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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Hey! I was right about them bitching in the Have Not room!

Cody seems to really enjoy the perks of a Have Not without being a Have Not. First slop, then the beds! Does he take cold showers too?

Jason/Kevin talking. LOL at Jason saying that Cody saved Alex. No, Jason, Alex saved Alex. Cody didn't save you because it's you. He doesn't give a shit about you. 

Jason thinks Ramses is the other flip.

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1 minute ago, ifoundit said:

Game over.  Might as well just hand Paul the $500K.   The house is too stupid (or spineless) to see what a threat he is.   Fact is, he will be the first to turn on someone. 

They're dumb, but they're ALWAYS dumb. They'll still likely move on Paul eventually. He doesn't have the connections this year that he did last year.

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Oh, why did they switch from Alex, Matt and Raven to Cody and Jessica? They are so boring and Jessica's sniffs are so loud. Her microphone must be right next to her nose. Maybe it's embedded in a nose piercing. Oh, here is Paul there to comfort Jessica. Time to switch cameras.

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Paul is pushing that 'Ramses is a snake' thing again. I'm telling you, Paul does not want Cody/Jessica gone this week. I don't know how he'll get out of nomming them though. Oh who am I kidding, every single one of these idiots acts like he's Christ or something.

Jason is telling Kevin that Ramses and Josh switched their votes. I know it's a game and you have to do this kinda stuff, but I'm gonna feel bad for Ramses and Josh when people berate them for this when they didn't actually do it lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Cody is not appreciating Paul coming in and trying to comfort Jessica or tell them how this game goes. 

Cody: "She's [Jessica] felt all the exclusion from all the chicks." No! She isolated herself in the HoH. It's her own fault. 

Damn, Jessica. Cry more about the girls not talking to you. I WONDER WHY THAT HAPPENED. But don't worry, because Cody asked Paul to look out for Jessica when Cody is gone because she has no one. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Why does Paul always have to dole out advice? It's super annoying. And no one asked. I hope Jessica goes. It would be interesting to see how Cody is on his own. The 2 of them is nauseating. 

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The tea kettle's whistling and I thought it was something outside my house!  Oh, Paul cut his hands so badly on the chicken wire comp they were bleeding for weeks! (Is his middle name Krissy?)  No matter what camera I turn to, Paul shows up. OK, let's see what Whistlenut's up to.

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Jessica is one of the stranger contestants we've had in a while. A "Queen Bee" type who actively isolates herself from everyone. It's very odd. 

EDITED TO ADD: I guess Amanda was sort of like, as well. It's an odd personality trait.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Okay, Josh got mad at Cody and Jessica for some reason.

Cody: "Josh, would you shut. the fuck. up!"

They want nothing to do with Josh on a personal level. So clearly, between Paul winning and the audio being leaked, someone said something and shit blew the fuck up.

Edited by Callaphera
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Paul just told Elena that she and Raven were going on the block. I'm assuming he was kidding . . . but . . . those of you who heard that, what do you think?

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I am aghast at Cody being an asshole to Josh right now. Like why the fuck would he vote with you? 

ETA: I'm just gonna try to avoid Paul all week, which will likely be impossible becasue Production further up his ass then this cast is, but anyway. I'll just watch the schadenfreude that is Jessica/Cody.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Cody telling Josh to leave. He won't let him talk at all.

Yeah, if Paul doesn't get Cody out this week, we have to suffer through his bullying. Although, on the other hand, it looked like Cody was about to punch Josh in the face....Oohh, we've already had a self evict and almost medical eviction. Can we go three for three with an expulsion?

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10 minutes ago, ifoundit said:

Game over.  Might as well just hand Paul the $500K.   The house is too stupid (or spineless) to see what a threat he is.   Fact is, he will be the first to turn on someone. 

Yeah, this is week 2. Pretty silly to hand it to him now. Cody/Jessica/Jason/Alex/Ramses/Kevin already onto him. And it is only week 2.

Go Kevin! And to think, I thought he might be bad at lying! Lied that he voted out Christmas and it might even help his game. 

Sorry y'all, I think this week could be really interesting.

Edited by Katesus7
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1 minute ago, Michichick said:

Jessica needs to get a tissue and blow her fucking nose before I vomit.

She could do what Cody does to her: rub her nose on the sleeve of his hoodie while he's wearing it. She just smiled vacantly at him when it happened. I gagged a little.

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Just now, Katesus7 said:

Yeah, this is week 2. Pretty silly to hand it to him now. Cody/Jessica/Jason/Alex/Ramses already onto him. And it is only week 2.

Go Kevin! And to think, I thought he might be bad at lying! Lied that he voted out Christmas and it might even help his game. 

Soryy y'all, I think this week could be really interesting.

It's not that I don't think that it will be interesting, as I agree with that. I just wish it wasn't Paul making the decisions. 

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Jessica is still crying . . . honestly, your puppy didn't die.  I guess to continue the Shakespearean theme, this tragic turn of events may doom the young lovers and separate them, alas, too early. When one is in the house and the other out, their hearts will yearn for each other. Cody will write poetry in a little notebook and Jessica will pluck off her fake eyelashes one by one, saying "He loves me, he loves me not."

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

They haven't been yet, I don't think. I guess Paul will choose them tomorrow morning.

Of course Production will let him choose.

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Just now, Artsda said:

Josh got mad at Cody who wasn't even playing in the game? 

Why?!  LOL 

Just now, vb68 said:

Cody looks like he's just itching for a fight

He always does but this time he just may

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I can't piece it all together. At some point, there was yelling between Josh and Cody with lots of f bombs being dropped and that's when Production came in with their warning not to get "nose to nose" with each other. 

1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I want to lay down a bet that Paul's 'genius plan' ends up being him nomming some combo of Alex/Josh/Ramses/Jason as 'pawns.'

Paul: "I need two pawns."

You called it!

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

LMAO wait he's telling them his plan and it's literally for two of 'his team' to be nommed. PLEASE let this backfire on this group!

But Paul is promising them that they will be completely safe! He has enough relationships going in the house with people to guarantee that they're loading the Veto comp with allies to Veto themselves off to back door one of Jessica or Cody. LOL

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Just now, Ceeg said:

Where is Christmas? I haven't seen her anywhere. 

Not sure. My best guess is she's either lying down or DR called her in to check on her foot.

Damn, they really hate Ramses. He could end up going home....which is a stupid idea, by the way. Get out the strong competitor in Cody before you go after Ramses! 

Oh...Paul's plan is putting up two pawns of his own side, winning, and then....getting out Cody? 

He wants to put up Matt/Raven, I think. He wants Raven to stay up. 

The issue is if he pulls Cody's name and he wins, then doesn't use veto. Idiot. 

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He's trying to tie it to the veto competition. He needs two of his teammates with him to play. The odds of Cody playing are very low.

Jeez  he is good. He's the Anti-Cody laying out the whole plan. 

Edited by vb68
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Fuck, I am living for this entire thing. I just need Cody and Jessica to both be picked for veto now. I would roll!

Also hilarious, Paul acting like this is some completely crazy, new plan, when Nakomis did the same thing like 14 years ago.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Was there ever any doubt that Paul's awesome plan would be epically stupid? Put up two pawns, have Jason get picked, win veto, and say "Nah, I'm good".

Meanwhile, the epic romance that is Cody/Jessica lamenting their fate. Oh, the cruelty, the humanity! To possibly be parted! And how dare these people lie to Cody, who fucked them all over! 

Oh, wait, Paul's plan involves Ramses having to nominate himself. But it doesn't have to be this week, right?

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You know, I suddenly don't mind the idea of a dedicated Jessica/Cody cam if they're going to feel the heat this week.

Like they're not going to see through Paul's shitty ass plan of two pawns, win Veto, back door one of the couple. 

1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Oh, wait, Paul's plan involves Ramses having to nominate himself. But it doesn't have to be this week, right?

Within three weeks since the curse. So this week or next. But Ramses has said he plans to nominate himself this week.

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Fuck, I am living for this entire thing. I just need Cody and Jessica to both be picked for veto now. I would roll!

Also hilsrious, Paul acting like this is some completely crazy, new plan, when Nakomis did the same thing like 14 years ago.

Except for Nakomis' plan, didn't she get to pick the veto players so the actual target had no chance in playing?

Paul's not thinking about worst case, with Cody or Jessica winning and not using veto.

If I was Matt or Raven, I'd be expressing these thoughts loudly. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Except for Nakomis' plan, didn't she get to pick the veto players so the actual target had no chance in playing?

Paul's not thinking about worst case, with Cody or Jessica winning and not using veto.

If I was Matt or Raven, I'd be expressing these thoughts loudly. 

That's the thing - that's worst case scenario...for Matt and Raven. Paul's safe another week after this, he doesn't give a shit. 

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Oh, wait, Paul's plan involves Ramses having to nominate himself. But it doesn't have to be this week, right?

Oh, I missed that.  I guess if all else fails.

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9 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Jessica is still crying . . . honestly, your puppy didn't die.  I guess to continue the Shakespearean theme, this tragic turn of events may doom the young lovers and separate them, alas, too early. When one is in the house and the other out, their hearts will yearn for each other. Cody will write poetry in a little notebook and Jessica will pluck off her fake eyelashes one by one, saying "He loves me, he loves me not."


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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The issue is if he pulls Cody's name and he wins, then doesn't use veto. Idiot. 

In that case Ramses goes.  It is not a bad plan at all.  

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