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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Another day where I miss a lot of shit lol.

I still hate both Christmas and Matt. Matt's manner of speaking drives me up a wall.

I am so confused by why all these people think Cody is so unhinged that he would punch them, yet they're fine with Josh and they don't seem to be worried Mark is going to kill them all when both Josh and Mark have gotten into far scarier fights than Cody. 

2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Raven: I trust Paul.
Matt: ... *two seconds later* I do too! 100%!

Maybe just an inconvenient pause but....he did pause.

Matt probably wants to break free from Paul, but he is very weak. Now, if someone else starts a campaign to evict him Matt will probably jump right on board, but he won't do anything himself. He's a follower.

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1 minute ago, Michichick said:

Nooooooo, why is Jessica talking to Cody about her deal with Paul regarding Alex going on the block? She cannot possibly believe that Paul or anyone would honor that deal.

She will use the hex.  She sees the deal is BS, she was just telling Cody what her plan B is if he wants to go home. 

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I am a news junkie. I switch between watching the news and reading these posts constantly. In either case I can't help myself. I admit, I am weak. But I have just had a revelation. 

There is only one House in the land, love it or loathe it, that has had more evictions than the Big Brother house. One in, One out, One out, One in , One out...... And so it goes. You tell me White House? Or Big Brother house?  

I'm not trying to be political, I'm just trying to share something I think is funny and ironic, especially since I know more about what's going on in the Big Brother house than I do what's going on in the White House .

Philosophically speaking, it's sort of an " as above, so below" situation.

Edited by Skycatcher
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Josh: (as Cody walks to storage): I'm not gonna attack you personally because I'm a bigger man....but I'm gonna torment you until you self evict.

The best thing Jody decided to do is ignore Josh. This can't make the guy happy to be ignored. 

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Josh: "I just wanna have fun. I just wanna have some lighthearted humour. I just want a laugh."

Bullying is now fun, lighthearted humour, and laughable. I'm learning so much from this house this season.

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Raven just tried to tell Matt that she didn't want to play in the last temptation challenge and put herself at risk for going on the block because she says people would have tried to vote her out if she was on the block.  She said nobody wants to go up against a sick girl in the end and she knew that it would make her a target coming into this game.  If she really believes this, why would she ram her illness down everyone's throat?  I get that it would be impossible to hide the pacemaker but she could have explained what it was for just once and left it at that.

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

ROFL. Jody is just ignoring Josh and making out instead. Like, they just don't care about Josh anymore. I'm not on Josh cams but I can't tell if he's getting pissed off about being ignored or not.

He went to the memory wall, he can't handle adult sex..

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Huh. Kevin just walked out of the bathroom without washing his hands. Jessica commented on it and Cody confessed that he washed his hands before taking a piss because "he cleans his dick in the shower and he'd rather not have his dirty hands from everywhere else touch his dick". Ok? 

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10 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

I am a news junkie. I switch between watching the news and reading these posts constantly. In either case I can't help myself. I admit, I am weak. But I have just had a revelation. 

There is only one House in the land, love it or loathe it that has had more evictions then the Big Brother house. One in, One out, One out, One in , One out...... And so it goes. You tell me White House? Or Big Brother house?  

I'm not trying to be political, I'm just trying to share something I think is funny and ironic, especially since I know more about what's going on in the Big Brother house then I do what's going on in the White House .

Ha ha ha ha!  I do the same thing.  White House wins!  

Kevin is a breath of fresh air.  Nifty man.  

Edited by wings707
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Paul told Alex and Jason to provoke Cody and that he'd join in when Cody started going off. LOL. Alex and Jason told him to do it himself because they think Cody'd react to that and Paul just ran away in fear basically. He is so chicken shit. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Raven just told Christmas and Elena that the reason she doesn't like people fighting is that she was sexually abused.  Then she started crying.  I know her newest thing has been talking about being abused but has she ever said it was sexual abuse before this?

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2 hours ago, F. M. said:

Once the drama leaves, people will drop BB, just wait,!!

In my case, the sole reason I only watch the live eviction episode is because of Paul. Thanks to this thread I already know what's happened and it's easier to keep my blood pressure down if I only have to see/hear him on TV once a week. I'll read the other episode threads just to make sure I didn't miss something and, if not, then delete it from my TiVo. So my viewership will actually go UP if, by some miracle, he leaves the house.

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Paul and his gang have just gotten right down PATHETIC. Like I can't even love to hate any of them because they are just that sad. Devising this whole elaborate plan to get Cody to pop off? Thats the only way you can get him out of the house? Having him get violent? I pray Paul goes home next week.

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Raven doesn't like confrontation! Raven doesn't want to see people get hurt because she's been hurt! It could get physical! Oh noes!

Oh, wait, who was up in the HoH room backing Paul's plan to make Cody snap and get physical? Hmm...

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Raven gives her abuse rap to Christmas and Elena now.  She is using Cody as a trigger. They pulled her into a room alone with them, yadda yadda yadda.    She just never stops. 

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57 minutes ago, wings707 said:

She will use the hex.  She sees the deal is BS, she was just telling Cody what her plan B is if he wants to go home

Luckily, thankfully, he doesn't want to anymore.

13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Oh, wait, who was up in the HoH room backing Paul's plan to make Cody snap and get physical? Hmm...

Josh, Christmas, Jason, Matt, Raven, and Alex.  Kevin and Elena wanted no part of it.  Which shows they're good, decent people, in my books.

Edited by Star Aristille
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30 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Paul told Alex and Jason to provoke Cody and that he'd join in when Cody started going off. LOL. Alex and Jason told him to do it himself because they think Cody'd react to that and Paul just ran away in fear basically. He is so chicken shit. 

See. They don't blindly follow his orders !

I want to root for those two LOL

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I really need Jess or Cody to win HOH this week. This season is almost lost for me, and I don't think I can handle another week of Paul's Power Trip. 

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So who all is in on this Torment Cody plan? Josh and Paul? And I guess Xmas will say some passive aggressive crap about his military service.  Is that it? I don't expect Matt, Raven, Kevin, Jason, Marlena, and probably Alex to do anything.

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Just now, Ceeg said:

I really need Jess or Cody to win HOH this week. This season is almost lost for me, and I don't think I can handle another week of Paul's Power Trip. 

Would Elena be okay, too?

Just now, F. M. said:

So who all is in on this Torment Cody plan? Josh and Paul? And I guess Xmas will say some passive aggressive crap about his military service.  Is that it? I don't expect Matt, Raven, Kevin, Jason, Marlena, and probably Alex to do anything.

Josh, Christmas, Matt, Raven, Jason, and Alex are all in on the plan.  But only Josh is actively doing anything.  Which tells me that most of the others were only saying they'd be down with the plan to mollify Paul, but didn't really want to do it.

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That's what is so funny about this, they're so OBVIOUSLY going to come off like monsters that the game's biggest imbecile can even see it!

Outside of Evil Dick, has anyone done the "torment another houseguest and get a good edit out of it" routine? I'm honestly unsure. There's probably someone that I'm not thinking of, but I think that in general they get pretty bad edits when this happens. Because it's super gross.

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2 hours ago, gunderda said:

Now they are questioning Cody's military tags.  Cody said he has to cover it because his social security number is on there.  Jason says that's BS and a social security number shouldn't be on there.  So Jason thinks they are someone else's.  Which they very might well be.  My friend asked me awhile back if I knew if Cody was wearing his dog tags or his brother's (that died).  If Cody has not talked about his brother it would make sense as to why he wanted the dog tags covered.  But then my friend also thought they would cover them because of his social security number being on there and she's in the air guard so i think she would know?

Jessica is telling Matt now how it was frustrating how when Jason was in talking to them, 3 of them came in trying to get Jason away from them. 

Do they not know what dog tags are? Of course they have his social. They also have his blood type and religious affiliation. They are used to ensure proper medical care, last rites, and correct identification of bodies.

I am fairly disgusted with the house at the moment.

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28 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Outside of Evil Dick, has anyone done the "torment another houseguest and get a good edit out of it" routine? I'm honestly unsure. There's probably someone that I'm not thinking of, but I think that in general they get pretty bad edits when this happens. Because it's super gross.

Don't know about a good edit, but at the very least, Russell's torment of Ronnie in BB11 was edited with the storyline siding with the former after Ronnie went chickenshit and broke his word to several of the houseguests during his HoH.

Edited by Star Aristille
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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I'm just interested to see how CBS plays this for the episodes. Will they go against making Paul look good or will they expose him for  the weakling he is?

I would love it if they made him look horrible after his entitled demands to production.

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Ah, the good old Big Brother groupthink. Dom is probably sitting at home laughing her ass off. The good thing about this "plan" of Paul's is that he doesn't have any desire to do any of it himself, because Cody ain't a chick. Josh is ridiculous and worthless, and isn't going to do anything. And the rest of these people are lazy or secretly think it's stupid. 

Once they get the yard back, this will all get back to being a stupid "plan" Paul talks about constantly, and everyone tunes out, much like they've learned to do with Raven.

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3 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Depends. I think she'd stick with Paul, but she probably wouldn't put up Jessica. She'd probably put up Cody, though. 

I don't think Elena is that trusting of Paul anymore.  And she wouldn't risk the progress she's finally starting to make with Jessica by putting up Cody unless Jessica was okay with it.  I've seen that Elena has a spine and a mind of her own.  No way she'd just let herself or her HoH be controlled by Paul.

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8 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

That's what is so funny about this, they're so OBVIOUSLY going to come off like monsters that the game's biggest imbecile can even see it!

Outside of Evil Dick, has anyone done the "torment another houseguest and get a good edit out of it" routine? I'm honestly unsure. There's probably someone that I'm not thinking of, but I think that in general they get pretty bad edits when this happens. Because it's super gross.

No one that I can think of. It's not even a case of a bad editing... it's just the reality of the situation.  A houseguest who torments another houseguest nonstop for no reason is going to come across as a dickhead and rightfully so. 

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10 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Lol so now Cody is a coward because he doesnt want to be in the same room as them? These people have gotten delusional.

I think thats smart of him

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Paul is so full of shit in this conversation he's having with Cody and Jessica.

I'll say.  Jesus. 

Just now, F. M. said:

What's he saying??

I didn't say anything at the veto ceremony.  I didn't tell Jason to say what he did.   Innocent.  Who me?  And the conversation goes on with Paul playing the, I had nothing to do with anything stance.  

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