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S05.E14: The Sin-Eater

Tara Ariano
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This was an okay episode.

I enjoyed any time China,Liza, and Carrie were onscreen. I didn't realized I was rooting for them to find the money and win until they were caught. I was totally disappointed by that. lol

Oliver remains stupid. What a surprised. 

I liked what Thea did. I mean I really give zero fucks about her destroying that reporter lady's career. Honestly, the woman was already in violation of her Journalistic ethics or whatever the moment she decided to do a story on Oliver and date him at the same time. 

All I know is that, I missed Rory and his scenes with Felicity in the Cave. It seemed like he was the only one keeping her company there. Poor Felicity. 

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4 minutes ago, Tazmania said:

Seriously? Journalists have lost job for sleeping with the subject of their stories. It was super unethical ... she should have been fired for sleeping with the mayor while she was reporting on him ... 

The poster said that she hadn't done anything illegal, which is true.  "Unethical" and "illegal" aren't synonyms.

That said, hell yes, she should have been fired for her breach of ethics.  Lois Lane would definitely have known better.  So would Iris West. Hell, even Kara Danvers would have known better!

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1 minute ago, legaleagle53 said:

The poster said that she hadn't done anything illegal, which is true.  "Unethical" and "illegal" aren't synonyms.

True but 'illegal' doesn't get you fired it gets you arrested.

The punishment for being 'unethical' is losing your job and as we can agree, what Suzie did was unethical af.

So imo, it's a question of whether the ends justify the means and to me in this situation, they do. 

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1 minute ago, lexicon said:

True but 'illegal' doesn't get you fired it gets you arrested.

The punishment for being 'unethical' is losing your job and as we can agree, what Suzie did was unethical af.

So imo, it's a question of whether the ends justify the means and to me in this situation, they do. 

Actually, "illegal" can get you fired, depending on what you've done to break the law.  However, the point is that it's irrelevant that Susan did nothing illegal here (i.e., that she didn't break the law).  What is relevant is that she breached the unwritten code of journalistic ethics, and that's what set her up to be fired, even though the official ground was plagiarism, not sleeping with the subject of her investigation.

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7 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

He was swearing her in, and she seemed to be the only recruit, haha.

Well, that's dumber. I mean there are a million and one things that need a mayor's attention. And one person swearing in .... like for real? 

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Ok I just zipped through the episode (well only watched all the Felicity bits!).

Felicity babe you are SUPER MEGA cute and can still make me watch this dumpfire of a show. I love you but I kinda resent you!

She was REALLY cute and I loved her outfit when Oliver told her off. And I didn't think he was even that mad at her! Just grizzly! 

Other than that I don't give a sh@t!

Dinah is blending in well! Let's hope they keep it that way! 

hehe Felicity was so cute when she was giving her the mask! I dunno but I found Felicity EXTRA cute in this ep! *swoons*

I find Dinah a lot like Oliver when she's not being sultry! Gizzly too that one! Want more scenes with her and Felicity! Potential for an adorable dynamic! 

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"All I'm asking is that you let the Green Arrow be the hero this city needs."  For some reason this really pisses me off. Right now I can't explain it but that should not be something OQ says to PiKe.  If he thinks he's a hero then he lost me.  

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1 minute ago, legaleagle53 said:

Actually, "illegal" can get you fired, depending on what you've done to break the law.  However, the point is that it's irrelevant that Susan did nothing illegal here (i.e., that she didn't break the law).  What is relevant is that she breached the unwritten code of journalistic ethics, and that's what set her up to be fired, even though the official ground was plagiarism, not sleeping with the subject of her investigation.

@legaleagle53 I think we're saying the same thing. Idk maybe I wasn't clear but I never suggested that whether her activities were legal was relevant, I was merely responding to the poster who said she didn't deserve to be fired because she'd done nothing illegal.

As for her losing her job for unethical conduct, though not the one she was actually guilty off, that was fine by me and definitely one of those ends justify the means situation. 

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You know, it almost feels like Oliver's acting like he's known Susan for longer than he has. They just met. He finds out she has information on him, and he is so sure that she wouldn't have used the information because ... they slept together? I can't get past that. I really can't.

Oliver's putting everyone at risk with this and it's like he doesn't care/doesn't think about it/isn't thinking at all. 

More Felicity/Thea please. PLEASE.

And maybe some acknowledgement that Felicity and Diggle know each other? Have been on the same team for 4+ years? Something? 

Gotta love that Prometheus apparently is using the postal service to get his information where he wants it. No one uses snail mail anymore, but he does.

I didn't hate the Lance/Tinah scene, and I'm not actually minding what they're doing with her right now on the show. I just don't think she's necessary. I also think that the fact that she was the only one being sworn in should have told her something. That and everyone going, "Hey, be the new BC even though we're not even asking you how you feel about it!" should have her skipping town. 

Oh, and the mask, really? That's ... it? And no one will ever know it's her? Well, it is Star City. Everyone's an idiot.

The problem with Susan is that up until this episode, everything the show was telling us is that she's shady AF and that no one should trust her and she's still investigating Oliver despite dating him. Then all of a sudden, it's like they want us to see her as a victim in all this? Nope, not happening.

At least we got that final scene between Oliver and Thea because if we didn't ... It at least felt like acknowledgement of how much he's cared about her in the past versus how he's been acting around everyone this season. 

Oh, and at this point, I don't think Oliver has to actually announce that he's GA. He's doing such a horrible job of keeping that a secret this year. Unmasking in a parking garage in Hub City. Saying on the phone in Hub City in the middle of Big Belly Burger that he's GA. Using the same words with Pike as OQ and GA. Etc.

I almost would have liked to have seen what the ACU would have done if Oliver had just lowered his hood and removed his mask when they surrounded him. Because, I'm sorry, but in what world are cops supposed to be okay with escaped prisoners just running away right by them like that? 

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1 minute ago, insomniadreams88 said:

You know, it almost feels like Oliver's acting like he's known Susan for longer than he has. They just met. He finds out she has information on him, and he is so sure that she wouldn't have used the information because ... they slept together? I can't get past that. I really can't.

Oliver's putting everyone at risk with this and it's like he doesn't ca

Oooohh maybe she's been slipping him a mickey. Like a little extra something to get him to lean her way more than he would.

Or he's transplanted his little head for his big head.

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5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Oooohh maybe she's been slipping him a mickey. Like a little extra something to get him to lean her way more than he would.

Or he's transplanted his little head for his big head.

Reporter is working with Malcolm and she is giving Oliver the same drug Malcolm was giving Thea.

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And here I thought you guys were all going to be focused on the real question of the episode: just how did a guy who was a cop over in the Flashpoint timeline end up as Oliver's assistant in this timeline, and will he, too, end up as a metahuman? Or is he just going to wander around Oliver's office, saying, "Man, have you ever noticed just how much some places in this city look like places in Central City," and the bummed out criminals are all going to say, "Yeah. And let's not even start with the warehouse issues."

So is he a metahuman or not? Enquiring minds want to know, Arrow!  

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As much as I liked seeing China White and Cupid again, I'm not sure why they were in the episode since they didn't really do anything. Liza had the interaction with Quentin, so I understand her. It seems to me the story would have worked just as well if she had broken out on her own and come back to Star City either for revenge or after the stash. Though the three of them successfully escaping prison but then coming back to the place where they all got their asses kicked and thrown in jail in the first place doesn't make any of them look too bright.

How is Prometheus aware of what's going on enough to have these traps happen at just the right moment. It's like he has an in with Team Arrow, or at least the Mayor's office. The DA seems the most likely candidate, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out Thea has been feeding him information. Not that I think she's in league with him, we already got that earlier in the seasons with Artemis. I'm wondering if maybe her absences this season will be explained as Prometheus getting hold of her and either manipulating her similarly to how Malcolm did (the show DOES love abusing Thea) or maybe he planted some kind of bug on her. Ah, who am I kidding? This writers tend to go with the most obvious solution. Chase it is.

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Oh yeah, and did the show forget Billy was Felicity's BF? I think it did.

It's so obvious the entire point of that was so that Oliver could date Susan.

I'm also convinced that Lance never knew they were dating (just something else no one bothered to fill him in on). No one brought it up when they filled him in on Billy's death. 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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I mean . . . there just aren't words anymore for what they've done to Oliver - nothing can adequately cover the depth of dumb which he now personifies. 

There is not any reason whatsoever - there just isn't - that he should've been so certain Susan wouldn't have used the info she'd dug up on him *even after sleeping with him*!! If sex wasn't enough to get her to stop investigating him, sex wouldn't be enough to compel her to not use said info. 

The stupid: it burns. 

Did Susan deserve those professional repercussions? Oh, hell yes. Her behavior is so far removed from staying true to journalistic ethics that she should've lost the job ages ago, especially since I wouldn't exactly be shocked to discover that she's used super shady means in the past to get her stories since, you know, she's such a "good" reporter. Sigh. 

My worry about the way it happened, though, is that it's going to cause her to go after others, especially (possibly only) Thea. And what will we hear from Oliver? "You shouldn't have pushed her, Thea. She was a good person until you did this to her." Plus, there would be guilt from Felicity for the role she played, and that doesn't sound appealing at all, since this all hinges on such a thoroughly unlikable, useless character (I'm referring to Susan, though the description could also apply to the "hero" right now).

At this point, this is not run-of-the-mill stupidity from Oliver, the likes of which we've dealt with at various points over the years. This? This is something else entirely. I've seen talk about his speech patterns and mannerisms being different, and all I can say is, that better be purposeful. We'd better find out that something has incapacitated him, replaced him, or psychotropically allowed him to be manipulated and played like a (morose, empty-headed) puppet.

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It shows that Oliver is still thinking that the head that is not on his shoulders that he's more upset at Thea doing what she did rather than asking why she thought she had to do it.

I guess everyone has forgotten that Felicity used to date Billy, including Felicity herself.  So far her trip down the Dark Paths seems like her daily SOP/  It wasn't even Felicity who got Susan fired but Thea.

54 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

Susan is totally unethical and shady as hell, but what Thea did was jumping the gun a little. I think, from Oliver's perspective, Thea found out that Susan had all of this evidence, but didn't make any moves toward finding out if Susan was going to use it or trying to warn her not to or even giving Oliver a heads up before going scorched earth. He probably thinks Thea's eagerness to act was motivated in large part by Thea's personal (and warranted) dislike for Susan, and I don't think he'd be wrong about that. 

But Susan even said, in real words, that now that everyone thinks she's corrupt "and now I can't go public with it".  Whether it was motivated by Thea's dislike of Susan, or because Thea is 100x smarter than Oliver is, Susan was going to break the story on the man she was sleeping with, and Thea cut her off at the pass.

54 minutes ago, TwistedandBored said:

All I know is that, I missed Rory and his scenes with Felicity in the Cave. It seemed like he was the only one keeping her company there. Poor Felicity. 

It's still all about what Felicity can do for other people, like give Tinah a mask or hack Susan for Thea, rather than what someone can do for her.

Speaking of which, did Diggle have more than two lines of dialogue in this episode?  I get the feeling that everyone, from Lance to Thea to Dinah down to Rene and Curtis, had more to do than he did.

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59 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

Susan is totally unethical and shady as hell, but what Thea did was jumping the gun a little. I think, from Oliver's perspective, Thea found out that Susan had all of this evidence, but didn't make any moves toward finding out if Susan was going to use it or trying to warn her not to or even giving Oliver a heads up before going scorched earth. He probably thinks Thea's eagerness to act was motivated in large part by Thea's personal (and warranted) dislike for Susan, and I don't think he'd be wrong about that. 

But Thea didn't dislike her without good reason.  Susan stabbed her in the back for a story.  In this case, the reason why Thea didn't like her, aka she couldn't be trusted, is also the reason why she had good reason to believe going scorched earth was the best option. 

Oliver already had been making excuses for Susan digging into him and claiming he had it handled when in reality, all he did was lie to her face and she absolutely didn't buy any of it.  If she was not planning on exposing him, this would have been the time for her to warn him of what she'd found.  Or if she was in Oliver's opinion one of those people that he could trust, they why was he handling her by lying to her?  

Thea tells Oliver the reason she just took care of it was she knew Oliver was going to claim he had it handled, but clearly the fact that he had no clue how much she knew and wasn't even having Felicity look into it says that he totally had dropped the ball.  It took Felicity like ten seconds to get into her files and they were clearly labeled Oliver Queen.  I bet her files had some very enlightening dates on them that would have proved that Rayporter had cultivated their personal relationship to further her investigation.  But Oliver is so sure he's right about Susan, he's not interested in all the proof we have that he is wrong to trust her.  And sadly, neither is the show it seems.  

It's funny.  The idea of Felicity digging up dirt and blackmailing Susan into staying quiet (which is what I expected) might have met more with Oliver's approval than what Thea did.  Which makes me laugh about Felicity's "dark arc" again.  

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:


But Susan even said, in real words, that now that everyone thinks she's corrupt "and now I can't go public with it".  Whether it was motivated by Thea's dislike of Susan, or because Thea is 100x smarter than Oliver is, Susan was going to break the story on the man she was sleeping with, and Thea cut her off at the pass.

I'm not trying to defend Susan in any way, and I don't feel sorry for her. She got what she deserved. I also agree that Oliver's apparent belief that Susan wouldn't expose him based on I don't know what reasoning is absurd. 

But Thea's not watching the show with us, and she doesn't see what we see. What she knows is that Susan asked Oliver if he is the Green Arrow and has a lot of evidence that says he is. 

Thea's first reaction is to destroy Susan's career. She didn't confront Susan, or try to reason with her, or even blackmail her. I think part of the motivation behind Thea dealing with this the way she did is because Susan pulled one over on her. She made Thea look naive, and I think she probably hurt her pride a little. Thea didn't make an effort to find out if Oliver's trust in Susan is warranted (I'm not in any way saying that it is.) because she doesn't want it to be. She wants Susan to be a bad person, so she didn't check to see if maybe she's a good person. 

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Upon rewatch, I don't get why Susan thinks she can't go public with what she had.  If she is THAT convinced that she was right and she is interested in the public good, whether she might be discredited or not she could send it through StarCityLeaks as an anonymous source or some such. . And let the chips fall where they may.  I don't buy her being all "Oh, THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME until now".  I'm calling bullshit on all that.

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14 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

But Thea's not watching the show with us, and she doesn't see what we see. What she knows is that Susan asked Oliver if he is the Green Arrow and has a lot of evidence that says he is

Wait, didn't Thea already have a run in with Susan and it was something shady Susan was trying to do to Thea? I mean there is a bit of a precedence or am I forgetting something?

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I think that Thea's actions are the equivalent of outing Susan if instead of having a relationship with Oliver, she was a closeted lesbian and revealing that would ruin her life/career.  I can see a case for Susan being a sufficient risk to justify that course of action.  It's a bigger problem for Team Arrow that she didn't run it by Oliver first than it is that she actually did it.

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3 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Thea has their interaction. Thea knows that Reporter is sleeping with her brother. Thea knows that Reporter is carrying on an active investigation into her brother. 

I don't think Thea is out of line believing Reporter is a bad person.

If Thea warned Susan to back off of Oliver, all it would have done was further convince Susan that Oliver was indeed the Green Arrow. 

Besides the fact that Susan had already proven to Thea that she couldn't be trusted.

Edited by benteen
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2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Upon rewatch, I don't get why Susan thinks she can't go public with what she had.  If she is THAT convinced that she was right and she is interested in the public good, whether she might be discredited or not she could send it through StarCityLeaks as an anonymous source or some such. . And let the chips fall where they may.  I don't buy her being all "Oh, THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME until now".  I'm calling bullshit on all that.

If anything what happened could help her case - "Hey look at all this evidence that Mayor Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow. And when I confronted him about it (cause he's the Mayor and deserves all sorts of respect), my distinguished career was ruined by an mysterious source. Weird right?"

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

I like that he's apparently forgotten that he killed a dude to keep his secret at the beginning of the season. Like, if protecting the secret warrants murderer, why doesn't it warrant this?

The thing that was so strange to me is that SA played it as a total sincere reaction as though Oliver could not fathom such a thing and I was just like "rurrrhhhhr".  I feel like this is some weird Cliffs Notes version of Oliver which makes sense if it's Not really Oliver. 

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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

If anything what happened could help her case - "Hey look at all this evidence that Mayor Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow. And when I confronted him about it (cause he's the Mayor and deserves all sorts of respect), my distinguished career was ruined by an mysterious source. Weird right?"

That's a really good point.  So why would she just back down on this? I mean this has the potential to change her whole life. She would have chat show appearances a 24 hour spot on the  running chyron on Channel 52, a book deal for sure. If she went forward with the story there will be a lot more eyeballs on HER life and maybe that's what she doesn't want.

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They're just making Oliver very self righteous and preachy rn which imo is the worst thing to make a character who did so much bad stuff and made so many dumb decisions that he can't really afford to judge anyone even out of good intentions.Like it's been pointed out already, he killed a guy to keep his secret just 13  episodes ago. Thea getting someone , who has been a threat to them on numerous occasions now, fired isn't even close to as far as Oliver was willing to go before. 

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Susan has been so unprofessional that it astounds me. Her editor never would have let her publish anything she found because she's been sleeping with her subject and showing up as his date to events. They'd have to have another reporter double and triple check anything that she found to make sure that Susan hadn't illegally obtained any of the info she found. And frankly, her case for Oliver being the Green Arrow in Russia is very circumstantial. She has evidence that Oliver was in Russia when he said he was on Lian Yu and that he has some association with the Bratva. Additionally, it's known by the general public that a number of criminals including members of the League are archers. Susan's case for Oliver being the Green Arrow only works as gossip that slowly undermines him. A competently researched article would have tried to get info and reports from the FSB, the NSA, Argus, the Chinese government, and the State Department. When Susan got nothing back or a bunch of heavily redacted documents, she would have realized that Oliver might be the Green Arrow, but government sources were never going to let her publish that story.

So my argument is that Thea's solution should have been to let Argus know and let them be the 800lb gorilla that shuts this shit down. Because no one wants to admit what they let happen on Lian Yu or how they forced a civilian to become a government assassin. Plus Argus would have tracked her source and destroyed the source's info too.

Clearly someone needed to stop Susan. Thea used a very Moira method. I need Thea to be smarter.

Edited by HunterHunted
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8 minutes ago, Chaser said:

If anything what happened could help her case - "Hey look at all this evidence that Mayor Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow. And when I confronted him about it (cause he's the Mayor and deserves all sorts of respect), my distinguished career was ruined by an mysterious source. Weird right?"

This had, and still has, the potential to backfire in a major way. I don't think Thea fully thought this through because now Susan has a lot less left to lose. 


15 minutes ago, benteen said:

If Thea warned Susan to back off of Oliver, all it would have done was further convince Susan that Oliver was indeed the Green Arrow. 

Besides the fact that Susan had already proven to Thea that she couldn't be trusted.

Thea saw the evidence Susan has. She knows that Susan knows Oliver is GA. Even if she doesn't have a taped confession all the dots have been connected. There's really no reason to worry about her being further convinced because she's convinced. All she really needed is something solid that she can present to the public as incontrovertible proof. But you know what, her career's already been tanked, so what if all she has is grainy pictures and tattoos? People who get their news from Facebook will be happy to take that and run with it. 

You're right. Susan did show Thea she can't be trusted, and now she has even less reason to be trustworthy. What's are they going to do if she exposes Oliver? Ruin her career?

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10 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

This had, and still has, the potential to backfire in a major way. I don't think Thea fully thought this through because now Susan has a lot less left to lose. 

I'm gonna be REAL disappointed if she's not the one who leaked the Malone cover up to the excellent, ethical lady reporter Whatsherface on Channel 52. 

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5 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

So, I guess Thea should have just snapped Susan's neck?  It might have made Oliver more understanding.   

That would have just bought us another few rounds of 'I'm a monster who ruins everything I touch, and everything anyone does wrong is my fault' guilt from Oliver. Probably with a healthy sprinkling of hypocrisy and self-righteousness. Please don't tempt the writers.

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Hey, kicking Mr. Terrific when he’s already down?  Now, that’s just harsh! And hi-larious. He’s gonna eventually get the message that he really doesn’t belong on the street, right?  I mean, Kevlar is fine when it's all raining down bullets but whatcha gonna do when biyatches are all wailing on you?  And, let’s see, Wild Dong launches a flying tackle. Did he miss because the next thing I know he gets taken down by an arrow. In the back. Then there was the uselessness of the Pilgrim Stick.  Maybe it's only good for taking down turkeys.  All in all, that was like a clown fight.  GA took out two separate gangs of goons with two arrows. Explain to me again why he has need of this crack team.  And if you say, for the comedic relief then that is an acceptable answer because that was some comedy gold.

I liked this episode a lot.

Are you the Green Arrow? Why, yes, yes I am. Oh, you weren’t kidding.  See, Oliver, that’s what happens when a public figure dates a reporter.  They dig for dirt and your secrets get blown. That’s how it works. Journalism 101. Which you might know if you had applied yourself at any one of those four colleges. /Sigh. He’s always going to be a dumbass, isn’t he?  Fortunately, shady reporter gets taken down, as I had hoped, by the two badass ladies on the team.  And Oliver can be worried all he wants about his baby sister because that is what he is prone to do. But, Thea  had first hand knowledge of Susan’s treacherous inclinations and was right to take action. She does have some Moira in her and it isn't a bad thing so I hope she doesn’t feel too remorseful.  Susan, on the other hand, seemed a little bit pissed and I’m sensing some break up revenge in the Queen family future.

Oliver didn’t need to be sidetracked by love (ugh) right now anyway.  Apparently, Prometheus has come out of recent hibernation to return to the job of making Oliver pay! Guess he heard the mayor paid Mom a visit.  Gee, I wonder where Justin Claiborne got the crazies?

Silly me, I was feeling bad for DA Chase when Oliver was telling Pike about the cover up. I mean he could have given Chase a heads up on that. But, all’s well that ends well, for Chase, anyway. Looks like Oliver is going to take the fall for telling tales that weren’t his to tell.  Right, he’s just not gonna learn because, dumbass.

Russian, ties, calls for impeachment. All this political nonsense is giving me a feeling of Deja vu. @oliver_dumbass52. Uh oh. I think I might follow that guy.

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Oh, Arrow logic, never change.

Poor Susan has lost her job and Oliver pities her after he finds out she's been digging up on him while they were together. And now she won't be able to run a story on him! Perish the thought. I am sure she had nothing to do with that news item at the end. Then there is deputy mayor hanging out with GA and his posse (including a new officer whose identity will be protected by only a domino mask) and arresting people when he hasn't been a cop in almost a year. Nothing suspicious there, no, siree. 

Honestly, it was all hilarious. Probably more so than Oliver going straight to Prometheus' presumed mother with the subtlety of a bull in a china shop and then her not co-operating because her poor serial killer baby boy might end up locked up.

I actually thought it was fun overall, even if completely stupid. I dug Felicity and Thea's scene and the dig at Susan being not at all original, Oliver actually being more concerned about Thea than anything else, and the call back to 1x14 with the Olicity confrontation. Also, Oliver repeatedly referring to Susan as Susan Williams reminded me of nothing more than Felicity's R. Palmer phone contact in S3. Oh yeah, he's sooo totally in.

I guess Oliver kills the Bratva guy next time. It would explain the comment about Anatoly owing him from 512. And for once, I liked the over the top metaphot with the sin-eater. Namely the part about him living on the edge of the village. I felt that spoke to Oliver. 

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7 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Do I watch an episode that sounds like  a dumpster fire simply because of these pretties? Conundrum 

Watch it. If you're willing to roll with the stupid, it's actually pretty funny. 

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