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Spoilers Only Thread: Season 6

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What can you tease about Anatoly’s return on Arrow this season? — Franco
Oliver’s mentor returning as an enemy, not an ally, will put the Emerald Archer in a very difficult position. “Anatoly has an interesting power over him that I don’t know a lot of other villains — if any villain at all — has ever had,” Stephen Amell tells me. “Oliver didn’t kill Chase for a very specific reason, because that’s what Chase wanted, but he tried to kill Malcolm, and he killed Slade once upon a time, and then put him away in prison, and then he went on this anti-killing thing, but he still killed Ra’s al Ghul and still killed Damien Darhk. Anatoly is this weird grey area of a guy that he loves and respects too much.”


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DC TV Watch: What to Expect From 'Arrow,' 'The Flash' and 'Legends of Tomorrow' Premieres
OCTOBER 06, 2017 8:00am PT by Sydney Bucksbaum



The son becomes the father | The Arrow showrunners haven't been able to talk about the season five finale Lian Yu explosion fallout all summer long ("Press has been hard, we can't really talk about who made it, who didn't. We did not think that through," executive producer Wendy Mericle tells THR with a laugh). And even with only a few days left until the season six premiere, that hasn't changed. But what producers are able to talk about are at least two of the survivors: Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and his son William (Jack Moore), and their awkward new dynamic as father and son. "It's really the question of can a superhero be a father? How is Oliver Queen going to be a good father?" Mericle says of the season-long arc. "Initially, he's not good at it. Part of the fun of the first half of the season is seeing him grapple with these issues of a 12-year-old boy really giving him a run for his money. It's not easy and we've never seen Oliver deal with this. He's always been a son and everything on the show has been through the lens of Oliver as a son and his father's legacy. Emotionally, it's new territory. This isn't a supervillain, it's a 12-year-old boy."

Mericle can't say who Oliver will turn to for advice on his new role as a father — because it's someone who survives the island explosion, and she isn't saying who. The obvious guess would be Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) helping Ollie navigate his new responsibilities.

New kind of flashbacks | While Arrow wrapped its five-year flashback storyline last season, but flashbacks will still be apart of a story in season six. Mericle reveals the premiere picks up both right after the explosion as well as a time jump five months later. "Because we don't have to do the five-year story of Oliver's past, we can jump forward and pick up five months later with Oliver in Star City and then we can also use flashbacks to tell the story of what happened on the island," she says. "It was our first experiment in not having the traditional flashback structure and it was super exciting and really fun to write. It's new and different."

Fighting a losing battle | Oliver may think there is still hope for Earth-2 Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) aka Black Siren to be one of the good guys, but Mericle says otherwise. "She's a true villain," she explains. "The arc of the season for her will be finding that little kernel of the Earth-1 Laurel Lance somewhere inside of her that can be drawn out to maybe start her on a different path. But this is really a nature vs. nurture question. How do people turn evil or turn good? On Earth-1, Laurel was a person who wanted to make the world a better place, but on Earth-2 she went down a completely different road. Why? "We answer that question," Mericle says and also calls her "a force in season six." The producer also notes she "would never rule her out as becoming a big bad." 

Girl power | Black Siren has also inspired the Arrow showrunners to explore some badass female stories this season. "We do have a different female villain early in the run who is different than anything we've ever seen on the show and very cool," Mericle says. "We're always looking for good female villains in the DCU to try to bring onto the show and in season six, that will happen more. We're looking for that now more than ever."

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Entertainment Weekly's Superhero Insider - New Seasons!
Kyle Anderson & Natalie Abrams   Oct. 6, 2017   

-- Arrow: Kyle said that, if someone had told him back in S1 that the show would still be here six seasons later, he'd say they were crazy, but here we are. Natalie said that the EPs would not tell her who lived and who died, other than to say that death is not necessarily the worst fate that one could face from the explosion. She referenced MG's responses ("Dead, dead, dead.") that were reported in yesterday's EW article (posted upthread). However, she hinted that Oliver is forced to step up as a father this year (implying that Samantha died), but Kyle was clueless as to what she meant. The premiere will pick up in present day, but the flashbacks will pick up right before the explosion. We'll see Anatoly back this season. Per Natalie, he comes back with a vengeance and he's pissed at Oliver/Team Arrow, but Oliver may not be able to kill Anatoly.  Sydelle Noel will play FBI agent Samanda Watson, who's determined to prove some sort of connection between Oliver and the GA. She's not really a part of the villain cabal, but she is another foe for Oliver. Natalie also mentioned Richard Dragon and Michael Emerson's mystery character, and said that it sounds like everyone will have a foe this season. Kyle asked who Natalie thought was most likely dead. Natalie once again asked him to think about why Oliver would have to step up as a father. Again, Kyle was clueless.

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Arrow 603 description --


DC CHARACTER ONYX VISITS STAR CITY — A rogue black ops team led by Onyx (guest star Chastity Dotson) breaks into Kord Industries and steals something lethal. Oliver (Stephen Amell) struggles to connect with William (guest star Jack Moore) so he reaches out to a surprising source for help. Kevin Tancharoen directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Oscar Balderrama (#603).  Original airdate 10/26/2017.


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Rotten Tomatoes: Did you know how everything would shake out when you wrote the finale, or is that something you figured out over the summer?

Wendi Mericle: We knew what we were doing from the beginning of season 5. We always knew that we would end with the island blowing up. How we were gonna get there, we did not know, but it felt like a great symbolic and metaphorical way to wrap up the five-season novel that had been spun since the pilot. We knew we were going to be losing the flashbacks in season six, and [those had] always been intended to be a five-season story. That was absolutely set in stone from the get-go. Where we were going to go after that, when everybody is in jeopardy, we don’t know who survived. That has been, obviously, the work of season six.

What we usually do with most of our finales is we sort of write ourselves into a corner and then see how we’re gonna get ourselves out of it. It’s a good challenge and it keeps it interesting, and I think in this case in particular, it really hit home when we were at Comic-Con, how challenging it was. It’s tough to talk about even thematically where the season is headed in season six without in some ways giving away who made it and who didn’t.

It’s not gonna be like, “Oh, hey, surprise, everybody survives, just kidding,” right?

We can’t go out with a finale of that scope and size and have everybody come out hunky dory. That would not be cool. The ramifications of what happened at the end of the season really will be felt throughout the year. We will know who’s alive and who’s not at the end of the premiere. But just because someone doesn’t die doesn’t mean they’re not gonna feel the impact of that event emotionally and possibly physically as well.

Having some kind of physical consequence to say, running through a bomb, might have something to do with it. It’s war. It brings, in a very grounded way, the reality of what they do. I think it’s easy in a superhero show to get sucked into this idea that they’re invulnerable and they don’t get hurt, but we’re going to see in season 6 that that’s definitely not the case.

When Oliver goes back to Star City, is he still the mayor?

Yes, we left him as the mayor and he will still be the mayor. We are going to continue that storyline through season 6 as well. I think Oliver works as a mayor. There’s going to be something big that happens in the premiere that is going to certainly cast some doubt on his ability to continue to do that job, but, it’s a world that we like and that we think has worked on the show well.

They’re obviously are no more flashbacks on the island, but there will still be flashbacks, right?

We are going to keep them; we’re gonna use them in a different way, though. The fun of season 6 is that we are really freed up. We have that device if we want it and we know how to break those stories and we know how to work that into the way we do this show. But the fun will be that we get to see other people’s flashbacks. “Hey, what were some of the other characters’ back stories?” We know that, for instance, Black Canary and Black Siren will both be on the show this year, so what are their back stories?

With Oliver having to deal with this very traumatic event, it doesn’t really sound like he’s going to be the most present dad.

I think this is the area of the show that is the most interesting of the season, because I don’t think we’ve really ever seen a superhero be a father, especially on television, and it’s a very particular challenge. There’s a whole different level of risk and consideration. He has a child now that he is responsible for and it changes the way he looks at his job — both his day job and especially at his night job — so it’s a whole different calculus and it opens up all kinds of different avenues for stories we haven’t seen before, which in a season 6 show is really important.

I think it’s just fun to see Oliver grappling with this. Parenthood is hard and it’s a lot easier to punch the bad guy than it is to figure out how to help your kid through math homework or bullying, whatever it is that they’re going through that week. I think the fun of it is seeing Oliver go through a learning curve with respect to how to be a good dad. It’s something he’s never had to do before and it’s something that doesn’t really fit in the paradigm of what we’ve seen him do successfully in the past.

What can you say about Vigilante as this mysterious figure we’re still wondering about?

We are super psyched about that character and about the stories that we have planned. He’ll definitely come back. We left that dangling deliberately in season five knowing that we would bring that character back in season 6. He’ll have a really cool story line, not just in respect to the city, but also with respect to a particular member of the team. We’re intrigued and we’re kind of going through the casting process right now. We’re very excited about it.

What kind of energy does newbie Michael Emerson bring to the show?

We’re super thrilled to have him. He’s been tremendous and brings so much to the role and has all these ideas and he’s just been a great, collaborative partner in the process of figuring out his character. His character is definitely going to be a bad guy and is a bad guy we haven’t seen on the show before, I think it’s safe to say he’s really going to give Oliver and Felicity in particular a run for their money. He’s very soft-spoken. He’s very intelligent. And all of that is different than any of the villains we’ve had on the show in the past.

This year’s crossover is a massive two-night, four-hour event. What can you say about it?

It’s going to be, in some ways, interestingly kind of relevant to current events in a way that the show doesn’t always have that kind of synergy. It’s going to feel much more like a mini-series or two movies. It’s a four hour event; it is a true crossover. The way we’re telling the stories, though, is different than we’ve done it in the past. It’s great for the fans and an even bigger headache for everybody who has to make it happen on the other side.


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'Arrow' EP Marc Guggenheim On What's Next For Thea
by Russ Burlingame | October 7, 2017


Thea's absence in the second half of Arrow's fifth season was noted by many fans, but Guggenheim told ComicBook.com that it was the byproduct of Holland's own request to scale back her time on set. While the explosion at the end of season 5 might seem like the ideal way to get rid of an actor who doesn't want to be onscreen all the time, Guggenheim has said in the past that he doesn't imagine that Thea will die on his watch, since Oliver has already lost both parents.

"We love Willa, we love Thea the character and we particularly love Thea's relationship with Oliver," Guggenheim told ComicBook.com. "That said, Willa came to us at the end of season four and she, very honestly, expressed a desire to cut back how many episodes a season she was doing. She's a member of our family, and we wanted to honor that request. That's what happens when you have a show that goes over a hundred episodes, people start to say, 'hey, I would like to pull back,' some people don't want to renew their contract. There's a whole host of different things that start to come into play and you work that into the story telling."

So what's next for the character?

"All I'll say really, and you can interpret this however you want, is Willa is back on the show and we are doing flashbacks from people's perspective that does not always include Oliver's," Guggenheim said. "I'll let you extrapolate from that what you will."

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Did you guys know at the end of Season 5 exactly who was dying or did you wait until you started breaking Season 6 to choose who made it?

Wendy Mericle: We knew. We try to plan ahead as much as we possibly, reasonably can. Every now and then we get surprises, and you have to let the show take you in directions and characters take you in the direction they sort of want to go. But we knew this. We knew exactly who was going to make it and who was not.

How did you come to the decision about who to kill off?

Mericle: We knew we wanted to blow up the island. That much we knew, that was from the very beginning of Season 5. That was always sort of a symbolic and visual cool thing to do. It sort of evolved into what it became with Prometheus kidnapping everybody and taking everybody there. One of the reasons we wanted to do that was because we didn't want the city in jeopardy again. We'd done that so many times, and it felt like Season 5 was more personal. It's about Oliver's legacy and his past and his team and the people that he loves. It felt like the right thing to do.

In terms of Season 6, there were certain story points we wanted to put in motion, specifically for Oliver. Knowing what we were working up to and how that was going to have an effect on him in Season 6, it was actually a pretty easy thing to decide.

How will being an active part in William's life change Oliver? And how will that effect William, on top of now knowing that his dad is the Green Arrow?

Mericle: Something I'm personally most excited about is seeing Oliver try to be a father. The truth is this is not his wheelhouse. He's never been a dad before. He's known for a little bit that he has a son, but it's not something that he's ever really had to take responsibility for or be a part of William's life in any way.

[William] (Jack Moore) has been traumatized on this crazy vacation called kidnapping... William is not going to forgive him easily for withholding that information. That's a big deal. So that relationship is going to be really complicated and not easy. I think it's just fun to see a character like Oliver Queen, who we've known for five seasons, being bested by a 12-year-old boy, just emotionally. In that sense that he's inexperienced - parenting kicks your ass, and we're going to see Oliver have to go through that.

How will Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) fit into this world where she's Laurel but not really Laurel?

Mericle: The fun of bringing her back is exactly what you just pointed out, which is that she's Laurel, not Laurel. Everyone knows her, she looks familiar to Oliver and anyone who makes it off the island and has known her in the past - I'm going to be cagey - but she's not. It raises this really interesting question for Oliver about nature versus nurture. This season really is about family and about parenting. With respect to Laurel in particular, you have her on Earth 1 and she was Laurel who founded CNRI and wanted to make the world a better place. On Earth 2, she's the devil. How did that happen? Is it possible that there's any of that Earth 1 Laurel in her somewhere that could be drawn out? That's really the question, I think, for her character this season.

I love Katie Cassidy, I'm so glad she's back.

Mericle: Me too. She is just so great in that role by the way, she really brings it.

Can we expect a Vigilante reveal? If so, when and how should we expect that to happen?

Mericle: I can definitely tell you it's not right away, but it will be happening. We're so excited about it. We're excited about the casting, we're excited about the stories. It was one of those things where we didn't know how far we were going to be able to take it, and it's evolved into kind of a bigger story arc than we thought, which is always exciting because you get to take the character in new directions, and it's going to have an impact on our characters. That's when you know the story is really working and things are really in sync. I think it's going to be really surprising. I don't think the audience is going to see it coming. At least I hope they don't. It's just going to be fun.

What can you tease about Slade Wilson's (Manu Bennett) episodes in Season 6? Has he been redeemed or can you really redeem a guy who did all that crazy stuff in Season 2?

Mericle: Well he still killed Oliver's mom. There's no way he's ever getting over that. I think the truth of it is, with or without the Mirakuru, Slade is always unpredictable. And even though Oliver enlisted him to help defeat Prometheus at the end of Season 5, the truth is he's still unpredictable. You don't know what he's going to do next, and that's something that I think Manu Bennett really brings to the role to keep it interesting. At the same time, he and Oliver are in a different place than they were in Season 2. They're both more mature, they've both evolved as characters and as people. I think the common ground, the touchstone that they're going to have this season is that they have sons. The episodes really center emotionally around fatherhood and the question of "How far does the apple fall from the tree?"

I'll tell you, we're excited about those episodes. Having Manu back on set and just seeing him and Stephen working together is exciting stuff. Those episodes are going to be fantastic.

Without any more island years to flash back to, how will flashbacks play a part in Season 6?

Mericle: We're so excited about having that device free to play with. In the premiere... five months will have passed since the island blew up. At the same time, we're going to use the flashbacks to go back and see what happened on the island and who lived and who died. That part - having the freedom and the real estate creatively to use that - is fantastic.

We're going to use them only as the story will dictate - only as needed and when it fits the story because we're not locked into telling the five-year story of Oliver anymore. It's been an adjustment creatively in a lot of ways, but a good one. It's opened up the opportunity to tell stories from different points of view and to get into the backstories of some of the other characters, which is fantastic.

Can you say whether we should consider that finale kiss between Oliver and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) a launch point for the rekindling of their romance if she does survive the island?

Mericle: I can say depending on the outcome of who dies and who doesn't, yes. That kiss was significant. I can't tell you much more than that, but we specifically wrote that in there as either a tragic ending or a really great beginning.



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Papp's crossover wedding filming report (with pics)...

Arrow, along with The Flash stars shoot scenes for the Legends Of Tomorrow portion of the 2017 Cross Over event - MAJOR 
Canadagraphs  10/10/17


A duo wedding took place today. Yes, a DUO WEDDING.

With the crossover episodes almost done filming, the cast of The Flash and Arrow found themselves shooting a scene on LOT today with no LOT cast in the scenes. The scene consisted of The Flash cast Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Candice Patton as Iris West, along with Arrow cast members Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak and David Ramsey as John Diggle shooting a scene in downtown Stanley Park for the much hyped double wedding between the commonly shipped duos West Allen & Olicity.

While The Flash characters looked dressed for the occasion, it was pretty clear Oliver and Felicitys wedding plans were pretty spur of the moment, as they were both dressed in casual clothes.

The ceremonies were officiated by John Diggle. For reasons that I am sure the storylines will eventually explain, neither of the couples friends or family were in attendance. The couples instead, acted as each others witnesses. The scene starts with Diggle appearing, clearly after Barry speeds him  there. Diggle freaks out, then goes and vomits, before coming back to the two couples, and after a brief talk, starts the ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, the two couples kiss, then the scene ends.

While many fans on both sides are outraged that their couple had to share their moment with the other, many others were just as overjoyed to know their couple of choice at least finally were married.

Earlier in the day scenes were shot with Oliver, Felicity, Barry & Iris along with characters from Legends Of Tomorrow and Supergirl. I will have a blog on that shoot at a later date.... but for now.... enjoy shippers.


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Rich Sands  October 11, 2017


"Oliver by design was created and written as a character who was always being held back by his past, whether it be his family, his father's death or his time on Lian Yu and Hong Kong and Russia down to all the mistakes he's made in the first 100 episodes of the show," executive producer Marc Guggenheim tells SYFY. "So the goal coming into Season 6 is to really write Oliver from a different perspective. He's made peace with his demons [and is] moving forward not just with a sense of being free from the bonds of the past, but also with the benefit of knowledge and maturity."

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From Entertainment Weekly/Natalie Abrams:

Arrow stars react to who survived the explosion


Arrow wasted no time in revealing who survived the island explosion from the season finale — and the results probably won’t surprise you.

During Thursday’s premiere, viewers found out pretty quickly that basically everyone survived, including Rene (Rick Gonzalez), Curtis (Echo Kellum), Diggle (David Ramsey), Dinah (Juliana Harkavy), and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). But Samantha (Anna Hopkins) died, hence Oliver (Stephen Amell) needing to step up as a father to William. And in a bid to save Samantha’s life, Thea (Willa Holland) got caught in the explosion and has since been in a coma. Below, the members of Original Team Arrow — Amell, Ramsey, and Rickards — react to those premiere twists, including the fact that Oliver has been unmasked!

Includes spoilers for upcoming episodes.

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EW's Superhero Insider returns with new premiere episodes (with guest Marc Guggenheim)
Oct. 13, 2017   Kyle Anderson and Natalie Abrams

-- As for the Oliver/GA pic reveal at the end of 601, MG said that we've never seen Oliver caught so red-handed before and that we'll see in 602 how that's handled. MG: "Next week's episode will show you, I think, how he's handling it differently and how we're, as writers, handling it differently."

-- MG mentioned that James Bamford is the "directing producer this year... He'll be directing four different episodes for us... and he'll also have a hand in all the episodes that he's not directing."

-- On the big 4-way crossover, MG: "It truly is a movie event. Um, this year, because of the way it's being aired, as sort of two two-hour blocks, we very intentionally abandoned the conceit of previous crossovers... This year, we're like - we're being sort of show-agnostic. We just broke one big four-part, four-hour story. Um, and we did it without any regard to which show things had to happen in, because, for us, you know, as far as we're concerned, when this airs, yes, on your DirecTV grid, it will say, you know, hour 1 is Supergirl, hour 2 is Arrow, hour 3 is Flash, hour 4 is Legends, none of these hours will actually have, like, the Legends title card. They will all have the 'Crisis' - a special new 'Crisis on Earth-X' title card.  Um, as far as we're concerned, it's basically the 'Crisis on Earth-X' event. Um, it's not, you know, an individual episode of Arrow, it's not an individual episode of Flash, it's one big four-hour monster."

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Arrow shoots scenes for episode 607 with Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, Paul Blackthorne, Juliana Harkavy and Jack Moore
Canadagraphs   October 13, 2017


Arrow shot scenes for their 7th episode of season 6 in downtown Vancouver at the former Canada Post sorting facility. ...

On this particular day, Arrow used it as a Star City Police Headquarters (guess after the last one went boom in the season premiere last night they needed a new one). On hand for a Thanksgiving related food drive were Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Juliana Harkavy as Dinah Drake, Jack Moore as William Clayton and Paul Blackthorne as Quentin Lance. ...

A few scenes were shot there, including 1 where Felicity was talking to a mystery woman that seemed to be a reporter. While that was going on, there also seemed to be a scene going on with Oliver & Quentin down in the middle of the tented up food drive area.

A bit later a scene was shot with Felicity and Oliver arriving, meeting up, talking to William, before being interrupted by Quentin to join them elsewhere. Another scene after that saw Oliver, William and Felicity standing on a podium where Oliver made a very short speech before leaving.

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Is Arrow's Thea Down for the Count? Show Boss Offers a Ray of Hope
By Matt Webb Mitovich / October 14 2017, 6:13 PM PDT


Though it is at this very early stage anybody’s guess how quickly Thea will emerge from that state, the fact is that she likely will, given what co-showrunner Marc Guggenheim shared with TVLine over the summer at TCA.

When asked about Holland’s contract status for Season 6, Guggenheim said, “She’s on a similar deal as she was last year.”

An original Arrow cast member, Holland last season for the first time dialed back her commitment to 14 out of 23 episodes. Guggenheim however wouldn’t zero in on the actress’ exact episode count for Season 6.

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'Arrow' EP Marc Guggenheim On Spoilers: People Are Going to Find Out
by Russ Burlingame | October 12, 2017


Last week, Guggenheim took a break from shooting the epic, four-show crossover set to hit The CW in late November to speak with ComicBook.com about tonight's season premiere of Arrow.
*  *  *
"I think we've gotten very good at avoiding talking about spoilers," Guggenheim said. "The thing is, if you read all the interviews Wendy and I have given over the last six months, we've slipped up a few times."
*  *  *
Guggenheim said that while he would obviously rather not "slip up," he has talked with other producers and with The CW about the problem and decided that such mistakes are not the end of the world.

"Going into season six, we only have so much energy and bandwidth to dedicate towards the preserving its surprises," Guggenheim admitted. "That's not to say that we don't care about surprises -- we totally do, and we're always trying. There's stuff coming up to season where we're taking people's names out of credits, we're issuing false script pages, we're issuing false casting breakdowns. We're still doing our thing to try to keep the surprises intact, but it's a little hard to do. I also think that we live in a world where if you really, truly, desperately want to know something, there are means of finding out. And if you want to not be spoiled...well that's a lot easier."

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DC TV Watch: 'The Flash' Runs Back to Its Funny Roots
OCTOBER 13, 2017 8:00am PT by Sydney Bucksbaum


Cerebral conflict | Executive producer Wendy Mericle warns that the big bad this season will be unlike anything Oliver has come up against before. "He's using his brain. That's a different kind of enemy for Oliver to face," Mericle tells THR. "He can't punch this guy and call it a day. It's going to take a lot more than that." Is she talking about Black Siren's mysterious helper, or someone else?

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DCTV: Flash’s New Suit, Arrow’s Identity Exposed, Legends Joins the Circus
Published on Oct 16, 2017, by DC

-- Per DCTV's Hector Navarro, after CH 52 revealed the identity of the GA to be Oliver Queen, Mayor Queen holds a press conference and "there is a name drop to a famous DC hero that I don't even know how they were able to do it, so you gotta listen for it because it's awesome." The FBI sends one of its top agents to investigate this claim that the GA is Mayor Oliver Queen. How will it end up? Hector doesn't know, but he does know that "Agent Samanda Watson is damn good at her job, so watch out, Ollie and friends, because this might not end up so great." 

-- Hector: "Curtis has a secret job in tech that he didn't tell anybody about. Curtis is the best. He's been doing his own thing on the side.

-- Hector: "Dinah is concerned about Diggle's skills in the field. What's going on with Diggle? You gotta watch the episode the find out." 

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Ep 6x05 description:

SLADE RETURNS — Slade (Manu Bennett) returns and asks Oliver (Stephen Amell) for help in tracking down his son. When they learn Joe (guest star William Franklyn-Miller) has been taken hostage by mercenaries, their mission to save him gets complicated by a terrible revelation that could shatter Slade’s hopes of reunion forever.   Meanwhile, Vigilante reappears in Star City. Joel Novoa directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Spiro Skentzos (#605).  Original airdate 11/9/2017.

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