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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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It is! Squirrel Paul was at the feeder this morning. I can tell the difference by how they eat the seed. Paul sits right in there, picks up the seed with his paws and eats it. Squirrel Cody sits on the rim, then reaches in and digs through the seed, digging away like a dog, to get the good stuff (sunflower seeds). The seed goes flying all over. Chipmunk paid a visit yesterday, climbed right up the pole. I named him Ramses.  Then earlier today parent sparrow and baby sparrow were sitting in the feeder. Parent fed baby, but baby also was getting its own seed.  I guess Parent bird can be Kevin and baby can be Josh.

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I was all excited to see the puppies, but these seem kind of sad. The whole room seems kind of bare and sad. 

So people's games are getting blown up all because of a stupid, fake "talk show"? All righty, then.

Looking forward to endurance tonight. My vote is for Jess/Ramses. Alex doesn't want any part of HOH right now.

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Some people were equating Paul and Dick. I don't like Paul but Sick was worse by an order of magnitude.

When Paul burns someone with a cigarette or follows them around banging pans or threatens to rape their corpse...then I will cede the point.

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2 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Looking forward to endurance tonight. My vote is for Jess/Ramses. Alex doesn't want any part of HOH right now.

Is it in Alex's nature to throw a comp? 

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2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Eh.  I suspect that is just in-house hyperbole.  Things change when they get out of BB house.  Or not.  Cody is very, very proud of being a Marine, and Josh was trash talking the Marines as being the branch of the military that "doesn't do anything" so...this could be a real grudge. 

For once I believe someone when they say they won't ever talk to someone outside of the house again.  The dude is emotionless. 

2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I heard Cody saying he is from Lake Mills, IA, so I did a search and found out that I know his great aunt and probably second/third cousins of his! His great aunt and my mom were in college together. This is so weird.

I think Josh was chugging pickle juice and threw it up. For some reason he's supposed to finish it and Jason was yelling "Do it the Iowa way!" OK, Josh finished the rest of his pickle juice. Now he's a man.

Ughhhhh I totally forgot he is from lake mills!! Which is super close to my hometown and we played them in sports and I think Cody is close to my age so if he played basketball i was likely In The same place as him 2 times a year (3 times if he also did football).  I wanted to root for the two Iowans and he makes me sad someone like him came from small town iowa.  We don't create robots lol 

1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

The puppies nap a lot. The visiting birds and squirrel are much more lively. And here comes the squirrel!

So I haven't been able to watch feeds. But are these legit and real birds and squirrels? I'm horribly confused lol.  

5 minutes ago, Machiabelly said:

Some people were equating Paul and Dick. I don't like Paul but Sick was worse by an order of magnitude.

When Paul burns someone with a cigarette or follows them around banging pans or threatens to rape their corpse...then I will cede the point.

I don't think they're comparable at all either. Paul isn't really a villain. 

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4 minutes ago, Star Aristille said:

Alex has said that she'll stay up till everyone who's a threat to her falls, and will then fall herself. 

Right so that means she probably wouldn't allow herself to drop before Jess and Ramses do. 

The funny thing is I don't think anyone is a direct threat to Alex right now. 

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2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

So I haven't been able to watch feeds. But are these legit and real birds and squirrels? I'm horribly confused lol.  

The dogs are in a pen outside so a squirrel and bird drop in for some dog food, or at least try.  The puppies were having none of that!  

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1 minute ago, Ceeg said:

Right so that means she probably wouldn't allow herself to drop before Jess and Ramses do.

Or Kevin (not that I think he could outlast her).  As of yesterday, she no longer fully trusts him, either.

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14 minutes ago, wings707 said:

The dogs are in a pen outside so a squirrel and bird drop in for some dog food, or at least try.  The puppies were having none of that!  

Ohhhhhhh ok! Got it now :) 

i was visualizing them in a room like a the kittens and could not figure out how squirrels and birds were going in and out lol 

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Josh managed to eat by himself in the birdfeeder! He cried a little bit, not used to being away from his parents, but he managed OK. Now Kevin is helping himself.  A busy bird dad has to take care of himself.

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No one is posting in the episode thread.  It doesn't air here for another hour.  I want to know what happens.  If anyone is watching here give a few details  Like is Christmas back for starters!  LOL

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13 minutes ago, yankee1151 said:

I just saw this on Twitter.


Screen Shot 2017-07-13 at 9.00.36 PM.png

Goodness, I hope this isn't true.  Utter BS if Christmas is allowed to vote from the hospital.  If she isn't back in the house by the time of the vote then she shouldn't get one and she really should be medically evicted.

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Thank you!  I am not bothered if she votes from the hospital.  I want things to move forward and Cory is not fun to watch so I would rather see him go.  I am sure they are allowing that, if true, so their schedule doesn't get fucked up any more. 

We know Cory is going now.  Excellent. 

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Who voted for Alex or Ramses?  When it happens

Last Thursday I watched the HOH and the show later having learned the important details here.

Edited by wings707
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Oh this is the conversation I saw on the feeds the other morning! I knew they would show it on the episode.

Wings 707, I'll try and write the votes down as they do it.

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Just now, PoshSprinkles said:

Exactly. I would be chewing production out for crap like this if I were in the house. 

Cody is the only one who dared say anything about it.

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Oh, they didn't show the part when Cody said he would sacrifice his game for three women in the house: Jessica, Alex and Raven.

Here's the talk show! Ha ha, I went back and watched the Cody/Dominique interview this morning. It was pretty good! I think this was just last night, too. I wonder if he has a neck problem. I see him twisting his head around every now and then.

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As far as production interference goes, Christmas voting from the hospital bothers me less than the DR persuading HGs to vote a certain way. It's probably not fair, but a 3 day hospital stay doesn't really altar the game that much. DR interference actually does altar the game and fuck up other people's games as well. 

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Live vote next! Funny, they didn't show Raven hurting her foot on the stairs. Bummer for Raven! Christmas gets all the martyr credits while the dying house guest gets none.


Jessica: Ramses

Kevin: Ramses

Christmas: Ramses (!!! - interesting)

Commercial break, Wings! I'll post the rest of the votes when we get back.

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Just now, PoshSprinkles said:

I will not be able to post for the next five hours if these fools accidentally vote out Ramses thinking they're being slick casting hinky votes. I will die of laughter. OH MY WORD!!!!

Yes, if Paul's suggestion to a few others that there should be a "hinky" vote means Ramses is evicted, it will make my evening.  And, it'll just prove the point others have made about Paul playing too hard too fast.

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A touching lovers' parting. Whispers to Jessica: "Will you be my girlfriend?"  Almost as good as offering her a final rose and a Neil Lane ring. 

I wonder how the vote would have gone if Paul had gone with his original plan of nominating Matt and Elena (or was it Mark, or Raven?)

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2 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

A touching lovers' parting. Whispers to Jessica: "Will you be my girlfriend?"  Almost as good as offering her a final rose and a Neil Lane ring. 

I wonder how the vote would have gone if Paul had gone with his original plan of nominating Matt and Elena (or was it Mark, or Raven?)

I think it was Mark and Elena.  

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

It was Matt and Raven. I remember, because I distinctly cheered "DO IT" when he threw out the idea.

Ha ha, that would have been fabulous, I agree. 

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Let's say Matt and Raven were on the block. (I'll pretend I'm Jeff doing a hypothetical Survivor vote.)

Jessica: Ramses

Kevin: Ramses

Christmas: Ramses

Mark: Cody

Elena: Cody

Josh: Cody

Dominique: Cody

Jason: ?

Alex: ?

Matt or Raven: Cody (assumption that everything else remains the same  - Paul wins POV and removes Matt or Raven and back doors Cody. Ramses still up there.

It might have been a tie. Then Paul would have voted for Cody.

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Time for HOH competition! Wow no wonder it took two days to build this set. And Raven is playing. I guess her amputated foot healed quickly!

Julie, I've already cast 50 votes for Alex this week.

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1 minute ago, brdwygurl said:

Ugh  yes Cody will win the buyback I mean look at his competition

 And he will be even more of an insufferable, narcissistic, asshole

Hey! Then he fits in with all the other houseguests!

In all seriousness. Cody's not the worst Alpha Male that has been on the show. At least he has brains, tried to play the game,  and did what was the best move that nobody else would do. His social game was just crap and he has said quite a few awful statements (as has Jason, and Paul, and Dominique, and Jessica). It makes it harder to root for him, but I want him back because he's the only one to make moves. 

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