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David T. Cole

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<1> So after being in his position for the past few months, Kevin, only now, invites his boyfriend to see where he works, and only doing so after Patrick has left. I really wish they gave us some more insight into Kevin and what his deal is. He doesn't seem unhappy with John but clearly there must be something going on if he's out getting some on the side, right?



<2> Also, did miss Dom and would like to know if that last conversation with Lynn was the end for those two. I really do like them as a couple.

<1> I have a feeling that Kevin is a serial side-piece keeper.


<2> I also like Dom/Lynn, but mostly b/c I like Bakula and much prefer Lynn to the idiot character he plays on NCIS:NO-sense


Dom and Lynn are breaking my heart, though. Like Dom, I don't want to see Lynn live in the past like he is, hung up on a ghost. I'd like to see him move forward with his life, be happy again and let someone get close to him. I'd especially like it if he let Dom be that person.


Agreed. Watching this episode broke my heart, because I like Dom and I like Lynn, and I had hoped their relationship might become something extraordinary. To hear Lynn write off any possibility of greater love because he doesn't believe it will (or is supposed to) happen again was so incredibly sad. I'm glad that Dom said something to him about how it doesn't have to be with Dom but that he thinks Lynn shouldn't simply be "done" with deeper relationships for the rest of his life. That was a wonderful thing to say and I hope it starts to seep in for Lynn and that he comes to his senses. And if not with Dom, then with someone else, and I hope then that Dom finds someone wonderful too, because he deserves it. I was so glad to see him stand up and say immediately, "No, this isn't enough for me. I do want more."


Come back, Scott Bakula, come back soon.

  • Love 1

I know Patrick made his own choices, he chose to be with Kevin even though he knew Kevin had a boyfriend, but... watching him leave the club and walk down the street in tears, I really felt for him. I think he built up in his head that everything was fine and good and that somehow things would turn out well between him and Kevin, to the point where he had blinders on, he wasn't thinking about the reality of it all. And I think given how he'd been struggling in his relationship with Richie, it's not surprising he foolishly dove into this relationship with Kevin. It probably seemed easier than what he was going through with Richie, too afraid to face the things about himself that Richie shone a light on. Kevin could be easier, he understood how to be with Kevin, they had similar interests, etc. But ultimately -- just like Dom with Lynn -- it's not enough. What little Kevin was giving him compared to the full relationship he wanted just wasn't enough.

  • Love 1

The way I see it, Richie chose to get upset and walk away. I think he's plenty padded.

Yeah, Richie seems inclined to take zero shit from anyone.

On that note, last season on IMDB I think I made comments about my lack of enthusiasm for Raul Castillo's acting, but I think the fact is they were writing him as a somber Gary Cooper type. In this episode, he sparkled-- still in a subdued, gentle way, but ( for instance) the way his eyeroll at his cousin's narking on him about the loan for the suit combined exasperation, affection, resignation, self-mocking, and self- respect all in the space of about five seconds-- killed it. I like San Leandro Ritchie a lot.

Edited by bunnywithanaxe
  • Love 1

For the first few episodes of the season, I just thought this season felt so empty.


The last two have really just made me a bit sad.


The dynamic between Richie and Patrick is really fun to watch, but I have really struggled with Patrick's motives today. He is coping well with Kevin, but I think he sees it as a mistake, and I thought perhaps his apology tonight was his way of trying to settle his own beliefs about every single thing that has happened since he got involved with Kevin. Not saying he doesn't feel bad about what he did to Richie, but the fact that he hasn't been emotional over his breakup and his complete ignorance over how he hurt Richie lead me to believe that, since he got with Kevin, he has been living in a very Patrick-centric world. That is why it is hard for me to simply find him flipping the switch, admittedly after being told how it is by Richie's family, to be genuine.


I do love the Eddie/Augustin dynamic. It is incredibly unconventional how they met, but I always considered there to be at least a slight spark there. Frankly, regardless of the romantic relationship, the fact that Augustin isn't behaving like a selfish douche is enough for me to approve.


Still, as I said, these last two episode have wounded me a bit. Last week, highlighting that one relationship was doomed to fail because people weren't on the same page. This week, the relationship highlighted feels equally doomed to do baggage and what, really, amounts to one person having more feelings for the other. I think Richie loves Patrick way more than Patrick loves Richie, and his line about his relationship with Kevin in the last episode about how you should never be in a relationship where you are way more invested than the other person rings true here as well. I don't know that the slate could ever be cleaned enough to pave a way to where those two could be an end game.

  • Love 2
Not saying he doesn't feel bad about what he did to Richie, but the fact that he hasn't been emotional over his breakup and his complete ignorance over how he hurt Richie lead me to believe that, since he got with Kevin, he has been living in a very Patrick-centric world. That is why it is hard for me to simply find him flipping the switch, admittedly after being told how it is by Richie's family, to be genuine.

Which breakup are you talking about that he wasn't emotional about?  Patrick/Riche or Patrick/Kevin? I suspect you're talking about Patrick/Richie and I'd disagree that he wasn't emotional about that breakup. 


He absolutely did get wrapped up in the little world he and Kevin were creating but the show has given us plenty of moments to suggest that everything that happened with Richie weighed on him.  He cried when they broke up.  When they were at the cabin, Agustin & Dom teased him over how much he talked about whether or not he should contact Richie. He looked upset when Richie left after dropping Agustin off...and the list goes on.  I do think Patrick's decision to come clean may correspond to the empowerment he felt by not accepting less for himself with Kevin but I am pretty sure the emotions were there all along.  Just maybe not the guts.


Coincidentally, I had to go to San Leandro this week so I was tempted to look for that burrito shop where Richie took Patrick!

I'm so disappointed that you didn't.

  • Love 1

I'll confess I'm glad at Patrick / Kevin breaking up. I mean, I get Patrick's reaction completely and agree with his decision. But I still do feel that Patrick and Kevin are suited to each other, so I can't help hoping they find a way to each other. 


I do find it interesting that Kevin is quite broken up too. That gives me hope. 

Which breakup are you talking about that he wasn't emotional about?  Patrick/Riche or Patrick/Kevin? I suspect you're talking about Patrick/Richie and I'd disagree that he wasn't emotional about that breakup. 


He absolutely did get wrapped up in the little world he and Kevin were creating but the show has given us plenty of moments to suggest that everything that happened with Richie weighed on him.  He cried when they broke up.  When they were at the cabin, Agustin & Dom teased him over how much he talked about whether or not he should contact Richie. He looked upset when Richie left after dropping Agustin off...and the list goes on.  I do think Patrick's decision to come clean may correspond to the empowerment he felt by not accepting less for himself with Kevin but I am pretty sure the emotions were there all along.  Just maybe not the guts.


I'm so disappointed that you didn't.


I was referring to Patrick's lack of emotional response to the break-up with Kevin. I just meant that it felt more like this whole doing Richie a favor and coming clean was more a way of Patrick trying to avoid being sad and instead "erasing" everything he did since the first time he got with Kevin, as a way of wiping his conscience clean. It felt, to me, like he was doing it for himself.


I do think he was emotional when he and Richie broke up, but probably an order of magnitude less emotional than Richie was. I am not sure he realized that until today, which is probably why I find his motivations questionable.

Patrick is just so damn insufferable yet enjoyable while drunk.  He reminds me of myself when I have too much to drink and it all comes out what I think of others...warts and all. 


Jon is an idiot if he hasn't put it together yet that Kevin and Patrick were fooling around behind his back.


I can't believe Richie and Brady stayed around after Patrick's drunken rant...  I do like that St. Richie has found someone just as self-righteous as himself.

  • Love 3

I feel like I shouldn't post until I have taken a moment to rewatch and totally unpack this episode but here I go anyway...


Dom & Doris, Doris & Malik and Eddie & Agustin had some nice moments in this episode but I don't remember them very well. I don't know if it's because they were boring or because everything was dwarfed by the build up to Patrick's meltdown and everyone the epic meltdown touched. 


We saw more of Brady and Jon and, based on the little we've seen, I like them both.  Because of that, both Patrick and Kevin are reaching, no they are at S1 Agustin levels of hate for me.  First, Kevin bringing Jon to the party was such a jerk move but the person he should be apologizing to is Jon, not Kevin.  He used the boyfriend he's cheating on for what was essentially a power play over the mantress who dumped him.  Watching Patrick beg Kevin to stay was painful and a huge step back.


As bad as Kevin is, though, Patrick was so much worse in this episode.  He tried to get into a "whose is bigger" contest with Brady, without telling Brady he was being entered, when he attempted to get Richie to say that he [Patrick] was more fun and jumped into the PrEP discussion he knew so little about.  He essentially molested a guy he had blown off twice that evening.  And he pretty much shamed all his friends in his drunken speech because they weren't feeding his ego. 


I feel like I'm supposed to give Patrick a pass because he's drunk.  And Kevin for bringing Jon because he's drunk.  They were sorry excuses before they got wasted and don't suddenly earn sympathy via inebriation. Based on Jon's last sentence, I do think he's going to force Kevin to tell him the truth.  If the plan is for Kevin and Patrick to get together then I'm not sure I'll be in this for a third season if it gets one.  Bakula's unavailability brought the end to my favorite relationship of the series and I can't imagine watching a whole other season of two characters of Agustin-level-selfish-assholishness in a relationship.


  • Love 3

Randomly, I don't "get" adults dressing up for Halloween. Maybe it's because I don't drink, and that means I don't understand other "holidays" like St. Patrick's Day and Mardi Gras, but seriously? I quit doing the Halloween thing by age 12, save for maybe one year in college. Now I hide at home with the lights off, watching horror movies. I'm "only" 40.

  • Love 2

Randomly, I don't "get" adults dressing up for Halloween. Maybe it's because I don't drink, and that means I don't understand other "holidays" like St. Patrick's Day and Mardi Gras, but seriously?

It's an excuse to get rid of inhibitions...to "be" someone else.  I get the theory behind it even though it holds no appeal to me.  It's actually why I liked John's costume the best---John's especially.  It was a tee-shirt and a goofy hat.  It looked thrown together at the last minute and the wording on his tee pretty much said what he was looking for that Halloween, "beer."


On to the recap and Patrick recognizing costumes--

But given that Patrick IS such a geek, why in the world does he not recognize that Eddie's friend is dressed like Legolas from Lord Of The Rings? Especially after Eddie explains that his own costume is Bilbo Baggins? Are you seriously expecting me to believe that Patrick, given the context clue of a Hobbit reference, would miss the Legolas thing?

I saw someone make a point about this in the AV Club comments section that made sense to me.  Legolas is British. Link, the person Patrick thought he was, comes from Japanese anime.  Eddie's friend is Asian.  So while Patrick is a geek who would have probably made that connection if Eddie's friend had been white, he's also racist enough to truly not have it occur to him.

Edited by Irlandesa
  • Love 1

Agustin: Can't we just go as the golden ghouls again? I still have the blouses.

Patrick: No, I am not spending another Halloween dressed as an old dead woman from an 80s tv show. We're throwing a party this year. We're going to be the fun gays.

Agustin: I'm already a fun gay.

Dom: You're literally the least fun gay I know.


Agustin: I gotta get to work.

Patrick: It's Saturday.

Agustin: Homeless gay kids don't stop being gay on the weekends, Patrick.

Patrick: But you're supposed to get the cups and plates.

Agustin: Well, can't you do it? I promised Eddie I would help out with the pumpkins.

Patrick: How is it that the new thoughtful Agustin still leaves me with everything to do?

Dom: Well, he's doing his best.

Patrick: I guess so.

Dom: His best just isn't that great.


[Eddie picks up a pumpkin that says FAG PUMPKIN on the side]

Eddie: Last year Dustin wrote "anal rape pumpkin," so this is progress.

Dustin: It's a political statement.


Eddie: Hey, relax - or you're not  going to get one of these delicious IHOP gift certificates.

Other kid: IHOP sucks, Mr. Eddie.

Eddie: Wait, what? Pancakes suck? Only in America can a homeless kid complain about free pancakes.


Dom: Hey, can you take a look at this for me?

Doris: If this involves curating your naked selfies, I already told you I think it's weird if you show your butthole.


Doris: You also realize you're asking for Twitter help from the woman who just found out last week that my phone has a calendar on it. Why don't you ask one of Patrick's techie friends to help you tonight?

Dom: Oh, you mean like, "Hey, come help grandpa use the clicker!"?


Patrick: How good is this costume?

Agustin:  ...Yeah, what are you supposed to be?

Patrick: I'm Gordon Freeman!

Agustin: And he's like, what, a mailman from the future?

Patrick: No! He's one of the most popular video game characters of all time. He revolutionized first person shooter games because you so rarely saw or heard him, you could better imagine yourself in the game.

Agustin: Wait, so your idea of a fun gay is a character with so little personality he's basically nothing?


[Patrick says something about Kevin]

Agustin: Oh, fuck that guy!


Agustin: To Morgan Freeman!


Agustin: What IS this playlist? Now Music 5?


Patrick: Master of my universe! He-Man, what fabulous secret powers are you going to reveal tonight when you hold aloft your magic sword?


Tech guy: I have 3300 tumblr followers.

Dom: Isn't that just for porn?
Tech guy: No, well, it's not NOT for porn but it's...do you not know what a tumblr is?


Dom: Hey, what do you think of domsjuicychicken.tumblr.com?

Patrick: I have no idea what you're talking about.


Agustin: Are you Hagrid from Harry Potter?

Eddie: Bilbo Baggins, motherfucker!


Patrick: [brady]'s not as much as fun as me.

Richie: He's way more fun than you.

Patrick: [laughs] ...Wait, seriously?


Brady: If there's a pill that can prevent HIV, everyone should take it.

Eddie: Believe me, I would have been the first in line.

Tech guy: Yeah, but taking a pill just so you can fuck?

Doris: Yeah, it's like birth control, actually.

Dom: It's not really the same.
Brady: In the same way that birth control liberates women, PrEP can liberate gay men.

Patrick: How does having unprotected sex liberate anyone?


Eddie: Well, you know a party's really awesome when everyone starts talking about AIDS! As fun as this is for me, I'm going to go to the bathroom right now and jerk off to feline leukemia.


Agustin: I like you and I want to see what you smell like in the morning. I bet it's the worst.


Legalos: Are you serious right now? What am I, your sloppy party leftovers? Happy Halloween, dick. Your playlist is garbage!

Patrick: This playlist is fucking awesome, okay?


Kevin: Sorry, do you mind if I-

Agustin: Yeah, actually I do mind.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2

One thing I appreciate is when shows mention a website or account and then make the effort to create them. I can't tell if the first one was created by HBO or by a fan who saw tonight's episode, but it's worth it for the picture. The second has no posts yet.




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This is the most I have ever liked Agustin. First when Patrick mentioned Kevin before the party, Agustin's response was, "Oh, fuck that guy!" My thoughts exactly. Later when Agustin and Patrick were sitting on the steps after Patrick's meltdown, Kevin said, "Do you mind?" and Agustin's response was, "Yeah, actually, I DO mind." I share his absolute barefaced contempt for Kevin so both of these moments made me really like him (even if he also showed himself to be his old flaky self earlier about getting the cups and napkins - while on the surface it looks like he ran off to be a nice guy and spend time with the kids at the shelter, you know it was really because he wanted to spend more time with Eddie).


Patrick and Kevin are both being idiots. Patrick really thinks that he can be friends with Kevin and invite him to his party? What did he think was going to happen? I know his fantasy is that Kevin shows up, says he broke up with John, and then he and Patrick kiss and make up, but come on, Patrick. Stop being a 12 year old who writes fan fiction long enough to realize that Kevin is never going to make that choice on his own. He might come crawling back to you if Kevin dumps him, but that's about it.


Kevin, on the other hand, was a dick for bringing his boyfriend to Patrick's house. That was just ridiculously insensitive. And as was said above, neither of them get passes on their horrible behavior just because they were drunk, mostly because they are both terrible even when they are sober.


And poor Legolas! He was friendly and nice (even after Patrick's flub about his costume) and Patrick kept blowing him off only to then plant one on him out of the blue. RUDE! I was so glad that Legolas didn't accept Patrick kissing him and then have a drunken hookup with him. That guy has a healthy enough sense of self-worth to call Patrick out on his shit and walk away.


I was getting so much secondhand embarrassment watching Patrick talk out of his ass about Brady's PrEP article. I wanted to tell him to just shut up. I was cringing at everything he said (although I did like Doris's birth control pill analogy because I had a similar thought).


Randomly, I don't "get" adults dressing up for Halloween. Maybe it's because I don't drink, and that means I don't understand other "holidays" like St. Patrick's Day and Mardi Gras, but seriously? I quit doing the Halloween thing by age 12, save for maybe one year in college. Now I hide at home with the lights off, watching horror movies. I'm "only" 40.

Dressing up for parties is huge in SF. Aside from Halloween, there's also How Weird, Superhero street festival, Decompression, Bay2Breakers, Love Parade, etc. I think it's a combination of things (including the large number of burners in the area and the fact that you can easily buy costumes year round). I still dressed up for Halloween in college. After that, I had a cat headband and tail that I sometimes wore for work (but with regular clothes - I wasn't in a black bikini and fishnets). I still dress up for certain parties but I mostly reuse stuff that I already had from my life as a performer. If I stay home for Halloween, I don't dress up.


Wait, I do if I want to get my free burrito at Chipotle but then I do the bare minimum. They used to let you have a free burrito if you were dressed as a burrito, but they really let you have a free burrito if you had any sort of aluminum foil on your body so one year I made a headband. Another year I made a wristband. One year Mr. EB made one of those pointy hats that I remember making out of construction paper in elementary school but he used aluminum foil to qualify for the free burrito. A few years ago Chipotle changed their Halloween special so that you just need to come in a costume but instead of a free burrito, it costs $3. There is an awesome taco truck in the parking lot of a bar two blocks from Chipotle so I would rather buy a burrito there than get a discounted burrito at Chipotle so I haven't bothered with my aluminum foil costume the last few Halloweens.

  • Love 2

This makes the second anal-retentive meltdown that Patrick has had (the first when going to the wedding). The guy is a high maintenance mess. And I couldn't tell which former boyfriend he was most upset about. ..A good lesson learned about inviting exes to your parties.

Maybe Patrick, and not Augustin, is headed towards a downward spiral. 


Patrick's speech was cringe-worthy -- and I am surprised that both Richie and Kevin stuck around after that. I'm sort of surprised his friends did, too. 

This episode almost made me wish that Patrick (Jonathan Groff) was not always front and center, but I get the impression that this is basically his show.


Kevin is coming off as almost delusional. Did he and John really talk about moving back? John seemed to be surprised when Patrick brought it up. And I doubt John is oblivious enough not to get some idea about Kevin and Patrick. Maybe Kevin is one of those types that swears his lies are true and makes the spouse feels guilty for doubting. 


Having a Halloween episode also seemed odd -- was this expected to air at a different time? I had not noticed the show was following any type of time period. 

And that did not seem like a fun party at all - everyone brought their baggage : Doris' fear of seriousness, Augustin being clingy (for some reason) , Dom's separation anxiety from Doris, and everything related to Patrick  .... exhausting.   ..as usual.. 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
  • Love 2
There was no way they could've afforded those outfits, and no indication they had the skill to make them themselves

Patrick spent $200 to buy a karaoke machine for his party so I'm guessing that at the very least he could afford the costume he bought. Agustin's wasn't very expensive (it was mostly the wig and the wings) and it's very likely that Patrick paid for it since Agustin isn't even paying rent. As for some of the other costumes, you'd be surprised how crafty people can get. I can't tell you how many times I have gone to parties and seen crazy costumes that I later found out were handmade. If you plan far enough ahead of time and you know how to sew (heh, or use a hot glue gun), you can make some pretty elaborate costumes without spending a ton of money. I have also found some really good premade costumes online for pretty cheap. I mean, they're polyster but they look good. I got a really good Alice in Wonderland costume on amazon last year for $30. That included the dress, the apron, and the petticoat so all I had to add were white tights and black flats. For the record, I mostly found every version of skanky Alice in Wonderland before finding this one. I can't believe how much costume companies charge for basically themed underwear.

This episode almost made me wish that Patrick (Jonathan Groff) was not always front and center, but I get the impression that this is basically his show.



Patrick dressed up as Gordon Freeman, the protagonist of one of the most famous first-person video games. I'm not sure how the producers of Looking can be more explicit about the fact that, yes, the show is from Patrick's perspective.

  • Love 5

I guess i'm in the unpopular opinion...b/c I don't think Kevin was wrong in coming to the party.  Patrick invited him, and by extension his boyfriend Jon.  Patrick was the one who ended things b/c Kevin couldn't break it off w/ his bf.  If Patrick didn't want Kevin to come to the party then he shouldn't have invited him, it's as easy as that.  I know Kevin didn't plan to go to the party, i'm sure it was one of those he got the e-vite to the party, mentioned it to Jon when they were trying to figure out their plans for the holiday and they ended up there by Jon's prodding b/c it was a co-workers party.  Patrick had two times to not invite Kevin, when he sent out the original e-vite and second when he was in Kevin's office.  The same goes for Ritchie and Brady.  It's obvious though in that case Patrick is just trying to win Ritchie back by whatever means he can.



Kevin is coming off as almost delusional. Did he and John really talk about moving back? John seemed to be surprised when Patrick brought it up. And I doubt John is oblivious enough not to get some idea about Kevin and Patrick. Maybe Kevin is one of those types that swears his lies are true and makes the spouse feels guilty for doubting.


I didn't catch that but now that I replay that scene you are right about Jon being confused.  I wonder if Kevin brought up the "moving back to Seattle" thing for Patrick to fight more for Kevin and give him more propping up to try and end things w/ Jon.  I'm hoping this storying line ends w/ Kevin and Jon breaking up and then Jon comes to Patrick and let's him know he was the "Patrick" in Kevin's earlier relationship w/ another guy or that Jon informs Patrick that Kevin does this all the time w/ other guys, but in the end he always sticks/comes back to Jon in the end.

It's an excuse to get rid of inhibitions...to "be" someone else.  I get the theory behind it even though it holds no appeal to me.  It's actually why I liked John's costume the best---John's especially.  It was a tee-shirt and a goofy hat.  It looked thrown together at the last minute and the wording on his tee pretty much said what he was looking for that Halloween, "beer."


On to the recap and Patrick recognizing costumes--

I saw someone make a point about this in the AV Club comments section that made sense to me.  Legolas is British. Link, the person Patrick thought he was, comes from Japanese anime.  Eddie's friend is Asian.  So while Patrick is a geek who would have probably made that connection if Eddie's friend had been white, he's also racist enough to truly not have it occur to him.


I'm probably racist also because I totally didn't get that that person was Legolas. And I figured Patrick wasn't just into the movies, which I get. (I wasn't either). 


My heart broke for Patrick this episode. He is just so hurt, and confused, and in love with Kevin, and yearning. He can see what he threw away in Richie, and wants that back, but just, his reaction to Kevin's news, to the thought of never seeing Kevin again...my heart broke. I just love the vulnerability that Groff brings to Patrick. 

  • Love 3


The comment about the Johnsons from black-ish being able to afford their costumes seems off to me. The father is a VP at an advertising agency, and the mother is an anaesthesiologist. What about those professions suggests financial hardship? At the very least, they'd have the means to rent the costumes.


I didn't see anything in that part as saying they didn't have the financial resources for the costumes. He said, "Financial? Sure." It was the emotional reasons for it that Mark seemed to have issue with:


Take Black-ish: in this season's Halloween episode, the Johnsons are the same lovably bickering clan we've always seen, but then, oops, they suddenly have the resources (financial? sure; emotional? hmmm) to whip up impeccable Jackson Five threads, complete with baby Janet. It's too much! It's too far!



Though personally I don't understand the "emotional" comment. I can totally see Dre wanting his family to dress up as the Jackson Five or some other group-related characters. I just think the rest of the family might not want to do it with him. And wasn't that what the episode was partially about? How his family didn't want to dress up for Halloween with him anymore?

  • Love 1

I feel VERY old (I'm 55) because I didn't recognize any of the costumes. Well, I know what a glitter fairy is...And Sonny & Cher, of course. I thought Dom looked hot as usual. And damn if Agustin's not growing on me this season.

Actually many of the costumes were from older source material. Dom was dressed as He-Man, the 80s cartoon character (Doris was supposed to be She-Ra, his twin sister). Brady was dressed as Max from the classic children's book Where the Wild Things Are (and Richie was wearing a shirt with one of the wild things on it). Eddie and his friend were Bilbo Baggins and Legolas from the Lord of the Rings trilogy (the first movie was in 2001).
  • Love 1

I'll echo the sentiment that Patrick should have recognized a Legolas costume in a second - even worse was him mistaking it for Link, which he would know well enough as a gamer to know that wasn't the case.


One thing I did love was Brady being the only one to immediately point out Patrick's costume correctly.  It captured that moment of kinship a person can have with someone they don't want to like/see as competition.  Brady's costume was also adorable.

I guess i'm in the unpopular opinion...b/c I don't think Kevin was wrong in coming to the party.  Patrick invited him, and by extension his boyfriend Jon.  ......I'm sure it was one of those he got the e-vite to the party, mentioned it to Jon when they were trying to figure out their plans for the holiday and they ended up there by Jon's prodding b/c it was a co-workers party.

Well Patrick was also wrong to invite Kevin.  But the reason Kevin was wrong was because it is not cool to bring the boyfriend you cheated on to your side piece's party.  Assuming Jon was pushing to come to the party, which we don't actually know he did, Kevin had the perfect reason to say "no."  And that reason is the other reason he was wrong--professional boundaries.  We've known since the end of Season 1 that Kevin is horrible with professional boundaries but they do still exist.  Patrick is more than a co-worker, he's Kevin's subordinate.  That alone is a good reason not to go and something he could have told Jon if he were asking to attend Patrick's party.



I'm probably racist also because I totally didn't get that that person was Legolas. And I figured Patrick wasn't just into the movies, which I get. (I wasn't either). 

The racist part wasn't Patrick not getting Legolas, it was guessing Link.  I'm not into the movies either but even I knew it was Legolas and I'm far less into geek culture than Patrick.


My heart broke for Patrick this episode. He is just so hurt, and confused, and in love with Kevin, and yearning.

I don't think Patrick is in love.  Hurting?  Yearning?  Messed up? Possessive?  Yes, yes, yes and yes but not in love.  I don't think he's capable of that right now.  He's only capable of thinking about relationships in the abstract.

  • Love 2

Actually the EW article has it all wrong. The "Evolution of Kevin" has been from douchebag to gigantic douchebag.


I am so sick of him and Patrick and their wishy-washy bullcrap. Kevin cheated on his partner yet I'm supposed to feel some sympathy for him because . . . ? He liked his side piece? He doesn't want to hurt Jon? He can't decide what he wants? All those things make me despise him more, not less. I hope Jon has clued in now. The man deserves to know the truth.


Patrick doesn't come across as a man confused or in love to me. To me, he comes across as a selfish child who wants to be the center of everyone's world. Richie adored him in season 1 but that wasn't good enough. He also wanted his rich boss cause, face it, Kevin fit in better with his WASPy life and idea of himself. So he let Richie go to get with Kevin, clearly hoping it would work out in his favor. It didn't. Kevin didn't immediately dump Jon so Paddy went looking to lure Richie back in because he probably felt he could get Richie back anytime he wanted to. Now he's faced with the possibility that maybe he isn't all that to everyone. That Kevin can chose Jon over him. That Richie has potentially moved on and found a better boyfriend than Patrick ever was. His ego can't handle it, thus his little "drunken meltdown" which was all about embarrassing and demeaning his supposed best friends while playing for Richie's attention and trying to oust his affair with Kevin.


Paddy just needs to go away for a long, long time. Jon needs to dump Kevin for an honest partner. Kevin can go whining back to England for all I care. And Richie just needs to run far and fast from Patrick.


Geez, who knew I'd see the day that I like Augustine more than Patrick?

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Kevin clearly has genuine feelings for Patrick and a desire to be with him the way Patrick wants him to be. Watching their relationship develop, it’s hard not to see how blissfully happy they could be under different circumstances. So much of what Kevin does seems so wonderful until you remember that this is an affair; that it’s not real. This is a beautifully intimate relationship developing in a world where it can’t exist.
I want to marry this article. Or at least find someone who shares a soul with its writer. She's expressed beautifully the way I've been feeling about Kevin (and Patrick).
So he let Richie go to get with Kevin, clearly hoping it would work out in his favor. It didn't.
I think this is a fairly radical interpretation of the text there. Patrick and Richie had problems which had little to do with Kevin, and in fact, when Patrick was with Kevin the first time, he had already broken up with Richie (by Richie's choice). I never saw Patrick choose Kevin over Richie, though I will admit I've always thought that Patrick liked Kevin more than he liked Richie, because I see a connection between P/K that I didn't see between P/R. I mean, just this episode alone, Kevin likes Patrick's taste in music (which I'm sorry, is a big deal), and I don't think Kevin would find Brady more fun than Patrick. 
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I do like that St. Richie has found someone just as self-righteous as himself.


I'm curious as to how Richie is "self-righteous". Because he's a straight forward person? Because he doesn't cheat on his boyfriends? Because he doesn't think it's a great thing to be involved in an affair behind someone's back? Oh, yeah, terrible of him.


I didn't find Brady that bad either. A bit too insistent on his beliefs (who hasn't acted that way about something they're passionate about?) but most of it I chalked up to just being excited that his article was getting attention. He clearly knew more about the subject he was writing on than Patrick, hence why Paddy ended up making himself look foolish by trying to act like he has superior knowledge on something he hasn't even read.


As for Richie finding Brady more fun than Patrick . . everyone on this show is more fun than Patrick.  Patrick is a big neurotic ball of issues that whoever is involved with him has to wade through on a daily basis. I don't imagine Brady would completely freak out over a visit to a psychic. Or panic over being bitten by a bed bug (because you were in a sleazy motel cheating with someone). Who'd really want to put up with Patrick on a full time basis?

Edited by Garnett7
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I'm team Kevin I guess because I like Russel Tovey on the screen and I think Patrick and Kevin would be a cute couple if they ever could/would dump their collective emotional baggage.


That said I think Kevin is being a gigantic ASSHAT to his current lover Jon and Patrick needs to stay away from the alcohol during tense situations involving multiple ex's.

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Patrick's drunken speech was so hard to watch, his friends should have dragged him off after the first couple of sentences because he was making himself into a drunken spectacle.


I feel sorry for Kevin and Patrick because they really can't seem to get their shit together and work through awkward issues without losing the plot entirely. It's both endearing and frustrating to watch.

The racist part wasn't Patrick not getting Legolas, it was guessing Link.  I'm not into the movies either but even I knew it was Legolas and I'm far less into geek culture than Patrick.


Link may be from a game produced by a Japanese company, but he is not Japanese, and the franchise (Zelda) is one of the best-known worldwide, so it's not only popular in Japan.  Link's fictional race is light-skinned, and he has blonde hair and light colored eyes.  I highly doubt that they were going for the subtle racist angle, they just missed the mark with information Patrick wouldn't know.


Overall as far as the costumes went, I have to agree that many of them were a little too on-point.  I know several people who go all out for Halloween (myself included when I have plans), and none of them have costumes that look that nice, like they were purchased at an upscale costume store rather than a place in the mall.  Even the wig Agustin was wearing was pretty fancy.

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