watchdog May 29, 2014 Share May 29, 2014 This "tea party" was an epic fail and an embarrassment to watch. It's clear Jen has always had an agenda for Zoey other than sitting back to watch and see who she actually is as an individual. I'm pulling for her to turn out to be a tomboy and Daddy's girl and love sports and dirt! Meh... I'd say it made me a bit uncomfortable in that it seemed kind of forced, but I agree with the OP who said Zoey will likely look back at the video in 20 years and enjoy it... even though she probably won't remember it. I don't like it when parents force their children into rigid "gender" roles. Let the kid develop his or her own interests. My parents did, and I turned out okay, certainly never a "girly" girl and still not one today, quite the opposite in fact. I've never understood the appeal of tea parties, but to each his own. Just please, please, please don't make the kid wear those honking fugly flower hairbows that are bigger than her head! Bill allowed Zoey to stand on the fireplace, where she fell and ended up bleeding rather significantly. Minor point. IIRC Zoey was seated on the hearth in front of the fireplace, not standing on it. She was sitting upright and for some reason (size, trunk strength, coordination, etc.?) tipped backwards and hit her head on the marble surround. Accidents happen. As Bill and Jen quickly learned, they can't pad every square inch of every surface in their house. If those two kids get through childhood without at least one trip to the ER for stitches or a broken bone they will be very fortunate. It's almost a rite of passage for most kids, and it's not always indicative of careless parenting. 4 Link to comment
LegalParrot81 May 29, 2014 Share May 29, 2014 (edited) I believe Zoey was standing on the hearth, Bill told her to come on, her feet slipped on the marble and she fell, striking her head on the the marble surround. I no longer post here with any regularity, I just read, by I did want to clarify my post, which you are quoting. It was made in response to a post about Jen putting Zoey in serious jeopardy because the child might have tripped on a rug on the way to their tea party. It wasn't so much about Zoey falling, all kids fall and bruise themselves or cut themselves at some times, it was more about how unfair it was to say one parent put the child in danger and the other simply made a mistake. Neither one of these people are perfect parents, but also one is not the worst person to ever parent either. Back to lurkdom I go. Edited May 29, 2014 by LegalParrot81 4 Link to comment
Lillybee May 29, 2014 Share May 29, 2014 I think that Jen is not going to force Zoey into girly things later on if Zoey doesn't enjoy them. I think that Zoey will pick up on Will's interest in things like cars and will want to do what her brother does. I had my girl after two boys and tried to dress her girly in dresses and Mary Janes and had to give it up when she started climbing trees and hanging upside down from a tree branch. She wouldn't play with dolls and keep on grabbing her brothers' cars until she got her own. 1 Link to comment
shandam June 2, 2014 Share June 2, 2014 I predict zoey to be a nervous wreck and will a catastrophic maniac with agressive behavior angry because parents limited his vocabulary and gave him all the food he could eat. I was in need of a valium when Jen interrogated zoey during tea time. Link to comment
Lola16 June 2, 2014 Share June 2, 2014 I predict zoey to be a nervous wreck and will a catastrophic maniac with agressive behavior angry because parents limited his vocabulary and gave him all the food he could eat. I was in need of a valium when Jen interrogated zoey during tea time. I predict the kids will grow up and thrive despite everything because that's what most kids do. No one has perfect parents or a perfect upbringing. Most of us have our quirks, foibles, peculiarities, flaws even. It'd be boring if everyone was the same. Stepford like. I certainly don't agree with everything Bill and Jen do but overall I think they're doing OK based on what we've seen. I also think if I were being filmed, there'd be a ton of criticism lobbed my way too. Live and learn, do your best, and a bunch of other cliches. 6 Link to comment
4leafclover June 2, 2014 Share June 2, 2014 I predict that both will grow up to be well-adjusted, highly sought after professionals in their fields, each making a six-figure income and thanking their parents for the awesome lives they were given. 7 Link to comment
shandam June 3, 2014 Share June 3, 2014 Right only if Will can have all the cekk and baba /daddy lets him run the shop but then he eats all the puppy biscuits He could though in all seriousness be a food critic or if his agression and selfish stubborn ways change he could do great things like his parents but remember from the 411 were given Jens mom treated her as a regular kid with focus on success they encourage will to continue to be limited in his speech. I bet jen and bills parents didnt baby them and make excuses thats what half the delinquent kids use for an out nowdays the I was different had problems....Jen was a firecracker growing up she set the bar high and came out a champ bill did great too im just saying forget the physical or the fact that the kids were in an orphanage they are home now with great parents. excuses no exceptions time to get down to business potty train both kids now let them put star stickers on a wall chart it worked great for mine zoeys the perfect wge to train and will is pooping like a grown man with his unlimited meals get his but out of pampers and pullups already. Speak slower full sentences let them ask questions. Stop feeding them to keep them busy and they should be done with high chairs Jen and Bill allow the kids to be individuals stop treating them like one and the same and while its fun bill try to stop grunting will already has speech problems and soon zoey will learn that all she has to do is mumble eee or cekkkkk or uuuu and she has like will you grown professionals making puppets of yourself it would be cute if the kids were like 1. But they are small in stature dont handicap them by teaching them its ok not to even try. Theres nothing wrong with the kids stop making excuses not cute Link to comment
Lola16 June 3, 2014 Share June 3, 2014 it worked great for mine Life isn't a one size fits all proposition. What works for one, doesn't work for another. I cut Jen a little extra slack due to her illness. It's very easy to armchair quarterback their actions when you're not living their lives. 10 Link to comment
shandam June 3, 2014 Share June 3, 2014 True lola I adore Jen and her husband all im saying is that I don't like the way she tries so hard to make life happy but Will is not being good to her as a son loving mama would be he adores bill because he gets to do anything he wants and theres no pressure to excel but jen is trying to give discipline and I think will resents her for it so she gives in. But they are on tv and if we didn't watch and we're not allowed to comment or give perspectives tlc would cancel its all about giving Jen the respct she deserves I dont want to see her having to bend her motherly instincts in discipline to be friends with the kids for their love. Watchdog and legalpro I agree. It would have been a nice thing to invite Will to tea he is really a character and maybe it could be a good place to practice speech at tea I bet he would have liked it more than zoey. I would let the kids do some freehand crafts and give them magazines to see if they would be more comfortable picking thru the pages and pointing out toys that spark intrest instead of stereotyping boys n cars girls n dolls.thoughts?? 1 Link to comment
Lola16 June 3, 2014 Share June 3, 2014 (edited) TLC isn't going to cancel the show if people don't comment on it. If people are posting in an effort to 'save' the show, they can 'save' their keystrokes. Will is going through a tough phase. I've had a lot of exposure to toddlers personally and professionally. I don't see anything alarming. Should he be biting, hitting or wearing diapers at age 3 (when this was filmed)? No. Is that unusual for kids his age? No. Is it the norm? No. Some times boy are slow to potty train. And some times they regress when a younger sibling comes along. It usually corrects itself within a year and/or when they go to school. I don't agree with gender based play but it's pretty endemnic in our society. While I play cars with my nieces & nephews, I also buy frilly stuff for the girls and rugged stuff for the boys. I try not to make my compliments solely about looks for girls and smarts for boys. It's going to be a change that takes a few generations to break. I am not going to fault Jen for 1 time having a tea party with Zoey. The only way to know what kids will like is to offer/try. If Jen forced Zoey to dress up every day and have high tea with her every night, then I'd say she was venturing into Mommy Dearest territory. Of course Will responds better to Bill. Bill is home with him all day. Bill plays with him. It's really not much more than that. I find Jen to be stiff. Part of that is her spinal issues. She physically has a hard time turning her neck which makes her look stiff. Jen is also type A, very driven, very goal oriented. I do hope that she relaxes a bit and enjoys the process. I also realize that Jen has a lot on her plate. A full time job, a cancer diagnosis and treatment, 2 toddlers adjusting to a new country, and the show. That's a lot for anyone. So if Jen wants to dress Zoey up, she's not the first mom and she won't be the last. Edited June 3, 2014 by Lola16 8 Link to comment
shandam June 3, 2014 Share June 3, 2014 Of course dressing up our girls is a right of passage so to speak. I did it too. And I agree that Jen has alot on her plate most moms do its a given. But I don't agree that Will is closer to Bill because hes home alot he works too I think Bill just gives in to Will so the kid prefers the easy road paved with cekkk lol. Jen just wants the best and goes the distance. I've never seen Will hit his dad. parent is perfect I just feel like Bill should discipline and teach as does Jen. Parenting is not about being a playmate or a carpet. I'd love to see the kids have play time with peers their own age. 1 Link to comment
4leafclover June 3, 2014 Share June 3, 2014 Just because we're not seeing it on TV doesn't mean it is or isn't happening. 5 Link to comment
NausetGirl June 29, 2014 Share June 29, 2014 I think Zoey's language development is coming along very well. She & Will seem to have very comparable skills right now, which is significant considering that Zoey is only half Will's age. English is an official language in India so it's likely Zoey may have heard a lot of it at her orphanage. Of course Will had physical issues that were limiting his development [in addition to being switched from Mandarin to English]. Personally I would not want to see him being sent to a pre-school program with his current skills, but hopefully he'll improve significantly and soon so he can begin socializing with other kids. Will is definitely a very happy and outgoing child, very enthusiastic about everything. As someone who's taught young children for over 35 years I know I'd be smiling every time I saw him bop through my classroom door in the morning. But he does need to learn play alongside other children, to share, take turns, listen & cooperate. He is definitely old enough. One comment Jen and Bill often make is "Hey, he's Three. That's what a Three does..." Well, the clock is pretty much running out on that. The two of them are too smart not to realize that Will is now old enough to play nicely in a small group of children - and old enough to know he can't and won't always get what he wants. The sooner all children learn that, the better. 3 Link to comment
CousinAmy June 29, 2014 Share June 29, 2014 How is Will going to learn how to play alongside other kids, share and take turns, etc., without going to school? Sure, his parents can encourage him to listen to them and follow directions, but I don't see how they can socialize him without the presence of other children his age. 1 Link to comment
jodo June 29, 2014 Share June 29, 2014 True, Will can't learn socialization without socializing! Link to comment
NausetGirl June 30, 2014 Share June 30, 2014 (edited) How is Will going to learn how to play alongside other kids, share and take turns, etc., without going to school? Sure, his parents can encourage him to listen to them and follow directions, but I don't see how they can socialize him without the presence of other children his age. True, Will can't learn socialization without socializing! Of course Will must - and will - go to school. If you look closely, I wrote that I wouldn't want him sent NOW, with his language still so limited. The other children are bound to notice and it could well be hard for WIll to communicate, make friends etc. My point was that Bill & Jen should wait until his speech improves considerably. Even if he spoke like Richard Burton, he's always going to be dealing with the dwarfism issue - so let's improve everything we can and as much as we can before sending him off to school. Edited June 30, 2014 by NausetGirl 1 Link to comment
Absolom June 30, 2014 Share June 30, 2014 I believe that Jen and Bill have already made arrangements to send both children to pre-school in the fall. I also believe a good pre-school with a teacher who encourages the children to treat all politely and fairly will be great for Will. He goes to the kiddie gym program and seems to do fine there. 1 Link to comment
jodo June 30, 2014 Share June 30, 2014 He goes to the kiddie gym program and seems to do fine there. Not sure how we know this but I am happy he is around other kids although we don't see that either, we just assume. He needs to be with other kids to start speaking more than one or two words put together which some are calling a "sentence." 2 Link to comment
LegalParrot81 June 30, 2014 Share June 30, 2014 Not sure how we know this but I am happy he is around other kids although we don't see that either, we just assume From his birthday party. In the voice over, Bill said the guests were friends he'd made at the kiddie gym, children of work friends, etc. Link to comment
jodo June 30, 2014 Share June 30, 2014 From his birthday party. In the voice over, Bill said the guests were friends he'd made at the kiddie gym, children of work friends, etc. Oh I agree and I remember it well. It was unfortunate we didn't see Will actually interact with any of them, they appeared to be attendees for the sake of the show....Will is in his own world for the most part, doesn't talk/babble with other kids and many were much older and were just watching at the party. If Will doesn't interact with Zoey he is likely not interacting with other kids, especially strangers.....we saw how well he did that with his scooter at the handicapped park. And Nausetgirl I completely agree, Will is not ready and needs interaction as he has enough going against him with his dwarfism without adding speech/toilet delays. They are too busy jetsetting the country. 1 Link to comment
Absolom June 30, 2014 Share June 30, 2014 There is a radaronline article about Kate and her eight, and yes I know radaronline is not professional, but for what it's worth they quote a psychologist. “The reality about putting kids in reality TV is that there really is no positive outcome for these children’s emotional development,” Dr. Cornbluth — who has not treated the Gosselins — told Radar. 3 Link to comment
BitterApple June 30, 2014 Share June 30, 2014 I've always thought that Will and Zoe don't interact because they've been pushed into very gender specific activities. Cars and trains for Will, dolls and frilly things for Zoe. I'm hoping they become closer as they get older, it's just weird to see two kids living under the same roof who barely give each other a second glance. 1 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt June 30, 2014 Share June 30, 2014 Bill and Jen stated that they both have to be up at the same time and wonder what each other are doing if they are not in the same room. They said it but we didn't see it. Maybe it's the luck of the draw of the footage and what we are shown, but I can't recall one shot where the two of them were playing with each other, laughing, chasing, etc. Based on what we see, it does appear Will is definitely having some adjustment issues and has a tendancy to ignore Zoey unless she has something he wants. I'm sure it will all get worked out eventually. 1 Link to comment
watcherwoman June 30, 2014 Share June 30, 2014 On the reunion show, they showed scenes of Will and Zoey playing on the push cars. Will was having a ball pushing Zoey around the room with the dogs chasing them. He was also shown sharing food with her on several occasions. I would think the reason we don't see too many other kids at their home is because those children would be filmed also. That could add problems with tv contracts and such. There are definitely friends that pal around with Will and Zoey. I hope by the time he gets to school his progress or lack of will be a dropped subject. I hate to see bullying of little kids, and sometimes kids parrot what they hear at home. I think he is doing great! They are the cutest kids and Bill and Jen are amazing people. That family will be just fine! 5 Link to comment
NausetGirl June 30, 2014 Share June 30, 2014 (edited) Of course dressing up our girls is a right of passage so to speak. I did it too. And I agree that Jen has alot on her plate most moms do its a given. But I don't agree that Will is closer to Bill because hes home alot he works too I think Bill just gives in to Will so the kid prefers the easy road paved with cekkk lol. Jen just wants the best and goes the distance. I've never seen Will hit his dad. parent is perfect I just feel like Bill should discipline and teach as does Jen. Parenting is not about being a playmate or a carpet. I'd love to see the kids have play time with peers their own age. Right of passage - yes! When my SIL was pregnant with her first child - which happened to be the first grandchild in our family - I went around saying "I hope it's a girl" because she has flawless taste in clothes and I couldn't wait to see how she dressed her baby girl. And PS - we got our girl! Plus a boy 3 years later. Both adorable. :>) Edited June 30, 2014 by NausetGirl Link to comment
NikSac July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 It all falls under the overarching site rule: Don't be a dick. I think this is officially the best rule I've ever seen on any web forum. 2 Link to comment
trimthatfat July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Of course Will must - and will - go to school. If you look closely, I wrote that I wouldn't want him sent NOW, with his language still so limited. The other children are bound to notice and it could well be hard for WIll to communicate, make friends etc. My point was that Bill & Jen should wait until his speech improves considerably. Even if he spoke like Richard Burton, he's always going to be dealing with the dwarfism issue - so let's improve everything we can and as much as we can before sending him off to school. I actually think sending him to school now would help his language skills immensely. One of my goddaughters came from the Dominican Republic at age 4 last year and was enrolled in kindergarten a week later. She didn't speak any English but by the end of the school year, had an incredible grasp on the English language, including American slang. It was amazing to watch her transformation. Will should be exposed to other children on a regular basis at this point. Someone here said he is supposed to start preschool this year, so I think it will help him out a lot. 3 Link to comment
watcherwoman July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 I think he will do well in pre-school, or some other type of pre-kindergarten program too. I think Bill and Jen have been extremely smart about balancing his time between getting used to his new home and family, and introducing him to other children. Obviously, Will and Zoey are thriving, so what they have done is working quite well! Link to comment
jodo July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 (edited) I think he will do well in pre-school, or some other type of pre-kindergarten program too. I think Bill and Jen have been extremely smart about balancing his time between getting used to his new home and family, and introducing him to other children. Obviously, Will and Zoey are thriving, so what they have done is working quite well! "Well" might be a stretch but he will definitely do better! Zoey is thriving but you sure lost me with Will! If at 4 years old not being potty trained and able to communicate is thriving then I agree but Will lags behind Zoey and is twice her age. Edited July 1, 2014 by jodo Link to comment
watcherwoman July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 "Well" might be a stretch but he will definitely do better! Zoey is thriving but you sure lost me with Will! If at 4 years old not being potty trained and able to communicate is thriving then I agree but Will lags behind Zoey and is twice her age. Will communicates very well. I can tell when he is happy, tired, sad, amused, playful or angry. Does he need some help with speech? Of course he does, and that is not surprising, considering everything about his life. It's not unusual to see children, even older than Will, from so called "perfect" backgrounds need extra help with speech problems. It's part of being human. We all have challenges. I watched Real Housewives of Orange County last night (don't judge me!), and an adorable little perfectly healthy boy of 4 was also not potty trained. He was actually telling his parents that he needed a new diaper! His speech wasn't great either, but he was a cutie. Not every child does things at the same age, in perfect form. Throw in extra challenges and some delays can be expected. My own son was close to 3 years and 6 months before I considered him trained! I was a mom who believe I did every thing to the best of my ability too. I think he was so laid back and content, that he wasn't really bothered by a diaper. He still has that calm demeanor. I guess he turned out fine. He was accepted in to the gifted program in 3rd grade, meaning he had to have an I.Q. over 135. He graduated law school 4 years ago, and he is one of the youngest attorneys in the state holding his position. He married a girl from law school who jokes that her parents thought she was "slow" because she could barely speak at 4 years old. She runs a company today. Along the way, both volunteered with Big Brothers/Sisters, adopted the most abused rescue animals, and still help at shelters. I'm not bragging about my kids (ok, just a little), but want to point out that making assumptions about children and their progress, without much knowledge can be wrong. Besides, it could start a trend of bullying the little tykes, and that would be cruel. 9 Link to comment
jodo July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 making assumptions about children and their progress, without much knowledge can be wrong. Besides, it could start a trend of bullying the little tykes, and that would be cruel. Seeing it on tv is knowledge. Link to comment
MrMattyMatt July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Seeing it on tv is knowledge. Exactly. Also, I think bullying is an extreme idea. If anything we're expressing concern for Will's development in light of all the reality "hoop-la" that the Arnold's have been partaking in lately. I am sure Will will grow up to be a genius millionaire, but that's not really the point. 2 Link to comment
watcherwoman July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Seeing it on tv is knowledge. I'm not following you, seeing "what" on tv? Exactly. Also, I think bullying is an extreme idea. If anything we're expressing concern for Will's development in light of all the reality "hoop-la" that the Arnold's have been partaking in lately. I am sure Will will grow up to be a genius millionaire, but that's not really the point. I think if Will grows up to be a caring person who contributes to society, that is worth more than being a genius millionaire. 2 Link to comment
Veronique Bette July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Being present and privy to family discussions is knowledge; reading medical reports is knowledge, even being present at a filming is knowledge of a limited kind as it’s based on first hand and unedited observation. Gleaning information from selected scenes of a person’s life is making assumptions or guesses or having opinions and that is what all of us as viewers do when watching so called reality shows. But in my opinion, that’s not knowledge because it’s not necessarily based on fact. Maybe we’re right but maybe we’re far off the mark in what we think we “know” about people who are and remain strangers to us. 5 Link to comment
Bella July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Okay, it's been a while since we've needed mod intervention in this forum, but here we go again: Everyone take a step back, inhale, and realize that you've made your case multiple times. There's no new information being presented, just the same speculation over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Let's try to move on. 1 Link to comment
watcherwoman July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Sorry to the mods. I just joined yesterday, so I didn't know we've been repeating ourselves. I snark on the Housewives and Tori Spelling and watch The Little Couple for a cleanse. I'll be more mindful of what I post. Link to comment
MrMattyMatt July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Exactly, what we "know" is what we see on the show and in social media. We "know" that Will needs to wear diapers (maybe only on occasion) because they recently shared a photo of him wearing them. We "know" Will is having speech issues because they indicated this on the show. They even shared footage with us while he was with a speech therapist. Has someone make an accuastion that Will have been diagnosed with anything more than a few delays that would warrant doctors records or a one on one with Jen & Bill? They shared all of this with us and we are discussing.... 1 Link to comment
watcherwoman July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 I just think we all watch the same show, same episodes but we, individually, process what we are seeing differently. 3 Link to comment
jodo July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 just joined yesterday, so I didn't know we've been repeating ourselves. I believe one of the rules of the forums is to read the last 15 pages of each thread before posting. Link to comment
BizBuzz July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 I believe one of the rules of the forums is to read the last 15 pages of each thread before posting. That was a rule on a different forum, but not PTV. 2 Link to comment
jodo July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 That was a rule on a different forum, but not PTV. Too bad, seemed like a good idea! 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Exactly, what we "know" is what we see on the show and in social media. We "know" that Will needs to wear diapers (maybe only on occasion) because they recently shared a photo of him wearing them. We "know" Will is having speech issues because they indicated this on the show. They even shared footage with us while he was with a speech therapist. Has someone make an accuastion that Will have been diagnosed with anything more than a few delays that would warrant doctors records or a one on one with Jen & Bill? They shared all of this with us and we are discussing.... Did I miss something? Is there an arguement being made that Will doesn't have speech delays? Because you're right, they're pretty upfront about the fact that Will has some delays so I don't think there's any requirement to prove that when Bill and Jen say Will has delays and is seeing a therepist, that we not take them at their word and Will is perfectly fine. And speech delays are usually easily resolved but the concern I express is due to seeing the lack of intervention cause lifelong problems. *I* was speech delayed due to hearing issues, as was my cousin. My mom got scared as heck when I wasn't talking the same way the siblings did, I had ear tubes inserted and intervention. Cousin who had the same problem had aunt and uncle who decided "he'll outgrow it" and ended up needing a lot more intervention at an older age and had constant teasing and bullying to deal with because he was a "stupid mushmouth who couldn't talk". Kids aren't kind. I'm glad Bill and Jen are having it worked on. 1 Link to comment
CousinAmy July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 I'm not sure why seeing a glimpse of a pull-up on a child on TV has become this huge issue, but think about this: maybe Will will need to wear pull-ups for the rest of his life. What if he has a medical condition that they haven't shared with the public, and which is really none of our business? You'd be surprised at the people who have to make accomodations in their daily habits due to medical issues. Those "Poise" pads and Depends are made for such situations. These things happen in life. And if someone's underwear inadvertantly becomes visible to the public, the public should be polite and look the other way. 3 Link to comment
mbutterfly July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 I believe one of the rules of the forums is to read the last 15 pages of each thread before posting. I think we don't have to because there are not 15 pages anyway. I think that was in another place. One thing I really like about PreviouslyTV is that when I go to one of my threads it takes up exactly where I left off (or at the beginning if I'm new to the thread. Love that. So I've pretty much already read an entire thread when I come here. I trust it is the same for everyone. So, thank you to the PTB for that feature. 1 Link to comment
watcherwoman July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 I think we don't have to because there are not 15 pages anyway. I think that was in another place. One thing I really like about PreviouslyTV is that when I go to one of my threads it takes up exactly where I left off (or at the beginning if I'm new to the thread. Love that. So I've pretty much already read an entire thread when I come here. I trust it is the same for everyone. So, thank you to the PTB for that feature. I'm glad you pointed out that there aren't 15 pages to read! I was beginning to think that I was missing some pages. Happy to hear everything is good! I've been watching some old episodes on my DVR and I love seeing the progress both children have made. I have to admit that when I was going through some tough times, I picked up strength from watching Jen. She is a remarkable human being. I figured if she could get through her tough times, so could I. I can't imagine being diagnosed with cancer and trying to bond with a frightened little girl. Zoey is proof that there is a lot of love and education in that home. Will came at an older age, so his turn around has been awesome too! I just love this family! I find myself smiling whenever I watch. I can't say that about every show. No, they aren't perfect, but perfect doesn't exist, so I'm more than okay with Jen and Bill. 8 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 2, 2014 Share July 2, 2014 I'm not sure why seeing a glimpse of a pull-up on a child on TV has become this huge issue, but think about this: maybe Will will need to wear pull-ups for the rest of his life. What if he has a medical condition that they haven't shared with the public, and which is really none of our business? A few points. I think some of the "huge issue" is that expressing concern about it is treating like its the same as calling Bill and Jen terrible parents. So one side insists how perfectly normal it is, how their kid wore diapers until fifteen and he's in Mensa and how dare anyone think anything is wrong when we should all be accepting Bill and Jen's decision to let Will shit his pants until he wants to go on the potty. Now, I don't think Bill and Jen are monster parents. They seem concerned. But yes, people are going to ask questions about a kid over four years of age who still wears diapers. Interesting tidbit, until the mid 1950s, toilet training typically began at 1 year of age and children were usually "dry" during the day by two. That we now have disposable diapers and people don't have to hand wash cloth diapers coupled with doctors saying to start later is a significant reason why toilet training has lingered to 3 years of age and older. So Will is over four and its a toss up as to whether he or his younger sister speak better. Cuteness and adorable stuff aside, he doesn't come off like a budding prodigy. That certainly isn't a crime, it doesn't mean he can't have a role in society... but he's on a reality show and people are going to ask questions. What if, heaven forbid, he does have to wear diapers for his lifetime? Since he's going to be displayed on a reality show, are we just supposed to ignore it and not ask why? What if his speech delay is indicative of a bigger problem? Is the only comment allowed "Will is a *bright* boy and we don't know the reality of his condition, but no matter what we see, Bill and Jen don't have to tell us anything and all we should say is how Will is a bright boy no matter what is displayed on the show"? I don't think the potential problem is that serious, but the more the kid is on tv, the more people are going to ask questions about things happening and its a reality show. Hiding stuff, or neglecting to mention things leads to things like despite years of insisting there's no problems and viewers don't know squat about the family, Matt and Amy Roloff separated despite their constant insistence that what was seen on the show was not indicative of problems. 2 Link to comment
4leafclover July 2, 2014 Share July 2, 2014 Dear Lord when is the topic of Will's diaper going to end? 9 Link to comment
Honey July 2, 2014 Share July 2, 2014 Dear Lord when is the topic of Will's diaper going to end? When something new comes up for people to fixate on. 5 Link to comment
alykhan July 2, 2014 Share July 2, 2014 A big amen to the "when will it end?"! I don't get the fixation on the diaper issue - it has been made relatively clear to viewers that Will is experiencing developmental delays. This does not mean that he will not catch up with his peers eventually....I'm retired but worked with young children for 25 years and have seen it so many times. Bill and Jen are (from what we've seen on the show - and that's all we have to go on) doing everything humanly possible to assure Will's eventual success. We've seen that they immediately sought medical attention for him to resolve his physical issues. We've seen that he is being treated by a speech therapist and speech therapy is being continued at home by his parents. They have hired a nanny who has training in the area of special needs children. He is living in a home that was specially designed for someone of his small stature. And, last but not least, his mother is a pediatrician/neonatologist! He and Zoe are blessed beyond belief...and so are Jen and Bil! 6 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt July 2, 2014 Share July 2, 2014 Bill and Jen are (from what we've seen on the show - and that's all we have to go on) doing everything humanly possible to assure Will's eventual success. I totally agree, but the main point is that constant the travel is not making for a consistent home life which may delay Will further. But then, that's their "normal" and he will adjust eventually! 1 Link to comment
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