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Live Chat: S34.14: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished / Reunion

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1 minute ago, PaperTree said:

Nice apology, Brad.  Trying to save your ass.  

A possible final tie.  The loser pick the winner.  Interesting.

then why not just have a final two and have an odd jury. like. why make life complicated. 

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1 minute ago, Bryce Lynch said:

OK loving Probst torturing Brad by getting the jury to say he would have won if he took Tai to FTC 

It's just another way for him to kiss Brad's ass. "Look, Brad, you played well enough to win". Shut up, Probst.

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3 minutes ago, MostlyContent said:

Ozzy would have voted for Tai and not Brad?  What??

Makes sense from Ozzy's perspective.  Tai took him down at the challenge that sent him home.

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Can we quit with the Cirie-got-off-the-couch narrative? That was twenty-something seasons ago and there are lots of boneheaded, unfit couch people who've been on this show. Cirie is a favourite because of the game she plays - this just dismisses that.  

Edited by MissEwa
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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

We get it Probst.  Cirie got up off her couch.  Ciera voted her mom out.  Brad was doing it for Monica.

Get some new lines.

Aah, it allows Cirie to talk, so I won't complain too much about it.

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I friggin' KNEW that was the tiebreaker!!! However, I figured each finalist cast their vote behind the scenes, just in case.

Probst mentioned four people, not counting Tony. Would he count?

ETA: I am NOT looking forward to the next 6-10 minutes.

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Dreading this next bit with Varner and Zeke.  Varner is going to get his ass raked across the coals, and while he did a vile, indefensible thing, I can't help but feel empathy for his situation.

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1 hour ago, wallflower75 said:

...and Cochran winning...and the ugliness between Dawn and the girl whose name I don't remember now about the teeth...and poor Erik having to be evac'd out...and Cochran winning...and Corinne being part of it...and Phillip...and oh yeah, Brandon Hantz's meltdown.  That's what I remember. 

Oh, merciful heavens, I had just about put that season out of my mind. It really *was* horrible from start to finish.

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1 minute ago, enlightenedbum said:

Sigh, F4 could have been Cirie, Andrea, Aubry, Michaela so easily.  Well, with some slick playing around idols at least.

Would've been a helluva lot better than what we got.  Although I don't dislike Sarah.

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Just now, susannot said:

Do we know who the third vote for Brad was?  Debbie and Ozzy--who else?

they were supposed to show us - but they didn't. 

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1 minute ago, susannot said:

Makes sense.  But I thought she said she respected Sarah for her mind game over the Legacy Advantage.

She didn't seem like a Bitter Betty in her RHAP exit interview, so I am guessing she just voted Brad because she was in an alliance with him.

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2 minutes ago, wallflower75 said:

I will feel okay about this moment if we don't hear from Varner at all.

I was just starting to wonder if Probst was going to talk to him.  I think he would have caught a ton of backlash if he didn't.

Well, I'm glad the audience wasn't ugly.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Just now, Bryce Lynch said:

She didn't seem like a Bitter Betty in her RHAP exit interview, so I am guessing she just voted Brad because she was in an alliance with him.

which is how she voted in the Collars season.

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Wow. No boos for Varner. I would have lost money on that. Aside from throwing shade on his old employer, he did good.

ETA: "Next . . . we're makin' a Cochran sandwich, and Debbie and Aubry are the bread!!!"

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Just now, Bryce Lynch said:

She didn't seem like a Bitter Betty in her RHAP exit interview, so I am guessing she just voted Brad because she was in an alliance with him.

Yeah, good point.  Not every vote against the winner is a bitter one.  Really, if I think about it, I don't think any of the three votes for Brad were bitter votes.  Maybe Debbie's was.

Loving Michaela's whole look tonight.

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Oh sheesh.  He's going to embarrass the heck out of Aubrey with the Cochran thing.  ugh. 

Just now, Daisy said:

LOL Michala. Me?

LOL!   I think she thought he was going to say Debbie.   That was so funny!

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53 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Survivor would be 1000 times better without Probst.

Jeff just tries too hard now to make this a scripted reality show, like Housewives or something. It was much better when it played like a game show, focusing on the skills and the brains as well as the social aspect, with a wide variety of ages and backgrounds among the cast. Those people used to really work at this game. Now, it's all puzzles and throwing stuff and meat feasts every other day. None of this bunch would have made it through a season like Australia or Africa.

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This is why I despise this show come finale time.....

Sarah DESERVED to be in the Final 3, however; there is absolutely no way she DESERVES to beat Brad.   Five immunity challenge wins.  

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(laugh) yah, Sandra. 

Just now, wallflower75 said:

"Everyone has a crush on Cochran"??  No.  Sorry, but no.


1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

I don't have a crush on Cochran.

me either. pft. 

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