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Dance Moms in the Media


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Maddie has been named a brand ambassador with Capezio which is a big deal.  http://www.capezio.com/spotlight/sophia-lucia-and-capezio-create-turning-pointe-55-shoe/

Good for her but:

1. It make Melissa even more smug than she is now, if that's even possible

2. It will give Abby yet another Maddie accomplishment to beat the other girls over the head with every day.

3. Abby will claim that she is responsible for the endorsement deal when we all know that she had nothing to do with it.

  • Love 3

I'm just happy that Maddie will not be wearing the hideous ALDC clothes and dance wear in the studio anymore (I hope).

There is no way in heck Maddie won't be wearing ALDC stuff.


In my dancer's studio, and my cheerleader for that matter, all the kids match. I think the switch came when Abby did up her own line and sold it at her events; that is when all the matchy-matchy stuff came and then they do get freebies and such, I'm sure. Chloe was just getting signed to Just For Kix when she exited the show so we never got to see if the show allowed her to be a walking billboard for them, to compare to Maddie's deal now. 


When my daughter danced in a studio company they always wore matching practice clothes.


By choice or by rule?  I'm just curious, I know for ballet we had the standard black leo, pink tights, pink alignment belt and slippers, but were more more free for lyrical, tap and jazz.  Not that free though, ha!  Our director wanted one solid color for tops and no crop/bra tops!  (Very old school.)


I know the leotard colors have become fun since she's at college, and there have been some really pretty new collections that she's been rocking that would have never been allowed at her studio.

Edited by NextIteration

Chloe's got a boyfriend - so happy for her and she supposedly was in Australia for a Meet & Greet - so she's still able to stay in the limelight! Checked out this Ricky Garcia -he was another Justin Bieber want to be on youtube but he caught Disney's eye and is now on one of their new shows. Chloe met him in acting class supposedly - so they obviously aren't in Pittsburgh full time.

On the Teen Choice thing, when the TCA's decided they were going to have a Choice Dancer category they put it out into the twittersphere and asked people to nom their favorite dancers.  As the Dance Moms tween-ish fans are fairly rabid, all the girls were nommed pretty heavily.  I just think Chloe and Maddie probably have the most hardcore fanbases.  Chloe, in part because to many fans she was always the underdog that got mistreated by Abby.  So of course they all want to see Chloe succeed and thrive on her own away from Abby.  And Maddie of course because well, she's Maddie.  So they probably did get the most nominations of the girls and the TCA's weren't going to have the whole category be Dance Moms people.


That said while the TCAs may have paid attention to votes in order to make the noms, all of those teenybopper award shows just pick who they want to win anyway.  So I assume it will be Maddie or Twitch.  Though if they actually pay attention to votes, Twitch is probably splitting votes with his wife.


I did see that supposedly Choloe was dating some kid on the Disney Channel.  Looks fairly age appropriate and harmless, though they can't be in the same city all that often.


Chloe's JFK Photo Shoot - is JFK a store? Chloe just seems more like herself and the photos are not overdone


Just For Kix is a combination of things.  It's an online dance supplies store, it's a curriculum for same named dance studios and it has a summer dance camp.  I have no experience with any of the studios and have never seen one in the wild, lol.  It's located here in Minnesota in our beautiful resort area, I used to have this idea in my head that Music General (a studio from Brainerd) was affiliated with them but I'm not sure that's right.


We always appreciated having them close by because we would get things the next day with the online prices so it was good for emergencies - they send a truck to the Twin Cities every single week day.  I cannot stand paying full retail in dance stores, it feels like throwing money away.  They also used to have great clearance bags of stuff for $10 bucks, just tell them the size and you'd get a jumble of 6 pieces and sometimes a real score, lol.


eta:  after looking around at the dancewear website, they don't carry nearly as much of the "staples" that they used to, seems like it's more "specialty" wear these days.

Edited by NextIteration

Thanks for that explanation! I tried googling it and only got results for JFK - the President. I'm just glad that Chloe is still in the public eye and people are using her despite not being on Dance Moms any longer! And hey Abby - her lazy eye isn't keeping her back and the guys don't seem to mind - seems most people are less judgemental than you!



Little interview considering Chloe and finally leaving ALDC. If they did in fact have less than an hour with her each week - presumably for taping - I can understand why they chose to stay but if this is the truth, Abby didn't "make" these girls stars - it was the girls hard work, and the other teachers choreography and cleaning the routines up that should get the recognition.

I found it funny that Kendall is her best friend, of course when you're home schooled and at the dance school he rest of thetime - it's hard to meet people and make friends.


Why is that funny?  Home schooled kids who focus on dance do meet people and make friends.  One of her friends is Kendall. 


I love Betsey Johnson, her shows are different because she doesn't use the usual miserable looking models skulking down the runway.  She likes them to have energy and be happy.  She'll probably use Maddie because she does pre-teen, teen clothing.

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Why is that funny? Home schooled kids who focus on dance do meet people and make friends. One of her friends is Kendall.

I love Betsey Johnson, her shows are different because she doesn't use the usual miserable looking models skulking down the runway. She likes them to have energy and be happy. She'll probably use Maddie because she does pre-teen, teen clothing.

Unfortunately Maddie's friends are limited. Homeschoolers have friends outside of their circle.

Real dance friends?  Seem to be the best friends in the long haul, in my experience.


Maybe it's because my lass has been dating the boy from her studio since she was 14 and she and one other gal from the studio are BAEs still and her best friends at school now are dancers, but if just seems to hold true if you are with the right people.

Edited by NextIteration

My comment was due to the fact that Jill was one of the biggest whiners when it came to Kendall not getting the chance to shine due to all the attention to Maddie. I have found with many home schooled children that they do not get the social interaction that reg school kids get but maybe in today's society that's a good thing.

Edited by tessa

The Maddie vs Chloe battle is due to production and Abby's favoring of one student over another. When both are beautiful young women and dancers - the underdog Chloe is going to get the sympathy from the vast amt of people. The favored one is going to be the villian - just the way it is in any situation.


As far as who will be better adjusted - no I don't know their home life but you don't have to have insight and psychology degrees today to speculate who may be better adjusted and be right most of the time. When I see a battered woman I conclude she's in a violent relationship and most of the time I would be right with the exception of those who were mugged or ran into a door. And yes the last situation is possible although few and far between - although for me it wasn't a door it was my dog that gave me a black eye.


Maddie's dancing is what she is best known for to millions of people across the world who have never seen this show but have watched her dance in Sia's video trilogy, especially "Chandelier". That video still gets plenty of hits and comments after all this time.

I like both Maddie and Chloe. I find it kind of strange how people seem so angry, bitter, disgusted, etc. at Maddie's success or who downplay what she has accomplished. It's not her fault Abby is a beast. I've only seen Maddie be gracious save for some bratty moments here and there. But it always seems to be this Maddie vs Chloe competition. Why? Can't they both be liked and successful? Although, to be fair, none of the other girls are near Maddie's level of success right now.

And as to who has the "better" home/personal life and is a "better" adjusted young woman? Unless you personally know these people, you don't know the answer to that.

Maddie and Chloe are both known from a reality tv show about crazy moms. Not their dancing. Both these girls got opportunities because of the show. Both of them have fans because of the show. Nobody knew who these girls were before the show. The Maddie vs Chloe showdown is producer driven and for ratings. They're both on the same level dance wise, so one isn't necessarily better.

I read Maddie doesn't even talk to her dad anymore. She's also falling behind in math because it's gotten harder. Maddie is homeschooled because Melissa is the Kris Jenner of dance. She doesn't have a normal life or parents. Christie said in an interview her and Marc(Chloe dad) try to keep Chloe's life normal. Including going to school. Christi is still a horrible person, but at least she's not like Melissa. As for who turns out better, that's hard to tell, but Maddie is going to fall hard the most. She has nobody in her corner protecting her.

Edited by Darknight
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I read Maddie doesn't even talk to her dad anymore. She's also falling behind in math because it's gotten harder. Maddie is homeschooled because Melissa is the Kris Jenner of dance. She doesn't have a normal life or parents. Christie said in an interview her and Marc(Chloe dad) try to keep Chloe's life normal. Including going to school. Christi is still a horrible person, but at least she's not like Melissa. As for who turns out better, that's hard to tell, but Maddie is going to fall hard the most. She has nobody in her corner protecting her.


Where do you read things like Maddie is falling behind in math?  So what?  Are people kidding with that crap? 


Both girls had equal opportunities, because of the exposure on Dance Moms, to pursue work as a child dancer/actress/whatever, but the reality is that Maddie has the "it" factor and Chloe doesn't.  Whether it continues after puberty for Maddie, who knows.  I think there are a lot of dance moms just like Christie out there who gleefully wait for Maddie's fall.  Kind of sad.

Where do you read things like Maddie is falling behind in math? So what? Are people kidding with that crap?

Both girls had equal opportunities, because of the exposure on Dance Moms, to pursue work as a child dancer/actress/whatever, but the reality is that Maddie has the "it" factor and Chloe doesn't. Whether it continues after puberty for Maddie, who knows. I think there are a lot of dance moms just like Christie out there who gleefully wait for Maddie's fall. Kind of sad.

Maddie herself said she was failing math in an interview. And it's a big deal because school is important. She also said she doesn't get much sleep. I don't know if Christie is waiting for Maddie to fail. All I know is that Melissa and Christie are both horrible parents. Christie is just more manageable to deal with than Melissa. She doesn't sneak around or favors one daughter over the other but she's still a horrible mother to allow her daughter to participate in this bs. As for having the it factor, both girls are just regular girls to me. Nothing special about Maddie or Chloe. You see a ton of young girls just like them. I'm concerned about Maddie because she's going to fall hard the most. She has no one to protect her. Between Abby, the show, traveling, parents divorce, not talking to her dad, not sleeping, failing school, dance, dealing with being the "best", and dealing with her image as a brat, that kid is a loose cannon. I feel bad for her. At least the other girls have mothers and don't allow their teacher to play games with them. But unfortunately Melissa is emotionally unavailable to her kids and doesn't care.

Maddie herself said she was failing math in an interview. And it's a big deal because school is important. She also said she doesn't get much sleep. I don't know if Christie is waiting for Maddie to fail. . As for having the it factor, both girls are just regular girls to me. Nothing special about Maddie or Chloe.


Kids have difficulty with math all the time.  Kids have difficulty with certain subjects when they go to school every day.  At least Maddie hasn't been taught yet to lie and claim she gets all A's in everything. It's just not something to pounce on to prove that Maddie is failing in life.


And Maddie is not like all of the other little girls at the dance competitions.  Unlike Chloe and the other girls on Youtube, Maddie has been noticed by the outside world, not just the dance competition world and the Dance Mom world. 

I don't follow any of the girls or moms on social media but I have an idea.  I think the personal insults should be kept at the moms, not the little girls. And I do think that most of the insults hurled at Maddie are from grown women. 


I like all of the girls equally, they got a great group of girls.   I imagine at this point they all have tutors and are not in school.  As for their dancing, that should be open because this is a dance reality show.  But to predict 12 year olds downfalls?  That's a little harsh.   


I do agree, all of the mothers are despicable.   I find Mellissa to be a little slow and not very with it.  Christie has a mean streak and is nasty.  Kalani's mother is delusional and fame hungry. I can't imagine any of the moms not having family problems with the schedules they keep.

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And Maddie is not like all of the other little girls at the dance competitions.  Unlike Chloe and the other girls on Youtube, Maddie has been noticed by the outside world, not just the dance competition world and the Dance Mom world. 


Yes, she's been noticed by the outside world, and that's great for her potentially. But as we've seen often enough kids who become famous at young ages frequently fall into bad habits as they get older and their stars start to fade, especially ones without steadying forces at home - people who make them learn their math and get enough rest. I don't say this to insult Maddie, it's not an insult at all. But a concern for a little kid I've watched dance for 5 years on a stupid reality TV show. 


It'd be great for her if her dream of becoming famous became a reality, but quite often the "cute" wears off as children begin to mature and they lose their appeal. They have to be grounded in reality to make it through that difficult transition if and when it comes. Many don't.

  • Love 3

The whole article was such a joke. Maddie wanting to be a triple threat - sorry but the kid can't act - dance yes - act no. And if she was such a great singer - why wasn't she the one promoted instead of Kenzie. Abby blaming production for the loss of the original girls? First time I heard that one - I'm sure Christie and Kelly would have said something about production if that were the case.

  • Love 1

IMO the ranking of the Dance Moms mothers in order of despicability, w/ 1 being the most despicable is:

1. Melissa - that Maddie/Melissa show they just aired proved this to me - she has raised a child who is obsessed with being perfect all the time and lives in constant fear of a disappointing an unstable woman that she hired to teach her how to do dance - yeah, that won't end badly :/.

2. Christi - Overly obsessed w/ fame and one upping her daughters dance rival! She's like Texas Cheerleader mom level about Maddie. To her Chloe is her living avatar, and everthing, I mean everthing is always about Chloe - even if Christi is talking about another girl, somehow whatever she saying can be related back to how it can help elevate Chloe's status w/ her potential "fan base". She takes living through your child to a whole new level.

3. Jill - Please quit embarrassing your child - Kendall doesn't want all this fame and attention, you do!

4. Holly - I don't think she's as bad of a mother as 1 and 2, but she should have left the show a long time ago.

5. Kelly - I actually like Kelly - I think she's the best mom of the whole bunch. Just wish she'd keep Paige away from the Christi/Chloe self-publicity machine - I think they are using her for hits, followers and likes.

Edited by MyFavShows
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No one is wishing ill on Maddie. I think there is a lot of concern that is well-founded.


You can only speak for yourself and I believe that you don't wish her any ill.  But there are people that hope she loses/fails, etc.  There should be equal concern about all of them because you never really know whose family life is the worst behind closed doors.  All of them have had their families split apart because of the demands of this show.  I can't believe the show actually moved to LA and all of the moms went along with that. 


And poor Kalani, where does she live anyway, Pittsburgh? LA? Arizona?  She's all over the place.  No stability.  Is her mother having a baby with Kalani's father or is there a new guy?  That can't be easy on Kalani, especially at her age. 

  • Love 1

Kids have difficulty with math all the time. Kids have difficulty with certain subjects when they go to school every day. At least Maddie hasn't been taught yet to lie and claim she gets all A's in everything. It's just not something to pounce on to prove that Maddie is failing in life.

And Maddie is not like all of the other little girls at the dance competitions. Unlike Chloe and the other girls on Youtube, Maddie has been noticed by the outside world, not just the dance competition world and the Dance Mom world.

Lemons I'm just calling it as I see it. These girls are nothing special including Maddie. Go to any dance competition you will see 100 Maddie's and Chloe's everywhere. As far as Maddie being notice outside of dance, she's not as big as the show makes her to be. A lot of people have no idea who these girls are. Reality tv is a gateway to nowhere. Unfortunately their parents don't see this. And who said Maddie is failing in life? She's failing in school, which is very important. Melissa put school on the back burner. She's homeschooled so there should be no reason why she can't keep up with school.

  • Love 4

IMO the ranking of the Dance Moms mothers in order of despicability, w/ 1 being the most despicable is:

1. Melissa - that Maddie/Melissa show they just aired proved this to me - she has raised a child who is obsessed with being perfect all the time and lives in constant fear of a disappointing an unstable woman that she hired to teach her how to do dance - yeah, that won't end badly :/.

2. Christi - Overly obsessed w/ fame and one upping her daughters dance rival! She's like Texas Cheerleader mom level about Maddie. To her Chloe is her living avatar, and everthing, I mean everthing is always about Chloe - even if Christi is talking about another girl, somehow whatever she saying can be related back to how it can help elevate Chloe's status w/ her potential "fan base". She takes living through your child to a whole new level.

3. Jill - Please quit embarrassing your child - Kendall doesn't want all this fame and attention, you do!

4. Holly - I don't think she's as bad of a mother as 1 and 2, but she should have left the show a long time ago.

5. Kelly - I actually like Kelly - I think she's the best mom of the whole bunch. Just wish she'd keep Paige away from the Christi/Chloe self-publicity machine - I think they are using her for hits, followers and likes.

I agree. Melissa is so like her tv personality. She's like mama rose or Terri Shields. She's willing to do anything to get her daughter fame. Even if it's negative fame.

Christi is just toxic. I agree that's she's living through Chloe. She's still holding on to that dm fame and trying to branch out on her own. At least Melissa doesn't try to hide her fakeness Christi does.

Jill, she's just playing it for the camera for more air time. Gotta get Kendalls name out there.

Holly, is an idiot. Don't know why she spent all that money on a phd. Kira is another idiot and stage mom along with Jessa Lynn.

Kelly, wasn't that bad. She only complained when Abby picked on her kids. Her girls look semi normal.

While I do believe that for the most part, there are times Maddie is indeed insulted or criticized, mainly as a result of what Abby did to Chloe or because of what Melissa does in general. It doesn't seem very fair to do to a child everyone claims they are so concerned about.

All Maddie is doing is taking advantage of the opportunities being presented to her and shining with it. What Abby or Melissa did or did not do in getting those opportunities is not Maddie's fault nor her responsibility. She even takes care to compliment and lift up her teammates when she can, as all the girls do with each other it seems. But instead of giving Maddie any type of well-deserved recognition, people go out of their way to say how talentless or screwed up she is or is going to be while Chloe is doing so awesome and is so well-adjusted. Which again, we don't know that.

Certainly Maddie runs the risk of any child star. My hope is she is able to navigate through her transition into adulthood smoothly. She may not. But I've seen nothing to demonstrate Chloe is at a better advantage emotionally. Because Christy says so via press and social media? She's been busted lying as much as Abby and Melissa and has demonstrated an utter lack of self-control so many times that saying Chloe is at more of an advantage to develop into a healthy well-adjusted adult is ridiculous to me. All of these moms are ridiculous in their own way, and their children are all "at risk" in their own ways. Just because Maddie has benefitted more from the Mom craziness doesn't necessarily place her at a higher risk. And again, we have no idea what is going on in any of these girls' lives behind the cameras and closed doors.

Maddie is at higher risk imo because she has an unstable mother and home life. Her teacher takes advantage of her and plays mind games. Her teacher also told her that she has no friends. I feel bad for her. Melissa even told her that dance ruined their marriage and that's why Melissa and Kurt divorced. What mother says that to their kid or around their kid. In order for a child star to be a successful adult and teenager, the parents have to set up ground rules and keep life normal for them. Melissa allowed her daughter to be labeled as a brat. Melissa also allowed herself to be labeled as a sneak and got engaged to a guy who wasn't divorced and was her boss. In an interview Maddie said she can't go anywhere alone and has to have security. Maybe it's the same for all or some of the girls, but from the looks of it Maddie has noone to make sure she's okay. This is why kids don't belong on reality tv. I'm concerned for her well being. A 12yo shouldn't have so much pressure on them.

These girls are nothing special including Maddie. Go to any dance competition you will see 100 Maddie's and Chloe's everywhere. As far as Maddie being notice outside of dance, she's not as big as the show makes her to be. A lot of people have no idea who these girls are.


Especially at a well established convention/workshop national.  Sia noticed Maddie because of exposure through Dance Moms, but Dance Moms could have been developed around any one of hundreds of studios across the country - then it could have been another dancer, or not.  Unknowable but highly likely.



Maddie is at higher risk imo because she has an unstable mother and home life. Her teacher takes advantage of her and plays mind games. Her teacher also told her that she has no friends. I feel bad for her. Melissa even told her that dance ruined their marriage and that's why Melissa and Kurt divorced.


I can't stand Melissa but I'd say that there is undue stress on a lot of marriages due to the cost of dance (or any of the high dollar extra curriculars if the family isn't well established in the upper middle class).  Children hear and know why there is tension in a marriage whether you want them to or not.  What's especially disgusting is that Melissa went out and found a sugar daddy to finance her stage mama existence. 

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Many feel it's unfair to criticize a child. Unfortunately, putting them in front of the nation / world via TV leaves them open to being idolized as well as criticized. There have been many child stars that have faced this - Maddie is not the first and won't be the last. How you conduct yourself before the public eye is what matters and neither Abby nor Melissa set Maddie up with the right persona.


Chloe is fan favorite because she's the dark horse - the forgotten child - the underdog. It's common for people to embrace that and want to root for that person. Maddie has been set up by Abby and Melissa ( not production - production just ran with it when it saw fans' reactions ) to be the golden child so when an innocent statement that has even the slightest hint of smugness appears out of her mouth - people latch onto it and it enforces their dislike for her. Most adults at some time in their lives have been the underdog and harbor resentment towards the person who got credit for their idea, who got the promotion they worked for ect.. This is human nature - and though it may not be in good taste to criticize a child - that child would not be in the position if someone hadn't put her there.


There are many discussion forums for these reality shows - I've been to many and left because I didn't like the context of the posts. I found this forum and am really happy I did. People are knowlegable and I've learned alot. We can freely post our opinions and have differences of opinions but no one seems to hold it against the other. Sometimes a forum's group is not the right fit for some people - I know because I've been there and as I said left.

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