by the Seville filming that no one really paid much attention at the time. Hee.

5 hours ago, SimoneS said:

While it is possible that the missing characters are dead, the epilogue does not have to take place in one location with all the characters. 

From the sounds of it, if Friki is correct, the epilogue scene seems like a reunion of the surviving characters apart from Jon and Dany. Absences like Missandei's and Gilly's, especially when Sam and Grey Worm are present, seem very conspicuous, as conspicuous as Jon/Dany being present with the other absent would be.

4 hours ago, Wouter said:

We don't know if all the characters are at KL. According to Boatsexbaby, there were action scenes filmed in Seville

I've gone back and forth on this, but I doubt very much that action scenes were filmed at Seville. It took them several weeks to film battles in the past, and they're going to film an action scene in only four days? At a historical site?

With that said, there's definitely some kind of action in 8x06. I looked at the IMDB credits for stuntmen, and while there are generic stuntmen credits like Rowley Irlam, who is credited for all episodes, there are stuntmen who are only credited for 8x06 or for 8x04, 8x05 and 8x06. Now, this might just be from Cleganebowl, since Hafthor Bjornsson has a stunt double credited for 8x05 and 8x06, but there's definitely some sort of action. That doesn't mean that BoatsexBaby is right, though. It could have all been filmed on the KL exterior set in Northern Ireland.


You've pointed out that Sophie Turner, for example, didn't seem to film during a long period (and if she did, it would have been in a studio). That makes it rather likely that the focus in 8x05 will be on characters such as Arya and Jon, who did film extensively. And they may well have tons of action; we know that at least a part of KL will be burned as we saw the photos of the set. There will be a battle, but exactly who will be involved remains to be seen.

I agree about the focus being on Jon and Arya (as well as Davos and Tyrion, whose actors were also filming through May right up to the end), although I doubt it will be a battle per se (apart from Cleganebowl). From what we've heard from WOTW and other sources, it sounds like a lot of chaos and destruction: people running around screaming, things set on fire, that kind of thing.

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I can't help thinking that there must be some magic protecting Winterfell that means it won't fall to the Night King (it's possible the burning on the set is done as a defensive measure). However, NK has a massive army and can just leave part of his force to lay siege as he moves on South. Maybe the shots of Arya (et al) are of them trying to cut through the lines to chase after the NK's army (maybe with some vital information/superweapon vital to their victory).

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58 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

I've gone back and forth on this, but I doubt very much that action scenes were filmed at Seville. It took them several weeks to film battles in the past, and they're going to film an action scene in only four days? At a historical site?

With that said, there's definitely some kind of action in 8x06. I looked at the IMDB credits for stuntmen, and while there are generic stuntmen credits like Rowley Irlam, who is credited for all episodes, there are stuntmen who are only credited for 8x06 or for 8x04, 8x05 and 8x06. Now, this might just be from Cleganebowl, since Hafthor Bjornsson has a stunt double credited for 8x05 and 8x06, but there's definitely some sort of action. That doesn't mean that BoatsexBaby is right, though. It could have all been filmed on the KL exterior set in Northern Ireland.

I agree about the focus being on Jon and Arya (as well as Davos and Tyrion, whose actors were also filming through May right up to the end), although I doubt it will be a battle per se (apart from Cleganebowl). From what we've heard from WOTW and other sources, it sounds like a lot of chaos and destruction: people running around screaming, things set on fire, that kind of thing.

With all the expectations of KL being burned pretty much completely, there may indeed be mass chaos requiring action scenes of a different nature.

As for BSB's claims, that it is a historical site makes those a bit more believable. Even Friki claimed that extras were training for such a scene, allthough it was only a ruse according to his source. And since it is a historical site, they couldn't use it for more than a few days as the place is needed for tourism. The same problem was present with the action scenes in the Water Gardens, where the quality of the action was limited exactly because the crew had so many obstacles in filming (including a limited amount of time to film).

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39 minutes ago, nikma said:


Golden company attacks Winterfell confirmed. 


And this is why Dany and her dragons can't be at Winterfell when GC attacks. Friki said that everything from the trailer is from the first 3 episodes. So J/D go somewhere north of the wall or just north to do whatever with the dragons, and while they are not there, GC attacks.  

My guess is that the AOTD arrives at the end of episode 2.

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Yeah, I think Dany will help Jon accept his identity by using dragons. They won't expect attack from the south and they will know that AOTD is not near to attack them from the north. So Cersei will attack while they are gone. 

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1 hour ago, nikma said:


Golden company attacks Winterfell confirmed. 


I tried to see Strickland's curved sword, but those look like spears with curved ends. Besides no one walks around with their swords pointed to the sky. Does the Golden Company also have spears?

ETA: I looked carefully at a still of the Golden Company in the trailer and it does look like they are holding spears.

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40 minutes ago, nikma said:

Yeah, I think Dany will help Jon accept his identity by using dragons. They won't expect attack from the south and they will know that AOTD is not near to attack them from the north. So Cersei will attack while they are gone. 

If the Golden Company attacks and then the NK, then there is no doubt that Winterfell is devastated and burnt causing the survivors to flee the south.

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I have felt that Emilia Clarke is not a fan of the ending. Now it looks like both Sophie and Maisie may not be either...


Asked by news.com.au if they were personally satisfied with their characters’ fates, Turner and Williams both paused before uttering one or two “hmmms”.

Then, in a revealing comment, Williams said: “Of course. But I think it doesn’t matter which way it went, it would just make yourself feel sad if you were negative about what happened to you.

“It’s like tough luck, we filmed it now. That’s the end.”

Then Turner jumped in and said: “I’m at peace with it. That’s a good way to say it. We’ll say it like that from now — I’m at peace with my ending.”

Video included in the link.




After a plot between the sisters in season seven to take down Littlefinger, at least now they’re allies instead of rivals. Williams and Turner have stressed that their characters are absolutely on the same side.

“I think they’re over that [mistrust] now,” Williams said. “And they’re both mature enough now to not ever go back.”

Turner added: “Instead of seeing each other’s differences as a threat, they appreciate it and they want to utilise it together to make them stronger.

“Particularly moving into this new season, I think they both start to see a lot more of the challenges one another faces and I think for both of them, they have the utmost respect for each other.”

Edited by anamika
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13 minutes ago, anamika said:

I have felt that Emilia Clarke is not a fan of the ending. Now it looks like both Sophie and Maisie may not be either...

I used to think so, but these days I think it's that they want to give anything away. Emilia has a terrible poker face, so she knows better than to say anything positive about the ending.

I think it's the people who have praised the ending the most--Peter Dinklage, NCW, and Iain Glen--whose characters will have the grim fates, while those who are the most muted about the ending are the ones playing characters who will have good endings.

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21 hours ago, Brn2bwild said:

Some idle thoughts after watching the trailer again: When Bran says: "Everything you did up until now brought you to where you were meant to be... home," could it be he's talking to Dany?  Or even Arya? 

Theon. Winterfell isn't Dany's home. Arya doesn't feel guilty about anything she's done, and it sounds as if Bran is speaking to someone who is carrying a good deal of guilt about things they have done. There was a possible leak from 4chan that stated that Theon was pushing Bran's wheelchair, meaning that Theon does make it to Winterfell.

I think that it would be very powerful for Bran to tell Theon that he belongs at Winterfell and that Winterfell is his home, after everything that happened with them in S2. Bran's absolution would mean a lot more than Jon's in S7. If Theon does die in the battle at Winterfell, it would be a beautiful bookend for his story: he would die defending the Stark castle he once attacked on behalf of the Greyjoys, fighting this time to protect the Starks.

A guy on Freefolk successfully predicted the (approximate) timing for the release of the poster and the first trailer has said that there will be a second trailer March 28th. NCW seemed to think there was only one trailer. I guess we'll find out.

A BTS video has been released on prosthetics. All the BTS footage is from previous seasons, though:

Edited by Eyes High
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3 hours ago, Eyes High said:

I used to think so, but these days I think it's that they want to give anything away. Emilia has a terrible poker face, so she knows better than to say anything positive about the ending.

I don't think Sophie Turner knows how to dissemble and I don't think she ever has. She's been pretty straightforward and open about everything including stuff she's said about next season.

Looking at the video, I don't think the girls were pretending. In fact Maisie nods her head yes and then looks at Sophie who has not replied yet and then she mimics Sophie's expression. I think they were being frank there - including Sophie talking about how they can't really discuss it without giving away spoilers but that they have made their peace with their character endings and that's it.

1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

I think that it would be very powerful for Bran to tell Theon that he belongs at Winterfell and that Winterfell is his home, after everything that happened with them in S2. Bran's absolution would mean a lot more than Jon's in S7. If Theon does die in the battle at Winterfell, it would be a beautiful bookend for his story: he would die defending the Stark castle he once attacked on behalf of the Greyjoys, fighting this time to protect the Starks.

I agree. It's Theon. We know that in the books, Bran is talking to Theon through the weirwoods and their stories are bound to clash very soon. I can see Theon reconnecting back with his book plot and Bran.

Edited by anamika
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4 hours ago, Eyes High said:

I used to think so, but these days I think it's that they want to give anything away. Emilia has a terrible poker face, so she knows better than to say anything positive about the ending.

I think it's the people who have praised the ending the most--Peter Dinklage, NCW, and Iain Glen--whose characters will have the grim fates, while those who are the most muted about the ending are the ones playing characters who will have good endings.

That's sort of what I'm starting to think as well.Especially here,Sophie and Maisie are talking about their own characters endings,not a general ending.And I seriously doubt Arya or Sansa will have some tragic fate.

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2 hours ago, anamika said:

I don't think Sophie Turner knows how to dissemble and I don't think she ever has. She's been pretty straightforward and open about everything including stuff she's said about next season.

Looking at the video, I don't think the girls were pretending. In fact Maisie nods her head yes and then looks at Sophie who has not replied yet and then she mimics Sophie's expression. I think they were being frank there - including Sophie talking about how they can't really discuss it without giving away spoilers but that they have made their peace with their character endings and that's it.

I watched the video, and I have to say I don't see it. I really believe they were trying to avoid giving anything away. However, while we're discussing actor reactions, I'm reminded of that video from the 2018 Emmys where Isaac, Liam and Conleth were asked if they were happy with the ending, and Conleth made a sour expression that caused Liam to burst out laughing. I'm guessing that was more of an in-joke over Varys' death than anything relating to the ending, specifically, though.

Besides, from past interviews, I don't think Sophie and Maisie would be unhappy with an ending where both characters survive, Sansa ends up LOW and Arya leaves Westeros to explore the world or something, which is probably what happens if Friki is right about Tyrion's trial, or even if Bran/Arya/Sansa end up in some sort of ruling triumvirate as that one guy claimed on FF back in 2017.


I agree. It's Theon. We know that in the books, Bran is talking to Theon through the weirwoods and their stories are bound to clash very soon. I can see Theon reconnecting back with his book plot and Bran.

I can't wait to see that conversation if it is Bran addressing Theon.

1 hour ago, tangerine95 said:

That's sort of what I'm starting to think as well.Especially here,Sophie and Maisie are talking about their own characters endings,not a general ending.And I seriously doubt Arya or Sansa will have some tragic fate.

This. Arya and Sansa both make it to the epilogue if Friki is to be believed. Even if Friki is wrong, they still both survive the battle of Winterfell since the Seville scene was from 8x06. So at the very least they probably survive.

Sophie has been very enthusiastic about Sansa as the single and powerful Lady of Winterfell, so if that's her endgame, I have trouble believing that Sophie would have any problem with it. Similarly, I don't know that Maisie would have any strong objection to any endgame in which Arya survived and ended up happy and healthy, which appears to be her destiny if Friki is right.

...Also, am I the only one who finds it highly improbable that the lead actors haven't had some idea of their characters' endgames for quite some time? I mean, Alex Graves was walking around talking about revealing characters' endgames to the actors back around S4. GRRM was casually telling Alan Taylor that Jon and Dany's meeting was the point of the story back when filming for Season 1. I have a very hard time believing that the lead actors only learned their characters' fates upon reading the S8 scripts.

Edited by Eyes High
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16 hours ago, screamin said:

I suppose when Bran announces that the Wall has fallen, Dany and Jon will march with their forces northward to meet the NK, which is when the Golden Company will attack Winterfell. 

The trailer seemed to show Dany's forces (including unsulled, Dothraki, Jorah, Brienne, Pod) making a stand right in front of Winterfell, with one scene having men running through a gate (which may be people retreating to one of the walled areas of Winterfell). It is heavily implied the NK is the one who is coming to knock the door; we see what are probably hooves of a dead horse, approaching the barricaded Winterfell.

Conclusion: Dany's forces are largely or wholly in Winterfell, to defend it, when someone comes to attack it, and that is almost certainly the NK. At least, it would be anticlimatic if that epic battle in 8x03 is against the Golden Company. Even if it would be, they are likely to be defeated by Dany's numerous forces (quite possibly augmented by her dragons) aided by Winterfell's strong walls.

If the GC attacks Winterfell, it seems more likely that they do so after the NK has attacked and Dany may have moved her dragons (if those survived) and part of her army to pursue the undead enemy. But, that would make at least 3 battles this season, 2 of those at Winterfell.

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3 hours ago, Eyes High said:

...Also, am I the only one who finds it highly improbable that the lead actors haven't had some idea of their characters' endgames for quite some time?

Some actors don't want to know anything, or the just minimum they need to know, because they want to keep their reaction as "fresh" as possible. But I think that Maisie and Sophie knew before S7 aired, when they had their audition date tattooed.

1 hour ago, Wouter said:

The trailer seemed to show Dany's forces (including unsulled, Dothraki, Jorah, Brienne, Pod) making a stand right in front of Winterfell, with one scene having men running through a gate (which may be people retreating to one of the walled areas of Winterfell). It is heavily implied the NK is the one who is coming to knock the door; we see what are probably hooves of a dead horse, approaching the barricaded Winterfell.

Conclusion: Dany's forces are largely or wholly in Winterfell, to defend it, when someone comes to attack it, and that is almost certainly the NK. At least, it would be anticlimatic if that epic battle in 8x03 is against the Golden Company. Even if it would be, they are likely to be defeated by Dany's numerous forces (quite possibly augmented by her dragons) aided by Winterfell's strong walls.

If the GC attacks Winterfell, it seems more likely that they do so after the NK has attacked and Dany may have moved her dragons (if those survived) and part of her army to pursue the undead enemy. But, that would make at least 3 battles this season, 2 of those at Winterfell.

I still have issues with the GC/the Lannisters attacking WF (why didn't Cersei stick to her LF-ish plan and why would smart soldiers accept such an idiotic idea?) but pictures tell another story. WatchersOnMyBalls posted set pictures post battle of WF with bodies in Greyjoy armor and bodies under a completely golden shield (the GC). WOTW saw Lannister soldiers attacking WF, basing on (blurry) set pictures or footage*; in a similar way, people saw GC lances at WF in the trailer.

*IIRC, they even said it was the Lannisters and not the NK that attacked WF, period.

I do think it would be anticlimatic if the NK was beaten in 8x03, but I don't think he will be. As for his presence, there were filming pictures implying that the AOTD was at WF (including the Melisandre pictures, IIRC the WF walls were on those) so imo the big battle won't only involve the GC.

It seems to corroborate the theory that sprouted at the time: The Lannister forces attack WF and the NK crashes the party. They didn't show the dragons making a stand with the others, nor Jon** and Dany fighting with or without the dragons at WF. The absence of the alliance's biggest force, for reasons X or Y, would explain why Jorah and all are tense. They were bracing themselves for the AOTD, for a fight they weren't sure to win. Now they're going to have to fight another enemy before, and since they don't have their nuclear weapons they're going to suffer losses, which will lower their chances even more. Such a prospect would make anybody grim.

If you look at WF behind the hooves of the horse, the lights seem quite bright from such a distance; those behind Jorah or Greyworm seem much more gloomy. Maybe parts of the castle are already burning when the AOTD arrives.

**I think that the cut of Jon running could be from a later episode, and he'd be in the Throne room (the torches/candlestick/brasero behind him looks very much like those around Cersei when she drinks wine there; those in the WF crypts are much smaller as can be seen in the Varys and Jon/Dany cuts).

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Yeah I feel like we had some set / filming spoilers earlier that seemed to suggest that Lannister / GC forces attacked in ep 3, however the NK showed up in the middle / end of that battle.

Man, poor Dany and Jon if they head out for a bit for some dragon riding lessons and as soon as they leave ALL their foes attack WF lol. I mean, what are the odds?

On a more serious note, presuming D/J race back to join the battle, I wonder if Dany will be limited in what she can do on Drogon? If it’s human foes fighting in close combat then it may be difficult for her to release some dracarys without torching her own army along with the enemy. I wonder if Dany will sort of be on ice a bit until the AOTD show up? Then we might have Jon (sadly) giving her instructions to burn WF in order to kill the AOTD. The Starks purposely agreeing to torch WF would definitely be some good drama. Of course it could end up being the NK using Viserion to burn WF, but I think I actually like the idea of the good guys making a play to sacrifice WF to take out a big chunk of the NK’s army better.

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1 hour ago, bubble sparkly said:

Man, poor Dany and Jon if they head out for a bit for some dragon riding lessons and as soon as they leave ALL their foes attack WF lol. I mean, what are the odds?

It could be that they're on their way, because the alliance evaluated the timing of the AOTD's arrival and they planned to be back for it, but the GC was spotted only after they were gone. If the battle of WF isn't a siege (and it doesn't look like it since everything seemed filmed at night) it could make only a few hours of difference, so it wouldn't be too enormously contrived...

If you put aside the fact that the Stargaryens have an all-seeing character with them (Jaime knows that Cersei hires the GC but the plan wasn't to attack WF when he left). Somehow, I feel that Bran's inability to see what isn't specifically pointed to him is going to be used a lot in S8.

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So i thought it worth pointing out that, when the Dosh Kaleen made their predictions that Dany's child would be the stallion that mounts the world and would bring all people into one kalassar; she doesn't say that it is Drogo's son that will do so.  She says that she has seen that she will bare a son and that he will be the stallion that mounts the world.  It could be that, that prophecy is still true, only it is the son that she will make with Jon that will unite everyone, and rule the world. 

Edited by LadyChaos
edit because i have brace on, and typing with one hand sucks
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Great discussion here. I'm glad that I stumbled into this thread.

7 hours ago, anamika said:

I agree. It's Theon. We know that in the books, Bran is talking to Theon through the weirwoods and their stories are bound to clash very soon. I can see Theon reconnecting back with his book plot and Bran.

I love the suggestion that Bran is addressing those comments to Theon. I think that it is important for Theon to complete his story fighting alongside the Starks.

2 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

I still have issues with the GC/the Lannisters attacking WF (why didn't Cersei stick to her LF-ish plan and why would smart soldiers accept such an idiotic idea?) but pictures tell another story. WatchersOnMyBalls posted set pictures post battle of WF with bodies in Greyjoy armor and bodies under a completely golden shield (the GC). WOTW saw Lannister soldiers attacking WF, basing on (blurry) set pictures or footage*; in a similar way, people saw GC lances at WF in the trailer.

*IIRC, they even said it was the Lannisters and not the NK that attacked WF, period...

...It seems to corroborate the theory that sprouted at the time: The Lannister forces attack WF and the NK crashes the party. They didn't show the dragons making a stand with the others, nor Jon** and Dany fighting with or without the dragons at WF. The absence of the alliance's biggest force, for reasons X or Y, would explain why Jorah and all are tense. They were bracing themselves for the AOTD, for a fight they weren't sure to win. Now they're going to have to fight another enemy before, and since they don't have their nuclear weapons they're going to suffer losses, which will lower their chances even more. Such a prospect would make anybody grim.

I believe the theory that the Lannister/GC forces attack WF first and then the NK/AOTD show up. It seems to play into the massive battle(s) that everyone keeps referencing in E3. Not sure why Cersei changes her plans and sends her forces north to fight against the Stark/Targaryen alliance...unless that was her plan from the start. Maybe Euron and Harry Strickland convince her.

2 hours ago, bubble sparkly said:

Then we might have Jon (sadly) giving her instructions to burn WF in order to kill the AOTD. The Starks purposely agreeing to torch WF would definitely be some good drama. Of course it could end up being the NK using Viserion to burn WF, but I think I actually like the idea of the good guys making a play to sacrifice WF to take out a big chunk of the NK’s army better.

I think this is exactly what happens...the Starks agree to torch WF to kill the AOTD. 

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from what im gathering, the likely turn of events for the winter fell battle is:

1. jon and Dany leave on dragons as Dany tries to help jon process his Targaeryn side.

2. the Lannister and Golden Co army arrive and attack Winterfell.

3. The AotD arrive.

4. The battle turns and all the forced turn to fight the dead.(maybe)

5. Winterfell ends up on fire, by foe or to burn the dead.

-We don't know if Dany and Jon are gone the whole time or make it back to help.

-Possibly Sansa is taken as hostage during this time.

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1 hour ago, Ellaria Sand said:

I think this is exactly what happens...the Starks agree to torch WF to kill the AOTD. 

If the civilians are in the crypts and then evacuated, it would make sense to burn a deserted castle. Nevertheless, Frikidoctor seems to believe that Tyrion will make the decision to let KL and its inhabitants burn and if he's right, it would be a repeat of the same pattern for the two big battles of the last season.

I sometimes even wonder if there will be dragons at all for the WF battle, and they'll keep all the big dragon action for the KL battle.

39 minutes ago, LadyChaos said:

from what im gathering, the likely turn of events for the winter fell battle is:

1. jon and Dany leave on dragons as Dany tries to help jon process his Targaeryn side.

There's nothing about the reason of their departure, as far as I know. It doesn't seem plausible to me that they would leave WF for this very personal reason only, at this time; they seem to go North (scene after the dragons' lunch) and I don't see either how that would help him process his Targaryen side. To teach Jon to fly so that he's ready for battle, maybe. I'd like it if it was to investigate the NK.

I almost wish it had to do with Melisandre since after the Lannisters and the AOTD, if she arrives and even more if she arrives with reinforcement from Volantis, it would be very contrived. I know they already did that with Stannis' timely arrival beyond the Wall in S4, but still.

I've also wondered if Sansa watching the dragon over WF in the trailer wasn't their arrival, but their departure with Jon and Dany, and the latter were erased from the shot.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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6 hours ago, Wouter said:

The trailer seemed to show Dany's forces (including unsulled, Dothraki, Jorah, Brienne, Pod) making a stand right in front of Winterfell, with one scene having men running through a gate (which may be people retreating to one of the walled areas of Winterfell). It is heavily implied the NK is the one who is coming to knock the door; we see what are probably hooves of a dead horse, approaching the barricaded Winterfell.

Conclusion: Dany's forces are largely or wholly in Winterfell, to defend it, when someone comes to attack it, and that is almost certainly the NK. At least, it would be anticlimatic if that epic battle in 8x03 is against the Golden Company. Even if it would be, they are likely to be defeated by Dany's numerous forces (quite possibly augmented by her dragons) aided by Winterfell's strong walls.

If the GC attacks Winterfell, it seems more likely that they do so after the NK has attacked and Dany may have moved her dragons (if those survived) and part of her army to pursue the undead enemy. But, that would make at least 3 battles this season, 2 of those at Winterfell.

There's a whole lot of Northern territory between Winterfell and the Wall, with several settlements that are under Winterfell jurisdiction and therefore Jon's responsibility. Imagining that Jon, Dany and company make their first stand against the NK at WF requires us to imagine they stood idly waiting at Winterfell after Bran told them of the Wall falling, and made no attempt to rescue any of the surviving Nightwatch or any of the Northern strongholds that would fall to the Night King on his way. 

I don't think that's in character for Jon. He'd want to take the dragons and bring the battle to the NK before too many of his subjects fall victim, and I think Dany would follow suit. And taking the bulk of their army North would leave the GC their opening to attack WF when it's not well manned, to carry out whatever mission Cersei gave them - IMO, it would be snatching up a few important hostages (like Sansa) and setting fire to their grain storage before retreating to KL. Such an attack would leave WF still standing, but useless as a refuge for a long-term siege - hence suitable for burning in a climactic battle such as in the trailer.

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20 minutes ago, screamin said:

And taking the bulk of their army North would leave the GC their opening to attack WF when it's not well manned, to carry out whatever mission Cersei gave them - IMO, it would be snatching up a few important hostages (like Sansa) and setting fire to their grain storage before retreating to KL. Such an attack would leave WF still standing, but useless as a refuge for a long-term siege - hence suitable for burning in a climactic battle such as in the trailer.

It occurred to me that Sansa could be captured. Maybe Tyrion also? Everyone else could take care of themselves and escape although I can't see Brienne letting Sansa be taken. 

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8 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Besides, from past interviews, I don't think Sophie and Maisie would be unhappy with an ending where both characters survive, Sansa ends up LOW and Arya leaves Westeros to explore the world or something, which is probably what happens if Friki is right about Tyrion's trial, or even if Bran/Arya/Sansa end up in some sort of ruling triumvirate as that one guy claimed on FF back in 2017.

I do not think that these are their character endgames. Considering every character is going to end season 8 at a different place to where they ended season 7, I doubt Sansa is going to end the show as LOW.

26 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Sophie says beside her corset, she has a scroll she keeps hidden because it's a big spoiler.

Maybe I am reaching here, but I am starting to think that Friki may not be right regarding what was shot in Seville. Sophie seems to be explaining how the day went to Maisie there. And it looks like Maisie does not know what the spoilery scroll is? So Sansa maybe has a separate plot line going on that has something to do with a scroll?

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1 minute ago, anamika said:

Maybe I am reaching here, but I am starting to think that Friki may not be right regarding what was shot in Seville. Sophie seems to be explaining how the day went to Maisie there. And it looks Maisie does not know what the spoilery scroll is? So Sansa maybe has a separate plot line going on that has something to do with a scroll?

Maybe she gets wind of Cersei or the GC?  Her political skills have to start giving fruit, or she discovers Tyrion's plans ?

Someone on FF said maybe she writes a letter to the iron bank.

Sophie said she kept it secret and hidden.

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Dany teaching Jon to ride a dragon is making me lol. How romantic it would be, to bond while learning to use weapons of mass destruction and lamenting the fact that they are so extraordinary and unique because they're Targaryens. "Nobody understands how special we are, Jon. Isn't it so sad how we have to keep reminding them with our pet WMDs?"

What would you like to see, what would be more exciting? Jon brazenly getting atop a dragon and soaring in the sky and struggling to figure out how not to die, or Dany patiently giving Jon a lesson on this beforehand?

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3 hours ago, anamika said:

Maybe I am reaching here, but I am starting to think that Friki may not be right regarding what was shot in Seville. Sophie seems to be explaining how the day went to Maisie there. And it looks like Maisie does not know what the spoilery scroll is? So Sansa maybe has a separate plot line going on that has something to do with a scroll?

Or maybe Maisie doesn't know because Sophie is trolling.

Edit: The main actors were all present for the table readings, so they should know everyone's plots.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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1 hour ago, Happy Harpy said:

Or maybe Maisie doesn't know because Sophie is trolling.

Edit: The main actors were all present for the table readings, so they should know everyone's plots.

I sometimes find it surprising how much these actors don't know or don't remember. Like Kit asking David and Dan if this was the moment where he falls for Dany at the dragonpit during DVD commentaries or Sophie Turner not knowing who Tormund is or what the WF plot was last season.

Since they are not as obsessed with this show as we are, I think they are just focused on their scenes while filming. Table read was a nearly a year and a half ago. Maisie may have forgotten - which may indicate that whatever this scroll is has nothing to do with Arya's scenes.

3 hours ago, GrailKing said:

Maybe she gets wind of Cersei or the GC?  Her political skills have to start giving fruit, or she discovers Tyrion's plans ?

Someone on FF said maybe she writes a letter to the iron bank.

Sophie said she kept it secret and hidden.

Why would she secretly write a letter to the Iron Bank?

I think it could very well be her intercepting something for Tyrion - thus exposing Tyrion's double agent act.

After all as per Friki, Tyrion's betrayal is against the Starks, not Dany. He's been very insistent and clear about this. Which would mean that Tyrion is plotting specifically against the Starks and Sansa gets wind of this. Maybe that's why Sophie talks about it being very spoilery.

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19 minutes ago, anamika said:

Why would she secretly write a letter to the Iron Bank?

Maybe for the same reason Jon did in the books ?

Help for rebuild ?

Her political skills should be on display this season, meeting her book character's track.

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1 hour ago, GrailKing said:

Maybe for the same reason Jon did in the books ?

Help for rebuild ?

Her political skills should be on display this season, meeting her book character's track.

Jon did not secretly write a letter to the Iron Bank in the books. Tycho Nestoris arrives at the wall to meet with Stannis and Jon personally negotiates with him for a loan to buy food for the NW. Jon is a very good negotiator in the books - as Stannis says - he haggles like a fish wife.

But if they do have the Iron Bank aligning with the Starks, I hope Jon is involved with this as he is in the books.

Edited by anamika
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11 hours ago, SimoneS said:

It occurred to me that Sansa could be captured. Maybe Tyrion also?

Peter was filming a lot for 8x05 along with Maisie and Kit after Seville while Sophie finished in mid-May, so I doubt it.

10 hours ago, anamika said:

I do not think that these are their character endgames. Considering every character is going to end season 8 at a different place to where they ended season 7, I doubt Sansa is going to end the show as LOW.

By process of elimination, I don't know who else it could be if Sansa survives the series. Arya isn't going to usurp her, Jon's either going to be ruling Westeros or dead, and Bran has said he can't be lord of anything. Sansa would want to be LOW if she had her choice, which I assume she does.

It's hard coming up with plausible endgames for Sansa (assuming Sansa survives) that Sophie would not like. Sophie really seems to enjoy playing Sansa when she's large and in charge, and there's no indication that Sansa won't be mistress of her own destiny by the end of S8. Maybe being married off to Robin...? Or maybe Sansa survives but suffers some sort of debilitating injury.

Edited by Eyes High
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