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S07.E19: Reunion Part 1

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10 hours ago, Vicky8675309 said:

I found some of this elsewhere but thought it was relevant given the Erika vs Dorit segment of the reunion which didn't address any of the shit Erika pulled.

Does anyone on this show realize how rude it was for Erika to show up in a t-shirt dress to Dorit's birthday party? It doesn't matter that it was a 2,000 $ designer dress. Does anybody see that as a middle finger? It's also bullshit that erika's excuse was "I'm going to be me" but then she uses the excuse of "oh that me is a persona don't go there" when she doesn't want to "own it". "I'm gonna be me"~Like what does that even mean in this context? Who on earth says wearing a giant t-shirt dress is being themselves? Everybody knows that you're supposed to conform to a degree at social events. Dorit gave her a negative sanction for intentionally breaking a rule, and Dorit's the asshole? Sheesh.

"I've gotta be me":  one of my worst pet peeves about reality shows/the 21st century in general.  Those of us who live in the real world have to conform to it once in a while, whether we like it or not, so STFU with that shit.  In this instance, however, I think that Erika thought she looked hot because it was a designer t-shirt.  She was wrong, and as I've said in an earlier post, should have either admitted it was a fashion chance she took that turned out wrong, or stuck with liking how she looked.

WRT Dorit's "negative sanction", she never told Erika to her face that she hated the "dress" or felt badly about it; when Erika came to her next party in a better looking outfit, Dorit "joked"/sneered "This is a step up from what you wore to my last party" - IMO a double insult because she was not only implying that the last outfit sucked, but that the current one was merely a "step up" from the obviously unacceptable one from the previous event.

9 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

What's the benefit of forcing an accent? That's the real curious part for me. Why it's more believable that she's forcing herself to sound, what I'm sure she's been told, silly than to believe she does it unintentionally?

Like what's the pay off that so many people think she's doing it for? She's gotten flack for it so I'm interested in knowing what is it that people think she's doing it for?

Kyle does it to be funny when she's imitating LVP. Some people do it intentionally when interacting with someone with an accent sometimes as deliberate banter but in those instances its just all in good fun.

What is the reasoning for someone to force themselves to speak like that on a regular basis? I don't get it. 

I think she does it just to stand out from the crowd and be different.  In her world, it's not enough to have a great body/lifestyle/fashion sense/etc. - she has claim on all of those things, but so do the other women in her circle (and of course there are always differing opinions on them), but her silly "accent" is something that makes her different.  The two things that make me laugh are:  1) she doesn't have an "accent" - she just mispronounces words so that she sounds different from other people, and 2) when she was introduced this season, everyone here was complaining about her "accent" and I hadn't even noticed it, but now apparently most people here think there's nothing wrong with how she speaks :)  

9 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

 I will give you the Brandi thing - the most horrendous thing to ever happen on the franchise. But the other stuff happened on the show. I am all for conversation about topics that come up on the show or topics the ladies introduce.  Kim cannot find fault about people talking about her drinking, because that has been a huge part of her story. She cannot just turn it off because she wants to turn it off. Juicy and Tre were meeting with Lawyers on camera, so they could hardly say boo about people talking about it. Beth and Lu's marriage were both topics on the show.  I am referring to things that the gals try to keep off of the show, hence the example of LVP's legal issues. Even I think it would be wrong for someone to try and introduce that topic, since clearly she wants to keep it away from the show and maintain some privacy on that topic. 

Mauricio's reported trysts with trans hookers were not part of the show - even though LVP "innocently" mentioned them in Kyle's kitchen in front of Portia.


4 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I was not bored and enjoyed part 1 but I can't even offer substantive commentary because I just don't have it in me to discuss pantygate. I will say that yes EJ is cold , gives all the fucks despite statements to the contrary and far too materialistic, but Dorit has been nice nasty to her every since she didn't get the BFF experience she thought she deserved from Erika. 

Bingo! That's it exactly.  I don't dislike Dorit, but I don't see any reason Erika would want to be her friend based on how Dorit has acted towards her this season.

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like Rinna threatens Harry's alleged (per gossip) victims and uses her contacts to get them blacklisted

I think if Rinna had that much power and influence, she'd be using it to get herself (and Harry even) more steady and better work. Or at least stuff that pays as well as Depends ads lol


The recaps on various sites comparing PK to gross inanimate objects might have been funny the first 500 times it was done

It's still funny, even if that horse is buried six feet under at this point.

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5 hours ago, Otherkate said:

I do not subscribe to this train of thought at all. But, regardless, I think Erika was upset not so much with PK seeing her vag, but with everyone running around talking about it and making her the butt of their joke. As I've mentioned, I think Erika has RAGING insecurities and that would be upsetting to someone who didn't even have those issues. No one wants to be the dummy that everyone else is laughing about. It's pretty mean, actually, and I don't blame her for being upset. And, yes, I think she should be upset with Eileen and Rinna too

Then she should have laughed it off and let it die. I don't think she was upset by it at all. She announced to everyone there she was pantiless, didn't take care to keep her legs crossed, and then she's pissed because people talk about it. Give me a break. She lives to have people talk about her.  She has the need to be the center of attention at all times. And if she has to get it by acting all "devastated" then she will. Everything has to be about Erica all the time. And Lisa Eileen and Andy are so enchanted by her - ugh

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It would be interesting to hear the stories of his two ex-wives

They could get together with PK's first wife...and Vince's first wife...and Ken's first wife...and Harry Hamlin's previous wives (Nicolette Sheridan!)...hey, a potential spin-off!


I see more to like about PK than to dislike.  He appears to be a sweet, supportive husband. Can't find fault with that.

Yeah, and Jacqueline Laurita loves her husband and kids too. Like PK, it doesn't make her less wretched.

Edited by AndySmith
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7 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Despite the headlines neither article disputes that Ken had full custody and that he raised him alone. It simply indicates that she now has a relationship with her son and grandson in 2013 based on her saying he was her no.1 son and attending her grandsons college graduation.

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10 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

He was awarded full custody. That doesn't mean she didn't try to fight for him and lost. And she is claiming she was involved in her son's life while growing up. It's a he said vs. she said.

Again  where does she say that in those articles which are based on the same Radar Online story, there are absolutely no quotes from her and it doesn't reference anything about his childhood it's extrapolation based on two things she posted on FB that he was her no 1 son (which isnt shocking givrn that she apoarently had him at 19) and she was at her grandsons graduation. I mean good for her for not going to the media but that story based on Radar Online that both articles link to is absolute horeshit without even a friend of a friend "quote" much less her going on record or saying anything about custody and her son's childhood.

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2 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

Then she should have laughed it off and let it die. I don't think she was upset by it at all. She announced to everyone there she was pantiless, didn't take care to keep her legs crossed, and then she's pissed because people talk about it. Give me a break. She lives to have people talk about her.  She has the need to be the center of attention at all times. And if she has to get it by acting all "devastated" then she will. Everything has to be about Erica all the time. And Lisa Eileen and Andy are so enchanted by her - ugh

I am not getting the level of anger Erika is displaying at the Reunion.  I thought this had been pretty well settled at LVP's party when PK told her he didn't think she was trying to seduce him.  Can't quite grasp all the anger, nine months, swearing and name calling.  It always strikes me as slightly unaware when one is foaming at the mouth and chewing someone else for comments made about them.  It doesn't make the original comments any less offensive. 

Erika wants it to be over with why does she just let PK finish a sentence?  Because she won't be the center of attention.  I am not getting the lure of her repeatedly referencing that she went without underwear and some saw up her dress and she is on a rampage.  Maybe she needs to take a page out of Anne Hathaway's book and just be devastated-instead of projectile vomiting this barrage of nonsense.  We get it you are embarrassed you were the brunt of a joke, what more do you want people to acknowledge. 

Advice to Anne Hathaway after her flash:  http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/hathaway-devastating-article-1.1218200  What a butt ugly look she had on that night.  Note the expert -no pantyline would have been visible.  Sounds familiar. 

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Again  where does she say that in those articles which are based on the same Radar Online story, there are absolutely no quotes from her and it doesn't reference anything about his childhood it's extrapolation based on two things she posted on FB that he was her no 1 son and she was at her grandsons graduation I mean good for her for not going to the media but that story based on Radar Online that both articles link to is absolute horeshit without even a friend of a friend "quote" much less her going on record or saying anything about custody and her sons childhood.

There are other articles floating around, and they're not all based on the Radar Online article. There are also pictures floating around online of her and her son together before he became an adult. You find it horseshit, well, that's your privilege.

I'm not advocating she was mother of the year. Just that I'm not going to condemn the women also based on what little there is written of her. I'd rather give her the benefit of the doubt first. But to each their own.

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Okay, now I am confused, Erika said she moved to NYC when she was 18 years old, had a kid at 20 years old and was a stay at home mom.  Bear with me but I found this DWTS clip and if one were to scroll down to the Erika Jayne clip, there seems to be a different story unfolding.  Something about a manager wanting Erika to move to LA with her girl group.  http://www.vulture.com/2017/04/real-housewives-of-new-york-city-recap-season-9-episode-2.html  How is one a stay at home mom and a member of a girl group?  Her mother's comments are interesting.

Yes I know it is a DWTS video but it is also Erika telling the story of those first years of her son's life which seem to contrast with her story at the reunion.  The Reunion was taped about five weeks ago.

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15 hours ago, Vicky8675309 said:

From the article ZM linked:

"The even more damning thing is it never feels as if the audience is learning anything more about Erika than purely what is on the surface. Everything feels staged and artificial. "

That quote seems just as applicable to this show and even this episode (imo). Even the scenes with her mother seemed staged imo. It sounds like her mother and grandmother treated her the same yet it was tough (??? she had to cash her own check and make phone calls yet her mother always kissed/hugged her and said she loved her.....that's a tough childhood? I'm confused). Doesn't everyone have a tough childhood to some degree (teenage angst and whatnot). I may have missed something from those scenes because I didn't find them riveting.

Because in reality, she gave nothing, because she has nothing. Smoke and mirrors. 

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15 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

Just like "val -speak" - once I moved I lost my 'dude-itude' - because no one around me says it, it has practically disappeared from my vocab. I don't have an accent, but when I do go someplace and start to converse with someone they will stop to ask me where I learned to speak and who taught me.

It's also not about an accent, per se. It's also usage, syntax, slang and how confident you are when you do speak.

And also about who you are around a lot and who rubs off on you (PK, ewww, no pun intended.) 

Like, OH MA GAD! i , like, totally was a Val, fur sure, back in the day, it was totally tubular around 83 and I was, like, the right age, even though I wasn't, like, from the valley, GRODY TO THE MAX!

See? Now I'm gonna be stuck doing that shit all day and people will say I'm faking ;)

Like, gag me with a spoon!

Edited by VedaPierce
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15 hours ago, Jel said:

Just saw this as I was taking a sip of my coffee. I laughed and it made me choke, so I spat coffee on myself, like a dork. My teen son saw that and laughed at me. I;m humiliated because while my side persona is CraZy Jel, is a drink dropping, coffee spilling maniac, this one, regular Jel, would never spit coffee on herself. How dare you suggest otherwise. I'm outraged!

So all of that is your fault, ZM, because you have to be responsible for the words that come out of your mouth (fingertips).  

I await your 20 pages of apology. 

PS Don't forget to apologize to my husband, too. For, uh, interfering with my marriage I guess?

So you have two Jels?? Just like the two Erikas! Wow! lol lol Maybe I can find another Veda...she'll be the bad one that gets away with crap. "Don't blame me, that was Bad Veda, bitch is crazy..."

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15 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

Oh, fuck the 'ericas hate'.
 Old EJ cannot control how ANYONE feels about her.

Her problem is that she wants everyone to take a knee and tell her how wonderful she is.

She can control how she comes off and how people do look at her.

So what is the big deal with showing your ET (elephant twat) about town - If you want people to respect your ass, you should start to respect it yourself. When you flop around on a stage, slapping your snatch to auto-tuned Casio banging, guess what?

People are going to look at you that way - no one ever said that the ericas  were 'whores or sluts' - that is the way the ericas look at themselves in the mirror.

Omg! Elephant twat! Dying!

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7 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

So you have two Jels?? Just like the two Erikas! Wow! lol lol Maybe I can find another Veda...she'll be the bad one that gets away with crap. "Don't blame me, that was Bad Veda, bitch is crazy..."

Kung Fu Bunny and Kung Fu Kitty did it first and best, Veda. I was borrowing from them.  

26 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

And also about who you are around a lot and who rubs off on you (PK, ewww, no pun intended.) 

i , like, also was a Val, fur sure, back in the day, it was totally tubular around 83 and I was, like, the right age, even though I wasn't, like, from the valley, GRODY TO THE MAX!

See? Now I'm gonna be stuck doing that shit all day and people will say I'm faking ;)

Like, gag me with a spoon!

Lol, we used to say "gag me", too. I don't think I ever stopped saying "dude" though. Maybe it's time!

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3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I am not getting the level of anger Erika is displaying at the Reunion.  I thought this had been pretty well settled at LVP's party when PK told her he didn't think she was trying to seduce him.  Can't quite grasp all the anger, nine months, swearing and name calling.  It always strikes me as slightly unaware when one is foaming at the mouth and chewing someone else for comments made about them.  It doesn't make the original comments any less offensive. 

Erika wants it to be over with why does she just let PK finish a sentence?  Because she won't be the center of attention.  I am not getting the lure of her repeatedly referencing that she went without underwear and some saw up her dress and she is on a rampage.  Maybe she needs to take a page out of Anne Hathaway's book and just be devastated-instead of projectile vomiting this barrage of nonsense.  We get it you are embarrassed you were the brunt of a joke, what more do you want people to acknowledge. 

Advice to Anne Hathaway after her flash:  http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/hathaway-devastating-article-1.1218200  What a butt ugly look she had on that night.  Note the expert -no pantyline would have been visible.  Sounds familiar. 

It's pretty lousy to say you are over something, imply that it's done, and then come back guns a blazin' at the reunion.  Had Dorit and Pk known she was again, not over it, despite her second round of insistence she was, maybe they would have been more prepared. 

(I contrast her way of handling this situation with Wednesday's Survivor episode where the high road was taken, and wow, what an amazing, positive impact that had.)

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18 hours ago, jaync said:

Why would Erika be embarrassed to talk about being a single mother raising her son?

Yes, but I doubt they'll get rid of Erika's #1Fangurl.

Another quote about Erika (from Snappy's post) is featured on the homepage. Not a good week for her at PTV.

What's PTV?

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4 hours ago, AndySmith said:

There are other articles floating around, and they're not all based on the Radar Online article. There are also pictures floating around online of her and her son together before he became an adult. You find it horseshit, well, that's your privilege.

I'm not advocating she was mother of the year. Just that I'm not going to condemn the women also based on what little there is written of her. I'd rather give her the benefit of the doubt first. But to each their own.

So what is the criteria for you giving the benefit of the doubt? You didn't seem to be giving PK the benefit of the doubt earlier in this thread when you were questioning his efforts to keep his children in the US, lol.

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18 hours ago, Beachdreamer said:

At the beginning of the season, I found Dorit to be selling herself hard as a rich BH woman.  Which, to be fair, is what the show is about and why I watch it- to see the rich and pampered lifestyle I don't have for myself.  But, she was selling it hard and it came off as feeling a little much.  Additionally, I initially found her to be a bit rude to Erika.

So imagine how surprised I am that by the end of the season the  obnoxiousness of Erika and Rinna and Eileen has me actually rooting for  Dorit.

I watched Dorit agree with PK that it was wrong for Eileen to not give some indication that her mom had passed, I completely believe Dorit threw the pill incident into every conversation possible because she did want to imply there might be a problem, or at least open the door for someone else to explore it, and I think she took panty-gate a little too far.

And yet I still whole-heartedly side with Dorit.  The other 3 were that absurd and exhausting.

 Agree! I saw some pretension in Dorit when she first came on, and saw some shit-stirring with the bag of pills, hell, even Boy George saw what she was up to and scooted away! Lol! However, those three flying monkeys on the left couch were so heinous, hypocritical, ugly and petty about everything that it makes me root and defend Dorit! I cannot STAND Kim Richards, who I think is an awful human being, who never takes any accountability for the earth she scorched in her wake with her poor family, but I so can't wait for her to hand Rinna her ass, Rinna is THAT horrid! Although I'm sure I will be left disappointed and unsatisfied after the reunion, as usual, time and time again. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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16 hours ago, Beachdreamer said:

There is no was that I can put any credibility in the idea that Erika was embarrassed by panty-gate.  Tom is a smart man, perhaps he controlled the narrative here.  Maybe he gave her an idea of a storyline to run with.

Because there is no way on earth that I will ever believe that a woman who performs nearly naked while gyrating in almost exclusively sexual moves, while singing vulgar lyrics, in a show that began with a pep talk like the one Mikey delivered.....that woman is not embarrassed that a man looked at her and saw up her skirt.  Nope.  Not a chance.

1k likes!! There was an article I read about tom playing one of her Sexxy Videos at a huge corporate lawyer gathering...and he seemed to be getting off on his colleagues uncomfortably watching it. The whole thing was very awkward for the people at the event, and he was soon after bounced from chairing it in the future. He's a strange cat, and very much the puppet master to vacant Erika. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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So what is the criteria for you giving the benefit of the doubt? You didn't seem to be giving PK the benefit of the doubt earlier in this thread when you were questioning his efforts to keep his children in the US, lol.

Because there is more information on PK overall than there is on Pamela Todd, which allows me to arrive at more informed conclusion, obviously.

Edited by AndySmith
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On 4/11/2017 at 8:44 PM, Lady of nod said:

And btw no one was more devastated than the Erikas. Poor little bitch girl. she is so friggin arrogant and self satisfied. Can not stand her

I wish someone would wipe that sneer off of her snide bish face. I'm so tired of her haughty attitude and insistence that everyone see her as blameless in pantygate despite her overall trashiness. Also, high time the voters on  DWTS would get off their butts and vote her off so I don't have to see her twice in one week.

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17 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

Me thinks they(PK and Dorit) want to take down Erika any way they can. Esp. after Erika didn't warm up to Dorit as she was hoping. Erika's husband is an attorney and most likely knows what Pk did to hide his money and filing BK in the US. I don't think they really want the details out there and prob the reason why Dorit wanted a fast friendship with E. (imo) I think Erika saying to Dorit "I know who you are" hit a nerve.

It is no secret that millionaires and billionaires occasionally file bankruptcy. But how should the average billionaire get the most out of their bankruptcy? The debtor should consider taking a trip to a country with forgiving bankruptcy laws, settling down and establishing themselves as a member of the community during their vacation, filing bankruptcy, and then enforcing that bankruptcy discharge in the debtor’s home country. In this way an individual debtor can discharge their unsecured debts, but also continue to live the high life. 

From the US bankruptcy filing, Pompous Kreep was denied in 2013. Do you think the Kemsley's may move to another country to give it another go?

I'd love for them to stay so we can watch this play out on BH. I want a PK perp walk with rose gold shackles.

PK said he is an entrepreneur and investor and made no comments about his money woes.

He has been Boy George's manager for the last 3 years because it's his "passion"

Laughing like Adele so that Dorit can understand me:


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18 hours ago, Jel said:

Just saw this as I was taking a sip of my coffee. I laughed and it made me choke, so I spat coffee on myself, like a dork. My teen son saw that and laughed at me. I;m humiliated because while my side persona is CraZy Jel, is a drink dropping, coffee spilling maniac, this one, regular Jel, would never spit coffee on herself. How dare you suggest otherwise. I'm outraged!

So all of that is your fault, ZM, because you have to be responsible for the words that come out of your mouth (fingertips).  

I await your 20 pages of apology. 

PS Don't forget to apologize to my husband, too. For, uh, interfering with my marriage I guess?

Jel-Z a play on Jay Z or Jae Lo a play on J Lo/Jello?


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8 hours ago, princelina said:


Bingo! That's it exactly.  I don't dislike Dorit, but I don't see any reason Erika would want to be her friend based on how Dorit has acted towards her this season.

Completely agree! I like Dorit and Liked Erika last season.

Dorit has bungled this whole thing with Erika from the first meeting. I think she just kept stepping in it over and over and then tried to make light etc etc. I don't have a problem with Erika having her at arms length I just think it's turned into something ridiculous.  Dorit doesn't deserve the level of attack that's being waged on her.

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3 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Jel-Z a play on Jay Z or Jae Lo a play on J Lo/Jello?


Which answer is going to make this middle-aged Costco shopper sound cooler?

I'll go with that one.

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16 hours ago, AndySmith said:

I thought they came up with their own tag lines?

This tag line was Dorit's second choice.

Her first choice was nixed. It was Boy George, Boy George. Did you know Boy George lives with me?

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14 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

If that story in the tabloids came out about ME abandoning my child, and I was a real housewife, I would be on the phone in a hot second with said tabloid giving them an 'exclusive' in what the real story was! I would be making ALL the rounds, getting my voice heard and setting everyone straight that no, I did not abandon my 3-year-old to go off and find a wallet to marry. I would not be silent and allow the public to form any opinions about me being a mother that leaves her toddler behind. I would get the real story out, there are plenty of outlets that would publish. Unless of course, the story is true, then I guess I would have nothing to say...

Ah yes, guilty until proven innocent.  I'm familiar with that concept, working in the criminal justice system and all...

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1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

Because there is more information on PK overall than there is on Pamela Todd, which allows me to arrive at more informed conclusion, obviously.

There is no info about PK's first wife though and we don't know what their custody agreement is, so coming to any conclusion about PK as a father is being made on zero info/facts.

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4 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Ah yes, guilty until proven innocent.  I'm familiar with that concept, working in the criminal justice system and all...

I don't understand your comment in relation to mine. I'm talking about what I would do if that story came out about me. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Erika wants it to be over with why does she just let PK finish a sentence?  Because she won't be the center of attention.  I am not getting the lure of her repeatedly referencing that she went without underwear and some saw up her dress and she is on a rampage

In addition to her needing the reunion to focus on her devastation, it is possible that sugar daddy Tom, who buys into this 2 Erikas bs, was pissed at the flashing incident and told her she better be Erika Giradi on the reunion and try to redeem herself from her faux pas.  

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13 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I'm trying to remember, but I don't seem to recall seeing the ladies at that final dinner in Hong Kong.  I don't think it was aired.  I would have definitely remembered seeing Eileen looking like a mini-Ericka, with loads of makeup and super flat-ironed hair.

I think the last dinner in Hong Kong we saw was the one with Erika's meltdown - or did I miss something?  

When they showed the clip it said unaired footage. The dinner in Hong Kong where Eileen is wearing a pink dress was not aired. I'm pretty sure it was Zoeysmom that posted a pic. Eden is sporting a Sia wig, Kyle is in a black dress, and I think the other person was LVP.

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14 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

If that story in the tabloids came out about ME abandoning my child, and I was a real housewife, I would be on the phone in a hot second with said tabloid giving them an 'exclusive' in what the real story was! I would be making ALL the rounds, getting my voice heard and setting everyone straight that no, I did not abandon my 3-year-old to go off and find a wallet to marry. I would not be silent and allow the public to form any opinions about me being a mother that leaves her toddler behind. I would get the real story out, there are plenty of outlets that would publish. Unless of course, the story is true, then I guess I would have nothing to say...

I can see that point, but perhaps telling the real story, or defending herself in some manner would prove hurtful to someone else. Maybe her son. Maybe her ex. Maybe it would mean badmouthing someone in a way that she doesn't want to do publicly. She is the one who said that she left her 3 year old in NY to pursue a career in LA. The scoop didn't come from a tabloid, although they might have said it first, but she has also said the same. She hasn't offered a defense of her actions, which could easily mean that doing so would shine a negative light on someone in a way that would prove problematic. She could, and most people would, dress it all up in some manner to make it more nicely fit into the narrative that people would prefer. It is not like she didn't know full well the kind of judgement that would reign down on a mother who opts for a career in a different state from their child. Men do it all of the time, but society still judges women much differently for doing the same. She would certainly be aware of this, yet she offers nothing that would make it sound more palatable. It is possible there is a reason for this that we don't understand. 

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13 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I don't know - PK doesn't bother me as much as some other husbands on other franchises.  

I wouldn't mind sitting down and having a drink with him and Dorit - of course, with my panties on, LOL!!  

I think that he really just got caught up in the whole reality TV thing.  Yeah, he did try a little too hard sometimes, and he's not exactly my cup of tea as far as looks, but, I think he really does love Dorit, looks out for her and defends her.  

Plus, as you said, he admitted to being 1/2 way wrong in that situation and has admitted other less than favorable things - he's okay to me.

I would agree that PK loves the Reality TV gig. RHBH is not his first rodeo. He was on the UK version of The Apprentice with his buddy Lord Sugar. He was also a big time gambler and appeared on some televised poker tournament in the UK. He was also trying to get a reality show picked up for Boy George. A series which would have followed him moving to America. This was back in 2015 and I haven't heard of any network picking it up.

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1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

Because there is more information on PK overall than there is on Pamela Todd, which allows me to arrive at more informed conclusion, obviously.

Hardly obvious.

1. Having 'more' information doesn't mean that you have enough information.

2. Having information doesn't make it relevant information to the opinion or position you're taking.

3. Your approach to addressing PK's relationship with his children is actually contrary to any of the few facts that are known and actually disregard the circumstances that are more likely than your theory that maybe PK didn't even try to keep his children with him. Telling others that there isn't enough information to take one side of the story when you're so very eager to make up a side of a story that conveniently portrays someone you don't seem to care for in a negative light, is contradicting.

What we do know about the circumstances is that PK had no money and his wife was supporting him and their children. Crazy to think that after a British born woman likely moved to the USA to follow her husband's career, which imploded as did their marriage, she would want to stay in a foreign country and try to slug her way through life. Wouldn't most people pack their bags and go back to a place of comfort where their dear friends and family are there to provide emotional and financial support as well as having an easier time finding a job (no pesky Visa issues to worry about). What's the likelihood that PK had a chance of keeping custody of his children in the USA when he was already on record as not having the money to support them?

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13 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Or just too busy being a wife and mother to run a fashion line, especially if it required a lot of international travel.

Seriously, how did I become a Dorit and PK defender?  WTF.

Dorit's swimwear - 2009 - 2013

That's just 4 short years.

She was not a wife until 2015. She was not a mother until 2014.

She was a mistress from 2011 so that may have necessitated being at PK's beck and call.

Dorit is the one who said in an article that she has been with PK since 2011. PK in his bankruptcy documents said he had $34000 worth of monthly expenses which was being covered by his WIFE in 2013.

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

From the US bankruptcy filing, Pompous Kreep was denied in 2013. Do you think the Kemsley's may move to another country to give it another go?

I'd love for them to stay so we can watch this play out on BH. I want a PK perp walk with rose gold shackles.

PK said he is an entrepreneur and investor and made no comments about his money woes.

He has been Boy George's manager for the last 3 years because it's his "passion"

Laughing like Adele so that Dorit can understand me:


I think quite a few more shenanigans will come to light if they choose to stay on the show.  Hiding his money in Italy around 2009, the selling of his NY penthouse (s) buildings, etc. There are a lot of people not happy with the man. He should have stayed quietly behind the scenes and just let his wife be the RHBH.  He is an idiot. 

Edited by Martinigirl
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7 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Dorit's swimwear - 2009 - 2013

That's just 4 short years.

She was not a wife until 2015. She was not a mother until 2014.

She was a mistress from 2011 so that may have necessitated being at PK's beck and call.

Dorit is the one who said in an article that she has been with PK since 2011. PK in his bankruptcy documents said he had $34000 worth of monthly expenses which was being covered by his WIFE in 2013.

No one except you has called Dorit a mistress.  She was dating PK who was separated and divorcing his wife.  We aren't even sure of the year or when they met.  I don't recall seeing Dorit's name on any of the documents.   To me, it doesn't read as a particularly contentious divorce since the ex-wife was supporting PK. 

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11 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I thought both of the Lisa's looked the best. Both were fairly simple and tasteful - extremely flattering. I think this is the first time I have ever loved LVP's dress. She needs to burn all the other stuff, save for the casual clothes, in her closet. Eileen looked gorgeous, per usual, but I didn't love the dress. Could have stared at her shoes all day long, however. Erika, Kyle and Dorit were all big misses for me. Their dresses were just a mess. So busy and unflattering on women who have fabulous bodies. What a shame. And I couldn't take Erika's hair or makeup. IMO she makes the same mistake that LVP does. Both are so lovely, but their hair and makeup generally cover up just how lovely they are. Erika in particular has skin to die for. Why do so much to cover it all up? 

I think LVP looked her best because she had the best hairpiece. It was very Jaclyn Smith. The sleeves on her dress were good too - they weren't too tight/fitted so her arms from the elbow up appeared slimmer.

Compare that to the bread sleeves on Kyle. Oy - like a tube of exploding toothpaste. It was a mess

I'm starting to think Bravo Production purposefully effs with the lighting and they all look like clowns. There were a few bad shots of LVP and her foundation was so bad she was entering Michael Jackson territory.

Rinna had the best dress and the color was good on her. I see her wearing this dress over and over. Even if she gets beat up in the reunion. She's the one on this show that has worn dresses more than once on the show - i.e. her leopard dress.

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3 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I can see that point, but perhaps telling the real story, or defending herself in some manner would prove hurtful to someone else. Maybe her son. Maybe her ex. Maybe it would mean badmouthing someone in a way that she doesn't want to do publicly. She is the one who said that she left her 3 year old in NY to pursue a career in LA. The scoop didn't come from a tabloid, although they might have said it first, but she has also said the same. She hasn't offered a defense of her actions, which could easily mean that doing so would shine a negative light on someone in a way that would prove problematic. She could, and most people would, dress it all up in some manner to make it more nicely fit into the narrative that people would prefer. It is not like she didn't know full well the kind of judgement that would reign down on a mother who opts for a career in a different state from their child. Men do it all of the time, but society still judges women much differently for doing the same. She would certainly be aware of this, yet she offers . But nothing that would make it sound more palatable. It is possible there is a reason for this that we don't understand. 

 How fucking noble of her. She doesn't discuss it because it might hurt someone (read herself). How convenient.  If it is her son, why choose to be a public person where your life and your families lives can be exposed and cause hurt. Once again it is Erica's ego above anybody else. 

She won't explain herself but it's ok for her to spin the facts of what she did , to put her in a better light on national TV but forbids anyone's discussion of it. She can  act holier than thou towards a day in day out mother who is with her children who also has some nannies for her two young kids when Erica left her three year old 3,000 miles away to be an "star" for several years. But that is ok because Erica was a stay at home single mother for three years before running off, no nannies no nothing she did it by herself. That is so rare and unique to raise a child for three years. The sacrifices she must have made to endure that hardship. She needs international recognition for doing that, awards of merit, a book and movie deal, a day in her honor. Especially now because she found her wallet and her son likes the bennies of living with her. He can bank his paycheck! Cha-ching!

The bitch cut and ran on her 3 year old boy.

She never said it was to make her son's life better it was to chase her dream. With her refusal to explain herself further we have every right to form an opinion of her on those facts she only wants to present.

What career? She was slinging drinks, looking for a wallet or a producer. She could have done that in New York. Guess she didn't want to be distracted by a kid on a daily basis as she excelled in her career.

I believe fathers and mothers should be judged the same. Sure they were divorced. But she didn't leave because she was recruited by a corporate head hunter to work at a high paying job with guaranteed benefits that would benefit her child. She wanted to be an actress! And if a father took off so he could fulfill his dream of being a Champion MMA fighter but ends up being a bouncer in a club and leaves his family to chase his dream I'd knock him too.

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23 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

I think quite a few more shenanigans will come to light if they choose to stay on the show.  Hiding his money in Italy around 2009, the selling of his NY penthouse (s) buildings, etc. There are a lot of people not happy with the man. He should have stayed quietly behind the scenes and just let his wife be the RHBH.  He is an idiot. 

Most reality stars are idiots - have skeletons in their closet that they don't want out but they invite the world into their 'reality' and become outraged when people uncover the less glamorous part of their realities.

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2 hours ago, renatae said:

I wish someone would wipe that sneer off of her snide bish face. I'm so tired of her haughty attitude and insistence that everyone see her as blameless in pantygate despite her overall trashiness. Also, high time the voters on  DWTS would get off their butts and vote her off so I don't have to see her twice in one week.

I think Erika tried to make the best of the situation when she simply accepted the panties. It was when Dorit said "THIS took on a life of it's own"   Erika  knew Dorit was spreading the pantie-gate incident.  Erika then tells Dorist to pretty much STFU (be careful) which Dorit refuses to do. 

Edited by Martinigirl
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