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S04.E10: Belly Up

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On 3/30/2017 at 9:48 AM, goodbyeglittergirl said:

I feel like of all of the things to mock about this show, this is maybe not that kind? As someone who also has PCOS, my initial wish for MBFFL was "wow - maybe this show will help people understand what I deal with - facial hair, thinning hair, extremely heavy and painful periods, inability to lose weight, etc etc." Clearly that's not how the show went, but maybe we could lay off of the things that people with this disorder can't control?

Gotta run, off to shave my chin - b/c the only thing worse than you being able to mock chin scabs would be you having to see my facial hair, amirite? Ugh.

I agree. I have facial (chin) hair, as well, most probably (according to my dr) from having pcos.  Believe me, ladies, if you don't have facial hair on your chin, you DON'T want it...and if you DO have it, you certainly don't need to feel any less feminine by having it be a source of ridicule from other women - even if it wasn't "you" who was being mocked.  And for the record, I have to shave every day. Every. Single. Morning. Because, God forbid, someone should see little black hairs poking out of my chin. And not just a few. Certainly not such a small amount to tweeze. Enough to shave.

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4 hours ago, Alapaki said:

I don't think anyone was suggesting that Whitney deprived a handicapped person of a parking spot on this particular occasion.  Rather, this incident demonstrates that Whitney is most likely the type of person would, does, and has done so.  Regardless of whether Production reserved the whole parking lot or the whole block, most people would probably avoid pulling into the handicap parking spots, out of habit if nothing else.  

Which begs the bigger question of why we were shown this.  Seeing Whitney pull up, park and walk into the place added nothing to the substance of that scene.  But my recollection is that they made a point of highlighting that she was taking a handicap parking spot.  Either she did that on her own, and Production included it because they don't like her.  Or Production told her to park there, and then used it make her look bad, in which case they really don't like her.

I want to say I think but I pretty much know that Whit is supremely lazy and entitled and when given the opportunity to do as little work as possible she does it which this was a perfect opportunity. Also the production company might have told her to park as close to the door as possible to get the shot of her pulling up to the door with the sign in frame. 

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4 hours ago, pbutler111 said:

She's a grown woman in her 30s.  Her father has nothing to say about what she does or doesn't do.

Well what she wants to do is be a lazy disabled obese person that accepts no responsibility for any part of her life and wants to be coddled.

I doubt Glenn was thrilled co-signing on her house, or having her be a lazy ass living in their home rent free with a trashed out room that doesn't have a real job or co-staring in a TV show about how her daugher is a jobless emotionally and socially crippled lazy entitled brat in her 30s.

The fact is Whit is unable and unwilling to join society as a normal, adjusted productive member of society of someone her age so he pretty much as three choices, go along with this ridiculous farce so she can make some money, let her be a leech with no personal development until they die or kick her to the curb and let her collect SSDI and live in Section 8 housing in squalor because she clearly can't take care of herself.

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Rethinking my earlier post,, I'm  betting on 1 and 2, John M, with a Fourth backup that when her parents  pass,  Twit blows through her share of the inheritance on pizza, cheap sports bras,  and cat food. 

Unless her dad is smart and puts her brother, Hunter, in charge of all the inheritance. Twit is not to be trusted. Obviously,  Glenn hasn't ever put his foot down,  even for his own embarrassment. Isn't that what codependency  and enabling is?  

Edited by Tosia
Disgusted with Twit. how can people like her?
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I am so glad to find this community.

I hate her so much, but I continue to watch it [via torrents].

Nowhere in this thread it was mentioned, so I wanted to bring it up.

At the end of the show at the 'next time' she berates todd for having a 'fucking perfect body'.  What the fuck is all that about?  She says her life is fabulous, yet she says Todd has a 'better body'.  Where is the "NO BS" BS?

And playing pool.  She says she's terrible at it, she sucks, she'd be so embarassed if she missed it.

She then sinks it, and WOO WOOs it like she needs to be congradulated.

God, what a vile, infantile, repugnant, person.

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16 minutes ago, qqererer said:

I am so glad to find this community.

I hate her so much, but I continue to watch it [via torrents].

Nowhere in this thread it was mentioned, so I wanted to bring it up.

At the end of the show at the 'next time' she berates todd for having a 'fucking perfect body'.  What the fuck is all that about?  She says her life is fabulous, yet she says Todd has a 'better body'.  Where is the "NO BS" BS?

And playing pool.  She says she's terrible at it, she sucks, she'd be so embarassed if she missed it.

She then sinks it, and WOO WOOs it like she needs to be congradulated.

God, what a vile, infantile, repugnant, person.

Welcome! And, you nailed it. 

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43 minutes ago, qqererer said:

At the end of the show at the 'next time' she berates todd for having a 'fucking perfect body'.  What the fuck is all that about?  She says her life is fabulous, yet she says Todd has a 'better body'.  Where is the "NO BS" BS?

Good catch! My DVR cut off and I missed it. Yep, that is body shaming. It's certainly not a compliment if you're screaming at your friend that they have a "fucking perfect body" as if they therefore have zero right to complain about being treated like shit. If my fat friend ever told me that I'd be like "bye, bitch, and kiss my perfect ass as I walk away." (Sadly, my body is not "perfect," whatever the hell that even MEANS)

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1 hour ago, qqererer said:

At the end of the show at the 'next time' she berates todd for having a 'fucking perfect body'.  What the fuck is all that about?  She says her life is fabulous, yet she says Todd has a 'better body'.  Where is the "NO BS" BS?

Anyone criticizing her is body shaming. She's allowed to body shame anyone she wants. That's how it works in Twit world. She's made multiple comments about skinny people and insulted people trying to diet. God forbid anyone not want to get better health or prevent their own future health from circling the drain. I think she's a big part of sabotaging Buddy's health. He keeps getting bigger and it's tough to avoid crappy food when it's flaunted in front of you (Twit's 3 pizza apps tell me there's a lot of pizza in their home).


1 hour ago, qqererer said:

And playing pool.  She says she's terrible at it, she sucks, she'd be so embarassed if she missed it.

She then sinks it, and WOO WOOs it like she needs to be congradulated.

God, what a vile, infantile, repugnant, person.

You know, I joke about being terrible or fantastic at things on occasion with my friends. They all know I'm oh so graceful (they are all eager to wrap me in bubble wrap to prevent future accidents. So yea, when I manage to not fall down or correct myself before certain injury, you can bet I will Woo Woo but they generally know that it's such a rare thing that it should be jokingly celebrated. But I got the vibe that Twit is a pretty decent pool player and thinks she's pulling a sly joke on her friends. As if they don't know that she's got skills. It just came off and made her a vile, infantile, repugnant person instead. (I agree with you on that assessment.) Then again, when hammered, I'm excellent at both darts and pool. Hand me either sober and I'm going to injure myself. But like I said, my nickname is "Grace".

Edited by MegD
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I'm not sure I totally understand the cousin thing... did he say first or second cousin? I haven't seen the episode, just read here, so I have confused what happened vs speculation.  I'm also  not completely clear on who would be considered a second cousin, but I could probably google that. I'll use my own family as an example, my mom had 4 cousins, so would my second cousins be her first cousins, or the children of her first cousins?

Its not completely out of the realm of possibility to not know a second cousin (if I'm right on who exactly a second cousin is) first would be a little harder to not have any idea. I'm not sure if I have any first cousins, I know I don't on my moms side, my aunt doesn't have kids... my dad has 2 brothers but I've never met them, so I suppose it's completely possible and I would venture to say highly likely at least one of them has a child meaning I do have a first cousin, but unless they share my last name (I have a pretty uncommon one) they could be on tv and I wouldn't know it. But even then, I do know my uncles names... so if parents were involved I would likely be able to figure it out. 

Im 34, and I only met my second cousins 2 years ago when my mom died, there was some big rift in my family many many years ago, I was too young to remember. My moms cousins reached out after she died and I wound up meeting them, and 2 of them have kids my age, and we grew up in the same relative area, and even had mutual friends... but I never would have guessed we were related, it was funny because in comparing growing up stories there were many times our paths could have crossed, but they had different last names... in my case they were all girls, so no risk of dating, but it's entirely possible especially because the name of my dates parents is not necessarily something I would tell my parents by the second date. 

All of that being said, I do doubt that the storyline is true... but that's because I don't buy much that this show portrays.

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2 hours ago, leighroda said:

I'm not sure I totally understand the cousin thing... did he say first or second cousin? I haven't seen the episode, just read here, so I have confused what happened vs speculation.  I'm also  not completely clear on who would be considered a second cousin, but I could probably google that. I'll use my own family as an example, my mom had 4 cousins, so would my second cousins be her first cousins, or the children of her first cousins?




Yep. Just search for "cousin chart." There are tons of them on the 'Net.

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4 hours ago, leighroda said:

I'm not sure I totally understand the cousin thing... did he say first or second cousin? I haven't seen the episode, just read here, so I have confused what happened vs speculation.

Since neither of them had heard the other's name, (and Thore is an unusual name), and I assume she told Babs & Glen his name, they aren't any closer than 2nd cousins.
Big overreaction.

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5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Your first cousins are the children of your parents' siblings.

Your first cousins, once removed, are the children of your cousins.

Your kids would be second cousins to the children of your cousins.

Right, so your second cousins are the children of your parent's cousins.  I have only met second cousins on both sides of my family once and in a couple of cases never and I'm 58.  I wouldn't know their names if not for finding them on the internet, and in the case of one set of second cousins I met them once in 1970 and have since forgotten their names.  Their family moved to Florida when they were little so my family fell out of touch with them.  Back in those days if you even moved to the next county you fell out of touch because other than getting a once or twice a year phone call and a Christmas card, you never heard from them.  People forget (even I do sometimes) that long distance phone calls were hideously expensive until sometime in the 1980s when the phone companies were broken up and there were other companies competing with them.

There is no greater risk of disability to a child born to second cousins than to any non-related couple, and the risk is only one percentage point higher for 1st cousins who have children together.  The objection to marrying a cousin is actually more of a moral one than a scientific one.  I call BS on Whitney's over-dramatic reaction to Nathan.  Who is she kidding with walking out on him like that? Again, she wins the Sara Bernhardt award for overacting.  I am sure she not only knew Nathan beforehand but that he was in on the fake dating plot with her.  Judging from his accent his family didn't move away when he was little and this is not the 1970s when people didn't have social media and cheap long distance.  Twitney and Babs are calling everyone in their contact lists to get them all on the show somehow with fake plots.  Twit's lack of an interesting real life has forced her to invent things to put on the show.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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5 hours ago, leighroda said:

I'm not sure I totally understand the cousin thing... did he say first or second cousin? I haven't seen the episode, just read here, so I have confused what happened vs speculation.

Honesty, you wouldn't know much more from watching the episode.  We saw Nathan say that his mother said something about a Glenn and some other people.  But we never got to see any explanation of exactly how they're related (i.e., we never heard your grandfather's brother and my grandmother's sister, or whatever).

What you did miss, however, was the excellent scene where Whitney and the barnacles went to shoot pool (which you just know they do all the time).  Whitney obviously expected to get a big, dramatic, shocked reaction to this world-shaking revelation.  But they were all basically "wevs".  And they proceeded to tell her about all the people they knew who dated/married distant relations.  

Just another example of Whitney's narcissism.  A genuine person would be interested in a newly-discovered relative or branch of the family tree.  At most they'd laugh at the situation and write it off as having a great blind-date-story.  But not Whitney.  This had to be all about her.

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Watching the episode

- As always no shower, crappy clothing, greasy hair

- The belly dancing- My eyes! My eyes! Between the belly and the back fat and enormous arms. I think the diners at the restaurant were going to hurl watching her wiggle and jiggle. I would lose my appetite. I cringed just watching her. 

- she really loves showing her stomach everywhere and thinks no one has a problem looking at it. Sorry Whit   You will never be in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. Why was it necessary at the dance class? Wear a tee shirt!!

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5 hours ago, Bubbles1967 said:

she really loves showing her stomach everywhere and thinks no one has a problem looking at it. Sorry Whit   You will never be in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. Why was it necessary at the dance class? Wear a tee shirt!!

It's a running joke with my friends at this point but one of my biggest pet peeves is guys wearing tank tops to bars. You can have the body of a greek god, you can be walking sex with the most amazing chest and arms in the world, some of them have to die for bodies but you are at a bar, wear a goddamn shirt.

I don't know why it bugs me so much, in any other circumstance I'm fine with it, by all means show off your body on the street, god bless the hotass shirtless runners, sure, stop by Walgreens in a tank top, you've earned that body but put on a fucking shirt at the bar, we aren't animals.

I'm not going to lie, I find Whit's body to be physically repellent but mine is certainly nothing to brag about and if I saw her at my condo pool in a two piece I wouldn't think anything of it but wear a fucking shirt, you are on TV. 

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On April 1, 2017 at 3:37 PM, MegD said:

I think she's a big part of sabotaging Buddy's health. He keeps getting bigger and it's tough to avoid crappy food when it's flaunted in front of you (Twit's 3 pizza apps tell me there's a lot of pizza in their home).

That dude is on a seriously downward spiral.  Suffers from extreme depression/exhaustion/addiction.


He's literally being strangled to death with his 'tight fat'.


He's ready for the stretch marks to come bursting forth and be the loose 'jabba' fat of whitney.


I'm not being mean when I say "jabba'  It's the best description I can think of.  It's loose and lays in piles of circles around her torso.

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So many things make this show insufferable to me these days. But the thing that makes it MOST insufferable: I don't care at all about her dancing. At all. It's a hobby.

If she didn't weigh 400 pounds, she'd be viewed as what she is: someone who dances like she should be in the second row of Zumba at my gym. She can keep the beat. She can follow along. Yawn.

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14 minutes ago, Literata said:

So many things make this show insufferable to me these days. But the thing that makes it MOST insufferable: I don't care at all about her dancing. At all. It's a hobby.

If she didn't weigh 400 pounds, she'd be viewed as what she is: someone who dances like she should be in the second row of Zumba at my gym. She can keep the beat. She can follow along. Yawn.

SHE doesn't care about her dancing. Artists practice their craft. We never hear about Whitney doing taking any classes at other studios, doing yoga to stay flexible and limber, studying other forms if dance. Nothing! Why? Because this "career" of hers is bullshit. I wish she would just admit it.

And quit with Babs fawning over Whitney every times she twirls. Martha Graham she aint.

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3 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

SHE doesn't care about her dancing. Artists practice their craft. We never hear about Whitney doing taking any classes at other studios, doing yoga to stay flexible and limber, studying other forms if dance. Nothing! Why? Because this "career" of hers is bullshit. I wish she would just admit it.

And quit with Babs fawning over Whitney every times she twirls. Martha Graham she aint.

Well, she did take 3 belly dance lessons which, because of her incredible talent, grace & quick-study ability, qualified her as a professional ready to take a paying gig at a restaurant.

Oh, and she practiced her hip isolations in a video for her groupies. How can you possibly say she doesn't care about her dancing? Oh, wait...never mind.

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On 4/2/2017 at 0:33 AM, Alapaki said:

 Whitney obviously expected to get a big, dramatic, shocked reaction to this world-shaking revelation.  But they were all basically "wevs".  And they proceeded to tell her about all the people they knew who dated/married distant relations.  

Just another example of Whitney's narcissism.  A genuine person would be interested in a newly-discovered relative or branch of the family tree.  At most they'd laugh at the situation and write it off as having a great blind-date-story.  But not Whitney.  This had to be all about her.

I agree it's about her narcissism but I also think Whitney's reaction can also be explained if her encounter with Nathan was no more than part of the script.  It was all done for shock value so her leaving at that moment was done for maximum "mike drop" effect.  She wasn't really on the date to get to know the guy, just for the story because it would supposedly be "scandalous".  This is why I think Babs is behind some of the narratives here.  It's all about Babs' outdated "fake-genteel" Southern Belle sensitivities.  Babs thinks the audience is going to be SHOCKED by the Twit "dating" a woman and by her claiming to have some lesbian in her, so it becomes a story line.  Babs thinks the audience will be SHOCKED that Whitney finds out she's dating a cousin, so it becomes a story line.  Babs' mentality is all over this.  She must think everyone watching the show is stuck in the past.  I think Babs fancies herself to be this "good girl" with a wild/bad streak in her.  I am sure that back in high school she was acting all prim and proper while sneaking cigarettes in the girls room with her big bouffant hairdo then going to make-out point with Greg Marmalard for a little fooling around.  All while putting on the surface act a "good girl".  I think Whitney is going along with these dumb story lines because she really doesn't know how to pad these shows out to an hour anymore.  Even Whitney can't think the audience is that stuck in the past to find any of that stuff even worth an eyebrow raise.  But if her Mom thinks a few people might find it sensational, then what evs.

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13 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

We never hear about Whitney doing taking any classes at other studios, doing yoga to stay flexible and limber, studying other forms if dance. Nothing!

Oh, but you lie!  Twit has been shown "studying" belly dancing for a WHOLE WEEK!  She's an expert now!  She can teach it to her BGDC and win the next dance battle using her new moves!!!  And she studied about how to use drum sticks in dance as well.  And remember how hard she studied ballroom dancing?  So be ashamed!  LOL

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11 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

I agree it's about her narcissism but I also think Whitney's reaction can also be explained if her encounter with Nathan was no more than part of the script.  It was all done for shock value so her leaving at that moment was done for maximum "mike drop" effect.  She wasn't really on the date to get to know the guy, just for the story because it would supposedly be "scandalous".  This is why I think Babs is behind some of the narratives here.  It's all about Babs' outdated "fake-genteel" Southern Belle sensitivities.  Babs thinks the audience is going to be SHOCKED by the Twit "dating" a woman and by her claiming to have some lesbian in her, so it becomes a story line.  Babs thinks the audience will be SHOCKED that Whitney finds out she's dating a cousin, so it becomes a story line.  Babs' mentality is all over this.  She must think everyone watching the show is stuck in the past.  I think Babs fancies herself to be this "good girl" with a wild/bad streak in her.  I am sure that back in high school she was acting all prim and proper while sneaking cigarettes in the girls room with her big bouffant hairdo then going to make-out point with Greg Marmalard for a little fooling around.  All while putting on the surface act a "good girl".  I think Whitney is going along with these dumb story lines because she really doesn't know how to pad these shows out to an hour anymore.  Even Whitney can't think the audience is that stuck in the past to find any of that stuff even worth an eyebrow raise.  But if her Mom thinks a few people might find it sensational, then what evs.

Frankly, I don't think Babs is creative enough to come up with anything; even her Southern belle lines seemed very scripted. I still go along with @JohnM's theory: the story arcs are invented by a bunch of TLC gay guys who hate Twit & know she is too narcissistic to realize how idiotic she looks in the situations they put her in.

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This is the first season of My Big Fat Fabulous life in which I'm honestly getting bored of the show. I've missed a couple of episodes yet it doesn't really seem like I've missed much of anything. Something needs to change- Whitney's ambitions or hobbies, the other people on the show, just something. Does anyone else feel this way?

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5 hours ago, CarolMK said:

This is the first season of My Big Fat Fabulous life in which I'm honestly getting bored of the show. I've missed a couple of episodes yet it doesn't really seem like I've missed much of anything. Something needs to change- Whitney's ambitions or hobbies, the other people on the show, just something. Does anyone else feel this way?

I'd like to see Twit become a nice, adult woman who acknowledges to her groupies that she has been lying for 4 years: that no one who weighs 350+ is living a fabulous life, that her obesity & smoking put her heart under great stress, that her eating is out of control, that PCOS is a problem but not the real reason she is so fat, that she is not an appropriate spokesperson for any body positivity movement, that she is ashamed of herself for lying to so many ppl for so many years for the sake of a TLC paycheck.

Ain't gonna happen.

ETA: That she's terribly sorry she texts, reads SM messages & videotapes WHILE DRIVING & she will never do it again. (I just saw 2 more examples of this on the MBFFL FB page & it pisses me off.)

Edited by Dot
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13 hours ago, CarolMK said:

This is the first season of My Big Fat Fabulous life in which I'm honestly getting bored of the show. I've missed a couple of episodes yet it doesn't really seem like I've missed much of anything. Something needs to change- Whitney's ambitions or hobbies, the other people on the show, just something. Does anyone else feel this way?

Not really.  I'm watching it to see the whole fake scriptedness of it all.


It seemed 'genuine' for season one and 2 and for a bit of season 3.  That collapse at the danceathon and the non-ski accident were 100% real, but after that, it's all fake challenges.  Even Trainer Will is fake and acting.


It's fun to find the realness moments.  Like Buddy.

He's miserable AF.


Edited by qqererer
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15 hours ago, CarolMK said:

This is the first season of My Big Fat Fabulous life in which I'm honestly getting bored of the show. I've missed a couple of episodes yet it doesn't really seem like I've missed much of anything. Something needs to change- Whitney's ambitions or hobbies, the other people on the show, just something. Does anyone else feel this way?

Yes and no. I'm over hoping to see Whitney be "real" and I was about to give up on this show, but it's really fun watching them make her look like an idiot. 

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My 2nd hand embarrassment for her knows no boundaries.. Someone please duct tape her mouth shut so she can't talk or eat. That way she can't hurt herself with cake and mayo noodles or annoy and abuse others with the stupid stupid shit she says with the vocal fry voice and the heehaw guffaw. Send her to her barn stall with hay and then we can all have some peace. 

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6 hours ago, qqererer said:



That collapse at the danceathon and the non-ski accident were 100% real,


The "collapse" was also faked. Watch it again; it's a video on the MBFFL FB page. Note that there are a half-dozen dancers between the camera & Twit. (When does THAT ever happen; she's the star, after all.) So the fall is masked off by the dancers; however, if you watch carefully, you can see that her "fall" is faked.

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Totally fake at the gym.  A reenactment for sure.  She falls forward from sitting on a chair,  and then turns so she lands on her back. 

Plus they never showed how many paramedics had to hoist her up to the gurney, and then up into the ambulance.  I was waiting for that part in particular, but I guess the TLC camera operators didn't hate her yet.  

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Of all of the stuff on this show, the fainting is actually one thing I'm not prepared to call bullshit on.

It happened during season 2 and back then I think that while the events were completely staged, the storyline wasn't so completely scripted as it is now.

So, I think Whitney giving that talk at the school by the ski resort was 100% set up for the show.  That sublime split Whitney fell into on the slopes was, I believe, the real deal.

Likewise, I'm sure the Danceathon was 100% phony.  But we did see Whitney moving for about 30 seconds in row (which is alot by this show's standards).  We then heard her allegedly throwing up.  And then she was sitting in that chair.  If she was worn out and dehydrated and tried to get up too quickly, I can totally buy that she experienced a brief vaso-vagal syncope incident.  (which, of course, speaks more to her decidedly un-fabulous state of conditioning).

See?  Sometimes I support Whitney!

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1 minute ago, Alapaki said:

Of all of the stuff on this show, the fainting is actually one thing I'm not prepared to call bullshit on.

It happened during season 2 and back then I think that while the events were completely staged, the storyline wasn't so completely scripted as it is now.

So, I think Whitney giving that talk at the school by the ski resort was 100% set up for the show.  That sublime split Whitney fell into on the slopes was, I believe, the real deal.

Likewise, I'm sure the Danceathon was 100% phony.  But we did see Whitney moving for about 30 seconds in row (which is alot by this show's standards).  We then heard her allegedly throwing up.  And then she was sitting in that chair.  If she was worn out and dehydrated and tried to get up too quickly, I can totally buy that she experienced a brief vaso-vagal syncope incident.  (which, of course, speaks more to her decidedly un-fabulous state of conditioning).

See?  Sometimes I support Whitney!

The fainting spell that was filmed was fake. It is possible -- probable, in fact -- that she has fainted from over-exertion at some time or another. But that didn't happen at the dance marathon or, at least, wasn't filmed.

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On 4/3/2017 at 2:16 PM, Dot said:

Frankly, I don't think Babs is creative enough to come up with anything; even her Southern belle lines seemed very scripted. I still go along with @JohnM's theory: the story arcs are invented by a bunch of TLC gay guys who hate Twit & know she is too narcissistic to realize how idiotic she looks in the situations they put her in.

Yeah, I don't think Twit's that stupid or narcissistic, but YMMV.  Babs plays the role of a stereotyped Southern Belle but I'll bet the degree she takes it is a ruse on the audience, and I don't buy it.  I'm sure she has some input on the content of the show.  And I don't think they care how they look.  To them whatever gets ratings is fine and as my father would say "they laugh all the way to the bank".  They meaning all of them on this show.  They're having one on the audience for believing that any of this is real even down to having us believe they're actually that stupid, which I don't think they are.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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On 3/30/2017 at 4:09 PM, scoopski potata said:

Basically Maney said that no matter what the result was, Whitney would be unhappy with it and they weren't gonna go through the trouble of setting all that up again just for her to ultimately be unhappy yet again regardless of the result.

He's not wrong to think that since she said as much in the MBFFL episode when she said she'd do a third and fourth and fifth dance battle until she got the results she wanted. Go Maney. 

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I just came across this video of a Middle Eastern dance company doing a sword routine to Sia's 'Cheap Thrills' played on an oud.  Not terribly traditional, but beautifully danced, and I thought I'd drop the link here for anyone who might need a palette cleanser after watching Whitney Thore fake her way very badly through a sword dance.

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