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"The View": Week Of 1/2/2017


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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

And never got paid.  She probably posted something in the comments of some article then added "wrote for Breitbart" on her resume.  LOL

After searching there (ick) I found this article she wrote wishing her Mom a happy birthday. Then she wrote all of these articles for that site which weren't wishing either of her parents a happy birthday.

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I'm glad Whoopi is finally over Jedilyingliarwholies. If she can get that repulsive woman off this show, I'll forgive her everything. I noticed Jedi was stooped over in her seat, poised just like Elisabeth Hasselbeck, complete the befuddled expression on her face like she isn't knowingly playing on lies. Most commentators on "the right" know that this Planned Parenthood video Carly Fiorina invented is a lie, but it suits their agenda to repeat it as if it's true. People might get behind their destroying Planned Parenthood if they can convince them it's a baby organ seller instead of healthcare for (mostly) impoverished women. She and others like her really enjoy living in a "post-truth" world; it allows them to say anything they want without any facts or repercussions to appear to "win" any discussion. Like when she tried to say some statistic about PP "wasn't true" while simultaneously using an invented video to suit her argument....

Sue me, but I've liked Whoopi this week. The rage and bitterness is deserved, and I have no sympathy for Jedi receiving it all. She has no scruples. And her cowardice has been on display more than ever because she's always quick to disown the hatred she brings to the table everyday. Her trying to defend a doctor's "right to discriminate" earlier this week was probably the worst moment of many. She is disgusting.

  • Love 15

Jedidiah loves to create chaos.......and then laugh like a hyena. And tell us she is a libertarian, or independent, or conservative.

Or entertain us about how desirable she is and all her boy friends.

Or a D star on FOX which she doesn't chat about much, and writing for Breitbart about wishing her mom a happy birthday for bragging about what a wonderful and intellectual adult she (Jed) has become. Let's not see the very long list of other articles.  Sigh. I think she can make a good first impression but has no staying power. Especially on this show. It will be interesting to see if Sunny and Sarah keep hanging out with her, seems to me Joy and Whoopi are done with Jediblahblah. OTOH - I am thrilled Sunny is stepping up to the bat calling her out. 

Edited by maggiemae
  • Love 13

Well. Censorship is coming guys. So hopefully you can still have raggedy old Joy spouting off her feelings without any basis or point of facts, which she does all the time. It's interesting to watch the floundering. Free speech is gone... Because if they say mean things, BooM! That is labeled as hate speech and should go away. This is a fatal mistake people are making. The complete insistence that those who have a differing opinion must be shunned. But God help all who choose to do it to you. Change is coming folks. 

On 1/6/2017 at 1:27 PM, backformore said:

I was waiting for Whoopi to reach across the table and grab her by the throat.

I wish she had.  Or that I had the capability to reach through the screen and do it.

Jed is insufferable.  And she NEVER SHUTS UP.  I'm so tired of listening to her go on and on, no matter what she's talking about.   It's always the same thing:  Whoopi brings up a topic, and Jed is off to the races, jumping in first and dominating every discussion without pausing to take a breath.   Why do they all have to sit there day after day waiting for her to finish her never-ending monologues?  And then when someone finally gets to speak up, she talks over them.  This is not the Jed Show, although in her mind apparently it is.  I don't blame Whoopi one bit for shouting over her and getting frustrated.  Jed is loud, unpleasant to listen to, too intent on dominating every discussion, and she very often makes no sense.  She's not the star, she's not the moderator, and she's not the smartest one at the table.  She's one of several co-hosts, and I think someone should remind her of that.

 I don't know where they found her or why they think she would be a good addition to this show, but there hasn't been a day yet that I haven't wished for her to go back to wherever she came from.

  • Love 18
16 hours ago, DebbieM4 said:

 I don't know where they found her or why they think she would be a good addition to this show, but there hasn't been a day yet that I haven't wished for her to go back to wherever she came from.

I agree. There are days where miraculously I somehow liked Paula to a degree despite the mess she paraded as "journalism." I have never liked Jedi.

  • Love 10

I dislike Jed (not for what she says but rather for how she says it - kind of like how I feel about Whoopi) but I admit I just LOL'd watching Jed and Whoopi trying to wrestle each other to the ground during their Planned Parenthood debate.  

Whoopi, it's called a taste of your own medicine.  And I loved watching you gag on it!  You interrupt people and talk over them and expect everyone to fall silent when you want to speak ... well HA!  It sucks when people just rant on and on and won't surrender the floor, doesn't it?  But it's how you've been treating your fellow panelists for eons ... I guess now you know what it feels like.  And I must say, you handled it with a lot less grace than the other women on the panel have over the years.  I don't think I've ever seen any of them freak out quite the way you did when Jed just would not shut up or agree with you.  I can't do this anymore, that's bullshit, waitwait waitwait we're gonna take a break GOSH!   Has no one ever stood up to you before or refused to do what you told them?  Has no one ever had a different opinion and refused to back down?  Because you sure don't know how to handle it. 

I can't say it's worth it to me to have Jed on the show just to upset Whoopi - there is something about her insincerity and disingenuousness that grates on my nerves like nothing else on this show ever has - but as long as we are stuck with her, I do hope she keeps challenging Whoopi and makes her last months on the show as uncomfortable as possible.  Is that mean of me?  Well, maybe.  But after all the arrogance and ignorance Whoopi has spewed over the years, I don't want her to leave happy and feeling celebrated.  I want her to leave as defeated as she has made me feel watching her these last few years.  I want her to feel as choked and suffocated and beaten down as I imagine she has left so many departed panelists feeling after their stints on the show. It's called "karma" and Whoopi has had some coming for a long time ... 

  • Love 15
9 hours ago, tvaddict44 said:

Well, I must take exception to "raggedy old Joy spouting off her feelings without any basis or point of facts" as stated above.  For one thing, she deserves to be listened to just as we were all taught to respect our elders when we were growing up (or should have been).  She was old enough to have heard the horrors of WWII from her parents and she knows the dangers that are lurking for our country.  She has had many life experiences that none of today's millenials have any concept about.  She actually reads several papers and watches news programs before she comes to work in order to be informed -  something that we have all complained about other ladies on the show never doing.  She has experienced enough politics to rightfully be scared to death and brave enough to talk about it.

And "raggedy"?  As someone only 2 years younger than she is, I wish I looked mid-50's as she does.

I completely agree.

Joy is intelligent and well-read.  She's also professional and she does her homework.  I love the way she speaks in an informed matter about a variety of topics, and also is good at throwing in a good dose of humor.  I like her very much.   She's a perfect fit for this show, IMO, in so many ways.  She doesn't ramble, she engages in actual conversations rather than pontificating, and she makes me laugh.  She has far more life experience than some of the young ones who think they know everything (Raven, Jed, etc.), and yet she is never condescending.  There's good reason why this show wanted her back, and IMO she is the very best part of it.  

I also agree that she looks great.  I'm always disappointed when she's not there, and happy when she is!

  • Love 16

Jedidiah loves to create chaos.......and then laugh like a hyena. And tell us she is a libertarian, or independent, or conservative.

Or entertain us about how desirable she is and all her boy friends.

Or a D star on FOX which she doesn't chat about much, and writing for Breitbart about wishing her mom a happy birthday for bragging about what a wonderful and intellectual adult she (Jed) has become. I think she can make a good first impression but has no staying power. Especially on this show. It will be interesting to see if Sunny and Sarah keep hanging out with her, seems to me Joy and Whoopi are done with Jediblahblah. OTOH - I am thrilled Sunny is stepping up to the bat calling her out. 

ETA - I posted this a while back - not sure why or how it popped up again.

Joy is definitely my favorite....along with Sunny now as well!

Edited by maggiemae
  • Love 10
5 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I agree. There are days where miraculously I somehow liked Paula to a degree despite the mess she paraded as "journalism." I have never liked Jedi.

Me too.  I don't really like Paula on this show, but she seems to be a nice person who means well.  I just think she's in over her head.  At first I was okay with her, but she seemed to dumb down as time went by, and she always seems desperate to be liked, which is not a good look.  Nevertheless, I think she was in there trying, and making an attempt to do a good job and be a team player.

Jed, on the other hand, clearly has an inflated sense of herself.  She's not interested in being a team player.  She thinks she knows it all, and she wants everyone to sit at her feet and benefit from her never-ending words of wisdom.

  • Love 7

I have never disliked a host as much as I have Jedidiah. I might not have liked Elisabeth, Paula or Candace, but I was able to tolerate them. There's something about the way Jedidiah carries herself that makes me dislike her. Even though she's the same age as Sara, she likes being the "young one", the single conservative sexpot. She's the one with the least amount of seniority on the show (I give Sara and Sunny more seniority since they've worked for ABC for a while) but she walks out like she's Barbara Walters and the show belongs to her. She just needs some humility. 

  • Love 11

Color me shocked, SHOCKED, that Jed didn't like Meryl's speech. I'm already over talking heads like her telling us we need to take Trump voters' feelings into consideration. They didn't consider anyone but themselves when they voted for him.

I agree there should be different points of view on a show called the View, but Jed's just way too predictable at this point. I know she's always going to say the exact opposite of what I'm thinking.

I enjoyed the small bit about smart dogs. My mom has a cockapoo who doesn't just understand our language, he's also taught us how to understand his language.

Edited by ABitOFluff
  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, ABitOFluff said:

Color me shocked, SHOCKED, that Jed didn't like Meryl's speech. I'm already over talking heads like her telling us we need to take Trump voters' feelings into consideration. They didn't consider anyone but themselves when they voted for him.

I don't see Trump voters taking my feelings into consideration.  All I hear from them is get over you lost.


1 hour ago, Stacey1014 said:

I have never disliked a host as much as I have Jedidiah. I might not have liked Elisabeth, Paula or Candace, but I was able to tolerate them. There's something about the way Jedidiah carries herself that makes me dislike her. Even though she's the same age as Sara, she likes being the "young one", the single conservative sexpot. She's the one with the least amount of seniority on the show (I give Sara and Sunny more seniority since they've worked for ABC for a while) but she walks out like she's Barbara Walters and the show belongs to her. She just needs some humility. 

She needs a lot more than humility.  For someone who was pretty much unknown to 99% of the viewers her acting like she is all that and a bag chips is laughable.  Take her off the View and 99% of viewers will never see her again.  I do not see this gig leading her to something bigger.  She is so obnoxious I don't even see Fox News taking her back.

  • Love 11

Jediblahblah said she turned her TV OFF when Meryl Streep spoke against Trump.   I call bullshit on that. she watched it.

   Meryl Streep never mentioned Trump by name, she talked about respect for people with disabilities and freedom of the press.  Is there something in her speech that Jed disagrees with?  Should we not have respect for disabled individuals?  should we repeal the freedom of the press amendment?    Yes, Meryl Streep  was talking about Trump.   But for Jed to say that awards shows are no place for opinions?  Sorry.  If someone is being given a LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT award, they sure as hell can take advantage of the few minutes of TV time and say whatever the hell they want to say. 

  • Love 13

There are not enough expletives in the English language to convey my contempt for Jediblabla. Meryl Streep is an Artist.  Artists have  always used their art, to manifest their dissidence. The same goes for Athletes.  I think of the Black athletes, on the podium, in the Summer Olympics, in 1968, as the national anthem was playing, who lifted their fists, in the air, in the Black power salute, in solidarity, with the Civil rights movement.  They made a bold statement and they were maligned and ostracized for doing that.  Meryl Streep used that platform to speak about her broken heart over the elections.  There was nothing wrong with that.  Like she said, at the end of the speech, we have to use our broken hearts to motivate us.  Personally, I intend to do that...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 16

I doubt Jed turned it off as well. I was floored her reason is she does not like being lectured. WTH? Streep was right - his instinct is to humiliate. WG was right - he is a mocker.

Medicine Crow - I would watch it~

ETA - Jed might want to consider Trump took so much flack in late 2015 for mocking the reporter he put it in his act about Cruz in Jan 2016. Didn't fool me one bit.

Edited by maggiemae
  • Love 14

My God doesn't Whoopi look like a bag lady these days? I think if I saw her on the street, I'd give her a buck. Yes, she must have plucked that hideous scarf out of the rubbish bin. Her whole look screams "I don't give a shit." You're on TV! Can't you at least make a tiny effort?

I see that the new year has not given Jed any manners. She still insists on talking over everybody. If she thinks award shows are such a waste of time, then how about you DON'T WATCH!!!! And what was up with that weird sweater with the one shoulder that looks like someone tried to rip it off her?

Joy? I thought your AA reference was funny even though the tight asses at Disney thought otherwise. They are not known for their sense of humor. 

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, abstractstuff said:

Jed needs to stay. I don't agree with most of what she says. But, at least it's entertaining. I don't watch The View expecting to ever learn anything from any of them. It's entertainment. 

I am 100% in favor of a good debate.  I enjoy hearing differing viewpoints, and I like listening to people with beliefs other than my own.   Whether or not I end up changing my mind (and most of the time I don't), at least I come away with an awareness of how other people think, and at least I've been exposed to a point of view I might not have considered or understood before.  That's a big part of what The View is supposed to be.

But I don't find Jed the least bit interesting.  I find her to be abrasive, exasperating and unpleasant to listen to, and she has no idea how to have a conversation.   She's not good at the serious stuff and she's not good at the light stuff, either.  So, IMO, not at all entertaining.  I think she sucks the entertainment out of this show day after day, and I completely disagree that she needs to stay.  I can think of many reasons to let her go, and not one reason to keep her.

  • Love 11
On 2017-01-07 at 8:52 AM, backformore said:

What I dislike about Jed is her tendency to present an opposing view but not own it.  She often talks about the conservative view as "the right", instead of admitting that it's what she herself thinks.

Oh totally. Reminds me of Elisabeth Hasselbeck with her "There are many people who think...*insert ridiculous racist, homophobic right wing opinion*".

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