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Zach and Tori

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Jeremy is lazy to but I’ll bet Audrey will see that their land is cleaned and cleared up in spite of him. 

I dunno - just saw a video of Auj and Jer where they were grinning over how they finally have a parking lot for all of Jer's cars. The grass is literally up to Jeremy's chest in places, there's a well covered by a piece of plywood and Auj is already asking for the names of good contractors because the interior of the new place is a "fixer upper". 

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3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Zacks property sitting in the middle of junk city can’t be all that safe for children.  Who hangs around those places?

What were they thinking?

You know why they bought this property.  Like someone else said it was a revenge purchase. Just like children who say we didn't get what we want from Dad so we'll show him. We'll move way and take the kids and then he'll be sorry.  But the joke's on Zack and Tori. When they didn't get the reaction they wanted from Matt, Tori said "that's why were're moving." Prime example of cutting off your nose to spite your face. 

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28 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

You know why they bought this property.  Like someone else said it was a revenge purchase. Just like children who say we didn't get what we want from Dad so we'll show him. We'll move way and take the kids and then he'll be sorry.  But the joke's on Zack and Tori. When they didn't get the reaction they wanted from Matt, Tori said "that's why were're moving." Prime example of cutting off your nose to spite your face. 

Where to begin with these two stooges???  It's abundantly clear that they intend to blackmail Matt regarding future access to his grandchildren.  "Things are going to be different than they were this past year" and "he's gonna have to work a lot harder to maintain a relationship with his grandkids now" and "does he want to be a businessman or a grandpa" and "okay, so I ASKED for the mower, technically, but I think he was willing to give me that because of how the farm thing went down."  If I had ever had any respect for these bumpkins, which I didn't, I would have lost it with this ongoing display of vengeance and petulance.  I'll bet you dimes to donuts they're going to expect Matt to help them sort out that hazardous waste landfill they're calling their "farm" as penance for the sin of not giving Zach his "birthright."

And when he drives an hour and half's distance with equipment and manpower, just MAYBE he will get to glimpse Prince J and Princess Li from across the room.

Personally, I'd tell them to go pound sand in that Roloff Farm knockoff sandbox Zach thinks he's going to build.

Edited by Dibs
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27 minutes ago, Dibs said:

I'll bet you dimes to donuts they're going to expect Matt to help them sort out that hazardous waste landfill they're calling their "farm"

Doubt its a hazardous waste landfill as it shows on satellite photos to have the ajoining property to the north be a place called Five Sprouts Farm that is a local organic farm in Battle Ground. 

Whereas Matt used to in early seasons accept money to allow construction companies to spread construction dirt on Roloff Farms

There's definitely other homes in the nearby area in the area as well. And if Zillow is to be believed, they bought the property for 944k less than a year ago and its now worth 1,074,000. Seems like it wasn't a terrible investment. 

37 minutes ago, Dibs said:

And when he drives an hour and half's distance with equipment and manpower, just MAYBE he will get to glimpse Prince J and Princess Li from across the room.

Well, he said he doesn't want them to visit unless they are willing to be happy to be there. He's welcome to visit apparently, so he'll see the grandkids as often as he wants to make time. 

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3 minutes ago, Redrum said:

Well, he said he doesn't want them to visit unless they are willing to be happy to be there. He's welcome to visit apparently, so he'll see the grandkids as often as he wants to make time. 

Most of us understood perfectly what he meant by that comment; don't force your martyred self to show up somewhere and then be an a$$ to us in front of the kids.

You're more than welcome here, but conduct yourselves as civilized adult parents.

Looks like he's welcome to visit them if he doesn't mind being treated like a leper.

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11 minutes ago, floridamom said:

Zach & Tori could have found a "nice" house and property and it still could have been a 'revenge' property. I don't understand why they purchased this particular piece. I would not let my young children out of the back door before bushhogging it. Lawn mower?...no, they need a bushhogger. 

The lawnmower is going to stay mired in the ground when that place floods, which it probably does constantly from that ditch/culvert, er, "creek."  Do we know if it's in a flood plain?  Do THEY???  Maybe that's why, as Chris joked, there are abandoned cars parked in all the back yards; once there, they couldn't free themselves of the muck and mud!

That place is an accident waiting to happen for three dwarf children.  Congrats on the $1 million revenge buy, Dumb and Dumber!  Nose cut off to spite face much?

It's pathetically obvious this is Zach's idea of "recreating" Roloff Farms "on his own" (probably expecting Matt's help), which is laughable and, as I said, pathetic...

That these parents don't seem at all concerned that it's not only filled with hazards, but that there are apparently no neighbors and thus potential friends for the kids to play with (coming from a private cul-de-sac with what they described as great people all around them) is just scary.

Edited by Dibs
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4 hours ago, Endora said:

The hand man?  What the heck is that about, that’s weird.

Yeah. It is weird. Children typically hold hands with mom, dad, grandparents and siblings. What is it about Z being a "hand holder" from childhood that is so friggin' unique and endearing?

He's a dick holding his dick til Tori has time to play with it. Yeah, hand holder my a$$.

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No more worries about the gifted lawnmower. Zack will let it sit out on the elements until it’s a rust bucket. 

Oil???  Do machines need oil?  That mower will never see any!

Zack is too busy sitting in his dwarf chair, another gift from Matt, pontificating to take care of anything!

Get up Zack. Go outside!  Take care of YOUR business and property and for heaven’s sake…shut up!

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On 6/13/2022 at 2:53 PM, Redrum said:

Well, he said he doesn't want them to visit unless they are willing to be happy to be there. He's welcome to visit apparently, so he'll see the grandkids as often as he wants to make time. 

His point was don't come visit if you're going to act like miserable jackasses the whole time and not let the grandkids even really visit. IMO, that's a perfectly valid request. 

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22 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

His point was don't come visit if you're going to act like miserable jackasses the whole time and not let the grandkids even really visit. IMO, that's a perfectly valid request. 

He should have added ‘and don’t behave like jackasses when I come to see the kids’!

I just can’t believe they treated their father so badly. 

He drove an hour and a half both ways to be treated so badly. 

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So what’s the big deal about the grandchildren?  ZiTs kids aren’t the only grandchildren, are they more special than the others?    I don’t blame Matt for saying what he did, basically don’t come to my house and treat me like crap.  About the lawnmower, doesn’t matter if it were free or not, it belonged to Matt.  Zach still saved a lot of money due to the generosity of Matt.  

Now that Cha Cha and Matt are out as babysitters, I hope Chris is ready for the 2nd act involving a lot of childcare.  Bet he will get very busy with work!

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Let's see how long they stay away when they need help or if Matt passes I'll bet they make a beeline to find out what their share of the estate is.

As far as Matt staying away and not going to see the grandkids, I believe he is more mature thant Z&T. My hunch is that he is not going to cut the grandchildren out of his life because of the ill treatment given to him by their parents.  

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20 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Let's see how long they stay away when they need help or if Matt passes I'll bet they make a beeline to find out what their share of the estate is.

As far as Matt staying away and not going to see the grandkids, I believe he is more mature thant Z&T. My hunch is that he is not going to cut the grandchildren out of his life because of the ill treatment given to him by their parents.  

I don’t think he’ll cut the grandchildren out of his life because of Z & T, but it will happen because he’ll have to make the effort to see them since they won’t be popping over at the farm frequently. Also, without the farm backdrop, it’ll be harder for Matt to orchestrate situations where he looks like super-grandpa, which are mostly about him, anyway. 

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52 minutes ago, readheaded said:

I don’t think he’ll cut the grandchildren out of his life because of Z & T, but it will happen because he’ll have to make the effort to see them since they won’t be popping over at the farm frequently. Also, without the farm backdrop, it’ll be harder for Matt to orchestrate situations where he looks like super-grandpa, which are mostly about him, anyway. 

This. Now if he's really all about building that bond, maybe he'll make the effort. But I agree its more about displaying on camera how he's super grandpa. For example there's no special builds on the farm for any of the non camera grandkids. Jackson gets his own play plane, Ember, Bode, and Radley aren't even mentioned by name. They rarely appear in Matt's Instagram and now they live an easy five minute atv ride down the road but I bet we don't see an increase in Matt visiting or them visiting. 

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I am no fan of Matt first off, but to me he seems like he is trying to smooth things over and actually let the failed  coup of the farm by the dumb property brothers go. It seems like he is trying to move past it, but Zach won't let it go. For the last few episodes in his talking heads is all about how "wronged" he was. I saw on the other thread that Audrey and Jeremy (mostly Auj) were posting about their failed attempt. Why couldn't Zach take the property that was offered to him at a price he could afford, oh right, it was all about the woods...what was he going to do with the woods? 

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On 6/18/2022 at 12:24 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Why couldn't Zach take the property that was offered to him at a price he could afford, oh right, it was all about the woods...what was he going to do with the woods? 

Exactly!  If Matt still owned “the woods” I am sure ZiT and company could still have enjoyed it.  I think part of it was  ZiT wanting to stick to J&A by purchasing that property.  Tori’s is a really a first class Bish.  

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I've changed my mind; a show starring Z&T might be a laugh-a-minute sh*t show as they bungle their way through both parenthood and home-ownership.  From precariously perching top-heavy toddlers on islands to giving little kids the entire CANISTER of sprinkles to dump on Christmas cookies to failing to address vision and orthopedic problems to making everyone else pack up your house for you to falling and dislocating thumb on your new "farm" to haphazardly throwing lights all over a broken-down carcass of a riding mower to entertaining relatives in your hoarded garage...  I would totally tune in to watch that just for sh*ts and giggles!

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Was that the front porch that was shown when they went outside to see the lights? If so it was littered with crap. It goes along wiht the broken lawn mower that will become a permanent fixture at chez Roloff.  Who puts a gas fire pit on the front porch with two little kids one of whom is a toddler?  This is the guy who wanted to be handed a farm at a rduced price because he is so capabe of working  a farm.

And a diaper wearing baby perched up on the counter where Tori was making cookies.  This is so unsanitary. 

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4 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Was that the front porch that was shown when they went outside to see the lights? If so it was littered with crap. It goes along wiht the broken lawn mower that will become a permanent fixture at chez Roloff.  Who puts a gas fire pit on the front porch with two little kids one of whom is a toddler?  This is the guy who wanted to be handed a farm at a rduced price because he is so capabe of working  a farm.

And a diaper wearing baby perched up on the counter where Tori was making cookies.  This is so unsanitary. 

No that’s their backyard and patio… 

Still a cluttered mess though.

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29 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

They'll be back. 

Exactly they seem to be the type of couple who are always on the outs with someone.

They had a falling out with Jer and Auj, they were pissed at Amy over her engagement announcement now they’re pissed at Matt and Caryn….. give it a while and they’ll be pissed at Amy again or Jacob/Issy or someone else, they’re a nightmare… everyone has to walk on eggshells for fear of upsetting the two idiots.

It doesn’t sound like they enjoy Tori’s family either, Zach said they go there for the homemade food and scram as soon as possible… how nice for Tori’s mom to hear that announced on TV for everyone to hear…. Plus Tori’s family moved to Oregon to be close to them and their grandkids and ZiT just turns around and moves away without considering anyone else.

I used to really like Tori and I thought Zach was finally grown up and a nice guy but he’s a total asshole and Tori is even worse because she wears the pants in that family.

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Zack and Tori are takers not givers. They take and take with outstretched arms.  Zack can treat his father like crap but oh he'll gladly accept an expensive riding lawnmower especially if dad brings it to him. They can use Amy as a babysitter but then turn around and say she is not included in their Christmas plans. And they can say on TV that they go to Tori's mon's house for the home cooked meals and then ditch her.  It sounds like both sets of parents raised ungreatful selfish children. 

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The only reason anybody is putting up with these two is the show. With all the other kids gone and never wanting back in Zack and Tori fit the bill for Little People Big World. 

They are the show with three dwarf children. 

I’m sure there’s a lot of fist pumping and negotiating going on behind the scenes while Zack and Tori tell TLC what they demand!

I’m kind of surprised TLC didn’t buy the farm part that’s for sale for them to continue the show!

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17 hours ago, Redrum said:


Thats how relationships with narcissist relatives go. You're always hoping it will be different. Honestly though, I think the whole instagram thing was real anger from Zach and not sure this is salvageable. 

And Matt seems content to move on to Matteo. 

And Cha Cha has her own grandchild now, too. I don’t doubt she has affection for Matt’s grandchildren, but they’ll definitely take second place to her own when it comes down to it.

I do think things will thaw a little over time between Zach and his father, though. It may never be exactly the same between them, but I believe a certain truce can be reached if neither party does anything to further damage the relationship.

I don’t really blame Tori and Zach for wanting to create some distance and start their own holiday traditions after the hurt, anger and disappointment of the failed farm purchase. Enmeshment is not good.

And if my father-in-law dangled the carrot of taking over the farm for years in front of my spouse and then pulled the rug out from under and basically called him (his son) a screw-up on TV, I’d be pretty frosty towards him, too. I might not be overtly rude, put I’d be painfully formal and polite.

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Were Zacks demands impossible?  Did Matt renigue on a promise to sell?

Perhaps a bit of both!

Didn't we hear that Caryn's were the "last words" in the negotiations with Zach?  If so, it was a BIG MISTAKE for her to be negotiating at all.

As a "dumped wife," (decades ago) it still galls me every time I see Caryn playing the "vivacious" helpful girlfriend and Matt the happy-go-lucky ex-husband who escaped the  harridan wife and children. My husband "worked late" for two years and then left us (without warning) for his secretary and a new life of drinking, dancing, traveling, and no child support. I see my life played over and over on "reality TV."   Mr. Matt and Caryn...enjoy yourselves!  I outlived the ex...and the girlfriend.  If Matt doesn't marry Caryn, she probably won't inherit anything.

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19 minutes ago, ginger90 said:
29 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

If Matt doesn't marry Caryn, she probably won't inherit anything.

She doesn’t need to be married to him to be in his will, or part of a trust or any number of things.

You know that; I KNOW that...and MATT knows that.  She thinks she's smarter than the entire family. I think he's too selfish to put her in a will.

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10 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

The only reason anybody is putting up with these two is the show. With all the other kids gone and never wanting back in Zack and Tori fit the bill for Little People Big World. 

They are the show with three dwarf children.

That Jackson is an extra special little boy.  I hope life, pain, surgeries, social media, and television don't change that.  It's going to be a challenging world for him.  What a cutie.

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I just don't get what is so fabulous about Jackson. Is it because people think he's so physically cute? I don't find him to be any better or cuter than Lilah. But clearly" he is the favored child. 

Too bad these kids have a-hole idiots for parents. They're breeding kids for the sole purpose of keeping the "Little People" TLC paychecks supporting them.

Just like any reality tv show, they run their course, people will get tired of the lives of the Roloffs. The ratings will drop eventually. And ZiT have no Plan B. Maybe Zack can be a stay at home dad for ths 7 dwarfs and Tori can go back to being a teacher. 

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16 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

I just don't get what is so fabulous about Jackson. Is it because people think he's so physically cute? I don't find him to be any better or cuter than Lilah. But clearly" he is the favored child. 

Too bad these kids have a-hole idiots for parents. They're breeding kids for the sole purpose of keeping the "Little People" TLC paychecks supporting them.

Just like any reality tv show, they run their course, people will get tired of the lives of the Roloffs. The ratings will drop eventually. And ZiT have no Plan B. Maybe Zack can be a stay at home dad for ths 7 dwarfs and Tori can go back to being a teacher. 

I also prefer Lilah

I think Jackson is cute and he’s a smart little boy but I’ve gotten tired of being told that Jackson is the best thing since sliced bread and I think he’s gotten a bit full of himself because of it.

He often barges in on Lilah trying to accomplish a task and he takes over and unfortunately ZiT praise him and marvel at what a superior human he is and how there’s no one that can outshine Jackson, he owns every room he enters and it’s beginning to make him a bit arrogant.

The other problem is child stars eventually become adolescents who aren’t as cute as a toddler and they quickly lose their appeal and their audience.

They’ve  often been brought up to think they’re extra special and all of a sudden that’s gone and they’re a gawky, sullen teenager who’s never had to cope with the real world.

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20 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

ZiT praise him and marvel at what a superior human he is and how there’s no one that can outshine Jackson, he owns every room he enters and it’s beginning to make him a bit arrogant.

Yes! And all the attention he gets has been going on for a long time. I already feel sad for the new baby.And always sad for Lilah too.

ZiT's life plans are going to go nowhere. Do they know there is already another TLC show about a family of 7? 8? little people? Seven Little Johnston's. 

Edited by chenoa333
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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

I think Jackson is cute and he’s a smart little boy but I’ve gotten tired of being told that Jackson is the best thing since sliced bread and I think he’s gotten a bit full of himself because of it.

I'm going to have to say I'm not sure how smart Jackson is.  He's cute but so are most kids that age.  He's five and should be starting kindergarten in the fall.  Most incoming kindergartners are more verbal than he is and the truly smart ones are already reading by the time kindergarten starts and can do basic addition and subtraction.  I'm still concerned that too much has been made of him and he may have an inflated view of himself and his place in the world.  

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40 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Do they know there is already another TLC show about a family of 7? 8? little people? Seven Little Johnston's. 

Actually they're nicely prepped to take over the 7 Little Johnstons. All the cute kids there are aging out and the audience tends to love younger children. 

Now I dislike children. I think Jackson is "popular" mostly because he's a cute enough kid on a show that's devoid of fun. I also think he's good looking and currently not very dwarf looking in the face and yes, sadly, I think that makes a difference. He's also not terribly shy, unlike Zach, and he's too young to understand that he's on display to the public so he is more "real" in his responses. 

I personally think TLC is waiting to see if Lilah blossoms before they commit to a next generation sort of show. I can't tell if she's seriously delayed or a slow talker - could be either. If its serious delays then she may not be easy to film. 

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Obviously, Im just guessing as I don’t know these people, but I think Jackson has some cute expressions and I think Zach favors him because Jackson can interact with him more.  Zach seems too lazy to put in the extra effort with Lilah. I’m not sure what exactly her condition is other than she doesn’t seem to always respond or “do anything”.  I know that probably sounds mean as she’s only 2.5-3 years old, but what I mean is I don’t think Zach seems the type to put extra effort in for whatever it is she might need to help her “do more”.  Then again, Zach doesn’t seem overly bright, so that coupled with his laziness, I’d be surprised if he put in a ton of effort for anything.

Tori, I think, has a better idea that Lilah has her delays or quietness or what have you. I’d think she’d have at least some awareness of what could be happening since she has a degree in education, but she is also very immature like Zach.  I also think there is some disappointment that Lilah is not average height.  I think she feels this way about all her kids, but Lilah especially so, since she’s the only girl. I think she wanted a reflection of herself in her daughter.  I think she loves her kids, but I don’t think she thought she was going to have all LP children and it shows (at least to me).

Simply, I think Tori and Zach both see Jackson as the “easier” child.  I mean neither one of them probably want a regular job and I’m sorry, but they both are as dull as dirt.  Lilah might be a cute kid (I think she is) but she’s not entertaining to watch at this point, so that leaves Jackson to be the “star” of their part of the family on the show.  I mean we all know who the real star is….#FREEMURPHY, but I digress.

I do think Jackson is also favored as the first grandchild and grandson, but since the other grandkids aren’t on the show I can only judge based on him and Lilah.  I mean some of it I think is due to Jackson being more expressive that it is easier to interact with him, but I hope they all are still showing Lilah attention, but maybe it’s not shown since she doesn’t seem to respond. It’s not exactly must see tv to see a one-way conversation with a non-responsive 3 year old, so I do think some of time is just cut because of production choices. 

I understand them wanting to give Jackson confidence, but I do think maybe they are going overboard and he’s going to get a rude awakening when he walks into school one day and doesn’t OWN that particular room. That’s maybe one reason I might say that Zach might have a slightly legitimate reason (or at least more legitimate than any he’s given)  about being angry about the farm.  I think deep down Zach knows he probably had way less bullying due to Jeremy being there and for lack of a better word bribing his “friends” with coming to the farm.  I think he knows the farm might have made things easier for Jackson. I don’t think he’d necessarily come out and admit any of that, but I think that’s a small part of his overall grumpiness. I think he and Tori believing they are the “stars” of the show now and deserve THE BIG HOUSE is the main reason, which is somewhat amusing to me since Zach at best comes across as a lazy dullard , while Tori comes off bratty and entitled.  YMMV, of course.


*eta I hope Jackson, Lilah, and Josiah all grow up happy and healthy.  As much as I think their parents are sometimes fools, I do think their parents love them. Also, I  am not trying to diagnose or insult  Lilah, I’m just trying to describe her the best I can based on Tori’s commentary and what Lilah appears to do on the show.  I think each child is just a good as the other and do think they’re all loved, but one appears to be favored to me.  As always YMMV.

Edited by Irate Panda
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I have to admit I'm seeing a little "sass" in Jackson that wasn't apparent before.  Maybe it was Tori telling him, when they walked in on the moving crew, that that "red carpet" (the paper to protect the floors) was rolled out "just for you!!!"  He's also learning how to perform for the cameras, which is always sad to see, and is totally copying that exaggerated eye-popping, mouth agape facial expression from his mother who finds every "uh" Lilah utters just SO uproariously funny....

I don't know which is the worse parent, but I'm leaning toward Tori.  She drives me crazy hanging onto Lilah like she's her emotional support animal and was driving me crazy hovering over Jackson both before and after the surgery.  "Are you okay-uh?  Are you dizzy-uh?  Does your head hurt-uh? I love you-uh! Can you stand up?  Do you want to try to walk later-uh (like it's optional;)? How do you feel-uh?  I love you-uh!  You're the best-uh!!!" And then cheering like he'd won the Olympics when he took one step, not to mention running out to buy him new Legos as a reward for just doing what he needs to do.  I'm 100% sure they badmouth M&C in front of him, not to mention discussing his "failure to progress."  

Also loved how Tori, when asking Jackson who to invite to Lilah's birthday party, suggested her mother and father, her grandmother, her brother (?), "Aunt Amy," whoever that is, then asked, "Who else?"  She was probably hoping Jackson had forgotten M&C even existed and would've justified not inviting them by saying Jackson didn't want them there. 

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On 6/23/2022 at 5:22 AM, Joan of Argh said:

Exactly they seem to be the type of couple who are always on the outs with someone.

They had a falling out with Jer and Auj, they were pissed at Amy over her engagement announcement now they’re pissed at Matt and Caryn….. give it a while and they’ll be pissed at Amy again or Jacob/Issy or someone else, they’re a nightmare… everyone has to walk on eggshells for fear of upsetting the two idiots.

It doesn’t sound like they enjoy Tori’s family either, Zach said they go there for the homemade food and scram as soon as possible… how nice for Tori’s mom to hear that announced on TV for everyone to hear…. Plus Tori’s family moved to Oregon to be close to them and their grandkids and ZiT just turns around and moves away without considering anyone else.

I used to really like Tori and I thought Zach was finally grown up and a nice guy but he’s a total asshole and Tori is even worse because she wears the pants in that family.

Well to be fair, a lot of people would struggle in relationships with types like Matt, Amy, Jeremy or Audrey. I know I would!  So, I can’t  just fault Zach and Tori for that. Not saying they’re angels (Zach’s “shiny and happy” personality certainly doesn’t help!) but it’s not just their fault. 

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21 hours ago, Adiba said:

Enmeshment is not good.

And if my father-in-law dangled the carrot of taking over the farm for years in front of my spouse and then pulled the rug out from under and basically called him (his son) a screw-up on TV, I’d be pretty frosty towards him, too. 

Well, surprise, surprise!  ZiT ended up driving to Tori's mother's house for a free lunch and to load up their car with gifts, then unloaded and headed straight over to Amy's house for a free dinner and another carload of gifts.  How shocking!  What happened to their "own family traditions"?  Free food and free stuff takes precedence!  I'm sure they were saying that only to justify NOT going to AZ as usual to stay with M&C over the holidays, as usual, which is why Jackson asked about it.  Has Tori's mother and grandmother moved BACK to WA yet to accommodate the nomads (who are in actuality VERY mad).

As for "Matt dangling the farm," again, I'm sure he hoped and no doubt sincerely believed that one, if not all three of his sons combined, could one day take over...

That did NOT mean just handing it to one of them for practically nothing and leaving the others children out in the cold; good grief!  His expectation was that most likely Jeremy, since he's the only one who ever showed interest, but then Zach although he was late to the party, would work and learn and apprentice and also earn money to pay a fair price for it (what Amy paid was HALF the fair price since Matt already owned half of it, and that was four years ago before the RE boom; you start with three current appraisals and go from there, which is exactly what he did, discounting it further).

Does anyone really believe it would take much beyond a reality check to offend ZiT?  All you'd have to say is "I don't believe you're prepared to take this on even if you could afford it," and these snowflakes would melt all over the floor...

12 minutes ago, LilyD said:

Well to be fair, a lot of people would struggle in relationships with types like Matt, Amy, Jeremy or Audrey. I know I would!  So, I can’t  just fault Zach and Tori for that. Not saying they’re angels (Zach’s “shiny and happy” personality certainly doesn’t help!) but it’s not just their fault. 

And yet it's always ZiT, again mostly Tori, who are ALWAYS on the "outs" with someone.  Oh, right; the rest of the world is narcissistic.  Tori is just perfect???

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40 minutes ago, Dibs said:

Well, surprise, surprise!  ZiT ended up driving to Tori's mother's house for a free lunch and to load up their car with gifts, then unloaded and headed straight over to Amy's house for a free dinner and another carload of gifts.  How shocking!  What happened to their "own family traditions"?  Free food and free stuff takes precedence!  I'm sure they were saying that only to justify NOT going to AZ as usual to stay with M&C over the holidays, as usual, which is why Jackson asked about it.  Has Tori's mother and grandmother moved BACK to WA yet to accommodate the nomads (who are in actuality VERY mad).

As for "Matt dangling the farm," again, I'm sure he hoped and no doubt sincerely believed that one, if not all three of his sons combined, could one day take over...

That did NOT mean just handing it to one of them for practically nothing and leaving the others children out in the cold; good grief!  His expectation was that most likely Jeremy, since he's the only one who ever showed interest, but then Zach although he was late to the party, would work and learn and apprentice and also earn money to pay a fair price for it (what Amy paid was HALF the fair price since Matt already owned half of it, and that was four years ago before the RE boom; you start with three current appraisals and go from there, which is exactly what he did, discounting it further).

Does anyone really believe it would take much beyond a reality check to offend ZiT?  All you'd have to say is "I don't believe you're prepared to take this on even if you could afford it," and these snowflakes would melt all over the floor...

And yet it's always ZiT, again mostly Tori, who are ALWAYS on the "outs" with someone.  Oh, right; the rest of the world is narcissistic.  Tori is just perfect???

I watched the show for years, before the boys were with their respective spouses, and Matt always talked about his “legacy” and having the farm remain in the family. I never heard Matt say anything on the show at least, about what his expectations were regarding the price of the portion of the farm that he was willing to sell, nor an “apprenticeship” deal ( which would have been a disaster, anyway). Matt, if all people, because he is such a “savvy businessman,”  should’ve known what Jeremy or Zach could realistically afford in the first place, before negotiations even took place.

I have no idea what took place in private between the parties, nor do I think any of them are “perfect.” I don’t hate any of them, including Matt, but I certainly do not think he’s Mr. Wonderful. It ‘s easy for Matt to be happy— he’s got his way— he got Amy out and now his sons— the farm is all his (along with his mistress-turned-girlfriend)—so of course he’s not bitter.

What I am saying is that from my perspective, it was Matt who set up unrealistic expectations to begin with, starting when the twins were young.

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