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Heartaches, Bromances, True Love and Team Arrow: the Relationships Thread

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I don't think Felicity was afraid of Oliver leaving her. I think the way she saw it was she was bored in Ivy Town, but this was what Oliver wanted and needed so she would be bored but happy for his sake. Plus, I think she probably always thought he would eventually want to go back to being a vigilante, so she just had to wait him out. I think Felicity saw Ivy Town as a long, kind of boring vacation that Oliver desperately needed and deserved. 

Hiding that she was helping the team wasn't really the way to go about giving him that, but it speaks to something Oliver and Felicity have in common, which is that neither one is really sure how a solid, functional relationship works. She should have tried to reach a compromise where she helped the team with Oliver knowing but not being involved instead of pretending to be as happy with Ivy Town as he was because she thought that was what he wanted. 

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10 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

She should have tried to reach a compromise where she helped the team with Oliver knowing but not being involved instead of pretending to be as happy with Ivy Town as he was because she thought that was what he wanted. 

I think Oliver would have felt obligated to help and that's why she didn't tell him, so he could take an extended mental and physical break. Would have been interesting to see what would have happened if he had proposed in 401, would Felicity have freaked out about permanently living the suburban dream? Also interesting that both proposals would have happened under somewhat false pretenses that were not about not wanting to be together. Not equating Felicity's lie to Oliver's, which is at least an order of magnitude worse. 

Edited by leopardprint
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4 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I think Oliver would have felt obligated to help and that's why she didn't tell him, so he could take an extended mental and physical break. Would have been interesting to see what would have happened if he had proposed in 401, would Felicity have freaked out about permanently living the suburban dream? Also interesting that both proposals would have happened under somewhat false pretenses that were not about not wanting to be together. Not equating Felicity's lie to Oliver's, which is at least an order of magnitude worse. 

Hopefully, they'll both have put any issues with honesty and communication behind them when they inevitably get back together. 

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9 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Would have been interesting to see what would have happened if he had proposed in 401, would Felicity have freaked out about permanently living the suburban dream?

Since they'd been traveling at the beginning of the hiatus, and ended up in Ivy Town after traveling for at least a month or two, they still hadn't been there very long, and I imagine Felicity was maybe hoping their stay there was temporary, and pushed off any confession about being unhappy until it seemed as if that was going to be a more permanent situation (like after a proposal), probably hoping Oliver would get bored and want to go back to Star City like she did.

Edited by apinknightmare
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16 hours ago, leopardprint said:

Would have been interesting to see what would have happened if he had proposed in 401, would Felicity have freaked out about permanently living the suburban dream?

She wouldn't have said anything right then because when you're accepting a proposal is not when you start talking about conditions unless it's an arrangement rather than a love match.  And she would have been hanging on to the hope that Ivy Town was just temporary and he'd go back to the real world before she went really crazy.

I do love the irony that Laurel (and Thea) may have saved Felicity's relationship with Oliver back then.

One thing that I do want to see though is that if/when they get back together, is some examples where Oliver puts when Felicity wants ahead of what he wants.  I can think of a number of times when Felicity put what Oliver wanted ahead of what she did (becoming his EA; leaving Starling City (and her daytime and nightime jobs) at the end of s3; living in Ivy Town; accepting that he wasn't visiting her in the hospital when she was having her operations and offering to let him out of the engagement; working to get Susan her job back)  but I'm having trouble thinking of times when it worked the other way.  I guess you could say when he accepted that Felicity wanted to move on to Billy but they had broken up by then, mostly through Oliver's mistakes.

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One example off the top of my head - Oliver decided to move back to SC because that's where Felicity felt a sense of purpose and fulfillment. I don't necessarily think Ivy Town would have been satisfying for Oliver for the rest of his life, but at that point in time it was. So that was putting Felicity's needs before his own in my eyes.

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I mean, there's making sure she was ok in s1 after she saw a man get murdered in the middle of the Laurel and Tommy drama, working with Barry in s2, helping Ray in s3, not pursuing her after she ended any chance of being together in 301, coming back to SC in 401, being patient with her in 406, presumably helping her after she got out of the hospital (implied in 411, 415), not pursuing her after she wanted to leave the team after breaking their engagement, and all the times he's taken what she said to him and used it despite thinking/feeling the opposite. I think Felicity just has these big overt gestures of sacrifices for Oliver/the team, where as Oliver's are more gestures of emotion/appreciation.

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On 4/30/2017 at 11:07 PM, LeighAn said:

I'm still partial to the 3x20 goodbye kiss myself that's probably my fave. 

Mine too. The angst was painful But OH SO GOOD. Still remember yelling to stop torturing this amazing sexy couple lol

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Hehe I love it how the headcanon of some of people involved with the show is that Olicity are always at it.

One director said they did it like bunnies and didn't SA mention something about bedroom antics?


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19 hours ago, Chaser said:

The more gifs I see of The Scene, the more I see how filthy some of those kisses were. They were unhinging their jaws. 

Bless SA and EBR for not going with the chaste movie/TV kisses. They go for it, and I deeply appreciate that. I do like that all 3 of their love scenes make sense with regards to the status of their relationship. The first one was sweet, passionate, a bit hesitant. The one in 406 was still sexy but has the level of comfort of two people who've been together for a while. There was a slight hesitance in the last one but it was immediately overwhelmed by straight out desire. It was hot, impatient and very sexy.

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On 5/6/2017 at 1:19 AM, Mellowyellow said:

Hehe I love it how the headcanon of some of people involved with the show is that Olicity are always at it.

One director said they did it like bunnies and didn't SA mention something about bedroom antics?


They have insane chemistry. There's literally no way they didn't go at it like bunnies. LOL.

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

Yeah, that was brutal.  As a shipper, part of me wanted everything to be miraculously ok, but for him to just cluelessly twist the knife like that and everyone on the team being oblivious to how much pain it was causing Felicity was excruciating.  And yet at the same time, I can't help cherishing the vow's scene.  

I took it as him "fighting" for her. He's a big dumbass pine tree that was his way of fighting imo.  Yes it hurt her like hell but I think it was his attempt to get her back at all costs.

He's never been that enthusiastic in his other relationships so in a way him being so manipulative made me feel like he loved her more and that she was special compared to the others. 

I was ok with it, moreso than the roboticness of 5A.

Edited by Mellowyellow
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35 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I took it as him "fighting" for her. He's a big dumbass pine tree that was his way of fighting imo.  Yes it hurt her like hell but I think it was his attempt to get her back at all costs.

He's never been that enthusiastic in his other relationships so in a way him being so manipulative made me feel like he loved her more and that she was special compared to the others. 

I was ok with it, moreso than the roboticness of 5A.

I was okay with it because, while it was obviously painful for Felicity, they did need to catch Carrie Cutter. People were dying, and it was a good plan that worked. 

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He could have used more moderate vows, or just stuck to the standard ones for the marriage service. That would have been enough for Carrie Cutter.

Oliver made a big play to get Felicity back after she asked him to respect her boundaries and hurt her even more in the process.  Felicity walking away from the team at the end of the episode was deserved natural consequences.

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I think if a question of love was the issue, then his grand gesture might have even worked but it was doomed since the issues Felicity was running from ran so much deeper in Oliver.  Her love for him and his for hers, wasn't really in doubt so it hurt her that much more to have to walk away again after his really beautiful declaration. 

I don't hate Oliver for it though.  I'm not even sure Felicity regrets hearing his vows, as painful as it was.  But yeah, I agree that him pushing like that was the reason she left the team.  

Still, it was at the time probably the right move to do no matter what the reason.  It was just extra sad that she had to lose Oliver and the team at the same time.  Again though, i don't think Oliver was in a place where he could do nothing to try to win her back.  That's part of why I think she had to leave.  It was just too hard for them to be around each other and not be together or try to fix something that at that time couldn't be fixed.   I was more upset at the rest of the team for being so Team Oliver (even if they probably saw it as being team Olicity)


they did need to catch Carrie Cutter. People were dying, and it was a good plan that worked. 

I don't disagree but Oliver never even tried to keep it business like.  It was never just so he could catch CC.  It would have been painful if it was just a hollow shell of the wedding she was supposed to have but it was 100 times worse IMO when Oliver was being completely real when he was supposed to be just playing a part. 

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I needed to see him make a grand gesture. He was always prattling on about how much he loved her but then he did dumb stuff like run off to be mini Ra's etc. 

And he was always so measured with her imo. I liked seeing him a little desperate, a little "do whatever it takes" to keep her. It went against his normal passive pattern of behaviour which I enjoyed. Even if he ffed up again. 

If they reunite I want to see him chase her again.  LOL I just want Oliver to chase her ok!!!!! I make no apologies for it!!!!!

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21 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

 LOL I just want Oliver to chase her ok!!!!! I make no apologies for it!!!!!

How about around a table until it ends in a hot clinch against the wall?  I could go for that.  :D

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16 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

How about around a table until it ends in a hot clinch against the wall?  I could go for that.  :D

I wouldn't complain that's for sure!

Alas I think we've exhausted our sex scene quota!

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Here's an interesting parallel...

In 508, when Oliver says good-bye to DreamLaurel, he says: "I'm sorry. The person you fell in love with - that's not me. And I never deserved that love. And you always deserved better."

In 520, Oliver says to Felicity: "I didn't have your back. It was not because of you. Or a lack of trust. It was because of me. It was because of me. I'm not the man you think I am. I'm not the man you fell in love with. I put the hood on to right my father's wrongs. But the basis of it - the - the foundation of it - and what you did and what Digg did and what the team did in my name... it was all based on a lie."

However, there's a significant difference. What Oliver said in 508 was the truth. He's not the same person that he was when Laurel fell in love with him, way back before the island.

But what Oliver said in 520 was not the truth; it was just what Chase made him believe after a week of torture and years of trauma. He is the man that Felicity fell in love with. Fortunately, Felicity sets him straight: "Oliver, you said that I don't know the kind of man that you are. I wouldn't have fallen in love with you or wanted to marry you if I didn't know exactly the kind of man that you are. Chase tortured you for a week. You're the toughest person I know. But anyone - anyone - would have admitted to being a tap-dancing flamingo after what he put you through."

Edited by tv echo
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112: Vertigo - Oliver (to Felicity): “I have one of those faces... Sorry. Yes. You can trust me.”

116: Dead to Rights - Oliver (to Diggle): “Lawton's alive. I'm sorry, John.” 

Arrow Volume 2, Chapter 28: Aftermath – Oliver (to Felicity, after she congratulates him for saving the day): “No, you did.  I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier. Not used to having… a team.” 

Arrow Volume 2, Chapter 28: Aftermath – Oliver (to Diggle, about Lawton being alive): “I’m sorry, Dig.”

122: Darkness on the Edge of Town - Oliver (to Malcolm): “Yes. I'm sorry, I have to go. There are some investors waiting for me back at the club.”

201: City of Heroes – Oliver (to QC board and Isabel Rochev): "Oliver Queen. Sorry I'm late."

203: Broken Dolls - Oliver (as GA, after Quentin tells him about his youngest daughter's death): "I'm sorry."

204: Crucible - Oliver (to Isabel, after arriving late to party for QC investors): "Sorry I'm late."

206: Keep Your Enemies Closer - Oliver (to Isabel, for ending their meeting): "So are my evening plans. I'm sorry. (To Felicity as they leave) We are going to have to work on your excuses."

206: Keep Your Enemies Closer - Oliver (to Isabel, the morning after their one-night stand): “Isabel, I have to go. Sorry.”

208: The Scientist - Oliver (to Felicity): "Yeah. I'm sorry if I overreacted a little bit earlier."  Felicity: "Uh, you think? Look, right now you need to apologize to your mother. Not me."  Oliver: "For what?"  Felicity: "For being wrong." 

210: Blast Radius - Oliver: “I'm sorry.”  Felicity: “Are you apologizing to me, or were you talking to your quiver?”  Oliver: “I didn't snap at my quiver.”  Felicity: “You kind of more than snapped.”  Oliver: “I know. And I'm sorry.” 

211: Blind Spot - Flashback Oliver (to Flashback Sara): "I haven't gotten a chance to say this - I'm sorry. I know this is my fault. And none of this would have happened if I hadn't invited you on the boat with me."

221: City of Blood - Oliver (to Diggle and Felicity, after he misses his mother's funeral): "I'm sorry that I didn't go. I left for the cemetery. But I ended up here." 

221: City of Blood - Oliver (to Laurel): "His last words were about you. He wanted to know if you were safe. Sorry I couldn't save him. And my mother. But I can save you. And Thea. I can save the city, if this ends tonight."

222: Streets of Fire - Oliver (to unconscious Roy Harper): "I'm sorry. (Stops before injecting Roy with mirakuru)  I can't."

Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1: Blood - Oliver (to Felicity), communicated via Roy (to Helena): “I don’t know what Oliver’s feelings for Felicity are. But he didn’t make a mistake. He didn’t miscalculate and he didn’t put his trust in someone he shouldn’t have. His last communication to me was ‘Tell her I’m sorry.’ It was code in case our transmissions were being monitored.”

Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 3: Green – Oliver (to Felicity, for being distracted on the nights that she is helping him study up for his presentation to the QC board): “Any night. I’m sorry you’ve been wasting your time, Felicity. That’s not fair of me. Particularly since I know you’ve been busy job hunting.”

301: The Calm - Oliver (to Felicity, on their first date): “I'm sorry. I'm just a little out of my element… The entire time that I was gone, I could never completely trust someone. And when that goes on long, you stop seeing people for people. You see threats. Or targets. And when I decided to come home, I - I just didn't know how to turn that part of me off. Then I walked into your office. You were the first person that I could see as a… a person. There was just something about you.”

301: The Calm - Oliver (to Felicity): “I'm so sorry. I thought that I could be me and the Arrow. But I can't. Not now. Maybe not ever.”

302: Sara - Oliver (holding Laurel, as she cries over Sara's body in the lair): “I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”

302: Sara - Oliver (to Felicity): "Well, it's taking too long. Sara's killer is still out there, which means that every minute that we waste down here -"  Felicity: "I know! You don't need to tell me as if I don't already know."  Oliver: "You're right. And I apologize. I just need your 'A' game right now, Felicity."

312: Uprising - Oliver (to Felicity, Diggle and Roy, after his miraculous return): "Sorry that I didn't come by sooner. I just wanted to check in on Thea. (Felicity runs up and hugs him.) ... I was close. I'm sorry that I didn't reach out sooner. I wasn't exactly in a… cell service area. (Shakes hands with Diggle) You kept the city together. (Shakes hands with Roy) Saved the Glades. Well done.”

312: Uprising - Oliver: “I'm sorry.”  Felicity: “For what? Maybe you could be a little more specific. For letting us believe you were dead… for weeks? Or for abandoning every principle you claim to have by getting into bed with Malcolm Merlyn?”

315: Nanda Parbat - Oliver: "I'm sorry, Laurel."  Laurel: "You know, it's hard to remember a time... when I was actually in love with you."

323: My Name Is Oliver Queen - Oliver (to Diggle and Felicity): “It was the only way. At least now it didn't work, I get a chance to tell both of you how sorry I am.”  Diggle: “Sorry won't cut it, Oliver. Not this time. But we have bigger problems than hurt feelings and broken trusts.” 

323: My Name Is Oliver Queen - Oliver: “Weapons need targets. These had to be stolen for a reason. Felicity, hack into Kord Industry databases. I want to know everything there is to know about these explosives. Laurel, we want to start a dialogue with your father and make a list of potential targets. Dig, Thea, hit the streets, see what we can find. (Diggle, Thea and Laurel just stand there looking at him)  Oh, sorry. Sorry. Old habits.”

402: The Candidate - Oliver (after Thea attacks him): "Fine, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. After Ra's hurt you... Malcolm warned me not to take you to Nanda Parbat. He said that when people go in the pit, they don't come out the same. And I didn't tell you, because I didn't want to worry about you. You seemed normal, Thea, and I swear to God, I thought everything was going to be fine."

403: Restoration - Oliver (to Felicity, about Diggle): "Time hasn't been doing anything. Apologies haven't."

403: Restoration - Oliver (to Diggle): "It's been months, man. And... I - I don't know how many apologies. John, you're a forgiving person -"

403: Restoration - Oliver (to Diggle, after they find Ms. Fayad dead, who was Diggle's last chance for answers): "I'm sorry."

406: Lost Souls - Oliver (to Felicity and Donna Smoak): Sorry I'm late."

406: Lost Souls - Oliver (to Felicity): "Well, I'm sorry that I'm not the best listener. But all of this is just, it - it's kind of new to me."

408: Legends of Yesterday - Felicity: "Everyone's waiting for you."  Oliver: "Sorry, just something I had to take care of."  Felicity: "So I guess you're off the secret-keeping wagon."

410: Blood Debts - Oliver (to hospitalized Felicity): "Sorry I didn't... come by sooner. It's... it's unforgivable."

410: Blood Debts - Oliver (to Felicity, who asks him how long he's been sitting by her hospital bed): "Not long enough. Sorry I went away."  Felicity: "I think you apologized already."  Oliver: "Nowhere near done apologizing. (Felicity chuckles) You know... I think I want to go to Bali."

411: A.W.O.L. - Oliver (to Felicity): “I'm sorry that I pushed. I just thought that if you got behind a keyboard again, that things would just start to feel normal.”

412: Unchained - Oliver (to Roy): “I'm sorry that I put you in this position.”

412: Unchained - Oliver (to his team after he rescues them): “Sorry, there was a meeting that I decided not to go to.”

414: Code of Silence - Oliver (to Felicity, for leaving her with Donna to do party planning): "Duty calls. Sorry. Sorry. Ahem."

414: Code of Silence - Oliver (to Donna, Thea and Felicity): "Sorry. A - ahem - nervous bladder, I think." 

415 : Taken - Oliver: "Alex, I'm sorry. I know that you put your heart and soul into this campaign, and -"  Alex: "And your days of speech-making are now behind you. Look, man. I don't want sorry. I just want an explanation."  Oliver: "That's why I'm sorry." 

Arrow: A Generation of Vipers by Susan & Clay Griffith, Chapter 23 - Felicity: “You stay up all night all the time. Why can’t I? You go out and fight. You protect people. Why can’t I fight? Why can’t I protect the people I love?” Oliver: “Okay. I’m sorry. You’re right. Do you want to talk abou anything?”

501: Legacy - Oliver (to Felicity, after Thea objects to Oliver's putting killing back on the table and leaves): "I'm sorry that you had to hear that." 

502: The Recruits - Rene: "I hope you don't think I'm going to apologize for the trash I talked about you."  Oliver: "No more than I'm going to apologize for the tough training, but I understand that you all need to trust me. This is as far as I know how to go."

503: A Matter of Trust -  Oliver (to Rene): "You were right about Sampson's operation. You have a knack for this, and I should have trusted you."  Rene: "Whoa. That almost sounded like an apology."  Oliver: "I'm still learning, too."

504: Penance - Oliver (to Rory Regan): "I'm sorry to lose you."  

505: Human Target - Christopher Chance, a/k/a Human Target: "I don't just put on faces, Oliver. I become my target, and to do that, I've got to learn everything there is to know about them, more than they know about themselves. I've got to become them."  Oliver: "My apologies."  Chance: "What for? Man, you got a great life. Heh. You're the mayor. But you'd still rather be the hood than Oliver Queen."

505: Human Target - Felicity: "Good point. So what's up? Your message sounded cryptic."  Oliver: "Sorry. I - I wasn't sure if I should say anything at all actually."  Felicity: "That couldn't wait till tomorrow?"  Oliver: "Why didn't you tell me that you were seeing someone?"  Felicity: "Well... maybe on some crazy subconscious level, I was worried you'd show up on my balcony in the middle of the night. Sorry. Snark probably isn't appropriate to hear."  Oliver: "I'm totally fine that you're seeing someone. But I'm hurt that you didn't tell me."  Felicity: "I'm sorry. I - I meant to, and then every time I went to go bring it up, I just sort of, like - I just chickened out."

507: Vigilante - Oliver (to Susan Williams): "Sorry for the wait."

508: Invasion! - Oliver (to DreamLaurel, after she chides him for missing the rehearsal dinner): "I - I know. I said I was sorry."

508: Invasion! - Oliver (to DreamLaurel, after she reminds him that his parents spent a fortune on the wedding): "I know, and I'm - I'm sorry if this is confusing or if I'm scaring you, but the only thing in the world that makes sense to me right now is that I love you. And I'm gonna take that job at Queen Consolidated, and I swear to God I'm gonna work every single day to be the man you fell in love with."

508: Invasion! - Oliver (to DreamLaurel): "I'm sorry. The person you fell in love with - that's not me. And I never deserved that love. And you always deserved better."

509: What We Leave Behind - Oliver (to Felicity): "I killed Billy. I'm so sorry, Felicity. I didn't know it was Billy. I couldn't have known that it was him. I couldn't - I couldn't have known."

509: What We Leave Behind - Oliver (to Susan): "I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go."

510: Who Are You? - Oliver (to Black Siren): "I'm sorry about the cell."

510: Who Are You? - Oliver (to Felicity): "I'm sorry about Billy. He was a good man."

519: Dangerous Liaisons - Oliver (to Felicity, after she tells him that Helix froze her out): "Sorry."

519: Dangerous Liaisons - Oliver (to Felicity): "Not lying. I'm sorry. I know that they gave you a sense of belonging that maybe I haven't -"

520: Underneath - Oliver: "I'm so sorry."  Felicity: "Normally, I would relish an Oliver Queen apology, but this sudden admission is making me nervous."  Oliver: "You were right. I didn't have your back. But it wasn't because I didn't want you to end up like me, Felicity. It was much more than that."

520: Underneath - Oliver: "I'm sorry, Felicity. (With superhuman effort, uses one hand to pull her up onto his back)  I know you hate it when I don't listen to you."

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115: Dodger - Felicity (to Oliver): “So, I'm getting a good signal from the GPS I put in your family's brooch. I can track it on my phone. Speaking of, have you given any thought to what might happen if this doesn't work, and the Dodger absconds with your family jewels? Sorry, that came out very wrong.”

117: The Huntress - Felicity: “She wanted the address to the safe house where her father's being kept. She made me hack the FBI database. Sorry, Oliver.” 

123: Sacrifice - Felicity (after Moira's press conference confession of guilt): “Oliver, I'm sorry.”

204: Crucible - Felicity (to Oliver): "Sara Lance? Laurel's sister? The detective's other daughter, the one that you took on the Gambit with you even though you were dating Laurel at the time, which we never talked about -"  Diggle: "Felicity, please."  Felicity: "I'm sorry, it's just - Isn't she, isn't she dead? You told everyone that she died when The Gambit went down, that she drowned."

206: Keep Your Enemies Closer - Felicity (interrupting Oliver's meeting with Isabel): "I'm sorry to interrupt your - grrr! Um, I need to talk to you about your plans for this evening... With Mr. Harper?" 

207: State v. Queen - Felicity: “And I'm sorry.”  Oliver: “For what?”  Felicity: “I got myself into trouble again, and you killed him. You killed again, and I am sorry that I was the one to put you in a position where you had to make that kind of choice.”

208: The Scientist - Felicity (to Barry Allen, after he tells her about his mom's murder): "I'm so sorry." 

208: The Scientist - Felicity (to Oliver, when she's patching up his wound and he goes, "Eeoww!"): "Sorry."

Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1: Blood - Felicity (to Oliver, after he says that he won't let anything bad happen to Roy): “Something bad did happen to Roy.  Sorry, my mouth and my brain aren’t always on the same page sometimes.”

301: The Calm - Felicity (after QC board presentations by Oliver and Ray Palmer): “Oliver! I'm sorry. I really thought it was going to go our way.”

302: Sara - Felicity (to Ray, on phone): “Hi. I know I was supposed to come into work today. I – the - I'm sorry. There's been a death in the family. Thank you.” 

302 : Sara - Felicity (to Oliver, after he tells her that he needs her 'A' game right now): "I don't have it! My friend - our friend - was shot with arrows and fell off of a rooftop. Her body is upstairs right above us in a freezer because we don't know what to do with it - with her. So I am so sorry, Oliver, if I have feelings, but maybe if you did, too, we... (He looks at her) Sorry. That was mean. But this is Sara we're talking about. Your Sara. How can you stand there being so cold and rational?"

302: Sara - Felicity (to Oliver): "So that's it? You're just going to spend your life hiding down here in this cave, waiting to die? I'm sorry. I'm not going to wait with you, because if there's one thing that today has taught me, is that life is precious. And I want so much more in mine than this."

303: Corto Maltese - Felicity (to Ray, for taking Diggle's call during their meeting): "Sorry, one second. Hello? ... I am so sorry. It's a friend. Um, well, a few friends... Actually. You know what, it's a long story." 

303: Corto Maltese - Felicity (to Ray, for taking Laurel's and Diggle's phone calls during their meeting): "What? (Cell phone rings) Sorry. Hello?"  Laurel (on phone): "Felicity, I need a favor."  Felicity: "Are we favor friends now? Are we friends?"  Laurel (on phone): "What?"  Felicity: "Never mind, sorry. (Desk phone rings) Oh, dear god. One second. One more second. Hello?"  Diggle (on phone): "We got cut off." 

305: The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak - Felicity (to Ray, after he finds her crying at Palmer Tech): “I'm sorry. My mother - I didn't have anywhere else to go.” 

305: The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak - Felicity (to Donna Smoak): "That is completely true! And I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm terminally single. I'm sorry I have an actual job. I'm sorry that I don't dress like a porn star! Which I realize is a compliment to you. So I'm so sorry that I am such a disappointment to you!" 

307: Draw Back Your Bow - Felicity (to Ray, while watching him do the salmon ladder in his office): “I'm sorry, I can't hear a word you're saying when you're doing… that.”
307: Draw Back Your Bow - Felicity (to Oliver and Roy Harper): “Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?” 

307: Draw Back Your Bow - Felicity (to Ray and the Gardners during their work dinner): “I am so sorry. I had to help a co-worker with a thing... I'm sorry. Mr. Gardner, did Ray have a chance to tell you about his plans for your mineral deposits in Nevada?” 

The Flash 108: Flash vs. Arrow – Felicity (to Dr. Harrison Wells): "Hey, what's up, doc? Sorry, that was dumb. Remember, I went to M.I.T."

308: The Brave and the Bold - Felicity (to Oliver and Barry): “I'm sorry if I'm interrupting. I ran facial recognition on Harkness and I have a match.”

309: The Climb - Felicity (to Ray, after he tells her about the death of his fiance): “Ray, I am so sorry.” 

309: The Climb - Felicity (entering the lair to see Oliver saying goodbye to Diggle and Roy): “I'm sorry. Something came up… Oh.”

310: Left Behind - Felicity (to Ray): “I am sorry. I shouldn't… be here right now."

310: Left Behind - Felicity (to Ray): "I was out of line. And I'm sorry.”

311: Midnight City - Felicity: “Laurel? I'm sorry. I can come back.”

311: Midnight City - Felicity (to Ray): “Sorry to interrupt.”

312: Uprising - Felicity (to Oliver): “Sorry? For a second there, it sounded like you said, ‘Merlyn.’”

315: Nanda Parbat - Felicity (to Ray, after kissing him): "I'm sorry." 

316: The Offer - Felicity (to Oliver, who interrupts her meeting with Ray): “No. I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier when you got back.” 

317: Suicidal Tendencies - Felicity (to Ray): "I'm so sorry about... all of this." 

319: Broken Arrow - Felicity (to Ray, while Oliver's present): “Oh, I could kiss you right now. Awkward, sorry. Boundaries. We're working on it.”

320: The Fallen - Felicity (to Ray): "Sorry to interrupt." ... Ray: "Last night was a bit of an eye-opener. Insofar as realizing something I should have realized a long time ago can be considered eye-opening. Last night, when you were saying good-bye to Roy, you and Oliver - you still have feelings for him. When I told you that I loved you at the hospital, you responded with Jell-O. Seeing you two together last night, I realized, you don't love me because you're in love with him."  Felicity: I'm sorry. You're the last person I ever meant to hurt."

320: The Fallen - Felicity (to Oliver): "You okay? I'm sorry, that's a stupid question. You - you just saw your sister come back from being mostly dead and you are about to give up everything you know and love, so you're probably not."

320: The Fallen - Felicity (to Oliver, right before drugging him): "Yeah. I'm sorry."

320: The Fallen - Felicity (to Laurel, right before telling her about Oliver's joining the LoA): "Sorry to interrupt."

321: Al Sah-him - Felicity (to Laurel, after she says that Nyssa is going to be killed by either Oliver or her father): “I'm sorry, Laurel.” 

321: Al Sah-him - Felicity: "Thea? Door was open. Sorry to interrupt your staring into nothingness.”

402: The Candidate - Felicity (to Palmer Tech employee, Carla Groves): "I am very sorry. I didn't come back here to put people out of work. But I am hoping that by losing a few jobs, I can save many, many more." 

402: The Candidate - Felicity (to Curtis Holt, after he guesses that he's on the list of Palmer Tech employees to be fired): "Yeah. I'm so sorry."

403: Restoration - Felicity (to Diggle): "You're supposed to be more evolved than him... (To Oliver)  Sorry, but he is."

403: Restoration - Felicity (to Curtis): "Okay, obviously there's a very long explanation to this. The short version is that I work with the Green Arrow, this man is trying to kill me - well, us, sorry - and I'm taking us down to the only place that we're going to be safe."

403: Restoration - Felicity (to Oliver and Diggle): "To OTA. Original Team Arrow. (To Oliver) Sorry, I know you hate it when I call us that."

406: Lost Souls - Felicity (to Oliver): "Ray was sending distress calls for weeks after the accident. I wasn't here to receive them because I was too busy traveling the world with you. I took the police's word for it that no body could be recovered because I was so swept up in being with you. I'm sorry. It was my choice to uproot my entire life, leave my home and my job, which turns out, I am very good at.  I lost myself in you, and I was never that girl. That girl who just loses herself in a guy. That is not who I am."

406: Lost Souls - Felicity (to Donna, after her mother confesses that she couldn't afford to send her to Space Camp): "I'm sorry. I had no idea."

406: Lost Souls - Felicity (to Ray, after he recounts his time while a tiny prisoner of Damian Darhk): "Mmm, mmm, no, I've heard enough. I got a thing against cockroaches, and snakes and spiders, but especially cockroaches. Sorry, Ray, not everyone shares your enthusiasm for bugs."

407: Brotherhood - Felicity (to Team Arrow, after Andy Diggle's surprise resurrection): "Even death's not permanent anymore. Sorry.”

408: Legends of Yesterday - Felicity (to Carter and Kendra): "Hey. Sorry to interrupt... the weirdness. Um, John, Laurel, and Thea are back, and they've got something."

412: Unchained - Felicity (to Oliver): “Why do you always ask me that? If I had any luck looking for what I'm looking for, I would be telling you about it instead of looking for it. Sorry. Stressed. In addition to our lunatic of the week, I have Palmer Tech to look after. Palmer Tech. Ray worked up something last year called a battering ram, basically something that could crash through cyber security. No commercial application, but –“

414: Code of Silence - Felicity (to Oliver, after the wedding invitation envelope sprays him with pink glitter): "I'm so sorry. What do you think?"

416: Broken Hearts - Felicity (to Oliver): "I do know that, and you know that. That's this life. I'm sorry. You know, five months ago, I convinced you that we could have it all, we could come here to this job and have each other. I was wrong. And then I thought that we could just go back to the way things were before we left for Ivy Town. But, God, that was as crazy as Cupid is."

417: Beacon of Hope - Felicity (to Donna): "Oh, I'm sorry. I was busy trying not to die, and you were talking, talking, talking."

417: Beacon of Hope - Felicity (to Thea): "Well, unfortunately, in Oliver's case, 'he always is' isn't an accurate predictive metric. Sorry. I'm just sick of worrying, I'm sick of the violence."

417: Beacon of Hope - Felicity (to Thea): "You're the beacon of hope. I quit the team because I couldn't stand to work with Oliver, but - but now that I'm out, I look at life from a different perspective. I mean, look around you. Thea, we're in a 'Die Hard' movie with bees. Maybe I'm meant for great things, maybe I'm not, but whatever it is, it's not this. Sorry. I'm not coming back."

419: Canary Cry - Felicity (to Diggle): “Yeah, an apology. I never should have let you think that you could have prevented what happened to Laurel, not even for a second. I was just dealing with my own guilt for not being there.”  Diggle: “You have nothing to be sorry about, Felicity. If I had listened to Oliver and not trusted my brother, Laurel would be alive.”

420: Genesis - Felicity (to Esrin Fortuna): "I'm- I'm sorry. I - I just thought that these magic lessons would have, you know, more... lessons."

420: Genesis - Felicity (to Diggle, who's carrying Baby Sara in a backpack): "Sorry we're late. Oliver's on Lyla and Darhk."

421: Monument Point - Felicity (to Mr. Dennis): "Yes, I am sorry. I've been busy."

423: Schism - Felicity (to Cooper Seldon): "I'm sorry, Cooper.". 

Arrow: A Generation of Vipers by Susan & Clay Griffith, Chapter 6 - Felicity (to Oliver, after kissing his scars): “I’m sorry."

Arrow: A Generation of Vipers by Susan & Clay Griffith, Chapter 31 - Felicity (to Barry): "Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you. How do you feel? Do you need anything?"

Arrow: A Generation of Vipers by Susan & Clay Griffith, Chapter 34 - Felicity (to General Pyeng): "Sorry. You did throw the first punch."

Arrow: A Generation of Vipers by Susan & Clay Griffith, Chapter 35 - Felicity (to bidding generals, spymasters, warlords, terrorists and crime bosses, after she and Lyla win the auction for the wormhole generator): "Sorry. But I think deep down we all know it's better that none of you have it... Okay. Let's agree to disagree."

503: A Matter of Trust - Felicity (to Rory Regan): "Yeah. No. There's something that I need you to know about Havenrock. Havenrock was not the intended target. Monument Point was. Someone redirected the missile to reduce the number of casualties. That someone was me. I am so sorry." 

504: Penance - Felicity (to Lyla Michaels): "About John being in prison? Oliver told me. I'm so sorry."

505: Human Target - Felicity: "Good point. So what's up? Your message sounded cryptic."  Oliver: "Sorry. I - I wasn't sure if I should say anything at all actually."  Felicity: "That couldn't wait till tomorrow?"  Oliver: "Why didn't you tell me that you were seeing someone?"  Felicity: "Well... maybe on some crazy subconscious level, I was worried you'd show up on my balcony in the middle of the night. Sorry. Snark probably isn't appropriate to hear." Oliver: "I'm totally fine that you're seeing someone. But I'm hurt that you didn't tell me."  Felicity: "I'm sorry. I - I meant to, and then every time I went to go bring it up, I just sort of, like - I just chickened out."

505: Human Target - Felicity (to Oliver, in his mayoral office): "Sorry to drop by unannounced."

DC's Legends of Tomorrow 207: Invasion! - Felicity (over comms): "Good work planting Professor Stein's nano-weapons, but we still got Dominators all over the country. This looks like a job for Supergirl."  Barry (over comms): "Thanks, Felicity. I'm not the least bit insulted."  Felicity (over comms): "Ah, sorry. I meant Supergirl and Flash. This is totally a job for the both of you. That's what I meant. Supergirl and... Flash."

510: Who Are You? - Felicity (to Team Arrow): "I'm sorry, but, everyone, just relax. I put tracking nanites in her water, the same once we used to find Malcolm Merlyn."

510: Who Are You? - Felicity (to Oliver, about Black Siren): "I'm sorry she wasn't her." 

515: Fighting Fire With Fire - Felicity (to Diggle, about Councilman Kullens): "He's a politician. Sorry, that's the same thing."

516: Checkmate - Felicity (to Team Arrow): "Hi! Oh, hi! I'm sorry. I know I'm late. Sorry, I got Curtis' messages. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm here now. I'm sorry."

516: Checkmate - Felicity (to Oliver): "Much appreciated. I usually like my tongue-lashings to be done in private. So. Thank you. I'm sorry."

516: Checkmate - Felicity (to Alena, a/k/a Kojo Sledgehammer): "Sorry. A friend of mine is missing.

519: Dangerous Liaisons - Felicity (to Oliver): "I was really hoping you wouldn't! (Uses her weaponized tablet to activate a laser web wall around Oliver)  Oliver, don't move. That is a 30-kilowatt spectral beam laser. It'll cut you to the bone. Curtis will let you out. (Puts tablet on ground in front of laser web)  I'm sorry. I am. I'm really hoping that you're gonna understand after we get Chase."

520: Underneath - Flashback Felicity (to Flashback Oliver, after he tells her that she was right): "So were you. You know, we never did talk about anything. I walked. That was wrong. Sorry."

520: Underneath - Felicity: "I'm sorry."  Oliver: "For what?"  Felicity: "For being a hypocrite. You were right. I was starting to become like you. And not in the heroic, you know, honorable, muscular way. It was just, after I lost Billy, I was willing to do whatever to get Chase. It drove me to work with Helix and I was wiling to break any rule and do anything to get payback. And, you know, what I'm trying to say is, that I think I got the tiniest taste of what you've been through - the tiniest and... I get it now. (Pauses) I understand... why you lied to me about William. Why you had to. I get it. And for the extent that I judged you - and I did judge you - I am sorry. (Pauses) You know, you said you didn't know what kind of person you are. I think you should figure that out."

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ETA: These lists are not meant to be all-inclusive...


Other Characters:

121: The Undertaking - Laurel Lance (to Felicity): “I'm sorry, uh, who are you?” 

121: The Undertaking - Moira Queen (to Felicity): “I'm sorry, who are you?”

205: League of Assassins - Sara Lance (to Felicity): "Sorry if I upset you before."

208: The Scientist - Barry Allen (to Quentin, Oliver & Felicity): "Actually, it was only one guy. Ah, sorry I'm late. But actually, my train was late. Well, the second one. The first one I did miss, but that was my cab driver's fault. I've got this great traffic app, and he thought that he was right. I'm here now, though."

208: The Scientist - Barry (to Felicity): "I am sorry I lied to you. Better find another plus one." 

214: Time of Death - Diggle (to Sara, after he accidentally hits her head while sparring): "Sara, I'm so sorry." 

218: Deathstroke - Roy Harper (to Oliver & Felicity): "Sorry, I'm just having a hard time keeping my head in the game today.”

220: Seeing Red - Sara (to Oliver): "I'm sorry. I just care about you too much to be with you." 

222: Streets of Fire) - Amanda Waller (to Oliver, on phone): "I'm sorry. You have until dawn. And then Starling City is a crater."

223: Unthinkable - Sara (to Oliver): “Look, I'm not going to let Slade Wilson hurt Laurel or my father. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep the ones that I love safe, and I hope you're ready to do the same. Especially after what happened. Ollie, I'm sorry about your mother.”

301: The Calm - Ray Palmer (to QC board, Oliver & Felicity): “So sorry I am late. Heh, traffic was terrible. Which is why I took my helicopter. I parked on your roof. I hope that's okay. You guys validate, right?”

301: The Calm - Ray (to Felicity): “All my data's been replaced by audio files of porcupine flatulence. And so I was hoping that whoever did it might be willing to undo it if I apologized for misleading them in any way.”

302: Sara - Ray (to Felicity): “Listen, whatever happened, sorry. It helps to remember that - It gets better.”

303: Corto Maltese - Ray: "Ah, Miss Smoak, good morning - I think. I've been here all night. My predecessor left things a little, um, what's the polite way to say this? Little wonky. Sorry if I'm rambling. I'm a little over-caffeinated. I just had three espressos. Speaking of coffee -"

305: The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak - Donna Smoak (to Felicity, spotting Ray in her apartment): “Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't know you had somebody staying over.”

305: The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak - Donna (to Felicity, Oliver and Diggle): “Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to stop you. I'm so sorry. Little baby moment. So sorry.”

305: The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak - Donna (to Felicity): “Wait? I'm sorry - I've already waited two hours for you at your apartment, and before that, it was two hours in the club.” 

305: The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak - Donna (to Felicity): "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I've been reduced to stalking my own daughter." 

305: The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak - Donna (to Felicity, after they're kidnapped by Cooper Seldon): “I'm so sorry.”

306: Guilty - Roy (to Oliver): “I'm sorry. I know I've been a little out of it recently.” 

306: Guilty - Roy (after revealing his dream 'memory' of killing Sara): “Laurel, I am so sorry. I'm really –“ (Approaches her)  Laurel: “Don't!” 

307: Draw Back Your Bow - Carrie Cutter (to Oliver): “Sorry. But if I can't have you –“

307: Draw Back Your Bow - Ray (to Felicity, after they kiss): “I'm sorry, I, um… I meant to keep tonight platonic. Ahh… I should go.” 

The Flash 108: Flash vs. Arrow - Barry (to Felicity, when her shirt catches on fire): “Oh, I'm sorry!” 

308: The Brave and the Bold - Lyla Michaels (to Teams Arrow and Flash): “You can’t work for ARGUS without making a few enemies. I’m sorry to involve all of you in this."

309: The Climb - Ray (to Felicity): “But I am sorry about the way I reacted. When I kissed you, I felt guilty.”

310: Left Behind - Roy (to Felicity, for having fun while riding motorcycle in pursuit of suspects' van): “Sorry!”  Felicity (over comms): “No, sorry is what you'll be when Oliver finds out you took out his motorcycle.”

310: Left Behind - Malcolm Merlyn (to Diggle, Felicity and Roy in the lair): “I'm sorry to interrupt.”

310: Left Behind - Ray (to Felicity, after she tells him that she lost someone who was "more than a friend"): “I'm sorry.”

311: Midnight City - Laurel (impersonating Sara's voice, to Quentin): “I'm sorry. I'm here. Are you okay? ... Daddy, I'm sorry that I've been away, but I don't want you to worry about me. I'm fine. And I'm here to help.”

313: Canaries - Laurel (while Vertigo-drugged, to Sara): "I am so sorry! I am so sorry! Sara! I am so - (Oliver injects her, causing her to pass out) 

313: Canaries - Thea (to Oliver): "Ollie? I'm - I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk."

315: Nanda Parbat - Ray (to Felicity): "I'm sorry, but I've got a lot of work to do."

317: Suicidal Tendencies - Ray (to Oliver): "That must be disappointing. I'm sorry there's no one around here for you to kill, but, uh, I kind of faked that 911 call."

317: Suicidal Tendencies - Ray (to Felicity): "Well, actually, I... think I'm the one who owes you an apology. You told me Oliver was innocent, and I didn't trust you. I want you to know that I do."

319: Broken Arrow - Quentin (to Diggle, Oliver and Felicity): “Yeah, and I got a warrant that says I can search that basement. Sorry for the rush, but I didn't want to give you a chance to turn that place into a storage room again. Gentlemen. Here you go. Break it down. (Descends into the basement) I got you now, you son of a bitch.”

319: Broken Arrow - Ray (to Oliver): “Sorry to hear about what’s happening to you. If there’s anything I can do to help -”

321: Al Sah-him - Laurel (to Nyssa al Ghul): “Look, I am sorry, but I have lost a sister, a father, Oliver - there is no way that I was about to lose you, too.”

321: Al Sah-him - Nyssa (to Diggle, after Oliver kidnaps Lyla): “I am truly sorry. I never meant for any harm to come to you or your family.”

322: This Is Your Sword - Diggle (to Felicity and Laurel): “No, but Merlyn assures me that he'll be waving the white flag.”  Malcolm (entering): “I'm sorry. I forgot the flag.”

322: This Is Your Sword - Tatsu (to Felicity): "I am sorry to intrude. Mr. Merlyn said that I would find you here.”

322: This Is Your Sword - Diggle: “I'm sorry, Felicity, for everything.”  Felicity: “You don't have to be sorry for anything, John. I'm glad to have known you.”

323: My Name Is Oliver Queen - Malcolm: “Yeah, and in the event that it doesn't work, he has a back-up - us. John, let's determine the status of our arsenal. Laurel, go to your father; Start mobilizing the police. Mr. Palmer, I need you to find something that will neutralize an airborne contagion. Miss Smoak, let's find out where our League of Assassin friends might be. (No one moves)  I'm sorry. Did I mumble?”

402: The Candidate - Curtis Holt (to Felicity, during Palmer Tech board meeting): "It's, uh, pretty simple, actually. I use specialized A.I. to determine maximum profits, which can be derived with a minimum amount of workforce deduction. Sorry. I probably could have explained that better."

402: The Candidate - Lonnie Machin (to Madison Danforth): "Sorry to leave you hanging. I had a meeting. It didn't go well. Turns out, I can't sit at the cool kids' table. When trillions and trillions of molecules exploded from a pin head, were there rules dictating how to establish a universe? No. They found their way through the chaos."

402: The Candidate - Curtis: "I'm sorry, Miss Smoak, you asked to see me. Um, I think there's been a mistake."

403: Restoration – Diggle (to Oliver): "Sorry I couldn't help out. It's a long story."

404: Beyond Redemption - Curtis (to Felicity): "He did! It uploaded a crash log. I mean, the equipment's programmed to record the user's voice right before a fatal malfunction. Sorry. Poor choice of words. The point is, is that Mr. Palmer's last recorded statement could shed some light on how he died. Looks like it's password protected."

404: Beyond Redemption - Ray (recorded voice): I'm sorry, Felicity, this is my fault..."

405: Haunted - Ray (recorded voice): "I'm sorry, Felicity, this is my fault. I - I got myself into this mess screwing around with my exosuit and nanotechnology. But recriminations probably aren't probably the best use of this limited bandwidth. What I need you to know is... I'm alive, and I'm in trouble."

405: Haunted - Laurel: "No, you don't! You never have. You never told me that you were the Arrow -"  Oliver: "Keep your voice down!"  Laurel: "- becoming the Black Canary. And you never would have told me that there's a way to save my sister. My sister, she's out of her mind right now. Because of something that I did. A decision that I made. Did you ever just stop and think for one second about what I might be going through? I'm sorry about what happened to Thea. I really am. I love your family - I always have. I just wish that sometimes you would give a damn about mine."

405: Haunted - Constantine (handing list to Felicity): "Apologies. I didn't have time to translate that from its original Aramaic. You know, if I knew you were surrounded by so many pretty girls, Oliver, I would have stopped by sooner." 

407: Brotherhood - Ray (to Felicity): "Hey. Sorry, I had Curtis grab some more toys so I could keep working on your tooth."

407: Brotherhood - Thea (to Diggle, who objects to Team Arrow's decision to help him rescue Andy from HIVE): "I'm sorry, but it's not really just up to you."

408: Legends of Yesterday - Barry (to Oliver, after being late to the meeting of Teams Arrow and Flash at a remote farmhouse): "Sorry. It turns out, it's not easy finding the ass end of nowhere."

408: Legends of Yesterday - Barry (to Kendra): "Yeah, whatever you do, don't let him train you. I'm sorry, but when it rains, I can still feel where he shot me with those arrows."

408: Legends of Yesterday - Barry: "I'm sorry, Oliver specifically asked me -"  Felicity: "Show me."  Barry: "Okay... I don't know what the big deal is. It's just a DNA test."  Felicity: "No, it's not."

409: Dark Waters - Donna (to Felicity): "Sorry, honey. Um, sweetie, I would like you to meet my boyfriend, Quentin... I'm sorry, do - do you guys know each other?"

409: Dark Waters - Damian Darhk (to Oliver, while Darhk's minions drag Felicity into the gas chamber): "I'm so sorry about this. ... Well, I think if you replay our conversation in your mind, our bargain was only at best implied. Even so, bad guy, remember?"

412: Unchained - Curtis (to Mr. Dennis): “Sorry. Should have gone with overhead projector. ... Well, actually, that's gonna be a little difficult, seeing how the entire building's the property of - I'll just - I'll be right outside.” (Silently mouths “Sorry” to Felicity)

412: Unchained - Mr. Dennis (to Felicity, after saying that Palmer Tech needed to put their best foot forward): “Sorry, poor choice of words. What I mean is perhaps it would be better to let someone else do this presentation.”

412: Unchained - Roy (to Felicity): "I heard about what happened. I'm sorry.” 

412: Unchained - Roy (to Oliver): “I'm sorry I can't stay. Not just for you guys, but for Thea.” 

414: Code of Silence - Donna (to Felicity): "Yeah. Right. Honey, I want you to know that I'm really sorry that I've been going all momzilla for this engagement party... Do you want to know why I push the tiaras and the 10-tiered cake?"

414: Code of Silence - Donna (to Oliver, Felicity and Laura Hoffman): "Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, but I need you both. Photographer is here. (Sees Quentin arriving) Did you invite him?"  Felicity: "Who, me? Uh...Ppfff."  Quentin: "Sorry. Could I - could I talk to you for - for a minute?"  Felicity: "Yes. Absolutely."

415: Taken - Darhk (to Felicity): "Oh. Sorry about the limo, love the wheelchair. Might I suggest motorized." 

415: Taken - Laurel (to Samantha Clayton): "I am so sorry that you're going through this, Samantha. We will help you get William back."

415: Taken - Mari McCabe (to Oliver): "I am so sorry. I know you brought me here to fight magic with magic, but -"

415: Taken - Darhk (to Oliver, Thea and Laurel, as he chokes them): "I'm sorry. I can't hear you with your throats closing up like that. Steady." 

416: Broken Hearts - Thea (to Oliver, about Carrie Cutter): "Really brings a whole new meaning to crazy ex-girlfriends. And you didn't even get to enjoy the fun parts. Sorry."

416: Broken Hearts - Carrie, a/k/a Cupid (to Oliver): "Your little speech, it was only off by a little. You see, she isn't the best thing in your life. Because that means you love her. And love means you're soft. And soft means death. Here. Let me show you. (Shoots arrow into Oliver, and he falls)  Oh. Sorry. I didn't check your gift registry. Was an explosion that would bring down this whole building on your list?”

417: Beacon of Hope - Thea (to Felicity and Donna): "Sorry. Is this a bad time?"

417: Beacon of Hope - Curtis (to Oliver, over comms): "Negative. Uh, I mean, positive. Sorry. I'm nervous. The bees are down. Uh-oh. Now it's a negative. Negative! The bees are back! I - I got kicked out!"

417: Beacon of Hope - Brie Larvan (to Felicity from phone screen, looking at photo of Oliver & Felicity): "Oh, and your fiance looks awfully sweet. Sorry. Ex-fiance."

417: Beacon of Hope - Donna (to Felicity): "I'm sorry. You know what, honey? I'm curious, okay? I -"

421: Monument Point - Mr. Dennis (to Felicity): "Uh, I'm sorry, but everything in this lab is proprietary. We cannot allow you to leave with company property."  Felicity: "Excuse me? You have to be kidding."  Dennis: "I'm very sorry. I had hoped that this would end differently."

422: Lost In the Flood - Curtis (to Felicity, who's with her father, Noah Kuttler): "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had company."

422: Lost In the Flood - Donna (to Felicity): "I'm sorry. I love you." (They hug.)

423: Schism - Cooper Seldon (to Curtis): "Sorry, I'm a selfish bastard, but she knew that already."

423: Schism - Cooper: "I'm sorry, Felicity. I know I should be strong enough to pull myself away from this keyboard, but I think we both know that I'm not."

423: Schism - Thea (to Oliver): "Well, I - I jumped straight out of the Lazarus Pit right into this, into - to Speedy, but, um, I've just been wondering if this is even who I really am. And then I threatened to kill a little girl, and I - I realized I'm my father's daughter, so I - I thought about Laurel and - and what she'd say to me if she were here. I think she'd tell me to get out... before I lost too much of myself. I'm sorry, Ollie."  Oliver: "Hey. Come here. (Hugs her) You don't have to apologize to me, ever." 

Arrow: A Generation of Vipers by Susan & Clay Griffith, Chapter 26 - Count Wallenstein (to Felicity, after a failed assassination attempt on her): “I apologize for this unfortunate disruption, Ms. Smoak. I can assure you this man is not one of my staff. ... Please continue to enjoy yourselves. Again, my humble apologies.”

Arrow: A Generation of Vipers by Susan & Clay Griffith, Chapter 26 - Barry (to Oliver, Felicity and Cisco, after learning of the failed assassination attempt on Felicity): “I’m sorry, guys. I should’ve been here. I was down looking at the generator again.”

501: Legacy - Curtis (to Felicity, Quentin and Thea, after Mayor Queen is kidnapped): "Why didn't Oliver fight back? Sorry. Really dumb question." 

502: The Recruits - Quentin (to Thea and Amertek exec, Janet Carroll): "Um, sorry I'm late."

502: The Recruits - Quentin (to Thea): "Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm - I'm fine, you know. Sorry, it won't happen again."

502: The Recruits - Rene: "I hope you don't think I'm going to apologize for the trash I talked about you."  Oliver: "No more than I'm going to apologize for the tough training, but I understand that you all need to trust me. This is as far as I know how to go."

503: A Matter of Trust - Rene Ramirez, a/k/a Wild Dog (to Oliver): "I'm sorry about before, but I get it now. I'll do whatever you need." 

504: Penance - Rory Regan, a/k/a Ragman (to Oliver): "I completely realize that. I get it wasn't her fault, but that doesn't change the fact that every time I look at her I see the faces of my family, of everyone I ever loved. Felicity is a constant reminder of what I lost, and as long as that's true, I'm sorry. I can't be here."  Oliver: "What about your father? I thought he was the reason you were doing this."  Rory: "I'll have to find another way to honor him."  Oliver: "I'm sorry to lose you."  Rory: "I'm sorry to go. Thank you for everything."

504: Penance - Rory (to Felicity): "Sorry about the mess."

504: Penance - Rory (to Felicity): "I can't right now. I'm sorry."

504: Penance - Curtis (to Adrian Chase and the ACU): "Sorry we blew up your building. Come on!"

505: Human Target - Christopher Chance, a/k/a Human Target (to Oliver and Team Arrow): "Sorry about the suit. (Removes facial prosthetic) Ahh. We haven't been properly introduced. Heads-up." (Throws facial prosthetic to Felicity)

505: Human Target - Chance (to Oliver): "Listen. I'm the last person to give dating advice, but Felicity has moved on. You should too. You didn't know. Sorry. Uh, earlier today, I met with a detective who just joined the ACU, uh, Billy Malone. He casually mentioned that he was seeing Felicity, seemed to think that you knew."

The Flash 308: Invasion! - Barry (to Diggle): "I'm sorry, man. I -"

The Flash 308: Invasion! - Barry (to Team Arrow): "I... I mean, I'm sorry. Look, okay, they're real, and they're already here, and, from what Lyla told us, it does not appear to be for peace."

508: Invasion! - Diggle (to Oliver and DreamLaurel): "Sorry about the interruption. The Russian lady downstairs told me to come right up. You got a minute to talk?"

DC's Legends of Tomorrow 207: Invasion! - Cisco (to Felicity): "I'm sorry. My 'best friend'? He only killed my brother."

509: What We Leave Behind - Susan Williams (to Oliver, at party): "Sorry I'm late."

510: Who Are You? - Black Siren: "Ahh. Felicity. I am so sorry, but I think it's about time that I kill you."

511: Second Chances - Alena, a/k/a Kojo Sledgehammer (to Felicity): "It's none of my business. Okay. Well, um - heh. I became a hacker, a hacktivist, because of you, the GFG. I read about your hack of the Department of Education, and I was like, 'I know what I want to be.' But then you just totally stopped and became this, like, information technology support player, and - Sorry. Never meet your heroes, you know?"  Felicity: "No. I haven't just been corporate, you know? I've been doing work that is... important."  Alena: "Ooh. If it was, I would have heard about it. Ooh. Sorry. There I go again. Heh. I guess I was just excited when I saw you on the Dark Nets. It was like - like you were returning, you know? The OG GFG was back."

512: Bratva - Dinah Drake (to Curtis, about her sonic cry): "Sorry, I don't really have much control beyond 'on' and 'off.'"

512: Bratva - Curtis (bumping into Russian man): "Sorry, I mean (speaks Russian phrase, takes off sunglasses)... I can't see a thing in these."

512: Bratva - Rory (to Felicity): "Yeah, I'm sorry. I was going to call. Well, I was probably going to whip out a text."

513: Spectre of the Gun - Rene (to Curtis): "Sorry, Hoss. But if the bad guys got guns, then I'm strapping up, too."

515: Fighting Fire With Fire - Curtis (simultaneously with Diggle): "Suit up. Oh, sorry, I thought - since Oliver's gone, I would probably - makes more sense probably for you - I'll make sure I work on the timing of that!"

515: Fighting Fire With Fire - Curtis (to Oliver): "Sorry. I mean, thank you for saying 'thank you' - wow, man to man, that means a lot - but I'm really late to see Paul, so -"

516: Checkmate - Alena: "But, Felicity, we gave you Pandora. We helped you sort through that data pool. And now - well, people are starting to ask what you're doing for us. I mean, we didn't invite you in, just so you could check items off your to-do list. Sorry, that feels gross."

517: Kapiushon - Diggle (to Felicity and Curtis): “Okay. Sorry. We’ve just been at this for so long, I don’t know which way is up. And Oliver’s been gone for 6 days. And –“

519: Dangerous Liaisons - Alena (to Felicity, laughing): "Sorry. It's just funny, you know. Negotiate with ARGUS."

519: Dangerous Liaisons - Alena (to Felicity from wall screen): "I'm sorry, but we just can't risk it. Especially not with Cayden back in the fold and ARGUS looking for him. I loved getting to work with you. Meeting your heroes - turns out it's [unintelligible word] better after all. Oh, we left something for you. Look down... Up a little bit... A little bit to the right."

Edited by tv echo
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^^^ Just something I was playing around with... that I thought I'd share with this forum. 

It started when we were discussing how Oliver never apologized to Felicity, even though Felicity apologized to Oliver, with regard to the BMD. That got me curious as to the circumstances in which Oliver has apologized or not apologized in the past and to whom. (I had the general impression this season that Oliver rarely apologizes, but that actually isn't the case.)

Then it expanded to Felicity's apologies over the course of the series. And then to other characters' apologies in the context of Oliver and/or Felicity scenes. 

You can read it, skip it, use it, or whatever. :)

Edited by tv echo
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I'm going to get smacked for this but recently everytime I see heart eyes and kissy face (especially the new Lian Yu photo) I wonder if EBR and SA could have sold the Lauriver story if EBR was cast as Laurel.

Because seriously they look like the love each other so much. Absolute adoration. All the time. 

Don't get me wrong I'm a huge Felicity fan and the sister swapping obviously doomed things but sometimes I wonder if EBR could have made Laurel adorable  (haha something that Laurel clearly is not).

I always think I like Iris a lot more because of CP rather than Iris herself. 

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5 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I'm going to get smacked for this but recently everytime I see heart eyes and kissy face (especially the new Lian Yu photo) I wonder if EBR and SA could have sold the Lauriver story if EBR was cast as Laurel.

Because seriously they look like the love each other so much. Absolute adoration. All the time. 

Don't get me wrong I'm a huge Felicity fan and the sister swapping obviously doomed things but sometimes I wonder if EBR could have made Laurel adorable  (haha something that Laurel clearly is not).

I always think I like Iris a lot more because of CP rather than Iris herself. 

I've wondered that myself, actually. There still would have been the huge issue of Sara, but at least we wouldn't have had to deal with Oliver's nope face, and that chemistry can make me forgive and forget a lot. Plus, we would have gotten to see EBR fight. 

Edited by Hiveminder
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I'm so thankful that never happened -- not just because of the sister swapping per se, but because of all of the amounts of stupid drama the show's writers like to drum up for the main romantic couple. Can you imagine if they'd gotten the chemistry they wanted, right off the bat, what that would have done (or not done) for the rest of what they were writing? Would they have made as many (or any) of their other pivots in the storyline? Would they have gone in even more whole hog with their "Oliver's only interesting when he's stupid and/or self-destructive" mentality? Perish the thought! I'm so glad the relationship drama is not any worse than what we've already been subjected to.


ETA: I take it all back. I just realized that if they had the chemistry they wanted at the start they probably would not have killed Tommy off so quickly. Now I'm torn: would I have put up with potentially horrifically nonsensical drama for multiple scenes of SA/EBR/CD? Aaggh I'll never know!

Edited by RandomMe
second-guessing myself
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5 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

that chemistry can make me forgive and forget a lot. 

They do have that "love of your life" chemistry but I'm personally not decided yet if that's enough to overcome the BMD let alone sister swapping and serial cheating which is even worse. 

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OMG I forgot about the serial cheating!

Ha! When he looks at Felicity like he has NO game whatsoever and just wants to be her devoted puppy I forgot he ever cheated on anyone! 

I have forgotten about BMD even with Spawn littered everywhere. Because the chemistry since 519 has been ridiculous! Just insane! Need to dial down (no I don't mean that) but they are killing me with the "You are the love of my life" heart eyes and then kinda looking like they want to bang. It's freaking me out! 

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I don't think they introduced the serial cheating until season 2, which was when I'm pretty sure they decided to steer away from L/O as endgame and so had the leeway to make their history as toxic as possible. My memory of season 1 is fuzzy, but I think back then it was implied that Oliver and Laurel were in a long-term, on again, off again relationship before the island, and the only person that was confirmed he cheated on her with was Sara.

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Idk that even EBR's charisma and olicity chemistry would have saved LL or L/O for me at least.Other than the anti chemistry and sister swapping grossness,I throught Laurel was so boring and such a generic LI.Even with the kind of chemistry olicity have I don't think the type of scenes they wrote for L/O in season 1 would have been very interesting or a good dynamic to make Oliver more likeable and he so needed that.

Edited by tangerine95
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1 hour ago, lemotomato said:

I don't think they introduced the serial cheating until season 2, which was when I'm pretty sure they decided to steer away from L/O as endgame and so had the leeway to make their history as toxic as possible. My memory of season 1 is fuzzy, but I think back then it was implied that Oliver and Laurel were in a long-term, on again, off again relationship before the island, and the only person that was confirmed he cheated on her with was Sara.

I don't know.  I know I watched season one thinking that he was a serial cheater.  Between Sara and that club owner's fiance and the way he partied and the way Tommy talked, I thought from the start he'd been constantly sleeping around.  Was it confirmed?  Maybe not, but it also wasn't disproved.

If they'd had EBR, it really would have been a different show since I can't imagine her doing the line readings in the same way.  I have to think there'd have been more nuance so I would have remained sympathetic to her rather than hating her almost right away.  BUT the only way I'd have gotten past the cheating and running off with her sister is if the show pounded over and over that Oliver was a completely different person.  Yet if they stuck with the "she saw the true man he could be" crap, I think I would have gagged at the suggestion a woman should stick around and put up with crap while she waited for him to become her dream man.    

Also, I can't imagine enjoying that story line since I assume they would still be pushing the love triangle thing with Tommy (so she'd be torn between two guys) and they would have probably kept her out of the loop knowing his secret even longer than they did with KCLaurel and they would probably have made Tommy turn evil but only after a long time and probably at the expense of EBRLaurel's character for having faith in his innocence when it was clear to everyone else that he was evil.   

Maybe if the show still changed a lot of things, I'd have stuck with it for the chemistry but if it had gone the way they originally planed or the way they did Laurel with KC, I don't think any amount of chemistry would have been enough.  

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Not to change the subject (well, sort of changing the subject), but this song came on my shuffle and, although I don't associate songs with fictional tv relationships, it just struck me as a cute version of a message that Oliver needed to consider for Felicity these last few episodes (especially with the flashback/present day of 5x20).

(I'm really not into angsty songs for fictional relationships, so  I apologize for the potential earworm.)


"Get the Girl Back" by Hanson

She’s about to walk away
So if you’re gonna make her want to stay
Tell her she’s your moon and sun
Tell her that she’s always been the one
You’ve gotta say it from the heart
‘Cause she will know a fake right from the start

A girl like that deserves the best, uh, yeah
You’ve got to show her (show her)
That you’re not like all the rest


It’s about time that you put your cards back on the table
It’s about time that you show her you’re willing and able
It’s about time that you get the girl back
That you get the girl back on your side
You’ve got to get the girl back, get the girl back


Tell her she was always right
You were in the wrong, you can’t deny
‘Cause when she’s caught somebody’s eye
It will be too late to apologize

Before she shuts you out, oh yeah
You’ve got to tell her (tell her)
Tell her that there is no doubt


It’s about time that you put your cards back on the table
It’s about time that you show her you’re willing and able
It’s about time that you get the girl back
That you get the girl back on your side
You’ve got to get the girl back, get the girl back

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3 minutes ago, RandomMe said:

Not to change the subject (well, sort of changing the subject), but this song came on my shuffle and, although I don't associate songs with fictional tv relationships, it just struck me as a cute version of a message that Oliver needed to consider for Felicity these last few episodes (especially with the flashback/present day of 5x20).

(I'm really not into angsty songs for fictional relationships, so  I apologize for the potential earworm.)

Don't apologize.  There are a few songs that I mostly only love BECAUSE they worked for some angsty fictional relationship, lol.  Nice to know it happens to us all. 

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These most recent episodes must have pinged my relationship meter more than usual. I was reminded this morning how much I loved Quentin's "Happy Birthday" to Oliver, and Oliver's responding "Thank You." Between that and the snarky comments and looks at the beginning of the previous episode, I'm amazed at how precious their relationship has become to me. Look at these two! Look at how far they've come with each other! I know the show is doing this whole 5-year culmination in a lot of other ways, but watching Quentin and Oliver be friends is giving me the emotions they're going for elsewhere. Want to show me how much Oliver Queen has grown from the past to the present? Show the man who arguably hated him the most now treating him with respect and camaraderie, and Oliver being totally comfortable with that, not just from behind a mask, but as himself. *happy sigh*

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From the Starling City Times thread:

20 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

How is that a fair comparison, to only count the episodes where he treated her well and ignoring how he mislead her in 301, bought the store she worked at to force her to work for him in 302, pinging her phone to find her in 309, and all the crap he did in 317? Using that argument, Oliver was the perfect boyfriend in 401-407, and nothing he did before or after that should count. 

Ray didn't know Felicity as a person in 301 and 302.  He saw her as an asset, one that he wanted so much that he bought the company she was working for. then when she agreed to work for him, he hired her as a VP, a huge contrast to Oliver to took her out of the job she worked so hard to be in, including her two MIT degrees, and made her his EA because that was more comfortable for him. He didn't give a thought to how that would be for her.

Ray pinged Felicity's phone in 309 to find her. Contrast that to Oliver who told her he loved her, wouldn't let her have a say in their relationship, told her he loved her again before going off to die, came back only to ignore her and his misgivings about Malcolm, pushed her away again while he conferred with Diggle, and left for Nanda Parbat without letting her give her opinion on it.  I did say that I was looking at 307 to 316.  I didn't like Ray's behaviour in 317 but that was one of the things leading to their break-up.

I don't see how Oliver being a good boyfriend 401 - 407 affects the argument that in WM's episodes when Oliver and Felicity are not in a relationship together, he treats her badly and that mid season 3, Ray treated Felicity better than Oliver did. Yes, for a few months early in season 4 Oliver was a great boyfriend. Then he lied to her about William, stayed away from the hospital when she needed him because it made him feel better to beat up people than be there for her, and hurt her very badly when William was kidnapped and later ignored what she asked of him and gave her real vows at the fake wedding. 

Over the past four seasons, Oliver has hurt Felicity far worse than Ray ever did for his own selfish reasons.  Whenever I think about that, all the chemistry that EBR and SA have can't erase my feelings that Felicity deserves someone who doesn't put himself first so much of the time.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

From the Starling City Times thread:

Ray didn't know Felicity as a person in 301 and 302.  He saw her as an asset, one that he wanted so much that he bought the company she was working for. then when she agreed to work for him, he hired her as a VP, a huge contrast to Oliver to took her out of the job she worked so hard to be in, including her two MIT degrees, and made her his EA because that was more comfortable for him. He didn't give a thought to how that would be for her.

Ray pinged Felicity's phone in 309 to find her. Contrast that to Oliver who told her he loved her, wouldn't let her have a say in their relationship, told her he loved her again before going off to die, came back only to ignore her and his misgivings about Malcolm, pushed her away again while he conferred with Diggle, and left for Nanda Parbat without letting her give her opinion on it.  I did say that I was looking at 307 to 316.  I didn't like Ray's behaviour in 317 but that was one of the things leading to their break-up.

I don't see how Oliver being a good boyfriend 401 - 407 affects the argument that in WM's episodes when Oliver and Felicity are not in a relationship together, he treats her badly and that mid season 3, Ray treated Felicity better than Oliver did. Yes, for a few months early in season 4 Oliver was a great boyfriend. Then he lied to her about William, stayed away from the hospital when she needed him because it made him feel better to beat up people than be there for her, and hurt her very badly when William was kidnapped and later ignored what she asked of him and gave her real vows at the fake wedding. 

Over the past four seasons, Oliver has hurt Felicity far worse than Ray ever did for his own selfish reasons.  Whenever I think about that, all the chemistry that EBR and SA have can't erase my feelings that Felicity deserves someone who doesn't put himself first so much of the time.

To sort of organize my thoughts I'm just gonna use bullet pints

  • I don't really care whether Ray saw Felicity as an asset. She said no, yet his constant pushing and had a lack of boundaries that would make anyone uncomfortable. It is troubling that it's OK for anyone to think what he did was OK because he thought of her as an asset. Actually that makes it worse because he didn't even think of her as a human being.
  • Ray hired her as a VP which I agree was very fitting for her and she excelled in it. But hiring her made him technically her boss considering he's the CEO and a majority shareholder. He never should've pursued her at all.
  • 307 Ray basically pursued Felicity and kissed her but then walked away - which wasn't a good move either. And to be honest I find the whole 'pretty woman' trope off-putting. 
  • Ray also should never have invited himself to her house in the early mornings. Again, lack of boundaries was gross. And him not being socially intelligent isn't a good excuse either.
  • Ray pinging Felicity's phone in 309 was symptomatic of a larger issue. He had a severe lack of boundaries that was increasingly disgusting because he's her boss and I don't exactly remember but was he tracking her because he was worried? If not then he'd have been doing it for seflish reasons which... Point stands.
  • He made the moves on her while he knew she was going through a bad time - Felicity told Ray that she lost a friend of hers yet still didn't push the breaks on being flirty knowing the state Felicity was in which could be construed as him taking advantage of Felicity in a vulnerable state (I think this was in 311)
  • 317 is a whole other story.
  • I don't think Ray ever treated Felicity properly. Yes he did a couple of good things like complimented her intelligence and gave her a good position in the company, and sometimes being there for her? But other than that he was just problematic from the start.
  • I don't even think Ray told Felicity about the suit the first time he flew it. And she's the one who did a lot of the work to make it functioning?

I'm not saying all of this because I think Oliver is perfect. On the contrary I don't think he is at all and he's definitely made mistakes that I won't defend. But I'm wouldn't paint Ray as better. He was actually kind of terrible on Arrow.

And for the bolded part... I agree, Oliver hurt Felicity far worse than Ray, but that's mostly because Felicity loves Oliver way more than she ever cared for Ray. I really doubt Felicity would've cared as much if Ray kept his kid a secret from her.

I also have to say as something completely irrelevant to the debate... What I hated the MOST about Ray was that in season 3, we lost Felicity as a character to him. She was stuck on Palmer Island for so long in that season that I legit thought she was just a supporting character to a supporting character. To see that happen to a character I adore, it was the worst.

I'm thankful that even though she now has a romantic relationship with Oliver, she can still do her own thing and be independent. 

Edited by wonderwall
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Also I do have to point out, all the good things Ray has done for Felicity also has been matched by Oliver in some shape or form:

  • Oliver had been nothing but supportive of Felicity as CEO. He even went to her presentations. He even said she fit the job better than he did and pushed her to pursue being a CEO even after she tried to pawn off the company back to him.
  • Oliver constantly compliments Felicity for her work, he constantly talked about how strong she is, how she is his partner, how he has a great deal of pride for her. He appreciates her work as well. Even in season 2 when he made her his EA (which it was a dick move to do it without asking, but logistically made sense)
  • While Ray gave Felicity a VP position, Oliver did something much more than that. He brought her to Team Arrow which changed Felicity's world and gave her life purpose/meaning/a sense of belonging.

Oliver is definitely a deeply flawed man and the stuff he does sometimes out of desperation (ignoring everything and everyone to save the people he loves alone) or selfishness (him not visiting Felicity in the hospital the first few days) makes me want to smack him. But as long as he learns and is aware of his issues, I'd give him some leeway.

I hate that Oliver never visited Felicity, but I appreciated his apology and his declaration that he wouldn't do that again for better or for worse. Even Oliver knew that keeping William a secret was wrong and promised never to lie to her again about any of that stuff (which I personally count as an apology even though it'd have been nice to see Oliver say he's sorry - which he pretty much did in 520 - it was a blanket apology for the larger trust issue). 

That's something Ray never did. Ray never apologized for the shitty things he's done. I don't even think he's aware they were shitty. That's why I don't think he'll ever learn that what he did was wrong nor do I think will he ever apologize for his actions. I hated how the show portrayed his actions as something normal when it's not. At least Oliver gets called out on his shit.

Edited by wonderwall
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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:


Over the past four seasons, Oliver has hurt Felicity far worse than Ray ever did for his own selfish reasons.  Whenever I think about that, all the chemistry that EBR and SA have can't erase my feelings that Felicity deserves someone who doesn't put himself first so much of the time.

Maybe the reason Felicity has hurt more with Oliver then Ray was because she only cared like 300,000,000 times more about Oliver then she ever did about Ray and was like 300,000,000 times more invested in her relationship with Oliver then she was ever with Ray who she only ever  went to as a response to Oliver.

But like I said. I don't care. Oliver and Felicity are fleshed out adult relationship and not a two dimensional one sided relationship where one is the centre of the universe the other revolves around. There's give and take. Some times the relationships 50/50 some times 60/40 sometimes 80/20 etc based on the others emotional needs at any given time, and due to the characters and the structure of the show. And they have had a journey that's reached a place that right now I'm personally satisfied with, given how I've seen them matured as a couple and reached growth from where they were in seasons past.

And shallowly Oliver and Felicity are also 300,000,000 times more entertaining to watch then watching Raylicity if they had stayed a couple on this show so...

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On 19/5/2017 at 8:39 PM, RandomMe said:

These most recent episodes must have pinged my relationship meter more than usual. I was reminded this morning how much I loved Quentin's "Happy Birthday" to Oliver, and Oliver's responding "Thank You." Between that and the snarky comments and looks at the beginning of the previous episode, I'm amazed at how precious their relationship has become to me. Look at these two! Look at how far they've come with each other! I know the show is doing this whole 5-year culmination in a lot of other ways, but watching Quentin and Oliver be friends is giving me the emotions they're going for elsewhere. Want to show me how much Oliver Queen has grown from the past to the present? Show the man who arguably hated him the most now treating him with respect and camaraderie, and Oliver being totally comfortable with that, not just from behind a mask, but as himself. *happy sigh*

I liked that very much, too. One of the things I enjoyed the most about S2 was the relationship between Quentin/Arrow, and the mess they made with them in S3 was one of the most idiotic things this show has done. 

Plus, my crack-not-so-crack- theory is that Oliver kept pursuing those damn Lance sisters just to get the opportunity to be with Quentin, haha.

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I've realised I've got this great ability to see MG's face looming and pulling the puppet strings when anything unsavoury happens so I can forgive Ray and Oliver for how they are written. It wouldn’t be entertaining anymore if I sat down and listed their "crimes against Felicity". Hence my ability to ship Olicity and Raylicity hard. Felicity would have had very different relationships with both men.

Plus despite all my issues with Oliver I can't get over the way he's been looking at Felicity or the voice he uses. Those moments override the terrible writing that takes place at times and I just want them together.

@statsgirl do you ship Raylicity or do you think of it when you get the grumps with Oliver?

I'm a 80/20 shipper. My theory is that on 80% of the Earths out there Olicity end up together and in the other 20% she's happy with Ray (she and Oliver never meet or don't work out for reasons).

My guilt is that I don't know who Oliver ends up with in the 20% because he doesn't deserve to be punished with Laurel (I go by SA's stank face so I just cannot wish Laurel on him).

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2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I've realised I've got this great ability to see MG's face looming and pulling the puppet strings when anything unsavoury happens so I can forgive Ray and Oliver for how they are written. It wouldn’t be entertaining anymore if I sat down and listed their "crimes against Felicity". Hence my ability to ship Olicity and Raylicity hard. Felicity would have had very different relationships with both men.

Plus despite all my issues with Oliver I can't get over the way he's been looking at Felicity or the voice he uses. Those moments override the terrible writing that takes place at times and I just want them together.

@statsgirl do you ship Raylicity or do you think of it when you get the grumps with Oliver?

I'm a 80/20 shipper. My theory is that on 80% of the Earths out there Olicity end up together and in the other 20% she's happy with Ray (she and Oliver never meet or don't work out for reasons).

My guilt is that I don't know who Oliver ends up with in the 20% because he doesn't deserve to be punished with Laurel (I go by SA's stank face so I just cannot wish Laurel on him).

Diggle. Or Tommy. Maaaaaybe Helena.

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Question: Did the EPs always plan to have the 520 Olicity episode and the 522 Olicity birthday party scene?

My Opinion: No. I don't think that the EPs originally planned to reconcile Oliver & Felicity this season (assuming that 522 indicated that O/F are reconciled or headed toward reconciliation). I think that the EPs drank the Olicity-hating koolaid last summer and thought that writing away from any Olicity romance would bring the ratings back up. Instead, the ratings in the first half of this season dropped even further. I also think that the EPs have always had a blindspot when it comes to the damage done by the BMD. I think that the only storylines that they planned out for this season that have remained the same since last summer are the Adrian "10 Steps Ahead" Chase storyline, and the introduction of the newbies.

Here are the MG/WM comments about Olicity from last August (no longer spoilers)...


-- Felicity is still going to be by Oliver's side when S5 begins, but as an ally and a friend; viewers won't have to see any residual baggage from their breakup. MG: "We've talked a lot about how to deal with that... We always play the true five month gap between the season finale and season premiere. And every time we've talked about Oliver and Felicity should talk about their feelings, we realized, wow, that feels really wrong because they've had five months to talk about their feelings. Any mature couple, they've had that conversation." MG likens their relationship to being closer to where it was in S1, where "Felicity was Oliver's sort of light and voice of reason, and voice of positivity, and she's still trying to be that," while Oliver is "again torn between that aspiration and his own nature and his past."  (Aug. 16, 2016 IGN article, page 42 of Spoilers thread)
-- On how Felicity and Oliver feel about each other moving on, WM: "You’re going to see a lot of both of them reacting to this decision they made. Between seasons, they’ve definitely had a conversation about, 'We’re going to work in the bunker. It’s going to be great.' They didn’t really get to that question of, are we going to date? So, when all that starts to come out, they’re going to have to make decisions. If they’re not going to be together, what are they going to do? They’re not going to be single for their own lives. They’ll have to see what happens. They’re going to have some big feelings. There might be some toes that get stepped on, for sure." (TCA Summer Press Tour, Aug. 11, 2016: Aug. 19, 2016 Collider article, page 42 of Spoilers thread)

Compare to the more recent MG/WM comments about Olicity/520 from April of this year (no longer spoilers)...


-- MG: "Um, Episode 520... is sort of - it's our big exploration of Oliver and Felicity's relationship, specifically their break-up. You know, one of the things that we did last year was, when they broke up and ended their engagement and Felicity walked out on Oliver, uh, it was really without a conversation. You know, it was sort of like Felicity hit her breaking point and she just walked. And Oliver and Felicity have never really had that adult conversation about, 'okay, why did we break up,' and 'what's that all about.' And in 520, that's - we really get underneath that in a way that we didn't have time to do last year." (WonderCon, Apr. 1, 2017: MYM Buzz video, page 57 of Spoilers thread)
-- MG: “One of the things that we’ve always wanted to do, and I think a lot of the fans have asked for, is basically deal with the consequences of Episode 415 [when] Oliver and Felicity ended their engagement and broke up. They never really had a full-on discussion or exploration of why that breakup happened. Felicity just sort of reached her breaking point and walked out the door... This is definitely an examination of the state of their breakup... It comes out of the events of 519 and, quite frankly, all the other episodes that led up to it. Something happens in 519 that really tees up this conversation.” (Apr. 3, 2017 TVLine article, page 57 of Spoilers thread)
-- MG: "I think the flashbacks in 520 will speak to some of your [Olicity] concerns.  As for waiting 26 episodes… we had other story to tell." This was in response to following fan post: "Before S5 started, you said that Oliver & Felicity had said everything that needed to be said re their break up off screen and were now in a pretty good place, with little residual issues from their break up. Was it always the plan to have 520 deal with their relationship or was it decided in response to audience reception of season 5? If it was always the plan, why wait 26 episodes to address it?" (Apr. 5, 2017 MG tumblr post, page 57 of Spoilers thread)
-- MG: "I can’t.  But only because there was no retconning.  We told the story that we wanted to tell.  Like we always do. :)" This was in response to following fan post: "Looking like the last 2 episodes —519 and 520 — are going to be better than all previous the episodes of season 5 combined. Congratulations on that. Felicity was awesome! Can you explain why so much of season 5 was retconned to act like Olicity was unimportant and had them barely interact — aside from appeasing the handful of trolls crying and harassing you?" (Apr. 26, 2017 MG tumblr post, page 1 of New Spoilers thread)
-- WM: "We’re very excited about this story. We wanted to tell it all year, and we finally found the perfect episode to do it in. We’re going to be telling the story of really what happened between the two of them. We left them in such an ambiguous place at the end of Season 4 and, when we picked them up in Season 5, they were happen to be working together and not be together. We’re going to tell the story of how that came about, which is fun… I mean it in the sense that Felicity is going to be going through something in [episode] 19 with Helix that is going to really allow her to see Oliver’s point of view with some clarity and with personal experience for the first time." (Apr. 26, 2017 CBR article, page 1 of New Spoilers thread)

Edited by tv echo
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I think the reunion was always planned for the end of the season and I do think their plan was give them storylines that are supposed to make them understand each other better and that would lead to getting back together.

What I do think was affected by the complaints about drama was how they wrote olicity over the season and how they avoided any drama to the point that they were barely allowed a reaction to each other dating other people.

Also I'm not sure they realized how olicity would appear weird and robotic in 5A so idk if they always intended to acknowledge that and have the 5.20 fbs.Their early interviews where they claim olicity is totally fine,have talked offscreen and are better than ever make me think they didn't but a lot of stuff they said was contradicted later so they might just have been acting like it's a spoiler and just talking about what's they want to sell in the moment.Plus SA did joke at SDCC about vodka mistakes during the summer and a lot of his jokes were actually spoilers so it might have been planned too.

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I think they always planned on reunited Olicity. But they wanted that conversation in the background until they were ready to bring it up again, which unfortunately lead to some truly dumb statements by EPs.

It would not surprise me though if they adjusted how they would reunite them after the response to 5A. A full on Olicity bottle episode addressing everything was maybe not the original plan. But I do think some elements were discussed ahead of time (Russian vodka and bunker mistakes at SDCC was too on point for me to dismiss).

MG, WM and SA played down Olicity hardcore in the media and with the fans. But the show was honestly pretty standard (in this case poorly done) TV romance.

If you look at it from a whole: Episodes 1-5 was saying Olicity was still there and laying some ground work. The middle of season separated them but put Felicity on a storyline that involved her having a greater understand of Oliver and their break up. Even in that separation you had reminders - flashbacks in 5x08 to their romance, 5x09 with the red pen and proposal imagery. Then everything kicks into gear in 5x19 for the official reunion in 5x22. 

And the Temps ended up being nothing but stalls. All that talk about real feelings and real relationships amounted to nothing. 

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I think they always planned on reuniting Olicity this year, but like everything else on this show, it's just a plot point to TIIC. And like every other plot point, it's only brought up when TPTB want it to be. It's the same reason Prometheus apparently went on vacation in the middle of the season. The same reason William only pops up to be kidnapped. Unfortunately, I don't expect their writing style to change anytime soon, and we'll have this problem once again in S6. I'm resigned. 

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