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S06.E16: Mother's Little Helper

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Gold and Belle convince Emma to help Gideon, explaining that together they can stop the Black Fairy. Henry experiences a disorienting shift in his powers that forces Regina to seek counsel from the previous Author. Meanwhile, in Fairy Tale Land, Hook attempts to win the assistance of an old adversary by betting his most prized possession on a game of cards. And, in a flashback, the Black Fairy tortures young Gideon in hopes of molding him into the perfect apprentice.


Just now, InsertWordHere said:

I know I'm someone who has been known to complain about this show focusing too much on guest characters, but can Blackbeard please stay?


I love Blackbeard. I wish the entire episode was just him and Hook antagonizing each other.

Also, Emma really sucks at identifying when people have controlled hearts, doesn't she?

  • Love 14

My thoughts during the episode:

So Gideon is behaving like a dumb ass because the Black Fairy is controlling him through his heart.  It certainly took long enough to sort through the Gideon angst and finally get to the Black Fairy.  The plot continues to move along at a glacial pace.

Massive arachnid fail: the most ridiculous looking gigantic creature since Gamera (the giant turtle with bad teeth and jets in his butt.) 

Opaque corneas of doom + heiroglyphic writing = uncontrollable author trance.  Do I detect the set up for next season’s plot arc? 

I was so happy to see Blackbeard again.  And the hospital dungeon.  And the Chief. But not Isaac.  I find him extremely annoying.  Let’s hope he’s gone forever.

I like the Hook/Blackbeard pirate duo.  I’d happily watch the spinoff of their adventures especially if they develop the bromance.  I was hoping for the Kraken to show up for revenge against Hook having hunted him in the last episode. 

  • Love 5


* I hate Gideon. I don't care if he's evil or good or what. He's just a whiner.
* Isaac was so very annoying. I never want to see his face again.
* Ew on the giant spider. Did we really need that?
* I loved Blackbeard. He's awesome. I want to see him and Hook go on more adventures.
* The return to Neverland was very underwhelming.
* Gideon's heart was under the Black Fairy's control? Haven't seen this plot 50 times already?
* "They only see things in black and white." Look who you're talking to, Rumple.
* Emma and Snow got to bond by standing next to each other in group scenes?
* The flashbacks were a snore. Their only purpose was to show Gideon wasn't evil.
* The Black Fairy is a badass. I really like her.
* So the Black Fairy created the Dark Curse. I'm curious to know what her endgame is.

WTF is going on next week?!

  • Love 6

So Emma battles a giant spider while Hook hangs out with Blackbeard.  I mean, literally anything to keep them apart.  Oh yeah, and Henry writes Runes now...whatever.

My problem is that the Black Fairy and Gideon have taken over the show for lengthy periods of time.  Now the black fairy invented the curse that Rumple designed that Regina cast? Ok

Regina can break all the other curses her evil self cast except for the Charming one? Ok

Why didn't Blackbeard just take out another magic bean to get to the Jolly Roger?

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Worsel said:

I just realized that converting people to bugs and stepping on them is a Stiltskin family tradition.  

Which reminds me that there was no trace of the recently deceased Charlotte after Emma squashed her. Oh, and the webbing that Snow and Belle walked thru disappeared pretty quickly too. I guess they blew their whole CGI budget on big Charlotte's scenes.

This was better than I thought. Gideon was never the bad guy in this. He was a victim being controlled by the Black Fairy with his heart.

The Dark curse was created by BF.


And it appears clear that the scene of her in he finale is the dark curse. I don't know if but possibly everything from the musical is part of the dark curse too.

We get to see the dust that turns people into big. Seems official enough that the dust Snow got was from the Black Fairy. Maybe Snow would give a face of recognition to the Black Fairy for that.

So much for Blue being the Black Fairy the whole time and so much for that shady Blue stuff. I so knew Blue was not the BF.

Edited by Vader12
Spoiler tagged information for future shows
  • Love 2

What I don't get is that TS;TW always seem to throw around the excuse "we can't show Emma's childhood too much because it's just too depressing," but here we are watching an entire episode about Gideon's super duper incredibly depressing and messed up childhood where multiple children are tortured.

Just now, Vader12 said:

So much for Blue being the Black Fairy the whole time and so much for that shady Blue stuff. I so knew Blue was not the BF.


This episode didn't squash that theory yet. They could be split into two like Regina and EQ.

  • Love 4

I never read the comments before but I saw negativity ?? Well, I am in the minority and proud to be.

I lot of all the main even Belle! Henry almost intriguing!



Well, I loved it !!!! Probably my top five in all season 6. That not hard but...

Loved Emma drive and focus and general bad ass. 

Her concerns for her pirate despite she is in peril.

I liked the Rumple helping but I will do much prefer Snow to be there instead of Rumple in this case 

Loved loved all the pirate scene. Colin is really good in this kind of scene.

I am little be warmer toward Gideon but I am no where thinking he must be back if season 7 happen.

Still I accept he is  a real victim of his horrible grand mother. The BF is the best villain they have since a long time and I do feel there something at stake there. 

The final chapter?!! It's not a joke!

So, yea I love it and almost sure I will love next week too.

  • Love 4

Well, this show.

Maybe they shouldn't use a giant spider if they can't do their CGI any better than that.  Cringeworthy.

So Gideon is being controlled by the Black Fairy.  At least that makes a little more sense out of his wild swinging back and forth from one stupid plan to another.  But seriously, he's still not a very likeable character and his angst his taken up a lot of screentime.

I don't really want to see Blackbeard or watch Hook trying to survive in Neverland.  I just want him to get back to $#&*@ Storybrooke and forget all this tiresome realm hopping.

I've had quite enough of the Stiltskin-Charmings feud.  Seriously, even Rumple can't deny that Emma has a right to defend herself against someone who is trying to kill her.  And I'm tired of hearing Belle whine about it, too.  I get that they don't want their son to be killed, but he's acting like a real creeper and Emma can't be expected to give him milk and cookies every time he attacks her.  They're his parents - DO something about him instead of expecting everyone else to.  Damn!  I am really annoyed.

This Henry side plot could be somewhat interesting but I'm sure they will mess it up and make it something stupid.

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, Jul 68 said:

Is it me or did Isaac just tell us that this is the final season of the show?


I don't think so.  In season 1 Imp Rumple predicted "The final battle will begin" once the curse was cast.  I think it has become a yearly tradition at this point.


Just now, hockeycat400 said:

Hamilton tickets.   Bwahahahaha!!!

Yes, I have a feeling the show writers were unsuccessful in getting Hamilton tickets.

  • Love 3

Once again, I missed the first half of the episode. When I turned it on, Emma was about to get killed by...a giant spider. I don't even know what to do with that.

Did I miss much during the first half? This show used to be a must-see for me. Now I can't even bring myself to watch YouTube clips to catch up.

If they insist on separating Emma and Hook for multiple episodes during what could be the final season, why don't they at least use this opportunity to do something more interesting with both characters? Blackbeard and Hook were funny together, but it's not exactly the stuff of great adventure or character defining moments. Then again, maybe I should just be glad that neither Emma nor Hook underwent further character assassination in this episode.

  • Love 5

Did it feel like to anyone else that the Henry/Regina side plot was a last minute insert to set up the end of the series as it had nothing to do with anything else that was happening? 

Also, all these meta jokes by Isaac have got to stop. First, we now know the way to get A&E under our thumbs is to call them washed up has-beens, and the beast "no one wants to see that", it's like they're just asking viewers to tune out more.

AND I'm pretty sure Hamilton shouldn't be out yet in ouat world. If I'm being given generous, maybe 3 years have passes since the pilot sooooo 2014 at best.

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, Katherine said:

Once again, I missed the first half of the episode. When I turned it on, Emma was about to get killed by...a giant spider. I don't even know what to do with that.

Did I miss much during the first half? This show used to be a must-see for me. Now I can't even bring myself to watch YouTube clips to catch up.


I think even the spider didn't know what to do with it.

No not really - there was a retelling of Gideon's story about being caught with Her Handsome Hero and being too cowardly to save his friend.  Then he pretended to want to work with Emma in order to set up assassination by spider so when she died he could harness her power to open a portal to let the Black Fairy in.  There was some mildly entertaining banter between Hook and Blackbeard. Hook bet and lost the Jolly Roger to Blackbeard, but because it exists in Storybooke was able to get Blackbeard to use his magic bean to try to go back - but ended up in Neverland instead because Gideon's magic is preventing him from coming back to Storybooke.

  • Love 2

This episode didn't squash that theory yet. They could be split into two like Regina and EQ.

There's still plenty of room for BF/Blue shenanigans. I don't think this episode hurt speculation at all.


Yeah, it sure seemed that way. If it's renewed for another season, they'd have to go in a completely new direction because they're closing the book on a lot of the main arcs here.

The "final battle" stuff is very contrived. There is no reason S6 needs to be the final season, other than the possibility the show could be cancelled. From a story perspective, it's abrupt and doesn't bookend anything. I realize the writers are trying to make everything relevant by including the Curse origin, Emma's savior problems, etc. But, it's all really random still.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Katherine said:

If they insist on separating Emma and Hook for multiple episodes during what could be the final season, why don't they at least use this opportunity to do something more interesting with both characters? Blackbeard and Hook were funny together, but it's not exactly the stuff of great adventure or character defining moments. Then again, maybe I should just be glad that neither Emma nor Hook underwent further character assassination in this episode.

I really liked seeing Hook trading the Jolly Roger *again* for Emma. We never got to see the first time.......

I loved Blackbeard's quip, "Maybe you should keep the ship!" LOL!  He slays.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, hockeycat400 said:

Hamilton tickets.   Bwahahahaha!!!

But have they lost track of their timeline? The first season covered 2011-2012. Then season two was maybe a month or so and 3A was about a week, so we're still in 2012. Then there was the missing year, putting them in maybe mid-2013. There's been at most about six months since then. Hamilton didn't even open Off-Broadway until 2015.

Other continuity things ... didn't we see the Charmings escorting Isaac out of town at the end of season 4? And didn't Elsa have Blackbeard in the dungeon in Arendelle?

Even if Gideon is being controlled by the Black Fairy, that still doesn't address the Belle and Rumple weirdness in dealing with him or informing everyone else what was going on with him.  He doublecrossed Emma and tried to kill her again, and they're both "how dare you be mean to our precious baby."

As we guessed, there wasn't a word about Emma having doubted Hook, either from her or anyone else.

  • Love 7

But have they lost track of their timeline? The first season covered 2011-2012. Then season two was maybe a month or so and 3A was about a week, so we're still in 2012. Then there was the missing year, putting them in maybe mid-2013. There's been at most about six months since then. Hamilton didn't even open Off-Broadway until 2015.

Adam had an answer for that.  He said on Twitter that "For the record, in the #OnceUponATime universe #Hamilton hit Broadway about 18 months earlier than in our universe. #timelinepolice"

Edited by legaleagle53
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

But have they lost track of their timeline? The first season covered 2011-2012. Then season two was maybe a month or so and 3A was about a week, so we're still in 2012. Then there was the missing year, putting them in maybe mid-2013. There's been at most about six months since then. Hamilton didn't even open Off-Broadway until 2015.

Adam just tweeted #timelinepolice like a dick and said it came out earlier in ouat world

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:
5 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

Adam had an answer for that.  He said on Twitter that "For the record, in the #OnceUponATime universe #Hamilton hit Broadway about 18 months earlier than in our universe. #timelinepolice"

So the whole "our world" premise of the show is just gone then? 

  • Love 8

I would watch a Blackbeard/Hook wacky buddy comedy spin-off show. They were fun. 

Gideon annoys me. Don't care. Whatever bro....and yes, the Black Fairy is the worst grandma ever. 

Hamilton tickets. Ha! Yeah ok, Issac. The Henry/Regina stuff made me zzzzzzzzz. Yeah final chapter *hint hint*

I hate spiders. 

Just end the series, please. 

  • Love 2

Ehhh.  It wasn't the worst, but this season has set a high bar for badness.

They should've led with Gideon having his heart controlled.  You know, add some dramatic tension?  Instead we got this wishy-washy "Is he good or bad?" for waaaay too long.  I also have no idea what Gideon was actually doing for 28 years.  Being tortured?  Sitting in a jail cell?  (I mean, learning magic, OK, but ... he clearly wasn't hanging out in the mines since he didn't know Roderick was still alive.  How big is the dark realm?)

I did like Emma acting more like herself and Hook tricking Blackbeard into using a bean (even though it didn't work).

Show, why did you have to remind me of the stupid author plot?  It's dumb, and I don't care.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

Other continuity things ... didn't we see the Charmings escorting Isaac out of town at the end of season 4? And didn't Elsa have Blackbeard in the dungeon in Arendelle?

They did not escort Isaac out of Town. They stopped him from escaping and arrested him, taking in prison. And demanded answers from him what was his deal. And informed and reminded him that he made them (along with the Apprentice) do this terrible hurt maleficent and Lily with his pen.


Even if Gideon is being controlled by the Black Fairy, that still doesn't address the Belle and Rumple weirdness in dealing with him or informing everyone else what was going on with him.  He doublecrossed Emma and tried to kill her again, and they're both "how dare you be mean to our precious baby."

Come on, no one, not even Gideon knew the backstory yet that the Black Fairy was controlling him. I mean Emma, Snow and Mulan did not know that Aurora was controlled by Cora with her heart and that Hook ripped it out.


As we guessed, there wasn't a word about Emma having doubted Hook, either from her or anyone else.

Charming might and most likely has for now. For the murder of his father, being lied about it by Hook and how he showed no redemption for that.

8 minutes ago, Worsel said:

And I also suspect we will never hear of or see the issue of Hook having killed Charming's father again either.

Actually we most likely will. Possibly in future episodes.

Edited by Vader12
  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, snarkastic said:

Did it feel like to anyone else that the Henry/Regina side plot was a last minute insert to set up the end of the series as it had nothing to do with anything else that was happening? 


Yes.  But I still think it could go either way.  This was filmed back in February?  It's entirely possible they felt like they should write an out "just in case."  It sure seems an odd way to get a guest spot for Isaac.  

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, Vader12 said:

They did not escort Isaac out of Town. They stopped him from escaping and arrested him, taking in prison. And demanded answers from him what was his deal. And informed and reminded him that he made them (along with the Apprentice) do this terrible hurt maleficent and Lily with his pen.

Come on, no one, not even Gideon knew the backstory yet that the Black Fairy was controlling him. I mean Emma, Snow and Mulan did not know that Aurora was controlled by Cora with her heart and that Hook ripped it out.

Charming might and most likely has for now. For the murder of his father, being lied about it by Hook and how he showed no redemption for that.

"Redemption"?  I think you mean "regret." And Hook didn't even know it was David's father whom he had killed until he did the math while trying to solve the mystery.  At the time of the murder, David's father was just some unknown guy who had witnessed Hook taking out some of the King's guards and had to be silenced as a potential witness himself.  There was no way Hook would or could have made the connection to David back then, nor was it anything personal against David's father.  It was just standard pirate practice not to leave any witnesses.

Edited by legaleagle53
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Senna said:

They should've led with Gideon having his heart controlled.  You know, add some dramatic tension?

Or not. Because people can just be evil. But this show has never met a storytelling cheat it didn't love. Why act like years of abuse by the Black Fairy actually changed Gideon's personality? No -- it was because My Evil Fake Mommy Ripped Out My Heart.

Hey guys, you could've just sent Roderick to the Land of Untold Stories, because I'm pretty sure he and Gideon were a True Love's Kiss waiting to happen.

  • Love 10
Just now, legaleagle53 said:

"Redemption|"?  I think you mean "regret." And Hook didn't even know it was David's father whom he had killed until he did the math while trying to solve the mystery.  At the time of the murder, David's father was just some unknown guy who had witnessed Hook taking out some of the King's guards and had to be silenced as a potential witness himself.  There was no way Hook would or could have made the connection to David back then, nor was it anything personal against David's father.  It was just standard pirate practice not to leave any witnesses.

Doesn't matter if he didn't know. It was no accident in the first place as the queen (serum) hinted and informed. He wouldn't care anyway. It was out of cold blood, not misdirection. And for the record he showed no regretting back than. And I do mean redemption, not regret. Regret is not enough. Also, did make up for it for redemption? Sadly no.

24 minutes ago, OnceUponAJen said:

I really liked seeing Hook trading the Jolly Roger *again* for Emma. We never got to see the first time.......


That's the main reason why I liked the Blackbeard/Hook interactions. I'm still bitter over the show refusing to give us a flashback to the first time Hook traded his ship, but I guess I'll take this as a consolation prize over nothing.

24 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

As we guessed, there wasn't a word about Emma having doubted Hook, either from her or anyone else.

22 minutes ago, Worsel said:

And I also suspect we will never hear of or see the issue of Hook having killed Charming's father again either.

Yep, I'm sure Emma told everyone she and Killian are all roses and rainbows and happy again in Offscreenville, with everyone else acting like robots and saying, "Oh, that's great news! We're happy for you." And I'm sure the minute Hook shows up again in Storybrooke, he'll get one awkward line towards David and flash sad eyes at him and say, "I'm so sorry..." but David will cut him off and say it's all in the past. Aren't we so glad we spent all this angst and drama on such an easily solvable issue?


They should've led with Gideon having his heart controlled.  You know, add some dramatic tension?  Instead we got this wishy-washy "Is he good or bad?" for waaaay too long.


The writers should have scrapped the pointless Beowulf episode and replaced it with this one instead. In the Beowulf episode thread, I complained about how they should have shown Gideon's sad and tortured childhood monologue on screen instead of sucking up precious airtime as a boring verbal conversation. Except now the show has committed one of the worst writing sins by not only sucking up airtime when they allowed that long monologue to occur a few episodes ago, but now they wasted even more screen time by showing that monologue on screen in this episode. Choose one method or the other, but don't choose both! Especially since there are only so many episodes left this season and so much story left to tell.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 9
1 minute ago, Vader12 said:

Doesn't matter if he didn't know. It was no accident in the first place as the queen (serum) hinted and informed. He wouldn't care anyway. It was out of cold blood, not misdirection. And for the record he showed no regretting back than. And I do mean redemption, not regret. Regret is not enough. Also, did make up for it for redemption? Sadly no.

Yes, it does matter whether Hook knew, because it goes to motive.  Was David's father a deliberate target of Hook's (i.e., did Hook intend to kill him because he was David's father), or was he just a man who had the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?  Hook had no regrets at the time because he was just doing what pirates do -- the death of a potential witness would simply have been considered collateral damage.  To say that he doesn't regret it now is to misstate his position entirely.  It's abundantly clear that he does regret it now -- and not just because Emma caught him trying to destroy the memory of the murder.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, OnceUponAJen said:

Gideon is coming off something like Norman Bates with the "Yes, mother."-ing.  Guy is going to need some time with Dr. Hopper.

Yes, and don't they all need some Hopper time?  I'd love an episode totally devoted to everyone in the town seeing Dr. Hopper.  Especially the minor characters (like the Chief, always mopping the hospital dungeon floor - he has GOT to be depressed.)

  • Love 7

I complained about how they should have shown Gideon's sad and tortured childhood monologue on screen instead of sucking up precious airtime as a boring verbal conversation. Except now the show has committed one of the worst writing sins by not only sucking up airtime when they allowed that long monologue to occur a few episodes ago, but now they wasted even more screen time by showing that monologue on screen in this episode. Choose one method or the other, but don't choose both

This show has done this on multiple occasions. A character gives us a boring verbal account of something, then we have to see it play out onscreen. Unless the character was not a reliable narrator, it doesn't matter. Gideon's backstory didn't deviate from what he said at all.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

Yes, it does matter whether Hook knew, because it goes to motive.  Was David's father a deliberate target of Hook's (i.e., did Hook intend to kill him because he was David's father), or was he just a man who had the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

I never mentioned any of that. Sorry to tell you this, but that sounds unrelated.


 Hook had no regrets at the time because he was just doing what pirates do -- the death of a potential witness would simply have been considered collateral damage.  To say that he doesn't regret it now is to misstate his position entirely.  It's abundantly clear that he does regret it now -- and not just because Emma caught him trying to destroy the memory of the murder.

What pirates do? Which includes murder on the innocent as well. I'm sorry to mention this, but it feels like you are trying to put innocence in him and trying to talk his way around it. And it doesn't matter if he regretted it now, it was still a most foul crime. Regretting is not enough to fix it or make it up to him. Lying to David didn't help at all.

Edited by Vader12
1 minute ago, KingOfHearts said:

This show has this on multiple occasions. A character gives us a boring verbal account of something, then we have to see it play out onscreen. Unless the character was not a reliable narrator, it doesn't matter. Gideon's backstory didn't deviate from what he said at all.


Exactly. This is why I was always curious about Hook's initial magic bean adventure since there were so many plot holes to fill in his story and Hook can sometimes be a bit of an unreliable narrator, but everything Gideon described was to the T. And the extra information we did learn didn't really add anything important to the story or his character. The Black Fairy was interesting to watch because the actress is good, but we already knew she liked to torture children. The only thing we really needed from that flashback was the Black Fairy taking Gideon's heart, we didn't need 90% of anything else.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, Vader12 said:

Regret is not enough. Also, did make up for it for redemption? Sadly no.

Hook was considered redeemed up to this point, after the whole dying to save them all thing. This was just learning the identity of someone involved in one of Hook's past crimes. How does having a name for the victim change his redemption? If they had a problem with him being a murderer in the past, they shouldn't have been okay with him even before they learned that one of the people he killed was connected to them.

27 minutes ago, Worsel said:

And I also suspect we will never hear of or see the issue of Hook having killed Charming's father again either.

There was no context or need to bring that up in this episode. David wasn't in the episode, and it had nothing to do with the murder part of the story. However, a big part of the episode was Emma's desperate attempt to find a way to bring Hook back, so you'd think that the fact that up until about 30 seconds before this episode began she thought Hook had abandoned her for good and never loved her would have come up, or it might have come up when she was talking to Snow about how she now has to cooperate with Gideon to get Hook back when the last time Snow and Emma were together, Snow was consoling Emma as Emma talked about needing to move on. It's not about poor Hook, it's about character continuity. If Emma spends the entire previous episode believing that Hook abandoned her and didn't really love her, with the other characters consoling her and hearing her say she needs to move on, and then she spends the entire next episode trying to find a way to get him back after learning that he was sent away from her and he's desperately trying to get back to her, you kind of expect her to have at least some emotional transition there, some moment of, "He didn't abandon me, how could I have thought that?" and you'd expect her to maybe mention that to Snow.

  • Love 6

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