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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Boof got a good view of what was really going on and predicts it will all go down the drain. I think he was concerned about how much longer she could hold this show, and her addictions together. He saw the writing on the wall. He knows Wendy is going to blame someone. He doesn’t want to be the bullseye. So he left. He’s been very good about not saying anything, but suggested that it (in real life) is much worse than we know. Even those of us who are speculating are underestimating how bad it is. 

Who is Boof ? I came to the party late - I've only been watching her the past few months. Any links to any articles on this Boof and his connection to Wendy ?

8 hours ago, tableau vivant said:

Who is Boof ? I came to the party late - I've only been watching her the past few months. Any links to any articles on this Boof and his connection to Wendy ?

As Ginger90 stated, Boof was a DJ for the WW show. He is a very attractive (IMO) young, 40-ish black man. Wendy was always drooling over him. It was obvious she wanted him. He didn't want her. He silently disappeared from the show and DJ Suss took over.

Wendy would always talk about how Boof came "to my apartment with food". He was constantly showing up (according to W) with "food". Who knows what Boof was really dropping off at her apartment. He disappeared around the same time her cats did.


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On 6/22/2021 at 10:53 AM, Mindthinkr said:

I watched today. I missed something in the beginning about the paparazzi and her. She has a short video of it, but I don’t care enough to try to go find it elsewhere. 
   I’m convinced she is having lip injections. The top lip is getting bigger and started to have that duck like shape. 
   I understand why she doesn’t date or do anything. She mentioned today how she watches Judge Jerry and Jerry Springer every day. Plus all those Lifetime movies. Also those E series and yada yada yada. Dating would interfere with her being able to sit all day (hopefully in her lymph machine) and watch all these shows. Not that I believe that she actually does see all those she talks about. Example being the Real Housewives shows as she needs too much prompting from Norman. 
   She must have been hungry watching the show as she made a lot of those mouth smacking noises and discussed the chicken wing shortage (which she probably helped contribute to). I do not need to know how she sucks all the meat off of one…insert gestures showing how…and the audio effects in one smooth move. What flavors she prefers and where she gets them when she is in NY or Miami. I’d rather be hearing about celebrities and get some dish. Unfortunately the Wendy Williams Show is becoming all about Wendy. Very little of the premise this was supposed to be. 
   She did do one story about a 71 year old man who got clobbered after winning his case on Judge Jerry. Security was used to get him to his car safely. Well, it didn’t go that way. The other party snuck up and fisted him in the face. It broke his nose, hurt his jaw in a way that will require surgery to fix as well as knocking out his teeth (doubt it was all his teeth, but enough to do serious damage). The man is suing the JJ show, security and NBC. She was all for it. Wendy should not disparage other networks. They have funny ways of digging dirt on ppl who do and putting it on shows like Inside Edition or… and the flip side is that I would be here for all the dirty details on WW. 
  She seemed peppy today. I wonder why. 

So true.  I never watch Jerry Springer and the loonies that I am not interested in.  In fact, she watches weird shows.  Like you said, the Housewives are hot now, so she should study them more and comment about them.  Every damn day, it’s the rappers.  I’ll bet half of us don’t know who they are, including me.  We want to hear about the women of today.  She watches junk.  After watching today, I think she will be continued.  She has too many viewers and audience people who are just like her .. flamboyant.  They love her.  It’s actually like a freak show, and unfortunately here to stay.  IMO.  They should call the show “The Wendy Williams Freak Show”.  The clothes the audience wear says it all.  If it wasn’t for Norman, she would be off.  She could not do it without him.  He does all the work while she watches shit shows and eating wings at home on her bed.  Boof probably had enough, so disappeared.

Oh, another thing.  Why shoe cam?  Who cares what kind of shoes a person wears?  Why does she think that’s important?

Edited by Hangin Out
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32 minutes ago, Hangin Out said:

Oh, another thing.  Why shoe cam?  Who cares what kind of shoes a person wears?  Why does she think that’s important?

Edited 15 minutes ago by Hangin Out

^^^^ Yes! Nobody cares about anyone's shoes. Wendy thinks she has some innovative "trendy" idea with the "shoe cam." 

For the past year (during Covid) everyone was staying at home not wearing shoes at all. For god's sake Wendy COME UP WITH NEW MATERIAL.  The shoe cam is old, tired and done. 

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She had on John Oliver today.  They were going to eat Slim Jim’s her way. So they got them out of the wrappers and lit them up with lighters and cooked them till they crack crack cracked (Hmm Freudian Slip Wendy?) and then ate them. At that point I got disgusted. She chewed with her mouth open and made plenty of smacking sounds. Gross. Why would someone with a decent show like John Oliver go on her show? Worse yet a painting was made of them eating the Slim Jim’s so this was obviously preplanned. He has another painting of her that’s going on a museum tour for 5 weeks. Is he serious? Or is he just playing along and then will later spoof her on his show. I’m gobsmacked. His new show featuring her could be called How Low Will You Go. 

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On 6/22/2021 at 5:46 AM, Nicmar said:

Wendy looks like a man.

Hey now, let's not insult men.  😄 To me Wendy is a modern variation of Frankenstein's monster if the monster was created from body parts from different people.  The pieces don't look like they quite fit together.  Nothing is in proportion and she does everything she can to make that worse.

22 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

She had on John Oliver today.  They were going to eat Slim Jim’s her way. So they got them out of the wrappers and lit them up with lighters and cooked them till they crack crack cracked (Hmm Freudian Slip Wendy?) and then ate them. At that point I got disgusted. She chewed with her mouth open and made plenty of smacking sounds. Gross. Why would someone with a decent show like John Oliver go on her show? Worse yet a painting was made of them eating the Slim Jim’s so this was obviously preplanned. He has another painting of her that’s going on a museum tour for 5 weeks. Is he serious? Or is he just playing along and then will later spoof her on his show. I’m gobsmacked. His new show featuring her could be called How Low Will You Go. 

John Oliver talked on his show about one of Wendy's early pandemic shows during which she ate a lamb chop in her usual lip-smacking way.  He talked about how absurd it was and how it showed she didn't care what people think.  I would say he was more astounded than anything that this was actually on TV.  The WW Show then sent him the painting of Wendy eating the lamb chop as a gift (any mention in media is a good mention - brings more eyes to the show).  John had two other paintings that were featured on the season: one of men's neck ties, and eratica, a drawing of a pair of cartoon rats post coitus.  He has offered those paintings to museums and his show will give a generous donation to each museum that shows them.  

I would say he finds her ridiculous and is as amazed as many of us that her show is on TV.  However, since he doesn't see her as harmful, he can laugh along with how bizarre it is. 

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Of course the first 5 minutes of "not so hot" topics is all about Wendy. She tells us her niece stops by unexpectedly and Wendy puts her up in Wendy's spare bedroom. No mention of where the (dead?) cats are.

Wendy's wig is sittin' wrong on her head 😄 One of her balloons is sagging too. 

Ok...back to watching ID channel!

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I think Wendy's brain short circuited for about 3 minutes during today's HT.   She went completely into Lala Land with this story about waking up and seeing her cats looking out the bedroom window.   She says the cats stretched up against the glass and she imagined them talking to her in their cat voices singing "Naked, naked, naked, dance naked, dance naked!  You dance naked all the time, Mom, so come dance naked with us!".  As she's saying this, she's dancing in her chair and throwing her hands in the air like she just don't care.   I think Wendy's apartment should be checked for a CO2 leak or something.  That was freaky.

I do not understand why a cuckoo net didn't fall on her, or the screen didn't cut to black.   That was some loony crap right there.

3 hours ago, Happy Belly said:

Did I really hear Wendy yell “death to them all” when she was discussing Britney Spears’ family?

I was still weirded out by Wendy's cat lady episode, but I'm pretty sure I did hear her say the Spears family should die.

Edited by patty1h
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4 hours ago, patty1h said:

this story about waking up and seeing her cats looking out the bedroom window.   She says the cats stretched up against the glass and she imagined them talking to her in their cat voices singing "Naked, naked, naked, dance naked, dance naked!  You dance naked all the time, Mom, so come dance naked with us!".  As she's saying this, she's dancing in her chair and throwing her hands in the air like she just don't care. 

I must go watch this on You Tube! 😂

Comedy Gold!

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On Thursday's show, Wendy had one of the 'Real Housewives' on as a guest. I think her name was Nicole ? Anyhow, Nicole was talking about an episode where the fellow RH threw her a bachelorette party and there was a male stripper there (they then put the photo of the male stripper up behind the two). Wendy then proceeds to ask Nicole a description of his penis - the size, the girth, etc. ON TELEVISION. 

Nicole gives her the details of his penis - size, girth, etc. - and the two of them decide to critique his penis on air, with his photo showing behind them. (Wendy commented it would be too big for her to 'enjoy' intimately). ON TELEVISION.

So let's take a step back...can you imagine if any daytime (or nighttime) male host of a talk show today had another male guest on, and the guest mentioned his friends threw him a bachelor party with a female stripper ?  And the male host had a picture of the female stripper behind them, and asked the guest to give a complete description of the woman's  breasts and  vagina ? On television ? And then the two critiqued her anatomy - on television - with her picture being show to the audience ?  And then the male host would say her anatomical parts would not be enjoyable to him if they were intimate ? 


I doubt very much the male host or his celebrity guest would have a career this morning.  How this woman gets away with saying such things is beyond me. And how those show employees encourage and enable her to say such things about another person's anatomy (they all laughed along and clapped) is shameful. Not one has the decency to walk off the show when she talks so degrading like this ? Where is their integrity ? 

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43 minutes ago, tableau vivant said:

Wendy then proceeds to ask Nicole a description of his penis - the size, the girth, etc. ON TELEVISION

Not at all surprised. I wish one of the MANY men she has hit on, made suggestive comments to and derogatory comments, would sue her pancake ass.

11 hours ago, patty1h said:

will Wendy apologize or explain her philosophy of "say it like you mean it" and brush it off.


I'll place a hundred dollar bet she brushes it off. It's her MO! She buries her head in the sand whenever she gets "called out" on anything. 

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57 minutes ago, tableau vivant said:

How this woman gets away with saying such things is beyond me. And how those show employees encourage and enable her to say such things about another person's anatomy (they all laughed along and clapped) is shameful. Not one has the decency to walk off the show when she talks so degrading like this ? Where is their integrity ? 

I wouldn't care how much money I was making working for cheap ass Wendy. I would look for a lesser paying job somewhere else rather than work for this waste of oxygen with her antiquated views on men and women. 

Put her in "A Place For Mom." Or let her dad take care of her.

Edited by chenoa333
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2 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

I think the person who said it was ok to support the #FreeBrittany, but not to wish death on anyone (paraphrased) said it best. Funny how only the Daily Mail picked this up, but truthfully I haven’t been out there looking for this news. Thanks for the link Cookies. 

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Lord, she is a piece of crap.   She mentioned that her intern from her radio days (Skeletor) was found dead in his apartment last week.  She started (phony) tearing up and (phony) speaking in a weepy voice as she talked about her old associate.   She spent about one whole minute on this man's story before she stated that she won't be attending the funeral, then she switched to a new topic and lost all of the sadness in a split second.   What a creep.

Then she started talking about Pride Month and her friend Da Brat, who came out last year.  Smarter-than-us-all Wendy had to tell us all that she been knew about DB.   She also told how DB had tried to make a move on her in the past and how she told DB don't even try it.  I didn't like the note of disgust Wendy had in her voice as she described this incident.   Da Brat was a guest later in the show... I didn't really pay attention to their conversation, but from what I kinda picked up on, DB was not pleased with Wendy and things seemed a little heated.  If I get really bored later, I may go back and listen to what these two said to each other...

Edited by patty1h
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45 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I saw her wig was set too far back. 

That's been happening a lot lately 😄 i'm sure it's not easy being on Wendy's "glam" squad. They should just call themselves the "Futile Attempt" Squad.

Wendy dressed in the colors of the LGBTQ Rainbow and she's always insulting/disrespectful to them. She's so fake. And stop with the " chipmunk on crack" giggle Grandma.

And her ugly T shirt with the strategically placed smiley faces on her nipples. Unfortunately, those smiley faces are down by her waist. 😄

Pick a finger Wendy. I've got a bouquet for you.

Edited by chenoa333
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7 hours ago, tableau vivant said:

So let's take a step back...can you imagine if any daytime (or nighttime) male host of a talk show today had another male guest on, and the guest mentioned his friends threw him a bachelor party with a female stripper ?  And the male host had a picture of the female stripper behind them, and asked the guest to give a complete description of the woman's  breasts and  vagina ? On television ? And then the two critiqued her anatomy - on television - with her picture being show to the audience ?  And then the male host would say her anatomical parts would not be enjoyable to him if they were intimate ? 

Normally I would agree regarding the topic.   However, the stripper story was a very prominent one on the RHOA,  One or more of the cast members (not Cynthia, the guest on the show) allegedly slept with him.   The discussion Cynthia and Wendy had was also heavily discussed on RHOA.  So I wasn't surprised it came up on the show, although a lot of it could have waited until Cynthia and Wendy hug out after the show.

I'm hoping Wendy goes on vacay soon.  She does not seem well.  Today's show was a mess.  The bouncing between laughing and crying in the first segment was very strange even for her.


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I almost forgot that today Wendy let us all know that she has an admirer that's recently sent her a gift -- a pair of pink boxing gloves decorated with her initials in crystals.  She said all this with a tone like "of course men can't resist me.  I'm like a magnet for their attention!".  She giggles while saying she thinks she's going to wear the gloves one day when the paparazzi is waiting for her and see their reactions.  She says that he has lots of money to buy her lots of gifts, too.  While she's telling this fairytale, she keeps messing up the guys name - she says it's Daniel, then she calls him David the next second.

I think she said he's from California and, unfortunately, she is not in the market for a long-distance relationship at this time and tells David/Daniel that it just won't work.    I can only wonder what institution this delusional guy is a patient of - psychiatric unit or school for the blind.

Edited by patty1h
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 Now Wendy has gone from thinking she is irresistible to all men to thinking that lesbians think she is irresistible as we.  Da Brat was not happy about that. She said she never hit on Wendy and I believe her.  She said she felt sorry for Wendy because Wendy doesn't have any friends. First we had Joseline reading Wendy for filth and now Da Brat. I need her mirror because she obviously is seeing something I'm not seeing. 

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It looks like several outlets did report on Wendy's "death to the Spears" rant, just from looking at a quick search.  Entertainment Tonight of course said nothing because they love her for whatever reason.  I guess ignoring her is better than what they usually do after her outbursts, tell her off one day and then go back to kissing up to her the next.

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1 hour ago, iwantcookies said:

Lol that’s gold! 

You all think Wendy was hitting on her sons friends? I have a feeling she was trying to be Mrs Robinson.

Wendy thinks she's young and hot. She can't see that she's old and not hot. Nobody wants to see her nekkid 😄 Maybe that's how her cats died/disappeared? They couldn't take seeing or smelling her anymore so they jumped out a window. 


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On 6/25/2021 at 12:21 PM, patty1h said:

Lord, she is a piece of crap.   She mentioned that her intern from her radio days (Skeletor) was found dead in his apartment last week.  She started (phony) tearing up and (phony) speaking in a weepy voice as she talked about her old associate.   She spent about one whole minute on this man's story before she stated that she won't be attending the funeral, then she switched to a new topic and lost all of the sadness in a split second.   What a creep.

I was thinking, psychopath.

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Wendy has made herself walking out of the building in Walgreens leggings a hot topic claiming the paps are waiting for her to take her photo.

Pretty sure Wendy has hired these fake photographers to do this every day because I know guys who use to be paps for TMZ and I'm positive none of them are wasting time standing outside of Wendy's building waiting for her to come out every morning to go to work. 

The other day Wendy revealed every day out of the building she wears the same outfit. Leggings from Walgreens and 10 year old shoes and 20 year old handbag. She revealed she doesn't wear bras and panties and that she loved Walgreen leggings because it doesn't show her cooch crack. Yes these are her words.

I knew it was her way of trying to act like 'one of us' and not like she's some millionaire. They don't sell leggings at Walgreens drugstore Wendy. If you're gonna pretend to be one of us, know the difference between what's sold at drugstores and what's sold at Ross or Target.

She was so rude with and inappropriate with DA BRAT.  Several times she insisted Da Brat wanted her and Brat set her straight, just like that man she asked out last week but Wendy kept going.  After the Brat kept telling Wendy that she didn't think of her that way, then she told her no matter what this whole thing is inappropriate because she is in a long time relationship, for the 4th or 5th time Wendy insisted and demanded to know if Da Brat would want her if she was single.

How would it be if she kept doing this to a married man on the show, well I'm sure she will or already has, but it's just so rude and disrespectful.

I'm not even gonna go on the tirade of how mean she was to Cynthia on Thursday telling her she should be fired from the show, and Cynthia had to defend herself.  I hope Cynthia bailed on her dinner with Wendy after the show. 

The more I watch, the more I see why so many people hate Wendy from back in the day.  She really is just mean and awful and barely contains her loathesomeness.

I can't wait for her day to come where she finally gets called out for the horrible way she treats people and sexually harasses her employees and guests.

Let me just also add just  a month ago there was an asian man on the show and she was annoyed by him and demanded to know why his eyes were shut. He had to explain he's asian and that's just how his eyes are. So freakin rascist.


Edited by LEILANI2
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1 minute ago, NowVoyager said:

Cynthia is so beautiful even with the weight she's put on and yes, Wendy was a bitch to her. I hope Cynthia didn't go out to dinner with her afterwards.


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On 6/25/2021 at 4:06 PM, patty1h said:

I almost forgot that today Wendy let us all know that she has an admirer that's recently sent her a gift -- a pair of pink boxing gloves decorated with her initials in crystals.  She said all this with a tone like "of course men can't resist me.  I'm like a magnet for their attention!".  She giggles while saying she thinks she's going to wear the gloves one day when the paparazzi is waiting for her and see their reactions.  She says that he has lots of money to buy her lots of gifts, too.  While she's telling this fairytale, she keeps messing up the guys name - she says it's Daniel, then she calls him David the next second.

I think she said he's from California and, unfortunately, she is not in the market for a long-distance relationship at this time and tells David/Daniel that it just won't work.    I can only wonder what institution this delusional guy is a patient of - psychiatric unit or school for the blind.

I am assuming the D she keeps using for "his" name stands for Discover which is her credit card that she is using to buy herself gifts. 

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10 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

Wendy goes to work with no bra and panties on? That’s just nasty.

She probably thinks this little tidbit makes her sexy and wild to the damaged men out there she thinks are fantasizing about her.  Her boobs cannot be tamed and don't need no stinking bra!  Her cooch loves the fresh air!   Wendy is a sexy MILF and she won't let us forget it.

I knew she had wacky ideas about herself when she did a HT story about about a year ago, where some creep actor went on social media and waved his finger at women who go out of their houses with hair bonnets on.  I agree they are tacky but there are worse things.   She kind of shamed some of the audience who said they've done this.  Wendy then felt the need to reveal that she won't even wear a shower cap because no woman looks sexy in one -- she just puts her hair up in a topknot in the shower to avoid getting it wet.  This fool is so focused on appearance that she feels necessary to look desirable in the shower, alone?   That sounds like a problem.

Sorry, Wendy, but I wear a goddamn shower cap because I don't have a team of hair dressers or a closet full of wigs to strap on in a moments notice so I have to protect my hair.  *F* off Wendy.

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