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Season Two Talk: FFwSB

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27 minutes ago, Slovenly Muse said:

" It's not a literal call to literally hug a literal Nazi and take no other action, just a soundbyte that

Actually repeatedly it was stated during the piece and in other outlets for people literally to hug Nazis and fight their hate with Love, it's even the name of their organization. This is not the same way that has been effective in fighting ISIS and the origins are different enough and cultural reasons are different enough that the comparison is only on the surface and the solutions for home grown white supremacy is not the same and conflating them is problematic in my opinion. The roots of white supremacy in those country has always been lead by the economically advantage from slave owners, straight rheough to the White Citizens Council, the Black Legion in thw Midwest and the KuKluxKlan. Most of these people were solidly middle and Upper class and stalwarts of the community. 

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Actually repeatedly it was during the piece and in other outlets for people literally to hug Nazis and fight their hate with Love, it's even the name of their organization.

The name of their organization is "Life After Hate." What they do is reach out to current Nazis and rehabilitate those that can be reached with compassion. There is no tolerance of Nazi ideology involved. They know it works, because it worked on them.

21 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

This is not the same way that has been effective in fighting ISIS and the origins are different enough and cultural reasons are different enough that the comparison is only on the surface and the solutions for home grown white supremacy is not the same and conflating them is problematic in my opinion.

These are also not the same German Nazis the US was at war with in the 1940's. There were many cultural and economic differences between the two groups, and they had different causes/roots, so suggesting the same solution to one that "worked" on the other ("war" as you said upthread) is also problematic in my opinion.

9 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

The roots of white supremacy in those country has always been lead by the economically advantage from slave owners, straight rheough to the White Citizens Council, the Black Legion in thw Midwest and the KuKluxKlan. Most of these people were solidly middle and Upper class and stalwarts of the community.

Historically, yes. Now, those people are leaders of the movement, recruiting economically disadvantaged people, or even economically advantaged people, many of whom are ready to blame immigrants or anyone who is "other" for their lack of success, or for not receiving from life what they believe they are entitled to. That is my understanding from the piece, which was based on the firsthand accounts of former active members of the white supremacist movement, who I trust have a pretty accurate idea of what the membership looks like on the ground.

Despite varying interpretations, I think the piece actually spoke pretty well for itself, so I think this is about as far as I can take this discussion without repeating myself. Good night, everyone.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Slovenly Muse said:

Historically, yes. Now, those people are leaders of the movement, recruiting economically disadvantaged people, or even economically advantaged people, many of whom are ready to blame immigrants or anyone who is "other" for their lack of success, or for not receiving from life what they believe they are entitled to. That is my understanding from the piece, which was based on the firsthand accounts of former active members of the white supremacist movement, who I trust have a pretty accurate ideas what the membership looks like on the ground.

Historically and now. The piece was concentrating on a certain segment of Neo Nazis from a very small segment of the skinhead movement but doesnt represeant the movement as its rebrandong. The leaders have repeatedly say they want to separate themselves from disenfranchised and economically disadvantaged skinheads and so the entire piece was disingenuous with the Brietbart, Charlottesville, Richard Spencer, etc. 

Love after Hate was a typo but the head or the organization stated that most supremacists had trauma in their lives and we need to support them to get them out. I don't agree with his basic premise and I most definitely don't want to spend my energy on people who have chosen a life of bigotry and hate.

  • Love 1

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So what exactly was the purpose of Allana Harkin and Mike Rubin's visit to Net Roots? Was it to offer hope, or to depress those on the left their chances for the future? And those people singing in that segment can all go eat  a large bag of dicks.

Either Omarosa is fucked in the head, or she is pure evil. The fact that she considers the phrase "the pot calling the kettle black" a racist derogatory is proof nobody should be near her.

  • Love 2

If you go back to 2004 and tell people all about 2017, I think Omarosa Manigault still being a "thing" would be the second most horrifying revelation. She just brings out the worst in everybody, myself included.

"Y'all"= "You all," right? Drives me a little nutty when I see "ya'll." Like, "ya will"??

On 9/21/2017 at 3:16 PM, peeayebee said:

Oh, one thing I really loved was when she was talking about the bat thing and said, "Catch him, Derry! Catch him!" referencing that Irish bat video. I wonder how many people have seen that.

Here it is for those who haven't seen it.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

Either Omarosa is fucked in the head, or she is pure evil. The fact that she considers the phrase "the pot calling the kettle black" a racist derogatory is proof nobody should be near her.

I didn't watch that season of The Apprentice. (I can't remember if I watched any full seasons.) But at the time I heard of Omarosa and how hated she was. It was helpful to me to see that compilation of some of her bad moments. As far as her reaction to "the pot calling the kettle black" goes, I figure she'd never heard the expression before. Reminds me of the thing several years ago when people got upset when someone used the word niggardly.

On 9/23/2017 at 1:22 AM, Victor the Crab said:

So what exactly was the purpose of Allana Harkin and Mike Rubin's visit to Net Roots?

Unfortunately, I don't think they had one. They seem to think that putting a microphone in front of people is enough, but I prefer it when they actually put some thought into what they're doing. We get it: things are bad and some of us are in despair. So what? We don't need Full Frontal to tell us that. The Dems have shitty messaging? That's not a new idea, either.

I thought some of the people at the Netroots convention were much funnier than the FF staff. I liked the guy asking them "Where's your Black correspondent?" and the harmonica player had better schtick than either of the people FF sent.

Another thing I find tiresome is when they pull people over and want them to solve major problems in a pithy 2 seconds. It's reasonable to criticize people who lack ideas, and it's reasonable to criticize the party as a whole for not having a decent message, but it's not reasonable to criticize people who may be policy oriented but can't off the cuff come up with a genius bumper sticker slogan with no warning when they may be there for other reasons that are perfectly legitimate.

The show needs to do more than just show up with a microphone or roll their eyes or be sarcastic with the interviewees. Also not a fan of showing goofiness with no point-- like showing them playing table tennis. Are they writers, or are they just hanging out?

The juggalo piece was interesting to me because I honestly knew nothing about them until they had that rally this week and because Sam gave commentary that was thought out. It was surprising, didn't seem lazy, and was not the same as what I've heard everywhere else ad nauseum.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, attica said:

Anybody else as pedantic as I am grumble that characterizing himself in his headline as 'nice kid' is an OPINION? Which journos shouldn't DO?!?

I love Ashley's continuing to work the Cory Booker fangirl bit.

I understand your point and I understand his point but actually most great journalism has an opinion. It's fact based but it has an opinion because choosing to highlight one story over another is making an opinionated choice.

I actually was annoyed by his moral relativism. I agree everything shouldn't be a salacious headline but most  journalism has an opinion. 

  • Love 3
On 28/09/2017 at 10:44 AM, attica said:

Anybody else as pedantic as I am grumble that characterizing himself in his headline as 'nice kid' is an OPINION? Which journos shouldn't DO?!?

It's a tagline to generate interest in his site by encapsulating it into a catchy phrase. I see it as just a marketing tool, not a violation of journalistic ethics. It's similar to a media outlet describing itself a "newspaper or record" or "news that matter".

Edited by Florinaldo

OK TBS scheduling monkeys. Given that you reschedule this show at the drop of the hat, always seem to break it up so there are never more than 2 new episodes in a row, and just generally seem to enjoy screwing with me/my DVR why insist on running new shows while you're airing MLB post-season games? It's not like there's a huge crossover audience there. At least the FFwSB Twitter feed was hilarious! https://twitter.com/hashtag/DelayOfSam?src=hash

  • Love 4

Here in Canada, we were able to watch the full Full Frontal at its normal time thanks to it being on the Comedy network. So nyeh-nyeh! >:D

Not one, but two very good informative and highly entertaining history lessons on one show, first about how Puerto Rico gets screwed over by the United States, and then how the U.S. keeps deliberately screwing itself over public health coverage. Samantha would make an awesome high school history teacher.

And that elderly Drumph supporter can go choke on a bag of dicks.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

Here in Canada... So nyeh-nyeh!

Yeah, we're stuck here, don't rub it in!

I'm grabbing the show from On Demand.  At least there are options these days, like last week when my DVR somehow completely forgot this show was on and part of my To Do list.  Back in the day, if a sporting event ran over, they didn't change the times--"We now join your regularly scheduled program, already in progress"--and if that meant 59 minutes of a 60 minute show got pre-empted, too bad, so sad.  And most shows only ran once, in their original time slot, and once again, many months later, during summer rerun season.

Edited by meowmommy
  • Love 1

I just watched the show -- three acts, which seemed to be basically everything -- on YouTube. What a fantastic show. So well written, and all the correspondents shone. The segment on Puerto Rico was informative -- and maddening -- as was the abbreviated history of healthcare in this country (and Britain & Canada). Just so well done.

The third segment with the retirees in Florida was entertaining in parts, particularly anything to do with the main Bubbie. (The embarrassing story about her grandson was hysterical.) But I was disappointed in the "civil" meeting led by the rabbi and the other guy. I disagreed with what the other guy was saying, but I disagreed with how the rabbi was voicing his opinion. I was hoping he'd be the reasonable one, not the divisive one.

Anyway, I'm glad I watched this online. It was worth it.

  • Love 1

I can't believe this.  So I set On Demand to record the show since the regular airing was nothing but baseball, and when I go to watch it, it's baseball.  Ok, fine, well, not fine.  I look to see when TBS is re-airing the show, and a showing is set for Saturday night at 1:00 am, so I program the DVR to capture it.  Just went to watch it, and damn if they didn't re-run 30 minutes of baseball.  Does no one at TBS pay any attention to what they actually put on the air?

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, meowmommy said:

I can't believe this.  So I set On Demand to record the show since the regular airing was nothing but baseball, and when I go to watch it, it's baseball.  Ok, fine, well, not fine.  I look to see when TBS is re-airing the show, and a showing is set for Saturday night at 1:00 am, so I program the DVR to capture it.  Just went to watch it, and damn if they didn't re-run 30 minutes of baseball.  Does no one at TBS pay any attention to what they actually put on the air?

Same exact damn thing. AND I wasn't able to watch it online (well, not using the legit channels). I went to the TBS website and it just wouldn't load. I did this multiple times, on multiple browsers. And then this morning I was like, oh well, it recorded last night and it was BASEBALL AGAIN. WTF? So I've at least seen it but I had to go through sketchy links. I hope Samantha Bee appreciates my effort and potentially opening myself to computer viruses!

  • Love 2

Never did get to see last week's. 

Yes, thank you Sam, dicks are ugly!  I have never heard anyone say it, because I guess we're supposed to worship those things, but I am straight and I don't enjoy male nudity at all!

I used to work for a Catholic hospital that refused to allow coverage for contraception.  So my GYN documented I had severe menstrual cramps, which was actually true, but she deliberately linked it directly as a medical indication for BCPs so I could have it covered.

  • Love 3

I loved the first two segments that showed Samantha's righteous indignation. But the third segment about how Finland deals with fake news was rather jagged and disconnected. What exactly were they trying to get here? Two of the people that were interviewed didn't make sense. I felt more disappointedly underwhelmed by it.

  • Love 2

I really liked the piece on Finland and how they actually educate school kids how to read news. Wow - imagine if we did that. And I love that correspondent although I'm blanking on her name right now.

I'm also glad Sam addressed these absurd right wing pundits trying to compare the Weinstein scandal to Trump. Like Weinstein is President and gets to run the country.

The bumper for this show referred to it as the "Emmy winning" show - did they win an Emmy for something? 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

I loved the first two segments that showed Samantha's righteous indignation. But the third segment about how Finland deals with fake news was rather jagged and disconnected. What exactly were they trying to get here? Two of the people that were interviewed didn't make sense. I felt more disappointedly underwhelmed by it.

I hate to say it, but I didn't always understand what the Finnish guys were saying. I wanted subtitles. Still, I liked this segment, and Amy (I believe is her name) did a great job.

The rest of the show was terrific. Sam on fire is awesome. The Weinstein details are gross and disgusting and infuriating, but so is the Right's drumbeat re the Left's/Hollywood's/Dem's alleged hypocrisy for not condemning Weinstein. 

And then there's the b.c. stuff, allowing companies to disallow coverage of it. Also gross, disgusting, and infuriating. There was a tweet I read that was along the lines of: GOP says no to birth control, no to abortion, and "you're on your own" when you have the baby and need health care.

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, meowmommy said:

Yes, thank you Sam, dicks are ugly!  I have never heard anyone say it, because I guess we're supposed to worship those things, but I am straight and I don't enjoy male nudity at all!

Have to disagree with you (and Sam.) Yes many Dicks are ugly and nobody wants to see them


but some are quite attractive thank you very much!



Of course she was totally right about everything else so I'll let it slide...

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 11
15 hours ago, peeayebee said:

And then there's the b.c. stuff, allowing companies to disallow coverage of it. Also gross, disgusting, and infuriating. There was a tweet I read that was along the lines of: GOP says no to birth control, no to abortion, and "you're on your own" when you have the baby and need health care.

But they cover Viagra for the old pigs. WTF.

  • Love 4

Yeah - for some reason this show just depresses me anymore, even with Sam's quippy delivery. Trump's entire cabinet is filled with industry executives hell bent on destroying the very departments they're put in charge of. Puttting Scott Pruit in charge of the EPA is like putting Judge Roy Moore in charge of Planned Parenthood. And he's not the only one - there's Betsy Devos, Rick Perry, Jeff Sessions, Ben Carson . . . the list goes on and on. 

  • Love 6

Good ep on voting hacking. I work as an election inspector in a place where we use paper ballots and optical scanners, so I felt a little relieved. Although, let's face it, if there's hacking into the main voter database, the kind of ballot doesn't much matter.

My only quibble with Sam's report was her declaration that There's No Evidence Votes Were Hacked last November. I just feel like there should be a giant old YET!!!!!! added to that assertion whenever it's made. Because I feel like we just don't have all the info, and the candidates who benefited from any vote-shenanigans are not at all incented to do fuck-all to investigate fully. 

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, attica said:

I work as an election inspector in a place where we use paper ballots and optical scanners, so I felt a little relieved.

Yeah, in SF we have had super easy paper ballots, pen not pencil, and after you mark your ballot you personally feed it into a scanner and if you have double voted or not voted it bounces back and you can choose to correct it or not. It's simple, quick, and leaves a paper trail.

  • Love 5

That segment on the connection between domestic violence and mass shootings was great, but I wish it had been twice as long, à la Last Week Tonight. There was so much information packed into it that my head was reeling at the end of the seven or so minutes. I love that the show flew that excellent boy scout to New York so he could be presented with a merit badge.

  • Love 6

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