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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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How the fuck is Josh allowed to still go talk/rile up Mark? Jesus fucking Christ.

How am I feeling bad for Mark right now? This is Josh bullying Mark, and production seemed to give more of a speech to Mark than him.

This is just not entertaining for me. Mark may have done some wrong things, but this may be nearing Amanda/Elissa levels of "entertainment'. 

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We're heading to that point in a lot of seasons (not every season, but a lot of them) where normally nice people like Christmas just get so lost in the game that they don't realize that what they're doing isn't right. It isn't right to be egging Josh on to do shit like this. I mean, fuck Jessica and Cody, they suck, but you don't egg on Lenny from Of Mice and Men and act like that that's just strategy. Yet this game can really mess with your head and make you think that this is okay behavior.

BB15 was definitely like that and that season was super gross (same with BB9). This isn't at the level of those seasons, but it's in the vicinity of them. 

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2 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Mark doesn't look happy.

He looks absolutely miserable. Production seemed to give him a very stern talking to. He hasn't said a word since he came out from DR, I don't think. I don't think he expected any of this to happen when he signed up for the game. The fact that Josh can taunt him to his face, literally inches away, and he can't do a thing to stop him has to be very difficult. And seeing everyone else laughing at it happening can't be easy either. This really may not be the game for him. I think Josh and Mark literally can't be in the same house for much longer. Josh, unless production punishes him, won't stop since he's not breaking any rules, and Mark can't do a thing to stop him. 

It's a sucky situation all around. 

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Elena says she feels comfortable with her relationship with Paul but not with the others.  Paul tells her it's repairable.  Josh is now out of the DR.

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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Josh out of the DR. They told him to stop.

His response? "I'm not provoking a fight." Bull fucking shit, you aren't. You know what you're doing. 

I don't know why I'm getting heated over this. This whole thing is stupid.

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Just now, zorak said:

Paul: "Raven I'm sick of you're fake fucking disease."  I think there's some truth behind that.

Paul has been told to mix it up, lots of complaints about boring..

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Christ Almighty Paul has every single one of these people wrapped around his thumb. He literally just summoned Raven downstairs to help him cook his steak.

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Just now, zorak said:

Paul continues to insist that Josh will get America's Favorite Player.

I don't think he will. At least online, a good portion don't like him while the rest think he's hilarious. I don't think the casuals will like him all that much, especially since he was already shown as being in the wrong for the first major Mark/Josh fight.

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Jessica and Cody wouldn't last 5 seconds outside the house. She would never go for somebody like him. She is Miss Boston 2012, after all! 

Matt is so so so gross. I can't stand watching him lick every bowl with his fingers. He practically licks the metal off the bowl. Yuck!

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Christmas is going to talk with Jessica. 

And Christmas just admitted that Paul basically made the choice on his own, to find out the temptation. 

She's doing a better job than Paul at comforting Jessica and letting her know what's up.

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13 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Am I the only one who has in the back of my mind a vision of a well dressed musical group on stage doing some kind of a time step  whenever I read this? Or maybe in this case one single gentleman doing a timestep. 

Doowop, shadoo.........

Of course he did. I can't even remember what it was, but I think Jess, given their situation, has the better Temptation (Doowop sha doobie doo)

Nope, every damn time I read it I think of the late David Ruffin.

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Christmas is spilling some truth to Jessica, telling her about her isolation with Cody, her game being ruined from Cody's actions first week and Jessica's reaction to it, and the house feeling uncomfortable with Jody's superiority. 

And this is why I love Christmas. She really does seem her age; she knows a lot and knows how to talk to people. She doesn't take bullshit, but she doesn't try to give too much bullshit. Her way of going about it may make people feel uncomfortable and defensive, but it's a truly honest gameplay. Of course, she's really falling for the mob mentality when she's in the group, but when she's solo with another, she's quite intelligent and has a very strong social game. Jessica is actually listening and conversing with her.

ETA: My secret love for Christmas/Jess soars as they admit that they want to be friends outside of the game. They even admitted that they've been pissed at each other. Am I a fool for buying this friendship and want them to be a team together with Elena? 

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Christmas is spilling some truth to Jessica, telling her about her isolation with Cody, her game being ruined from Cody's actions first week and Jessica's reaction to it, and the house feeling uncomfortable with Jody's superiority. 

And this is why I love Christmas. She really does seem her age; she knows a lot and knows how to talk to people. She doesn't take bullshit, but she doesn't try to give too much bullshit. Her way of going about it may make people feel uncomfortable and defensive, but it's a truly honest gameplay. Of course, she's really falling for the mob mentality when she's in the group, but when she's solo with another, she's quite intelligent and has a very strong social game. Jessica is actually listening and conversing with her.

Yeah, that's what makes it sadder when she throws in with the group. 

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Jessica is telling Christmas that the hex means nobody is going home.

Now Christmas is saying maybe Jess should consider just sending Cody home.

Edited by zorak
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So, I know Jody could reunite before the end of the week, but I am just going to enjoy Jess separating herself from Cody and being besties with Christmas. I know that Jessica caused a lot of her own troubles this past week on herself, but I do kind of like her and want her to get further than Raven, Alex, Josh, Mark, Cody, and Paul.

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Christmas is trying to plant the seeds for a way to get Jess to not use the hex.  Jessica says that Cody is the only person she can trust.  Christmas tells her that keeping Cody by her side ensures that nobody will trust her.

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31 minutes ago, windtrix said:

Matt is so so so gross. I can't stand watching him lick every bowl with his fingers. He practically licks the metal off the bowl. Yuck!

He just wants to enjoy every last bit of that spoogey goodness!

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Jess told Christmas that she told Paul what the hex is. He didn't tell you?  Christmas finessed it.  She didn't, she eluded.  Christmas now thinks Paul knows but is keeping it to himself.  This is good.  Christmas has another thing in her basket to go after Paul when it is possible.  

Raven now tell Matt she is not dying.  OY.  They both have horrific table manners and neither is very bright.  This may be the love match Jess and Cody thought they were.  HA!  

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Raven just brought a plate of cookies to Jess and hugged her.  Now she's reporting to Paul that Jess has been crying and Christmas is consoling her.  Paul and Raven high fived.  Paul is giddy at the prospect that Cody will go home during his HOH for the 2nd time.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Raven just brought a plate of cookies to Jess and hugged her.  Now she's reporting to Paul that Jess has been crying and Christmas is consoling her.  Paul and Raven high fived.  Paul is giddy at the prospect that Cody will go home during his HOH for the 2nd time.

At this point, since Cody can't get out Paul or will even attempt to, he's useless so he can go this week.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Raven just brought a plate of cookies to Jess and hugged her.  Now she's reporting to Paul that Jess has been crying and Christmas is consoling her.  Paul and Raven high fived.  Paul is giddy at the prospect that Cody will go home during his HOH for the 2nd time.

It seems like that is very possible.  They just have to get Jess off the block with the veto.  She is on the edge.  Christmas got through to her, she understood, but she and Cody are likely to make up before the veto comp.  If Cody crawls back to her I think she may go for it even though she knows this will never work in or out of the house.  Just don't know if she is that brave.  

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It finally dawned on me who Cody reminds me of. It's that character Christopher Walken played in Annie Hall-his name was Duane and he had that same vacant stare that Cody has. And both are creepy as hell.

I'm glad Jessica's finally getting a clue about him.

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22 minutes ago, TimWil said:

It finally dawned on me who Cody reminds me of. It's that character Christopher Walken played in Annie Hall-his name was Duane and he had that same vacant stare that Cody has. And both are creepy as hell.

I'm glad Jessica's finally getting a clue about him.

That's very good! For me, he's most like Tom Cruise at his most "You don't understand the history of psychiatry, Matt!" intense self. 

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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Jessica is telling Elena about the hex.  Right before she started telling her she told Elena that Paul and Christmas seemed to be trying to convince her to not use the hex this week. 

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Now Elena is telling her that Cody said he doesn't want to hurt Jessica's game.

Jessica says that if she doesn't use the hex and Cody goes home, she will be responsible for Cody's eviction in a way that she is not personally comfortable with.

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12 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yes, Marcellus. And then he got evicted. It was hilarious.


11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Heh. The only person to ever get a smack upside the head from Chenbot with her interview cards. That was the best part. "C'mere, Marcellus. I just have to do this." Smack! "What were you thinking?!"

Marcellus was the whole reason why I started watching this show in the first place.  I remember finding him so entertaining but by the end of the game I was sick of him and I was so happy when he did not use the veto.  That along with the birthday fight of season ten have to be my favorite things that have happened on this show. 

5 hours ago, zenithwit said:

Man, everytime I see Paul shirtless, I think he is wearing a shirt.  I have to remind myself about his massive chest tattoos every time.

I was thinking the same thing last night.  I thought to myself, "Man this dude wears a lot of tank tops."  Then I realized it was that dumbass chest tattoo.


I never really understood why they kicked Scott out during season four, when he threw a chair in a completely empty room.  However, they allowed Dick, Amanda, and Josh to get away with much worse actions. 

The other night I was watching with a friend and the moment she heard Josh talk she asked me, "Is that guy simple?  Because he sounds...uh....very dumb...I mean simple."

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Jessica is telling Elena how the fact that Matt and Raven have floated through this game irritates her.  She says they contribute nothing.  All they do is cook and clean.  She says Raven has a different accent and a different voice depending on who she's talking to because she wants attention.  Jessica says she's held her feelings in about them for so long and she just can't do it anymore.

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Mark has been going around the house apologizing to everyone for his behavior during the Josh altercation tonight.  Now he's apologizing to Josh for it. 

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Mark's apologizing to Josh. I wish Josh would apologize to Mark, but he never will. I'd love to eat my words.

Of course Josh isn't going to stop. Because he's the victim, right? There's only so many times Josh can claim the victim role before Mark becomes the victim to Josh's bullying.

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Cody is telling Matt and Jason that they just need to tell Jessica what she wants to hear so they can get her to not use the hex and get Cody out.  He wants the girls to work her and he wants Kevin to get in Cody's ear because Kevin said that Cody told him he just wanted to go home.

Now Jessica is talking to Cody.

Cody is telling Jess he doesn't think he can balance Jess out the way she wants him to balance her out.  She says, "You don't want to or you can't?"  He says, "I can't."  Prior to him telling her this she told him she needs someone in her life who can balance her out and be calm when she is not and she would do the same.

Edited by zorak
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