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Devious Maids - General Discussion

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Ugh, can they stop trying to make Carmen and her "singing" happen?  And what was with all of the contortions she was doing while attempting to sing?  She looked awkward.


Of course now Rosie is going to get herself involved with creepy Katie and her history.  Why not just be quiet and clean the house??


I am so glad that LaLucci's Genevieve is back and that Zoila got rid of her gross sister.  They need to have the house fumigated.


And Marisol and Jesse, I am not sure where they are going with that one since she "fired" him.  Marisol must be in her forties.  Her adopted son from Season One has to be early twenties so Jesse does not appear to be much older than him.

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Shallow question: did that naked man in Genvieve's den REALLY have to act naked or was he just wearing a pair of flesh-coloured pants? Because they shot him from different angles and he did look pretty naked to me! I only ask because I'm guessing that must've been super awkward for him, especially when Genvieve snatched the throw pillow from his hands... :S


Just my speculation, as I don't know what they did for the actual scene, but my understanding is that it would be very rare for an actor to actually be naked in one of these scenes (particularly since the program does not show full on nude shots).  Generally, the actor wears some kind of covering, and they block the shot in a way where the covering isn't visible.     

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I am so glad that LaLucci's Genevieve is back and that Zoila got rid of her gross sister.  They need to have the house fumigated.


I don't know about you but I'm so tired of this "we'll have some random relative of one of the main characters that has never been mentioned before pop up out of the woodwork, and obviously they're gonna be obnoxious and have a terrible relationship with said main character we can exploit for "funny" purposes" routine all shows seem to resort to when they're running out of ideas. It's so cliché and boring and it NEVER turns out to be even half as funny as they hoped it would.

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I had assumed Blanca was dead for the last few episodes, so bringing her back to do nothing except say "Why are you doing this?" so they could kill her didn't make much sense to me. Maybe it will as the season goes on.


Carmen was willing to fake a relationship, marry a gay guy as his beard, and give up a guy she loved to further her music career, but she won't sign with the agent because of the husband? That makes no sense to me at all.


Too little Powells.  Too much Rosie.


I was disappointed again last night.

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I am so tired of Carmen's storyline to be a singer. I hope she never will be a 'star'. I do like Michelle Hurd as Jacklyn tho. I hope we will see more of the character. And what she will do when she finds out Carmen is doing her husband. 


Rosie will be back with Spence in time. Ernesto will be revealed as a bad guy OR if he's a good guy he will leave town, I don't care honestly.  It seems she will be busy with the Katy storyline for a few episodes.


Marisol & Jesse. I like them together. It just seems to good to be true. I hope Jesse is not a bad guy and he really cares about Marisol, because she deserves a break after two seasons of drama. 


I'm glad Zoila's sister is gone. What a bitch! Bye Felicia!! I adored the actress in Desperate housewives but I hated her here. 


I didn't expect Blanca to die, I was a little shocked! I do think that the wall with pictures and hearts from Louie was not meant to be for Blanca's murder. Why would the kidnapper/murderer keep her hostage for weeks only to kill her later? She escaped and saw the wall, so she had to die. Thats why I think the killer is female and I am leaning more and more towards Gail Fleming. Time will tell if I'm right.

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I find myself more and more critical of this show with every episode. I think that I keep waiting for it to get good (like back to season 1). Rosie IS the dumb one. Perpetual child. And her promising Katie to never leave. Yup, sure, riiight. She is there until she and Ernesssssto get back together. Her son is already living with Ernesto, and she wants to get back with him. And her detective work? Really?

Carmen is exhausting, and her performance was just bad. Of course the president of the record/music company is her boyfriend's wife. And, along with others, I agree that she has never had any qualms about hurting people in order to advance her "career."

I thought Blanca was already dead so her scenes were wasted. I really thought she was going to escape and that would spur on the mystery as they all tried to figure out what was happening.

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Shallow question: did that naked man in Genvieve's den REALLY have to act naked or was he just wearing a pair of flesh-coloured pants? Because they shot him from different angles and he did look pretty naked to me! I only ask because I'm guessing that must've been super awkward for him, especially when Genvieve snatched the throw pillow from his hands... :S

What I found funny about that scene was after Genevieve took the pillow she had a peek and gave him an approving look. I actually love Carmen, yes I know she's self absorbed etc, but I think she's funny. She and Zolia are my favorites.

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She started annoying me way back in X-Men The Last Stand, she had some kind of weird hatred of Storm. She had something weird going on with her eyes then, what's up with her?

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Rosie is the dumb one, but Marisol didn't think anyone would feel like she was paying Jesse for sex when he works for her as a maid....that he is younger only makes it more believable.  Evelyn thinks you can just go into an agency and get a baby in a day? I know this supposed to be comedy, but really?  Also, she would be trying a private adoption through a posh agency..her going to the place with the ceiling leaking was just stupid. 


So...Rosie is so conflicted, but she is not too conflicted to start sleeping with her old husband as soon she gets a chance?  She is also the super sleuth? 


Carmen's story is just so boring. I agree, why bring back the other maid just to kill her? 


Why wouldn't Zoila just tell Genevieve that the sister slept with her husband and their fighting was what made her fall down the stairs? The whole set up was unnecessary. 


This is the worst season yet.   I am interested to see how they will keep Jesse in Marisol's orbit...and how they will break up that relationship. 

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Geez, after a whole season of this, I hope the killer isn't just some random stalker who was obsessed with the golf pro (or was he a tennis pro? I can never remember). I can't decide if the "shrine" to the dead guy was there because whoever killed him was obsessed with him or whether it was just set up to frame Blanca. But whoever it is, Taylor obviously knows him/her, because she called him/her twice - once to "take care of" Blanca and again to ask what had happened to her. Whoever took her was just supposed to pay her off and get her to leave town.


At any rate, this is an awful lot of time spent on a dead guy that was never even a character on the show and I can't figure out what the heck it has to do with Katie. But now that we've established that Katie is from Mexico it's starting to seem more likely Ernesto is tied up in all of this somehow. I hope so anyway.


It's a shame they brought Susan Lucci back this episode then didn't give her much to do. 


Finally, Carmen. Geez, has she no self respect? Sebastian is sponging off his rich wife and outright tells her the only way he'll leave his wife is if she becomes a star so he can sponge off her. Dump this loser, Carmen! Even you can do better than that. I don't care how "sexy" she thinks he is, no guy is worth this.

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I just find it hypocritical of Rosie to think about God now that Ernesto's back. She banged Spence willingly in the previous seasons even though she very clearly knows he's married and has a baby son. She's so annoying. Urgh!

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Only funny thing about this episode was Genevieve's approving look of the naked mansion dude.


Zoila is still on my last nerve, she is a manipulator just like her sister.  Rosie, can't stand her either.  She sure got over her heartbreak with Spence fast. And she and her ex husband have no chemistry.


I now watch this show to waste time, before UnReal airs. That is the better Lifetime show.

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I don't know where all the vitriol spouted at this season is coming from, I think this one is arguably the most shocking season of this show ever! I haven't been shocked, like I was upon finding out the one investigated about Loui's murder was Genvieve of all women and upon finding out they had the guts to have the newly introduced main character kidnapped on her 3rd episode and then KILLED instead of making out alive, in a long time! I think it's daring and I wanna believe Marc Cherry's at least partially ceding his editorial and creative powers is behind this "increase in originality" we're witnessing! This is certainly better than the "I'm gonna make you suspect Philippe is Flora's murder for 5 episodes before the finale... and it will turn out to be just him!" or that crap with the Powell's son we had last season everyone and their dogs had figured out by episode 2! We're almost 10 episodes into this show (out of 13) and the mystery is STILL a mystery to us... excuse me, but I consider that an improvement over the past two years!


Just my 2 cents...


PS: Wasn't Blanca supposed to show back up in 3x12? The same episode when

Julie Claire's other appearance was due?

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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Well, Dania Ramirez was on the disastrous second season of Heroes, and while she didn't speak quite the way she does here, she was easily the most hated character on that show, and even more annoying than she is here somehow. The effect she seemed to be going for on Heroes was "Miserable downer" where as here she seems to be going for "humorously naive." Either way she's just annoying.

This chick is an awful actress. Every single thing that I've seen her in, she's been the worst of the worst. it's as if she overdoes any direction that's given to her. I really don't understand why she keeps getting hired for things.

I would enjoy the show so much better if she wasn't on it. Every time she's on I cringe and want to change the channel or fast forward.

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I don't know where all the vitriol spouted at this season is coming from, I think this one is arguably the most shocking season of this show ever! I haven't been shocked, like I was upon finding out the one investigated about Loui's murder was Genvieve of all women and upon finding out they had the guts to have the newly introduced main character kidnapped on her 3rd episode and then KILLED instead of making out alive, in a long time! I think it's daring and I wanna believe Marc Cherry's at least partally ceding his editorial and creative powers is behind this "increase in originality" we're witnessing! This is certainly better than the "I'm gonna make you suspect Philippe is Flora's murder for 5 episodes before the finale... and it will turn out to be just him!" or that crap with the Powell's son we had last season everyone and their dogs had figured out by episode 2! We're almost 10 episodes into this show (out of 13) and the mystery is STILL a mystery to us... excuse me, but I consider that an improvement over the past two years!


Just my 2 cents...


PS: Wasn't Blanca supposed to show back up in 3x12? The same episode when

Julie Claire's other appearance was due?

I agree with everything you said once again! I love this season more then I love 1&2 together. Its a shame there is so much hatred for this season, but they are allowed to give their opinion. It sucks more for them then for us, I guess.

The mystery is so mysterieus! I love it. Although I have my killer suspect for a 3 weeks now, and I'm the only one who thinks thats the killer.

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I agree with everything you said once again! I love this season more then I love 1&2 together. Its a shame there is so much hatred for this season, but they are allowed to give their opinion. It sucks more for them then for us, I guess.

The mystery is so mysterieus! I love it. Although I have my killer suspect for a 3 weeks now, and I'm the only one who thinks thats the killer.


Thanks! The only thing missing now is having a FEMALE character be the big baddie, for a change (I don't know why, but that very rarely seems to happen on a TV show, even those that are almost only about females antagonizing other females) and then they will have flipped almost all the narrative clichés out there! One can only hope it could be someone like... Gail! XD 

Bottom line: I'm being more shocked by this season than bored and underwhelmed... Lucky me, I guess? 

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So...Rosie is so conflicted, but she is not too conflicted to start sleeping with her old husband as soon she gets a chance?


I find this whole plotline to be bizarre.  What was the point of the show making Rosie and Mister Spence into some big love story for the first two seasons only to have her dump him and immediately move on to someone else all within the course of two episodes?   

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I'm not hating this season, just Rosie's voice and sometimes Carmen.  The mystery is still a mystery but no one seems all that concerned with solving the mystery.  And is the big mystery about Katie or about the murdered tennis pro, because no one seems to care about him too much.  Also I wouldn't mind if the killer was a woman but it seems unlikely with the way Blanca was subdued. All the women we've seen so far seem too small to be her abductor/killer.

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I'm not hating this season, just Rosie's voice and sometimes Carmen.  The mystery is still a mystery but no one seems all that concerned with solving the mystery.  And is the big mystery about Katie or about the murdered tennis pro, because no one seems to care about him too much.  Also I wouldn't mind if the killer was a woman but it seems unlikely with the way Blanca was subdued. All the women we've seen so far seem too small to be her abductor/killer.

Gail Fleming is very tall for a woman. On another note, Olivia Rice (Crazy ex wife of Micheal Stappord) is returning in two weeks. Would'nt be surprised if she is the one calling with Taylor.

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We're almost 10 episodes into this show (out of 13) and the mystery is STILL a mystery to us... excuse me, but I consider that an improvement over the past two years!


I'll give you that. I honestly have no idea what's going on with Katie or who killed the tennis pro or why. The mysteries of the previous two seasons were certainly more guessable. 



I find this whole plotline to be bizarre.  What was the point of the show making Rosie and Mister Spence into some big love story for the first two seasons only to have her dump him and immediately move on to someone else all within the course of two episodes?


For one thing, a formerly dead spouse coming back from the dead is pure Soap 101. For another thing, I still strongly suspect Ernesto is the bad guy behind one or more of the mysteries this season, which means Spence will come riding to the rescue on his proverbial white horse.

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I think they are doing a better job of not making the mystery so obvious, but in doing so it is disconnected from the rest of the stories so that it's almost a non-issue.  I think the other two seasons, it was better integrated with the plot. Now it feels like it's a totally separate plot.

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I think they are doing a better job of not making the mystery so obvious, but in doing so it is disconnected from the rest of the stories so that it's almost a non-issue.  I think the other two seasons, it was better integrated with the plot. Now it feels like it's a totally separate plot.


But you never know who might end up being affected by it (Marisol, being friends with the Powells? Rosie, since Ernesto is getting shadier by the minute? Genvieve, having had an affair with the tennis pro? Evelyn, that seems to attract so many corpses and body parts?). That's what I'm liking about it so far (watch it being something totally predictable as it unfolds! XD)

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Ok, why does Jesse have a gun in the next episode, who is he pushing out of the way? I can't remember if he came before or after Blanca, and/or before or after Blanca's boss started acting strange? 

It is clear now that Ernesto is involved in something.  Is it possible that Jesse is somehow a detective or something hired to track Ernesto or whatever is going on with the little girl? 


The promo is so action packed I hope next episode will be really good! 

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But you never know who might end up being affected by it (Marisol, being friends with the Powells? Rosie, since Ernesto is getting shadier by the minute? Genvieve, having had an affair with the tennis pro? Evelyn, that seems to attract so many corpses and body parts?). That's what I'm liking about it so far (watch it being something totally predictable as it unfolds! XD)


I'd disagree with this to the extent that if the show has committed itself to doing a season long mystery every year, they really do need to do a better job of integrating the main characters into the plot.  Heck, I'm not even certain why these women are such good friends at this point.  They barely interact outside of group scenes, and their plotlines don't really overlap.   

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I loved Evelyn this week. I'm glad they gave her something to do again. She had her usual jokes but her interaction with Katie was great and all of the moments related to her wanting a child were fantastic. I love her on Devious Maids but I wish this actress would get more work. 


Still finding it hard to care about Zoila or Rosie or Carmen. Their problems are stupid. There I said it. Marisol is a little easier to care about because Jesse is easy on the eyes but not by much. Why would Rosie pick Spence especially with all the issues she's had with him lately? Obviously pick Ernesto. At this point I don't even care about the cartel, he's close to perfect. You could get over it. 


I don't like that Zoila is still stuck with her sister but she was great in some of those scenes.


So Carmen's still at the Powell's. Hooray? 


I do like Rosie getting back to work because it hopefully means more interesting plotlines for her. I think things work best when you mix up the cast.

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Zoila's story this week was a little contrived. They could ended the whole thing way earlier but they wanted to have the scene where Genevieve and Zoila walked in on Rayna. 


Yay! Rosie is finally with Ernesto. I know it's going to blow up but I wish it didn't have to. Don't go back to Spence. We've left so many storylines in the past. Let's just let him go. Have we heard about Peri or his son at all this season? 


I still don't care about anything happening with Carmen.


Is Jesse a bad guy or not? I feel like they're jerking us around. It's like with Evelyn's bodyguard boyfriend. He wasn't great but he wasn't as awful as they were making him out to be and he never ended up being related to one of the bigger mysteries. 


Where are we going with Evelyn wanting a baby? And where was Adrian this week? Still at the hospital?


And damn you, Devious Maids for killing Naya Rivera's character. She was one of my last hopes for someone having an interesting story on this show.

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I am so tired of Carmen's storyline to be a singer. I hope she never will be a 'star'. I do like Michelle Hurd as Jacklyn tho. I hope we will see more of the character. And what she will do when she finds out Carmen is doing her husband.

Having watched many soaps, I'm not discounting the possibility that the wife knows or will find out before she decides to reveal that she knows to Carmen. Especially since Sebastian kind of seems like an idiot and this "plan" is terrible.

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 Carmen gets creative when her new boss invites her on a double date. Zoila gets in the middle of Genevieve and her new boyfriend. Marisol discovers a new side of Jesse. Rosie and Ernesto disagree about her working at the Stappord home. Taylor struggles to deal with the aftermath of the police's latest discovery.

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If Carmen is stupid enough to stay with Sebastian after learning his plan, she deserves whatever she gets.


Of course Rosie won't be able to keep from butting out about Katie and where she's from.  Even though it's none of her business.

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And damn you, Devious Maids for killing Naya Rivera's character. She was one of my last hopes for someone having an interesting story on this show.

I know nothing about this Naya person, I am guessing she was Blanca, but Blanca did not interest me at all.  She was storyline fodder.

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Of course Rosie won't be able to keep from butting out about Katie and where she's from.  Even though it's none of her business.

If Rosie saves the day again like she did with the storyline of the conniving lawyer nephew/older guy/trophy wife/angry daughter story then maybe next year she'll start a detective agency. 


I know nothing about this Naya person, I am guessing she was Blanca, but Blanca did not interest me at all.  She was storyline fodder.

I agree that the character was storyline fodder but knowing her acting from Glee, it was a waste. Maybe they couldn't sign her for a longer deal (though that's doubtful) but I don't know why they bother getting good actors and then not using them for anything. 

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Oh, I never watched Glee.  This show does not always utilize actors/actresses as well as it could.  I mean, they have LaLucci and she is sorely under used.  And I have loved Grant Show since his Ryan's Hope days and they don't feature him either.  And then there is Brett Cullen who they wrote out for a season.


Yet somehow, the annoying Carmen (Roselyn Sanchez) is still there while superior talent is wasted.

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So this nothin' real estate guy is suddenly supposed to be the true love of Carmen's life?  Huh.  I don't even look up from the computer when she has scenes with him.  Filler.


But I happened to glance up just as Michelle Hurd kissed her.  I would be willing to give that situation my full attention.



The Rosie Detective Agency suggestion from last week is still making me laugh.

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I just love how they've been consistent with Rosie being the only one calling her employers by their first name (Mrs Taylor mirrors the Mrs Evelyn from the first season)! NIce bit of continuity there! XD Her voice still aggravates the heck out of me though, making my viewing experience 3 times as hard whenever she pops on screen! Too bad she seems the most involved out of the maids, since she's the one that works at the Stappords where Blanca was taken, so unfortunately we'll be seing A LOT MORE of her!

Anyway, that guy putting his hands on Marisol's knees and ass upon first meeting her was so out of line and ridicuolous it would NEVER happen in real life. Just like that girl flashing her cleavage at Jesse and going "Oh this is your date?? Whatever, who cares? I'm just gonna keep hitting on you and totally grabbing your ass"!... seriously, WHO DOES THAT??? Are people really that straightforward, if that's even the right word to use here? Contrived ridiculous drama for the sake of "shock"!!!

Also, as soon as Sebastian's wife said "I agree Carmen, we don't need men like that", how is it I just KNEW she was gonna lean in to kiss Carmen? Ahahaha But, then again, who does that??? Who just assumes someone who was out on a double date with her alleged boyfriend (hence straight) would be ok with being kissed by someone of the same sex? That was, once again, so ridiculous and forced!!!

And, to top it all off, NO POWELLS this week! .-.


I loathed this episode... too much silly stuff going on.

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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Also, as soon as Sebastian's wife said "I agree Carmen, we don't need men like that", how is it I just KNEW she was gonna lean in to kiss Carmen? Ahahaha But, then again, who does that??? Who just assumes someone who was out on a double date with her alleged boyfriend (hence straight) would be ok with being kissed by someone of the same sex? That was, once again, so ridiculous and forced!!!

That's how it is on all tv shows. If a woman says to another woman that they don't need men, you can just wait for the other woman to kiss her.

Edited by paulvdb
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I definitely missed the Powells. They add a lot to the show with dark humor.  They've been very under utilized this season.


I'm glad the mystery seems to be picking up and tying storylines together. I hope it's a good resolution.


I saw the part about Carmen's manager coming a mile away.  It's an easy way to keep her boyfriend involved - he's off the hook for cheating because his wife is a secret lesbian. 


Zoila continues to be a terrible person this season. The first season, she seemed to be very caring and kind. This season she is so selfish. I don't know why Genevieve tells her anything; this is twice she has blabbed her secrets this season.  She really thought she should talk to the boyfriend about what she knows about their sex life?  Really?

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No Powells, how can this be????

Also, Rosie sure showed her true colors when talking to Ernesto "don't make me sorry that I chose you over Spence." Wow, for the rest of his life (on a limited episode cable series) that will continually be thrown back at him during any type of argument. And this is to her supposedly true love.

Well done everyone who thought Ernesto wasn't a police man and probably worked for the Cartel. And, of course his wife has exposed the 'missing girl' to him. Oh well. I do like the actor (yes, I'm shallow and I think he is so handsome) and wanted him to stay on the show.

Zoila once again showed that she can't keep any of Genevieve's secrets. Zoila treats Genevieve eerily close to how Zoila's sister treated Zoila. Zoila lies, manipulates, and tells Genevieve's secrets. Not so much a real friendship.

I am intrigued about Jesse and his gun...

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Zoila continues to be a terrible person this season.


To be fair, she came around at the end and decided to move out so Genevieve and the doc could have some privacy. I haven't been much interested in Zoila this season but at least she did the right thing, even if it took her awhile to get there.


At this point I'm thinking Jesse is a cop. He is probably tied up in the Stappord mystery somehow and probably just posing as a maid to infiltrate the community, since Marisol is close to the Stappords. That's kind of a repeat of what Marisol did in the first season. 


I'm still baffled by Ernesto. So, we know he worked for the Cartel but I suspected that all along. Now, though, it doesn't seem like he was strictly a "bad guy" who came to this country for some ulterior motive. Although if he's willing to hand Katie over to the Cartel he's not strictly a good guy either.


All the stuff with Carmen bored me but I did laugh when Sebastian's wife kissed her.


I imagine they opted to put Genevieve in more episodes this season at the expense of the Powells, and that's too bad because while I like Susan Lucci the writing for her has been very weak this season and the Powells are much more interesting.

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No Evelyn or Adrian?  Wasn't he also missing during the last episode?  


I can do without any story involving Rosie. Every time she says Mexico or Argentina I feel like someone is scraping a chalkboard. Her accent is so exaggerated.  Of course there was going to be something wrong with the husband, that was a given when he returned from the dead.  Funny how she can notice something is wrong in her workplace, but cannot seem to notice that he is on edge, especially after the way he rushed them out of the restaurant. 


Where is her little boy? I fast forward a lot. I didn't know she had left Spence per say. I thought the plan was to date them both ? 


My bet is the drug lord's wife(or mistress) put the little girl up for adoption to get her away from her bad father. The lawyer husband is somehow involved because someone in that scenario was his client, or former client. That, or they adopted her from an orphanage or convent where the wife/mistress was hiding her. 


The Stoppard? (sp) wife, somehow got involved as a drug mule for the cartel, either wittingly or unwittingly. She may or may not be working with the government. 

Jesse is somehow involved in investigating what she was doing, or looking for Ernesto because of his connection to the cartel, working for an unknown law enforcement agency. 


Is there a reason Rosie is always shown naked? I think she has had more lingerie shots than Carmen. 


Carmen's boss knows about her affair with her husband. She may be a lesbian, but she knew about their relationship before she hired Carmen. I'm not sure if she is really attracted to her, or just messing with her.  If she really is, undoubtedly Carmen and Sebastian will try to use this as a reason to get out of the prenup, under fraud on her part. 


Ditto everything that has been said about the over the top Jesse and Marisol scenes, as well as Zoila.  The first season I could do without Carmen, the second season Marisol and Zoila and this season Rosie and Zoila.  If I were Genevieve, I would have put her out of my house long ago...and possibly fired her. Even if you are as "close as sisters," you respect each other's privacy and keep each other's secrets. I get the show is about the way the maids get involved in their employer's lives and gossip about them, but that is when you don't have a relationship with them. 


If Ernesto was "successful" with the Cartel, he would have known they could track him easily through Rosie, and he should know how to stake out someone's house without getting caught. 


I am up for any storyline that will remove the little girl from my screen! 


Please, please, no more episodes without Adrian and Evelyn!

Great minds think alike, we must have been typing at the same time!  That would certainly mean Jesse is leaving when the mystery is over. Why did they have Marisol open up a placement agency?  They should have had her open up a PI office

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Even if you are as "close as sisters," you respect each other's privacy and keep each other's secrets.


That said, Genevieve has a pretty big house. Surely there are other bedrooms so Zoila doesn't have to be right on the other side of the wall when those two are mixin' it up.

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I half watched the episode. Regarding Rosie's voice, was it this bad in season 1?  I think it got worse.  Can't stand her.  Love how she threw Spence in Ernesto's face just like she used to do to Spence, when he disappointed her.  I think Ernesto and Spence should start something up  and leave her behind. 


Zoila ugh!


I hope Jesse is a good guy, one of the few characters I liked this season.

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I also wondered why, in that big house, was Zoila so close that she could hear Mr. Ooh LaLa.  Surely there had to be other rooms.


Ernesto was destined to be a bad guy IMO.  I mean he willingly left Rosie and Miguel for five years.  


Carmen's bad dancing continued this week,  Does anyone think all of that contorting around looks good?  And the creepy music exec needs to go away.


It was nice to have LaLucci on, but where were Evelyn and Adrian?  I would rather see them than anything with Carmen in it.

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I also wondered why, in that big house, was Zoila so close that she could hear Mr. Ooh LaLa.  Surely there had to be other rooms.


Ernesto was destined to be a bad guy IMO.  I mean he willingly left Rosie and Miguel for five years.  


Carmen's bad dancing continued this week,  Does anyone think all of that contorting around looks good?  And the creepy music exec needs to go away.


It was nice to have LaLucci on, but where were Evelyn and Adrian?  I would rather see them than anything with Carmen in it.

Her dancing was so bad that I first thought "Oh, this is our clue that the music exec is up to no good! She's complimenting that! Clearly it's a set-up!"  Then I realized that I think the show wants us to think that Carmen is very talented. I'm really not sure which it is.

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I think it was proof that the woman was interested in Carmen, that's why they had her complimenting Carmen dancing "sexily" in front of her. I think Carmen's talent, or lack there of, at anything is the joke of the show.  That is why I would rather she get involved with the mysteries than Rosie. Speaking of which, I can't remember if she ever told that her boss had hit someone ( I can't remember what Spence's wife did) or did she continue to cover? 


Also, how was the "Mr. Reggie" story resolved?  Did he get his money back from the nephew? 

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Didn't Carmen's former fiance' think she was really talented?  But now it seems like her talent has become more of a joke (like earlier this season when Adrian said if he wanted her to torture him, he'd ask her to sing).

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Regarding Rosie's voice, was it this bad in season 1?  I think it got worse.



I've been wondering the same thing.  I don't remember being this bothered by her voice (or manner, for that matter) in past seasons.  And Zoila..Ugh!  


On the positive side, I do still enjoy the show overall, and I'm enjoying the murder mystery aspect this season more than in past seasons.

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The fact that Evelyn and Adrian are (probably) the most popular characters on the show is kind of a problem, though. The show is supposed to be about the maids, not their employers. So when fans are complaining they're sick of Carmen or Rosie and want to see more of the supporting characters, the writers have kind of screwed the pooch in regards to the premise (and possibly the casting).

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The fact that Evelyn and Adrian are (probably) the most popular characters on the show is kind of a problem, though. The show is supposed to be about the maids, not their employers. So when fans are complaining they're sick of Carmen or Rosie and want to see more of the supporting characters, the writers have kind of screwed the pooch in regards to the premise (and possibly the casting).


Quite possibly.  I also think their personalities (especially Evelyn's) are best in small doses. Last year when they had bigger plots, I didn't like them as much. But in a couple of scenes here and there, I find them hilarious. 

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