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Jessica should promise Paul that she won't use the Hex. And then use it and tell him oh I had reasons to change my mind at the last minute, just like you supposedly changed your mind last minute about Ramses.

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I love that Jessica held power over Paul in that conversation. He couldn't have been happy to be challenged like that. She literally holds all the power right now and Paul HATES it. 

Paul: I can't promise anything.
Jessica: Well, you better promise me this or else no deal and we're safe another week.

Loving it so much.

Paul telling Matt about the conversation. Of course Paul thinks if they lie to Jessica and tell her that they will have Alex as a target that she'll not use the hex. Paul called her stupid. Well, I think she's just playing with him because it's fun. There's no way she doesn't use the hex because she may have made stupid moves, but she's not a stupid person.

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Paul is talking to Matt and says that they just need to get everyone in the room with Jess (except for Kevin, Josh, Jason, and Alex) and promise they'll get Alex out but that Paul has no intentions of honoring it.  They just need to tell her what she wants to hear in the moment.

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14 hours ago, TimWil said:

I wouldn't be too sure of that if I were you. Paul is slighter and more agile than Cody. And yeah, he might be a "rich boy from the Valley" but I think he's got something of a street fighter about him.

Hahahahahahahaha. Paul? Street fighter? Do you really believe that? Paul is a little sissy and Cody would crush him with one hand tied behind his back. I would put all my money on it.

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2 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Jessica should promise Paul that she won't use the Hex. And then use it and tell him oh I had reasons to change my mind at the last minute, just like you supposedly changed your mind last minute about Ramses.

High Five! 

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Paul telling Matt about the conversation. Of course Paul thinks if they lie to Jessica and tell her that they will have Alex as a target that she'll not use the hex. Paul called her stupid. Well, I think she's just playing with him because it's fun. There's no way she doesn't use the hex because she may have made stupid moves, but she's not a stupid person.

Agreed.  I think Jess can see through his BS.  

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Just now, LGGirl said:

Oh I'd love to see Paul agree to sacrificing Alex and someone tips her off. 

Knowing Alex she would be fine with it.

"I'll sacrifice my game for Paul. He deserves it."

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1 minute ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Why wouldn't you tell Alex about it? All it takes is one of Marlena or Jody to go and tell her what was said and that's that. Paul is way overcomplicating this. 

I think if this happens, Paul will tell Alex, Jason, Kevin, and Josh what's going on because I think he's smart enough to know that if he doesn't, it will blow up in his face.   But that might be giving Paul too much credit.

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3 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I swear, if Jessica believes any promises from Paul I will lose it. How many times does he need to hoodwink her before she gets it?

I agreed. I hope to God she's just toying with him and had no intentions of actually believing him 

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Meh. Even if Alex found out and Paul didn't tell her, he'd just tell her afterwards that he only said that to play Jessica and that he had no intent of getting rid of her. And just like a minion, she'd buy it. 

Jessica just needs to lie to his face and then use the Hex. He's already planning to backstab Jessica the moment Cody's out of the house, anyway. 

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4 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Knowing Alex she would be fine with it.

"I'll sacrifice my game for Paul. He deserves it."

It boggles my mind why anyone would go on BB to just throw the win to someone else?  I don't get it.   

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Now Paul is convincing Jason that this plan can work.  He says Alex needs to go up as a pawn and Jason agrees that Alex can go up against Mark to make it look like they plan on honoring the deal.  I hope it blows up in Paul's and Alex's face.  He says he will talk to Alex later.  It'll be interesting to see what Alex's reaction to this plan is.  She'll probably agree to it.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Now Paul is convincing Jason that this plan can work.  He says Alex needs to go up as a pawn and Jason agrees that Alex can go up against Mark to make it look like they plan on honoring the deal.  I hope it blows up in Paul's and Alex's face.  He says he will talk to Alex later.  It'll be interesting to see what Alex's reaction to this plan is.  She'll probably agree to it.

I can imagine how it'll go:

Paul: Go up as a pawn.
Alex: Ok, I trust you.
Jason: But a pawn could go home.
Alex: *punches Jason repeatedly* I. TRUST. PAUL. HE. WOULD. NEVER. BETRAY. ME. SHUT. UP. DUMMY.

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Jessica is asking Cody if what Paul said is true about Cody telling Matt that Alex and Jason needed to stay in the game to take out Jessica and Raven.  He's denying it.  She says Matt didn't tell her anything about it when she just went to talk to him.

Jessica is stuck on why Cody would leave Alex and Jason in the game.  He says it's because he wanted to flip the house and get Paul out.

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11 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I hope Paul is overplaying right now and it blows up in his face. He'd be better off to shut his big mouth and accept that his HOH is a waste.

No no no no no no, keep going Paul.  You have started the hole now dig it deeper.  You can do it!  Just keep talking!

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Cody is telling her that she's going to have decide who she wants to believe. 

Cody:  "Jessica, if you don't believe me, then you will never believe me about anything."

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jessica is asking Cody if what Paul said is true about Cody telling Matt that Alex and Jason needed to stay in the game to take out Jessica and Raven.  He's denying it.  She says Matt didn't tell her anything about it when she just went to talk to him.

Matt had the perfect reaction.  He said it all with his silence. 

Cody is now admitting that some conversation MAY have taken place on the first day.  hmmm ummmm   She is not buying it Marine boy.  

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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

Cody is now admitting that some conversation MAY have taken place on the first day.  hmmm ummmm   She is not buying it Marine boy.  

She knew about this conversation. Cody had told her.

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A prayer to the BB higher ups. Let Jessica use the Hex and then one of them go out and win the HOH. And leave Josh safe, dont go near him, jeopardize another player.


Cody says all I have is my loyalty and if they are going after that ? 

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Paul is telling Jess he needs an answer sooner rather than later because if he leaves Jason on the block, it might look suspicious.

Mark is telling Jess to not use something that Cody allegedly said in week one against him.

Mark is promising Jess that he will keep her safe like a little sister in this game.

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Jessica:  "Babe, I don't like seeing you like this."

He's telling her she can find someone else to distrust.

What did she expect his reaction would be when she questioned his trust?

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Mark did a good job talking Jessica down about the bullshit comment of Cody wanting to use Alex/Jason to take out Jess, and agreeing with Cody it was a random week one "thing" with the bros. Which is why Matt was silent about it when she asked him, because he knew it was a bullshit comment in week one and that's why it wasn't relevant. Loved Paul getting pissy at Matt not bullshitting her.

And now Cody is having a little hissy fit. Because he truly is the worst.

Edited by Katesus7
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I was thinking of a way to improve the game. I'm sure I didn't invent the idea, so if I stole anyone's idea, I'm sorry. Here we go: tie weekly pay to time in house. First in jury gets X dollars per week. Second gets X+250 dollars per week (or something like that). And so on.

Pre-jury evictees also get X dollars per week. It makes for an incentive to stay in the house to get more $$. This might cut down on the people who just want to make jury and don't really care about the game. And there's a lot of those.

And either get rid of Have-nots or make it interesting. Bring back reward challenges. This business of volunteering to be a HN is just so stupid and millenial. Make them work for the game. What they are doing is boring.

I'm cranky today.

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Cody is completely devastated by Jessica's distrust and lack of loyalty . For her to question his slays him. I can see where he is coming from.  She did exhibit distrust and a willingness to take someone less word over his. He has nothing left. He told her she lost him in the yard.

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Cody is really bent out of shape that Jessica questioned his loyalty.  She was trying to calm him down and it wasn't working.  She tells him he's overreacting.  He just walked out and she called him a fucking child. It'll be interesting to see if they kiss and make up before eviction night or any deals with Paul are made. 

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A lot of time until Thursday but if he is truly done with her, it may het her chances of getting a deal out of this.  Since Cody just wants to leave, they don't need her to not use the Hex.For the love of BB will someone oases get Paul on the block !

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Just now, Skycatcher said:

Or is Cody just working on his plan to turn her away from him rather than sacrificing her game for him? 

I think she hurt him very deeply . He just got called to DR. Maybe they can cool him off. But I can't blame him for being mad that Jess takes everyone's word but his.

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30 minutes ago, Artsda said:

She knew about this conversation. Cody had told her.

It was really early on in the game

3 minutes ago, missyb said:

I think she hurt him very deeply . He just got called to DR. Maybe they can cool him off. But I can't blame him for being mad that Jess takes everyone's word but his.

He thinks the world of her, he really does. BTW google pictures of Cody..so different than in this house, happy and smiling

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I don't blame Cody for his hissy fit, she let Paul questioning Cody wanting her out get to her. Which is moronic for her to even entertain when days ago she was convincing him to let her use the hex.

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9 minutes ago, zorak said:

Cody is really bent out of shape that Jessica questioned his loyalty.  She was trying to calm him down and it wasn't working.  She tells him he's overreacting.  He just walked out and she called him a fucking child. It'll be interesting to see if they kiss and make up before eviction night or any deals with Paul are made. 

God, I hope not. They're showing signs already for a dysfunctional relationship - and yeah, it's kinda shitty to jump to that conclusion because Big Brother isn't Real Life but still.

Cody spouting manipulative shit and shoving his stuff into a bag every time Jessica becomes a little critical or questions him about something? Jessica taking something like The Lie and making it into a much bigger deal than it really has to be?

Yeah, really rosy future for those two. 

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