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S02.E12: Ladies' Lunch

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During the morning meeting, Glenn accidentally tells the employees the real reason Amy  has been late to work lately. Meanwhile, Dina tries to cheer up Amy by kidnapping her for a "ladies' lunch." Jonah  and Garrett invent a game to pass the time, tricking Glenn and Mateo in the process. Cheyenne  helps Amy take a fearless step with a dramatic new look.


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This episode was so funny. Loved the ladies lunch. Oh, poor Sandra. I also liked the continued adoration of The Vampire Diaries. I watch that show but no one likes that show anymore. I think it's appropriate for Sandra to be its only true blue fan.

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It looks like they're trying to tone down Amy's nastiness a bit.  I found her pretty tolerable this week.  She actually even said Sorry to Jonah once or twice.  Her attitude was really grating on me

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Aw poor Sandra!  I hope she ends up with that guy at some point.  I felt bad for her when she was describing how Jeff is with her.  "He thinks I'm prettier than my sister".  Clearly describing her dream guy.

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The part that really cracked me up was Cheyenne trying to pretend she had "forgotten" her ID, and then when she realized the server didn't care and asked her what she wanted, she says "Four beers?" What a teen thing to do. 

And yes, poor Sandra! I love how they have these recurring tertiary characters like Myrtle (working on that steak all thru lunch, then seen eating a hot dog afterwards), Lucas and Sandra. They really have been giving Sandra more and more of a regular role lately. This new Carol character was pretty hilarious, calling Adam repeatedly. 

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Poor Sandra! She cant even catch a break when she pretends she did.

Loved Ladies Lunch AND the guys getting into a big silly sports thing. It gave some good laughs to some of the minor characters, especially the one blond lady who keeps acting like she's a party girl for attention. I SO know people like that.

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The Ladies Lunch part was wonderful, especially with the show introducing new weird characters... the fake drunk and the man-stealer/twerker.  The karaoke part was hilarious.

I think I love Marcus.  "You can't call Dibs on a human being!"

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3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:


I wish Sandra had just said at the bar, "I'm not dating Jeff, actually. JEFF IS GAY. I was just playing along with Mateo." Hate to see her throw away that potential relationship!


How would Sandra know that Jeff is gay? Only Cheyenne knows about Jeff and Mateo, and based on her characterization, it's pretty unbelievable that she hasn't cracked yet.

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7 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

How would Sandra know that Jeff is gay? Only Cheyenne knows about Jeff and Mateo, and based on her characterization, it's pretty unbelievable that she hasn't cracked yet.

Oh, I thought she knew Jeff was gay, although maybe not knowing about Jeff and Mateo dating.

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On 2/3/2017 at 6:45 AM, Suzysite said:

It looks like they're trying to tone down Amy's nastiness a bit.  I found her pretty tolerable this week.  She actually even said Sorry to Jonah once or twice.  Her attitude was really grating on me

Maybe it was because they were away from the store, and she was running around trying to fix things and correct people? I don't find her attitude nasty, but as Jonah said, she can act a little stuffy and buttoned-up. 

On 2/3/2017 at 0:30 PM, iMonrey said:

The part that really cracked me up was Cheyenne trying to pretend she had "forgotten" her ID, and then when she realized the server didn't care and asked her what she wanted, she says "Four beers?" What a teen thing to do. 

So funny. And one of my other favorite parts is Mateo hitting the mannequin with the dummy, then he starts running around shouting, "I'm Simone Biles! I'm Simone Biles!" I guess that's the only athlete whose name he knows. 

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7 hours ago, topanga said:

Maybe it was because they were away from the store, and she was running around trying to fix things and correct people? I don't find her attitude nasty, but as Jonah said, she can act a little stuffy and buttoned-up. 

So funny. And one of my other favorite parts is Mateo hitting the mannequin with the dummy, then he starts running around shouting, "I'm Simone Biles! I'm Simone Biles!" I guess that's the only athlete whose name he knows. 

Yes. And I wonder if her attitude will change when she actually breaks up with Adam. She's been with him pretty much since high school, and she even mentioned she hadn't changed her hair style "since high school" . I can see how she might "reinvent" herself once she breaks out of that relationship. (Not that o necsssriy am promoting it. I just believe the show is headed there)

loved that exchange with drunk Dina and "brain injured" Glen.

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Oh, I thought she knew Jeff was gay, although maybe not knowing about Jeff and Mateo dating.

All she knew is that when Dina accused her of being involved with Jeff, all the other employees became instantly interested in her and she reveled in the attention. I feel bad for her because admitting now it was all a lie means losing the only positive attention she's probably ever gotten from her co-workers (or, hell, from anybody as far as we know).

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