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Live Chat: S34.14: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished / Reunion

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Just now, Daisy said:

Sarah was directly responsible for almost every single person being voted out? basically she determined who was going to go. I don't think she was ever one wrong side of the vote. (oh maybe one.). 

Flip flopping weekly, may hurt her.

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ooohh. Brad ignored Debbie. brrzt. that's a failure. 
never mention the ones not in jury. kiss up to the one ON the jury. 

Hah. hahahahahaa. HAHAHAHAH. Haaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh Brad. 

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Just now, wallflower75 said:

Ya know...I think I may kind of like this format.  *runs from rotten tomatoes*

Actually, I think I'm kinda into it, too. It feels more organic than them stepping up to home plate one by one. 

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Okay, I take it back, I don't want a bitter jury.  These guys are childish.

And let her answer the damn questions!

The ends don't justify the means Debbie?  Sarah's sitting there.  She wouldn't have if she stuck with your six.

Michaela and Cirie=jury voice of reasons.

Troy gets a question!

Edited by LadyChatts
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1 minute ago, wallflower75 said:

Ya know...I think I may kind of like this format.  *runs from rotten tomatoes*

actually... yah this is kinda growing on me. but i miss opening statements still. 

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Go Zeke!  Stop whining Andrea.  

Ozzy lecturing on how to play the game???  Loser!

Cirie taking down Brad.  Sierra was the brains.

Michaela makes Brad into a stammering idiot.

Good job defending herself by Sarah.

Debbie acknowledged that Sarah played the best but says she has no respect for her game.  Loony to the end.

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6 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Survivor would be 1000 times better without Probst.

1000 times better? Get serious!

There is no number big enough.

I'm expecting Probst to announce the forming of The Church of Survivortology with himself as the Pope!

Anyone can join and have everlasting life. You just need to sell your home and car and all your possessions and then empty all your bank accounts and send all the money to Probst. you will then be a member for life and fight in the eternal war against Xenu the Galactic Overlord. The head of the army will be Pope Probst! It will be an exciting time!

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And now Sarah is saying Brad is a professional athlete, so no wonder he did so well in the challenges.

So votes are looking like:

Sarah-Zeke, Cirie, Michaela

Brad-Debbie, Ozzy

Troy-no one.

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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

And now Sarah is saying Brad is a professional athlete, so no wonder he did so well in the challenges.

So votes are looking like:

Sarah-Zeke, Cirie, Michaela

Brad-Debbie, Ozzy

Troy-no one.

Sierra is being mute, so I say hers goes to Brad.

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Wow...that was a heck of a response on Sarah's part!  "Outplay" doesn't always mean how one does in the challenges.  If it did, the A-hole alpha males would always win and Survivor wouldn't still be around today.

Mom Quote of the Night: "Okay.  Troyzan doesn't stand a shot in hell of winning because he didn't talk at all there."

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