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Dear White People - General Discussion

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First of all, yay Brooke.  Just like Kelsey in CoCo's pov episode that gave us some insight on her, this one worked less as another Lionel episode than a nice way to introduce us to Brooke.  Yet another mew character that breaks out  as very interesting.

Second of all, Sorbet Lives!!! And how apropos that Al has fallen under her spell.

Third of all, I knew Silvio was a bitchass bitch. But this was even more assery than even i had given him credit for. But it does seem to be inline with some of this seasons larger themes about group, societies and belonging.  Another reminder that even a marginalized POC like Silvio who may face some of the same discrimination, they also can still view blacks as other -- or more other other than themselves.  I hate Silvio.

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Wow, they actually got me for a second, thinking that we were seeing a flashforward! Of course, it wasn't the case at all. No way would Coco actually go through with having a baby while still in college, she is way too ambitious to put a hold on her plans, or see them all wash away. Still, I liked that they showed her struggle a bit, and then realize that this was the right thing for her. It seemed very in character. 

Really though, most of the new information was about Kelsie, who is actually pretty awesome. Can we get a Kelsie episode next season, and see her reunited with her poor little dog?!?!

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On 5/14/2018 at 7:36 AM, DearEvette said:

Hafta say, i am not loving the parody show within a show this year as much as I loved last year's Defamation.

I miss Defamation, it was so spot on! This years show is funny, but not as awesomely awful, and yet as totally perfect, as Defamation. 

Finally, a Joelle episode! Poor Joelle, she thinks she finds a nice guy who wants her and not Sam, and he turns out to be a total loser. At least the rest of the students had her back, and didnt just ignore her for Sam again, and she told him to screw himself. And, I learned what a Hotep is. Thanks DWP and Urban Dictionary! That guy was literally textbook definition. Watching Sam talk over her during the radio show was so sad.

I am actually really happy that Gabe and Joelle are secretly friends still. I liked their scenes a lot last season, and thought they had interesting chemistry. 

Love that they cast Tessa as the right wing pundit! Cant wait for her and Sam to meet. Battle of the Sams! 

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I love Brooke. She is so smart and so thirsty, and I her banter with Lionel a lot. 

Lionel finally gets some! I like his new guy, but this show makes it hard to trust people. 

Damn, I always knew Silvio was a bitchy bitch, but I did not see that coming. If he really cared about fighting for freedom of speech, he wouldn't be sending bitchy, racist tweets, he would be writing actual stories about it. I do like that this season is focusing on the problematic views within marginalized communities, as well as the racism within the white population. Its less black and white (no pun intended) but its very real, and very complicated, and needs to be discussed and called out.

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I gotta say, I have been liking Troy a whole lot more this season. I always thought he was an interesting character, but I think I am actually liking him more, as a person, this season. I enjoyed his drugged out spirit quest, and I hope that he can find some balance between old Troy that was obsessed with his image, and the one from this season who gives zero fucks about anything. 

Sorbet being Troys spirit guide might have been one of my biggest laughs of the season so far. Or maybe Troy following Reggie to his lecture, embarrassing the crap out of him as he talks about Reggie's love life in front of everyone, to his embarrassment and annoyance of his professor. While Curt realizes that he's actually in this class, and sticks around. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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This episode felt very stage play to me, in a good way. It could easily have been on stage, with two actors sharing a one room set. Even the dialogue was very theater, in that people get dramatic monologues, in between banter. 

I thought that the Gabe and Sam fight/make up was well done, I understood both of their points of views. Yes, Gabe shouldn't have dumped Sam when he did. Yes, Sam shouldn't have hooked up with Reggie when she was clearly with Gabe. Yes, Gabe has massive white guilt without committing to the Fight. Yes, Sam uses anger to push people away, and it seems like its impossible to win with her sometimes. Glad that they both ended up apologizing, and admitting what they did wrong. 

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Yes.  I liked that it was staged like a one act two-character play almost.  Lots of intense dialogue and emotion with both Sam and Gabe hitting some salient points.

Not only that, but the chemistry between them was off the charts. You could totally tell they were still pining for each other and this interview was the way to get back in each other's orbit without admitting they wanted to be.  Sam is just hard headed and Gabe is now trying to backtrack.  I thought it was very strong acting by both actors, kudos to them. 

Hate Gabe's look though.  I like the scruff and the hair.

  • Love 4

Actually got rather teary in this one. We didnt know Sams dad well, but he seemed like a great guy, and Sams grief and guilt was so well done. I also liked her extended family and how well drawn and real they were, even in their brief scenes, especially her uncles who agree on everything, but argue constantly. It really nailed that feeling after a death, filled with sadness but also laughs and memories. 

Coco and Janelle are a great combination, and I like that Gabe and Janelle are still friends, and things are still looking good for a Sam/Gabe reconciliation. 

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Oh snap! The narrator is in the secret minority society! How many secret societies does this school have?!?! And their true leader is...Sorbet? 

Loved the season, and I thought this was a great ending, even if I thought Joelle/Reggie happened too quickly. Yeah, we saw them bond more, but they seemed to announce they were into each other pretty quickly. Oh well, I’m just happy that Joelle finally is getting the love she deserves. Maybe they can go on double dates with Sam and Gabe?

The meeting of the Sams! Man, that was trippy, and its awesome that Tessa came back for this. You know, Rikki Carter is clearly not an admirable person, but I do think her speech to Sam was darkly fascinating, and she wasn't wrong about Sam hiding behind a character. Yeah, her Dear White People is how Sam is, but she really does tend to hide behind her rage, and, as even Sam noted, she had a whole speech prepared for this. I hope she isnt done with Dear White People, but I also hope this means she can figure out how much of this is about real change, and how much this is about causing a stir, the way Rikki wants to. I also love the strong implication that her and her liberal counterpart are both just playing parts, including faking their feud, for ratings and fame. Certainly explains a lot about various talking heads who do tend to show up whenever a shooting or something happens.

Who would have guessed that Curt of all people would end up coming through? The whole Black Caucus and their friends and allys stacking the speech and just glaring at Rikki Carter was a pretty awesome protest. 

Al going full on Conspiracy Brother has been funny comic relief throughout the season, especially as he tried to save face when he realized the fire really was just a dumb accident. And him ranting about how Reggie was "shot in the side and was almost paralyzed." "That didnt happen! You were there!" 

Edited by tennisgurl
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I'm not mad at all about the countless body shots of Troy.

"She reeks of you." If Coco isn't on it!. *snap* I'm going to assume that if Coco knows of Muffy receiving "chocolate injections" that she knows Muffy lied to her about not getting into Pegasus. Keep playing those cards to the chest, girl.

It warms my heart that Sorbet is just 'a strolling around campus, dispensing advice (hey Loretta!) to a 'shroomed out Troy.

Just discovered this show on Netflix. Didn't see the movie, but based on the first episode I am all in. Excellent writing, perfect blend of serious treatment of issues and comic relief, and the lead actress is great.

I didn't think there were too many Cosby references, but maybe that's because I'm watching this soon after he finally went to trial and was convicted of sexual assault. 

I've never watched Scandal but got the parody right away, and it was hilarious.

On 5/2/2017 at 11:33 PM, tennisgurl said:

However, sleeping with his teacher whos in a relationship with a woman is pretty weird. Especially because, if he's 20 right now, and she said they've been sleeping together for two years, that means he was 18 when they started hooking up. So, he was legal, but its still really questionable.

That really bothered me as well as the fact that he has been sleeping with someone who has been in a supposedly committed relationship--maybe that's more on her than on him, but he's aware of it and it doesn't seem to matter to him. I guess this relationship, along with his use of drugs and alcohol, is how he rebels against his father and the expectations that Troy will be perfect.

I have to admit that my initial enthusiasm for this show was somewhat dampened by what seems to me like an excessive focus on sex (of all kinds). But then again I am way older than the target demographic and also fairly prudish. 

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7 hours ago, Dee said:

The show is actually pretty muted in terms of its focus on sex. It's more relationship focused than anything imo.

I guess that's true, it's just that, based on the first episode, I was expecting more focus on race relations than on personal relationships. Also, the way Troy's frequent sexual encounters are depicted seem to me more like scenes from a porn movie than realistic, less-than-perfect sex--but maybe that's partly because they're mostly heard/imagined from Lionel's perspective.

Of course, the show would be too one-note if it focused only on race relations and did not delve into the personal relationships of the characters. I'm definitely still interested and will try to get over my discomfort with the sex scenes.

Another thing that somewhat takes me out of the stories is how big the bedrooms are in the residence halls. Maybe this is realistic for an Ivy League school, but all the dorm rooms I have ever seen are much smaller. I also wonder how BMOC Troy ended up with nerdy Lionel as his suite-mate--you would think Troy could have picked anyone he wanted, if he even needed to have a suite-mate.

This was the weakest ep in all of season 1.  The rest of the season gets so much better.  Believe me, the race relations, the social commentary, the smart look at college life all of it gets much better.  Troy in the first season is really rudderless and his POVs reflect that.  In one of my comments somewhere on the threads about him I call him a cypher.  And to some extent he is.  But his character is one that shows the most growth, imo. By the time the S1 ends and we get into S2 we'll see they've done a good job of making Troy more complex in iterative steps.

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They have done so much better by Troy this season than last season.  He is so messy!  I love it.  I especially love the scenes with him and Reggie and how they are two peas in a IDGAF pod.

Also, shallowly, I have to admit Mr. Pastiche is an actual snack this season. The man bun is working for him.  And they have low-key made him feel more 'real' as less like a character type. 

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My favorite episode of the season.  I love seeing Sam, Coco and Janelle being sister-friends.  I love seeing this by-product of Sam and CoCo's earlier realtionship... that CoCo still stays in touch with Sam's parents even though her relationship with Sam soured.

Just in this one episode, the show did such a great job of fleshing out Sam's dad and giving us the complicated look at her relationship.  It was simultaneously really sweet and really sad.  Honestly it was like a race-bent version of Imitation of Life. 

Loved seeing Sam's family and I am loving the loosening up of Sam's hair as a metaphor for her unwinding a bit.

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OMG *cries* where is Season 3??!?!

I just binge watched two whole seasons of this show in less than 24 hours.  And now I'm rewatching parts.  I'm addicted.  Why didn't I watch this when it came out?!  And why isn't it renewed already?!

Sam and Gabe - OMG my heart.  I love love love them.  Their fight was so ... whew.  I felt every last arrow they shot at each other and was worried they wouldn't survive it.  So, so so glad they did and finally got to what was deep in their hearts.  And then that love scene later?  Damn Gabe.

And sooooo happy Reggie finally grew up and saw the star that is Joelle.  I was feeling so sad that Joelle couldn't find someone worthy of her - you know when we sistas are down at our worst and unawares, that's when the hoteps show up.  When he said "some folks can't handle real" my hotenna went up... and then when he kept making these little references... damn!  I knew he was a hotep.  I was SO glad that Reggie woke up.  But their lovescene left a lot to be desired.  It felt ... occluded - like I couldn't see them or their faces well enough?  I wanted to see the love...!  Also - the show needs to do better with Joelle's makeup - it's not the right color - Reggie kissed off half of it (around her mouth) and you could see her skintone is much more red than the color they use on her.  I suspect Coco's foundation color is wrong too.  Maybe that's why they don't show her kissing much.  

This isn't okay for the show to fail at getting the makeup right for the darker skinned women.  

Coco continues to be one of my favorites - when I thought she was leaving the show I felt physical pain.  She's like Blair Waldorf - love her schemey ways and even understand her position now after some deeper insight into her character.  And her scenes with the leader of Pastiche?  Holy mother of chemistry - that dude was trying to like INHALE her air straight from her mouth, lol.  That was just ... masterful ... I don't know if that was direction or just the actors but my God - I want more of that and for the show to play them like Blair and Chuck.  Okay show?

I really love this show.  I was worried S2 would lose something and the first few episodes were disorienting for me but I thought it was even better at illustrating the microaggressions - even in the choice of tv show in the main room this season.  Just straight buffoonery - tailored for the white gaze.

Every time I think I have a favorite character - Sam, no Coco, no Joelle, no Gabe, no Lionel, no Troy, no Sam, no Coco... the show throws me a curveball.  And oh snap!  The narrator is part of the Order of X!!!  Big Brother AlmighTEE! is part of the Order of X!! (In fact, I'm not so sure Gabe's imagination last season wasn't a School Daze reference instead of what we thought - since SD came first).

"Black Harry Potter!"  I died.

I think what I love most about this show is that it shows us the DIVERSITY of black people.  I remember trying to explain that to people about the diversity of my HBCU experience.  Really great that we are getting to see it on this show, within the confines of a PWI.

Ya'll can just come dig my grave right now because if they don't give me a season three I'm dead.

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 5
On 6/16/2018 at 7:32 PM, phoenics said:

I was SO glad that Reggie woke up.  But their lovescene left a lot to be desired.  It felt ... occluded - like I couldn't see them or their faces well enough?  I wanted to see the love...!

I just finished binging the second season, and I agree, there was something problematic going on with the sex scenes this season. Until Joelle and Reggie got it on in the final episode, there hadn't been a single sex scene between two black characters all season, and then, as you say, Joelle/Reggie's seemed intentionally vague. I don't even know how a show with a large black cast and only one non-black lead (in the sense of rating an individual episode), that has plenty of sex happening, can avoid black/black sex scenes, yet they managed it this season until the final episode. (It's been a while since I watched it, but if I remember correctly, Troy/Coco and Sam/Reggie were shown in S1.)

The one other thing I wish is that they didn't do individual episodes. It was a bummer at the end of each one because I would have gotten so caught up in the character's story but knew that, if the character wasn't Sam or Lionel, I could basically forget about seeing anything other than tidbits or cameos for the rest of the season. I get why with a half hour they opt to do deep dives on individuals - trying to show the whole cast every episode simply wouldn't work, but maybe there could be a middle ground, intercutting 2-3 people's storylines and spreading the material covered in the individual episodes out over the season a little more so that each character could have a significant role in at least a couple of episodes rather than just one. I like Sam and Lionel, but the other characters deserve that too.

Also, shouldn't the secret society have maybe rethought its method of inviting people to join it given the escalating level of harassment the black characters were suffering? Putting X's on doors? X's on doors do not usually carry positive connotations. The show tried to gloss over it, but let's be real, the reactions of Sam, Lionel and Joelle to seeing X's on their doors would've been to assume they were being marked in a creepy way for some new horrific evil racist shit about to descend. Not basically ignore it altogether until, in Sam and Lionel's cases, deciding it was actually a friendly invite from a friendly society. Meanwhile poor Joelle got invited but was left out of the realization because she's not Sam or Lionel and having her as part of the society too would mean increasing her screentime...

All that aside, I did really enjoy this season as much, actually probably more (because of the additional insights we got into a number of characters), than S1 and I'm looking forward to S3!

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I see nobody's been on here in a few months, but I just finished the season, and I LOVED all of it except the end of the final episode:

  • What was that Harry Potter sh*t? 
  • Why did hotep guy know about that yearbook under the statue, and wouldn't it have either gotten ruined by the elements or stolen?
  • And just how many of those X'd out yearbooks were floating around? 
  • How had nobody returned Sorbet, since it/he/she was running all over the place for quite awhile?
  • It made no sense how Sam pinned all her hopes on Carson Rhodes coming to basically save the university.  And what did she think she was going to accomplish in her supposed/planned take-down of Rikki Carter?
  • I liked the debate/show-down between Sam and Gabe, but really, their dialog was just too over-the-top perfectly worded.
  • It makes no sense to have a secret society that's so secret that the potential inductees don't even know they've been tapped!  I can understand Sam and Lionel being tapped, but not Joelle; we didn't see her demonstrate that kind of obsession/determination/perseverance. 

I really enjoyed getting to know more about the characters through their in-depth explorations in each episode.

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I’m mad at all y’all. I watched the first two episodes of season 1, then I came here to read what you guys had to say and see if I should continue watching. I read every single page in this topic. And none of you guys could even mention how hot bearded rebel Troy is. I was not prepared. I was not feeling him at all in the first season, but give that boy a little facial hair and woweeee. (I’m hoping that’s why he’s hot to me now and not some secret bad boy desires) And then the amazing sight of that butt in the fountain. I could be his mama but that was a thing of beauty. 

I’m glad I kept watching. Love me some rebel Troy. 

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

The Handmaids Tale parody is already my new favorite show parody on tv, I was just losing it! Honestly though, is it possible for the parody to be any more ridiculous than this actual season has been? 

I just started s3 ep1 and I already love The Handmaid's Tale parody and the shade they're throwing at the actual Handmaid's Tale and Elizabeth Moss.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

The Handmaids Tale parody is already my new favorite show parody on tv, I was just losing it! Honestly though, is it possible for the parody to be any more ridiculous than this actual season has been? 

8 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I just started s3 ep1 and I already love The Handmaid's Tale parody and the shade they're throwing at the actual Handmaid's Tale and Elizabeth Moss.

Guys, what episode is the Handmaiden's Tale parody?

6 hours ago, ursula said:

Guys, what episode is the Handmaiden's Tale parody?

I'm three episodes in. It first appears in the first. And Gabe makes a crack about how the lead in the show is in a cult and doesn't see the irony (IRL Elizabeth Moss is a Scientologist). There's also a Queer Eye parody in the third episode, in which the Fab 5 are making over ... well, the Klan.

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I enjoyed this season.. Woulda liked a bit more of Al and his identity issue to pop up... I lol'd at Reggie bringing up R. Kelly when he and Jo were arguing about moses.. Who was too good to be true... Sad..  The shows done a solid job of integrating the non-black characters around the edges... I'm up for more ppl knowing about the order.. If we get a season 4... Plus my avatar for the show Troy is in on the secret now

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12 minutes ago, wales260 said:

I guess they never got around to really specify how Al was latino but NOT afro-latino such people would accuse him of "passing." It seems like the pivot to other under-represented minorities is for season 4+.

Also take it with a grain of salt that the guy who said he was passing was that right winger Latino guy... But I do find it odd if it goes that route.. Whether he ( or more likely his parents)  don't classify themselves as afro-latino Al looks like he has a good amount of Afro blood.. So I dunno if I'd call it passing... I'd also be surprised if anyone really cared all that much.. Except to ask Al why it never( I'm assuming here)  came up... Out here in Brooklyn its not that big of a deal for even Latin with very little Afro blood to basically be our brothers and sisters in arms and vice versa.. But im not sure where this show even takes place

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On 7/30/2019 at 9:34 PM, Smacky55 said:

I’m mad at all y’all. I watched the first two episodes of season 1, then I came here to read what you guys had to say and see if I should continue watching. I read every single page in this topic. And none of you guys could even mention how hot bearded rebel Troy is. I was not prepared. I was not feeling him at all in the first season, but give that boy a little facial hair and woweeee.

Did you not see that ass in season 1?  I believe my exact words were 'You could bounce a quarter on that ass.'  LOL.  But I agree, Troy was my least favorite in S1 (except dat ass!!) but he came thru in S2.

I am only five episodes in and while this season seems more subdued and little messy and also less LOL funny than season 1 especially, I am liking the themes it is grappling with. 

I am fascinated by what Simien is trying to say about respectability politics amongst black filmmakers and the black community consuming black film.  Sam rejecting the Tyler Perry-like director in favor of the more auteur like director (The Laverne Cox character, whom I believe is a gender flipped stand in for Spike Lee).  His throwing shade at Spike (even though he has long been an admirer of Spike) and he himself playing the Tyler Perry like character himself (with a nice wink because Perry often stars in his own movies).  I actually went looking to see if anyone talked about this and found a great article in Variety that breaks it down.  I made me rethink some things.  Won't make me like Tyler Perry's treatment of women, but I do respect the man's hustle.  And I loved and agree with Simien's comments about Spike.  The article is spoilery so don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.

Happy that Sam and Gabe are back together. On the one hand I am glad Sam has chilled a bit, but on the other I am with Al, she's freaking me out.  I do like how they are handling her grief with he father's death since I think this largely takes place only three or so months after.  Also I've always liked how the show has treated Gabe's 'woke white guy' thing.  He is only woke to a point.  He does try, bless his heart.

Last season the show seemed to hint that Kurt, the Pastiche guy, had a little bit more going on under hood than just generic white privilege ass.  But he seems to be fully back on that train again, although so far it does seem like he's trying to catch feelings for CoCo.  Also I thought he was  student, but Coco keeps calling him her faculty advisor?

And finally, I am loving the new character D'unte.  He has replaced Brooke as my favorite break out character.  Honestly, I am loving the look at the black gay community so much.  I am glad that Lionel has found his tribe away from the more bitchy gays he seemed to encounter last season.

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The biggest shock to me was that Al is actually Latino apparently. Thats something I would like to see explored, as it seems like we are increasingly going to explore more issues of identity in the next season. 

I liked this season, and its increasingly broadening the shows focus and the complicated grey areas of social change. It can really suck when a person who is seemingly going to do amazing things for your movement turns out to not be the person you thought they were. Its interesting that Sam has ended both seasons wondering if her anger is helping or hurting, but this season ends with her deciding that being mad can be good, as long as its not all she is. All emotions are valid as long as they dont need to destructive ends, which I think is a good message. 

Glad that Lionel ended up with brown eyes guy, he seems like a good dude, and I am really enjoying the look into the black gay community. Poor Lionel has struggled so much with his identity and where he fits, its good to see him finding his place. 

 Simien is a really interesting creator, and I think he does a good job of showing the many complicated sides of social issues without it seeming, well, black and white. 

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