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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Sigh.  I saw on Joker's that last night Kevin asked Paul to let him have the next HOH.  Paul told him it might not be best for Kevin's game.  Then Kevin asked if Paul would promise him top 3 if he throws it to Paul.  Paul told him they would have to get the veto but that he was promising final 3 to Kevin. 

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16 minutes ago, InsensibleBob said:

De-lurking here to let everyone know that this discussion has been WAY more enjoyable than watching the episodes for a very long time now. My cable provider is in a war with CBS and I realized that not seeing the actual episodes wasn't such a loss after all!

Did I hear Paul call Josh a "fucking idiot" after he slapped him in that clip?

Truth. This forum is so much better than the episodes. By the way, you can watch all the episodes for free on line at cbs.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Sigh.  I saw on Joker's that last night Kevin asked Paul to let him have the next HOH.  Paul told him it might not be best for Kevin's game.  Then Kevin asked if Paul would promise him top 3 if he throws it to Paul.  Paul told him they would have to get the veto but that he was promising final 3 to Kevin. 

Um, it's not best for someone's game if they win F4 HoH? I mean, F3 HoH is obviously the better choice but still. My mind boggles at how these people just accept whatever crap spews out of Paul's mouth. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Um, it's not best for someone's game if they win F4 HoH? I mean, F3 HoH is obviously the better choice but still. My mind boggles at how these people just accept whatever crap spews out of Paul's mouth. 

Yes - when they accept Paul's word as to how to play because he played before,  I want to remind them that what he KNOWS is how to LOSE.  

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10 hours ago, zorak said:

Paul:  "Potty mouth?  My mom's going to kill me."  I guess his mom's not watching the live feeds if Paul thinks his BB comic is what will make his mom think he's been cursing up a storm.


this from the guy who couldn't understand why people didn't like hearing the word c*(t and went out of his way to continue to say it?  and not for one minute do I believe he's not affected by what people say about him since he proved it by referencing that from the past season.  so just so you know, Paul, I find your language unnecessarily vulgar, your tatoos repulsive, your beard disgusting, your personality lacking, your floaty wearing juvenile, and if you are wearing clothing you designed (when you even wear clothing) then you are totally lacking in design talent. If you win, it's because you were given safety for a long period of time and you played with a bunch of morons.

12 hours ago, escape said:

But why would she chose not to believe Jason and the other jurors?  She already is out of the game, out of the house.

because then she would have to admit she's not the superb game player she professes to be.  she can never accept that.

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13 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I'm totally fine with Paul winning veto. He was NEVER going home this week, as much as we could dream. So of the realistic scenarios, this was the best one. How can he POSSIBLY not remove Alex from the block and see her get voted out and not get shit from even a moron like Alex?

because it's Alex....the person who watched Xmas vote out her BFF and nominated two other people.  She's an idiot.

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8 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

Seems as though if Kevin wins BB, he'll split the money with Paul. That's against the rules, right?

I really don't get this. Is Kevin trying to sell Paul on the idea of taking him to the F2 or is he for real? Kevin has 7 kids and a wife who I imagine will have some strong opinions on Kevin giving part of his money to a 23 year old trust fund brat.

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I just caught up.  Thank all of you for feed reporting. 

Hard to find words.  Loathsome, repulsive people [Arbor Day, Paul, Alex].  

29 minutes ago, MarysWetBar said:

colour me gob smacked that Paul isn't gay.

It has crossed my mind.  

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Um, it's not best for someone's game if they win F4 HoH? I mean, F3 HoH is obviously the better choice but still. My mind boggles at how these people just accept whatever crap spews out of Paul's mouth. 

At some point -- I think it was maybe last week (well before Jason was evicted, and possibly even before Matt was evicted but I can't be sure) -- Kevin was telling Paul (in regular conversation -- not during a comp) that he really wanted to win HoH so he could get a letter from home and see pictures of his family because he missed them so much.  Paul, instead of offering some sort of comforting, reassuring words to Kevin and making him feel better, said, "I know... but now is not the time."

In Paul's world, it's never the time for Kevin to win HoH -- which is funny and sad, because Kevin still thinks that Paul is on his side, and that he is looking out for Kevin.  Kevin told Josh that he would rather go home than see Paul go home.  So if Paul tells Kevin that "now is not the time" to win HoH, or that a F4 HoH is not best for Kevin's game, Kevin believes it.  I know Kevin is smarter than that in real life, but he is not savvy in the game of Big Brother, and has to rely on these snakes to guide him through it.

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3 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

I know Kevin is smarter than that in real life, but he is not savvy in the game of Big Brother, and has to rely on these snakes to guide him through it.

Yes.  100 likes for your entire post.  

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Not surprised Paul won the veto.   It was his to win.  Look whose left.  Do you actually any of them could beat Paul in any mental comp?

Regarding Jason:  I would bet there is a part of him that does believe what Josh said regarding Paul.  He just doesn't want to admit it because it makes him look like a fool and he doesn't wasn't to admit he was played.  

If they actually show Jason's good bye messages to the jury, there will be an interesting conversation afterwards.  

Alex is really a dumb bunny.  Hope Josh says something to her -- not like it matter much.  

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Kevin's daughters will show him footage and explain what Paul did to him.   This will wipe out his expectation of meeting Paul for Halloween and whatever else he promised.   He will be hurt, horrified and angry but not for long because his daughters have been collecting positive SM feedback for him, too. 

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13 hours ago, zorak said:

Christmas is talking about what will happen if she comes back next year.  I pray it will not happen!

No way should she be allowed back, if she wanted to return she should have left when she broke her foot.

Kevin's still a waste running to Paul over everything.

Edited by Artsda
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15 minutes ago, Artsda said:

No way should she be allowed back, if she wanted to return she should have left when she broke her foot.

Makes me wonder if they promised her a second season if she stayed.  

The only people who should be allowed to come back for another season are Cody, Ramses, Cameron.  

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2 minutes ago, backformore said:

Makes me wonder if they promised her a second season if she stayed.  

The only people who should be allowed to come back for another season are Cody, Ramses, Cameron.  

I will add Dom to that list.  She is a phony in a slimy way.  She made my skin crawl.  

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HAs any contestant in past seasons talked about "coming back"  if they lose?  

That's such a weird thing to say, I sincerely wonder if it wasn't offered to Xmas when she came back after her injury.   She helps Paul win, and she gets her chance next year.    Because really, once she got injured, it would have made sense for her to drop out and come back next year.   But maybe after one person had already walked off, (Megan?)  they wanted Xmas to stick around.  But she, knowing she wasn't going to be at the top of her game, wanted an agreement that she could return next year if she just stuck it out this season. 

Or maybe I'm just looking for conspiracies. 

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10 minutes ago, backformore said:

HAs any contestant in past seasons talked about "coming back"  if they lose?  

That's such a weird thing to say, I sincerely wonder if it wasn't offered to Xmas when she came back after her injury.   She helps Paul win, and she gets her chance next year.    Because really, once she got injured, it would have made sense for her to drop out and come back next year.   But maybe after one person had already walked off, (Megan?)  they wanted Xmas to stick around.  But she, knowing she wasn't going to be at the top of her game, wanted an agreement that she could return next year if she just stuck it out this season. 

Or maybe I'm just looking for conspiracies. 

I think Xmas sort of thinks she'll be a couple with Paul after the show, they'll be Big Brother royalty, and she'll be invited back a la Jeff/Jordan. She has a really warped, skewed view of Paul and Paul's feelings towards her.

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Paul says he told Josh to be sturdy about Alex.  He says he doesn't want to prolong telling Alex he's not using the veto.  Christmas says he should talk to her when he needs to.  I really want them to tell her today so I can see the fallout as it happens.

Paul says if Alex says she wants to campaign to stay Paul will tell her to go for it.  But he says he'll also tell her that he won't make it a tie.  Paul says he wants to go talk to Alex now.

Edited by zorak
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Alex to Paul after hearing him say he doesn't want to use the veto on her:  "I wanted you to win (veto)"  He claimed he wanted her to win the veto so his fate would have been out of his hands.

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She actually admitted that she put Paul over Jason and that's why she's been so bothered lately.  Paul says he hopes that she doesn't think he's trying to screw her.

Alex says Paul will have no problem making it to the final 2 but he will have to take one of the others and she thinks that's shitty.  Paul says he would never have expected her to put Paul before Jason.  He says he would never have made her do that.

She says outside of the game she and Paul will be friends but inside the game it's shitty what he's doing.

Edited by zorak
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Alex says there's no way Christmas and Josh will want to keep her.  Paul says he fucked up and should have won HOH.


Just now, wings707 said:

Does Josh know Paul is telling Alex now?  

Josh was showering and Paul told Christmas to go find him and talk to him so he would be prepared because Paul was going to tell Alex.

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6 minutes ago, zorak said:

She actually admitted that she put Paul over Jason and that's why she's been so bothered lately.  Paul says he hopes that she doesn't think he's trying to screw her.

Alex says Paul will have no problem making it to the final 2 but he will have to take one of the others and she thinks that's shitty.  Paul says he would never have expected her to put Paul before Jason.  He says he would never have made her do that.

She says outside of the game she and Paul will be friends but inside the game it's shitty what he's doing.

That goes to my thing I said a while ago, which is that Paul never understood why Alex was so loyal to him. It always made him kind of nervous, since it never made any sense.

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I would love more than anything for Alex to turn to the camera and say, "Fuck friendship!" as soon as Paul leaves the room.  It would at least let us know that she realizes Paul is full of shit.

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45 minutes ago, backformore said:

HAs any contestant in past seasons talked about "coming back"  if they lose?  

That's such a weird thing to say, I sincerely wonder if it wasn't offered to Xmas when she came back after her injury.   She helps Paul win, and she gets her chance next year.    Because really, once she got injured, it would have made sense for her to drop out and come back next year.   But maybe after one person had already walked off, (Megan?)  they wanted Xmas to stick around.  But she, knowing she wasn't going to be at the top of her game, wanted an agreement that she could return next year if she just stuck it out this season. 

Or maybe I'm just looking for conspiracies. 

I don't think they kept her for Paul, but I do think they likely offered her to play next season if she left early. But perhaps they told her that they'd bring her back regardless.

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Just now, zorak said:

Paul says he will split the vote if that's what Alex wants but then it will fuck Paul's game because Josh will be in the position of having to break the tie and he won't like that.

I am legit shocked that he's being so honest with her. The better play is to lie and tell her that she's safe and then act shocked when she gets voted off.  She's a moron. She'll believe you. 

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Alex says she would not vote Christmas out if Paul pulled Alex off and then Christmas has to go on the block.

Alex's biggest issue with Paul doing this is that she knows that the other 3 are not strong competitors and she feels they don't deserve to go to the end.  She says by doing this, Paul is ensuring that one of the others will at least get second place and they don't even deserve that much. 

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Alex says she would not vote Christmas out if Paul pulled Alex off and then Christmas has to go on the block.

Alex's biggest issue with Paul doing this is that she knows that the other 3 are not strong competitors and she feels they don't deserve to go to the end.  She says by doing this, Paul is ensuring that one of the others will at least get second place and they don't even deserve that much. 

Not getting evicted, no, her biggest issue is an "undeserving" winner. K. 

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Alex says she feels like she listened to everything Paul says and now it's like, "Fuck!"  Alex says she regrets throwing the HOH to Christmas.  She's pissed that Kevin is still there.  She says when she won her last HOH she asked them to vote out Kevin but they didn't.  She says she feels like everything they have done has set up Paul and the other 3 to sweep.

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Yeah, I don't think Paul can talk his way out of this one, which is partially surprising. I can't access the feeds right now, but it sounds like she's not happy with Paul's excuses. He actually has no good reason to give her, and she knows it. I think the best thing to do is to just tell Alex the actual truth, that he has a F3 alliance with Josh and Christmas, and that's why he won't take Alex off the block. 

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Alex is actually being rather clear-minded in this conversation. She's being polite but all that adulation for Paul seems to have melted like the Wicked Witch of the West. 

Things Alex regrets doing now:

1. Not listening to Cody about a Josh/Paul F2 deal.

2. Throwing HoH to Xmas.

3. Throwing veto to Josh.

4. Nominating Raven.

5. Listening to Paul all summer.

Basically, everything. Her body language and tone of voice are totally different now. No longer the girlish mean-girl glee. I don't think she's a sure vote for Paul at all anymore.

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