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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Raven says that Alex and Jason's fight this week was fake to provide Alex a cover for Jason keeping the noms the same.  She says, "You can't use reverse psychology on me, motherfucker.  Take that book and shove it up your asshole."

Raven got called to the DR and after she left Matt asked Christmas and Paul if they could please keep Raven under control this week.  Paul said that's why he thinks it would be better if Josh or Christmas win HOH so they could take the shot.  Since Christmas is sitting right there, I hope she's making a mental note that Paul wants her or Josh to get their hands dirty and not Sir Paul or Raven.

Edited by zorak
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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Alex just threw away all the slop. Wow. 

That is such a childish mean trick.  Production will just give him more.  They can't allow him to go without food. 

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Alex just threw away all the slop. Wow. 

Do they really think that production isn't going to give them more? Is their plan to stop every slop delivery and dump it in the garbage before Kevin can touch it? Instead of the Boston Tea Party, it's the Big Brother Slop Party? 

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Matt and Raven don't believe that Alex didn't know Jason was going to keep the noms the same.  Paul says they need to make Alex think they believe what she's selling. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Do they really think that production isn't going to give them more? Is their plan to stop every slop delivery and dump it in the garbage before Kevin can touch it? Instead of the Boston Tea Party, it's the Big Brother Slop Party? 

It's like Evel Dick hiding Jen's clothes. He knew that DR would take her clothes and send them to jury house. He just wanted Jen to walk around in the same tank top and sweats for her last week, knowing her clothes were in the HoH room. It's meanness to be mean. Evel Dick was just one group. This cast is like a group of Evel Dicks all in an alliance together.

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But....color me confused...didn't they, meaning Jason and Alex and Paul, have the decision to use veto and pull down Matt and put up Kevin ????? Are they faking out Matt and Raven? I mean...how dumb when Jason had the power to use veto. It's a lot like the crap Alex and Jason were pulling during the HoH comp. Like they think their contrived silly play crap will fly????

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Raven says if she goes home next week, she's perfectly fine with it.  And Matt and Raven believe that because Jason is a cowboy, his word means more to him than most.  Then Raven goes on to say that Jason isn't actually a cowboy because he's a rodeo clown.  Then Matt brings up Jason breaking Christmas's foot and trying to vote to evict Christmas.

Matt says he went on Jason real hard in the DR for hiding in the storage room.  Ooooh, you're such a badass, Matt.

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2 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

It's like Evel Dick hiding Jen's clothes. He knew that DR would take her clothes and send them to jury house. He just wanted Jen to walk around in the same tank top and sweats for her last week, knowing her clothes were in the HoH room. It's meanness to be mean. Evel Dick was just one group. This cast is like a group of Evel Dicks all in an alliance together.

I get that. But the plan is a little under-developed because while Big Brother may make someone wear the same clothes day in and day out for a week, they're not going to starve someone. So this little stance of defiance that they think they're making is all for naught. It has way less of a psychological impact than they think it will have. So it's really more like they're a group of Diet Evel Dicks. 

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1 minute ago, Hello Lady said:

Kevin is looking for the slop Alex threw out. BB should have stopped that !

That is a terrible thing to do. The bullying is out of hand and Paul just keeps encouraging more. 

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Matt says Kevin is definitely 3rd on the totem pole now.  I assume he means that Jason and Alex are first.  Christmas says Kevin thinks he still has her in his pocket.

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35 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

They could use this season as a teaching example in classes about cults and group behaviour. "This week, the Jonestown Massacre. Next week, BB19 and The Cult of Paul."

This kind of thing happens most seasons, but this season truly takes the cake with it. It's like legit scary.

16 minutes ago, simplyme said:

This level of disgust is not healthy for me.

Right! I don't feel good about myself for watching this.

Kevin is telling Alex/Josh about the slop being thrown away and Alex said Raven might have done it. He's like, "Raven did it?" with a look on his face like he doesn't believe Alex's bullshit. 

Big Brother, I swear, you better pull a rig out and ensure that Kevin wins HOH. This is literally your last chance, Production!

Alex told Kevin that Matt took the penalty vote and is going to just not be a HN anymore. She said he's so bad ass. Matt is about as far from bad ass as you can possibly get. 

Fuck all these people. Like seriously.

Legit, I am considering flying to the finale party just to fucking punch Alex in her face. I admire Kevin for not murdering her tbh.

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


Legit, I am considering flying to the finale party just to fucking punch Alex in her face. I admire Kevin for not murdering her tbh.

Set up a GoFundMe and I'm kicking something in! I assume you would not actually punch her, just tell them all how vile they were and we all know it. 

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Raven says if she wins HOH she will squash that little tiger and make her a baby tiger.  Part of me wants to see Raven win, put up Alex, and let there be a major scream fest between them. 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Raven says if she wins HOH she will squash that little tiger and make her a baby tiger.  Part of me wants to see Raven win, put up Alex, and let there be a major scream fest between them. 

Same. I really need Alex nommed next week and for everyone to start talking about how they wanna fuck her family members while she watches and shit. See how funny she thinks it is then.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Raven says if she wins HOH she will squash that little tiger and make her a baby tiger.  Part of me wants to see Raven win, put up Alex, and let there be a major scream fest between them. 

It's a good thing I can lip read pretty well because my poor ears are cringing in anticipation of that.

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Josh is driving me crazy with this bullshit right now. Like bitch you are a vile thug to people and then you want to cry about your fucking feelings getting hurt. The fuck outta here with that shit!

Kevin needs to just leave this convo. It's doing nothing. Josh and Alex's bullshit would drive me literally insane.

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Jason made Josh leave because he's 'tired of the attacks,' and that he's 'never been a part of them.' And then he proceeds to chastise Kevin for attacking Josh. Am I in a fucking alternate universe right now?!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Raven says if Julie asked Matt what he would have done without Raven in this game, she told Matt to tell Julie he would've been lonely, depressed, and evicted a lot sooner.  If you have to tell someone how to respond to that question, that's pretty pathetic.  Also, Matt says he's so glad he made it to get to see Derrick.  Paul says he thought it was dope that Paul finally got to meet Derrick.  We all know that Paul's face said otherwise until he knew Derrick wasn't coming in as a houseguest.

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Raven said that Alex told her and Matt this week that she and Jason don't have a final 2 deal with each other.  Alex is too stupid for words.  Paul is talking about Jason's speech to Mark and Elena about how Alex has been his girl since day one, etc.  If I'm not mistaken, Jason announced to the house that Alex was his ride or die and actually used those words. 

Raven just said that Alex is a sneaky little bitch.  I want Alex to catch wind of this so bad!

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Raven is asking if it would be more advantageous to throw the next HOH to Christmas this week if it's something Christmas can compete in.  They say yes.  For someone who was criticizing Kevin for not having any blood on his hands, Raven sure doesn't seem to want any on hers. 

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Paul wants everyone to sell to Alex and Jason the notion that they need to throw HOH to Christmas or Josh.  Raven tells Paul that she doesn't care if Paul tells Alex and Jason that he'll put Raven on the block if he wins HOH.

Matt says if Alex and Jason make it to final 2 he will be the first person in BB history to not cast a vote for the winner.  Good luck with that, Matt.  Paul says to not worry because they will not let Alex and Jason be final 2.

Raven was criticizing Jason for previously making a comment about not everyone deserving to be there.  Raven says that everyone deserves to be there but then goes on to say, "except for Kevin".  She is such a hypocrite. 

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5 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Oh dear, Jason's twitter account is apologizing. Mrs. Jason must not be happy.

"He totally shouldn't have said it and we're sorry. But it was said in jest and taken out of context, so it's kinda sorta not a big deal. Sorry not sorry."

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Paul says maybe he should write a book and call it Friendship.  Give me a freaking break.

Chapter 1: Pots and Pans

Chapter 2: Taunting Someone About Their Kids

Chapter 3: Dumping out Slop

Chapter 4: Handing me the 500k

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All I can think is how glad I am that Mark is out of that house right now. You know Mark would have said something about this because that's the way he operates, and I can't imagine how much more he'd get screamed at and harassed.

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Alex has returned to the HOH room and hears Kevin bitching about the slop being thrown out.

Alex to Kevin:   "You're complaining over nothing.  Why are you getting so worked up about this?"  Nice try at deflecting, Alex.  I want Kevin to find out that Alex is the one who really threw the slop out.

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Alex is so passive aggressive.  Jason was telling Kevin where to find the slop in the storage room and told him he'd put a pot on the stove for it.  Alex said, "Jason, he's a big boy.  Don't baby him."  I know that Alex has complained a lot privately to various people that Kevin tries to play the helpless old man to get everyone else to cook for him, but I can't stand her and her passive aggressive bullshit.  After Kevin left the kitchen to go to the storage room Jason gives Alex a knowing look and says gleefully, "He's going to commit suicide."

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Alex literally has thrown a fit about her cat eats being hidden and her coke being thrown out. Not to mention SCREAMING at Cody about Cereal that he ate that she said he could eat. 

But Kevin needs to get over it?

Go kick some rocks Alex. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I just want to know how the fuck anyone could take what Jason said out of context? He said he'd fuck Kevin's wife while Kevin's daughters watched (the daughters that he's lying about, of course, because Kevin doesn't have kids, he has brothers and a single sister). The only way you couldn't is if he was repeating someone else's words but I would think that people, including the person repeating those words (Jason) wouldn't be giggling gleefully when recounting the story. 

Out of context, my ass. Out of everything that happened this afternoon, why is it that the "out of context and in jest" series of tweets is what's pissing me off the most?

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6 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I wonder whatever happened to Alex to make her such a hateful person. That rosary bead is certainly not helping her.

She's such a hateful disgusting person. 

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