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S01.E12: Brotherly Love

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No one put up a thread again? (Is anyone still watching, like I am?) In case anyone wants to discuss it, here:

Riggs and Murtaugh are enmeshed in an infamous car theft ring when a car containing huge amounts of cocaine is stolen from an impound lot; the lead defense attorney on the case is the notorious Trish Murtaugh.

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No, I am still watching!   Just less time to post.  A few random thoughts-It is nice that Riggs has cleaned up a little.  He's shaved and his hair isn't the wild mess it has been.  The wife that is so scary to her husband and all of his coworkers is such a cliche but it was kind of cute here.  I loved the love that Trish and Roger have and that they are so demonstrative with each other.  They worked in the promo for Ford pretty well too by buying a car for the son.  But a brand new Escape?  

I like the baby steps the show is taking with Riggs dealing with his wife's death.  

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I'm still watching too! Love this show, cliches and all.

Trish is just fierce, which is scary only when she's not on your side. And in Roger's case, he knows firsthand how fierce she is in the courtroom, so it makes sense that he's especially wary. I can allow that as not totally cliche. I do really enjoy Trish and Roger's relationship.

I've no problem suspending disbelief for the big explosions, chase scenes, and high-wire acts -- but how exactly did Riggs get his hand loose from the handcuffs without breaking/dislocating something? (It's the little things that get to me.)

Murtaugh & Riggs = Adorable. Glad they've accepted it.

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I liked that Trish was right about the boy.

i saw Riggs losing the ring coming but  him buying a new one was a nice touch.

i know a lot of people don't like the shrink but I think she adds a nice touch to the show.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I've been liking the shrink a lot more lately. In the first several episodes, I got this weird vibe that the show might try to pair her and Riggs up (she seemed a little overly invested in him), which put me off, but that vibe has significantly faded in recent episodes, and their dynamic is much better now. Maybe it was just the actress finding the right notes for the character, or maybe it was just me settling into the actress in this particular role (I've never seen her in anything before where she wasn't dealing with a complicated romantic relationship), but I hope that eventually down the road when Riggs is a little more stable they keep her around for case consults, to keep that aspect viable.

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Having lost my wife, I can appreciate not wanting to lose my ring (although it's on my right hand, now).

However, he DID lose it, and there was nothing he could do about it. But then he goes and buys another one. But it wan't the same one. It wasn't touched by her, it wasn't at the ceremony. So, it was just a token. I'm not sure that worked.

Also, and I've said this before, Riggs and Murtaugh are still not clicking like they should be (IMO). Murtaugh seems to always be pissed at Riggs, yet Riigs showed genuine concern for Murtaugh during the car chase last night.

Another thing -- Riggs seems like a regular cop. Other than grieving his wife, he's not acting like a nut (as did Mel Gibson). I'm starting to wonder how this show differs from Starsky & Hutch.

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I loved this episode, this felt like an call back tithe first set of episodes where the funny was present in every relationship.

I haven't been enjoying Rigg's antics too much lately but, I thought he was great in this episode. Even the heavy handed symbolism of choosing to live, over the ring, didn't bother me too much.

Of course, all of the board complaints over Rigg's hair, now has me paying attention to it. There was one point last night when I actually thought to myself, some please give this guy a hair cut! ?

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6 hours ago, JackONeill said:

Having lost my wife, I can appreciate not wanting to lose my ring (although it's on my right hand, now).

However, he DID lose it, and there was nothing he could do about it. But then he goes and buys another one. But it wan't the same one. It wasn't touched by her, it wasn't at the ceremony. So, it was just a token. I'm not sure that worked. . . .

When they zoomed in on him putting the new replacement ring on his finger, I figured he just felt like something was physically missing — sorry for the double entendre.

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Riggs has very small hands and fingers to fit down the disposal...

I was expecting the final scene to be Riggs putting on SCUBA gear, then diving into the bay.... 

Edited by paigow
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18 hours ago, JackONeill said:

Having lost my wife, I can appreciate not wanting to lose my ring (although it's on my right hand, now).

However, he DID lose it, and there was nothing he could do about it. But then he goes and buys another one. But it wan't the same one. It wasn't touched by her, it wasn't at the ceremony. So, it was just a token. I'm not sure that worked.

I lost my wife 7 months ago, a month after our 29th anniversary, and I still wear my wedding ring on my left hand. The scene of Riggs buying a replacement ring invoked a similar reaction for me. If I ever lose my wedding ring, I'll be very sad, but that'll be the end of it. It would make no sense to me to buy a replacement ring that wasn't a part of my marriage.

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20 hours ago, JackONeill said:

So, it was just a token. I'm not sure that worked.

I think it's his way of saying he still thinks of himself as married -- i.e. he's not ready to move on.  But the new ring is definitely a patch job, not a fix.

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Chelsea, that was exactly my thought: he still *wants* to feel married.

And yes, just a patch job. At some point, he'll be ready to realize it. I like the pace of his moving on. It feels about right. He didn't just lose a wife but his prospective child also. I like that he's not jumping into bed with the psychiatrist, for example, although I do feel that will happen eventually.

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Shockingly, to me at least, this show has become a bit of 'must see tv'.

I absolutely love the main characters and the script is almost incidental at times.

There is real charisma among the leads and some of the ancillary cop charactors.

I also like that they have kept the kids in perspective and the seem like VERY real teenagers to me.  The entire car thing with the son was hilarious - the xmas epi especially.

But I also question buying a Ford Escape for a teenager, geez way to start at the top.  Also what about a discussion about how the kid has to pay for the bump in insurance premiums - get some skin in the game.

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On 1/19/2017 at 8:27 AM, RandomMe said:


I've no problem suspending disbelief for the big explosions, chase scenes, and high-wire acts -- but how exactly did Riggs get his hand loose from the handcuffs without breaking/dislocating something? (It's the little things that get to me.)

I thought he did dislocate something in his hand. it just wasn't played as big as when Mel Gibson did a similar escape in the original.

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I love this show. It's a rare show my hubby and I both like to watch. We couldn't figure out how Riggs got out from the sinking car. He had to have dislocated something. As for Riggs' hair, I have a little story in my head that his wife liked his hair in that style.

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In the movie, Mel Gibson was able to dislocate his shoulder to get out of the straight jacket in the office for money and when he was thrown into the water in a sack (Lethal Weapon 2). Maybe this was a new gift they gave TV Riggs.

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I really liked that Riggs resented Trish a little bit for bringing it in the courtroom, only to make up with her later. I like that Martin and Trish have their own relationship, and that it's not just he happens to be Roger's partner and she happens to be his wife. (Heh, sounds like a thruple.)

Edited by Miss Dee
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I missed this episode when it first aired. I didn't realize it was a repeat. It didn't seem like it was out of order in anyway.  

I think the shrink is pushing it too hard with Riggs.  People grieve in their own ways. If he's not ready to give up the ring, he's not ready to give up the ring. It seems even more pushy now that I know that is was an earlier episode - before Palmer even. 

I don't know why they can't have some older women on shows like this. It might have been better if they had made an older woman as a foil for Riggs in therapy. I was thinking the same thing with Riverdale. They could have written in a realistic Miss Grundy - who could have been written as having an affair with Mr. Weatherby. Instead of the way they went with the story. 

Edited by Commando Cody
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