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Looking - General Discussion

David T. Cole

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Kevin's not likely to run off with a causal hookup, but Patrick sure has the potential to do longtime emotional wreckage by running off with Richie, 'cause that's gonna be telling someone "I don't love you, I love someone else," which is far crueler than "I got horny and made a mistake at the gym."


In Patrick's mind, though, the message of "I got horny and made a mistake at the gym" IS like Kevin saying to him, "I don't love you, you're aren't enough for me." That's heartbreaking to him.


I think Patrick wanted something so badly -- to be in a relationship, or to prove to everyone and perhaps to himself that he was worthy of a relationship, especially after fucking things up with Richie -- that he went in with blinders on. So he couldn't see the fundamental problems in starting something with Kevin. And once he started, he was committed to it, so anything his friends said, he was determined to prove wrong. Because of that, literally and metaphorically (like with the Field of Dreams poster), Patrick hasn't truly seen Kevin's "stuff" before this point, and that's a huge problem. Perhaps because they were similar on paper (same job, seemingly similar interests), he assumed they wanted the same things, but you know what they say about assuming things. So he never asked or thought about the important questions that need to be learned about a person before you dive in that deeply. And now it's coming into stark reality, how differently they think about the "fundamentals" of a relationship, and it's painful but I think it's a very important step for Patrick.



I was almost half impressed with Patrick in that hair cut scene.  For once, he didn't pile his emotional shit on Richie like he has been doing all season.  I think he needed to do something to signal change.  Women do it with hair cuts all the time.  And he wanted to be around someone he trusted.  There was a shared history there and I'm sure Richie could tell something was up but it's up to Patrick to decide the next steps he's taking his life.  Not Richie.


I loved that scene, both for the way that Richie looked at him with such concern and seemed to know something was very wrong but didn't push him to talk about it, and for the way that Patrick didn't dump all his stuff onto Richie. They just had this wonderfully quiet moment, where Patrick takes a step toward change and Richie is there for him as a good and supportive friend.


I thought it was an interesting contrast to see the "breakup" between Dom and Doris, versus the potential breakup between Patrick and Kevin. With Dom and Doris, they were truly listening to one another, recognizing each other's issues and coming to an understanding and healthy agreement about what they each need to do in their lives, in order to move forward as individuals and as friends. Meanwhile, with Patrick and Kevin, there was such disconnect and no real potential for growth as a couple.


And it made me very sad to see Kevin so manipulative -- not necessarily intentionally so, but definitely an inherent part of his personality, like with the peanut butter sandwich that Patrick already said he didn't want, or in their first encounter when Kevin called him into work under the guise of "work emergency" but when Patrick got there Kevin had been drinking and kept pushing Patrick to kiss him, even after Patrick had pushed him away. For almost every concern Patrick had in the argument during this episode, Kevin managed to turn it into something about Patrick instead of truly talking about it. If Patrick talked about worrying that Kevin might cheat on him, Kevin turned it into comments about Patrick's mom cheating and how "we wouldn't even be together if I hadn't cheated" so what's the problem? Or if Patrick talked about them having fundamental differences, instead of honestly talking about that Kevin turned it into accusing Patrick of wanting to leave and giving him an ultimatum to make a choice right now to walk out the door (which set up a distasteful and melodramatic martyr-like "I've given up everything for you, and you're going to leave me? I am soooo wronged here, and you're selfish and horrible" kind of undertone). I do believe that Kevin cares very much about Patrick, but they do have fundamental differences in what is acceptable behavior within a relationship and that's a huge problem. The two different "breakup" scenes seemed to show very well that one couple (Dom and Doris) has a strong chance of protecting and saving their relationship, while the other couple (Patrick and Kevin) are likely disaster.


How weird is it that last year at the end of season one I couldn't stand Agustin, and at the end of this season I was bummed he only got one lousy too-brief scene? What is happening to me?? (Seriously though, his relationship with Eddie was really adorable in that scene. It even pulled an extremely sentimental "Awww, you guys... you're so smooshie" out of me. *GRIN*)

  • Love 4


For me, it was a moving event. Despite their fight, Kevin's professing his love for Patrick and following him out the door during their fight was one of the most true-to-life romantic moments on television.


I don't mind that their relationship is not perfect. No relationship is and I wouldn't want Looking to end conventionally by putting Patrick with a perfect boyfriend anyway.


  I respectfully and totally disagree. IMO there was nothing romantic about Kevin's picking the fight, dragging Dana, Megan and even Richie into it and giving Patrick an ultimatum just moments before they were supposed to attend a charity event at the shelter where Agustin worked, despite promising Patrick that they would go after they went to the mixer for his & Patrick's new neighbors, who gave  "White party" a whole new meaning, not to mention Kevin's blindsiding Patrick about wanting an open relationship, which lead to the fight in the first place.  I know that relationships aren't perfect, but imperfect is one thing; completely fucked-up is another.



Boring shows like Looking don't stay on the air long so you don't have worry about your intelligence being insulted much. Frankly I did not consider the two season obsession with Patrick's WASP romantic problems to remotely interesting or respectful, but if it was entertaining, I would have less critical and bored. Hopefully the next producers who create a gay themed show that a large number of people actually want to watch instead of squandering the opportunity.


  Again respectfully disagreeing. For one thing, while Looking wasn't "perfect" by any means and Patrick got on my nerves too, I wasn't bored by it, either and when it worked, which was IMO way more times then when it didn't, I was thoroughly entertained. As for future gay-themed shows doing whether it takes to attract a larger audience than Looking, like I always say, "Just because a billion people go to McDonalds, that doesn't mean that the food's gourmet."

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 2

Well for me the reason why P / K were together is because Kevin  fell in love with Patrick and that hasn't changed that I could see...

But the show has largely focused on Patrick's perspective in both of his relationships we've seen.  And Patrick's perspective was that Kevin and Jon were unhappy, or they had problems, so the affair/Kevin leaving Jon was okay, or at least understandable.  Even his mother got him to support her potentially leaving her husband with a plea towards happiness.  It takes two to get together but it only would take one to end it and I don't know if he's in the frame of mind to accept an unhappy relationship.


Narratively, I think that means Patrick leaving Kevin but I also thought Jon left Kevin so I've been wrong before. On the insider, the creators said it was vague but had their opinions but maybe by the time the movie comes around, they're in a different frame of mind. 


Again respectfully disagreeing. For one thing, while Looking wasn't "perfect" by any means and Patrick got on my nerves too, I wasn't bored by it, either and when it worked, which was IMO way more times then when it didn't, I was thoroughly entertained.

Clearly those of us who loved Looking were in the minority considering its ratings but I don't care, I was thoroughly entertained.  Heck, I loved this show's very small reveals as much as I loved some big plot twists Empire through out.  I often though I identified with this show more (even though I'm not gay or male) more than I identified with Girls. 

  • Love 2

But the show has largely focused on Patrick's perspective in both of his relationships we've seen. And Patrick's perspective was that Kevin and Jon were unhappy, or they had problems, so the affair/Kevin leaving Jon was okay, or at least understandable. Even his mother got him to support her potentially leaving her husband with a plea towards happiness. It takes two to get together but it only would take one to end it and I don't know if he's in the frame of mind to accept an unhappy relationship.

Narratively, I think that means Patrick leaving Kevin but I also thought Jon left Kevin so I've been wrong before. On the insider, the creators said it was vague but had their opinions but maybe by the time the movie comes around, they're in a different frame of mind.

Clearly those of us who loved Looking were in the minority considering its ratings but I don't care, I was thoroughly entertained. Heck, I loved this show's very small reveals as much as I loved some big plot twists Empire through out. I often though I identified with this show more (even though I'm not gay or male) more than I identified with Girls.

I believe that Patrick isn't in the state of mind, to want to admit that he's in an unhappy relationship with Kevin, but his mind and heart, doesn't want to fail in the situation. I think the writers, in the wrap up film (whenever it happens), will have Patrick staying with Kevin and compromising on being in a relationship that will be open, whenever the need hits his partner. Kevin, will try to "control his desires", but I don't think he can do it and he's going to end up feeling guilty and trapped, like he was with Jon.

I really liked the series. I loved the pace of it, the writing, the feel of it, the world of it. I have always wanted to see something like this created for gay characters for a tv show. There can be more than "Will & Grace", "Queer as Folk", "Noah's Arc", and "Glee" for viewers to seek out in this world.

I just hope that, there can be more projects fully realized and produced for network tv and premium cable. Not just only the webseries.

Edited by vixenbynight


How weird is it at the end of season one I couldn't stand Agustin, and at the end of this season I was bummed he only got one lousy too-brief scene? What is happening to me?? (Seriously though, his relationship with Eddie was really adorable in that scene. It even pulled an extremely sentimental "Awww, you guys...you're so smooshie" out of me.*GRIN*)


  Probably the same thing that's wrong with me, because as much as I hated Agustin in general and in the S1 finale in particular, that's how much I've loved him this season, especially in this episode, what little there was of him. Agustin making the "shoot me" face while talking to Patrick on the phone during his latest-if, for once,understandable- freak out and Eddie dressed as Santa was adorable. While it can be said that the "moving too fast" accusation about Patrick/Kevin could also apply to Agustin/Eddie & Doris/Malik, the big difference is that Eddie & Malik's influences and differences have actually changed their partners for the better; otoh, Kevin has changed Patrick's life for the worse.

  • Love 3

Overall, I've enjoyed the second season and the finale was just okay. Not brilliant but not terrible either.


I could see both sides to an extent with Patrick and Kevin but if anything this season has just shown how mismatched they may be in the long run. And I'm not entirely saying that as someone who prefers Richie, I swear.


Dom and Doris had some great moments in this episode and I love that it was Malik who pushed them in talking again.


We needed more of Agustin and Eddie though. They've been the highlight of the season for me.

  • Love 1

  Probably the same thing that's wrong with me, because as much as I hated Agustin in general and in the S1 finale in particular, that's how much I've loved him this season, especially in this episode, what little there was of him. Agustin making the "shoot me" face while talking to Patrick on the phone during his latest-if, for once,understandable- freak out and Eddie dressed as Santa was adorable. While it can be said that the "moving too fast" accusation about Patrick/Kevin could also apply to Agustin/Eddie & Doris/Malik, the big difference is that Eddie & Malik's influences and differences have actually changed their partners for the better; otoh, Kevin has changed Patrick's life for the worse.

Agustin was so much wiser this season.  For all his bad advice he gave last season, he gave so much great advice this season. I think this helps me look back at the first season because for a while there it was really confusing as to why Patrick and Dom would be friends with this guy. I knew there had to be some lingering loyalty from the college days but if he was anything like this Agustin, I get why he earned some slack.


But I wouldn't consider Eddie and Agustin moving too fast.  Or Doris and Malik.  Eddie and Agusin aren't going to live together.  All they've agreed to is to mean something to one another.  Be each others boyfriends/primaries whatever terms they'd like to agree to.  One would have to assume that Patrick's situation would inspire the discussion of what that means to them but we probably won't get to see that. 


Doris and Malik are older and much more self assured than Parick.  Plus, I do think it matters that they began their relationship without the baggage of Patrick and Kevin's relationship.  It feels built up whereas Kevin & Patrick always seemed to be taking leaps to get to where they saw themselves being but not laying down some of the basic relationship foundation. 

  • Love 3

  While the cancellation is disappointing, at least there will be a movie to wrap at least some things up. However, if the series finale is any indication, Patrick & Kevin are through, done and deader than disco. I would've said "couple-wise," but to me there's been nothing wise about this couple, there never has been and there never will be. Speaking of "never," that's one word that applies to Patrick & Kevin, as in I never believed that they were in love, that they had a future, that Patrick was special to Kevin nor that Patrick was over Richie, as Patrick's kissing the guy whom he thought was Richie at the rave in the S2 premiere proved. Patrick & Kevin seemed great in theory, but nothing about what they had felt like love to me. They were attracted to each other, but attraction alone isn't love. They had sexual chemistry, but sexual chemistry alone isn't love. They seemed compatible, but compatibility alone isn't love. There was love involved, but the wrong kinds and for the wrong reasons. For Kevin, when it came to Patrick, he loved what I call the "4'C's": the challenge, the chase, the conquest and the control. In the finale, when Kevin revealed to Patrick that he not only cheated on Jon before and since Patrick, Jon didn't know about it, Kevin proved that he was even shittier than I thought. Worse, Kevin told Patrick that he was glad that he cheated on Jon because that's how he & Patrick got together. A guy who thinks that cheating on an unsuspecting lover-who, by all accounts, including Kevin's, was a great guy-is something to be proud of? Asshole! There have been warning signs that Patrick & Kevin were doomed from the start which showed up on this last season in general and in the last episode in particular, especially during Patrick & Kevin's fight, which started when Kevin told Patrick that he wanted an open relationship-which he did just before he & Patrick were supposed to go to the unveiling of a mural painted by one of the transgender teens at the homeless shelter where Agustin worked, which was also a fundraiser.  Instead of waiting until after they came back, Kevin chose to blindside Patrick, pick a fight with him and then drag Patrick's mama Dana, Patrick's sister Megan and even Richie into it. As if those moves weren't bitchy enough, Kevin even had the nerve to give Patrick an ultimatum. Then again, what else could be expected from a douchebag who picked a fight with his so-called "boyfriend" just moments before they were supposed to go to a charity event and at Christmas time, at that? Kevin even managed to break his promise to Patrick that they would go to the party in the process, after they attended a mixer with Kevin & Patrick's new neighbors, who gave "White party" a brand new meaning. Downton Abbey has had more people of color than that crowd. hell, there have been Republican conventions on C-SPAN with more diversity than that bunch. Not much more, but more. Then there was Kevin's claim that he "upturned [his] life" for Patrick. If anyone's life has been "upturned," it's Jon's, the way I see it. At least Kevin & Patrick had choices in the matter; Jon, otoh, was played, betrayed and then dumped against his will, leaving Megan and her husband/Jon's best friend Gus to pick up the pieces. Kevin's making Patrick a peanut butter sandwich despite Patrick's telling him that he hated peanut butter revealed yet another one of Kevin's many flaws-his selective hearing, which means that he only listened to Patrick when he wanted to. Kevin told Patrick that he was willing to change, but chances are that Patrick will do most, if not all of the changing and at his own expense. As for Kevin's belief that getting occasional hand jobs and "happy endings" weren't cheating, I think Jon might have disagreed. IMO Kevin  doesn't deserve a prize for his so-called "honesty" with Patrick because of his willingness to and ease with lying to the last guy he claimed to love.  But the final nail in Patrick & Kevin's coffin were Kevin's last two words in the series finale: "Trust me," which was the one thing that Patrick never should've done in the first place because there were too many reasons why Kevin can't be trusted and never should've been.


  I'm not letting Patrick off the hook, either. He's as much to blame for their relationship being a disaster as Kevin is, if not more. Patrick not only chose to sleep with his boss when his boss still had a boyfriend at the time, Patrick chose to be a home-wrecker, chose to move in with Kevin after just a couple of months together and chose not  to ask some serious questions-like, say, what Kevin's stance on monogamy was. Just like Kevin, Patrick got involved way too fast for the wrong reasons. Patrick got involved with Kevin because he wanted to prove to everyone including himself that he could have a serious relationship, which only proved the exact opposite. Romantic relationships should be about love, not pride. No relationship is "perfect," but flawed is one thing; completely fucked-up is another. Patrick was so caught up in what he thought was the real thing that he ignored his better judgment-what little he ever really had, that is. IMO, Patrick didn't love Kevin; he loved what Kevin represented. Patrick saw Kevin as the Prince Charming he so desperately wanted him to be, instead of the frog that he is. As for Patrick's claim to Megan that he did think about Jon's feelings, that was more bullshit because if that were true, then Patrick never would've hooked up with Kevin in the first place. Megan may have been rude, annoying and judgmental of Patrick in "Looking For Sanctuary," but when it came to Patrick & Kevin's affair and its effect on Jon, she was absolutely right to put Patrick on blast. Patrick may not have been the one who made a commitment like Kevin had to Jon (or so Jon thought), but that shouldn't let Patrick off the hook. Patrick may have been single when things started with Kevin, but he wasn't innocent, by a long shot. Kevin may have told Patrick that he loved him and even moved in with him, but he did the same things with Jon and look how that turned out. Patrick not only brought his misery on himself, he deserves it, as far as I'm concerned. As long as Patrick stays with Kevin, he'll always wonder about where he is and what and/or whom he's doing when they're not together, which serves Patrick right. However, I do give Patrick props for making some long-overdue baby steps towards maturity in the series finale. Patrick's fight with Kevin helped Patrick finally realize what he does and doesn't want in a relationship-namely trust, re the former. In the last scenes with Kevin in that episode, I think that Patrick had an epiphany: that there's no love without trust and Patrick can't be with someone whom he doesn't trust anymore. Patrick's last scenes with Richie were sweet. To Patrick's credit, he didn't dump his emotional baggage on Richie and Richie didn't pry. Patrick & Richie's relationship has evolved since their breakup. Patrick even gave Richie some good advice about how to deal with his dad and he apologized to Richie in "Looking For Truth." I don't consider Patrick's seeing Richie in the S2 finale "emotional infidelity" because Patrick didn't flirt with Richie and Richie's got a new boyfriend named Brady, who's a journalist. Patrick's visit to Richie was strictly business, as in Patrick's getting his new buzzcut. When it comes to who's the best guy between Patrick, Kevin & Richie, my vote: TeamRichie by a landslide. Richie is sweet, smart, loyal and honest with himself and others. As for Richie's being "judgmental," every character on the show has judged other people, at one time or another. Richie's not the only guilty party by a long shot. Richie has never judged anyone who didn't deserve it, whether it was Patrick, Kevin or Agustin. Richie's willingness to forgive Patrick despite the way Patrick treated him in S1 shows just how great Richie is. If the TV movie does get made, if it doesn't end with Patrick staying single and it does plan to reunite Patrick & Richie, I hope that Richie makes Patrick work for it and work hard.

Edited by DollEyes

I'm sorry we won't get a third season, because I feel like this upcoming season could have been Patrick's redemption in a way similar to what Agustin had this season. Agustin pretty much hit rock bottom at the end of last season and the start of this season, so I like that he learned from it and that it humbled him in some ways and he grew (not in every way, thankfully, no one's perfect).


I'd like to think that the way things ended for Patrick this season and his "I'm ready" would have meant he was ready to start seeing things more clearly, start letting go of his need to please others (whether it's to please society, please his mother, please Kevin, or in general fulfill expectations of what he thinks he "should" be in life), and instead start taking small steps toward being his own person and living the life he truly wants, especially now that he's feeling stronger and more certain about what that is. Not necessarily that he wants Richie, but more in general that he recognizes that certain things (like Kevin's more "flexible" monogamy) are not what he wants for himself. That's pretty big for him to realize and start to verbalize. I really would have liked to have seen the showrunners explore that. I hope they get to show at least a little bit of it in that "wrap up movie" they're talking about doing.

Edited by sinkwriter
  • Love 3

I hope to God Groffles doesn't end up in a Ryan Murphy production because I'd hate to not watch someone with him in it. And as much as I love him, I am NEVER watching another Ryan Murphy production. Ever. Besides, Matt Bomer's been cast in the next American Horror Story. 


I wouldn't mind RT and JG giving superhero stories a try. Marvel or DC. 

  • Love 1

I believe that Patrick isn't in the state of mind, to want to admit that he's in an unhappy relationship with Kevin, but his mind and heart, doesn't want to fail in the situation. I think the writers, in the wrap up film (whenever it happens), will have Patrick staying with Kevin and compromising on being in a relationship that will be open, whenever the need hits his partner. Kevin, will try to "control his desires", but I don't think he can do it and he's going to end up feeling guilty and trapped, like he was with Jon.

I think Patrick has already pretty much admitted he's not in a great situation.  The whole roof top conversation had Patrick acknowledging how much he ignored in order to be in this relationship with Kevin.  And it was about more than their ideas of monogamy.  Kevin offered to "adjust" as well, yet in the middle of the night it was Kevin who was sound asleep and Patrick, as he feared, wide awake. 


But Patrick's pattern is to push forward. Every time someone gives him the chance to back off, he goes more in (I don't have to meet your friends/family--"you must!"  Let's live together whenever you'd like-"let's do it today!") Honestly, I think the only reason he didn't push forward when Richie approached him outside of his apartment was the fact that he had just been fucked by his boss and even he realized that was probably going too far.  So the show could go either way.  It might be easier to write the mismatch but it'd feel like an Ep 10 redux. 


Matt Bomer's been cast in the next American Horror Story.


I've loved Matt from his early days on a soap opera and yeah, not watching this.  Damn Ryan Murphy for soaking up good actors I like and getting them to appear repeatedly in his programs. 

Edited by Irlandesa
  • Love 1

Overall, I've enjoyed the second season and the finale was just okay. Not brilliant but not terrible either.


I could see both sides to an extent with Patrick and Kevin but if anything this season has just shown how mismatched they may be in the long run. And I'm not entirely saying that as someone who prefers Richie, I swear.


Dom and Doris had some great moments in this episode and I love that it was Malik who pushed them in talking again.


We needed more of Agustin and Eddie though. They've been the highlight of the season for me.


What I saw from what was written for Patrick and Kevin, was a story about two men, that really wanted to change their current situations.

I'm sorry we won't get a third season, because I feel like this upcoming season could have been Patrick's redemption in a way similar to what Agustin had this season. Agustin pretty much hit rock bottom at the end of last season and the start of this season, so I like that he learned from it and that it humbled him in some ways and he grew (not in every way, thankfully, no one's perfect).


I'd like to think that the way things ended for Patrick this season and his "I'm ready" would have meant he was ready to start seeing things more clearly, start letting go of his need to please others (whether it's to please society, please his mother, please Kevin, or in general fulfill expectations of what he thinks he "should" be in life), and instead start taking small steps toward being his own person and living the life he truly wants, especially now that he's feeling stronger and more certain about what that is. Not necessarily that he wants Richie, but more in general that he recognizes that certain things (like Kevin's more "flexible" monogamy) are not what he wants for himself. That's pretty big for him to realize and start to verbalize. I really would have liked to have seen the showrunners explore that. I hope they get to show at least a little bit of it in that "wrap up movie" they're talking about doing.

I would love to see a Patrick, that is stronger and more sure of himself and not always trying to seek out to please others. I still just want him and Richie to be in the friends only zone.

  • Love 1




  I agree, but my question is, who do you think needs it the most? My picks: since Richie has worked on his issues, I'd say he doesn't need it; otoh, between their rushing things way too fast, lying, the cheating, being assholes to their previous partners and being assholes period, I'd say that when it comes to Patrick & Kevin, it's a two-way tie.

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In the new issue of TV Guide with, ironically enough, Jamie & Cersei Lannister from Game Of Thrones on the cover, there's a "Jeer" to HBO for cancelling Looking:


"With its mix of heart and humor, the series.... about frank and frisky gay pals deserved better than to be dumped after its just-wrapped (and much improved) second season."

The Looking movie will be the closing movie at the Frameline Festival with is a LGBTQ festival in San Fran.  I am not certain but I would expect this is the weekend that HBO will air it as well.  End of June.  Just criminal.


And we have a description....finally.


Looking begins with video game designer Patrick returning to San Francisco for the wedding of bestie Agustín to adorable bear Eddie (Daniel Franzese). Patrick left the Bay Area several months earlier—for a job, he says, but with a lovesick expression that suggests otherwise. Celebratory reunions with hunky restaurateur Dom and the ever-hilarious Doris (Lauren Weedman) ensue, as do multiple erotic minglings, old and new. Whether Patrick reconciles with bad-news-boss Kevin (Russell Tovey), renews his relationship with sexy charmer Richie (Raúl Castillo), or chooses the non-committed life, we will not say, letting you savor the potent particulars as they unfold.

Edited by Irlandesa

I finally found more detailed spoilers for this movie. I thought they'd be all over the place but other than some very general stuff, they really weren't.  Nothing too detailed but...


It looks like that Jon/Kevin reunion is real which is...interesting.  I will be curious to see how it plays out in the movie.  But it really made me want to cry that everyone is reuniting/coming to terms with their exes except for Dom/Lynn.  *wah*

  • Love 1
On 7/4/2016 at 2:38 AM, Irlandesa said:

I finally found more detailed spoilers for this movie. I thought they'd be all over the place but other than some very general stuff, they really weren't.  Nothing too detailed but...

  Hide contents

It looks like that Jon/Kevin reunion is real which is...interesting.  I will be curious to see how it plays out in the movie.  But it really made me want to cry that everyone is reuniting/coming to terms with their exes except for Dom/Lynn.  *wah*


Really? I wonder how those two get back together after all this time?

Dom and Lynn...sigh

"wouldn't mind more movies every few years checking in on these guys -- if Armistead Maupin could return to Tales Of The City twenty-five years later, why can't Alexander Haigh and Michael Lannan? -- but if this is all we get, it's a very satisfying ending."

That's such high and lovely praise. I absolutely adored the series and it would be wonderful if we could get to see what's going on with these group of friends every couple of years.

  • Love 7

I smiled throughout the movie. I was a little disappointed there wasn't a Dom/Lynn reunion, but I get why. It would've been too pat.

I'm okay with Richie and Patrick, but they did dial Brady up to 11 with his annoyance in order to push them together. One of the strongest scenes was between Kevin and Patrick. There were truths to both arguments. Patrick is a coward, and their relationship probably wouldn't have worked, but we'll never know.

I still miss this show. I can relate to it so much more than I can Girls. But I guess the realism is what did it in.

  • Love 4

I loved this wrapup film and one thing that saddens me in all this is this commonly seen comment about the reason for the series cancellation:

"But I guess the realism is what did it in."

I loved the slow-paced, slice of real life and so called "boring" aspects of the show, because I don't always need my GLBT fictionalized dramas to have characters that are always at on, quick with a quip or fabulous at the drop of a dime.

Yes, it was annoying that Patrick didn't have his crap together two years ago, but the results of his move to Denver, showed a growth that probably wouldn't have happened if he stayed in SF. Dom's learned that he wants more than to just shag the newest and cutest guy at his former place of employment. He just now has to figure out how to balance his restaurant career with his personal life. Agustin is the one that had the most amazing change and that was due to meeting a man, that he probably never saw himself with and Eddie made him see that he had to come correct, be honest, truthful, open and direct when it came to expressing his love.

I'm just so glad that we were blessed on getting this wrapup film made and on the air.

Edited by vixenbynight
  • Love 7

Goddamn IMDB. Before this site launched, a huge group of regulars would meet up evey week to dish on the TV show board. 

Just now Patrick's hookup was swooning over Kevin's ears, and I went there to look up a post where I did the same thing, and discovered huge swathes of content had been deleted, including everything I had written. I can only think of two threads on that whole board that contained heated comments, and I know I kept my own comments civil, so my working theory is that the scripwriters poured over our chatter for ideas, and deleted the good stuff just to be safe.


Just a theory. Anyway, I laughed for five minutes solid at the ear comment.

And they're still damn sexy ears.


And then Kevin opens his faux- blond mouth: " You didn't have to dress up for me!" GOD. JUST, GOD.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

I smiled throughout the movie. I was a little disappointed there wasn't a Dom/Lynn reunion, but I get why. It would've been too pat.

Oh gracious how I wanted a Dom and Lynn reunion.  It being "pat" be damned.  I could totally believe that something like gay marriage might have shaken Lynn out of his stupor.  Just that decision represented new futures and new possibilities to the gay community.  Their split was realistic but all I'm saying is that it wouldn't have been hard for them to get me to believe a reunion. But I'm a sucker for happy endings so I'm easy.

I think scheduling was likely the biggest issue.  And time in the movie--although it was only 90 minutes so they could have done more!


I'm okay with Richie and Patrick, but they did dial Brady up to 11 with his annoyance in order to push them together.

I just think there was more concentrated Brady in this movie rather than them dialing up his annoyance level.  When we first met him, he advocated leaving Agustin on the street.  He was edgy when he first met Eddie, who handled it well but it was there.  He was a lousy drunk at the Halloween party and the Prom.  In fact, while I found the character interesting and the actor a cutie, I can't recall ever seeing this "decent guy" Agustin referred to in the beginning of the movie.  He must have been there because otherwise I can't believe Richie would have put up with him as long as he did but there's definitely something about alcohol & Patrick that sets this guy off.


One of the strongest scenes was between Kevin and Patrick. There were truths to both arguments. Patrick is a coward, and their relationship probably wouldn't have worked, but we'll never know.

There were a lot of interesting layers in that scene about what the Patrick and Kevin relationship was and was not.  And also who Patrick and Kevin were and were not.  Kevin did have some truths.  Both seasons showed a lot of cowardice on Patrick's part, although I do think it manfested itself differently with Riche and Kevin.  With Richie, he was in but feared being judged which led him to be a less than supportive boyfriend.  With Kevin, not only was his flight partly inspired by fear but so were a lot of the biggest moves in their relationship from reuniting after Patrick's meltdown/car accident at Doris's father's funeral to moving in together after he found out his mother might leave his father.  His flight, however, was a mix of fear, trust issues and, based on what he told his hookup in the movie about his past relationships, a likely sense that despite them being perfect on paper, Kevin just wasn't the one. (I saw the ill fated Dom/Patrick kiss as a nod to the "perfect on paper" isn't always right dynamic.)

Meanwhile, I couldn't help at look at where Kevin was in his life.  When I first read the spoilers for the movie, Kevin being back with Jon made so little sense but when I saw the scene, I think I understood what it represented.  Here Kevin is chastising Patrick for cowardice yet he went right back to the boyfriend he claimed to be distanced from during his affair with Patrick. Instead of being single, he ran back to the comfort of the past yet claimed to still love Patrick. He's telling Patrick that Patrick was wrong to leave and should come back to San Fran even though Denver was good for Patrick and Kevin himself is planning on leaving--going home ironically.  He's telling Patrick that he would have loved to try to be monogamous even though he just negotiated and open-ish relationship with Jon because he knows he fails at it.

I know a lot of people were thrilled at how Kevin sort of called Patrick out but I think that's only part of the story. I was more impressed with how much Kevin-ness they squeezed into a little scene.  There was Kevin the charmer. There was the vulnerable Kevin. There was the Kevin who believed his own bullshit.  There was Kevin the hypocrite.  There was the Kevin with feelings.  But there's also the Kevin who likely put on quite a show to convince his ex that he was sorry and that it was a mistake yet is telling Patrick he still loves him.  Basically, the same old Kevin.

One final thought (for tonight) but I found it really interesting that as much as the first two seasons and even some of this movie were love letters to San Francisco, it seemed to beat down at least three of its characters.  Kevin (and Jon) are leaving.  Patrick seems better off for having left and Richie clearly is done with it for now.

Edited by Irlandesa
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The whole thing wasn't really necessary, but it was really nice to see all those characters again. I still do believe that the final episode of the 2nd season was an amazing closure, because from the very last frame it was perfectly clear, that Patrick will end up with Richie. I'd prefer Patrick  to end up with Dom or Kevin, but, well, Patrick with Richie  is a very clear political message, pointing towards the utopian possibility of the class and race transgression within the gay community, so let be it.  

Edited by skotnikov
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I can't get over how standard it feels as a series finale, in that nearly everyone gets to go off and start a new chapter in their lives, but it didn't have the "Cheers closes" or "the Friends move out" type end to the chapter we saw them in and the ambiguity is killing me because I may never get to know if Patrick and Richie make it work or whether they stay in San Francisco or if Doris has a baby or how married life treats Augustin and Eddie. (Dear Andrew Haigh and Michael Lannan and HBO and everyone else: PLEASE come back every few years and turn this into Tales of the City for Millennials.) I was sure that the movie was over when Richie walked back into the bar, and it would have felt a lot more like closure without that eight minutes, but that's also not how this show works.

However, I do wish they had found more growth for Dom than just "Dom learns to loosen up and maybe gets laid." (I didn't see Handsome Jake in the diner so who knows what happened with him.)

I wasn't expecting it but I still wanted a Dom/Lynn reunion. Bummed it didn't happen. I know Bakula is busy with NCIS: NOLA but I would've settled for Dom telling Patrick how he had gotten back with Lynn but Lynn was out of town on business.

Kevin was typical Kevin. While I agreed with every word he said to Patrick, he was still an ass in his way of saying it. He really let all his bitterness hang out while ignoring his own hand in his break-up with Jon. He pursued Patrick while being with Jon so he's just as at fault in his life becoming a mess as Patrick was, moreso perhaps. The person I feel sorry for is Jon. Because I think Kevin went back to him out of habit and because he was familiar and comfortable. He clearly still has feelings for Patrick and would've dumped Jon in a second (again) if Patrick had suggested they reunite. Jon deserves better.

Brady -- what an ass. I couldn't even feel sorry for him in dating someone he knew was in love with someone else. Loved Patrick's smackdown of him.

Patrick -- finally, FINALLY, I found him root worthy. I'm glad he's grown and, hopefully, got his act together.

Richie -- Perfect. He was perfect from beginning to end of the show. Adore him and RaulC. I loved that Patrick was the one to fight for him and will be the one to support him while he works through his stuff instead of Richie having to take care of everyone else.

I wish Doris had actually been pregnant. I'd love to see her with a kid. Please tell me why Augustin invited Frank (that is his ex's name, right) to his bachelor party? Cause all he did was throw passive-aggressive shade.

  • Love 2

It seems as if the movie wanted to end on a note of "riding off into the sunset", which is understandable ... but if the series had continued, you know that Patrick would have continued to bounce between boyfriends and be the neurotic Patrick that you love/hate. The movie also cemented the feeling that this was a show centered around Jonathan Groff -- which isn't a problem for me. It was just odd that the show seemed to be presented as being about three friends living in SF. 

It was good to see Kevin again, but wow, he came off as almost schizo. He appeared to have a love/hate relationship with Patrick - and maybe they wanted the character to seem ambiguous - but his actions and words never seemed to jibe. I wished there had been scenes with Kevin and Jon, or just Kevin on his own without Patrick around - just to see how Kevin really operates. Kevin is back with Jon and he is happy to be in a more honest, non-monogamous relationship - and they are moving, again, as a couple - - but Kevin never acknowledges Jon as much of a significant  other, just a placeholder.  Kevin definitely had issues. 

I did not like that Patrick was in so many of the Dom and Doris scenes.  However, I did like Doris' outsider perspective on the gay-versus-gay scene. 

The Tyne Daly scene was nice - but once again, it was with Patrick. 

They did a good job of making Bradley such a drunken douche that I didn't feel sorry for him when Ricky broke up with him and went right back to Patrick in about five minutes. And Augustin's ex Frank was also a drunken passive aggressive 'friend'. I personally have never understood the appeal of the circle of gay 'friends'  that seem to enjoy snide comments and barely restrained hostility disguised as honesty. Some weird form of self-hatred? 

I always enjoyed the SF scenery and the shots of the city with what appeared to be real people out and about. The bar and restaurant hopping (along with the constant drama) looked exhausting - but I suppose that is the lifestyle for people of their age in SF. 

If another show were attempted that centered around the LG-blah-blah-blah lifestyle, I hope that someone manages to make it less of a soap opera. Sex, lies and scandals are entertaining in their own way but there actually can be drama and problems that occur in the lives of queer people that are not completely the result of their own screw-ups. You know, like the struggle for marriage rights, adoption, family acceptance, etc, etc, etc. 

But I did enjoy Looking while it lasted...

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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