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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Paul:  "I don't have to lie to you."  Except he is still lying to her.

Alex:  "I'm so stupid."  Ding ding ding.  We have a winner.

Alex says she would still take Paul to the end even if she knew she would come in 2nd to him.

Alex says she's pissed because this move is securing a loss for her.

Paul claims he will see what he can do and try to get in Christmas's and Josh's head.  Alex says both of them feel they can beat Kevin so it's a lost cause.  Paul says he will still try.

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Paul offers some bullshit about trying to get Josh and Xmas to keep Alex. 

Alex cuts him off rather abruptly. "They've already expressed to me that they think they can beat Kevin and that's what they want to do."

Yeah, I guess even Alex has a limit in how much of Paul's bullshit she can take.

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Just now, zorak said:

Alex says she set herself up for this and she set Jason up for going home.  Paul says to not blame herself but she does.

She should, she's an idiot who has been working for 2nd place at best for the entire season. 

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Paul says he's confident that Alex will get America's Favorite Player.  He says she knows that's not what she wants to hear.  She says, "No, that's not making it better so let's not talk about that."

He doesn't want Alex to think he's fucking her over for selfish reasons.  She tells him that that's honestly how it feels.

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12 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Alex is actually being rather clear-minded in this conversation. She's being polite but all that adulation for Paul seems to have melted like the Wicked Witch of the West. 

Things Alex regrets doing now:

1. Not listening to Cody about a Josh/Paul F2 deal.

2. Throwing HoH to Xmas.

3. Throwing veto to Josh.

4. Nominating Raven.

5. Listening to Paul all summer.

Basically, everything. Her body language and tone of voice are totally different now. No longer the girlish mean-girl glee. I don't think she's a sure vote for Paul at all anymore.

The penny dropped, too bad, so sad. You were used and you are screwed over

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Alex says Christmas will not lay down for this because she wants to win more than ever.

Paul says it's not a situation of him not wanting to go to the end with Alex because he'll lose.  Except that is pretty much what he has been telling her.

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Alex keeps saying "We don;t have to talk about this anymore, Paul." And Paul still keeps talking. Sometimes he can be so poor at reading cues.

Paul says it would "crush my soul" to go to the F2 and lose again. PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN.

Edited by Growsonwalls
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Paul claims his soul would be crushed if he went to the end and came in 2nd again.  Please let this happen!

Just now, Growsonwalls said:

Paul says it would "crush my soul" to go to the F2 and lose again. PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN.

Great minds think alike!

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Alex is going to let this conversation with Paul sit and marinate. She will get madder and more bitter by the day as she realized how she allowed him to screw her. But she'll be madder it screwed Jason over. As evil as she is, she does love Jason.

If she has any strategic bone in her body, she'll play it cool allowing Paul to throw her a sympathy vote but work with Josh to break the tie in her favor. She has to have two brain cells to make this work, so no. I am not optimistic 

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11 minutes ago, Artsda said:

I'm laughing at Alex realizing Cody is right.

Yes.  This is a little gem. 

Finally Alex get that she has been screwed from the get go.  Good.  She deserves this.  

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2 minutes ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

If she has any strategic bone in her body, she'll play it cool allowing Paul to throw her a sympathy vote but work with Josh to break the tie in her favor. She has to have two brain cells to make this work, so no. I am not optimistic 

Paul would never do that.  

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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

think Xmas sort of thinks she'll be a couple with Paul after the show, they'll be Big Brother royalty, and she'll be invited back a la Jeff/Jordan. She has a really warped, skewed view of Paul and Paul's feelings towards her.

Xmas is on the rebound from her last relationship, which may have been a rebound from the engagement before.  She needs to deal with why she picks certain men.

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Alex still hasn't connected the dots that Paul, Christmas, and Josh are in an alliance.  She did say that Jason might not want to vote for Paul because he'll think Paul was responsible for his eviction.  Alex says Paul will still have her vote.  NOOOOOO!

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6 minutes ago, zorak said:

It really burns Alex that she's going out before Kevin.

and it's that hatred that blinded her and ruined her game.  she could have got Xmas out.

and I really hope she can't convince Jason who to vote for.  though I'm sure they will think that only a superior player could have taken them out since they both thought so highly of themselves.

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Paul says he took all the heat but that he told her he was going to try to get them to keep her.  Josh asked why Paul took all the heat.

Paul's "sad" face.  Funny that it took him all of 2 seconds to turn off the tears and be completely calm while talking to Josh and Christmas.

Paul's sad face.png

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Paul says Josh and Christmas have to give Alex a firm no on keeping her in the game.  He doesn't think Alex will approach them because she's convinced they won't keep her. But really I still think this sets up Christmas and Josh as bad guys as well even though Paul is trying to spin it as he is the bad guy for keeping her on the block in the first place.

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Paul says he thinks he should tell Alex he promised Josh a final 2 to try to get Josh to change his mind about keeping Alex.  Christmas says she doesn't think Paul should say that unless Alex comes to her with that idea because she says Paul shouldn't get Alex's hopes up.  Again, if Paul says this to Alex, it will make Josh look like the bad guy again.

Josh is in the APSR talking to the camera.

Josh says it makes him mad that he can't be honest with Alex because he's trying to protect his allies but they (meaning Paul) are being manipulative.  He's not happy that Paul is still trying to make Alex think he's in her corner.

Josh says the way it's being done is not fair.

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Paul and Christmas tried to separately come into the APSR and Josh keeps telling them he needs a minute.

Josh says everyone else is trying to cover their bases and protect their game but when he wants to do something to protect his game they jump on him.

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Kevin, who watched Jack shit, tells Paul he is the best player of all seasons.   Oh good god.  Is this season really going to end or are we all caught in a time warp like Ground Hog Day.  

Edited by wings707
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5 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Kevin, who watched Jack shit, tells Paul he is the best player of all seasons.   Oh good god.  Is this season really going to end or are we all caught in a time warp like Ground Hog Day.  

Kevin, suck up all you want, he's taking Josh to the end!

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I can't at Paul trying to make it out like he has it so much harder than Josh. Bitch, please!

When Christmas and Paul tried to come into the room and Josh told them he 'needed a minute' I decided that I for sure am actually rooting for Josh to win. They need to make F4 veto some kind of meatball comp, dammit.

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Paul got called to the DR and as he was leaving he told Josh to tell people he just needs some time to himself so they don't bug him.  He already said he needed a minute but Paul couldn't resist horning his way back in to give Josh an earful.  But now that he's tried his mindfuckery on Josh he wants Josh to be by himself. 

Josh came out of the APSR and tried talking to Alex.  She told him Paul told her he wasn't going to use the veto on her.  Josh wants to talk to her and she says she doesn't want to talk to him.  Now Josh is crying in the kitchen by himself.

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Paul is smart to want josh for his F2, josh isn't going to get a single vote against Paul. No way. I just have to hope Josh somehow wins the last HOH. But I'm not sure he could beat Christmas in votes either. Basically, Josh is screwed either way, even though he's won more comps on his own merits and has been the only one onto Paul's game. 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Josh is trying to talk to Alex but she doesn't want to because she doesn't want to cry. And now Josh is bawling lol.

Josh loses me with his bawling, just say what you have to say. The crying game ain't working!

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5 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Paul is smart to want josh for his F2, josh isn't going to get a single vote against Paul. No way. I just have to hope Josh somehow wins the last HOH. But I'm not sure he could beat Christmas in votes either. Basically, Josh is screwed either way, even though he's won more comps on his own merits and has been the only one onto Paul's game. 

I think he could beat Christmas, if he boots Paul. That would gain him a lot of credibility with the jury.

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